I am humbled and amazed at how biblically sound your doctrine is. What is more amazing to me is what godly young men you have raised. May God bless you and continue to use all 3 of you in great and mighty ways!
You are so right. The biblical intellect of the sons is astounding. Pastor G must be so very proud of his sons. I am amazed and I do not mean to sound rude, but I do not see very many young men or women with such biblical-sound intellect. Good job on raising your boys, Pastor Gary.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
I appreciate your way of teaching you have such a different unique but effective way of teaching Thank you Lord for allowing me the privilege to follow these strong leaders
It is a wonderful example to see Pastor Gary Hameric and his sons together in agreement in the word of the Lord . So often the sons education is neglected. These boys are credit to their father and church. Amen
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
My son is listening to him. This is a great start. I think Jordan is a great man who has his own walk with the Lord. He could reach many if gets to know the lord on a personal level. Thank you all so much ❤
So many professing Christians seem to perceive God as a weak and puny “picture” rather than the Living, Ruling, ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING and EVER-PRESENT, CREATOR, SUSTAINER and REDEEMER GOD. My God has no limitations, except that He cannot sin. God can and does HIS WILL in all things and His Will be done. Amen. Do not be deceived into putting limitations upon God. Blessings y’all.
Remember in the relationship jeasus is all in gave his life to save us and have a loving relationship with you make jeas⁷s your bet friend it got m through your situation u have my condolences
@mikemehle1537 God bless you & im so sorry. GOD still has an important plan for you to do. It’s hard to let our loved ones go & trust his heart when we can’t see his hand & plan. Ask GOD to give you revelation wisdom to do what he wants you to do. Let his Holy Spirit minister to you & receive “ the balm of Gilead “ on your wounds of pain, fear, anxiety, possible loneliness. Stay involved in your church family. Seek to show others the love of Christ, stay in the word & let the Holy Spirit anoint you with the “ oil of joy “ which the Bible speaks of. Joy when it makes no sense to the human mind, a sacrifice of praise when you don’t feel like it but you choose to do so because GOD tells us to bring that to him. Rejoice in the Lord, for this is the day the LORD has made. Again I say REJOICE! Because he lives, we can face tomorrow!🙏
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Jordan is in my prayers every day. He is knocking, asking, and seeking at a deep level. Our Father will answer him at the same level which is way past my abilities! God has gifted several men and women with magnificent insight and desire for good. They may not be saved yet, please keep them in prayer.
I have genuine concerns about how Jordan looks at Genesis.He's on the right path, he understand good and evil, but I would not use him as a reference point for spiritual things.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Thank you, brothers. I thoroughly enjoy these Q&A’s and am always edified by them. Your knowledge of scripture & ability to articulate your responses on-the-spot is impressive. Much love from Arkansas.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Making room for others is what Christ showed us to do. Its hard to think outside ourselves and let go of our own way of thinking. Sometimes, that is where obedience to God and the Holy Spirit should be adhered to. Just beautiful Pastors, thank you.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Rapture Clues April, May , June We are in the Season Any Second Read Song of Solomon 2 : 3 -17 Read as if Jesus is protecting his bride . And really pay close attention to his love. •Apples are ripe, (April ,May ,June ) •He embrace me, Roes (female ) the Hinds (male) (deer are born in May/June, •Winter is past. ( Over & Gone) •Flowers appear (April & May) •It says turtle is believed to be (Turtle Doves Sing April & May) •Fig tree putteth fourth Green Figs And the Vines (Grape vines) Good Smell. (April & May) •Arise my Love , my fair one and and come away. (< does this sound like the Rapture) •O my dove , that art in the cleft of the rocks , in the secret place of the stairs , ( stairs are for going up or down , Rapture maybe) •Take us the foxes,( real foxes ) The little foxes spoil the vine, ( the little foxes jump up and bite the tinder vines to get the sweet grapes for food, ruining the vines): for our vines have tender grapes. ( grapes start to bud in March 🤫😃 •My beloved is mine , and I am his he feedeth among the Lilies . ( you May have not thought about this Lilies are flowers 🤔 they bloom in May 🤫)😉 All above Possibly Rapture season Can we know the Season Until the brake of day , And the Shadows flee away , turn my beloved and be thou like a Roe or a young Hart upon the Mountains of Bether. (All night long turn to me as the shadow flee away on the mountains , waiting and watching like the deer watching in the night) What are we to be doing while waiting for Jesus . Watching and praying. All things , That I may have Forgotten Apples March - Sept Grapes Late March - April 2- Fig Fruiting - March Flowers & Fruits - May Olives - May. Roe 290 days gestation Days: The deer mate from September to November and fawning begins in late May through June. All are Clues , We Know the Season Check out the Moon Cycles it all starts at the first sliver.
Thank you Brothers it's been so great sitting in with you tonight and hearing the good word and you all are really opening my eyes to questions I've had for some time now never too old to learn I'm getting closer to 62 God bless you all and I pray you continue this platform
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
❤ Thank you so much, Pastor Gary and your two beloved sons, Pastors Tyler and Austin for your amazing teachings and answers to all the questions. We have learnt so much more. May God bless all of u abundantly with bigger revelations to see Jesus Christ in His Word of Truth n share with us even more. Amen 🙏
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Pastor Gary I really appreciate your teaching as well as your sons following you and you following God your teaching is spot on according to the word of God I am so thankful for you all may the Lord continue to strenghthen you all in Jesus name amen
I like that Christmas is when it is. During the dreary, cold months of winter, it’s something to look forward to. It just matters that we honor that day. Other countries fast on that day, we over do it in all ways, on that day. We could learn a thing or two.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Dear padtor Gary. I love to tune in to your teachings and realky enjoy listening to you. Good solid teaching. Thank you. I do want to ask you a favour.... please take time, to ask God himself if the 7th day is still His Sabbath day or not. And listen to what He says not what we as men think .
Discernment with help from the Holy Spirit is not judgement and how can you attribute love to letting one sin and lose God forever. Love with the Truth! thank you love and blessings Praise Thanks and Glory to God in ALL things forever Amen
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Pastor GARY!! I Hear what you're saying, bu the conundrum that you (and other churches are in) with using Bethel, Elevation, and all the rest of it, is that you folks have to pay them a User's fee (or whatever the correct terminology is), thereby supporting their Ministry and by "default" their Blasphemous theology. But I understand its a Hard call to make.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
You said everything about Jordan Peterson that I feel... he is a voice of truth and voice of reason who is seeking the true God and in an intellectual way helping others to find Him on as Jordan searches himself.
We have a very hard time with Amir now. The selfies he posts.. CONSTANT book sales. We used to watch everything he put out only to find it was false information.. As far as breaking news.. He encouraged the Covid shots but later changed his tune on it.. Many things he has said has put a very strong red flag in my heart. Just my option and experience
@@Elaine_S I started to think that but brushed it off. Now that you mentioned it, Especially the book part is very noticeable. I'm glad you posted this because I shouldn't have ignored my own thoughts. Some people would probably prefer more books than watching and listening to videos but IMO it seems like he's on the edge of drifting a bit. His live updates seem to take too long to get to the point, I don't look much anymore but sometimes I fast fwd. Sensationalism is what he says not to do. On the other side of it all, I'm sure his trips are not cheap and he probably uses book proceeds to help cover those expenses and support his family. That's understandable. Also, he isn't in the most peaceful geographical location for today and Bible prophecy yet to be fulfilled. Nothing is free these days, just Food for thought.
@@lisannjimbo I agree with that, but I have also been told he charges HUGE speaking fees when he travels. He also owns a tourist company in Isreal. Watch the video for the book that he and Berry Stager just released.. The first 14 minutes of the video is pure cringe.. Like total salesman. I always comment on these videos I see. I wish the people closest to him would help him see how these things are adding up and coming across. I have heard other pastors call him out on these things and people just attack them. I think they are right though.. I really pray he can make some changes and get back on the right track.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
A Christian should be very aware ( if you are going to date or marry ) a non Christian thinking that they will change, it doesn’t always work out like that.43 years my spouse has never come to JESUS 😢. It makes a huge difference in a marriage.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Well this is the first time I am watching u and I am very pleased with every I hear I hear and I also like the the fact the your son r pastor s I pray that my to grand son son the two that live me will grow up and be great man of my Lord Jesus I hope that they will be pastor s or priest
I think the Sabbath is still binding as you've said and I believe that the day is as important as it was in the Old and New Testament. I don't think that the church in the early years change when Christ ascended to heaven because Peter, James, Paul and other still assembled themselves in the temples. Please continue preaching He is almost here
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
I so thank God for your sermons and this on John and Jesus losing his life It is so humbling to me and I have such a hard time finding a true man of God.....
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Please be encouraged there is an army of Christians praying for the peace of Jerusalem. We are committed to stand with Israel. We pray for President Trump to have godly wisdom and wise counsel in his decisions that affect Israel. Trump is not our Savior so we pray that God will empower him with wisdom. I agree with you I mourned the conditions in which you had to agree to the hostage were released. You can’t negotiate with evil. Let’s trust our God will direct our leaders and our people. Israel belongs to Israel!
Brain. I have been listening to Pastor Hamrick for several years. I have NEVER heard Pastor Gary praise himself nor knock catholic or Jewish people in any way . Are you listening to the same thing that I am?? ❤️ love 💗 you even though we disagree on this .
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Pastor Gary helped me to be reborn in Jesus’s faith and love. To me the Bible seemed to have so many verses and chapters that were difficult to understand . Pastor Gary became my teacher and his weekly readings allowed me to understand some very difficult Bible books and made me hungry for more. In the past yr I’ve found a church which is wonderful and has become like a home but I will continue to watch Cornerstone. The knowledge of Gary’s services will always be a part of my Christian life.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Q1 comes properly when we read from 1 Thess 4v13-17 which is just the second coming of Jesus Christ when He comes to take everyone who believes in Him and has been faithful to that. 13......16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
thank you pastor am watching from philippines' my query what if a persons die first before the rapture and yet he/she not believer of Christ JESUS where the go after thier death how they will be judge/ please need your answers.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Thank for this great session. I have one question to ask. Some churches are not allowing sisters to lead or preach. They are saying that Bible says that sisters should be silent in the church and they are not allowed to speak. What is your thoughts on it? Also, Bible says that sisters should cover their heads when they are in church. Please share your thoughts on it too. Thank you!
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
1:31:30 this is very true. I was brought up in an idol worship family and grandparent once brought me to ritual ceremony where the shaman was able to told things that only person in your family know about. So, just run away and don’t ever entertain this kind of “fortune teller”, “tarot card reading”, “horoscope”, “palm reading”, “ouija board”, astrology, Feng shui, and any other medium spirit because they are demonic. If you are a superstitious Christian, you need to be delivered from it. There is no other way to free yourselves from superstition except the Word of God. We are told to walk in Him, be rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith even as you have been taught (Colossians 2:6, 7). Jesus said, "I am the truth" (John 14:6) and whosoever shall know the truth, it shall make him/her free (John 8:32). Come to the truth and be set free from the bondage of superstition! Be a biblical Christian, not a superstitious one!
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
There are 4 different views of the last days. The dispensational theory is just 1. And it's the newest one. About 200 years old. A fellow named Darby got the ball rolling. It's a facinating thing to research.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Can you recommend a book on demonic/ familiar spirits? A book on Prayers of Spiritual warfare? What do you think of Kimberly Daniels books on breaking the power of familiar spirits?
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
We have (2) two Commandments instituted by the Lord Jesus: You shall love your God with all your heart, all your mind, with all your soul and all your strength!, and the second is: ....and you shall love your neighbor as yourself....these two fulfill all the Law! Amen? Some even say that man is NOT ABLE to obey and fulfill 10 Commandments ....only our Lord could and DID!!!
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
"The dead in christ is the believers from the beginning of the church age " Rev 6:9-10 ISV 9 When the lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of the word of God and the testimony they had given. 10 They cried out in a loud voice, “Holy and true Sovereign, how long will it be before you judge and take revenge on those living on the earth who shed our blood?” Rev 20:4-6 ISV 4 Then I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given authority to judge. I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshipped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. They came back to life and ruled with the Messiah for a thousand years. 5 The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years were over. This is the first resurrection. 6 How blessed and holy are those who participate in the first resurrection! The second death has no power over them. They will be priests of God and the Messiah, and will rule with him for a thousand years. Mat 23:34-36 ISV 34 “That is why I am sending you prophets, wise men, and scribes. Some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will whip in your synagogues and persecute from town to town. 35 As a result, you will be held accountable for all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of the righteous Abel to the blood of Berechiah’s son Zechariah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. 36 I tell all of you with certainty, all these things will happen to those living today.” Vindication of the martyrs are from Abel’s blood to Berechiah’s and those living in that day will be held accountable?
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Thank you for the Q & A session. It takes courage to do this for the world to see. Concerning NAR and NAR-influenced music, I would highly recommend the book, “Counterfeit Kingdom” by Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett. In it, she gives concrete examples of the false (and I’d say heretical) teaching that comes out of this movement, specifically Bethel, and the damage it’s doing to people and other churches. Bill Johnson has said he sees their music as the tool that gets people hooked into their NAR theology. So, so dangerous. I pray that pastors’ eyes all over the world will be opened to the dangers of these false prophets and apostles and would protect their flock from these wolves in sheep’s clothing.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
What is the difference between a person’s spirit and their soul? I know that the body is the flesh part of us. Also, I know that we are tri-part beings. Just want to know more about our human spirits.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
If anyone is interested in learning more about the TV miniseries The Chosen and what the Bible has to say, listen to Pastor Brian Dunlop's of Lighthouse Baptist Church three in-depth sermons on it here on RUclips.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Arc of the covenant always been in heaven, God showed Moses it and told him to make a copy of the things he seen, so people on earth are looking for the copy
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Hi there, please help me by answering my question. Before Jesus was born into this world, does the atriniti have Father, Jesus and holy spirit or Father, son and holy spirit.? Is the son named Jesus because he need a name in the world?
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
In the title “What will our glorified bodies be like?”, you stated that after Jesus was risen he was then in His glorified body and thats one of the reasons his disciples didnt recongnize him. Why is it ithat Jesus had holes in His hands and feet from his crucification if He is in His glorified body? I thought our glorified bodies will be perfect? Please help explain this :)
I decided the chosen isn’t for me when I saw the trailer for the sermon on the mount, because I don’t think Jesus needed any help with his own Word, as they portrayed in the chosen. Imagine God needing help with his own word.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫 Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔 An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮 These are clues😳🤔 Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉 Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲 Now it will get very interesting 😉 Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮 Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me ) And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied. It Getting Good Pay Attention to these words ( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.) Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life . Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮 Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground. Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage . Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake? Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ Now let’s look at the Kudu Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫 So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat. And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔 Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane. Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust ! Ezekiel 1:7 The sole of a calf’s foot Keep up the Good Work Food for Thought JESUS Gets All THE GLORY It all is a woven Mystery Colossians 1 : 26,27,28 Hid From ages and Generations If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃 Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share He is for NOW Rapture any Second It is not Death , it Is LIFE Jesus Loves You Believe ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST You are born in the Sprit BORN AGAIN Seek And You Will Find Jesus Is TRUTH He is The WAY HE is The Life The New Life In Jesus Christ
Fantastic but, but! Sometime people try to be overly smart and will provide answers to questions when there is No answer based on the scriptures, instead of just telling the truth, and saying: I DON'T KNOW! Remember, here, on the earth we only know in part and only when we will be with the Lord in Heaven, will we know fully, as we are fully known! Amen?
I am 90 years old and I have been hungering for this kind of preaching. Thank you pastor
Pyramid pohn yup yah GA VA q 11th ]x
I am humbled and amazed at how biblically sound your doctrine is. What is more amazing to me is what godly young men you have raised. May God bless you and continue to use all 3 of you in great and mighty ways!
Those sons are every parent's dream. Job well done.
Amen. I agree. Such a beautiful blessing
You are so right. The biblical intellect of the sons is astounding. Pastor G must be so very proud of his sons. I am amazed and I do not mean to sound rude, but I do not see very many young men or women with such biblical-sound intellect. Good job on raising your boys, Pastor Gary.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
I appreciate your way of teaching you have such a different unique but effective way of teaching Thank you Lord for allowing me the privilege to follow these strong leaders
It is a blessing for a Pastor to have his two sons becoming Pastors. Wonderful.
It is a wonderful example to see Pastor Gary Hameric and his sons together in agreement in the word of the Lord . So often the sons education is neglected. These boys are credit to their father and church. Amen
I’m so glad I found you on RUclips! Really enjoying your teachings and I feel like I am learning so much. Thank you from Alabama!
Same from Australia 😊
Keep praying for Peterson !
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
My son is listening to him. This is a great start. I think Jordan is a great man who has his own walk with the Lord. He could reach many if gets to know the lord on a personal level. Thank you all so much ❤
So many professing Christians seem to perceive God as a weak and puny “picture” rather than the Living, Ruling, ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING and EVER-PRESENT, CREATOR, SUSTAINER and REDEEMER GOD. My God has no limitations, except that He cannot sin. God can and does HIS WILL in all things and His Will be done. Amen. Do not be deceived into putting limitations upon God. Blessings y’all.
Pastor Gary Your Teaching is So Convincing..You Really Out Revealed The Hidden Biblical Truth..Happy To Follow You On You Tube...God Bless.
Please talk Jordan Peterson Pastor Gary! We would totally love to see that!!
Thank you for your teaching. My wife and best friend died in October of 2021. I find peace in books and videos like yours.
Remember in the relationship jeasus is all in gave his life to save us and have a loving relationship with you make jeas⁷s your bet friend it got m through your situation u have my condolences
@mikemehle1537 God bless you & im so sorry. GOD still has an important plan for you to do. It’s hard to let our loved ones go & trust his heart when we can’t see his hand & plan. Ask GOD to give you revelation wisdom to do what he wants you to do. Let his Holy Spirit minister to you & receive “ the balm of Gilead “ on your wounds of pain, fear, anxiety, possible loneliness. Stay involved in your church family. Seek to show others the love of Christ, stay in the word & let the Holy Spirit anoint you with the “ oil of joy “ which the Bible speaks of. Joy when it makes no sense to the human mind, a sacrifice of praise when you don’t feel like it but you choose to do so because GOD tells us to bring that to him. Rejoice in the Lord, for this is the day the LORD has made. Again I say REJOICE!
Because he lives, we can face tomorrow!🙏
@stephaniefoster1172 Thank for your words of encouragement.
Watching from the Philippines to God be d glory.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Sound biblical answers to questions. Good job father and sons!
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Excellent excellent thank you so much for having this Q&A.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
I love the Q&A God bless
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
God bless you, straight answer
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
These question and answer times are great!
Wonderful, keep stating the Truth, the Lord is coming soon!!
Excellent Biblical Q&A.... Thank you!
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Our family is so blessed to have lived an hour away from Cornerstone Chapel. We love Pastor Gary ❤.
Jordan is in my prayers every day. He is knocking, asking, and seeking at a deep level. Our Father will answer him at the same level which is way past my abilities! God has gifted several men and women with magnificent insight and desire for good. They may not be saved yet, please keep them in prayer.
I have genuine concerns about how Jordan looks at Genesis.He's on the right path, he understand good and evil, but I would not use him as a reference point for spiritual things.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Terrific stuff! Thanks very much. God bless!
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Thank you, brothers. I thoroughly enjoy these Q&A’s and am always edified by them. Your knowledge of scripture & ability to articulate your responses on-the-spot is impressive. Much love from Arkansas.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Wow nice to know your children it's my first time ko know your family. God bless your family.
Making room for others is what Christ showed us to do. Its hard to think outside ourselves and let go of our own way of thinking.
Sometimes, that is where obedience to God and the Holy Spirit should be adhered to.
Just beautiful Pastors, thank you.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Thank you. God bless you always.
Awesome questions and wise answers! Absolutely love these sessions! 🇨🇦🙏🏻💞
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Love your beautiful comments the truth I love the truth and the way you have explained it is fantastic praise God
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Rapture Clues
April, May , June
We are in the Season
Any Second
Read Song of Solomon
2 : 3 -17
Read as if Jesus is protecting his bride . And really pay close attention to his love.
•Apples are ripe, (April ,May ,June )
•He embrace me, Roes (female ) the Hinds (male) (deer are born in May/June,
•Winter is past. ( Over & Gone)
•Flowers appear (April & May)
•It says turtle is believed to be (Turtle Doves Sing April & May)
•Fig tree putteth fourth Green Figs And the Vines (Grape vines) Good Smell. (April & May)
•Arise my Love , my fair one and and come away. (< does this sound like the Rapture)
•O my dove , that art in the cleft of the rocks , in the secret place of the stairs , ( stairs are for going up or down , Rapture maybe)
•Take us the foxes,( real foxes )
The little foxes spoil the vine, ( the little foxes jump up and bite the tinder vines to get the sweet grapes for food, ruining the vines): for our vines have tender grapes. ( grapes start to bud in March 🤫😃
•My beloved is mine , and I am his he feedeth among the Lilies . ( you May have not thought about this Lilies are flowers 🤔 they bloom in May 🤫)😉
All above Possibly Rapture season
Can we know the Season
Until the brake of day , And the Shadows flee away , turn my beloved and be thou like a Roe or a young Hart upon the Mountains of Bether.
(All night long turn to me as the shadow flee away on the mountains , waiting and watching like the deer watching in the night)
What are we to be doing while waiting for Jesus .
Watching and praying.
All things , That I may have Forgotten
Apples March - Sept
Grapes Late March - April
2- Fig Fruiting - March
Flowers & Fruits - May
Olives - May.
Roe 290 days gestation Days: The deer mate from September to November and fawning begins in late May through June.
All are Clues , We Know the Season
Check out the Moon Cycles it all starts at the first sliver.
Thank you Brothers it's been so great sitting in with you tonight and hearing the good word and you all are really opening my eyes to questions I've had for some time now never too old to learn I'm getting closer to 62 God bless you all and I pray you continue this platform
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Happy New Year to Pastor Gary and family! I’m so blessed and learned a lot from watching your teachings. God Bless you.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Midlothian Scotland UK here. So delighted to have found you on You Tube.
❤ Thank you so much, Pastor Gary and your two beloved sons, Pastors Tyler and Austin for your amazing teachings and answers to all the questions. We have learnt so much more. May God bless all of u abundantly with bigger revelations to see Jesus Christ in His Word of Truth n share with us even more. Amen 🙏
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Good afternoon
This MESSAGE is powerful and Truthful. It really blessed me. God bless.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Really enjoy these.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Pastor Gary I really appreciate your teaching as well as your sons following you and you following God your teaching is spot on according to the word of God I am so thankful for you all may the Lord continue to strenghthen you all in Jesus name amen
I like that Christmas is when it is. During the dreary, cold months of winter, it’s something to look forward to. It just matters that we honor that day. Other countries fast on that day, we over do it in all ways, on that day. We could learn a thing or two.
The armor of GOD is most important.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Always love the teaching of Pastor Gary and looked forward to the question and answer sessions too. God bless you all! Maranatha! 💕☝️
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
What a blessing. Thank you!
Dear padtor Gary. I love to tune in to your teachings and realky enjoy listening to you. Good solid teaching. Thank you. I do want to ask you a favour.... please take time, to ask God himself if the 7th day is still His Sabbath day or not. And listen to what He says not what we as men think .
Jesus is our Sabbath, we rest in Him.
Discernment with help from the Holy Spirit is not judgement and how can you attribute love to letting one sin and lose God forever. Love with the Truth! thank you love and blessings Praise Thanks and Glory to God in ALL things forever Amen
I am an independent fundamental Bible believer that uses dispensationalism to understand scriptures. I appreciate your teachings.
YOUR Q and A is much to short .. You should be proud of your 2 sons .. happy new yYear
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Pastor GARY!! I Hear what you're saying, bu the conundrum that you (and other churches are in) with using Bethel, Elevation, and all the rest of it, is that you folks have to pay them a User's fee (or whatever the correct terminology is), thereby supporting their Ministry and by "default" their Blasphemous theology. But I understand its a Hard call to make.
another pastor with lack of discernment in these matters.
Happy New year Pastor Gary Hamrick. Wishing you all the best for this year. Gbu and your family abundantly
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Run the race my brothers and God bless.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
nspiration ...sound teaching... Thank you. Shalom. :)
You said everything about Jordan Peterson that I feel... he is a voice of truth and voice of reason who is seeking the true God and in an intellectual way helping others to find Him on as Jordan searches himself.
I think Gary should look into amir tsarfati as well as Jack hibbs as pastors or speakers of end times to talk with on stage sometime they can.
Jack and Amir on the same stage are comical, Gary too? They would be
entertaining the heavens, lol.
We have a very hard time with Amir now. The selfies he posts.. CONSTANT book sales. We used to watch everything he put out only to find it was false information.. As far as breaking news.. He encouraged the Covid shots but later changed his tune on it.. Many things he has said has put a very strong red flag in my heart. Just my option and experience
@@Elaine_S I started to think that but brushed it off. Now that you mentioned it, Especially the book part is very noticeable. I'm glad you posted this because I shouldn't have ignored my own thoughts. Some people would probably prefer more books than watching and listening to videos but IMO it seems like he's on the edge of drifting a bit. His live updates seem to take too long to get to the point, I don't look much anymore but sometimes I fast fwd. Sensationalism is what he says not to do.
On the other side of it all, I'm sure his trips are not cheap and he probably uses book proceeds to help cover those expenses and support his family. That's understandable. Also, he isn't in the most peaceful geographical location for today and Bible prophecy yet to be fulfilled. Nothing is free these days, just Food for thought.
@@lisannjimbo I agree with that, but I have also been told he charges HUGE speaking fees when he travels. He also owns a tourist company in Isreal.
Watch the video for the book that he and Berry Stager just released.. The first 14 minutes of the video is pure cringe.. Like total salesman. I always comment on these videos I see. I wish the people closest to him would help him see how these things are adding up and coming across. I have heard other pastors call him out on these things and people just attack them. I think they are right though.. I really pray he can make some changes and get back on the right track.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
i ENJOY the Q and A Sessions, but I wish you guys would Drop the "High Chairs"
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Beuatiful programme inspiring may God blessed all who lift the barner of Jesus Christ👏🙏
A Christian should be very aware ( if you are going to date or marry ) a non Christian thinking that they will change, it doesn’t always work out like that.43 years my spouse has never come to JESUS 😢. It makes a huge difference in a marriage.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Well this is the first time I am watching u and I am very pleased with every I hear I hear and I also like the the fact the your son r pastor s I pray that my to grand son son the two that live me will grow up and be great man of my Lord Jesus I hope that they will be pastor s or priest
I think the Sabbath is still binding as you've said and I believe that the day is as important as it was in the Old and New Testament. I don't think that the church in the early years change when Christ ascended to heaven because Peter, James, Paul and other still assembled themselves in the temples. Please continue preaching He is almost here
Have enjoyed your sermons and Q & A. Ran across this scripture that God is in "total control". Isaiah 45:7.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Thank yal all n God Bless!!! 🕊
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
I so thank God for your sermons and this on John and Jesus losing his life It is so humbling to me and I have such a hard time finding a true man of God.....
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Learned a lot. And Was easy to comprehend. Thank you.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Great video!!
Please be encouraged there is an army of Christians praying for the peace of Jerusalem. We are committed to stand with Israel. We pray for President Trump to have godly wisdom and wise counsel in his decisions that affect Israel.
Trump is not our Savior so we pray that God will empower him with wisdom.
I agree with you I mourned the conditions in which you had to agree to the hostage were released. You can’t negotiate with evil.
Let’s trust our God will direct our leaders and our people.
Israel belongs to Israel!
Brain. I have been listening to Pastor Hamrick for several years. I have NEVER heard Pastor Gary praise himself nor knock catholic or Jewish people in any way . Are you listening to the same thing that I am?? ❤️ love 💗 you even though we disagree on this .
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Pastor Gary helped me to be reborn in Jesus’s faith and love. To me the Bible seemed to have so many verses and chapters that were difficult to understand . Pastor Gary became my teacher and his weekly readings allowed me to understand some very difficult Bible books and made me hungry for more. In the past yr I’ve found a church which is wonderful and has become like a home but I will continue to watch Cornerstone. The knowledge of Gary’s services will always be a part of my Christian life.
How do I love a person that live with u that u live it that always condemned you and judges you
A blessed new year to all fam God is good we are not.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Yes, please have Jordan Peterson on 👍
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Only Jesus Christ is the one in heaven right now. Nobody else.
Above comment. In one sense but God is there and untold angels
Yes. But Gary...the Executive Producer (His names slips me) is a Practicing Mormon. Thats My understanding.
and it's still being produced by Angel Studios!
I'm not sure. But certainly previously. @@belovedbytheKing
Do you think there will be feasts in heaven? Because I am looking forward to being all together at a meal with Jesus.
John’s vision in Revelation 19:9 speaks of the wedding supper of the Lamb. Such an incredible time that will be for those called by Him!
Salvation and forgiveness is exclusively available to humanity, not angels/demons, once they fall/rebel, it's over for them.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Q1 comes properly when we read from 1 Thess 4v13-17 which is just the second coming of Jesus Christ when He comes to take everyone who believes in Him and has been faithful to that. 13......16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Actually there is another reference to the rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul calls it the gathering
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
There will be no animal sacrifices in the kingdom. Jesus did it all
How do you have so many X Catholic people in your congregation? What can we do to try to reach the Catholic people to get saved?
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Tell them truth from bible
What about in Matthew 24 where Jesus talks about 2 people in the field, one left, the other taken? Is that talking about the rapture?
That's how I've always understood it. Pastor Gary has a series on the RUclips Playlist about the book of Revelation thats really good!!
No its the separation of believers from non believers at the second coming. Believers are left and its the non believers are taken away
@@arfermo853 -amen
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
When did Satan fall? 52:54 🙏
Look between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2
Um, Pastor Gary - season 4 is now in release by Angel Studios.
Dallas Jenkins is quoted as saying 95% of it isn't scriptural.
thank you pastor am watching from philippines' my query what if a persons die first before the rapture and yet he/she not believer of Christ JESUS where the go after thier death how they will be judge/ please need your answers.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Thank for this great session. I have one question to ask. Some churches are not allowing sisters to lead or preach. They are saying that Bible says that sisters should be silent in the church and they are not allowed to speak.
What is your thoughts on it? Also, Bible says that sisters should cover their heads when they are in church. Please share your thoughts on it too. Thank you!
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Above comment. The bible doesn't allow woman preachers. The head cover only if she is with an unsaved man she covers he4 head in submission to the man
1:31:30 this is very true. I was brought up in an idol worship family and grandparent once brought me to ritual ceremony where the shaman was able to told things that only person in your family know about. So, just run away and don’t ever entertain this kind of “fortune teller”, “tarot card reading”, “horoscope”, “palm reading”, “ouija board”, astrology, Feng shui, and any other medium spirit because they are demonic.
If you are a superstitious Christian, you need to be delivered from it. There is no other way to free yourselves from superstition except the Word of God. We are told to walk in Him, be rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith even as you have been taught (Colossians 2:6, 7). Jesus said, "I am the truth" (John 14:6) and whosoever shall know the truth, it shall make him/her free (John 8:32). Come to the truth and be set free from the bondage of superstition! Be a biblical Christian, not a superstitious one!
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Above comment. The demons tell the inquirer. Big sin
I don’t drink but I have always said Jesus turned water into wine 🍷 so it’s ok because he could have made grape 🍇 juice 🙏🏻😁
Above comment. Wine is good ps104. The bible warns against Getting drunk!!!!!!!l
There are 4 different views of the last days. The dispensational theory is just 1. And it's the newest one. About 200 years old. A fellow named Darby got the ball rolling. It's a facinating thing to research.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Can you recommend a book on demonic/ familiar spirits? A book on Prayers of Spiritual warfare? What do you think of Kimberly Daniels books on breaking the power of familiar spirits?
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
We have (2) two Commandments instituted by the Lord Jesus: You shall love your God with all your heart, all your mind, with all your soul and all your strength!, and the second is: ....and you shall love your neighbor as yourself....these two fulfill all the Law! Amen?
Some even say that man is NOT ABLE to obey and fulfill 10 Commandments ....only our Lord could and DID!!!
No & you should know that. They aren't that hard🤦
Paul tells us that we are delivered from the 10 Commandments. Romans 7:6-7. We are not under the law at all, in any way. We are under Grace.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
"The dead in christ is the believers from the beginning of the church age "
Rev 6:9-10 ISV 9 When the lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of the word of God and the testimony they had given. 10 They cried out in a loud voice, “Holy and true Sovereign, how long will it be before you judge and take revenge on those living on the earth who shed our blood?”
Rev 20:4-6 ISV 4 Then I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given authority to judge. I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshipped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. They came back to life and ruled with the Messiah for a thousand years. 5 The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years were over. This is the first resurrection. 6 How blessed and holy are those who participate in the first resurrection! The second death has no power over them. They will be priests of God and the Messiah, and will rule with him for a thousand years.
Mat 23:34-36 ISV 34 “That is why I am sending you prophets, wise men, and scribes. Some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will whip in your synagogues and persecute from town to town. 35 As a result, you will be held accountable for all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of the righteous Abel to the blood of Berechiah’s son Zechariah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. 36 I tell all of you with certainty, all these things will happen to those living today.”
Vindication of the martyrs are from Abel’s blood to Berechiah’s and those living in that day will be held accountable?
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Just a delight watching this ….. Teach a child the way he should go …. And when he grows up , he would not depart from it ….WELL DONE PG 👍🏽😃❤️🙏🏽
I doubt any claims of going to heaven bodily and returning as authentic. John and Paul aren't clear if they did.
Such a wonderful format!
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Thank you for the Q & A session. It takes courage to do this for the world to see. Concerning NAR and NAR-influenced music, I would highly recommend the book, “Counterfeit Kingdom” by Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett. In it, she gives concrete examples of the false (and I’d say heretical) teaching that comes out of this movement, specifically Bethel, and the damage it’s doing to people and other churches. Bill Johnson has said he sees their music as the tool that gets people hooked into their NAR theology. So, so dangerous. I pray that pastors’ eyes all over the world will be opened to the dangers of these false prophets and apostles and would protect their flock from these wolves in sheep’s clothing.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
What is the difference between a person’s spirit and their soul? I know that the body is the flesh part of us. Also, I know that we are tri-part beings. Just want to know more about our human spirits.
Above comment. You are a soul, you do not have a immortal soul.( That's pagan)
Thanks you 😇🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱
pl let me know the points to be Qualified for the rapture not nominial christian coz many r called christian but deeds r not ?
hoped to hear..from u from .Shillong India .northeast
To preach about the love JESUS CHRIST has for mankind of flesh to deoms and evil spirits. How about this?
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
i cant find your video on how the bible was formed
God says we're supposed to love one another so what does God say about gays transgender persons
Above comment. Big sin
If anyone is interested in learning more about the TV miniseries The Chosen and what the Bible has to say, listen to Pastor Brian Dunlop's of Lighthouse Baptist Church three in-depth sermons on it here on RUclips.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Arc of the covenant always been in heaven, God showed Moses it and told him to make a copy of the things he seen, so people on earth are looking for the copy
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Hi there, please help me by answering my question. Before Jesus was born into this world, does the atriniti have Father, Jesus and holy spirit or Father, son and holy spirit.? Is the son named Jesus because he need a name in the world?
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Above comment. Jesus means Jehovah is the saviour
Jordan Peterson is a amazing man.not Amazon lolkeyboard error.... but couldn't change it in my post. It says error...
In the title “What will our glorified bodies be like?”, you stated that after Jesus was risen he was then in His glorified body and thats one of the reasons his disciples didnt recongnize him. Why is it ithat Jesus had holes in His hands and feet from his crucification if He is in His glorified body? I thought our glorified bodies will be perfect? Please help explain this :)
Above comment.Jesus raised a spirit.1peter3v18.Saved will live on earth forever ps 37
Above comment. Human bodies will be perfect after the 1000yrs
I decided the chosen isn’t for me when I saw the trailer for the sermon on the mount, because I don’t think Jesus needed any help with his own Word, as they portrayed in the chosen. Imagine God needing help with his own word.
🤔 How Can Crawling on a Snakes belly be punishment to a Snake 🤔🤫
Just maybe you will rethink the bread crumbs trail in Genesis . I’m leaving you some information for you Brothers & Sisters , for your enjoyment, I am not saying you are wrong , you may have to do some of your own research 🤔
An animal that was beautiful and Non - threatening and had a beautiful Voice
Let us start out asking , We know Disney is Demonic , why is Disney Promoting the Beast?Questions about Disney 😳 have you ever heard about Beauty & the Beast 🤫 this is mostly about the beast , keep in mind , What did Moses see after he came down out of the Mountain ? He saw a calf covered with gold 😮
These are clues😳🤔
Why do Pagan religions worship a Calf ? 🤔😉
Ever heard of Baphomet what does this beast look like , think
of the women movement , Baphomet has utters , And a set of Horns also holding a wooden pole with two snakes 🤔 what a copy cat. 😮🥲
Now it will get very interesting 😉
Go into your index of your Bible KJV . look at the (all words ) that describe beguiled It Means : Tricked
Serpent : Deceiver a SLY or Treacherous Spirit essentially one Exploits a position of Trust in order to betray it 🤫😮
Subtil : Means :Crafty Clever
Genesis 3:13 And the Lord said unto the Woman what is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, the Serpent Beguiled Me ( or Tricked Me )
And I did eat. Now Sin entered and the curse was applied.
It Getting Good
Pay Attention to these words
( Above all CATTLE and Above Every Beast.)
Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou has Done this, ( tricked EVE & ADAM ) thou art cursed (Above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ; ) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy Life .
Hang in there 🤔😳😃😮
Remember this word and look at it , this animal is larger than Cattle look It Up : Kudu
We assume the serpent was a snake AND A VERY LARGE SERPENT and had legs, why did God say cursed it above ALL CATTLE and ABOVE EVERY BEAST OF THE FIELD , if it have had legs God Removed his legs to crawl on his belly all the days of his life face on the ground.
Could he Be a super WORM , a few of us will see Satan on JUDGEMENT Day and will say , THIS IS THE WORM that kept us in bondage .
Why would God have Moses make a brazen snake for the people to look up to when they were bitten if Satan was an actual snake?
Here the snake was a snake , People needed to a Visual SNAKE to believe they were healed , The Jews always need to see Proof. The Problem is there Doubt , Stop Doubting just Believe ON the lord Jesus Christ
Now let’s look at the Kudu
Or an animal very similar 🤔🤫
So could he have been an animal that look like Kudu
Beautiful animal, what was like Satan the most beautiful cherub. May be when Eve talked with this beautiful Animal, he had very fine Fur , a soft nose muzzle, a main like a lion or a goat.
And look at Those horns , Baphomet has horns like that 😳🤔🤔🤔😮he may have skin like Leopard 😮😳 under his hair 🤔
Then God may have cursed him and Took his legs and left just the hoof. NOW there may be a really old Kudu out there .That is a huge spotted worm that looks like a goat looking thing with a mane.
Now 6000 years later , he is a darn worm dragon with horns & hooves for legs with he’s nose on ground eating Dust !
Ezekiel 1:7
The sole of a calf’s foot
Keep up the Good Work
Food for Thought
It all is a woven Mystery
Colossians 1 : 26,27,28
Hid From ages and Generations
If all Believers have Holy Sprit 😃
Who is this Hope Of Glory 🤔😳😮🥲😉 share share Share
He is for NOW
Rapture any Second
It is not Death , it Is LIFE
Jesus Loves You
You are born in the Sprit
Seek And You Will Find
Jesus Is TRUTH
He is The WAY
HE is The Life
The New Life In Jesus Christ
Above comment. What?
Fantastic but, but! Sometime people try to be overly smart and will provide answers to questions when there is No answer based on the scriptures, instead of just telling the truth, and saying: I DON'T KNOW! Remember, here, on the earth we only know in part and only when we will be with the Lord in Heaven, will we know fully, as we are fully known! Amen?