Τhank you very much for your sermons .I have been following you for a while and l love your teaching from the bible.Its. authentic and very clear and simple to understand.Greetings from Greece.By the way Patmos is a Greek Island has nothing to do with Turkey.
I am a Christian for almost 40 years and it's only now that I know.and understand the truth in revelation thank for ptr Tiff teachings about the bible prophecy . I follow all his teachings and fully understand the prophetic revelation. God bless you richly in your ministry.
I wish I am child of God. I wish I pray that I could buy and could learn to play all of Gods songs on a steel Gitar for Jesus Christ that will lead people to be saved.
Praying for me to learn to play the songs for all people to hear Gods songs on as I can play on a steel Electric Gitor that will help people to learn them to Jesus to be Saved for Jesus. Amen ❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊🎉❤
Thank you for your in-depth teachings.. thank you for teaching Bible truth! I wish from the day I got saved 40 years ago that all churches would just stick to the truth of the word .. I am so disappointed in the so called leadership in today’s churches.. thank you ..
Thank you Tiff for this Biblical teaching. The rapture is something I belived in but last couple of years, heard contrary teaching. Tiff makes good Biblical sense. Now I pray I live my life ready to meet the Lord in the air.
Wow im a believer for 38 yrs but its only now that i heard this very clear explanation.thank God for this.God bless your ministry Evangelist Tiff Shuttlesworth.
Same here! I’m 39 and came to Christ as a child at 7 years of age and NOW I’m fully understanding with Tiff. I’ve listened to many before carefully and testing the spirits but Tiff, he’s the real deal!
@@janetbuchanan6796 no.. if you’ve been baptized once that’s all the Bible says we need to do . Unless God is speaking to you to do it again . Once is all the Bible speaks of .
Where does ilthe bible say that the great tribulation will be carried out by the hand of God? I am now 76 years old and was saved when I was 5 years old. My entire life has been spent telling others and leading others to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I begged believie we are here to lead others to the truth about who the Lord is and lead them to Him. I love the preaching of Tiff. My husband was in the hospital for 8 months and my daughter and I were there every day except for 3. I loved and appreciated RUclips so we could listen to the sermons by Tiff. I've agreed with everything he has said until now. Just tell me where he is. getting that the idea that the great tribulation comes from God..
Dear Tiff, as always your Sermons are wonderful. To the 5 reasons why the church will not go through the Tribulation, id like to add Genesis 18.23 When Abraham asks the Lord will be punish the Righteous with the wicked and he says from Vrs 25 Far be it from e to do such a thing.. to put the righteous to death with the wicked..... Shall not the Judge of all the earth so what is Just
I thank God for Tiff some how now I feel like a real Christian and I can now speak and explain some of the scriptures to persons. Thank you Tiff awesome teaching and a wonderful mentor 🙏❤
We are all sinners, why be ashamed to acknowledge Jesus publicly? Make this fact humble us to courageously seek God's mercy for our offenses. He knows that and loves it when we submit to Him! He understands how imperfect we are without HIM and He can't help but accept us back! God IS good always!
I'm caught-up in neither pre-trib rapture nor mid-trib rapture nor post-trib rapture, but I'm all for pro entering into the narrow gate that leads to life; pro overcoming the world, the flesh, and the devil; pro enduring till the end.
Greetings my brother in Christ. I hope you see this question and can help me understand something on the subject. In Matthew 24 it seems clear that JESUS is talking about the Great Tribulation, when He talk about shortening the days this seems to support the view that the Church will go through part of the Tribulation. Please help me to understand the entire chapter of Matt 24 especially from about verse 15. I have been sharpening my knowledge with your teachings since last year. GOD bless you.
I hope you see this, it's been awhile. Matthew 24 is about the rapture & the 2nd coming both. It describes the rapture, but it's also Jesus telling them about the tribulation afterward too. The tribulation is referred to as the time of " Jacobs trouble", in Scripture, bc it is not only the outpouring of God's wrath, but it's for the Jews to finally see who their Messiah is. The antichrist will break the covenant, & the Jews will have to flee, that's the part where Jesus said don't go back to the house or come down from the rooftops, pray you're not with child, etc. In the rapture, we meet Jesus in the clouds. But when He returns to earth with us 7 years later, He sets foot on the Mt of Olives, and wins the battle of Armageddon. Zechariah 14. Tiff does have a teaching on the difference between the rapture & the 2nd coming. Hope this helps!
@@sandyjuntunen4088 Thanks much. I believe the chronology of End Time events and the Pre Tribulation view, but I just wanted to know how to answer someone who may ask me expound on Matt.24 which seems to support the Mid Tribulation view.
I'm a BLACKFEET thank God I understand to respect everyone's beliefs in God. God's victory bring those in bondage out of bondage. Yes god gave me my longtime Pipe jesus is also by my side. God said no man on earth shall put asunder what he puts on earth. Amen
Plus Tiff. There’s only one tribulation and the other mentioned Trib using a S. Tribulations meaning multiple tribulations by men. Your a great apostle of Christ. Not as I got to tell you about the S thing. Lol. It’s the cop in me speaking to little details. Love ya my brother in Christ! And everyone else here. Love you all. And I’ll see every one in the sky!! Soon!
"Will Christians go through the Tribulation?" Can we be both logical and scriptural? ▬ Jesus returns at "the last trump" (1 Cor 15:52; also 1 Thess 4:16). That's when the "dead in Christ" and those "which are alive and remain" rise together to "meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thess 4:16,17) ▬ That "last trump" is the final, seventh trumpet of the seven trumpets that make up the seventh "seal" in Revelation (see Revelation 8:1 to 11:15). So, when is the "great tribulation"? Is it after the seventh trump, after the elect rise to "meet the Lord in the air"? No. Here's why: ▬ Jesus said the sun and moon would be darkened "immediately after the tribulation of those days" (Matthew 24:29). ▬ That same darkening of the sun and moon occur in the sixth "seal" of Revelation. Here's Revelation 6:12,13: "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; " "And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind." ▬ So the tribulation is over as the sixth seal is being opened. Given that the sixth seal comes before the seventh seal (and before all seven trumpets that make up the seventh seal) it is obvious that the resurrection and rising to meet Jesus (at the last trumpet) occur after the tribulation is over. The tribulation is over upon the opening of the sixth seal; the resurrection and rising to meet Jesus do not occur until later, at the 7th trumpet of the seventh seal. ▬ Given that "those which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them [the resurrected "dead in Christ"] in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air" it is obvious that there will be believers alive here after the tribulation, at the return of Christ to collect His people. The tribulation and the wrath of God are separate events, at different times. The tribulation is followed by the darkening of the sun and moon, etc, at the opening of the sixth seal. The other events of the sixth seal will follow. After that, the seventh seal is opened, and the first six trumpets of the seventh seal will occur. Then the 7th trumpet will sound; at which time the people of God are raised, and the impending wrath of God will be announced. Here's that announcement: "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, *and thy wrath is come,* and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth." (Revelation 11:15-18) Events of the wrath of God are described in Revelation 16. The pre-tribulation rapture was invented by Increase and Cotton Mather, Puritans in early New England. (Cotton Mather was involved in the Salem witch trials). In the 1800's John Nelson Darby promoted and popularized the pre-tribulation rapture theory.
That's funny. So you didn't research this yourself or you'd know easily. You got it from some teacher & took their word. That's dangerous! Always study yourself, no matter who is teaching. Tiff has a lesson on John Darby, listen & you'll find out fast that's not true at all. Look up his facts too. There's also facts about the last Trump you seem unaware of. Perry Stone, Amir Tsarfati & probably Tiff too all have taught all that. Try actual research instead of being contentious on another ones channel?
We seem to have entered this period already without knowing that is why 24 hours seems more like 6 hours, nowadays! Remember that the 3 Hebrews boys and Daniel were saved ONLY AFTER THEY HAD ENTERED THEIR TRIBULATION, without really getting ready for it, but they stood their ground nonetheless- so to speak! Also, in Ezekiel 9, everyone was still going about their business together as the Man clothed with Linen and had the ink horn, marked only those who are worthy, and no one was any wiser, but they only saw with their eyes and heard with their ears the reward of the wicked, as the other angels did God's bidding on them! Only those who hold on till the end will be saved! Matthew 24:13, Luke 21:36. Be encouraged all! He is Faithful and True! The Lord knows those who are His.
Revelation 2:10... Because thou hast kept the word of my patients. I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the whole earth. Notice: upon the whole world and that dwell upon the whole earth ..... 11. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 13. He that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God. Then it goes on to say he will write the name of God in your forehead. Nothing about the rapture there.... Your 0-2.
The bible says " immediately after,after,after the tribulation of those days then shall they see the sign of the son of man,son of man ,son of man coming in his glory"....Matthew chapter 24
That's when Jesus returns to earth, as described in Zechariah 14. At the battle of Armageddon. That's the " day of the Lord" and the " day of Christ" ( 2 Thessalonians 2) The rapture will be us meeting Him in the clouds of the air, not on earth.
@endtimesareuponus8930 At the catching up of the believers, Jesus is in the air. The 2nd Coming HE sets foot on the Mount of Olives. It's not the same as saying he comes twice. You post tribbers just don't get it. Try the book THE PRE Tribulation Rapture by Allen Beechick. 🙏✝️ .
So who does the Beast go to war with in the Tribulation, and who does he wear out and overcome? The Bible says the saints. So if the saints are raptured out, who is the Beast making war with? What about the martyrs that are beheaded for the testimony of Jesus Christ that ask for vengeance for their death at the 5th seal of the 7 sealed book? How can they be killed if they were raptured out? The Church grows in persecution, and Revelation is the greatest revival period in history and more people will be saved during that time than ever. The Church will have to be here to lead people to Christ. If there is a rapture, Jesus would have made it plain in Matthew 24. We wouldnt have to guess, or try to make it fit into scripture, The Bible gave clear concrete signs that would happen at Christs return, not a secret, sudden, unannounced return.
Ever since the satanic cult of sola scriptura a man made tradition invented by a devil possessed man fifty thousand such scumbag heretic pastors are interpreting the Bible on their own wild imagination and adding their wishful thinking.
MATT 24 :4-21: 4 “Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
John first speaks to every church on how they are failing and to turn back, or else... THEN he speaks of the vision he saw for either blessings or cursings depending on their final condition which he told to ALL the churches, which he reveals in chapter 22 verse 16... this i tell to ALL the churches. So what is not to understand?
Believers! You must read the Word for yourself and decide what it means based on the word of God alone. If what you believe is based on someone else's words or your own fear, you will never persevere until the end. The holy spirit will teach us ALL things. Do not believe the lie that there is a prerequisite to studying the scripture other than the fear of the Lord. Matthew 24 2 Thessalonians 2 1 Corinthians 15:50 1 Thessalonians 4
No where in scripture does it say we must accept Jesus into our heart. Always ask what did Jesus teach? He said we must be born again. How many people that have made the Jesus (magic words) welcome to the family of God prayer are still walking with God living and abiding in Him? So many say the words and live in sin 6 days a week. I take a strong position on this. It is my position this is a FALSE TEACHING. What did Jesus teach? He says in Matt 24;15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Why would Jesus say WHEN you see him if the church is gone? Also 2 Thes 2 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you v2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. v3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition v4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. They teach that Jesus can come at any time that it is eminent could come at any time. How do you reconcile this with 2 Thes 2. YOU CAN'T. When this guy says that the church is not in the book of Rev from ch 4 to ch 19 he is wrong. Rev 7;14 And I said to him, “Sir,[fn] you know.” So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. If the church is gone how are these many killed DURING THE TRIBULATION? Are not these part of the church also. Jesus told us that WE WOULD SUFFER AND GO THROUGH TRIBULATION. This teaching is dangerous and will cause many to fall away when antichrist comes on to the scene. Trust what Gods word says not what men say. Rev 13;7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. If the church is gone who are the saints? They will say THOSE ARE THE TRIBULATION SAINTS THE CHURCH IS GONE. This is wishful thinking and false doctrine. All of the apostles suffered, the church has suffered for 2000 years and does to this day. Ask yourself why for 2000 years the church has gone through suffering and now we get a pass? Are we greater than Jesus who suffered so greatly that we might have peace with God? NO!!! We MUST REMAIN FAITHFUL TILL THE END. This doctrine is taught because they have convinced themselves it is true. It was NEVER TAUGHT BY THE EARLY CHURCH AND CAME ABOUT IN THE 1800s. I love you and want to see you with the Lord, WE must work out our salvation with fear and trembling. It is only by Gods great love and grace that any of us will be saved. Check out what I have said I believe with all my heart this is a deceiving spirit sent to a super luke warm church that elevates men over God
I wonder what he would say about the prophecy of 1933 by william branham-he was a great prophet and never wrong about a prophecy the true sign of a prophet of God about a woman president
At the 56 min mark God will not let the bride be beheaded??? Rev 20v4 And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
28:50 he claims that "post-wrath" (???) believes that the rapture happens 3/4 through the tribulation and (politely) claims that "no intelligent scholarship" supports the view. Maybe he should actually study other views before calling them stupid?
To the Question; "WILL THE CHURCH GO THROUGH THE TRIBULATION," The Biblical ANSWER is; YES , We WILL !!! Jesus made it Clear, in Mt.24:14, that "WE the CHURCH, WILL be the Preachers of "This Gospel of the Kingdom as a Witness to all Nations, then shall the END COME". In the Last Four "letters to the Churches", we discover that THYATIRA, SARDIS, PHILADELPHIA, and LAODICEA, are "Prophetic" END-TIME Churches, of the "CHURCH-AGE", of which the first Three, THYATIRA, SARDIS, and PHILADELPHIA, have TWO Different GROUPS of SAINTS in Them !! The FIRST Group, that of the FIRSTFRUITS !! ( generally represents the Tithe , or 10% of the Total ) The SECOND GROUP, that of the "General Assembly". ( and represents the larger 90% of the Congregation ) Now notice; The Firstfruits of THYATIRA, SARDIS, and PHILADELPHIA, are All promised an "Escape" !!! For THYATIRA, ( Rev.2:24-25 ) For SARDIS, ( Rev.3:4 ) For PHILADELPHIA, (Rev.3:10-11 ) However, notice; that the "Hour of Temptation" spoken of in Rev.3:10, to the Church of PHILADELPHIA, Clearly Refers to the coming Future TRIBULATION !! Yet in verse12, Christ is STILL Addressing the Church of PHILADELPHIA , and in particular, this Second Group of SAINTS, that Are part of the "General assembly", and They are Told to be the "OVERCOMERS" that will be doing the PREACHING of "This GOSPEL Of The KINGDOM, As a WITNESS To ALL NATIONS", ( to possibly a World Population of about "four BILLION" people, or about Half of what it is Now ) as Discussed by JESUS in Mt.24:14 !! These are the Same "OVERCOMERS", of possibly more than "ONE HUNDRED MILLION Christians" , that are referred to in Rev.15:2, that will "HAVE VICTORY", Over the "BEAST," His "IMAGE", His "MARK", and the "NUMBER of His NAME". ( The UPC BAR-Code ) that is today used on every Item sold Commercially, that will be Part of the ROTHSCHILDS WORLD Banking Controlled CENTRAL BANK System, of which ANYONE who wants to REMAIN in Their Banking System, will be required to take the "Micro-Chip" implant, ( the MARK of the BEAST ) to keep a Bank account. Yet GOD has Provided a "WAY OUT", for Christians, and Non-Christians Alike, ( those who will be part of the SHEEP NATIONS, that will re-Populate the EARTH, After ARMAGDDON, Mt.25 ) ......Who will HEED Our Warning, and "Get Out" of the Current ROTHSCHILDS "CENTRAL BANK" Controlled, WORLD BANKING System, and Into "CRYPTO CURRENCY", such as "BITCOIN", and Thereby "escape" The coming "JEWISH" BANKING CRACKDOWN, that will Emerge under the Coming JEWISH ANTICHRIST, That Tens of thousands of "pastors" Are "Covering-up", in their weekly Pulpit Sermons !!! So I Appeal to every Bible believer, to examine the scriptures, ad NOT Listen to Such MASONIC HERETICS, as JOHN Mac ARTHUR, or JOHN HAGEE, or JOHN ANKERBERG , or ANY OTHER Such Deluded and Deceived HERETIC, that preaches This FALSE GOSPEL of a "PRE-TRIB" RAPTURE, And thereby DENYING The TRUTH of the Scriptures, As I Present in this my Comment !! And to Understand, that THIS is What Gods Prophets such as Daniel, were Warning about, when in Dan.12:7, the prophet Daniel declared, that; ...."God Would SCATTER The POWER of the ( Un-Holy ) HOLY PEOPLE". ( The ROTHSCHILDS WORLD BANKING EMPIRE ) From which the ROTHSCHILD and UNITED NATIONS, Appointee, the JEWISH ANTICHRIST Will Emerge, together with the Jewish /Lebanese FALSE PROPHET, ( BENNY HINN ) Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )
@@Nancy-nc4sw , Yes I did, and Tiff Shuttlesworth is an Indoctrinated Pseudo Scholar !! So I left him another Comment above here, which you can read if you please ! But for your Education, Considder the Following; ...Acts.3:20-21, REFUTES the "Pre-Trib" Rapture THEORY, by Declaring that; ...."Christ must Remain in Heaven, until the RESTITUTION of ALL THINGS" !! Which cannot happen, Until the "LAST DAY", ( of 24 hours, as seen in Zech.14:6-7 ) When "CHRIST will Return the SECOND TIME", ( Heb.9:28 ) when this "One-Time EVENT", of Us ALL being "CHANGED", from our MORTALITY to that of IMMORTALITY, is going to Happen, that the Apostle Paul describes in 1.Cor.15:50-51 !! ( read it in the KJV, and Not in Any of the modern "REVERSED VISIONS", called "REVISED VERSIONS" ) In which This "One Time Event" of being "CHANGED", "must" Include ALL the "Martyrs" of the TRIBULATION, who according to Rev.20:4-5, are Not Raised Until the Very "LAST DAY" !! As also Declared by JESUS, in Jn.6:39, 40, 44, 54. When He said that He will "RAISE UP those that that the Father has Given Him", on that "LAST DAY", ( of this "Present EVIL AGE", Gal.1:4, and Eph.1:21) Which also coincides with the "Last Day" of the Seven Year TRIBULATION !! And since the Apostle Paul makes it Clear in 1.Thess.4:15-17, that; ..... A,) ..."We that are Alive and Remain shall not 'Precede' those that are Asleep". ( the "DEAD In CHRIST" of verse 16. ) B,)...that; ..."The DEAD In CHRIST RISE FIRST". Which "must Include ALL the TRIBULATION "Martyrs", as they have Also been "KILLED for their FAITH in JESUS", and as Such, are Part of what the Bible calls, the "DEAD in CHRIST", that "RISE FIRST". ( no matter what the Debauched Academic Scholarship "Interprets' this Scripture to mean ) And as Already mentioned, This "Rising of the DEAD In CHRIST", can ONLY HAPPEN, at this "ONE TIME EVENT", of us ALL that are "Believers", who will be "CHANGED", from MORTALITY to that of IMMORTALITY !! And as such, it "Must Include ALL The TRIBULATION "Martyrs", which In turn DICTATES the Time of the RAPTURE, and That it MUST HAPPEN On the "LAST DAY" of the Tribulation, as THAT is "When the MARTYRS will be Raised". ( Rev.20:4-5 ) And What's More, 1.Thess.4:17, Declares that; ..."We that are ALIVE and REMAIN, shall be 'CAUGHT-UP' ( that means RAPTURED ) Together With THEM". That means, at that SAME TIME of this "One-Time EVENT" of being "CHANGED", that "Must Happen" at the Very end of the Seven Year TRIBULATION, as that "One-Time EVENT", of Us ALL being "CHANGED", has to Include ALL of the Tribulation "Martyrs". So Nancy, as you can See, Tiff Shuttlesworth, does Not have a "Leg to Stand On", concerning his INDOCTRINATED position on Eschatology, when he or any other Indoctrinated "Academic Scholar" here in America, faces a True Biblical Scholar, like myself on Eschatology !! Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )
There is no PRE-trib rapture. Although there are 2 raptures at Jesus coming. That is to say that at the second coming of Jesus, the dead in Christ will rise first to meet Jesus in the air, and 2nd the living will be gathered to meet christ in the air also. Notice Jesus tells us in the book of Mark when he is coming for the elect and it's after the tribulation, though not before the sun and moon are darkened Tribulation saints are those whom die in Jesus name during the time of the tribulation. Not to be mistaken for the Wrath of God poured out after the rapture. - Mark 13:23-27 23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things. 24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, 25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. 26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven. 13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. Jesus and most all the apostles were killed as exapmles as how we should also be obedient unto death -- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. - Do not take the VAX let no man decieve you Your not born agian or follow Jesus if your living in sin. Be ready The Lord is coming soon do not take the Mark of the beast. Soon the second phase will roll out and they will start to crack down on vaccine card counterfeiting by implementing new vaccine placed on hand or forhead with Luciferase invisible tattoo patch. Preventing anyone without the Vax entry to stores to buy or sell. - Research Nano Patch / Luciferase invisible mark/ microneedle Array/ Mark of the Beast vaccine thats is placed on the hand or forhead for vaccine passport registered via your smart phone. Calvinist is not biblical it's heresy, Calvinist AKA reformed theology teach Jesus did not die for everyone but only for those whom God called. Beware of these false teachers like Allen parr/Good hope/ Paul washer,John Macarthur /James white/Jeff durbin/Voddie Baucham/John piper/calvinist/ easy believeism/ once saved always saved/eternal security/ Hyper Grace. all of them practicing theies Calvinist teachings.
UR/Extremely Always Foregiven just John Carl and your Android phone 📱📱 I love you too 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 SO much Work for you musicians who SINGS THEIR HEART'S OUT LOUD JESUS CHRIST LOVES you Extremely beautiful 💕 Extremely Love you 💕 Extremely 💖 LOVE servents HOLY GHOST SPEAK TO ME JOHN CARL have these days 💖 LOVE servents HOLY Ghost speak to me about the Lovers Foregiveing SERVENTS HOLY GHOST SPEAK TO ME JOHN CARL
Revelation 2: 23 And I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and the hearts: and I will give everyone of you according to your works. Jump down to verse 26... And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works until the end, to him will I give power over the nation's. 29.... He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches. 0-1 See the word churches, you are in the great tribulation. 0-1
Tiff why did all the apostle die a horrible death and be tortured. Why didn't Jesus save them from that or tell them how to avoid it. And your saying the church will not suffer? I don't know if we will or we will not. But you don't talk about that in your sermon the only one I heard you speak of was John boiled in oil a why did that happened then the island he was sent to and wrote Revelation...
1 Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality I don't think there's any way that God won't use "the last trump"(presidency) as dual meaning like he does in so many other scriptures, even multiple occurrences at once like Jesus crucifixion during an eclipse. He saved Trump's life for some reason, was it to fulfill scripture? It seems strange that he just didn't say "as the last trumpet sounds", But if it does have dual meaning, that narrows it down to within the next four years. If it means trump term, then it could be pre-trib rapture, but if it means trumpet, then that points to post or mid-trib rapture, Jesus said he would keep us from the tribulation, so thats what I'm guessing. Wow...How cool is that? I may be completely wrong, but it just seemed odd the way it was worded, coincidences aren't a thing for God, his timing is perfect, LIKE moving Trump's head at a fraction of a second. There are probably still many mysteries in the Bible that we haven't figured out. I know we're missing so much. Trump will literally be the leader of the world during the book of revelation, I don't see why God wouldn't include him. I need to write this down.
The tribulation is not the wrath of God, the wrath of God comes when all have died in the name of Christ, then the wrath of God destroyed those who took the mark and worship the devil, you don't know anything.
Not one verse to prepare us for tribulation?????? At the 56 min mark! Rev 2;10 “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. This man is a FALSE TEACHER.
Church is found 19 times all of which are telling them what God has against you. Lol it's found in 22 because it's a warning that..... If you add unto his words he will add plagues unto you. Lol 🤣😅😅 0-3 he's calling you liars.
The world has seen great many tribulations.Come and gone.Unless you are ignorant of history,or a Holocasut denier,an ignorant person,you may believe otherwise.What has happend after those Great Tribulations which has occured,done,come and gone, throughout the past? Today,we read the Bible very late,we read the bible 2021 late,after Tribulations has passed,gone by,and then we foolishly supposed Tribulations has not come.Just admit you made errors about tribulations period.
@@jenniferbutler180 nobody said there hasn't been any tribulation. But the Bible says that the coming Great Tribulation will be worse than anything that has ever occurred before. We've seen what the evil of man can do, we've seen natural disasters and the damage done by those controlled by Satan. But never has the wrath of Almighty God been poured out on the entire earth. Revelation 6:17 says what is coming IS the wrath of God. Men will seek to hide, but there will be no place to escape to. That has never happened before, but it will.
You don't know your Bible. The great tribulation will be God's wrath- and there'll be NO place to hide, it will be the worst event to ever happen. Human reason or opinion is worthless when it isn't based on Scripture, and your statement isn't.
@@sandyjuntunen4088 Sorry you might go through it but I will be raptured before hand. Jesus died on the cross for us so he won't put his real christians through that. That's one of the reasons he died and rose 3 days later. Praise Jesus
I have studied (the Bible) And to my knowledge of what I have studied.(Jesus Christ was Jewish?? And bright up Jewish) He was not a gentile or from any other false gods.) I dn t see any scripture in the Bible that says "PASTOR" and pastors are in place to preach (Gods Word) I find that the church with Vicars and Priests who are from church builders (And give holy communion to its congregation) different to how Pastors preach.(There is no scripture that backs up Pastors (appointed by God) I find this very concerning to one's spirituality.(Pastors are buying convertibles from the money they make.Is this right? This pastors says Rapture is not in the Bible? That is true? (Not in the Bible) And neither is PASTOR.could these be called false Christ's and prophets (that Jesus said to watch out for.(one's who devour widows houses.(Many Pastors gave robbed their audiences and bght Cars and villas with the money they have made.(The real Jesus Christ says beware of false Christ's and prophets.(Pastor is not mentioned in the Bible.(not backed up with scripture).Could it be Pastors are false Christ's?? (That the real Jesus Christ warned against? (A question to be answered by viewers 🤔
Thank you God for you preaching the word of God in our country and around the world
Watching from the Philippines🇵🇭
Yes he is a blessing May God keep blessing him thank you Tiff..
I have not heard such clear explanation of the scripture. Had new revelation of the bible.
I thank for God Tiff I pray 🙏 God blessings over you and your family
Τhank you very much for your sermons .I have been following you for a while and l love your teaching from the bible.Its. authentic and very clear and simple to understand.Greetings from Greece.By the way Patmos is a Greek Island has nothing to do with Turkey.
What a great teacher in these last days, I thank God for introducing Tiff to my life.
I am a Christian for almost 40 years and it's only now that I know.and understand the truth in revelation thank for ptr Tiff teachings about the bible prophecy . I follow all his teachings and fully understand the prophetic revelation. God bless you richly in your ministry.
Amen Amen ❤😂🎉😢😅😮😅😊❤
I wish I am child of God. I wish I pray that I could buy and could learn to play all of Gods songs on a steel Gitar for Jesus Christ that will lead people to be saved.
Praying for me to learn to play the songs for all people to hear Gods songs on as I can play on a steel Electric Gitor that will help people to learn them to Jesus to be Saved for Jesus. Amen ❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊🎉❤
Great insight of the true word of God love your teachings.
He is truly a man sent by God. I wish it would have found these videos a long time ago
God has blessed me with and by you Tiff. Thank you Jesus for this man after your own heart. You have such a way of helping us understand God's word.
Thank you to the Lord for giving us tiff for understanding the Good news I love listening to him.
Amen God is Good always..God healed you...AMENXX 🙏 🙌 ✨️ ☺️
This man does a great job teaching the truth!
Bless him Lord.
Thank you for your in-depth teachings.. thank you for teaching Bible truth! I wish from the day I got saved 40 years ago that all churches would just stick to the truth of the word .. I am so disappointed in the so called leadership in today’s churches.. thank you ..
I am so thankful to our Precious Saviour Jesus ... that i can listern to sermons like these .. Thank You Thank You..
Fantastic preaching, Praise God. Thank you Ev. Tiff
Thank you Tiff for this Biblical teaching. The rapture is something I belived in but last couple of years, heard contrary teaching. Tiff makes good Biblical sense. Now I pray I live my life ready to meet the Lord in the air.
God will lead me to learn how to learn to play the Steel Electic Git. Give my Spelling. 🎉❤❤🎉😂😢😮😅😊❤
Thank you Bro. Tiff for all your Teaching ❤😂🎉😊
Wow im a believer for 38 yrs but its only now that i heard this very clear explanation.thank God for this.God bless your ministry Evangelist Tiff Shuttlesworth.
Same here! I’m 39 and came to Christ as a child at 7 years of age and NOW I’m fully understanding with Tiff. I’ve listened to many before carefully and testing the spirits but Tiff, he’s the real deal!
I was baptized 35 years ago..do I have to be baptized again, I believe in the lord, give me answer on that
Come to Tennessee and save people souls
@@janetbuchanan6796 no.. if you’ve been baptized once that’s all the Bible says we need to do . Unless God is speaking to you to do it again . Once is all the Bible speaks of .
@@janetbuchanan6796 he doesn’t save anyone only God can save .
does ilthe bible say that the great tribulation will be carried out by the hand of God? I am now 76 years old and was saved when I was 5 years old. My entire life has been spent telling others and leading others to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I begged believie we are here to lead others to the truth about who the Lord is and lead them to Him.
I love the preaching of Tiff. My husband was in the hospital for 8 months and my daughter and I were there every day except for 3. I loved and appreciated RUclips so we could listen to the sermons by Tiff. I've agreed with everything he has said until now. Just tell me where he is. getting that the idea that the great tribulation comes from God..
Real love has 2 sides.. God is a God of love n a God of wrath n judgment.. Hallelujah..
Dear Tiff, as always your Sermons are wonderful. To the 5 reasons why the church will not go through the Tribulation, id like to add Genesis 18.23 When Abraham asks the Lord will be punish the Righteous with the wicked and he says from Vrs 25 Far be it from e to do such a thing.. to put the righteous to death with the wicked..... Shall not the Judge of all the earth so what is Just
Thank you Jesus. Thank you Brother Tiff
I thank God for Tiff some how now I feel like a real Christian and I can now speak and explain some of the scriptures to persons. Thank you Tiff awesome teaching and a wonderful mentor 🙏❤
This is one of Tiff's best sermons...he is on FIRE here ..Amen ✨
What a great vision for missions. God bless u n yr family daily. Long, healthy life for God's Glory
Amen!!! Great! Kathy Braddock
He is a great teacher.
He is a false teacher drunk with the wine of Babylon!
Good preaching. PastorTiff
Hallelujah 🔜 the catching away of the true church! Whoop!
Yes. Thank you, Lord, for sending Brother Tiff to me . I was saved by praying his sinners prayer❤
Thank you for this message.
We are all sinners, why be ashamed to acknowledge Jesus publicly? Make this fact humble us to courageously seek God's mercy for our offenses. He knows that and loves it when we submit to Him! He understands how imperfect we are without HIM and He can't help but accept us back! God IS good always!
God bless Servant Tiff.🗡️
Amen..thank u Lord.
Bro Tiff thank you for opening our minds that as we receive Jesus we free from the wrath and judgement of God and walk on with God, Amen
Amēn and Amēn; thank YOU Heavenly FATHER for Your WORD preached by Your Disciple.
Thank you for making me to understanding God word Thank you Pastor Tiff thank you again in Jesus name
I'm caught-up in neither pre-trib rapture nor mid-trib rapture nor post-trib rapture, but I'm all for pro entering into the narrow gate that leads to life; pro overcoming the world, the flesh, and the devil; pro enduring till the end.
amen Lord ,i surinder my life to you .Thank you pastor Tiff.
Greetings my brother in Christ. I hope you see this question and can help me understand something on the subject. In Matthew 24 it seems clear that JESUS is talking about the Great Tribulation, when He talk about shortening the days this seems to support the view that the Church will go through part of the Tribulation. Please help me to understand the entire chapter of Matt 24 especially from about verse 15. I have been sharpening my knowledge with your teachings since last year. GOD bless you.
I hope you see this, it's been awhile.
Matthew 24 is about the rapture & the 2nd coming both. It describes the rapture, but it's also Jesus telling them about the tribulation afterward too. The tribulation is referred to as the time of " Jacobs trouble", in Scripture, bc it is not only the outpouring of God's wrath, but it's for the Jews to finally see who their Messiah is. The antichrist will break the covenant, & the Jews will have to flee, that's the part where Jesus said don't go back to the house or come down from the rooftops, pray you're not with child, etc.
In the rapture, we meet Jesus in the clouds. But when He returns to earth with us 7 years later, He sets foot on the Mt of Olives, and wins the battle of Armageddon. Zechariah 14.
Tiff does have a teaching on the difference between the rapture & the 2nd coming. Hope this helps!
@@sandyjuntunen4088 Thanks much. I believe the chronology of End Time events and the Pre Tribulation view, but I just wanted to know how to answer someone who may ask me expound on Matt.24 which seems to support the Mid Tribulation view.
Thank you for this great message
This makes sense to me finally
Thank you so very much I am at peace.
Thank you Tiff.
Thank you
Amen!! God bless everyone.
The only reason I need is that God's wants it that way!
I'm a BLACKFEET thank God I understand to respect everyone's beliefs in God. God's victory bring those in bondage out of bondage. Yes god gave me my longtime Pipe jesus is also by my side. God said no man on earth shall put asunder what he puts on earth. Amen
God said no man on earth shall put asunder what I put on earth.
Plus Tiff. There’s only one tribulation and the other mentioned Trib using a S. Tribulations meaning multiple tribulations by men. Your a great apostle of Christ. Not as I got to tell you about the S thing. Lol. It’s the cop in me speaking to little details. Love ya my brother in Christ! And everyone else here. Love you all. And I’ll see every one in the sky!! Soon!
"Will Christians go through the Tribulation?" Can we be both logical and scriptural?
▬ Jesus returns at "the last trump" (1 Cor 15:52; also 1 Thess 4:16). That's when the "dead in
Christ" and those "which are alive and remain" rise together to "meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thess
▬ That "last trump" is the final, seventh trumpet of the seven trumpets that make up the seventh
"seal" in Revelation (see Revelation 8:1 to 11:15).
So, when is the "great tribulation"? Is it after the seventh trump, after the elect rise to "meet the
Lord in the air"? No. Here's why:
▬ Jesus said the sun and moon would be darkened "immediately after the tribulation of those
days" (Matthew 24:29).
▬ That same darkening of the sun and moon occur in the sixth "seal" of Revelation. Here's
Revelation 6:12,13:
"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the
sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
"And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she
is shaken of a mighty wind."
▬ So the tribulation is over as the sixth seal is being opened. Given that the sixth seal comes
before the seventh seal (and before all seven trumpets that make up the seventh seal) it is obvious
that the resurrection and rising to meet Jesus (at the last trumpet) occur after the tribulation is
The tribulation is over upon the opening of the sixth seal; the resurrection and rising to meet
Jesus do not occur until later, at the 7th trumpet of the seventh seal.
▬ Given that "those which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them [the
resurrected "dead in Christ"] in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air" it is obvious that there
will be believers alive here after the tribulation, at the return of Christ to collect His people.
The tribulation and the wrath of God are separate events, at different times. The tribulation is
followed by the darkening of the sun and moon, etc, at the opening of the sixth seal. The other
events of the sixth seal will follow. After that, the seventh seal is opened, and the first six
trumpets of the seventh seal will occur. Then the 7th trumpet will sound; at which time the
people of God are raised, and the impending wrath of God will be announced. Here's that
"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of
this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever
and ever.
And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and
worshipped God,
Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come;
because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
And the nations were angry, *and thy wrath is come,* and the time of the dead, that they should
be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints,
and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the
earth." (Revelation 11:15-18)
Events of the wrath of God are described in Revelation 16.
The pre-tribulation rapture was invented by Increase and Cotton Mather, Puritans in early New
England. (Cotton Mather was involved in the Salem witch trials). In the 1800's John Nelson
Darby promoted and popularized the pre-tribulation rapture theory.
That's funny. So you didn't research this yourself or you'd know easily. You got it from some teacher & took their word. That's dangerous! Always study yourself, no matter who is teaching.
Tiff has a lesson on John Darby, listen & you'll find out fast that's not true at all. Look up his facts too.
There's also facts about the last Trump you seem unaware of. Perry Stone, Amir Tsarfati & probably Tiff too all have taught all that. Try actual research instead of being contentious on another ones channel?
@@sandyjuntunen4088 I will contend for the trurh, as revealed in the Bible.
32:13 "a thumnail of the chronology of the coming bible
35:07 "five bibilical reasons why we are not going through the great tribulation"
You are a gteat teacher😂
We seem to have entered this period already without knowing that is why 24 hours seems more like 6 hours, nowadays! Remember that the 3 Hebrews boys and Daniel were saved ONLY AFTER THEY HAD ENTERED THEIR TRIBULATION, without really getting ready for it, but they stood their ground nonetheless- so to speak! Also, in Ezekiel 9, everyone was still going about their business together as the Man clothed with Linen and had the ink horn, marked only those who are worthy, and no one was any wiser, but they only saw with their eyes and heard with their ears the reward of the wicked, as the other angels did God's bidding on them! Only those who hold on till the end will be saved! Matthew 24:13, Luke 21:36. Be encouraged all! He is Faithful and True! The Lord knows those who are His.
I believe you mean Luke 21:36....not John.
@Nunzio Nano Absolutely!
Much appreciated. Joh6 21 has only 25 verses!
The Lord honor you in Jesus name!
Amen ❤
Amen Amen ❤😂🎉😊❤
Praise God .Amen Amen. ❤❤❤😂🎉😢😮😅😊❤❤❤
Hello I'm Maria from Bristol❤
I live in Tennessee
we are not under Gods wrath but we will go in much tribulation before the wrath of God.
So you do not agree with this sermon which explains?
Amen Lord!
Amen 🙏
Revelation 2:10... Because thou hast kept the word of my patients. I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the whole earth.
Notice: upon the whole world and that dwell upon the whole earth .....
11. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
13. He that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.
Then it goes on to say he will write the name of God in your forehead.
Nothing about the rapture there.... Your 0-2.
28:05 short synopsis of 4 main views on tribulation
The bible says " immediately after,after,after the tribulation of those days then shall they see the sign of the son of man,son of man ,son of man coming in his glory"....Matthew chapter 24
That is true, but that is not the rapture.
That's when Jesus returns to earth, as described in Zechariah 14. At the battle of Armageddon. That's the " day of the Lord" and the " day of Christ" ( 2 Thessalonians 2) The rapture will be us meeting Him in the clouds of the air, not on earth.
@endtimesareuponus8930 At the catching up of the believers, Jesus is in the air. The 2nd Coming HE sets foot on the Mount of Olives. It's not the same as saying he comes twice. You post tribbers just don't get it. Try the book THE PRE Tribulation Rapture by Allen Beechick. 🙏✝️
The reason no one is correct about pre mid or post is because there is no 7 years of ANYTHING to judge it by.
So who does the Beast go to war with in the Tribulation, and who does he wear out and overcome? The Bible says the saints. So if the saints are raptured out, who is the Beast making war with? What about the martyrs that are beheaded for the testimony of Jesus Christ that ask for vengeance for their death at the 5th seal of the 7 sealed book? How can they be killed if they were raptured out? The Church grows in persecution, and Revelation is the greatest revival period in history and more people will be saved during that time than ever. The Church will have to be here to lead people to Christ. If there is a rapture, Jesus would have made it plain in Matthew 24. We wouldnt have to guess, or try to make it fit into scripture, The Bible gave clear concrete signs that would happen at Christs return, not a secret, sudden, unannounced return.
Ever since the satanic cult of sola scriptura a man made tradition invented by a devil possessed man fifty thousand such scumbag heretic pastors are interpreting the Bible on their own wild imagination and adding their wishful thinking.
Those are the Tribulation saints, those saved after the Rapture.
MATT 24 :4-21:
4 “Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
John first speaks to every church on how they are failing and to turn back, or else... THEN he speaks of the vision he saw for either blessings or cursings depending on their final condition which he told to ALL the churches, which he reveals in chapter 22 verse 16... this i tell to ALL the churches. So what is not to understand?
Believers! You must read the Word for yourself and decide what it means based on the word of God alone. If what you believe is based on someone else's words or your own fear, you will never persevere until the end. The holy spirit will teach us ALL things. Do not believe the lie that there is a prerequisite to studying the scripture other than the fear of the Lord.
Matthew 24
2 Thessalonians 2
1 Corinthians 15:50
1 Thessalonians 4
No where in scripture does it say we must accept Jesus into our heart. Always ask what did Jesus teach? He said we must be born again. How many people that have made the Jesus (magic words) welcome to the family of God prayer are still walking with God living and abiding in Him? So many say the words and live in sin 6 days a week. I take a strong position on this. It is my position this is a FALSE TEACHING. What did Jesus teach? He says in Matt 24;15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Why would Jesus say WHEN you see him if the church is gone? Also 2 Thes 2 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you v2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. v3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition v4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. They teach that Jesus can come at any time that it is eminent could come at any time. How do you reconcile this with 2 Thes 2. YOU CAN'T. When this guy says that the church is not in the book of Rev from ch 4 to ch 19 he is wrong. Rev 7;14 And I said to him, “Sir,[fn] you know.” So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. If the church is gone how are these many killed DURING THE TRIBULATION? Are not these part of the church also. Jesus told us that WE WOULD SUFFER AND GO THROUGH TRIBULATION. This teaching is dangerous and will cause many to fall away when antichrist comes on to the scene. Trust what Gods word says not what men say. Rev 13;7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. If the church is gone who are the saints? They will say THOSE ARE THE TRIBULATION SAINTS THE CHURCH IS GONE. This is wishful thinking and false doctrine. All of the apostles suffered, the church has suffered for 2000 years and does to this day. Ask yourself why for 2000 years the church has gone through suffering and now we get a pass? Are we greater than Jesus who suffered so greatly that we might have peace with God? NO!!! We MUST REMAIN FAITHFUL TILL THE END. This doctrine is taught because they have convinced themselves it is true. It was NEVER TAUGHT BY THE EARLY CHURCH AND CAME ABOUT IN THE 1800s. I love you and want to see you with the Lord, WE must work out our salvation with fear and trembling. It is only by Gods great love and grace that any of us will be saved. Check out what I have said I believe with all my heart this is a deceiving spirit sent to a super luke warm church that elevates men over God
I wonder what he would say about the prophecy of 1933 by william branham-he was a great prophet and never wrong about a prophecy the true sign of a prophet of God about a woman president
The tribulation is not the wrath of God. His wrath is announced arriving as is come at Rev 6:17.
Is come is present tense
I cant Find you. Wanda from south Africa.
what bible is Brother Tiff reading from?
At the 56 min mark God will not let the bride be beheaded??? Rev 20v4 And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
28:50 he claims that "post-wrath" (???) believes that the rapture happens 3/4 through the tribulation and (politely) claims that "no intelligent scholarship" supports the view. Maybe he should actually study other views before calling them stupid?
correction: he calls it "post-wrath-tribulation" LOL
Jesus made it Clear, in Mt.24:14, that "WE the CHURCH, WILL be the Preachers of "This Gospel of the Kingdom as a Witness to all Nations, then shall the END COME".
In the Last Four "letters to the Churches", we discover that THYATIRA, SARDIS, PHILADELPHIA, and LAODICEA, are "Prophetic" END-TIME Churches, of the "CHURCH-AGE", of which the first Three, THYATIRA, SARDIS, and PHILADELPHIA, have TWO Different GROUPS of SAINTS in Them !!
The FIRST Group, that of the FIRSTFRUITS !! ( generally represents the Tithe , or 10% of the Total )
The SECOND GROUP, that of the "General Assembly". ( and represents the larger 90% of the Congregation )
Now notice; The Firstfruits of THYATIRA, SARDIS, and PHILADELPHIA, are All promised an "Escape" !!! For THYATIRA,
( Rev.2:24-25 ) For SARDIS, ( Rev.3:4 ) For PHILADELPHIA, (Rev.3:10-11 )
However, notice; that the "Hour of Temptation" spoken of in Rev.3:10, to the Church of PHILADELPHIA, Clearly Refers to
the coming Future TRIBULATION !!
Yet in verse12, Christ is STILL Addressing the Church of PHILADELPHIA , and in particular, this Second Group of SAINTS,
that Are part of the "General assembly", and They are Told to be the "OVERCOMERS" that will be doing the PREACHING of "This GOSPEL Of The KINGDOM, As a WITNESS To ALL NATIONS", ( to possibly a World Population of about "four BILLION" people, or about Half of what it is Now ) as Discussed by JESUS in Mt.24:14 !!
These are the Same "OVERCOMERS", of possibly more than "ONE HUNDRED MILLION Christians" , that are referred to in Rev.15:2, that will "HAVE VICTORY", Over the "BEAST," His "IMAGE", His "MARK", and the "NUMBER of His NAME". ( The
UPC BAR-Code ) that is today used on every Item sold Commercially, that will be Part of the ROTHSCHILDS WORLD Banking Controlled CENTRAL BANK System, of which ANYONE who wants to REMAIN in Their Banking System, will be required to
take the "Micro-Chip" implant, ( the MARK of the BEAST ) to keep a Bank account.
Yet GOD has Provided a "WAY OUT", for Christians, and Non-Christians Alike, ( those who will be part of the SHEEP NATIONS, that will re-Populate the EARTH, After ARMAGDDON, Mt.25 ) ......Who will HEED Our Warning, and "Get Out" of the Current ROTHSCHILDS "CENTRAL BANK" Controlled, WORLD BANKING System, and Into "CRYPTO CURRENCY", such as "BITCOIN", and Thereby "escape" The coming "JEWISH" BANKING CRACKDOWN, that will Emerge under the Coming JEWISH ANTICHRIST, That Tens of thousands of "pastors" Are "Covering-up", in their weekly Pulpit Sermons !!!
So I Appeal to every Bible believer, to examine the scriptures, ad NOT Listen to Such MASONIC HERETICS, as JOHN Mac ARTHUR, or JOHN HAGEE, or JOHN ANKERBERG , or ANY OTHER Such Deluded and Deceived HERETIC, that preaches This FALSE GOSPEL of a "PRE-TRIB" RAPTURE, And thereby DENYING The TRUTH of the Scriptures, As I Present in this my Comment !!
And to Understand, that THIS is What Gods Prophets such as Daniel, were Warning about, when in Dan.12:7, the prophet Daniel declared, that; ...."God Would SCATTER The POWER of the ( Un-Holy ) HOLY PEOPLE". ( The ROTHSCHILDS WORLD BANKING EMPIRE ) From which the ROTHSCHILD and UNITED NATIONS, Appointee, the JEWISH ANTICHRIST Will Emerge, together with the Jewish /Lebanese FALSE PROPHET, ( BENNY HINN )
Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )
Did you even listen to this sermon? Try The Pre Tribulation Rapture by Allen Beechick.
@@Nancy-nc4sw , Yes I did, and Tiff Shuttlesworth is an Indoctrinated Pseudo Scholar !! So I left him another Comment above here, which you can read if you please ! But for your Education, Considder the Following; ...Acts.3:20-21, REFUTES the "Pre-Trib" Rapture THEORY, by Declaring that; ...."Christ must Remain in Heaven, until the RESTITUTION of ALL THINGS" !!
Which cannot happen, Until the "LAST DAY", ( of 24 hours, as seen in Zech.14:6-7 ) When "CHRIST will Return the SECOND TIME", ( Heb.9:28 ) when this "One-Time EVENT", of Us ALL being "CHANGED", from our MORTALITY to that of IMMORTALITY, is going to Happen, that the Apostle Paul describes in 1.Cor.15:50-51 !! ( read it in the KJV, and Not in Any of the modern "REVERSED VISIONS", called "REVISED VERSIONS" )
In which This "One Time Event" of being "CHANGED", "must" Include ALL the "Martyrs" of the TRIBULATION, who according to Rev.20:4-5, are Not Raised Until the Very "LAST DAY" !!
As also Declared by JESUS, in Jn.6:39, 40, 44, 54. When He said that He will "RAISE UP those that that the Father has Given Him", on that "LAST DAY", ( of this "Present EVIL AGE", Gal.1:4, and Eph.1:21) Which also coincides with the "Last Day" of the Seven Year TRIBULATION !!
And since the Apostle Paul makes it Clear in 1.Thess.4:15-17, that; .....
A,) ..."We that are Alive and Remain shall not 'Precede' those that are Asleep". ( the "DEAD In CHRIST" of verse 16. )
B,)...that; ..."The DEAD In CHRIST RISE FIRST". Which "must Include ALL the TRIBULATION "Martyrs", as they have Also been "KILLED for their FAITH in JESUS", and as Such, are Part of what the Bible calls, the "DEAD in CHRIST", that "RISE FIRST". ( no matter what the Debauched Academic Scholarship "Interprets' this Scripture to mean )
And as Already mentioned, This "Rising of the DEAD In CHRIST", can ONLY HAPPEN, at this "ONE TIME EVENT", of us ALL that are "Believers", who will be "CHANGED", from MORTALITY to that of IMMORTALITY !! And as such, it "Must Include ALL The TRIBULATION "Martyrs", which In turn DICTATES the Time of the RAPTURE, and That it MUST HAPPEN On the "LAST DAY" of the Tribulation, as THAT is "When the MARTYRS will be Raised". ( Rev.20:4-5 )
And What's More, 1.Thess.4:17, Declares that; ..."We that are ALIVE and REMAIN, shall be 'CAUGHT-UP' ( that means RAPTURED ) Together With THEM". That means, at that SAME TIME of this "One-Time EVENT" of being "CHANGED", that "Must Happen" at the Very end of the Seven Year TRIBULATION, as that "One-Time EVENT", of Us ALL being "CHANGED", has to Include ALL of the Tribulation "Martyrs".
So Nancy, as you can See, Tiff Shuttlesworth, does Not have a "Leg to Stand On", concerning his INDOCTRINATED position on Eschatology, when he or any other Indoctrinated "Academic Scholar" here in America, faces a True Biblical Scholar, like myself on Eschatology !!
Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )
So Matthew 24:13-28 is what exactly?
The truth. This sermon here is smoke and mirrors.
My pastor says pre ttib . N yes why would Jesus groom make us his bride to be in his wrath father God's
There is no PRE-trib rapture. Although there are 2 raptures at Jesus coming. That is to say that at the second coming of Jesus, the dead in Christ will rise first to meet Jesus in the air, and 2nd the living will be gathered to meet christ in the air also.
Notice Jesus tells us in the book of Mark when he is coming for the elect and it's after the tribulation, though not before the sun and moon are darkened
Tribulation saints are those whom die in Jesus name during the time of the tribulation.
Not to be mistaken for the Wrath of God poured out after the rapture.
- Mark 13:23-27
23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,
25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.
26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
Jesus and most all the apostles were killed as exapmles as how we should also be obedient unto death
-- 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
- Do not take the VAX
let no man decieve you Your not born agian or follow Jesus if your living in sin. Be ready The Lord is coming soon do not take the Mark of the beast.
Soon the second phase will roll out and they will start to crack down on vaccine card counterfeiting by implementing new vaccine placed on hand or forhead with Luciferase invisible tattoo patch. Preventing anyone without the Vax entry to stores to buy or sell.
- Research Nano Patch / Luciferase invisible mark/ microneedle Array/ Mark of the Beast vaccine thats is placed on the hand or forhead for vaccine passport registered via your smart phone.
Calvinist is not biblical it's heresy, Calvinist AKA reformed theology teach Jesus did not die for everyone but only for those whom God called.
Beware of these false teachers like Allen parr/Good hope/ Paul washer,John Macarthur /James white/Jeff durbin/Voddie Baucham/John piper/calvinist/ easy believeism/ once saved always saved/eternal security/ Hyper Grace.
all of them practicing theies Calvinist teachings.
Maria from United Kingdom Bristol😂❤
UR/Extremely Always Foregiven just John Carl and your Android phone 📱📱 I love you too 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 SO much Work for you musicians who SINGS THEIR HEART'S OUT LOUD JESUS CHRIST LOVES you Extremely beautiful 💕 Extremely Love you 💕 Extremely 💖 LOVE servents HOLY GHOST SPEAK TO ME JOHN CARL have these days 💖 LOVE servents HOLY Ghost speak to me about the Lovers Foregiveing SERVENTS HOLY GHOST SPEAK TO ME JOHN CARL
Revelation 2: 23
And I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and the hearts: and I will give everyone of you according to your works.
Jump down to verse 26...
And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works until the end, to him will I give power over the nation's.
29.... He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.
See the word churches, you are in the great tribulation. 0-1
Tiff why did all the apostle die a horrible death and be tortured. Why didn't Jesus save them from that or tell them how to avoid it. And your saying the church will not suffer? I don't know if we will or we will not. But you don't talk about that in your sermon the only one I heard you speak of was John boiled in oil a why did that happened then the island he was sent to and wrote Revelation...
Matthew 5:45?
1 Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality
I don't think there's any way that God won't use
"the last trump"(presidency) as dual meaning like he does in so many other scriptures, even multiple occurrences at once like Jesus crucifixion during an eclipse. He saved Trump's life for some reason, was it to fulfill scripture? It seems strange that he just didn't say "as the last trumpet sounds", But if it does have dual meaning, that narrows it down to within the next four years. If it means trump term, then it could be pre-trib rapture, but if it means trumpet, then that points to post or mid-trib rapture, Jesus said he would keep us from the tribulation, so thats what I'm guessing. Wow...How cool is that? I may be completely wrong, but it just seemed odd the way it was worded, coincidences aren't a thing for God, his timing is perfect, LIKE moving Trump's head at a fraction of a second. There are probably still many mysteries in the Bible that we haven't figured out. I know we're missing so much. Trump will literally be the leader of the world during the book of revelation, I don't see why God wouldn't include him. I need to write this down.
The tribulation is not the wrath of God, the wrath of God comes when all have died in the name of Christ, then the wrath of God destroyed those who took the mark and worship the devil, you don't know anything.
Not one verse to prepare us for tribulation?????? At the 56 min mark! Rev 2;10 “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. This man is a FALSE TEACHER.
Church is found 19 times all of which are telling them what God has against you. Lol it's found in 22 because it's a warning that..... If you add unto his words he will add plagues unto you. Lol 🤣😅😅 0-3 he's calling you liars.
The world has seen great many tribulations.Come and gone.Unless you are ignorant of history,or a Holocasut denier,an ignorant person,you may believe otherwise.What has happend after those Great Tribulations which has occured,done,come and gone, throughout the past? Today,we read the Bible very late,we read the bible 2021 late,after Tribulations has passed,gone by,and then we foolishly supposed Tribulations has not come.Just admit you made errors about tribulations period.
Nope, there have never been tribulations like the one that is coming.
Pre trib rapture is absolute truth.
Enjoy it.
Thanks I wondered about this.
@@jenniferbutler180 nobody said there hasn't been any tribulation. But the Bible says that the coming Great Tribulation will be worse than anything that has ever occurred before. We've seen what the evil of man can do, we've seen natural disasters and the damage done by those controlled by Satan. But never has the wrath of Almighty God been poured out on the entire earth. Revelation 6:17 says what is coming IS the wrath of God. Men will seek to hide, but there will be no place to escape to. That has never happened before, but it will.
You don't know your Bible. The great tribulation will be God's wrath- and there'll be NO place to hide, it will be the worst event to ever happen. Human reason or opinion is worthless when it isn't based on Scripture, and your statement isn't.
@@sandyjuntunen4088 Sorry you might go through it but I will be raptured before hand. Jesus died on the cross for us so he won't put his real christians through that. That's one of the reasons he died and rose 3 days later. Praise Jesus
I have studied (the Bible) And to my knowledge of what I have studied.(Jesus Christ was Jewish?? And bright up Jewish) He was not a gentile or from any other false gods.) I dn t see any scripture in the Bible that says "PASTOR" and pastors are in place to preach (Gods Word) I find that the church with Vicars and Priests who are from church builders (And give holy communion to its congregation) different to how Pastors preach.(There is no scripture that backs up Pastors (appointed by God) I find this very concerning to one's spirituality.(Pastors are buying convertibles from the money they make.Is this right? This pastors says Rapture is not in the Bible? That is true? (Not in the Bible) And neither is PASTOR.could these be called false Christ's and prophets (that Jesus said to watch out for.(one's who devour widows houses.(Many Pastors gave robbed their audiences and bght Cars and villas with the money they have made.(The real Jesus Christ says beware of false Christ's and prophets.(Pastor is not mentioned in the Bible.(not backed up with scripture).Could it be Pastors are false Christ's?? (That the real Jesus Christ warned against? (A question to be answered by viewers 🤔
Drivel and a snowjob to rival a snakes in a garden.
Thank you for making me to understanding God word Thank you Pastor Tiff thank you again in Jesus name