This is so important for worship leaders to hear!

  • Опубликовано: 14 фев 2024
  • This is so important for worship leaders to hear!
    Check out our website for our courses about this topic and other hot button issues in today's culture!
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Комментарии • 2

  • @ackflaminco2902
    @ackflaminco2902 4 месяца назад

    Im proud to be the first like on this. Great video.

  • @jasonfowler1986
    @jasonfowler1986 4 месяца назад

    Need more songs about Kingdom of Heaven on earth unity remembering that during the days of the early church there was unity between the Body of CHRIST (Kingdom/musculine) and the early church (bride/feminine) through the leadership of the 12 Apostles who CHRIST the KING of kings said,"Are 12 kings & judges set over the 12 tribes of Isreal." (Minus judas iscariot and plus Saul who was hand picked & became Paul. ) But as the great apostasy began after their days on earth as predicted by them the church became romanized being conformed to the world instead of being transformed by the renewing of their minds. Now in the fullness of the Biblically predicted global great apostasy falling away from the Kingdom the post Christendom secular humanist enlightenment antitype of a New Covenant Kingdom democratic republic u.s. now of unpayable national monetary and sin debts that has never paid 1 shekel in taxes to the Kingdom of GOD union of the collective democratic wills of the sinful natures of the people with the deceiver of the nations where the wrath and judgements of a Holy GOD are increasing we see the mother of harlots and her many antikingdom gentile doctrines of men denominational divisions daughters in love with the world and guilty of spiritual adultery with the world instead being in it and not of it as a wise, noble, & royal bride who has made herself ready for her wedding day. Also the Gospel of CHRIST and HIS Kingdom on earth are praise worthy because just as it can cause individuals to be born again spiritually so HE can cause lost, spiritually dead democratic republics made in the image of pre-Christian ancient pagan Greco-Roman political religions, & decaying nations like the u.s.that forsook Christendom like England that first chased after world empire instead to be made into a new creation even in the New World at these end of new testament times. Pray,"Thy Kingdom come to America. Thy will be done in America as it is in Heaven." Sow,"Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!" Love the HOLY SPIRIT & king Yason of the Bible Belt a New Covenant friend of the GROOM & tax collector for the Kingdom whom the MESSIAH loves as a little adopted baby brother of the prophets. Wise leaders of antikingdom apostate christian outlaws gentile doctrines of men denominational divisions churches of gone back in ones should probably seek my face as the plagues etc.still yet to come causes many of them to cease to exist just as they prefer the so called religious freedom of the abomination of the idolatrous polytheistic religious system of the cursed and damned u.s. federal government to true&faithful Christendom unity of Church&Kingdom as they make the same mistakes as the pharisees before them that failed the old covenant Kingdom of Israel at the first coming of the KING of kings and LORD of lords. Praise the LORD GOD Almighty who allows world empires even so called to super powers to rise and fall so HE show a world heading torwards greater and greater tribulations that HE alone is the Sovereign of the Ages. Amen.Shalom.