Frankie Gavin & Johnny McDonaugh - Boys of Ballysodare & Longford Collector

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • www.celticturnt...
    Frankie Gavin & Johnny McDonaugh - Boys of Ballysodare & Longford Collector

Комментарии • 16

  • @lairdmonty
    @lairdmonty Месяц назад

    Johnny, I've been listening to you since the 80's and you have greatly influenced my style of play. I just wanted to thank you. go raibh maith agut. humbly your's, AYE!.

  • @Hare_deLune
    @Hare_deLune 16 лет назад +7

    Johnny 'Ringo' McDonaugh is my hero!
    Ah, if only I could play like that... =D

    • @ronaran8420
      @ronaran8420 3 года назад +1

      Hi hare delune, we met a few months ago on another bodhran link! I think we mentioned Johnny 'Ringo' McDonagh's solos - in De Danann's version of 'Hey Jude' and another one. He is fascinating indeed and was one of the reason why I got addicted to De Danann. By the way, have you found the recording you were looking for?
      Take care!😊👍

    • @Hare_deLune
      @Hare_deLune 3 года назад

      I remember!
      The gentleman from... Was it the Rhône Valley?
      I left another message for you on the other channel, but did not receive a reply.
      I hope you are well! ☺️

    • @ronaran8420
      @ronaran8420 3 года назад

      @@Hare_deLune yes I am, thanks! Likewise I hope! Sorry, I did not get your message otherwise I would have replied.
      Have a good day Hare deLune!

  • @windybaer
    @windybaer 16 лет назад +3

    Awesome doesn't even describe this. Thanks for posting this clip. Frankie is one of my favorite fiddlers, but I didn't know he could even play the whistle. How dumb am I? Well I knew Johnny was the best or I would never have tried to play the bodhran.

  • @JohnQuinn-om9qy
    @JohnQuinn-om9qy 8 месяцев назад +2

    Proper old school bodhran playing done very well. There is something missing in the modern style of playing that this old style has

  • @QRS666
    @QRS666 13 лет назад +2

    Damn...never heard Frankie Gavin play the whistle before. I adore his fiddle playing but damn...he is just as good on the whistle. Amazing!

  • @tuttliputtliful
    @tuttliputtliful 14 лет назад +3

    wow...the bodhran sounds like heavy metal!! j'adoooooore!

  • @fuckingridiculous
    @fuckingridiculous 16 лет назад

    I've never heard these two instruments played so well.

  • @johntuohy1867
    @johntuohy1867 Год назад +1

    Johnny reimagined the Bodhran and retrieved it from the Stone Age.

  • @Kampfwageneer
    @Kampfwageneer 4 года назад +2

    the keith moon of trad

  • @bouffibouffon
    @bouffibouffon 16 лет назад

    i posted a set of reels in a session whith frankie gavin. just music.

  • @mattd3826
    @mattd3826 7 лет назад

    Amazing! Do you have more footage from this performance?

  • @michaeldineen8324
    @michaeldineen8324 11 лет назад

    This is a mighty piece of tin whistle music. Maybe there will have to be a play off, between Frankie Gavin and Vinnie Kilduff,' to see who is better. Both of them are legends.

  • @FrancuzMorales
    @FrancuzMorales 13 лет назад

    @tuttliputtliful lol