Why is it that the Moon Phases don't always line up to announce the Sabbaths?

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 23

  • @tevitakatonibau5950
    @tevitakatonibau5950 3 месяца назад

    Happy Sabbath from Sydney.

  • @victorypledge3262
    @victorypledge3262 3 месяца назад +1

    Happy Sabbath day everyone

  • @annyletters4628
    @annyletters4628 3 месяца назад +3

    I meant to say the half moon 🌓is on the preparation evening day seven, it is also the sixth working day, on this day Yahuah created Adam and one week later, on the preparation day the 14th was a fool moon 🌕 Yahuah created Eva out of Adam. Halleluja 🎶

  • @familyshare3724
    @familyshare3724 3 месяца назад

    5:00 from ancient records we know that in fact the last day of the month was the same day as the first of the next month when the month "had only 29 days". There were ALWAYS 30 day months. In about half of all months the 30 = 1 and in slightly more months, 30 was followed by 1 the next day.

  • @returnofthekingjesuschrist4470
    @returnofthekingjesuschrist4470 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you...I feel like this was just for me lol.

    • @returnofthekingjesuschrist4470
      @returnofthekingjesuschrist4470 3 месяца назад

      I have read (Jubilees I think), YHVH has an extra day to seperate the seasons...I wonder if that is when there are +2 during those months.

  • @annyletters4628
    @annyletters4628 3 месяца назад

    We learned to read the faces of the moon, starting by the confirmation, the first slider of the new moon 🌙 day one ☝️ in the western evening sky, after six working days to be seen on the evening of the preparation day 6, the half moon 🌓. It needs practice to find Yahuahs holy appointments. The day of conjunction 🌑 is always the fourth Sabbath, very seldom to see as an engagement ring 💍 Sun-Eclipse, Yahuas sign 🪧 to be his people Ezk 20;20. Love 💕 greetings from TuneWest Community.

  • @annyletters4628
    @annyletters4628 3 месяца назад

    We believe to be able to see 👀 the first new 🌙 moon slider in the western evening sky gives us the confirmation to be day one ☝️. After conjunction needs the moon to grow 30 hours to be able to see earliest with the naked eyes. We in Switzerland could not see the new slider on Saturday evening on July sixth. The moon was 24 hours from conjunction, we had a second new moon day, 4 times Sunday Sabbats. In your area the moon was growing father and showed his first slider in the Midwest already on Saturday.

    • @familyshare3724
      @familyshare3724 3 месяца назад

      Northern summer evenings and night (Zurich 47° N) the ecliptic is very low on the horizon.

  • @kingdomtruther6922
    @kingdomtruther6922 3 месяца назад +1

    Shalom.. scriptures say we MUST OBSERVE the moon / moonth .. conjunction is a calculation .. there must be actually observable light on the moon for it to chadesh. .they use to sit on the hilltops in the ancient days and sight the new light on the moon.. the last day of each month is when the moon is fully extinguished it's not new till its lite again .. dark moon is not new moon ..it just as in error as full moon but on the opposite side of the spectrum

    • @kingdomtruther6922
      @kingdomtruther6922 3 месяца назад

      @fawncreek deuteronomy 16:1 " OBSERVE the MOON [ month] of Abib"....... every month we need to observe when we see the new chadesh moon ..

  • @victorypledge3262
    @victorypledge3262 3 месяца назад

    What is your thoughts Is it profaning the Sabbath to water house plants on Sabbath

  • @remnant2020
    @remnant2020 3 месяца назад

    Am i correct in understanding that it takes about 4 hours from conjunction to new moon visibility

    • @LunarSabbath
      @LunarSabbath  3 месяца назад

      The moon begins to build light within 5 minutes after conjunction...I am not sure of the exact time it can become visible with modern technology....

  • @ochem123
    @ochem123 3 месяца назад

    God’s calendar is Solar; not lunar. Solar years are 364 days long (52 weeks exactly). Leap years are 371 days long (53 weeks exactly). Twelve moon cycles (“moonths”) is ~354 days in length (~29.5 days x 12 moonths), which is ten days too short. Every three years, an intercalary month (Adar II) is added to resynchronize the seasons. The Book of Jubilees warns against using the moon to count the days and years. ❤️‍🔥🇻🇦🇺🇸

    • @ochem123
      @ochem123 3 месяца назад

      @fawncreek Certainly, I will explain the “Franciscan Calendar” further, named in honor of Pope Francis, current Supreme Pontiff and Bishop of Rome: the Hebrew word “Chodesh” is often rendered in English as “New Moon” or “Month”, but it actually means a period of 30 consecutive days. The “Rosh Chodesh” is the “Head of the Chodesh.” The Hebrew word for “moon”-the celestial object in the sky Created by God-is “yareach.” It’s used a few times in the Bible, but generally dates named using the “Chodesh” system have nothing to do with the moon. 🌙 Babylonians (pagans) use a shorthand of the moon cycle, which is 29.5 days on average (not 30 days). God explains all this in the Book of Jubilees, which is from the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Essenes in the desert (including St. John the Baptist) had the solar calendar that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Bible timeline is the solar timeline. God created the sun on the fourth day (yom revii); this is analogous to the Spring Equinox. The sun makes nearly an exact circle each day but not quite. The sun marks time in one large helix 🧬; similar to a Slinky or - even better - human DNA, which is also Created by God. The moon follows a similar path to the sun, but it travels slightly faster than the sun. The years are marked by the seasons; the Spring marks the Chodesh of the Year (“The first month”). The first day of the first month is always the fourth day of the week of the Spring Equinox-English pagan name: “Wednesday” after the Norse false-god (“demon”) named “Woden” as in “Woden’s Day”. In Latin, we say “Quarta Feria” as recommended unofficially by Roman Catholic bishops for centuries. The Gregorian Calendar officially produced by the Holy Roman Catholic Church was a slight improvement on the luni-solar Julian calendar instituted by Julius Cæsar by decree in 3879 A.M. 🌎☀️ (46 B.C.) ✝️🇻🇦
      The pagan names have persisted, including on the Hebrew calendar today. “Tammuz” is the name of the son of Nemrod (“Nimrod”), who was instrumental in the building of the Tower of Babel (“Genesis” & “Book of Jasher”). Nimrod was a wicked villain in the Bible. God punished the world with multiple languages. The current Muslim calendar is completely lunar, so you can so how years come in 10 days too early every twelve “moonths”; Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan, which is never the same from year to year, it even crosses seasons of the real farmer’s harvest. The modern-day Pharisees (“Sons of Judah”) have the same problem (because they also use the moon 🌙). But because you can’t have the spring barley harvest in the middle of winter when the ground is frozen, they have to add intercalary months. Since each year comes up 10 days short, they are short 30 days every three years. This means the Hebrew rabbis need to squish or expand 37 “moonths” x ~29.5ish into a period of 36 Chodeshim (plural of Chodesh) of exactly 30 days each. See how messy this gets? Then, certain feasts cannot occur on certain days according to the Pentateuch (“Torah”), so the rabbis have to cut and paste every year because the moon wanders so much. They have to predict the phases of the moon years in advance and-to this day-they are still off by +/- 2 days each moon cycle.
      With the solar calendar, there is no guessing or shorthand; you simply keep track of the solar days and count them. 91 days per quarter is exactly 13 weeks; three 30-day chodeshim and one intercalary day per quarter to separate the four seasons. The head of each season starts on the fourth day of the week. Then simply follow the commands in the Bible, which now make sense. The 14th of Nisan is always third day “Feria III”; the Passover meal is the night before the feast of unleavened bread, which starts on the fourth day of the week. Easter is always the 26th of Abib, the first month; this is the same as the fourth Dominicus (“Sunday”) after the Spring Equinox, and the first Dominicus after the Passover. Easter is the Greatest Feast of the Era of Redemption; the Feast of feasts is the Feast of Divine Will of God; which is Sunday, August 15th on the Julian calendar, which existed at the time of the Ascension of Jesus and the Assumption of St. Mary. However, the Julian and Gregorian calendars change every year. On the Solar calendar, this date is certainly a Dominicus in the fifth chodesh of Karar (Sunday in mid-August), and I’m still researching if the date is either the 17th or 24th of the fifth chodesh. Officially, the names of the chodeshim (Solar months) are ordinals in Latin (“Mensis I” aka “Mensis Primus”, “Mensis II” “Mensis Secundus”), but I’ve colloquially chosen pre-exilic (Babylonian Exile of the Jews) Hebrew names that describe the seasons for ease of use. I chose different names rather than repurpose pagan names. Others have tried to fit old covenant feasts onto the timeline, but this is a fool’s errand. Passover was replaced by Easter. The Feast of Tabernacles is replaced by Christmas. Many Christians are fooled by Hebrew rabbis, when they instead need God’s priests in the Holy Roman Catholic Church. All the Jewish Feasts are simply preparation for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
      The entire liturgical year is based on Easter; the Gregorian Calendar sets Easter as the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs on or after the Spring Equinox. Pentecost is a week of Sundays after that; marking the fiftieth day from Easter. Jesus was sacrificed to God the Father in propitiation for our sins; and we prayed for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and God the Holy Spirit came on the 50th day.
      There’s plenty more, but that’s a good first draft. ❤️‍🔥🇻🇦🇺🇸

    • @ochem123
      @ochem123 3 месяца назад

      @fawncreek Also, Sabbatum is the seventh and final day of the work week. You are to complete your work and bless it; the next Day is the Lord’s Day. Every week starts with communion and fusion with God the Trinity. A good week is sure to follow. The Hebrew practice of resting on Shabbat and working on Sunday is forbidden. Servile work on Sundays “Dominicus”/“The Lord’s Day” is serious. The Bible is very clear. We should not be eating out or engaging in commerce on the Lord’s Day. Emergency work to help save souls is acceptable to God, as He thirsts for souls. Only God knows your true intentions. Sabbaths are for finishing work before the mandated rest on the Lord’s Day - the First Day of the Week.
      Christians celebrate Sunday because it is the day Jesus rose from the dead and the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles. Christians also view Sunday as the beginning of the new creation, the first day of the week, and the principal day of communal worship.

    • @ochem123
      @ochem123 3 месяца назад

      @fawncreek “He hath made the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down
      Fecit lunam in tempora; sol cognovit occasum suum.” [Psalms 103:19]
      The sun is the primary timekeeper; the moon is the secondary timekeeper. The moon follows the sun, not the other way around. The sun carries its own light and marks the days without need of the moon, yet the moon follows. Remember that everything God created reflects some aspect of Himself. The moon represents the Blessèd Virgin Mary, who reflects the Light of Jesus Christ, Her Son, and the Son of God. Jesus has a Mother and Father just like you and me. Jesus’s Father is God the Father in Heaven; His Mother is St. Mary in Heaven. St. Mary reflects the light of God. The moon gives us Light in the dark; so who should we look to for Light in the Dark. All Light comes from Jesus; Mary is the source of Jesus, so She-as His Mother-is the source of all Light. Pure Light descended from Her womb. This is why pagan societies have worshipped the moon the world over; pagans confuse the beauty of Mary with being the ultimate Creator when Mary is not the original Creator-Only God the Father. Mary is the Daughter Princess of the Most High God the Father, immaculately conceived in the womb of St. Anne after Holy relations with her lawful husband, St. Joachim.
      Pagans worship the moon; pagans worship the sun. One represents Jesus, the Son of God; the other represents Mary, the Mother of God. They both remind everyone of God. Christians love the giver more than the gift; pagans cannot see past the gifts. Only God can open our eyes through inspired scriptures.
      The Moon marks the seasons; the sun the days and years. The first day of each first solar month of each season begins on the fourth day of the week (1st Solar Month of the Year, 4th Solar Month…, 7th…, 10th, etc.); the first day of the second solar month of each season begins on the sixth day of the week (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th); the first day of the third solar month of each season begins on the first day of the week (3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th Months of the year).
      [Genesis 1:14-19] ❤️‍🔥🇻🇦🇺🇸
      “And God said: Let there be lights made in the firmament of heaven, to divide the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years
      Dixit autem Deus : Fiant luminaria in firmamento caeli, et dividant diem ac noctem, et sint in signa et tempora, et dies et annos :
      15 To shine in the firmament of heaven, and to give light upon the earth. And it was so done
      ut luceant in firmamento caeli, et illuminent terram. Et factum est ita.
      16 And God made two great lights: a greater light to rule the day; and a lesser light to rule the night: and the stars
      Fecitque Deus duo luminaria magna : luminare majus, ut praeesset diei : et luminare minus, ut praeesset nocti : et stellas.
      17 And he set them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth
      Et posuit eas in firmamento caeli, ut lucerent super terram,
      18 And to rule the day and the night, and to divide the light and the darkness. And God saw that it was good
      et praeessent diei ac nocti, et dividerent lucem ac tenebras. Et vidit Deus quod esset bonum.
      19 And the evening and morning were the fourth day
      Et factum est vespere et mane, dies quartus. [Genesis 1:14-19] ❤️‍🔥🇻🇦🇺🇸

  • @annyletters4628
    @annyletters4628 3 месяца назад

    I meant to say the half moon 🌓is on the preparation evening day seven, it is also the sixth working day, on this day Yahuah created Adam and one week later, on the preparation day the 14th was a fool moon 🌕 Yahuah created Eva out of Adam. Halleluja 🎶