💌 Your person is beginning to realize that whenever they wrong you, negative things seem to ...

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 20

  • @chiahsieh
    @chiahsieh 10 часов назад +3

    I have deleted my communication. I am grateful for the journey. It is time to love myself and no longer waiting for someone who doesn't even respect me as human being.

  • @dcyoot
    @dcyoot 13 часов назад +2

    Yes, I hope he realises soon!

  • @linstowell3785
    @linstowell3785 5 часов назад

    YES, YES, YES !! I was going to invite you back today with the same sentiments. Because What I want most for the rest of my life is to care for you however you'd like. I think I've been preparing that my whole life but didn't know why. Now it's time for us to laugh again!! We made it, together! I never in life held a grudge for more than a few days, and this time it was only a few hours because I wanted to send you light and love on your journey however long it might be. and My guides reminded me of that first thing this morning, saying the key to my healing is to have fun. So I got right to watching Among Us documentary on you tube because the trailer lit up my soul for first time in awhile. I did wish you were to share it with! You are my irreplaceable you!! You are a wonderful poet!!

  • @timkis64
    @timkis64 13 часов назад

    having known you since childhood, i wanted the girl i grew up with as my wife.even though i never ask you, your reaction to my presence in your life told me you were NO LONGER the sweetie you once were.all i could do was walk away silently & hope you would realize the long term happiness you denied in our lives.it seems perhaps its arrived.but the 26 years it took robbed us of our children & grandchildren.which saddens me tremendously.you wouldve been a WONDERFUL mother.the fact i was willing to wait 26 years for you should speak VOLUMES about the depths of my love for you.

  • @sassyw8502
    @sassyw8502 Час назад

    Nobody took your place dearie❤❤❤

  • @MáriaKelemen-m3w
    @MáriaKelemen-m3w 8 часов назад

    Thank You God!🙏
    That's not about true...!!!
    U'r the only one who is right!!!
    Kiss to U,

  • @dorothybarnum3357
    @dorothybarnum3357 13 часов назад +1

    Me ❤ dot 😅❤❤ 🐈 good ❤❤ thank you but if this message are for me how sweet and if so I am still here to be your friend so come back and let's be friends again miss you 😘 ❤ 😅😅

  • @MBrown-h4z
    @MBrown-h4z 8 часов назад

    Is this really true?????❤❤❤

  • @Dragonchasesrabbit
    @Dragonchasesrabbit 7 часов назад

    I love you❤❤come home❤❤ I'm waiting for you ❤❤

  • @jenniferjulian4119
    @jenniferjulian4119 13 часов назад

    Amen 🙏 Thank you Jesus 🙏 Let him see what he is doing 🙏 ❤❤❤is wrong 🙏

  • @trinhvo5823
    @trinhvo5823 12 часов назад

    Amen ❤❤❤

  • @MartinaDanielaSchreck
    @MartinaDanielaSchreck 13 часов назад

    AMEN 🙏

  • @EmarieT-cn1li
    @EmarieT-cn1li 11 часов назад

    Drunks and drugees should not be consulted about important life decisions affecting the life behind the victims back...

  • @Itwasaoldpic
    @Itwasaoldpic 8 часов назад

    🥺 I miss him but he hates me

  • @Sweet222-m8z
    @Sweet222-m8z 8 часов назад


  • @TinaMiller-y2p
    @TinaMiller-y2p 9 часов назад


  • @SyaneKehr
    @SyaneKehr 11 часов назад

    Thank you Lord about the Real Story about Faith Hope Love thank you Lord Of your Real Love creation your way is protected Victory Fafour bring possibility way direktion thank you Lord in yeses name Amen

  • @peggydawkins926
    @peggydawkins926 11 часов назад

    no comment

  • @BrunhildeMarkert-lq7el
    @BrunhildeMarkert-lq7el 13 часов назад

    Warum wohl? DENKE EINMAL NACH