Alhamdulilah this is a very good lecture. I pray that we become people who wake up for tahajjud and fajr. Oh Allah, let us be people who read the Quran after fajr and recite the morning and evening adhkar. Ameen
I love the way he speaks Allah’s name as Subhan al Khaliq ❤️ Dear brothers can you share more lectures and talks of ustad wahaj tareen I am a big fan of him, I have watched all his lectures present on RUclips and I want to listen to him more and more please share with me some other links I will be very grateful jazak Allah khair
Aslmwlkm to the best of creation who follow the teaching of the prophet's given to us in a way that is unimaginable but by heart I can assure that this from ALLAH SO WE HAVE TO FOLLOW THE TEACHING OF THE LAST AND FINAL PROPHET RASOOL SAW PBUH AMEEN ALLAH IS MY LORD
He is so smart and experienced. I indirectly experienced his answer somewhere at 1:12:00. My non-muslim female friend was put in the dorm with a girl from Bajrein who wears the hijab. So after some days when we met, she was shocked and told me "This girl from Bahrein is NORMAL!"
May Allah bless this brother with shiffa and wisdom and may Allah bless us all with mercy and guidance insha_allah🙏🏼🕋🚨 p.s....personally I love listening to this brother because he has a humble and beautiful voice alhamdu_lillah,tabarrak_allah💯🕋
No matter how much money you get is in your ...I congrats those people who work for AllahSWT... Almighty solders... Other wise people give more importance to modernisation...Islam save people...
Mashallah that wash a good lectier,may ALLAH BLESS YOU USTHAD WAHAJ TARIN GRAND(: And we nead to remember MINERALS AND VITAMINS to! I realy wont to thank you alot.But dit you cleim al the way up? I think you did(: SOPHANALLAH,ALLAHU AKBAR. BEATYFULL talk you gave there,cant thank you anouhf.Sorry my english bad): hope that its to read(; I wish it will come bag: TRANSLATION,so that we al can se what other says/ride INSHALLAH...
That is the recitation of 3 verses from the second chapter of the Holy Quran (Surah al-baqarah, verses 155-157). It sounds melodious but it is not "singing" it is "reciting". Beautiful words of God and beautiful recitation indeed.
manusia akhir zaman tidak punya syafaat akan tetapi mereka mengejar cahaya untuk d jadikan perniagaan mereka d dunia mencari harta dunia kekayaan dunia
The sound only good in the beginning, unfortunately, once the lecture begins at minute 1:18 onward, I can't hardly hear anything, why is this? Already check at the sound section, it is on to the maximum, can you "Al Manar Centre Dubai" who is responsible do something to have the sound louder please.
This one understand everything in baby suci profile of one thing in world connected in kin tsuchi in baby everything going to dunia Dyson understand fokus promotion understand connected in Sabah and collected from baby good night thank you testing connecting lima waktu understand for choosing between dunia understand testing testing promote pinjam dialah permai inn Kuala Terengganu food in Kuala Terengganu ada alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin peristiwa destinasi' rim BBS kalimah Allah going to buy ashadualla ilahailallah Dyson understand baby everything understand janji Allah problem with kunaikkan syukur alhamdulillah barakallah hu minkum minna wa minkum minkum taqabbal ya kariim
Correct me if am wrong , but Islam never ever promoted the heliocentric model @ all, in fact they had a great understanding of the Geocentric model as the Astrolabe proves , does it not say (Allah ) he who has created seven heavens, and of the earth the like of them of them ; Sky has a covering that the Earth is spread out and laid like carpet spread on the ground ? Surely I'm not the only one that has noticed this fact ? I'm not a Muslim but I am a believer in the Most High & No Offence intended here I am just stating something I find to be a contradiction to the my belief of Islam . I hope to get a response on this matter Inshallah :)
Sm0kie__ 420 I think u will get a answer if u watch zakir naik vedio..he said something like this in his vedio them may be u will get ur answer...
The sheikh was asked- Could you please explain these Quranic verse. Actually one Non Muslim asked me to explain these verses. Quran 71:19 And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out). Quran 78:6 Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, What does it mean ? Quran 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. Does it mean that Earth is flat? Tafsir Jalalayn says that EARTH is flat. But it is against Established Science. Published Date: 2014-02-11 Praise be to Allah Firstly: The scholars are unanimously agreed that the earth is round, but to human eyes it appears to be flat, because it is very big and its roundness or curvature cannot be seen at close distances. So the one who stands and looks sees it as flat, but when viewed as a whole, in reality it is round. Ibn Hazm (may Allah have mercy on him) said: The proofs of the Qur’an and Sunnah indicate that it is round. End quote. See also the answers to questions no. 201530 and 118698 Secondly: The verse (interpretation of the meaning) “And Allah has made for you the earth wide spread (an expanse)” [Nooh 71:19] indicates that it is spread out and shaped so that people can feel settled in it and be able to live and prosper in it. Ibn Katheer said: That is, He spread it out, prepared it, made it stable and made it firm by means of the mountains. Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 8/247 Similarly, the verse (interpretation of the meaning) “Have We not made the earth as a bed” [an-Naba’ 78:6] means that it is spread out and prepared for you and for your benefit, so that you can cultivate it, build dwellings in it and travel through it. Ibn Katheer said: That is, it is prepared for people in such a way that they can live in it, and it is firm, stable and steady. Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 8/307 And the verse (interpretation of the meaning) “And the earth We spread out, and placed therein firm mountains, and caused to grow therein all kinds of things in due proportion” [al-Hijr 15:19] means We spread it out and placed firm mountains therein. This is like the verse in which Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And it is He Who spread out the earth, and placed therein firm mountains and rivers” [ar-Ra‘d 13:3]. There is no contradiction between saying that it is round and saying that it was spread out, because in fact in its totality it is round, but to the one who stands on it and looks at it, it appears flat, as it appears to everyone. Ar-Raazi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If it is said: Do the words “And the earth We spread out” indicate that it is flat? We would respond: Yes, because the earth, even though it is round, is an enormous sphere, and each little part of this enormous sphere, when it is looked at, appears to be flat. As that is the case, this will dispel what they mentioned of confusion. The evidence for that is the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And the mountains as pegs” [an-Naba’ 78:7]. He called them awtaad (pegs) even though these mountains may have large flat surfaces. And the same is true in this case. End quote from Tafseer ar-Raazi, 19/131 Shaykh ash-Shanqeeti (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If the scholars of Islam affirm that the earth is round, then what would they say about the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Do they not look at the camels, how they are created? And at the heaven, how it is raised? And at the mountains, how they are rooted and fixed firm? And at the earth, how it is spread out?” [al-Ghaashiyah 88:17-20]. Their response will be the same as their response concerning the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water” [al-Kahf 18:86] - that is, as it appears to be in the eye of the beholder, because the sun sets on one country, but remains up in the sky for another, until it rises from the east on the following morning. So the earth looks flat in every region or part of it, because of its immense size. This does not contradict its real shape, because we may see a very high mountain, but if we climb it and reach its summit we may find a flat surface there, and find an entire nation living there, and some of the people there may not know anything about the rest of the world, and so on. End quote. Adwa’ al-Bayaan, 8/428 Shaykh Rafee‘ ad-Deen ibn Waliyullah ad-Dahlawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his book at-Takmeel: Some may understand words such as “made the earth as a bed” [an-Naba’ 78:6], “He spread the earth” [an-Naazi‘aat 79:30] and “…how it is spread out…” [al-Ghaashiyah 88: 20] as meaning that it is flat, whereas the scholars affirm that it is round on the basis of sound evidence, so it is thought that there is a conflict. That may be refuted by the fact that the visible part of it (for a person standing on it) appears flat, because the larger a circle is, the more spread out it is, so we may say that it is flat on the basis of that part of it that is visible to us, and it is round in its totality, on the basis of rational thinking. Quoted from him by Siddeeq Hasan Khan in his tafseer, Fath al-Bayaan, 15/208 And Allah knows best.
I have been listening to shiek for a,week now, I love your lectures and for Allah s sake I love this shiek . You have been such a boost to my Iman thank you sir
This one premium Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh you now open friend this one for me understand album doktor savefrom Shafiq Nordin peninju skin because siap dah send Dr Shaklee November busking alpro seram doktor sakit thank you so much syukur alhamdulillah hirobbil
This wanna be be be seen dunia di dunia di sanalah janji barang baby going to janji connector in Allahuakbar Allahuakbar ashadu allah ilaha illallah wa asyhadu anna muhammadar rasulullah hayya alassolah hayya alal falah kat Kemensah kat Kemensah Allahuakbar Allahuakbar lailahaillallah connected with everything Islam kalimah Allah di suara less than everything in baby Allah goyang dunia di suami janji promote Allah awal i lahir connecting Peramu nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salam alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin understand transparent and everything
Dyson understand this one old money don't understand in Palestine di sini awal connecting aplikasi 2012 from ustaz maghrib Saleha everything then the Palestin design in Palestine everything inform doktor Zakir is one of Islam in Palestine John reconnecting old umat Palestin Islam everything janji pramuka cantik person going to ustazah migrain money no location Palestin everything because many connecting ustaz this one understand in Palestine everything brother syukur alhamdulillah hirobbil
This one from dan or close now in the bedroom doktor this one understand pilih dan of loss from doctor sleep because now i believe stand skin from doctor bilik bryson insya-allah Proton savy Dr Shafie now everything cara menyusun clash Royale Iswani everything 21 promosi riswan close old is not everything but everything untuk nafsu iblis connecting in Dr Shafie nafsu iblis this one is Syafiq i know please help alpha lipid injustice want it up tu okey brother this one i know my life Safiq Rahim Dr syukur alhamdulillah hirobbil alamin you understand brother
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh nombor wani cancel Allah subhanahu wa Ta'ala lima waktu tu nafsu understand Allah everything you do in Iman dan sabar connected nafsu nafsu perempuan kematian Sulli nafsu this warning connector ini aku naik angin nafsu this one nafsu something discussion perempuan this one nafsu inside every time thank you so much problem besok alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh understand open in my feelings x this one who finish in Rahmat this one understand Nur Allah ya Allah rahmat Allah manusia seks isu novel Interlok Salam kamu episod understand wife waalaikumussalam opening Rahmat
I have learned from him what Fa'alul Lima Yurid and Zul 'Arshil Majeed is ,Allah reward him in abundance in both worlds
That's wonderful sis!
Alhamdulilah this is a very good lecture. I pray that we become people who wake up for tahajjud and fajr. Oh Allah, let us be people who read the Quran after fajr and recite the morning and evening adhkar. Ameen
*Masha'Allah* _Those who goes in search of a meaningful life, Allah bestows them with Islam._
Subhana Allah this is a kind of lecture that we have to listen to often.
MashaAllah very true. May Allah bless you more and give you more details of islamic knowledge to remind us Ameen
what a logical lecture may Allah bless you sheikh you are an amazing person
ما شاءالله سبحاالله! ډیر ډیر مفیده او علمي کنفرانس دي. جاهد اواب د کا نادا نه🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫🌹💐🥀🌙
His voice and accent alone are hard to pass by Maa Shaa Allah
I love the way he speaks Allah’s name as Subhan al Khaliq ❤️
Dear brothers can you share more lectures and talks of ustad wahaj tareen I am a big fan of him, I have watched all his lectures present on RUclips and I want to listen to him more and more please share with me some other links I will be very grateful jazak Allah khair
@Mohammed Ali wats this
There are some playlists on YT with his lectures Alhamdulillah
my Allah gathere all Muslims in jannah ❤
Ameen 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
MaShaAllah. Jazakallahu khairan sheikh. One of my favourite ustadh. I love you sheikh for the sake of Allah.
Maa sha Allah, I love his method of delivering his lectures. Him and Ustadh Ali Hamuda, Subuana'Allah I love both of them for the sake of Allah
This is an amazing lecture jzk for bringing it to us may Allah swt reward this sheikh and everyone involved ameen
Verey true & Islamic speech of a great & young Islamic scholer. May Allah Bless & safeguard u our Great Islamic scholer. May U live long
my left ear learned a lot
I love this brother for the sake of Allah.
Mashallah what a beautiful nd lighted face..
Great JazakALLAH shrikh msy Allah be pleaded with you amee.
Aslmwlkm to the best of creation who follow the teaching of the prophet's given to us in a way that is unimaginable but by heart I can assure that this from ALLAH SO WE HAVE TO FOLLOW THE TEACHING OF THE LAST AND FINAL PROPHET RASOOL SAW PBUH AMEEN ALLAH IS MY LORD
masha allah may Allah bless you ustadh wahaj tarin scholar of islam
He is so smart and experienced. I indirectly experienced his answer somewhere at 1:12:00. My non-muslim female friend was put in the dorm with a girl from Bajrein who wears the hijab. So after some days when we met, she was shocked and told me "This girl from Bahrein is NORMAL!"
may Allah bless you with good life Ameen
Ma sha Allah sheikh may Allah bless you more
La illaha illah Allaah Muhammadur Rasool Allaah.
Allaah has blessed him
Alhamdulillaah he's do humble
Intelligence of Dunya n Islamic knowledge
Mashallah! Great work Ustad and thanks to Almanar. Keep it up and please try to held such talks in other countries as well. Jazakallah
Subhanllah may Allah bless the sheikh
Its Great such center and Scholars do Excist facing such diversity of great Ignorance and Knowledge as Well..
جزاك الله خيرا...
Mashallah Tabarakallah,
Yaxfida kallah ya Sheikh Wajah.
An excellent talk and very beneficial for anyone seeking guidance in these times of great trials.
May Allah bless you brother
Dang the start of the video😳 the things we take for granted we have all these luxuries yet still depression in society is at its peak.
May Allah bless this brother with shiffa and wisdom and may Allah bless us all with mercy and guidance insha_allah🙏🏼🕋🚨 p.s....personally I love listening to this brother because he has a humble and beautiful voice alhamdu_lillah,tabarrak_allah💯🕋
I love the check by Ahlla, may Ahlla grants you janah. Salam
my left ear enjoyed this lecture
I love this Sheikh for the sake of Allah
heart touching byaan
Forgive and forget explained and how to implement it beautifully.
Great speech..
Powerful ma sha allah
Allah have all answers
He's my fave Da'i
dammit!? why aren't u happy
his the best in bayans
Am almost done watching his bayans
No matter how much money you get is in your ...I congrats those people who work for AllahSWT... Almighty solders... Other wise people give more importance to modernisation...Islam save people...
Subhaan Allaah.Allahu Akbar
ولله وجمل يا شيخ😘😘😘😘😘😘👌🏻
Masha ALLAH 😍😍😍😍😍
Exercise, Walk fast for 30 minutes three times a week
Socialise, pray in congregation five times a day
Sunlight, go out
Take omega 3
Increase in sajda
To overcome depression
Masha allah...
All praise be to Allah
ikatlah mereka yang mendustakan agama allah maka putuskanlah urat nadi mereka
Masha Allah
Abbas Iman
Mashallah that wash a good lectier,may ALLAH BLESS YOU USTHAD WAHAJ TARIN GRAND(: And we nead to remember MINERALS AND VITAMINS to! I realy wont to thank you alot.But dit you cleim al the way up? I think you did(: SOPHANALLAH,ALLAHU AKBAR. BEATYFULL talk you gave there,cant thank you anouhf.Sorry my english bad): hope that its to read(; I wish it will come bag: TRANSLATION,so that we al can se what other says/ride INSHALLAH...
Ma sha Allah that was fantastic lecture
Subhana Allah
Nice voice, I like the first song, could not understand, but felt as if it gave peace
That is the recitation of 3 verses from the second chapter of the Holy Quran (Surah al-baqarah, verses 155-157).
It sounds melodious but it is not "singing" it is "reciting".
Beautiful words of God and beautiful recitation indeed.
@@trr2739 Jazakallah Khair
May God guide you to the truth.
Nice voice
manusia akhir zaman tidak punya syafaat akan tetapi mereka mengejar cahaya untuk d jadikan perniagaan mereka d dunia mencari harta dunia kekayaan dunia
Allah rabbul izzah
subhanal- khalek
الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر
The sound only good in the beginning, unfortunately, once the lecture begins at minute 1:18 onward, I can't hardly hear anything, why is this? Already check at the sound section, it is on to the maximum, can you "Al Manar Centre Dubai" who is responsible do something to have the sound louder please.
Evidence Allah giving answer
asalamu Alaikum, i was wondering if i could get permission to edit this video to make a beneficial reminder and to post it on facebook?
if you have some of the videos on Facebook ..can I pls add you so I can add some on my Facebook page main purpose of spreading the message.salam
+Ordinary muslim : You can do it for sake of Allah.
The question about the beard was in line with the topic.Why did he below him off?
The sound is really low, I'm afraid, I hardly can hear it right! Sad.
Great lecture but why do they called UAE rulers and their families "sheik or sheikhas" there aren't people who studied Islam.
The Formula 21:58
Assalam-o-Alaykum brother's
Mashallah love to listen to this Ustad may Allah give us the reality Ameen
tanyalah sekalian umatmu apakah yang mereka cari d dunia..tidakkah mereka mengenal nabi mereka
Assalam u alaikum who is Qari MashaAllah
انشآء الله
This one understand everything in baby suci profile of one thing in world connected in kin tsuchi in baby everything going to dunia Dyson understand fokus promotion understand connected in Sabah and collected from baby good night thank you testing connecting lima waktu understand for choosing between dunia understand testing testing promote pinjam dialah permai inn Kuala Terengganu food in Kuala Terengganu ada alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin peristiwa destinasi' rim BBS kalimah Allah going to buy ashadualla ilahailallah Dyson understand baby everything understand janji Allah problem with kunaikkan syukur alhamdulillah barakallah hu minkum minna wa minkum minkum taqabbal ya kariim
Correct me if am wrong , but Islam never ever promoted the heliocentric model @ all, in fact they had a great understanding of the Geocentric model as the Astrolabe proves , does it not say (Allah ) he who has created seven heavens, and of the earth the like of them of them ; Sky has a covering that the Earth is spread out and laid like carpet spread on the ground ? Surely I'm not the only one that has noticed this fact ? I'm not a Muslim but I am a believer in the Most High & No Offence intended here I am just stating something I find to be a contradiction to the my belief of Islam . I hope to get a response on this matter Inshallah :)
carpet can bend and bend around a ball.
Sm0kie__ 420
I think u will get a answer if u watch zakir naik vedio..he said something like this in his vedio them may be u will get ur answer... i hope this is helpful in somewhere. be sincere and seeking the truth you will find it in sha allah. :)
The sheikh was asked-
Could you please explain these Quranic verse. Actually one Non Muslim asked me to explain these verses.
Quran 71:19 And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out).
Quran 78:6 Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, What does it mean ?
Quran 15:19 And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance.
Does it mean that Earth is flat? Tafsir Jalalayn says that EARTH is flat. But it is against Established Science.
Published Date: 2014-02-11
Praise be to Allah
The scholars are unanimously agreed that the earth is round, but to human eyes it appears to be flat, because it is very big and its roundness or curvature cannot be seen at close distances. So the one who stands and looks sees it as flat, but when viewed as a whole, in reality it is round.
Ibn Hazm (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
The proofs of the Qur’an and Sunnah indicate that it is round. End quote.
See also the answers to questions no. 201530 and 118698
The verse (interpretation of the meaning) “And Allah has made for you the earth wide spread (an expanse)” [Nooh 71:19] indicates that it is spread out and shaped so that people can feel settled in it and be able to live and prosper in it. Ibn Katheer said:
That is, He spread it out, prepared it, made it stable and made it firm by means of the mountains.
Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 8/247
Similarly, the verse (interpretation of the meaning) “Have We not made the earth as a bed” [an-Naba’ 78:6] means that it is spread out and prepared for you and for your benefit, so that you can cultivate it, build dwellings in it and travel through it.
Ibn Katheer said:
That is, it is prepared for people in such a way that they can live in it, and it is firm, stable and steady.
Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 8/307
And the verse (interpretation of the meaning) “And the earth We spread out, and placed therein firm mountains, and caused to grow therein all kinds of things in due proportion” [al-Hijr 15:19] means We spread it out and placed firm mountains therein. This is like the verse in which Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And it is He Who spread out the earth, and placed therein firm mountains and rivers” [ar-Ra‘d 13:3].
There is no contradiction between saying that it is round and saying that it was spread out, because in fact in its totality it is round, but to the one who stands on it and looks at it, it appears flat, as it appears to everyone.
Ar-Raazi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
If it is said: Do the words “And the earth We spread out” indicate that it is flat?
We would respond: Yes, because the earth, even though it is round, is an enormous sphere, and each little part of this enormous sphere, when it is looked at, appears to be flat. As that is the case, this will dispel what they mentioned of confusion. The evidence for that is the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And the mountains as pegs” [an-Naba’ 78:7]. He called them awtaad (pegs) even though these mountains may have large flat surfaces. And the same is true in this case.
End quote from Tafseer ar-Raazi, 19/131
Shaykh ash-Shanqeeti (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
If the scholars of Islam affirm that the earth is round, then what would they say about the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Do they not look at the camels, how they are created?
And at the heaven, how it is raised?
And at the mountains, how they are rooted and fixed firm?
And at the earth, how it is spread out?”
[al-Ghaashiyah 88:17-20].
Their response will be the same as their response concerning the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water” [al-Kahf 18:86] - that is, as it appears to be in the eye of the beholder, because the sun sets on one country, but remains up in the sky for another, until it rises from the east on the following morning. So the earth looks flat in every region or part of it, because of its immense size.
This does not contradict its real shape, because we may see a very high mountain, but if we climb it and reach its summit we may find a flat surface there, and find an entire nation living there, and some of the people there may not know anything about the rest of the world, and so on. End quote.
Adwa’ al-Bayaan, 8/428
Shaykh Rafee‘ ad-Deen ibn Waliyullah ad-Dahlawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his book at-Takmeel:
Some may understand words such as “made the earth as a bed” [an-Naba’ 78:6], “He spread the earth” [an-Naazi‘aat 79:30] and “…how it is spread out…” [al-Ghaashiyah 88: 20] as meaning that it is flat, whereas the scholars affirm that it is round on the basis of sound evidence, so it is thought that there is a conflict. That may be refuted by the fact that the visible part of it (for a person standing on it) appears flat, because the larger a circle is, the more spread out it is, so we may say that it is flat on the basis of that part of it that is visible to us, and it is round in its totality, on the basis of rational thinking.
Quoted from him by Siddeeq Hasan Khan in his tafseer, Fath al-Bayaan, 15/208
And Allah knows best.
I have been listening to shiek for a,week now, I love your lectures and for Allah s sake I love this shiek . You have been such a boost to my Iman thank you sir
I’m good at what
This one premium Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh you now open friend this one for me understand album doktor savefrom Shafiq Nordin peninju skin because siap dah send Dr Shaklee November busking alpro seram doktor sakit thank you so much syukur alhamdulillah hirobbil
Why is there 21 dislike?
We can't expect everyone to be sensible.
they're unhappy.
This wanna be be be seen dunia di dunia di sanalah janji barang baby going to janji connector in Allahuakbar Allahuakbar ashadu allah ilaha illallah wa asyhadu anna muhammadar rasulullah hayya alassolah hayya alal falah kat Kemensah kat Kemensah Allahuakbar Allahuakbar lailahaillallah connected with everything Islam kalimah Allah di suara less than everything in baby Allah goyang dunia di suami janji promote Allah awal i lahir connecting Peramu nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salam alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin understand transparent and everything
Dyson understand this one old money don't understand in Palestine di sini awal connecting aplikasi 2012 from ustaz maghrib Saleha everything then the Palestin design in Palestine everything inform doktor Zakir is one of Islam in Palestine John reconnecting old umat Palestin Islam everything janji pramuka cantik person going to ustazah migrain money no location Palestin everything because many connecting ustaz this one understand in Palestine everything brother syukur alhamdulillah hirobbil
This one from dan or close now in the bedroom doktor this one understand pilih dan of loss from doctor sleep because now i believe stand skin from doctor bilik bryson insya-allah Proton savy Dr Shafie now everything cara menyusun clash Royale Iswani everything 21 promosi riswan close old is not everything but everything untuk nafsu iblis connecting in Dr Shafie nafsu iblis this one is Syafiq i know please help alpha lipid injustice want it up tu okey brother this one i know my life Safiq Rahim Dr syukur alhamdulillah hirobbil alamin you understand brother
Do hijama for depression سبحان الله feels relax
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh nombor wani cancel Allah subhanahu wa Ta'ala lima waktu tu nafsu understand Allah everything you do in Iman dan sabar connected nafsu nafsu perempuan kematian Sulli nafsu this warning connector ini aku naik angin nafsu this one nafsu something discussion perempuan this one nafsu inside every time thank you so much problem besok alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh understand open in my feelings x this one who finish in Rahmat this one understand Nur Allah ya Allah rahmat Allah manusia seks isu novel Interlok Salam kamu episod understand wife waalaikumussalam opening Rahmat
I’m ppgood
trump kim jong un..telah d titipkan kekuasaan kepada kalian maka jagalah kedaulatan dhubai yang menjadi buruan dunia
Masha Allah