while I can see there was effort, I just want to say that loud noise and fake crashes aren't scary. not to mention using a sound effect from Slender of all things got a giggle out of me lmao
I agree with you, I've seen so many of that in sm64 personalization vids, and I want something different like something chasing Mario (Not necessary Wario) Personalization stuff ocurring in front of the player (Like stuff being added/deleted in the environment) or something else different
@@lucianorc656 we just need a new formula of these videos altogether. There's the same format, walking about, glitches, Wario. we need a new formula altogether because, while these videos were great in the beginning, it's already became oversaturated and stale
@@TheInfamousLegend27 you heard bout Greenio? i think his sm64 vids are really good tbh, their scary in a sense that isn’t jump scares or nun like that. the atmosphere of the vids are jus...unsettling. then again i’m not the type of person to actively watch these sorts of vids but i jus think his vids on this “sm64 personalized” topic is really cool
I’m surprised no personalised copies yet (at least of what I’ve seen) have explored the ideas of defeating the indestructible piano in Big Boo’s Haunt, or an in-game version of the Bowser Chase in the hill valley depicted on the cartridge artwork.
Mario: hey luigi Luigi: they forgot to add me Mario......they replaced me with you Mario.......and you're dead brother Mario: but luigi we bros *Screen fazes* Luigi: WHOS NUMBER ONE NOW
Me: plays sm64 at 4:17 in the morning The n64 going ballistic and having a stroke The demon under the bed: oh sh*t oh sh*t Satan: goddammit reddit what the hell is with you
I mean this does have the loud annoying sounds and cheap jumpscares, but it’s still really well put together. That ending is absolutely unsettling holy crap. I like this regardless of the dumb choices.
The slenderman static/garble at the beginning hurt the immersion a bit since it's pretty recognizable, but there's also a lot of stuff I liked from this too.
I'm sorry chief, I hate to do it to you, but I actually genuinely burst out laughing when mario just popped into luigi and then there were loud noises. The anticipation of things being loud or popping in your face just isn't genuinely horrifying, it's more of a reactionary response to stimuli. It's certainly unpleasant to have loud things show up in one's face, but the lead up anticipation in the face of something like that is just annoyance, it's "oh boy I better tense up for the loud noises that are going to come," it's not being particularly unsettled. You should try to go more for things like quietly stalling on unsettling scenes and things appearing to be semi-uncanny as opposed to "and then he turned into luigi and the game crashed! And when I rebooted it, I saw the Wario Apparition!!!" Take Petscop or Squimpus' fnaf vhs or even Super Mario 64 Beta Archive for example, they thrive on making the viewers unsettled, not by having needlessly loud things pop in their face. That scene from Beta Archive in the animation showcase video where it showcased Mario's drowning animation but it was just *slightly* longer than the one in the real game and the music became *slightly* off tune and the description mentions that the animations are based off of real life footage as reference? That was genuinely horrifying, I was legitimately left shocked by the notion. A blank screen making a loud noise on loop for 25 seconds straight really isn't all that "scary," it's sort of just the initial jump followed by "I kind of wish this would stop" until the end. You got a good setup, don't ruin it with cliches.
The one "jumpscare" I like in these is the video where they unlock Luigi and then get a game over when his head appears in the hall. It's not loud but it's a surprise and unsettling without giving you a heart attack. It's actually cool.
You have a ULTRA 64? And what the hell was that? 1:55 3:19 L IS REAL 2401 3:39 uhh what is that horrifying sound? 4:05 Game:why didn’t you listened to us Him:I need to see the personalized super Mario 64 beta. 6:43 Oh it’s a maze okay well that is calm
You should’ve made the wario head scream profanity in wario voice. The part where Mario jumps off the castle and it’s crashed before physics break all his chest bones to shit was amazing tho
i remember when games were innocent, playful, intriguing and even thought-provoking. i remember when we all see them like that, when we were children. i remember everything that i can't grasp anymore, because i'm an adult, but i'm not missing childhood. *i miss life.*
Wario: fine, I will stop chasing you, I just wanted to be your friend Mario's Friend Requests Sort by: oldest 1. Wario: 8 will not chase you anymore. Date: PM 5:44 12/03/95
Honestly i knew this would be a clusterfuck when it began with that annoying noise popularized by slenderman (Although props to him there's a lot of effort behind this)
The End looks like the end of 9.02.95 but its lighter and you can see it but in 9.02.95, it's darker and scary, music's also scary, at the beginning when it shows mario in a hallway, the walls look like the French flag.
Actaully, all builds until E3 and after spaceworld95 were using all things like this but with spaceworld life counter and without 0 at the start of stats
Starts with the bootloader. Starts Ultra 64. Freezes again. Scary noises, turned down my volume. Whatever loud volume. Starts again, it crashes, pow. Goes to a place that fell and switch to luigi and it crashes.
Yooo, I'm already loving the series of "every copy of Mario 64 is personalized series" it's like a combination of fnaf, batim, horror films creepypastas to!! I'm loving it already!!
*le da un ataque de risa tan fuerte que le da un paro cardiaco, para despertarse en un hospital 5 años despues y darse cuenta de que todos sus seres queridos y cosas que siempre amo se fueron y alejaron de el, justo ese dia lo iban a desconectar ya que lo daban por muerto, su mamá tuvo un episodio muy fuerte de depresion y se suicido despues de 4 años de gran sufrimiento e incertidumbre, su pareja y esposa de toda la vida se fue con su mejor amigo, y su padre se rehusa a pensar que su hijo sigue con vida y esta solo y senil el viejo, se levanta y sale a la calle sin nada que perder, iria a su casa a descansar, sin embargo a cual? Sus pertenencias incluyendo su departamento habian sido donadas y empeñadas por su esposa, despues de haberlo dado por muerto en la semana 57, y despues de 1 año cumplido con su ahora pareja, su mejor amigo; el hombre era un fantasma ante los ojos de todo su circulo y personas que lo habian conocido alguna vez, ademas de que descansaria, despues de estar en coma por casi 5 años y 3 semanas de estar muerto, e ironicamente se sentia menos vivo que nunca, encuentra en su chaqueta 70 dolares con los que habia sido ingresado al hospital despues del episodio, acto seguido se dirige al bar y pide una botella de licor barato. -bartender: fue un dia dificil eh Se pone tan ebrio, como nunca lo habia hecho desde los 16, tanto que no puede ni recordar como se llama su madre, salvajemente manosea y forcejea a una mujer y es sacado del lugar por unos tipos para ser golpeado casi hasta la muerte por estos, pasadas 6 horas, despues de dormir 2 horas en el basurero de un restaurante chino, con lo poco de cordura que le quedaba, no le importaba el dolor de cabeza que le generaba la resaca de hace unas horas ni el dolor de la paliza de su vida que le habian propinado unos adolescentes violentos, *afortunadamente* aun conservaba el dinero que habia encontrado, asi que se dirije a el sitio donde rentaba una bodega desde hace 13 años, y para su sorpresa seguia al nombre de la familia. Intenta romper el candado. No tiene la llave. La esperanza se acaba, el dolor de los recuerdos de su familia lo ataca, recuerda cada vez que sus padres lo hacían jugar. Quiere volver al pasado y volver a ver a su familia. Quiere volver para hacer algo con su vida en lugar de darle me enrisa a ese maldito post en facebook que le arruinó todo. Último intento. Con un golpe certero de un tubo de acero logra destruir el candado y abre la puerta. Allí encuentra sus cosas, parece que vaciaron su habitación cuando creyeron que había muerto En una caja de plástico encuentra su viejo celular, la abre, intenta encender el teléfono pero tiene baja batería. Desesperado, va corriendo a un wallmart, a la sección de tecnología, mira los cargadores y los celulares. ¿De cuantos avances del mundo se a perdido ya? ¿Con cuantas noticias impactantes se va a encontrar? ¿Si se hizo el spider verse? ¿Si ganó kong? Aunque estuvo dormido 5 años se perdió de tanto. ultimamente el mundo avanza tan rápido... Sin darse cuenta, por estar absorto en sus pensamientos, está corriendo por el walmart, los guardias lo siguen, tiene un cargador en la mano. No tiene a donde escapar así que ataca a uno de los guardias. La pelea es muy sangrienta. En medio de dolor y confusión logra quitarle el arma y le da un tiro certero en la cabeza. Atónito, rápidamente se vuelve hacia los otros guardias y los amenaza. Con sangre y lágrimas logra salir corriendo del lugar. En su huida encuentra una casa, en el patio hay 2 niños. No lo piensa. Cuando todo acaba, va en busca de sus padres. Entra a la casa y va al cuarto principal. La imagen que ve es eczitante pues están satisfaciendo sus placeres carnales, placeres del ser humano de los que el se perdió todo este tiempo. Un destello acaba con la felicidad, con el deseo. Todo acaba. Se encuentra solo, en el suelo, llorando. Ve un enchufe y sabe que hacer. Se incorpora y temblando, conecta el cargador al enchufe y el celular al cargador. Que bien, eligió el correcto. Su celular se prende, lo ve bien. Abre su facebook, tiene muchas notificaciones pero solo le interesa una cosa.... Abre en actividad en facebook y lo ve, un me enrisa en esa maldita publicacion. La entrada principal de la casa suena, la policía ha llegado. Rápidamente se encierra en la habitación principal, temblando. Tiene que hacerlo rápido, no pueden atraparlo. No tienen que..... NO AÚN. Abre la publicación, esa publicación que le arruinó la vida. La ve con odio, pero la mueca de su rostro se va convirtiendo. Poco a poco, la sonrisa sale y lo que solo era una sonrisa de nada, se convierte en la carcajada más grande de su vida. La puerta de la habitació principal suena. Estan apunto de entrar. Pero a él no le importa, encontró la publicación y no para de reír. Siente un dolor en el pecho. Uno fuerte que ya experimentó antes. Siente sus dedos entumecidos, sabe que le esta pasando. Cae en el suelo, boca arriba, mirando al techo. Se sigue riendo, pero sabe que no le queda más vida. Con los ojos llorosos. Con las manos de sangre. Con el pecado en su consciencia. Dice : "JODER, QUE GRACIOSO ES ESTE POST EH" Y de pronto. Oscuridad.
Creepypasta: I was playing mario 64 when i saw the CREEPIEST thing i have EVER seen; the guy from fortnite default dancing. I consumed him, assuming he was a painting when it teleported me to a level, bo bomb battlefield... but retextured... everything had the texture with the words; Error Ur Mom Lol. WHEN SUDDENLY SOMEONE KNOCKED ON THE DOOR... a package? I opened it THEN SOMETHING HOPPED OUT! It was stickbug! I yeeted it off the 574th floor of my house and it stabbed me with the A Universal Time stand arrow... It gave me the stand "Super maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaario 64" Then i got teleported to my own self's... FUTURE!!! The End, oh yea and 30 subs on my channel = part 2
3:19 i like to imagine one you're just playing some super mario 64 and then you go get some food and return to see mario pops and turn into luigi then the game fucking dies
You don't have to read this, but here you go :) TL;DR: This personalized hack isn't necessarily creepy, but it's really insightful This is a Mario with no parents, who popped into existence because its creators said so, who doesn't want to be forced to listen to the commands of his sociopathic creator... who created him with free will, only to be told what to do. His only speech is his yahoo and wahoo, and cannot talk in anyway else or shape or form. I intuitively know, by looking at his actions, and lining it up with what the creator is doing, in these beta maps, where they are supposedly like directors in a film talking trash to their workers to produce a great film... That something is indeed fucking wrong here. Not just by looking at the atmosphere, but the purpose behind all of this. He is crying for help... But the creators gave him free will just so he could suffer, suffer just from not knowing everything about his reality. A sociopath is responsible for instructing developers to make this game. I see something really important here, it actually kind of reflects why people like myself and many others are beginning to close ties with Nintendo simply because of their unempathetic attitude towards their own fans, who don't care about any fan creations whatsoever. They only want what THEY made, and that's it. They don't even want to publish a game that's made by fans and make money off of it, like SEGA did with Sonic Mania. I don't expect anyone to read this, but I found this to be a lot more insightful than creepy, in fact the creepiness is supposed to make you think about the purpose behind all of it........ Btw about that parents part, ever wonder what Mario's parents looked like? You only saw their feet in Yoshi's Island, and you never see them again. Mario never had parents to begin with, he was created in an experiment of free will, or a video game, to follow every command the creator and every player in existence, give him. A Mario who just wants to live on his own, live his own life.
If it’s real then he wouldn’t get arrested from the FBI and spent prison for 2-5 years, or if it’s fake then maybe it took himself maybe about 5 days to make that video
wait is that my recreation at the end
Yes Idubbbz
i want the og picture
while I can see there was effort, I just want to say that loud noise and fake crashes aren't scary. not to mention using a sound effect from Slender of all things got a giggle out of me lmao
I agree with you, I've seen so many of that in sm64 personalization vids, and I want something different like something chasing Mario (Not necessary Wario) Personalization stuff ocurring in front of the player (Like stuff being added/deleted in the environment) or something else different
@@lucianorc656 we just need a new formula of these videos altogether. There's the same format, walking about, glitches, Wario. we need a new formula altogether because, while these videos were great in the beginning, it's already became oversaturated and stale
@@TheInfamousLegend27 you heard bout Greenio? i think his sm64 vids are really good tbh, their scary in a sense that isn’t jump scares or nun like that. the atmosphere of the vids are jus...unsettling. then again i’m not the type of person to actively watch these sorts of vids but i jus think his vids on this “sm64 personalized” topic is really cool
@@chinito.lechero honestly, I don't understand people who HAVEN'T watched them :) I like horror stuff, and he does atmosphere perfectly
Yeah my biggest problem personally was the Slender sound efffect, it hust made me brust into kaughter
I’m surprised no personalised copies yet (at least of what I’ve seen) have explored the ideas of defeating the indestructible piano in Big Boo’s Haunt, or an in-game version of the Bowser Chase in the hill valley depicted on the cartridge artwork.
we definitely need that
Actually there’s is one about the bowser field I forgot were I read it thoe
Ghoul medal?!?
Mario: hey luigi
Luigi: they forgot to add me Mario......they replaced me with you Mario.......and you're dead brother
Mario: but luigi we bros
*Screen fazes*
Mario: the two?
Luigi: o ye!
Game data restored in 6:40
I clicked the time stamp before watching the entire video and, now Im scared to resume playing
I'm about to do that
me too I need to try at the final version.
If this all in their copies were real and kids did all of this, they would have vivid nightmares.
Why am I watching this when im a kid at 12:01AM? IDK.
@@theslayer5597 Goodluck Sleeping :)
Me: plays sm64 at 4:17 in the morning
The n64 going ballistic and having a stroke
The demon under the bed: oh sh*t oh sh*t
Satan: goddammit reddit what the hell is with you
I mean this does have the loud annoying sounds and cheap jumpscares, but it’s still really well put together. That ending is absolutely unsettling holy crap. I like this regardless of the dumb choices.
Son: "Mom, can we have SM64?"
Mom: "We already have SM64 at home"
SM64 at home:
Shitty crepypasta haunted game with "I SAW A WARIO HEAD AND WENT A CUCU CRAZY"
Me in 7.29.1995, wait, aren't this day supposed to be wario appariti- oh its the world glitching out
Its a beta version.
The slenderman static/garble at the beginning hurt the immersion a bit since it's pretty recognizable, but there's also a lot of stuff I liked from this too.
I'm sorry chief, I hate to do it to you, but I actually genuinely burst out laughing when mario just popped into luigi and then there were loud noises. The anticipation of things being loud or popping in your face just isn't genuinely horrifying, it's more of a reactionary response to stimuli. It's certainly unpleasant to have loud things show up in one's face, but the lead up anticipation in the face of something like that is just annoyance, it's "oh boy I better tense up for the loud noises that are going to come," it's not being particularly unsettled. You should try to go more for things like quietly stalling on unsettling scenes and things appearing to be semi-uncanny as opposed to "and then he turned into luigi and the game crashed! And when I rebooted it, I saw the Wario Apparition!!!" Take Petscop or Squimpus' fnaf vhs or even Super Mario 64 Beta Archive for example, they thrive on making the viewers unsettled, not by having needlessly loud things pop in their face. That scene from Beta Archive in the animation showcase video where it showcased Mario's drowning animation but it was just *slightly* longer than the one in the real game and the music became *slightly* off tune and the description mentions that the animations are based off of real life footage as reference? That was genuinely horrifying, I was legitimately left shocked by the notion. A blank screen making a loud noise on loop for 25 seconds straight really isn't all that "scary," it's sort of just the initial jump followed by "I kind of wish this would stop" until the end. You got a good setup, don't ruin it with cliches.
true as frick
holy shit, never would of thought seeing you here
@@ChadScript I am found in many places, beta child.
The one "jumpscare" I like in these is the video where they unlock Luigi and then get a game over when his head appears in the hall. It's not loud but it's a surprise and unsettling without giving you a heart attack. It's actually cool.
Mucho texto
Ok, the sudden Wario at 4:06 made my heart skip a beat.
*me too*
3:49 The Memory Error screen is seen on 12.3.95 tape but with the SM64 Game Over Percussion only music.
Wario at 8:12: "You 'n me."
Me: "Only if you keep 6 feet away and wear a mask, bucko."
It's 8:12, not 8:14
@@StafkiGTN Oof, you're right. It's so hard to be precise for something that you can miss in a blink.
My loud-ass neighbors at 4 am when I'm trying to sleep:
Ultra 64: Online Ban Edition
2:40 if you pause at the right time then you can see wario.
Also notice the time! Its 2401!
Mario **breathes**
The Game: ight imma crash out
Wario: You and Me. Mario: (Internally screams in Italian) I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU YOU CHEAP DOPPLEGANGER
ngl i was laughing throughout watching this. genuinely made my day better and i'm saving this to my playlist if you don't mind!
0:52 突然の日本語表記
You have a ULTRA 64?
And what the hell was that? 1:55
3:19 L IS REAL 2401
3:39 uhh what is that horrifying sound?
Game:why didn’t you listened to us
Him:I need to see the personalized super Mario 64 beta.
Oh it’s a maze okay well that is calm
uh okay?
1:52 oh such a majestic noise! I advise using headphones at full volume for best experience
Even better: go to VLC, put the volume at 200%, and set all egalisation at +20dB.
4:20 Mario is inside a nightmare
Mario groovin to the beat as he dies from wario
1:52 I was wearing headphones and now I am deaf. 😐
I just subscribed to your channel..
With PERSONALIZED notifications!
Every RUclips notification is PERSONALIZED
You should’ve made the wario head scream profanity in wario voice. The part where Mario jumps off the castle and it’s crashed before physics break all his chest bones to shit was amazing tho
what the hell is that image at the end wh
it looks DIFFERENT
I'm asking the same question too
scared the living heck outta me
Its The Nintendo E3 1985 But With Editing
It’s the Mario-A-Thon event with Wil Winston and his younger brother! They just edited it for it to be creepy!
1:44 地獄の処刑シーンが始まった瞬間
Wtf was that
@@zerberk3007 he said "The moment the hell execution scene begins".
6:12 Looks like Catastrophe Crow is flying over there!
Squimpus McGrimpus would be proud of the horror VHS communities he had inspired.
EDIT: Maybe he is already proud, who knows?
6:35 The Funhouse. Coincidence anyone?
9:03 pause right here you can see wario
3:19 HE WAS REAL!!! 2401
i remember when games were innocent, playful, intriguing and even thought-provoking. i remember when we all see them like that, when we were children. i remember everything that i can't grasp anymore, because i'm an adult, but i'm not missing childhood.
*i miss life.*
Wario: You with me?
Mario: *sprints*
Wario: fine, I will stop chasing you, I just wanted to be your friend
Mario's Friend Requests
Sort by: oldest
1. Wario: 8 will not chase you anymore. Date: PM 5:44 12/03/95
Mom can i have mario 64 beta
My mom : no we already have mario64 beta at home
Mario 64 beta at home: 1:52
9:14 Where is that picture from
I saw it in one of Greenio's Videos
Yea do you know what it is? send the video link plz
here pbs.twimg.com/media/EcHx5ZOWkAAYmEo.jpg
@@Renzo-cn4zw Dude that looks creepy
@@asianpaisano1765 thanks
@@Renzo-cn4zw but it's the non-scary/official
0:39 Is this that FL studio sound? Otherwide good job bro
9:09 bad ending
5:01 stop!
2:04 average phonk song
When you are cooked 💀💀💀
Honestly i knew this would be a clusterfuck when it began with that annoying noise popularized by slenderman (Although props to him there's a lot of effort behind this)
1:57 now this is my jam!
You and me F O R E V E R - THE BUILD
dude just random frames of these vids out of context are funny af
4:07 that legit scared the f*** outta me
this is edited really well
Kid:Hm...ok maybe...
kid:Oh :0
Did you worked on this during quarantine? This is cool!
The "you and me" part made me laugh 😄
What's you and me?
The End looks like the end of 9.02.95 but its lighter and you can see it but in 9.02.95, it's darker and scary, music's also scary, at the beginning when it shows mario in a hallway, the walls look like the French flag.
4:11 my dads pc be like when playing on ultra settings some games
12.000 rpm
"you and me."
The weirdest Donut Plaints ever
I'm making Super Mario World Ultra 64 port and I want it to use music like that
That tape video from 1995 is now 25 years old!
Happy 25th anniversary to this tape video!
Happy birthday to this tape!
In this video, errors and gameplays are displayed continuously.
6:40 this inspired funhouse from b3313, didnt it?
Oh wow so scary thanks for blowing my ears out
"You want fun? Wario show you fun!"
3:19 My man Mario just turned into Luigi
L is real bois
Is there a way I can download the music at 9:10? It is perfect for my new RUclips video called "Super Mario World Ultra 64 version"
Never mined, I got it with VLCMediaPlayer but it took like 3 hrs
@@canadadccisliveis donut planes 95
You and me
Revisting this 3 years later
The thing that scared me was the foto of the beta castle at 3:37
Yeah something felt insanely off and disturbing about that castle 😂
@@NightMourningDove i was like pooped 😂
8:12 funny part
That's all we need to know
Actaully, all builds until E3 and after spaceworld95 were using all things like this but with spaceworld life counter and without 0 at the start of stats
Man I'm experiencing the weirdest mix of nostalgia and terror
I thought the 'you and me' was an actual voice in my ear I was like HOLY SHI-
8:13 *you bought a sound from the Zelda shop with gems*
oh my gosh... 2020 nostalgia...
I agree
Starts with the bootloader.
Starts Ultra 64.
Freezes again.
Scary noises, turned down my volume.
Whatever loud volume.
Starts again, it crashes, pow.
Goes to a place that fell and switch to luigi and it crashes.
Whatever, it was a memory error.
Now I won't check, bad times.
Luigi: Hello! :D
Game: NO
I laughed lmao
noice i wish there was a romhack of this exact game (with the error screens too)
consensus in the comments that I agree with: Good editing, interesting choices, but not really scary. Still a fun watch though.
I liked that music at the end
Yooo, I'm already loving the series of "every copy of Mario 64 is personalized series" it's like a combination of fnaf, batim, horror films creepypastas to!! I'm loving it already!!
Was that the fl studio stock vocal «you n me» at 8:14???
yoooooooo this is really bonkers dude!
Very good, but in December there was no 2-digit HUD.
9:09 This looks like 09.02.97
N64: E R R O R
My brother: Oh no! Anyways-
1:29 まさかのコース変更
どういう意味ですか? (申し訳ありませんが、私は英語を話します)
*le da un ataque de risa tan fuerte que le da un paro cardiaco, para despertarse en un hospital 5 años despues y darse cuenta de que todos sus seres queridos y cosas que siempre amo se fueron y alejaron de el, justo ese dia lo iban a desconectar ya que lo daban por muerto, su mamá tuvo un episodio muy fuerte de depresion y se suicido despues de 4 años de gran sufrimiento e incertidumbre, su pareja y esposa de toda la vida se fue con su mejor amigo, y su padre se rehusa a pensar que su hijo sigue con vida y esta solo y senil el viejo, se levanta y sale a la calle sin nada que perder, iria a su casa a descansar, sin embargo a cual? Sus pertenencias incluyendo su departamento habian sido donadas y empeñadas por su esposa, despues de haberlo dado por muerto en la semana 57, y despues de 1 año cumplido con su ahora pareja, su mejor amigo; el hombre era un fantasma ante los ojos de todo su circulo y personas que lo habian conocido alguna vez, ademas de que descansaria, despues de estar en coma por casi 5 años y 3 semanas de estar muerto, e ironicamente se sentia menos vivo que nunca, encuentra en su chaqueta 70 dolares con los que habia sido ingresado al hospital despues del episodio, acto seguido se dirige al bar y pide una botella de licor barato.
-bartender: fue un dia dificil eh
Se pone tan ebrio, como nunca lo habia hecho desde los 16, tanto que no puede ni recordar como se llama su madre, salvajemente manosea y forcejea a una mujer y es sacado del lugar por unos tipos para ser golpeado casi hasta la muerte por estos, pasadas 6 horas, despues de dormir 2 horas en el basurero de un restaurante chino, con lo poco de cordura que le quedaba, no le importaba el dolor de cabeza que le generaba la resaca de hace unas horas ni el dolor de la paliza de su vida que le habian propinado unos adolescentes violentos, *afortunadamente* aun conservaba el dinero que habia encontrado, asi que se dirije a el sitio donde rentaba una bodega desde hace 13 años, y para su sorpresa seguia al nombre de la familia.
Intenta romper el candado.
No tiene la llave.
La esperanza se acaba, el dolor de los recuerdos de su familia lo ataca, recuerda cada vez que sus padres lo hacían jugar. Quiere volver al pasado y volver a ver a su familia. Quiere volver para hacer algo con su vida en lugar de darle me enrisa a ese maldito post en facebook que le arruinó todo.
Último intento.
Con un golpe certero de un tubo de acero logra destruir el candado y abre la puerta.
Allí encuentra sus cosas, parece que vaciaron su habitación cuando creyeron que había muerto
En una caja de plástico encuentra su viejo celular, la abre, intenta encender el teléfono pero tiene baja batería.
Desesperado, va corriendo a un wallmart, a la sección de tecnología, mira los cargadores y los celulares.
¿De cuantos avances del mundo se a perdido ya?
¿Con cuantas noticias impactantes se va a encontrar?
¿Si se hizo el spider verse? ¿Si ganó kong? Aunque estuvo dormido 5 años se perdió de tanto.
ultimamente el mundo avanza tan rápido...
Sin darse cuenta, por estar absorto en sus pensamientos, está corriendo por el walmart, los guardias lo siguen, tiene un cargador en la mano.
No tiene a donde escapar así que ataca a uno de los guardias. La pelea es muy sangrienta. En medio de dolor y confusión logra quitarle el arma y le da un tiro certero en la cabeza.
Atónito, rápidamente se vuelve hacia los otros guardias y los amenaza. Con sangre y lágrimas logra salir corriendo del lugar.
En su huida encuentra una casa, en el patio hay 2 niños. No lo piensa.
Cuando todo acaba, va en busca de sus padres. Entra a la casa y va al cuarto principal. La imagen que ve es eczitante pues están satisfaciendo sus placeres carnales, placeres del ser humano de los que el se perdió todo este tiempo.
Un destello acaba con la felicidad, con el deseo. Todo acaba.
Se encuentra solo, en el suelo, llorando. Ve un enchufe y sabe que hacer.
Se incorpora y temblando, conecta el cargador al enchufe y el celular al cargador. Que bien, eligió el correcto.
Su celular se prende, lo ve bien.
Abre su facebook, tiene muchas notificaciones pero solo le interesa una cosa....
Abre en actividad en facebook y lo ve, un me enrisa en esa maldita publicacion.
La entrada principal de la casa suena, la policía ha llegado.
Rápidamente se encierra en la habitación principal, temblando.
Tiene que hacerlo rápido, no pueden atraparlo. No tienen que.....
Abre la publicación, esa publicación que le arruinó la vida. La ve con odio, pero la mueca de su rostro se va convirtiendo.
Poco a poco, la sonrisa sale y lo que solo era una sonrisa de nada, se convierte en la carcajada más grande de su vida.
La puerta de la habitació principal suena. Estan apunto de entrar.
Pero a él no le importa, encontró la publicación y no para de reír.
Siente un dolor en el pecho. Uno fuerte que ya experimentó antes. Siente sus dedos entumecidos, sabe que le esta pasando.
Cae en el suelo, boca arriba, mirando al techo.
Se sigue riendo, pero sabe que no le queda más vida.
Con los ojos llorosos.
Con las manos de sangre.
Con el pecado en su consciencia.
Y de pronto.
mucho texto XD
joder son las
son las 6 de la mañana
Did this guy wrote an whole essay in spanish?
@@xOshiageMan Yeah
5:14 - 6:00 = Mario thought he was inside the Truman show.
9:24 New endings unlocked: The Paranormal Ending: Mario has become weird, cursed, and Dangerous entilty.
I just love this tape series
Creepypasta: I was playing mario 64 when i saw the CREEPIEST thing i have EVER seen; the guy from fortnite default dancing. I consumed him, assuming he was a painting when it teleported me to a level, bo bomb battlefield... but retextured... everything had the texture with the words; Error Ur Mom Lol. WHEN SUDDENLY SOMEONE KNOCKED ON THE DOOR... a package? I opened it THEN SOMETHING HOPPED OUT! It was stickbug! I yeeted it off the 574th floor of my house and it stabbed me with the A Universal Time stand arrow... It gave me the stand "Super maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaario 64" Then i got teleported to my own self's... FUTURE!!! The End, oh yea and 30 subs on my channel = part 2
2:08 Little mistake I heard; an Android notification sound in the background.
Nope. There's no notification sound, I made N64 controller "Start" sfx effect (probably made with keyboard)
mario does the jumpscare and becomes real out of my television
All the noises make it seem that this tape will say "Hey Shitass wanna see me speedrun?"
3:19 i like to imagine one you're just playing some super mario 64 and then you go get some food and return to see mario pops and turn into luigi then the game fucking dies
You don't have to read this, but here you go :)
TL;DR: This personalized hack isn't necessarily creepy, but it's really insightful
This is a Mario with no parents, who popped into existence because its creators said so, who doesn't want to be forced to listen to the commands of his sociopathic creator... who created him with free will, only to be told what to do. His only speech is his yahoo and wahoo, and cannot talk in anyway else or shape or form. I intuitively know, by looking at his actions, and lining it up with what the creator is doing, in these beta maps, where they are supposedly like directors in a film talking trash to their workers to produce a great film... That something is indeed fucking wrong here. Not just by looking at the atmosphere, but the purpose behind all of this.
He is crying for help...
But the creators gave him free will just so he could suffer, suffer just from not knowing everything about his reality. A sociopath is responsible for instructing developers to make this game.
I see something really important here, it actually kind of reflects why people like myself and many others are beginning to close ties with Nintendo simply because of their unempathetic attitude towards their own fans, who don't care about any fan creations whatsoever. They only want what THEY made, and that's it. They don't even want to publish a game that's made by fans and make money off of it, like SEGA did with Sonic Mania.
I don't expect anyone to read this, but I found this to be a lot more insightful than creepy, in fact the creepiness is supposed to make you think about the purpose behind all of it........
Btw about that parents part, ever wonder what Mario's parents looked like? You only saw their feet in Yoshi's Island, and you never see them again. Mario never had parents to begin with, he was created in an experiment of free will, or a video game, to follow every command the creator and every player in existence, give him.
A Mario who just wants to live on his own, live his own life.
4:06 holy shit that scared me first wario apparaition that scares me
Really good editing, how long did this take to edit?
If it’s real then he wouldn’t get arrested from the FBI and spent prison for 2-5 years, or if it’s fake then maybe it took himself maybe about 5 days to make that video
Me : watches this
My Ears : a d i o s
The fear factor went as soon as the slender man sound played XD