i would rather you talk about the future, it is about future in investment in property asset class, not current. Uk, i do not think it is really welcome investors in terms of tax. i believe their tax policy is moving more aggressive to reap investor money and no longer competitive comparing with other Europeran countires. The lady obiviously has no idea how other Europerean countries, as portugual, spaniness, berlin , malta are outperforman far a lot during the past decades. London / UK are just below the average or even amongst the least perfromed of all Eurpoean countries. Sorry, I personally will no longer bet on London, if not UK, but rather will choose other European markets in terms of tax and potential econcomic growth perspective. Investing in Span Portgual, Greek are just like an investor in SZ invested in Fujian, or Shanghai, so close in terms of geographic promixity. Maybe Lion 哥 can have a more intensive/ or a brief analysis of each European markets, like some are of interesting to talk, Turkey, Malta, Monoca, or even Ukraine.
Brexit boosts Ireland’s international banking sector Ireland moves up global, EU rankings as banks relocate post Brexit It ranked Ireland’s international banking sector as 17th largest in the world and eighth largest in the EU, up from 19th and ninth a year earlier.
掂👍. 多謝 Lion 哥.多謝 Yvonne. 有圖有字有資料. 說話清晰咬字精確. 請繼續上載. 比較中國, 中國香港, 英國的月亮真係特別圓特別大. 💂🇬🇧💂
lion哥channel 講香港經濟樓市好聽,多人睇左,開始鋪排做推銷樓盤賣樓,搵真銀。多謝Yvonne讚好倫敦樓。祝lion哥你賺到盤滿砵滿!
Lion哥突然間介紹倫敦樓樓,有啲奇怪,倫敦樓唔貴?唔會下跌咩?英國經濟好好咩?依家應該係全世界都經濟唔好cash is king
Hi y, nice briefing keep up the spirit bye L
@@ufoleung 而家引入外勞,有空缺呀都冇你份啦!而家財政唔得,邊度有咁多肥缺呀,自欺欺人
@@mrwylie6722 我已經入左政府😂上一手人就係移民,多謝關心🙏🏻
@@mrwylie6722 唔好葡萄,不過又係,你食穀種,眼紅人哋餐餐大魚大肉,繼續移民,唔阻你哋,香港都唔歡迎你哋,留你哋有咩用
Buy to let? 倫敦呢兩年,輸比定期存款,…
We ❤ London
英國|威爾士上調第二物業市政稅 樓市現抛售潮
Sorry…好似聽緊十幾年D sales講嘅內容,太流於表面、唔夠深入,行入香港酒店搞的展銷會嘅內容係一樣
個女主持好流, 好似當我哋 聽眾 仲係大鄉裡, 女主持你去聽下第二啲講英國嘅youtuber, 你就知道自己講嘅嘢係幾咁幼稚
Lion gor自己買左未
i would rather you talk about the future, it is about future in investment in property asset class, not current. Uk, i do not think it is really welcome investors in terms of tax. i believe their tax policy is moving more aggressive to reap investor money and no longer competitive comparing with other Europeran countires. The lady obiviously has no idea how other Europerean countries, as portugual, spaniness, berlin , malta are outperforman far a lot during the past decades. London / UK are just below the average or even amongst the least perfromed of all Eurpoean countries. Sorry, I personally will no longer bet on London, if not UK, but rather will choose other European markets in terms of tax and potential econcomic growth perspective. Investing in Span Portgual, Greek are just like an investor in SZ invested in Fujian, or Shanghai, so close in terms of geographic promixity. Maybe Lion 哥 can have a more intensive/ or a brief analysis of each European markets, like some are of interesting to talk, Turkey, Malta, Monoca, or even Ukraine.
倫敦 Nine Elm to Wanrsworth Road, 開始transform, 有排regenerate
Brexit boosts Ireland’s international banking sector
Ireland moves up global, EU rankings as banks relocate post Brexit
It ranked Ireland’s international banking sector as 17th largest in the world and eighth largest in the EU, up from 19th and ninth a year earlier.
把內容改成實例,條片便變得有趣味,例如主持個老友,佢個仔在London 讀屎片,果時佢買間屋月供一百磅,而家佢個仔畢業去左俄羅斯打仗,間屋出租了,變成個個月有幾百磅收入,觀眾要聽呢D,不是一直提供數據,好QQQQ悶
拉人哥,你whatsapp 咩號碼架?
+44 7946633168
英國人為「上車」不惜搬到更遠 倫敦成最不受歡迎首置地區
Ep.07 英國買樓收租, HMO, 倫敦Zone 2 回報率
Lok Property TV UK
嘩! 唔係嘛! 唔好亂吹! 冇 local experience, 點樣搵份專業工呀??
一聽佢話移民去倫敦會好容易搵到金融,會計,ibank 工已經笑咗,建議拉人哥唔好出呢d sale屎片去污染你的channel