  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • A total energy compensated (TEK) variometer does not beep or indicate a climb or sink rate when the paraglider gains altitude due to speeding up or loses altitude due to slowing down. This is important because it gives the pilot a clearer understanding of true air movements around the glider, like rising or sinking air, without being misled by altitude changes caused by speed adjustments.
    Ein totalenergiekompensiertes (TEK) Variometer zeigt keine Steig- oder Sinkrate an, wenn der Gleitschirm aufgrund von Geschwindigkeitserhöhung an Höhe gewinnt oder durch Geschwindigkeitsreduzierung an Höhe verliert. Dies ist wichtig, da es dem Piloten ein klareres Verständnis für die wahren Luftbewegungen um den Gleitschirm herum gibt, wie aufsteigende oder absinkende Luft, ohne durch Höhenänderungen, die durch Geschwindigkeitsanpassungen verursacht wurden, in die Irre geführt zu werden.
    Un variomètre compensé en énergie totale (TEK) n'indique pas un taux de montée ou de descente lorsque le parapente gagne de l'altitude en accélérant ou perd de l'altitude en ralentissant. Cela est important car cela donne au pilote une compréhension plus claire des véritables mouvements d'air autour du parapante, comme l'air ascendant ou descendant, sans être induit en erreur par des changements d'altitude causés par des ajustements de vitesse.

Комментарии • 4

  • @tonyho6150
    @tonyho6150 2 дня назад

    TEK stands for "Total Energy Compensation". A TEK variometer compensates for the conversion of
    speed into altitude to avoid unnecessary beeping. Especially when flying with a high-performance
    paraglider, if after full acceleration and subsequent release of the speed bar, the glider temporarily
    converts speed into altitude, the variometer will show a temporary climb. This is where the TEK
    variometer's compensation function comes into play.
    However, the benefit of a TEK variometer is limited in thermal flying. If the glider accelerates without
    actually climbing, the TEK variometer might mistakenly show a climb, which could confuse the pilot
    as they do not physically perceive any climbing.
    To account for this, we offer setting options from TEK=1000ms to TEK=3000ms. When active in
    straight flight, TEK can contribute to optimizing flight performance and help use updrafts more
    effectively. When turning into a thermal and switching to the thermal screen, there is a seamless
    transition from the TEK variometer to the normal variometer within the set time. A setting of
    1000ms means that the TEK variometer will seamlessly transition to the normal variometer within
    this time. This transition also occurs when leaving the thermal and returning to straight flight,
    switching from the normal variometer back to the TEK variometer.
    For many pilots, the setting TEK=no might be the preferred choice to receive consistent feedback
    throughout the flight.

  • @ChasingContours
    @ChasingContours 8 месяцев назад

    Is that a function to activate or is it built in as standard and active all the time?

    • @yazmat96
      @yazmat96 4 месяца назад

      You can arrivate/deactivate it from the settings, and setting on only above specific altitudes (like 1500/2000/2500/3000. Also as standard on mine it was off.

  • @tonyho6150
    @tonyho6150 8 месяцев назад

    How do you set your time value for TEK? 1s,1.5s,2s,2.5s or 3s?