Resto shaman seems to be the choice for me but if they finally nerf the vespa totem it's a completely different story. Maybe Holy Prist or venthyr shaman is an good alternative but it's very hard to predict if they nerf it... Great video I recently saw a video there a protection paladin replace the healer and they play a +20 Mos intime haha great video. Ps sorry for my bad English ;}
Thanks for the in-depth analysis - i main mistweaver mainly for raiding - I know i have trouble getting into mythic plus groups because my resto shaman has such a easier time. My resto shaman is also easier to play do to it being range and it is more of a numb brain class to play. I also like the difficult leaning curve I had to learn mistweaving and finally mastering it. I do love mistweaver, but with the upcoming nurf to sinister teaching i have no other reality then to main my shaman and maybe pick up holy priest as a alt.
Finally, really happy to see Hpriest just after shaman, im so impatient for 9.2 to arrive and blast that m+! Thank you for you time and dedication for the videos man, I think youre the most objective content creator out there and can give the best opinion around about healers regarding tier lists. Ive seen other tier lists that are literally joking around with some healers...Keep up the good work, we love it ! :)
Im pretty sure PI boosts damage of a DPS quite a lot every 2mins, BL is used in specific situstions every 10, also with reworked spirit of redemption it kinda gets smth like CR, and basically the shaman is the only healer with kick so, every healer has different utility, priest has its own thats it :)
Disc priest should have the highest DPS Period!!! I mean that’s the whole point of playing disc is the aspect of being able to heal and DPS at the same time why would you not make them the top DPS… I can understand why they may not be the top healer but makes no sense that they’re not the top DPS out of the dealers imo
Also the difficulty disc have in order to heal without spamming shadow mend is something the class will have to recognize just unsatisfy to play a difficult healer and not be rewarded...and than flash heal 5x and heal and you are's just sad imo
I will continue to play my monk, I do very well in mythics and dont fistweave alot. I do play a shaman as well. Thank you for the info especially play what you enjoy.
You guys are overthinking this ranking. Yes healer dps does matter, but if you're geared well and the whole party knows their stuff, completing 20-21s keys are easily manageable with all healer classes (probably with Disc would be tight). If you wanna be pushing towards m+25 then you and your team can start looking at details like healer dps etc. I'm not saying good healer dps won't help but let's be honest, out of all your depleted keys how often was it purely due to the lack of healer dps? I come across several tanks who don't know what route they're doing, dpsers who perform below expectations or in general people play with tunnel vision, don't interrupt sh*t or just simply s*ck at boss mechanics etc. What I suggest you all is master the class you love to play the most as much as you can and you'll manage 20-21 keys or even higher with a proper team. It is a very small % of the whole community who wanna be pushing m+25 or higher. Good luck
I don't know what the devs are thinking. Holy Paladin nerfs? reasonable, but i think a bit too much after the tier set nerf. Kyrian Resto druid legendary nerf by like 50%? Makes no sense or at least is way too hard, because it wouldn't even be close as strong as shaman is right now and is far more difficult to execute. Not even touching Shaman when keeping in mind their insane scaling potential with double legendary? That's just insane if they keep it that way. Why would anyone ever even want another healer in their m+ group than such an easy to execute healer with that amount of healing and damage potential + imo best utility?
Asking myself the same thing. Im main resto druif, got 2386 in season two playing yolo with LFG but now im with a resto shaman alt that is 180 ilvl and its make more dps than my druid with just 2 buttons. I just cant understand the devs abd what they want.
If resto shaman goes live with no nerfs it has to be because blizzard wants them to be broken. There's no way they don't know it is overpowered. Resto shaman will be by far the best spec for m+ next season.
@@pc574 well in raid shaman has been good for years with strong utility good throughput. In keys yes only recently but doesn't mean blizzard should have it do double the damage of some other specs. At least hpala meta in keys their healing throughput sucked rsham has healing and DMG throughput out the wazoo atm.
Been keeping my eye on necrolord hpal for a hot minute. with the covenant legendary, you get 4 free lights of dawn. combined with shadowbreaker lego and the tier set bonus, your wings uptime and raid healing is going to be nutso
Watching this even tho i know exactly i'm coming back to Paladin everytime. Follow your heart and play what you identify most and you will save a lot of time.
I want to agree, but all the solo chores we have to do outside of m+ forces us to think of what dps spec I need to do said chores. Torghast as disc/shadow is a huge negative, for example. Therefore I go with druid this season, again, even tho my fav healer spec is disc.
I´ve mained holy priest for 17 years and played mw on the side and to get this buffs for holy priest feel so got damn good, Hopefully mw monk get some love to next expansion i love that class aswell
As an RDruid, I’m pretty bummed about the Kyrian nerfs. But, I’m generally pretty happy with it still. Necro has been a lot of fun, and it does really good damage… especially to priority targets. It’s also been nicer in PUGs due to being completely self-sufficient. The Necro leggo isn’t the best though and I’d love to see a buff… even just a buff to the % it splits. All that said, though, I think every healer in my guild now has a Resto Shaman alt, lol.
Did you test the Necro leggi with the leggo that gives you gift every minute? They sound like they have great synergy. Would probably work well with NF too
Switched from guardian Druid to resto and was really looking forward to 9.2 before the kyrian. Finally tried out resto shaman and it’s such an easy healer it terms of micromanagement... and does ridiculous damage on top. A no brainer until rshammy gets nerfed.
I have tested Kyrian Resto Shaman with Chain Devastation on the PTR, and it's bonkers. It does require a very degenerate style of gameplay: you _only_ use vesper, chain heal, and chain lightning. With the tier set, and Uhr, it blasts, and puts out incredible DPS (more than Deeptremor, even). But it comes with some serious downsides: you need to play Uhr very often, much more than you normally would, otherwise you'll be OOM; you also need to not use any other totem than vesper (and _maybe_ cloudburst), because using anything else will kill the cooldown reduction on vesper, and your damage will plummet. The longer CD totem you use, the more it hurts. Using Spirit Link once pretty much halved my DPS until it came off CD. It also requires your group to not take too much avoidable damage, and preferably stack up for chain heals. As such, I'll take chain dev into farm keys where the specific playstyle is fine. For pushing, nope, Deeptremor, EE, or even Venthyr with Skybreaker will outperform it. Without the tier bonus, it was also rather inefficient, and did not perform nearly as well as other legendary combos.
In raids I dps/backup heal in m+ I heal. Having tough time choosing priest or druid. Was going priest until shadow nerfs hit hard. But you are selling me on priest for M+ as well as having a great heal spec for raids and shadow is still viable m+ will be super fun as holy. Druid will likely be best DPS for raids but to me catweaving while fun in m+ gets me killed in melee all the time because we'll I'm bad. But I do like healing as resto druid if damage wasn't something that was important.
I main a resto sham. My main focus is raiding but I've been wanting to take keys more seriously. I know Necro is bis for raiding, but I made a horde alt shammy for fun and went venthyr to test it out. Obviously when I switch to dps for keys, I play enh, chain harvest feels a lot better dps wise then Necro. Anyway, my question is, is there a covenant you'd suggest that would be good for both resto and enh?
You were generous putting mw in b. We have the worst dps, zero dps leggos, our tier set is 1 of 2 healer tier sets that provides zero dps. And the nerf to both necro and venthyr just hurts even more.
I honestly think, blizzard sees player number per spec and decides to keep the most popular specs op because more people are playing those specs. Just my two cents
Yep I agree 100% all healers could do with a dps increase to keep up with tanks/dps as their dps will scale SO much faster and higher than us. Let the skill cap remain high for those healers that contribute dps as well as hps. Great video btw. Interesting to hear you say MW is still the lowest dps, I got into a long yt debate with a Paladin in another video who was crying that the nerfs to Paladins were "too much, mw now does more dps than us" and even went as far as to claim he was speaking to a BDGG healer who said the same. Yet everwhere I look I still see MW sitting at the bottom of dps by a LOT. Even the ones that are just trying to do the most dps are waaaaaay lower than other classes AND have to be in mele. I tried to explain MW loses about 40% of the dps from losing frost shards but he wouldn't listen. Guess that's what being the OP class for 3 expansions will do to ya xD
@@Bloodseeker9000 Yes Holy Pala has been the most OP healer for the last 3 expansions, there has been been two in every single RtWF setup since Legion. They have the most utility of any healer while being MILES ahead in dps which they get to do passively. Disc has had a month or two where it surpassed it but they have always been nerfed quickly. Paladins have not. And that's a pretty common feeling throughout the healer community, I'm surprised that you're surprised by that blatant fact. Every healer who's asked about healer meta in the RtWF or top 100 guilds have ALL said they wanted a healer shakeup because its ALWAYS the same healers. This might be the first tier in a long time it not double or triple pala.
have ya had a chance to try any new trinkets yet? Maybe there are some new trinkets that will make MW better? Also, I'm still confused on new affix how the buffs work. Sometimes when I hear ppl talk about it it sounds like the buffs only last like a few sec like 10s or less, or maybe like 30-40s. Other times it's indicated once you pick the buff it lasts the whole dungeon like it did in 9.1.5? If we can get some kind of mana buff for most of the dungeon I don't mind the nerf to the venthyr legendary. It's just as of now I depend on that to not be mana starved on higher keys.
I like to play Hpriest but i feel under the gun every pug. i don't really like the meta healers but every time you enter a dungeon as none meta it's like you're dead weight and have to be the best healer to be accepted or else the class is trash and they shouldn't have brought you. Pleb probs i know but it's tarnishing the experience for me. I'm scared to even apply for 15s even though i can and my toon can way out perform 15s. Of course i can always be better. So i'm likely forced into meta of 9.2. Love your work madz, ty.
More than double, rsham puts a totem down that lasts 30 seconds and in that 30 seconds they most definitely will cast 3 dmg spells. The hardest part about vesper is when you have to re place the totem, and that is massively easy. In 9.2 they will just press 1 button (Earth Ele) and do way more dmg.
go play FF if you want to be a healer DPS. CE BFA player here, tired of people like you telling healers should do more dps. if we want to do more dps we would play a dps.
@@jacktihs2963 The game and the players have evolved and improved over the years. Healers squeezing as much damage as possible while keeping the group alive has been extremely more valuable compared to a healing bot. For example: If you are playing in a +20 or above or mythic raid while not trying to maximize your class's potential then you are okay with playing sub optimal and your teammates have the right to call you out for it. I am not going to judge your preference and you should play the game how you enjoy. But keep in mind if you wanna push yourself into higher content then your game play should evolve with it. Sorry for the essay.
@@gruntymunky4082 people like who ? I haven't said anything other I'm excited about Holy Priests. It sucks that healers can't just heal. But that's the nature of MMOs. FF is pretty to look at but I don't enjoy it.
The fact that disc is near B tier on your list just proves my mentor is right that people don’t understand disc. Most people who play disc make it look bad.
Hi. I have an alt Druid that I use mostly to help guild mates in lower m+ (up to +15). My druid is a night fae... Do I really have to change to other covenants if I want to do decent in those situations? I Think the fae legendary is pretty cool, but I've been hearing people talk about Necrolord and other stuff, so I'm confused. If someone could answer this question, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
You do not have to change covenants in order to do any number of Mythic +15s :) Not only is Convoke the Spirits and its associated legendary plenty powerful, even without any covenant ability you'd be able to do +15s just fine. Stick with the covenant you like :)
Not sure how legendaries work in 9.2 .Can the kyrian resto shaman legendary be placed on any slot other than legs/feet cause I currently have deeptremor on feet
I don't know why I'm surprised, but I am genuinely surprised Shaman hasn't gotten nerfed and MW is still doing half damage than all the other healers in M+ It's actually insane how poor healer Dave is, and Blizz literally does not fucking care...
What healer would you recommend for a simple yet effective rotation? Minimal of effort to bindings and such. Only got 3-5 hours a week to play, and honestly just want to chill doing it
I think your ratings are pretty inflated. Your saying disc and mist are the worse but disc is still in your A tier? Call it as it is, they are both C tier
They need to just take disc back to pre-rework make it the bubble class which was fun if you werent an idiot. And just nerf healer damage into the dirt so people aren't trying to convolute stupid strats based on healer damage and focus on buffing healing specs to be on par. The stupidest thing they ever did was change disc and make everyone just want to use holy pally and discs for everything. Two specs i have always played before all this insanity and even i think it is really stupid. The fact we are even discussing holy priest damage just goes to show how stupid things have gotten.
Well, theres no other balance changes coming any time soon... I main MW and im gonna take a break from the class and probably from WoW.. Especially in early patch, wheres no carrying from gear, if you want to progress fast in high keys you gonna need at least a A tier healer.. you cant do fast progress with a broken healer like MW. You must put double effort and in the end, even then you wont perfoming as well as rshaman in 20% effort. And MW its been this way for like 2 years. Sooooo, fu blizz, im out
@@danielesquivel8469 That's just wrong. Just look all the zero hero challenge people have been doing. There's a reason why they beat with significantly higher gear then them.
@@IndieB3 bro ive been invited to 15s at 220 ilvl with my MW. Healing as MW is a fuckin joke and you can spend half your time just doing dmg. Their dmg is low but atleast they can heal in tight spots while still doing dmg unlike other classes
Yea any healer is viable but you have to 2 or 3 times the effort to be able to do high keys. A tier list isn’t just about what is the best at the top end it’s about the best overall spec even for 15s. An average player could easily time 15s with rsham but it would be more difficult with a mw monk.
One could only hope that one day they give dps a buff, less one shot mechanics, more overall and consitent dmg taken so they can go back to healers healing without dpsing. Love the content as always
Yup Mw nerf Was expected why ? Simple The poor Loses More While the rich Gains More Mw Monk Was Decent in Pre Shadowlands now It's Not Great Anymore first nerfing Tear of the moring now Nerfing venthyr While Rshaman Was Great in pre Shadowlands now Even Stronger than Before IMO Nf Mw is Far better Than necro
Vesper is the champion of dodging? Vesper survived 1 patch and got nerfed pretty heftily going into this patch. Meanwhile Paladins are still one of the strongest healers (3 expansions in a row btw). They are truly the kings of dodging nerfs.
No amount of balance changes anything. The encounter design in dungeons is bad. They have a lot of random aoe dmg going out and because of that you want nuke packs asap. That is the main reason healer dmg matters so much. In Legion and BfA, putting up hots on a druid and then going into cat form to dmg was possible purely because trash was designed differently. This random massive dmg caters to Hpriest, Rsham, Hpal and MW monk, the other 2 healers won't be near the top at all, for that reason alone.
What healer are you playing in 9.2? 🤔
No idea, I will most likely change my mind 10 times before season 3. Druid, holy/disc priest most likely.
I just wanna try Feral with oath of the elder druid and see if it's enough when 2 legendries are available. XD
Resto shaman seems to be the choice for me but if they finally nerf the vespa totem it's a completely different story. Maybe Holy Prist or venthyr shaman is an good alternative but it's very hard to predict if they nerf it... Great video I recently saw a video there a protection paladin replace the healer and they play a +20 Mos intime haha great video. Ps sorry for my bad English ;}
Disc/holy in raid holy in m+ for sure!! Without flash concentration in M+ i hope!
Rdruid but it s a pain in the ass since shadowlands. Miss bfa rdruid.
Should I make a raid version? 🔥🔥🔥
Yes please :)
raid version waiting room xD
Yes. I would love to know your opinion
For sure!
I think we need new healer spec after this. We get the last one 10 years ago, in MoP!
New class for next expansion has a healer spec.
Thanks for the in-depth analysis - i main mistweaver mainly for raiding - I know i have trouble getting into mythic plus groups because my resto shaman has such a easier time. My resto shaman is also easier to play do to it being range and it is more of a numb brain class to play. I also like the difficult leaning curve I had to learn mistweaving and finally mastering it. I do love mistweaver, but with the upcoming nurf to sinister teaching i have no other reality then to main my shaman and maybe pick up holy priest as a alt.
Subscribed, thank you! Wanted to get back into wow and this was perfect.
Concidering giving the game a try again after a long as break, thanks a lot for the video!
Excellent video! thanks a lot for your hard work!!
Sticking with shaman for my main healer for sure, great video as always
Finally, really happy to see Hpriest just after shaman, im so impatient for 9.2 to arrive and blast that m+!
Thank you for you time and dedication for the videos man, I think youre the most objective content creator out there and can give the best opinion around about healers regarding tier lists. Ive seen other tier lists that are literally joking around with some healers...Keep up the good work, we love it ! :)
Im pretty sure PI boosts damage of a DPS quite a lot every 2mins, BL is used in specific situstions every 10, also with reworked spirit of redemption it kinda gets smth like CR, and basically the shaman is the only healer with kick so, every healer has different utility, priest has its own thats it :)
Trust me you wont, m+ its not about healing, and hpriest have nothing to offer to the party
@@Ithorian Seems you havent played Holy priest lately then :)
@@qlimex5202 i have, i switch from disc to holy on grevious weeks
Disc priest should have the highest DPS Period!!! I mean that’s the whole point of playing disc is the aspect of being able to heal and DPS at the same time why would you not make them the top DPS… I can understand why they may not be the top healer but makes no sense that they’re not the top DPS out of the dealers imo
Also the difficulty disc have in order to heal without spamming shadow mend is something the class will have to recognize just unsatisfy to play a difficult healer and not be rewarded...and than flash heal 5x and heal and you are's just sad imo
Although I don’t want my resto shaman get nerfed, I can totally agree with what you say. High difficulty high rewards.
@@normy6801 no need to nerf shaman, they just need to buff other classes. But sadly community focus on beating one class, not supporting the rest;)
@@tralavala9808 it's just easier to balance one class instead of buffing the other 4...and this is the problem
yeah...seems like disc priest is slowly returning to the obscurity of yester year. kinda sad.
The Master has spoken. Late to this one but as always grateful for the video.
I love those long videos!
Finally coming back to wow so the first thing I gotta do is come back to my favorite channel!
Thank for this! Love the video!
I will continue to play my monk, I do very well in mythics and dont fistweave alot. I do play a shaman as well. Thank you for the info especially play what you enjoy.
You guys are overthinking this ranking. Yes healer dps does matter, but if you're geared well and the whole party knows their stuff, completing 20-21s keys are easily manageable with all healer classes (probably with Disc would be tight). If you wanna be pushing towards m+25 then you and your team can start looking at details like healer dps etc. I'm not saying good healer dps won't help but let's be honest, out of all your depleted keys how often was it purely due to the lack of healer dps? I come across several tanks who don't know what route they're doing, dpsers who perform below expectations or in general people play with tunnel vision, don't interrupt sh*t or just simply s*ck at boss mechanics etc. What I suggest you all is master the class you love to play the most as much as you can and you'll manage 20-21 keys or even higher with a proper team. It is a very small % of the whole community who wanna be pushing m+25 or higher. Good luck
right.. People are even going crazy for healer dps in 15s lmao... they are picky as fuck meanwhile dps underperform and stuff..
I don't know what the devs are thinking. Holy Paladin nerfs? reasonable, but i think a bit too much after the tier set nerf. Kyrian Resto druid legendary nerf by like 50%? Makes no sense or at least is way too hard, because it wouldn't even be close as strong as shaman is right now and is far more difficult to execute. Not even touching Shaman when keeping in mind their insane scaling potential with double legendary? That's just insane if they keep it that way. Why would anyone ever even want another healer in their m+ group than such an easy to execute healer with that amount of healing and damage potential + imo best utility?
Im getting more and more convinced the head of blizzard class changes play resto shaman this expansion
Asking myself the same thing. Im main resto druif, got 2386 in season two playing yolo with LFG but now im with a resto shaman alt that is 180 ilvl and its make more dps than my druid with just 2 buttons. I just cant understand the devs abd what they want.
If resto shaman goes live with no nerfs it has to be because blizzard wants them to be broken. There's no way they don't know it is overpowered. Resto shaman will be by far the best spec for m+ next season.
@@marcfleuren7691 How many expansion has RSham been the worst healer? How many expansions, not just tiers, have the top two healers been Hpal/DPriest?
@@pc574 well in raid shaman has been good for years with strong utility good throughput. In keys yes only recently but doesn't mean blizzard should have it do double the damage of some other specs. At least hpala meta in keys their healing throughput sucked rsham has healing and DMG throughput out the wazoo atm.
amazing that your tier list is actually exactly how it is on subcreation after 2 month
I think Blizzard needs to look into redesigning the healers, doing just healing is not an option anymore. Great vid Mad
go play FF, i say this as a CE player in BFA. tired of people like you.
@@gruntymunky4082 Mythic raiding and Mythic + are two different things
Been keeping my eye on necrolord hpal for a hot minute. with the covenant legendary, you get 4 free lights of dawn. combined with shadowbreaker lego and the tier set bonus, your wings uptime and raid healing is going to be nutso
Still love my Mistweaver and fistweaving so ill keep playing!
Watching this even tho i know exactly i'm coming back to Paladin everytime. Follow your heart and play what you identify most and you will save a lot of time.
I want to agree, but all the solo chores we have to do outside of m+ forces us to think of what dps spec I need to do said chores. Torghast as disc/shadow is a huge negative, for example. Therefore I go with druid this season, again, even tho my fav healer spec is disc.
@@moldgrim1 why wasting time of your life doing things you don't like?
I´ve mained holy priest for 17 years and played mw on the side and to get this buffs for holy priest feel so got damn good, Hopefully mw monk get some love to next expansion i love that class aswell
As an RDruid, I’m pretty bummed about the Kyrian nerfs. But, I’m generally pretty happy with it still. Necro has been a lot of fun, and it does really good damage… especially to priority targets. It’s also been nicer in PUGs due to being completely self-sufficient. The Necro leggo isn’t the best though and I’d love to see a buff… even just a buff to the % it splits. All that said, though, I think every healer in my guild now has a Resto Shaman alt, lol.
Even me, who’s not a healer main, have a resto shaman at almost the same rio as my main!
Did you test the Necro leggi with the leggo that gives you gift every minute? They sound like they have great synergy. Would probably work well with NF too
As a MW main, I hate these nerfs. The first time in years MW is doing well and they immediately have to knock it down.
Going to stick with the resto druid mainly because it's where all my time and energy has been put so far
Switched from guardian Druid to resto and was really looking forward to 9.2 before the kyrian. Finally tried out resto shaman and it’s such an easy healer it terms of micromanagement... and does ridiculous damage on top. A no brainer until rshammy gets nerfed.
Aye, Atm shamy need less brain than holy priest, hard to believe, sad but true.
I have tested Kyrian Resto Shaman with Chain Devastation on the PTR, and it's bonkers. It does require a very degenerate style of gameplay: you _only_ use vesper, chain heal, and chain lightning. With the tier set, and Uhr, it blasts, and puts out incredible DPS (more than Deeptremor, even). But it comes with some serious downsides: you need to play Uhr very often, much more than you normally would, otherwise you'll be OOM; you also need to not use any other totem than vesper (and _maybe_ cloudburst), because using anything else will kill the cooldown reduction on vesper, and your damage will plummet. The longer CD totem you use, the more it hurts. Using Spirit Link once pretty much halved my DPS until it came off CD. It also requires your group to not take too much avoidable damage, and preferably stack up for chain heals.
As such, I'll take chain dev into farm keys where the specific playstyle is fine. For pushing, nope, Deeptremor, EE, or even Venthyr with Skybreaker will outperform it. Without the tier bonus, it was also rather inefficient, and did not perform nearly as well as other legendary combos.
In raids I dps/backup heal in m+ I heal. Having tough time choosing priest or druid. Was going priest until shadow nerfs hit hard. But you are selling me on priest for M+ as well as having a great heal spec for raids and shadow is still viable m+ will be super fun as holy. Druid will likely be best DPS for raids but to me catweaving while fun in m+ gets me killed in melee all the time because we'll I'm bad. But I do like healing as resto druid if damage wasn't something that was important.
I main a resto sham. My main focus is raiding but I've been wanting to take keys more seriously. I know Necro is bis for raiding, but I made a horde alt shammy for fun and went venthyr to test it out. Obviously when I switch to dps for keys, I play enh, chain harvest feels a lot better dps wise then Necro.
Anyway, my question is, is there a covenant you'd suggest that would be good for both resto and enh?
Even if u play a class that u like , its no fun if u see that u do no dmg or not enough hps .
Where do you find these charts for ranking classes?
You were generous putting mw in b.
We have the worst dps, zero dps leggos, our tier set is 1 of 2 healer tier sets that provides zero dps. And the nerf to both necro and venthyr just hurts even more.
I honestly think, blizzard sees player number per spec and decides to keep the most popular specs op because more people are playing those specs. Just my two cents
You know it’s bad when your 2300 rating, and 15 groups don’t want to take you in the group finder because your mw. Kekw
Indeed , I don;t get invite for weekly 15s and I completed all dungeons 20-22 :D
The necro change was actually a buff for MW, but yeah the rest of it sucks.
Yup, and very generous for putting rdruid in a tier.
Yep I agree 100% all healers could do with a dps increase to keep up with tanks/dps as their dps will scale SO much faster and higher than us. Let the skill cap remain high for those healers that contribute dps as well as hps.
Great video btw. Interesting to hear you say MW is still the lowest dps, I got into a long yt debate with a Paladin in another video who was crying that the nerfs to Paladins were "too much, mw now does more dps than us" and even went as far as to claim he was speaking to a BDGG healer who said the same. Yet everwhere I look I still see MW sitting at the bottom of dps by a LOT. Even the ones that are just trying to do the most dps are waaaaaay lower than other classes AND have to be in mele. I tried to explain MW loses about 40% of the dps from losing frost shards but he wouldn't listen. Guess that's what being the OP class for 3 expansions will do to ya xD
Did you really call pala the op class of the past 3 expansions?
@@Bloodseeker9000 Yes Holy Pala has been the most OP healer for the last 3 expansions, there has been been two in every single RtWF setup since Legion. They have the most utility of any healer while being MILES ahead in dps which they get to do passively. Disc has had a month or two where it surpassed it but they have always been nerfed quickly. Paladins have not.
And that's a pretty common feeling throughout the healer community, I'm surprised that you're surprised by that blatant fact. Every healer who's asked about healer meta in the RtWF or top 100 guilds have ALL said they wanted a healer shakeup because its ALWAYS the same healers. This might be the first tier in a long time it not double or triple pala.
have ya had a chance to try any new trinkets yet? Maybe there are some new trinkets that will make MW better? Also, I'm still confused on new affix how the buffs work. Sometimes when I hear ppl talk about it it sounds like the buffs only last like a few sec like 10s or less, or maybe like 30-40s. Other times it's indicated once you pick the buff it lasts the whole dungeon like it did in 9.1.5? If we can get some kind of mana buff for most of the dungeon I don't mind the nerf to the venthyr legendary. It's just as of now I depend on that to not be mana starved on higher keys.
I like to play Hpriest but i feel under the gun every pug. i don't really like the meta healers but every time you enter a dungeon as none meta it's like you're dead weight and have to be the best healer to be accepted or else the class is trash and they shouldn't have brought you. Pleb probs i know but it's tarnishing the experience for me. I'm scared to even apply for 15s even though i can and my toon can way out perform 15s. Of course i can always be better. So i'm likely forced into meta of 9.2. Love your work madz, ty.
Yeah I don't know about rdruid, I have to do about double the work to get 70% of the damage of my rsham.
More than double, rsham puts a totem down that lasts 30 seconds and in that 30 seconds they most definitely will cast 3 dmg spells. The hardest part about vesper is when you have to re place the totem, and that is massively easy.
In 9.2 they will just press 1 button (Earth Ele) and do way more dmg.
I was wishing for this vídeo...i need 3 healers...a main and 2 alts...and i cant decide, ffs! TKS MAD
this is ez. shaman priest paladin done
Disc since I play WoW… years by now :-) main char
Does Elemental Equilibrium even apply to Vesper Totem? Vesper has Arcane dmg, right?
What are you using to alter your dbm timers like that? I was using phoguilds WA for the longest time but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
we play in times where healers are ranked by the amount of dps they are sad
Every bosses in this patch are basically soft-enrage type, and mobs are not that hurt, making healers ranked by dps.
That Part.
Holy Priest omg. I might actually return to wow. 😬
go play FF if you want to be a healer DPS. CE BFA player here, tired of people like you telling healers should do more dps. if we want to do more dps we would play a dps.
@@gruntymunky4082 Your mentality is still stuck in 2006. Hope you snap out of it.
@@Q8isilver he has a point though, as a healer I dont mind doing dmg but being judged 100% on my dmg as a healer, it just sucks.
@@jacktihs2963 The game and the players have evolved and improved over the years. Healers squeezing as much damage as possible while keeping the group alive has been extremely more valuable compared to a healing bot. For example: If you are playing in a +20 or above or mythic raid while not trying to maximize your class's potential then you are okay with playing sub optimal and your teammates have the right to call you out for it. I am not going to judge your preference and you should play the game how you enjoy. But keep in mind if you wanna push yourself into higher content then your game play should evolve with it. Sorry for the essay.
@@gruntymunky4082 people like who ? I haven't said anything other I'm excited about Holy Priests. It sucks that healers can't just heal. But that's the nature of MMOs. FF is pretty to look at but I don't enjoy it.
*waiting for the nerf bat to hit resto shamans* from Pallyland with love.
The fact that disc is near B tier on your list just proves my mentor is right that people don’t understand disc. Most people who play disc make it look bad.
Hi. I have an alt Druid that I use mostly to help guild mates in lower m+ (up to +15). My druid is a night fae... Do I really have to change to other covenants if I want to do decent in those situations? I Think the fae legendary is pretty cool, but I've been hearing people talk about Necrolord and other stuff, so I'm confused. If someone could answer this question, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
Depends on what you mean as "decent".. you will be able to do +20 as any covenant. Probably even higher than that..
You do not have to change covenants in order to do any number of Mythic +15s :) Not only is Convoke the Spirits and its associated legendary plenty powerful, even without any covenant ability you'd be able to do +15s just fine. Stick with the covenant you like :)
@@socialpariah73 Thank you, very much appreciated.
So resto shaman still the best in m+
y, most dmg
Not sure how legendaries work in 9.2 .Can the kyrian resto shaman legendary be placed on any slot other than legs/feet cause I currently have deeptremor on feet
Covenant legendary starts on belt (a new power that changes based on your covenant) and later you can out it on any slot.
I don't know why I'm surprised, but I am genuinely surprised Shaman hasn't gotten nerfed and MW is still doing half damage than all the other healers in M+
It's actually insane how poor healer Dave is, and Blizz literally does not fucking care...
Anyone know how much CD reduction can I get from the new affix for Ashen hollow? With the new legendary and affix, can it become like 2min CD? Thanks
there's already a legendary that reduces the cd on ashen hollow up to 50% so with dungeon affixes I would assume absolutely possible.
My main in 9.1.5 was resto shammy (2.6krio). I hope they will nerf him honestly. His dps is crazy...
Im going to heal myself! BDK!
I don’t want resto shaman to be nerfed, I just want to have fun and blast crazy damage for once. :(
nerf vesperrrrr. Idk what are doing un m+
tier list raid plis
Shhh! They'll hear you! Resto shamans have managed to dodge any major nerfs all expansion. I'd like it to stay that way :D
What healer would you recommend for a simple yet effective rotation? Minimal of effort to bindings and such. Only got 3-5 hours a week to play, and honestly just want to chill doing it
rshammy handsdown
Disc in raid, holy in the same as before the patch then
I think your ratings are pretty inflated. Your saying disc and mist are the worse but disc is still in your A tier? Call it as it is, they are both C tier
People keep underrating Disc because they don’t understand it. Disc is easy A+/S tier in 9.2 mythic+
Why u say that? Its my main and have zero chance comparing to rshaman
They need to just take disc back to pre-rework make it the bubble class which was fun if you werent an idiot. And just nerf healer damage into the dirt so people aren't trying to convolute stupid strats based on healer damage and focus on buffing healing specs to be on par. The stupidest thing they ever did was change disc and make everyone just want to use holy pally and discs for everything. Two specs i have always played before all this insanity and even i think it is really stupid. The fact we are even discussing holy priest damage just goes to show how stupid things have gotten.
It'd be nice to just see an all around buff to healer dps especially since its falling off so much.
Well, theres no other balance changes coming any time soon... I main MW and im gonna take a break from the class and probably from WoW.. Especially in early patch, wheres no carrying from gear, if you want to progress fast in high keys you gonna need at least a A tier healer.. you cant do fast progress with a broken healer like MW. You must put double effort and in the end, even then you wont perfoming as well as rshaman in 20% effort. And MW its been this way for like 2 years. Sooooo, fu blizz, im out
Have you considered getting good?
@@Blackguy610 there is very little skill expression in wow
@@danielesquivel8469 That's just wrong. Just look all the zero hero challenge people have been doing. There's a reason why they beat with significantly higher gear then them.
@@Blackguy610 i want to see a zero hero challenge with someone playing mistweaver
they will give up after waiting in queue for 2 hours with no invites
@@IndieB3 bro ive been invited to 15s at 220 ilvl with my MW. Healing as MW is a fuckin joke and you can spend half your time just doing dmg. Their dmg is low but atleast they can heal in tight spots while still doing dmg unlike other classes
Unless you’re aiming for rank 1 any healer’s viable.
Yea any healer is viable but you have to 2 or 3 times the effort to be able to do high keys. A tier list isn’t just about what is the best at the top end it’s about the best overall spec even for 15s. An average player could easily time 15s with rsham but it would be more difficult with a mw monk.
Shaman is going to be nerfed don’t worry.
my poor mw monk, sadge :
I feel you man, my MW is benched for 9,2, I'm going WW and last resort Bm but not MW for the start of 9.2
@@VaRiiaLHD damn that blows :(
One could only hope that one day they give dps a buff, less one shot mechanics, more overall and consitent dmg taken so they can go back to healers healing without dpsing.
Love the content as always
Been trying to get my wife to play shammy and dump that pally - no success
Yup Mw nerf Was expected why ? Simple The poor Loses More While the rich Gains More
Mw Monk Was Decent in Pre Shadowlands now It's Not Great Anymore
first nerfing Tear of the moring now Nerfing venthyr
While Rshaman Was Great in pre Shadowlands now Even Stronger than Before
IMO Nf Mw is Far better Than necro
Mannnnn I don't want to reroll to shaman fml
Sorry but venthy pally is the worse for me to have to play with
Time to quit wow :D
Vesper is the champion of dodging?
Vesper survived 1 patch and got nerfed pretty heftily going into this patch. Meanwhile Paladins are still one of the strongest healers (3 expansions in a row btw). They are truly the kings of dodging nerfs.
No amount of balance changes anything. The encounter design in dungeons is bad. They have a lot of random aoe dmg going out and because of that you want nuke packs asap. That is the main reason healer dmg matters so much. In Legion and BfA, putting up hots on a druid and then going into cat form to dmg was possible purely because trash was designed differently. This random massive dmg caters to Hpriest, Rsham, Hpal and MW monk, the other 2 healers won't be near the top at all, for that reason alone.
Healers shouldn't dps
*literally always makes 25+ minute videos*
*All his viewers come for 25+ minute videos*
*Always apologizes for how long his videos are*
I can't help it
@@MadSkillzzTV ❤️ we love you anyways :)
the whole idea of creating a tier list is that you shouldn't put them all in the same tier lol. that doesn't help XD
First bitches