The reality is that large designer brands such as Gucci, Hermes, LV, etc. are becoming outdated as consumer demand has shifted from wanting to appear "wealthy" to wanting to show their "intelligence". 10 years ago if you bought a *jklux* you were "cheap" and "fake", now you're "smart" and "cost-conscious" because customers have realised their's no need to pay 10x more for the same quality bag.
The reality is that large designer brands such as Gucci, Hermes, LV, etc. are becoming outdated as consumer demand has shifted from wanting to appear "wealthy" to wanting to show their "intelligence". 10 years ago if you bought a *jklux* you were "cheap" and "fake", now you're "smart" and "cost-conscious" because customers have realised their's no need to pay 10x more for the same quality bag.