Dota 2 has that as a game mode and it’s just dumb fun. Random pool of abilities that you all take turns drafting, riot should definitely add that as a custom game mode
like some other dude said Dota 2 did this ages ago. Players get 10 random champions with no abilities, then in a turn based order they choose 3 base abilities and an ultimate from the 10 champions in the current game plus 2 other random champions. Its extremely fun and balance is just non existent basically. You can make the most useless champion possible or if the stars allign and get what you want the most busted champion ever made. League designers are just lazy... Dota 2 has a crapton of game modes available at all times plus the players can make their own game modes and maps and simply upload them for everyone to play straight from the game client
Its great to hear from one of the best players on the server, that he wants the game to be more fun and less sweaty. I agree with you points. But there are reasons this doesnt happen. As you said, they took themselves seriously when Esports came. And this is one reason. If they make the game that unstable that you invent so much and play offmeta, creating chaos and come up with new things all the time, you dont have stable games. And yes that would be cool for viewers, but the orgs pay big money to get the best players and coaches, they want success. They cannot afford to go out of groups with a team of faker, caps and co. And with your system, upsets would be on the regular. This is why there is also 2nd leg games in football championsleague for example. It is to please the big orgs. And you could even see it with this meta. Players and coaches dont like to experiment. It takes time and if it fails you get all the blame and you loose your spots and money. Thats why everybody just plays the same in pro play all the time, even when there would be so many more possibilties even with a "boring patch". You can hear the likes of LS and Thorin rumbling on just the Champs being picked every game with the meta offering so much more. That is why I loved G2 2019 so much, they did this innovation thing. Like pyke toplane and so on and they crushed SKT with this. And then Riot nerfes it so you cannot play Pyke sololane anymore. This is also something I hate, that they want fixed roles for champions. Why does get Pyke sololane and ap zeri mid nerfed and such stuff. Just because people use it other than intended. Just some thoughts I had to this. I dont think it will change tho. They will add this "craziness" just into the game with these other gamemodes, so it is a midway thing.
You are so right about items. Some of them feel so boring because they're just "+10%" more damage, specially talking about mages. All the games start to feel like you're playing the same thing. But with more interesting augments you can find your own synergies and experiment a lot every game.
mage items in a nutshell: ludens tempest: more damage shadowflame: more damage vs squishies void staff: more damage vs tanks rabadons deathcap: even more damage
What if on top of adding all the new items, they added a new objective that spawned in the alcoves of bot and top lane - maybe the wall breaks down extending the map, unlocking another arena like baron/dragon pit with a new epic monster. On kill it drops 1 keystone augment (like rift herald) from a random pool just like the 2vX playlist. Put the timers between rift/baron and drags, once in bot lane and once in top lane. Once the fight is over the arena wall gets rebuilt since it otherwise would be wasted space on rift (or left open for spicy memes) and you could play Lethal Tempo/Summon Aery Yasuo
Idk why but when I hear Pekin talking about that item changes i am imagining him as a Wheatley and Riot as GlaDOS xD, also i think that adding mythics really restricted the way we can build items, they were supposed to add variety to the game, but now you just can't do half of the items on a champion, bcs this mythics are so specific and you need one
Stockton Rush, the CEO of OceanGate prioritised 'innovation' over safety (balance). Look how that turned out for him. Be careful where you tread, Mr. Woof.
The ability applying on hit with Zoe, her Q will apply her passive 20% and Lucy bane 50% ap ratio is soooo strong. I got that augment but still lost to a zed
I did get the proc on-hit with abilities on Sona and I hit really damn hard but also got oneshot. One thing this new gamemode taught me is glass cannons are *not* broken, especially with all the dashes and CC in this game. Same thing for the tanky mfs that survive the burning circle at the end. I got oneshot as an "unstoppable" Karma and I realized my strat I won so much with wasn't as broken as it seemed. You can have a ton of fun oneshotting people or outhealing everyone, and sometimes you might lose, but at least you had fun. I wish I could say the same about Summoner's Rift, but every time I play norms with friends I wish I was on PBE instead. I hope this gamemode stays permanent.
I want a champion who is like a wizard with lots of damaging spells, but he can use his ult to toss his spellbook to someone, while they have it they get a boost to stats and a passive like a small sheild when using an ability. While his weapon is in the hands of a teamate he can no longer cast damaging spells and they are replaced with supportive spells. With his book on him he does burst damage spells. A support or assasin given how they want to play at the moment and give the ult of book a decent cooldown so they have to decide carefully.
Here's how to implement it: add this into the in game store- 1,000 gold, choose one of three random augments to acquire (after 20, minutes, prismatic augments are offered). Obviously a economy rework might be needed. But I could see something like this happening.
I'd be down for augments to be a thing in the regular rift. Like one or two at key levels or something. Early enough so you can itemize around your augments, and counter the enemy's. They would have to make it in a way that doesn't lead to "oh, the enemy RNG'd the best augments, they win, gg", like maybe making presets that always come together and are 100% the same for both teams or something. I feel like that could spice up games enough; as it stands now, every game is almost always the exact same 3 builds per champ (with very little variation in items), and the entirety of the meta in high elo is based around champs who can hit their powerspike first with the least amount of gold (or their kit is so overtuned that a slight buff just sends them into god tier for 5 patches).
Just make busted effects on items come with little to no added stats. Like the AP crit item with a minimum AP requirement, just make it give like 5 AP, so that you'd have to build full AP otherwise and not have room for a tank item or boots or something.
I just wish they'd stop nerfing things they weren't intended but result in unique styles of play. AP Zeri was a great example: it WASN'T actually busted (despite how much some people complained about it), but it produced sometime fun and unique to watch
What about adding in customizable passives? You could create an item with flat AD or AP and allow the player to choose passives from a set list. Like permanently stacking ability, power or attack damage or HP. Or crit chance/damage. Or add on hit effects to abilities. Or add magic pen/armor pen. And so on. There’s a lot of ways you could customize it. The item could have 4 slots for 4 passives and depending on how good the passive is, it could take up 1, 2, 3 or even 4 slots.
You want an example of putting stuff together in fun ways to create interesting combos? Give Warframe a shot, I think it does that pretty well. Very customisable kits.
What happened with the arena thing is they removed a lot of limits and went all around, have fun breaking the limits This is something it's happening in warframe, it's a Third Person Shooter your character has 4 abilities and rule is anything goes, up to a limit Then, an update came not long ago, duviri, with a gamemode where you get random upgrades like the ones in the 2v2v2v2 and it became a really fun mode, they took the absurd and say "double it, and give it to the next person"
Problem with league is Tencent's agenda of making the game faster. The durability update did very little to change this. There is no late game anymore, games barely get past 25 minutes. Accelerating gold generation by slapping massive shutdowns on everything doesn't feel anywhere near as rewarding as solo carrying 2 or 3 team fights (from a gold deficit) once you've hit your item spikes on a 1v9 champion. Add in Mythic items hampering build options and reducing theory-crafting, and you just get a see-saw back and forth game of shutdowns until around the 25 minute mark, where towers are like paper and the game ends off of one player getting caught out.
item idea, it's something you can get early so it could probable cost 1k gives no stat, but you can copy an opponent's passive and add it to yours, starts with 25% effectiveness, 50% at level 10, 75% at level 14, 100% at level 16. would make the game so different and fun, ornn with zac's passive, khartus with sion's, any adc with nasus's, zed with talon's passive, asol with brand's, rengar with teemo's. of course the passive is the only thing the item gives, so you'd basically get 1 less item in exchange for a potentially broken passive
It’d be pretty cool, but you’d need to remove rabadons most likely. But then you’d run into the issue that the game is basically the same for both ad and ap.
I wish they'd combine AP and ad. And remove armor/mr, just have health. No penetration either Focus on unique item effects That's my vote anyway. I feel like AP/ad is a way to have the game kinda feel more diverse without actually being more diverse in a fun way. Give every champ access to every unique item effect, and have tons of them!
They should do all these crazy stuff. They need to add chaos to the game, so that the competitive becomes less scrypted and more random. Like... add a fricking third neutral objective that spawns in different locations after a certain timing, each game being different. And I don't know, but make this objective open up a store in the sky that both teams can go buy and there you find the enhancements and neat stuff, all after like 20 minutes. I dunno, just do something
At first glance adding a bunch of crazy damage tools to league sounds like it'd mess up balance, but then you remember that it allows for equally crazy defensive options to exist. Lemme actually feel like a champion, or a legend if you will, for real and not just a dude with a sword.
The game "feels the same" because Riot continuously props up a stale meta that caters to low skill/strategy play styles. Riot wants players to develop main character syndrome when they play League; when players think their success is due to skill and commitment, and not EOMM and overpowered champs, they are more likely to keep spamming matches. More matches = higher chance players spend money on the game.
As someone who played a few 2v2v2v2, this actually sounds like a really bad idea. half of the aguments would be broken even if you made them a 5000 cost item and nerf'd them heavily unless you fully reworked about 80% of them
While some would I don't think most of what pekin mentioned would be a problem. Not to mention that it's no often that most players can predict how balanced effects will be. For example remember the start of preseason when everyone was saying stuff like league of tanks and how heartsteel is broken, and now we are finishing first split with heartsteel not being nerffed once and being the least player tank mythic by Far because it's actually trash on most champions. Things like veigar passive item are very easy to turn into a similar item that is both fun and not broken or even meta for most champions (so it wouldn't even matter for pro, just make the game more fun), all you need for that is have a weak build path like heartsteel, making most champions unable to rush it, specially scailing Champions which will just lose the game by doing that
Could we get an item that converts specific champions into their previous version? (Sion, morde, aatrox, etc). Now THAT would be fun. Wonder how classic aatrox would fare in the current meta?
I really want the picking every ability to be a thing, I've wanted it for awhile. After a few years I gave up and started developing my own games that let you mix and match abilities to create new characters lol
im gonna take a moment to complain about something why do people choose to say shit like "just play x or y game/gamemode/just make ur own game then" and its like why does the existence of different systems that are fun make it so that one system gets a free pass to be shit. do u like shit systems... what happens if everyone moves to the fun system. then what. do u understand what criticism is. do u understand why someone would want their favorite game to be better. like why do people just say brainless shit it makes no sense sjdjwjdjwjk
Tbh, cool items is the one thing Dota has over league atm. Most items in league just provide passive effects, with very few actually including actives.
An item that give a random champ passive/ability would be cool plus cutting the useless champion passives off that only works with its original champion only, also those fun items can be applied in normal modes and keep it off their ranking matches
The random champion ability could be an active item and the passive could be item passive maybe you get to chose 1 from 3 random abilities and passives
It would be fun to make a tank item that like revives temporarily with cd on it that way dmg dont do too much dmg still can decide shit if they explode and all that
The day they removed Zz'rot, was the day my heart broke. I love active items. It's the single most fun thing about Dota 2, and why I often prefer to play it instead. I prefer the champion kits in League over Dota, and the general feel and pace of the game, but goddammit I love Rod of Atos Underlord.
Pekin, I think the things you said in this video apply also to your video channel, you should try something new (off meta to challenger was great) maybe let's try "challenger goes to silver and comments on their mistakes" or maybe even some Pekincoaching :) GIMME HEART IF U READ, u need to know this
1- Remove banning champions from the ranked queue. 2- Add a single use item that costs 4000 gold and upon use it makes RANDOM two of your players and RANDOM two of the enemy players swap champions entirely. Imagine your Zed is popping off and you use the item, he is now controlling Sona permanently unless the item is used again and it randomly chooses to swap zed with someone else. When the item is used only the people who swapped should know. No one else should be able to tell. The players who swapped can tell their teammates that they swapped, for example I'm playing Zyra and the enemy top laner used the item, I am now controlling my jungler's Shaco and my jungler is controlling my Zyra, my camera suddenly moves over to Shaco, jungler's camera suddenly moves over to my Zyra. This happens to the enemy team as well. 3- Release 6 or 12 champions at once. Force people to adapt.
Have yall seen kayn with the augments? I would quit the game if that was permanently in league 😭😭 literally balance nightmare waiting to happen with that kind of change
Just make it open sourced like counter strike and allow the community to mod the game and host servers to play modded versions on. I think it would also be staying true to League‘s roots since it‘s based on a warcraft mod called Defense of the Ancients.
Tbh I think the game would die extremely quickly if that were to happen, sure it sounds fun in theory but the second things like that happen most people complain and hate it. The only reason this game is popular for so long is because it’s consistent. That’s why there are so many modes including the 2v2v2v2 where u can play the fun and not serious gameplay. If what lol needs is not to take itself seriously why do most people play ranked and not just the fun game modes
I think instead of riot themselves doing stuff like this (love the idea regardless) they need to open up the game to modders. Look at Dota 2, where there are hundreds if not thousands of user created modes with EXACTLY THIS STUFF. People would come up with the most fun shit ever, if riot would just stop being so stingy.
Idk any idea you could make for league will more than likely windup with some champ in specific being able to abuse the fuck out of it and making the idea not fun. Like the on hit on abilities, Kat ult does that. Katarina is also one of the most bullshit champions. Uh another example running off the augments from 2v2, I think it's Jeweled Gauntlet. If Veigar could crit I'd be done. I just don't think having a ton of overpowered things is fun. "Its balanced because everything is overpowered" doesnt work for me, like if it's just "one shot or be one shot" that ain't good. I get fun out of being able to outplay people, and not having to deal with someone with almost no counterplay, which is why I hate people who don't have skillshots like Yi and Jax. Cause there's actually nothing to outplay, nothing to dodge, it's all point and click or unavoidable. Whereas someone, like Aatrox, who is literally a more balanced Riven, with counterplay and dodgable abilities that arent bullshit, I like fighting Aatrox even if I lose. Just my take.
I honestly disagree. I think what makes league fun is that competitiveness, stillness, predictability (while not being completely the same all the time and slowly applying changes). The fun is in getting better and making the right calls. I think that's what makes most of the players want to play. At the same time, I understand and relate to the desire for something more fun and silly. But that's exactly why we are getting the 2v2v2v2, or Urf, or any future modes. And ARAM is somewhere in the middle. It'd be bad to add the "fun" stuff into the regular game because there wouldn't be a serious part of the game anymore, and that part of the playerbase would have nothing to do anymore. However, the way it is right now, we have everything. We have seriousness, we have slightly less serious ARAM, we have fun modes from time to time (especially now that new modes are being made again). Also, people can say that league is going downhill and all that stuff but the reality is that the game has remained alive for so long specifically because the way it is: balanced, skill based, and yes, repetitive.
IMO Leagie of Legends is already too complex. You have too many champions to know and too many items to know already. And those items keep changing. It is very hard to follow for a new player and even sometimes just casual players. what I would really like to see is some love given to custom games. Give us the ability to break all the rules. Starting level, item prices, number of minions, tower power, summoner cd, bots with overbuffed abilities... Let the community create new "gamemodes" by tweaking their custom game rules.
The augment idea is not great. The 2v2v2v2 mode is made entirely for fun, whereas summoners rift is competitive. If those augments would be in summoners rift the chance of a specific augment trio (because you choose 3 augments in the arena mode) would be about 0.0001%. That would be completely impossible to balance. Ever.
I don’t need a yuumi item I’m already attached to Pekin
"what about competitive play wont that fuck shit up"
this is why i sub
He was secretly so proud of that Janna joke.. and so were we
Imagine a game mode, where you can choose every single ability, like vlad passive sion w and other op combos
Been wanting this for awhile.
My combo I wanna play:
Sejuani Q and W
Rakan E
Gangplank R
Dota 2 has that as a game mode and it’s just dumb fun. Random pool of abilities that you all take turns drafting, riot should definitely add that as a custom game mode
I've thought about this before and came to the conclusion that Taric passive would be absolutely busted on most champions haha
like some other dude said Dota 2 did this ages ago. Players get 10 random champions with no abilities, then in a turn based order they choose 3 base abilities and an ultimate from the 10 champions in the current game plus 2 other random champions. Its extremely fun and balance is just non existent basically. You can make the most useless champion possible or if the stars allign and get what you want the most busted champion ever made. League designers are just lazy... Dota 2 has a crapton of game modes available at all times plus the players can make their own game modes and maps and simply upload them for everyone to play straight from the game client
Its great to hear from one of the best players on the server, that he wants the game to be more fun and less sweaty. I agree with you points. But there are reasons this doesnt happen. As you said, they took themselves seriously when Esports came. And this is one reason. If they make the game that unstable that you invent so much and play offmeta, creating chaos and come up with new things all the time, you dont have stable games. And yes that would be cool for viewers, but the orgs pay big money to get the best players and coaches, they want success. They cannot afford to go out of groups with a team of faker, caps and co. And with your system, upsets would be on the regular. This is why there is also 2nd leg games in football championsleague for example. It is to please the big orgs. And you could even see it with this meta. Players and coaches dont like to experiment. It takes time and if it fails you get all the blame and you loose your spots and money. Thats why everybody just plays the same in pro play all the time, even when there would be so many more possibilties even with a "boring patch". You can hear the likes of LS and Thorin rumbling on just the Champs being picked every game with the meta offering so much more. That is why I loved G2 2019 so much, they did this innovation thing. Like pyke toplane and so on and they crushed SKT with this. And then Riot nerfes it so you cannot play Pyke sololane anymore. This is also something I hate, that they want fixed roles for champions. Why does get Pyke sololane and ap zeri mid nerfed and such stuff. Just because people use it other than intended. Just some thoughts I had to this. I dont think it will change tho. They will add this "craziness" just into the game with these other gamemodes, so it is a midway thing.
Very very true.
Yeah, loved 2019's "everyone is playing everything everywhere" thing from G2 and some other guys. Oh well.
You are so right about items. Some of them feel so boring because they're just "+10%" more damage, specially talking about mages.
All the games start to feel like you're playing the same thing.
But with more interesting augments you can find your own synergies and experiment a lot every game.
mage items in a nutshell:
ludens tempest: more damage
shadowflame: more damage vs squishies
void staff: more damage vs tanks
rabadons deathcap: even more damage
What if on top of adding all the new items, they added a new objective that spawned in the alcoves of bot and top lane - maybe the wall breaks down extending the map, unlocking another arena like baron/dragon pit with a new epic monster. On kill it drops 1 keystone augment (like rift herald) from a random pool just like the 2vX playlist. Put the timers between rift/baron and drags, once in bot lane and once in top lane. Once the fight is over the arena wall gets rebuilt since it otherwise would be wasted space on rift (or left open for spicy memes) and you could play Lethal Tempo/Summon Aery Yasuo
Yes toplane so needs more objectives right now its just so useless
Idk why but when I hear Pekin talking about that item changes i am imagining him as a Wheatley and Riot as GlaDOS xD,
also i think that adding mythics really restricted the way we can build items, they were supposed to add variety to the game, but now you just can't do half of the items on a champion, bcs this mythics are so specific and you need one
8:21 this honestly is the best league idea I've ever heard
We should be able to buy abilities. Like 1k for Tryn's ultimate, one-time use.
My computer monitor wasn't happy being forcefully introduced to my morning orange juice.
Pekin isn't the developer we asked for, but Pekin is the developer we Need.
Stockton Rush, the CEO of OceanGate prioritised 'innovation' over safety (balance). Look how that turned out for him. Be careful where you tread, Mr. Woof.
The ability applying on hit with Zoe, her Q will apply her passive 20% and Lucy bane 50% ap ratio is soooo strong. I got that augment but still lost to a zed
I dont know why but i read this as pekin co** check
I did get the proc on-hit with abilities on Sona and I hit really damn hard but also got oneshot. One thing this new gamemode taught me is glass cannons are *not* broken, especially with all the dashes and CC in this game. Same thing for the tanky mfs that survive the burning circle at the end. I got oneshot as an "unstoppable" Karma and I realized my strat I won so much with wasn't as broken as it seemed. You can have a ton of fun oneshotting people or outhealing everyone, and sometimes you might lose, but at least you had fun. I wish I could say the same about Summoner's Rift, but every time I play norms with friends I wish I was on PBE instead. I hope this gamemode stays permanent.
Atma's Reckoning was in the game as Atma's Impaler in season 2, but worse statwise. I miss going Triforce Atmogs (Atma+Warmogs) on Darius so much lmao
I want a champion who is like a wizard with lots of damaging spells, but he can use his ult to toss his spellbook to someone, while they have it they get a boost to stats and a passive like a small sheild when using an ability. While his weapon is in the hands of a teamate he can no longer cast damaging spells and they are replaced with supportive spells. With his book on him he does burst damage spells. A support or assasin given how they want to play at the moment and give the ult of book a decent cooldown so they have to decide carefully.
Here's how to implement it: add this into the in game store- 1,000 gold, choose one of three random augments to acquire (after 20, minutes, prismatic augments are offered).
Obviously a economy rework might be needed. But I could see something like this happening.
I’m just sayin I love being able to see twitch chat plz don’t get rid of em papi pekin 😊
I'd be down for augments to be a thing in the regular rift. Like one or two at key levels or something. Early enough so you can itemize around your augments, and counter the enemy's. They would have to make it in a way that doesn't lead to "oh, the enemy RNG'd the best augments, they win, gg", like maybe making presets that always come together and are 100% the same for both teams or something. I feel like that could spice up games enough; as it stands now, every game is almost always the exact same 3 builds per champ (with very little variation in items), and the entirety of the meta in high elo is based around champs who can hit their powerspike first with the least amount of gold (or their kit is so overtuned that a slight buff just sends them into god tier for 5 patches).
Just make busted effects on items come with little to no added stats. Like the AP crit item with a minimum AP requirement, just make it give like 5 AP, so that you'd have to build full AP otherwise and not have room for a tank item or boots or something.
Another big idea 10 bans per team so people star making intresting comps in professional
Dude winning his game while eating a day dream sandwich and commenting on it 😂
I just wish they'd stop nerfing things they weren't intended but result in unique styles of play. AP Zeri was a great example: it WASN'T actually busted (despite how much some people complained about it), but it produced sometime fun and unique to watch
Usually just watch the daily first channel videos but im glad I got to see you in your natural habitat on one.
What about adding in customizable passives? You could create an item with flat AD or AP and allow the player to choose passives from a set list. Like permanently stacking ability, power or attack damage or HP. Or crit chance/damage. Or add on hit effects to abilities. Or add magic pen/armor pen. And so on. There’s a lot of ways you could customize it. The item could have 4 slots for 4 passives and depending on how good the passive is, it could take up 1, 2, 3 or even 4 slots.
The levels of troll encountered. I shiver to think😄. Interesting idea!
You want an example of putting stuff together in fun ways to create interesting combos? Give Warframe a shot, I think it does that pretty well. Very customisable kits.
What happened with the arena thing is they removed a lot of limits and went all around, have fun breaking the limits
This is something it's happening in warframe, it's a Third Person Shooter your character has 4 abilities and rule is anything goes, up to a limit
Then, an update came not long ago, duviri, with a gamemode where you get random upgrades like the ones in the 2v2v2v2 and it became a really fun mode, they took the absurd and say "double it, and give it to the next person"
Problem with league is Tencent's agenda of making the game faster. The durability update did very little to change this. There is no late game anymore, games barely get past 25 minutes. Accelerating gold generation by slapping massive shutdowns on everything doesn't feel anywhere near as rewarding as solo carrying 2 or 3 team fights (from a gold deficit) once you've hit your item spikes on a 1v9 champion. Add in Mythic items hampering build options and reducing theory-crafting, and you just get a see-saw back and forth game of shutdowns until around the 25 minute mark, where towers are like paper and the game ends off of one player getting caught out.
item idea, it's something you can get early so it could probable cost 1k
gives no stat, but you can copy an opponent's passive and add it to yours, starts with 25% effectiveness, 50% at level 10, 75% at level 14, 100% at level 16.
would make the game so different and fun, ornn with zac's passive, khartus with sion's, any adc with nasus's, zed with talon's passive, asol with brand's, rengar with teemo's.
of course the passive is the only thing the item gives, so you'd basically get 1 less item in exchange for a potentially broken passive
Would love to see Jeweled Gauntlet in the main game, I wanna play crit mages.
It’d be pretty cool, but you’d need to remove rabadons most likely. But then you’d run into the issue that the game is basically the same for both ad and ap.
I wish they'd combine AP and ad.
And remove armor/mr, just have health.
No penetration either
Focus on unique item effects
That's my vote anyway. I feel like AP/ad is a way to have the game kinda feel more diverse without actually being more diverse in a fun way. Give every champ access to every unique item effect, and have tons of them!
So true about the seriousness thing.. remember when they made bloopers with yi staring at kats melons? Yeah.
They should do all these crazy stuff. They need to add chaos to the game, so that the competitive becomes less scrypted and more random. Like... add a fricking third neutral objective that spawns in different locations after a certain timing, each game being different. And I don't know, but make this objective open up a store in the sky that both teams can go buy and there you find the enhancements and neat stuff, all after like 20 minutes.
I dunno, just do something
And then when everyone tethers together they form Voltron and your ultimate irradiates all of summoner's rift killing both nexus simultaneously!
At first glance adding a bunch of crazy damage tools to league sounds like it'd mess up balance, but then you remember that it allows for equally crazy defensive options to exist.
Lemme actually feel like a champion, or a legend if you will, for real and not just a dude with a sword.
Pek I feel like you’d be a great Disney character. Like the one who dresses up and hugs people
The game "feels the same" because Riot continuously props up a stale meta that caters to low skill/strategy play styles. Riot wants players to develop main character syndrome when they play League; when players think their success is due to skill and commitment, and not EOMM and overpowered champs, they are more likely to keep spamming matches. More matches = higher chance players spend money on the game.
What are those golden icons above your skins? ive never seen that
As someone who played a few 2v2v2v2, this actually sounds like a really bad idea. half of the aguments would be broken even if you made them a 5000 cost item and nerf'd them heavily unless you fully reworked about 80% of them
While some would I don't think most of what pekin mentioned would be a problem. Not to mention that it's no often that most players can predict how balanced effects will be. For example remember the start of preseason when everyone was saying stuff like league of tanks and how heartsteel is broken, and now we are finishing first split with heartsteel not being nerffed once and being the least player tank mythic by Far because it's actually trash on most champions. Things like veigar passive item are very easy to turn into a similar item that is both fun and not broken or even meta for most champions (so it wouldn't even matter for pro, just make the game more fun), all you need for that is have a weak build path like heartsteel, making most champions unable to rush it, specially scailing Champions which will just lose the game by doing that
Could we get an item that converts specific champions into their previous version? (Sion, morde, aatrox, etc). Now THAT would be fun. Wonder how classic aatrox would fare in the current meta?
Or a game mode, where you can play old Champs or even better a game mode, where you can choose every single ability and mix as you want :D
I really want the picking every ability to be a thing, I've wanted it for awhile.
After a few years I gave up and started developing my own games that let you mix and match abilities to create new characters lol
twitch chat being rly judgemental today but i rly like pekins ideas here honestly it sounds really cool
im gonna take a moment to complain about something why do people choose to say shit like "just play x or y game/gamemode/just make ur own game then" and its like why does the existence of different systems that are fun make it so that one system gets a free pass to be shit. do u like shit systems... what happens if everyone moves to the fun system. then what. do u understand what criticism is. do u understand why someone would want their favorite game to be better. like why do people just say brainless shit it makes no sense sjdjwjdjwjk
Imagine whenever someone gets tilted they buy the yummy item and stick to you
Yo, like give Infinity Edge opposite passive to guinsoo - convert on-hit to crit chance/dmg
Tbh, cool items is the one thing Dota has over league atm. Most items in league just provide passive effects, with very few actually including actives.
An item that give a random champ passive/ability would be cool plus cutting the useless champion passives off that only works with its original champion only, also those fun items can be applied in normal modes and keep it off their ranking matches
The random champion ability could be an active item and the passive could be item passive maybe you get to chose 1 from 3 random abilities and passives
He really said "league of legends has fucked up league"
Id really like a spell crit build way for mages
its like either go flat ap, pen or you go crit, like in TFT
It would be fun to make a tank item that like revives temporarily with cd on it that way dmg dont do too much dmg still can decide shit if they explode and all that
I just need an item that makes it so that you gain size based on HP. I just want my giant Tahm Q_Q
Now I'm imagining full crit Chogath
Shotgun sona with jewelled gauntlet
Adding a massive amount of garbage useless items with funny interactions sounds good
much love
It'd be cool if there was like an item that gives AP on kill but you lost some on death for a fun little risk/reward mechanic
The day they removed Zz'rot, was the day my heart broke. I love active items. It's the single most fun thing about Dota 2, and why I often prefer to play it instead. I prefer the champion kits in League over Dota, and the general feel and pace of the game, but goddammit I love Rod of Atos Underlord.
I honestly think Pekin would enjoy Dota 2 from the way he wishes items were more interesting in League
five years from now we'll be playing the game pekin designed and no one will take anything seriously and i can't wait
Pekin, I think the things you said in this video apply also to your video channel, you should try something new (off meta to challenger was great) maybe let's try "challenger goes to silver and comments on their mistakes" or maybe even some Pekincoaching :) GIMME HEART IF U READ, u need to know this
1- Remove banning champions from the ranked queue.
2- Add a single use item that costs 4000 gold and upon use it makes RANDOM two of your players and RANDOM two of the enemy players swap champions entirely. Imagine your Zed is popping off and you use the item, he is now controlling Sona permanently unless the item is used again and it randomly chooses to swap zed with someone else. When the item is used only the people who swapped should know. No one else should be able to tell. The players who swapped can tell their teammates that they swapped, for example I'm playing Zyra and the enemy top laner used the item, I am now controlling my jungler's Shaco and my jungler is controlling my Zyra, my camera suddenly moves over to Shaco, jungler's camera suddenly moves over to my Zyra. This happens to the enemy team as well.
3- Release 6 or 12 champions at once. Force people to adapt.
Ranked players: We need more bans!
Big brain: Remove ALL bans!
Would actually be so fun
Have yall seen kayn with the augments? I would quit the game if that was permanently in league 😭😭 literally balance nightmare waiting to happen with that kind of change
Hots, you want Hots.
“It’s super simple” yeah just don’t let your nexus hp hit 0 ez pz
Ayy, Boss, random q but: have you ever played the FFVII Remake?
Just make it open sourced like counter strike and allow the community to mod the game and host servers to play modded versions on. I think it would also be staying true to League‘s roots since it‘s based on a warcraft mod called Defense of the Ancients.
Stacking ap would make vlad a monster. Let’s go
i actually think basically all the new items in arena should be in summoners rift, cant think of any reason not to
4:36 😳
Add an assassin item with a targeted dash... Oh wait...
You sold me at "remove yuumi"
pekin: remove yuumi
riot: haha no
also riot: (removes ivern)
tldr, remove Yuumi pls rito
Tbh I think the game would die extremely quickly if that were to happen, sure it sounds fun in theory but the second things like that happen most people complain and hate it. The only reason this game is popular for so long is because it’s consistent. That’s why there are so many modes including the 2v2v2v2 where u can play the fun and not serious gameplay. If what lol needs is not to take itself seriously why do most people play ranked and not just the fun game modes
Ap crit - your abilities can crit but you deal less damage with non crits
make yumi take the same dmg as whoever shes attached to, so if she goes on a bruiser she needs that 3k+ hp to survive
yayy new video
You would have to remove people to make league truly fun
I think instead of riot themselves doing stuff like this (love the idea regardless) they need to open up the game to modders. Look at Dota 2, where there are hundreds if not thousands of user created modes with EXACTLY THIS STUFF. People would come up with the most fun shit ever, if riot would just stop being so stingy.
Imagine ur a yumi otp and they just remove your champ 💀
AP can crit in wildrift....
I think the mythic system is bad for the game, because you have 20+ items stuck on each other, where you can't buy them together.
Rather than no one is op it would be everyone is being nerfed hard
league of pekinwoof is league of genius and facts .
Now that I think of it. If we make items more op, champions matter less, which is a good thinklg I think
Hard disagree, I think league is appealing bc mostly bc of the champions, not the items
daddy pekin at it again
Ngl I miss the spell lifesteal.
make the game fun again
i build the same items every game and its boring
there arent enough item actives - there arent enough items in general
Idk any idea you could make for league will more than likely windup with some champ in specific being able to abuse the fuck out of it and making the idea not fun.
Like the on hit on abilities, Kat ult does that. Katarina is also one of the most bullshit champions.
Uh another example running off the augments from 2v2, I think it's Jeweled Gauntlet. If Veigar could crit I'd be done.
I just don't think having a ton of overpowered things is fun. "Its balanced because everything is overpowered" doesnt work for me, like if it's just "one shot or be one shot" that ain't good.
I get fun out of being able to outplay people, and not having to deal with someone with almost no counterplay, which is why I hate people who don't have skillshots like Yi and Jax. Cause there's actually nothing to outplay, nothing to dodge, it's all point and click or unavoidable.
Whereas someone, like Aatrox, who is literally a more balanced Riven, with counterplay and dodgable abilities that arent bullshit, I like fighting Aatrox even if I lose.
Just my take.
rammus with botrk vs an urgot lmao. proccing botrk every time his W hurts him. yea that would be fun.
I honestly disagree. I think what makes league fun is that competitiveness, stillness, predictability (while not being completely the same all the time and slowly applying changes). The fun is in getting better and making the right calls. I think that's what makes most of the players want to play. At the same time, I understand and relate to the desire for something more fun and silly. But that's exactly why we are getting the 2v2v2v2, or Urf, or any future modes. And ARAM is somewhere in the middle. It'd be bad to add the "fun" stuff into the regular game because there wouldn't be a serious part of the game anymore, and that part of the playerbase would have nothing to do anymore. However, the way it is right now, we have everything. We have seriousness, we have slightly less serious ARAM, we have fun modes from time to time (especially now that new modes are being made again).
Also, people can say that league is going downhill and all that stuff but the reality is that the game has remained alive for so long specifically because the way it is: balanced, skill based, and yes, repetitive.
Pekin playing league so much he is getting mentally unstable
No no no, it will make the game go like URF. Gain a lot of players at first, but kill the game much faster.
And what's with facial expression 22:55
And throughout the entire vid...
Pekin doesn't realize people actually typing in the comments are
IMO Leagie of Legends is already too complex. You have too many champions to know and too many items to know already. And those items keep changing. It is very hard to follow for a new player and even sometimes just casual players.
what I would really like to see is some love given to custom games. Give us the ability to break all the rules. Starting level, item prices, number of minions, tower power, summoner cd, bots with overbuffed abilities... Let the community create new "gamemodes" by tweaking their custom game rules.
seeng peking in a streamer context made me realise he is a pervert
No no you were right with the first thing remove yuumi. Also BRING AUGMENTS TO ARAM
Replace items with augments
The augment idea is not great. The 2v2v2v2 mode is made entirely for fun, whereas summoners rift is competitive. If those augments would be in summoners rift the chance of a specific augment trio (because you choose 3 augments in the arena mode) would be about 0.0001%. That would be completely impossible to balance. Ever.
I wish they would take flash out of the game