港媽堅持送混血兒子去全男私校…外國爸爸責罵亞洲傳統思想?! 一個超昂貴的選校難題!!! The £1XX,XXX Decision - Same Sex or Co-Ed School?!

  • Опубликовано: 8 окт 2024
  • 十萬英磅的掙扎…為混血兒子報讀男校還是男女校?
    The £1XX,XXX Decision - Same Sex or Co-Ed School?
    歡迎回來Reynolds Family的頻道☺️
    Welcome back to the Reynolds Family Channel! ☺️
    In today’s VLOG it’s me vs Laurence as we get into a BIG debate all about education. 🤼‍♂️ We’re looking to the future and want to ensure we make the best possible choice of high school for both our boys but we have big differences in opinion… 👨‍🎓
    Is it best to send them to a same sex, all boys school? Or a Co-educational school with boys and girls? Do we even send them to the same school? 🤷‍♀️
    Watch along as we argue this important topic based on key areas like Academic Attainment, Personal Development and Cost! 💰
    And stick around to the end, to find out what Noah thinks is the best choice for his future school too! 😂
    Remember to Like and Comment to let us know your own opinions and experiences on this 👍🥰
    See you next time!

Комментарии • 238

  • @kelvin1457
    @kelvin1457 Год назад +64

    避而不談 唔比佢地接觸會有反效果
    建議讀返男女校, 但教識佢handle好男女關係, avoid distraction

    • @dorothykwok1240
      @dorothykwok1240 Год назад +2


  • @funnykaren1
    @funnykaren1 Год назад +342

    媽媽要明白係AI發展底下,未來社會更有價值既係soft skills,例如社交能力,出到做野,識哄女同事/女上司既男同事係跑蠃人地好多😂香港工作環境好鐘意比較邊個做野叻啲醒啲,移左民之後,發現呢到發展好既人,一定係識溝通(世界仔), networking.

    • @kyliemikan
      @kyliemikan Год назад +32

      真,社會真係soft skills 比technology skills 更重要。俗語有云識做人好過識做事。識同唔同人溝通交際真係好重要,無論咩行業都需要。

    • @Letstalk818
      @Letstalk818 Год назад +21

      Agree, 我見過高分低能嘅人, 出嚟社會做嘢就見真章, 唔係要佢哋擦鞋, 但至少識同人work, 唔通媽咪想陪住佢哋返工咩? 其實和尚寺都可以識女仔, 唔代表無distraction. 仲有The Reynolds Family入面暫時未有女孩子, 對女仔嘅好奇心更加大.

    • @ong1897
      @ong1897 11 месяцев назад

    • @joywithbabyerikainamulticu9121
      @joywithbabyerikainamulticu9121 11 месяцев назад

    • @harikiki
      @harikiki 11 месяцев назад

      yes, 識人好過識字

  • @stephychan2867
    @stephychan2867 11 месяцев назад +218


    • @bulala4599
      @bulala4599 11 месяцев назад +5

      我覺得都係睇自己性格 我自己中學都係女校 但識異性又冇話特別有恐懼個啲

    • @cookiegirl9582
      @cookiegirl9582 11 месяцев назад +2


    • @peggy962
      @peggy962 11 месяцев назад

      如果在外國無長輩或寄宿學校, 女仔讀乜都要煑飯揍仔

    • @Pollymichaelis
      @Pollymichaelis 11 месяцев назад +2

      以前香港都係讀女校,agree,之後去英國A level讀男女果刻真係有culture shock 😂不過我有朋友讀過英國女校(中學)話英國single sex schools相當open好多同唔同學校有活動都有好多機會接觸異性,唔似香港single sex schools個校風。當然睇下你間學校幾嚴,如果係個D Eton Harrow百年老校就唔係咁講😂

  • @yunying4390
    @yunying4390 11 месяцев назад +102


  • @metawinopai2797
    @metawinopai2797 11 месяцев назад +71

    我中學嗰時係讀女校 到依家大學讀緊engineering
    Yr1嗰時第一次突然之間對住一大班男仔 真係唔識點同異性溝通甚至係有恐懼 所以頭一個sem真係一落堂就走 仲俾人感覺好難接近 之後因為有啲group project識到啲人先好啲啲
    係媽咪角度可能覺得男女校 小朋友好容易因為異性而distract咗讀書
    當然男校有男校嘅好 但個人prefer男女校多啲 因為佢真係可以俾小朋友知道更多social communication skills 如果到大學啲o camp先接觸真係太遲啦🥹

  • @betsyc8042
    @betsyc8042 11 месяцев назад +22

    In general, 會比較同意男方講既,第一佢都曾經係教書,亦都比較成熟…女方成日好似好全統但自己做既野已經好唔全統,咁點解要強行全統去做?

  • @changrace639
    @changrace639 11 месяцев назад +80

    我喺香港讀書 係已經大學畢業嘅觀眾 我同意爸爸嘅講法多D
    中小學都喺香港讀男女校 外國我唔清楚 但係自己都識D男/女校出身嘅朋友 會發現對於佢地黎講 同異性溝通真係會有困難
    1)唔係入到boys/girls school 小朋友就會專心D 如果小朋友係唔專心/無心機讀嘅 去邊度都死 仲有 身邊男校女校嘅人要拍拖 梗會搵到方法(as you said, if you need extra tutorial classes because you study in a more academically demanding school, that is already a good place to meet up with opposite sex people)
    2) holistically 的而切確讀男女校嘅人溝通能力真係好D 做事圓滑D 活潑D 入到大學/職場就會顯而易見 also 香港有好多間中學都係 co-ed 成績都好好 英國地方咁大 我相信會有更多
    當然我亦都知道經濟係一個考量 但係俾起成績 我會value性格 做人態度 社交能力呢D soft skills 多過小朋友最後攞幾多科A*
    但係我好欣賞你地有問小朋友嘅意見 真心 最緊要佢鐘意🙈🙆🏻‍♀️

  • @vickyha581
    @vickyha581 11 месяцев назад +35


  • @yuenwawawa
    @yuenwawawa 11 месяцев назад +22

    我男朋友中二過英國讀書 佢細個讀書好差 因為佢有BC 過到去都係讀local school 男女校,中學都係一間細形中學讀,聽佢講整個讀書生涯都好開心,當年會考佢全A 有得揀去啲資源好啲嘅中學 佢無走 繼續留係個間中學,間中學甚至連pure math都無老師教,佢要自修。 最後佢由細無入咩男校名校私校,但成功入左Oxford!
    所以有心讀書 無論咩因素都唔會阻礙到💪

  • @eduNplay
    @eduNplay Год назад +30


  • @devilangel620
    @devilangel620 11 месяцев назад +14

    其實異性吸引力 同co-ed與否關係冇家長諗得咁大 身邊唔少讀傳統男/女校嘅女朋友 中學已經拍拖 識異性根本完全唔洗係學校 要識去補習、圖書館、cafe、手機、聯校活動、ball已經識到一堆;係男女校的確會有多啲機會同異性相處,但大部分其實都係男仔同男仔玩 女仔同女仔玩 當然會有一齊合作搞啲event但其實唔會有成日flirt嚟flirt去嘅呢啲幻想出現
    比起男女校定單一性別的學校,反而間學校有啲咩資源更加重要(?)名校可能會比較多校友嘅支援,尤其金錢上啦,學校要搵個成功人士番嚟分享都多啲選擇;小朋友係間學校會識到啲咩人,都係佢哋將來嘅social network 呢啲都係啲長遠嘅benefits

  • @kakaluvs
    @kakaluvs 11 месяцев назад +29

    I'm on Laurence's side. I went to an all-girl high school and I did have difficulty in interacting with boys after graduate. I was timid and full of unnecessary imagination of the opposite sex. It definitely affected my personal development as a teenager.

  • @luyidudu
    @luyidudu Год назад +61


    • @Anson-ti2gx
      @Anson-ti2gx 11 месяцев назад


  • @EudoraD
    @EudoraD 11 месяцев назад +8

    無論係工作 / 有自己嘅business,識同人溝通+有良好嘅人際網絡,係非常重要

  • @keewai2552
    @keewai2552 11 месяцев назад


  • @iamurramyeon2836
    @iamurramyeon2836 11 месяцев назад +7


  • @tingyu6970
    @tingyu6970 Год назад +15

    The interact between two kids and the parents are so lovely. That’s why I love to watch this channel.

  • @katkathk
    @katkathk 11 месяцев назад +21

    i went to all-girls schools for 13 years but i send my daughter to a co-ed school. i think it’s important for the kids to learn how to interact with the opposite sex, afterall school is a mini-society where they spend most of their week in, and school prepares them to live in the life they will face when they grow up

  • @郵輪ヨン
    @郵輪ヨン Год назад +43

    可能沒有早戀問題 但部分學生會對人際關係這方面有焦慮
    不過 最重要的還是跟孩子們做足溝通! Parents放心小孩也快樂❤

  • @cherylleung3499
    @cherylleung3499 11 месяцев назад +21

    I fully agree with Laurence in this episode 😂so性格決定人生 才華個個小朋友都有糸天生 只要父母從小觀察可發掘出來不難 Noah讀co-ed school 或男校都冇問題very smart boy👍🫶

  • @woodywu9342
    @woodywu9342 11 месяцев назад +7


  • @pshk4290
    @pshk4290 11 месяцев назад +4


  • @maycheng0301
    @maycheng0301 11 месяцев назад +12


  • @yeebabby
    @yeebabby 11 месяцев назад +13

    I think it's a misconception that going to a co-ed school would be easily distracted by the opposite sex. Because growing in a co-ed school, you just get used to study, talk or hang around with the opposite sex and won't find it as a 'distraction'. I personally think that boys and girls are just the same. And what's more is you learn how to start a friendship or relationship with them properly.

  • @s2_crazyiscoming_
    @s2_crazyiscoming_ 11 месяцев назад +7


  • @cariwunwun
    @cariwunwun 11 месяцев назад +8

    As a person who went to an all-girls primary school, then to a co-ed secondary school, I gotta say that I'm really thankful that I went to a co-ed school. During the switch from an all-girls to a co-ed school, I have to admit I did take some time adjusting to the new environment, and I didn't know how to interact with boys. There were rumours, some students have crushes on each other, some had crushes on me, but ultimately, despite all these going on, we still thrived and our school is one of the schools with the most medical degrees in Hong Kong, showing that the presence of the opposite sex won't necessarily impact your academic abilities. And on top of that, I had a full 6 years to learn how to interact with boys. In form 1, I was really nervous and didn't know how to handle/ interact with boys that had crushes on me, or how to maintain a platonic relationship without giving wrong hints and stuff, but now, although I'm not perfect, I can say with confidence that I'm pretty good at that. If I were only given the chance to learn all these in univerisity year 1, I'd probably still be struggling (I'm in year 2 rn), so I'm really thankful that I don't have to because my parents pushed me into a co-ed school. I'm a strong believer that it's always easier and more efficient to learn how to interact with the opposite sex at a young age, and there's always more room for mistakes and improvements since it's always less damaging to a person's reputation when they make a mistake at say, 13 years old than as an adult. Having said these, I do understand your worries about the distractions, but I'm afraid I do not think that keeping him from an environment with girls is the way to go. Enrol him in a co-ed school, let him learn from a young age, allow him to make mistakes - all these experiences are going to shape him into a better person, and he'll have a competitive edge in interpersonal relationships when he goes into university. I'd suggest providing him guidances along the way though - teach him how to correctly identify the proper distance between the opposite sex, how to priortise his studies before relationships, and how to build platonic relationships with girls. Helping him build a correct mindset is always better than banning him from an environment with girls.

  • @chrystels.1
    @chrystels.1 Год назад +21

    I am all for Co-ed and having a rounded personality. Being able to interact with the opposite sex in a normal way is key. Use the money for extra classes or for GSCE upward definitely not for primary school.

  • @chimeitsang7028
    @chimeitsang7028 Год назад +3

    The second one can't find you recently. Luckily, the video is pretty good. Thank you for your hard work. Whether it is a co-ed or an all-boys school, I wish your child the best.加油啊影片好好睇多謝你哋令我鍾意多一啲英文❤🎉我覺得仔仔讀咩學校都好一定一定要開心快樂先係最緊要我個人六年級讀男女校嗯... 有啲男仔好聽話但有啲都冇咁聽話但成績都幾好(天生?)🤣個人同男仔女生男老師女老師溝通一直好好尤其是女同學女老師但我個人覺得如果希望仔仔男女溝通都好咁男女校可能好少少個人意見🙏而且我覺得你好哋仔仔幾樂觀同同學相處應該冇問題

  • @elsalau
    @elsalau 11 месяцев назад +5

    其實我都覺得男女校會好點,因為我在韓國留學,好多同學都是全男or全女學校畢業 但是男女校會更有意思 不過都還要聽聽仔仔自己的意見😊

  • @yc2861
    @yc2861 Год назад +12

    Co-ed is better in terms of social skills and academic achievements. My elder daughter went to Cheltenham ladies at grade 11&12 but I didn’t find her happy at that school. My second daughter studied at The Chartered house which they provided co-ed on grade 11, she was much more happier there and she was very confidence and disciplined, no mess around with boys. So it all depends on your children character and preference. As a parent, I like co-ed, more balance mentally. They now both graduated from prestige US universities.

  • @melaniengan2095
    @melaniengan2095 11 месяцев назад


  • @nicolebb8485
    @nicolebb8485 11 месяцев назад +3

    I studied in all girl school. If i have kids in the future, i will send them to co-ed school coz its way more fun and you could learn social skills better. Its more like the real world and its more important in the AI society in the future. Academic is important, but it all depends on the child whether he or she knows the importance. Some of my frd dated since secondary school and they work hard togwther to get in good university.
    In my all girl school, the school rules are crazy with lots of insane restrictions. I really dun have good memory on my secondary school.

  • @bowie0728
    @bowie0728 11 месяцев назад +3


  • @edan5265
    @edan5265 11 месяцев назад +9


  • @lllbleh1074
    @lllbleh1074 Год назад +17

    我以前中學都係讀傳統女校 然後變到完全唔識同男仔相處哈哈哈

  • @chujamie3679
    @chujamie3679 Год назад +15

    其實 男女校 更加有利讀書
    我中一至中五男校 預科男女校
    除左男仔喺女仔面前唔衰得 焗住努力強化自己外
    透過互教互學 學識多好多
    而且 除左學術 仲有soft skills , 一定係雙性環境有利啲

  • @アーニ-x6r
    @アーニ-x6r Год назад +11


  • @ACK333
    @ACK333 11 месяцев назад

    This would be great if some news or platforms can rise the debates in globe

  • @hylanleong8921
    @hylanleong8921 11 месяцев назад +7


  • @kchlrire
    @kchlrire 11 месяцев назад +1

    媽媽去阻英國就唔好將香港舊個套套入去講真。我都係讀女校,要玩就玩嫁啦,尤其男校成班男仔一齊玩仲癲呢個真係事實😂 小朋友愈禁愈做,仲要男仔相對無女仔咁聽話。覺得平衡發展好重要,有留言都講得好啱,softskills同人脈真係比好多野(例如實力)都更加重要, 識人好過識字,講嘅其實不無道理。我係過來人都知,其實讀單一性別嘅學校多少有啲後遺症。例如唔係好識點同異性溝通,但呢個係無可避免嘅,因為全世界唔係男就女,就算左膠講既雙性其實都係呢兩個性別之間衍生出嚟,所以事實就係咁,一樣。溝通能力每個人發展嘅時間都好唔一樣,好似我可能用頭嗰幾年早入社會就已經可以融入返,但係當年一齊讀書嘅女同學過咗10年,佢都仲係會有呢個弱項,因為本身嘅圈子一路都係女仔多,一路都少機會接觸男仔。一開頭聽你辯論嗰套就已經覺得好old school,點解唔可以首先去相信你個仔可以做到?好似玩風箏嘅道理,繩拉得太緊反而好容易甩繩會斷,放下鬆下開放嘅態度先至掂。其實你老公第一句已經好中point,你當年都係讀女校姐⋯⋯但都係讀書時期就已經有咗兩個心肝⋯⋯冇惡意,純講睇法。

  • @yourtrustedbrandingarchitect
    @yourtrustedbrandingarchitect 9 месяцев назад

    Very interesting videos on your RUclips. You've got a new subscriber🙂In many cases, parents may have certain aspirations or desires for their children based on their own experiences or beliefs. However, recognising and valuing the autonomy and individuality of each child is essential for their personal growth and development.
    Encouraging open dialogue and asking children about their aspirations, interests, and preferences can foster trust, strengthen the parent-child relationship, and empower children to express themselves freely. This approach aligns with a philosophy that values mutual respect, communication, and understanding within the family dynamic.
    Every child is unique, and acknowledging their individual wants and needs can significantly contribute to their overall well-being and happiness.
    Keep sharing your interesting videos with us🙂

  • @jcchan6674
    @jcchan6674 11 месяцев назад

    感覺你同對仔所有時間都相處得好好咁 ❤ 點做到架

  • @lokelly3061
    @lokelly3061 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @minicc
    @minicc 11 месяцев назад +4

    雖然香港齋校好多好出名, 不過我堅持俾小朋友讀男女校, 因為呢個社會真係有男女的... 而且女校又多是非, 男校又成班粗粗魯魯~

  • @cm7809
    @cm7809 11 месяцев назад +7

    Social development skills can also be trained from non school activities such as church gathering/ activities, extracurricular class, tuition class etc. I think the decision should be made based on the child’s character.
    And btw who says all girl/ boy schools have less distraction? (Same sex attracts too!)

  • @waisimcc257
    @waisimcc257 11 месяцев назад

    大仔- 在F1-3都經常同我講讀男校好開心、大家都係男仔-齊無拘無束嘅、打波除衫呀、私底講粗口呀、打機呀、每日課餘活動都係男生、我都經常問佢讀得開唔開心、佢都話開心的😬
    雖然有怨言但都順其自然咁完成中學階段的、跟住上了大學就學心了、開始男女一齊上堂、就像重新入左-個社區生活、學習男女相處、站在父母立埸、 14:54 佢哋讀男校係讀書專心啲嘅、中學嘅時候比單純啲、上到大學大個啲才去識女朋友好似恰當,父母最怕孩子在14、5歲就搞大人地個肚😂😂
    佢同班有個男同學在F4時因為過唔到情關跳樓自殺😰☹️so sad

  • @chanbelle99
    @chanbelle99 Год назад +9


  • @holyallyssa1995
    @holyallyssa1995 11 месяцев назад +3

    Co-Ed school is better personally thinking - not just the way it helps them communicate with both party but also or them to realised how different is boys and girls & how to deal with it later on in their life. They won’t feel like the opposite sex is like a whole new creature since they have never deal with one before ..

  • @edwinvenus06
    @edwinvenus06 11 месяцев назад +2

    教男仔同教女仔方法係唔一樣,同埋男仔一般數理方面叻啲,又會比較有興趣IT, 如果男校就可以focus 咁樣教啲男仔。考grammar school都唔使好多補習費,有啲網站俾個月費幾廿鎊就可以任做,香港人咁叻讀書唔難考呀👍🏻

  • @stunningstar
    @stunningstar 11 месяцев назад +5

    依家呢個世代,Internet咁方便,就算你去same sex school,其實Gladys擔心嘅嘢都會發生,所以都係睇邊間學校適合多啲,同埋邊間嘅資源呀、師資呀、成績呀好啲。仲有好重要嘅一點就係circle of influence,中文有句「近朱則赤 近墨則黑」,呢個好重要,小朋友喺學校時間仲長過喺屋企,返到屋企又可能會lock himself up in his room (TEEEEENNNNAGGGGEEEEE!!!!),同埋佢哋嘅lifetime friends好有可能會喺求學時期build up,所以要觀察下心儀學校嘅小朋友係點嘅,咁大概你都picture到你小朋友入咗去讀會變成點

  • @Vinvininhk
    @Vinvininhk 10 месяцев назад

    Gladys 要留意,如果話要攞走所有嘅distraction,前題係Noah 長大後只係對同女仔交往有興趣😅 2023 年嘅英國好難講,時代變,好多嘢都變咗㗎,唔可以再咁守舊。另外,明白作為媽媽想畀最好嘅個仔,但係講到要“control”佢嘅環境,就未必係對個仔最好,畢竟佢嘅人生係佢自己嘅,唔能夠咩嘢都控制。

  • @Abc-nn4di
    @Abc-nn4di 11 месяцев назад

    Laurence 英文真係好好聽 其實有冇啲片可以全英? 覺得幾幫助到英文

  • @HealthyLyan
    @HealthyLyan 20 дней назад

    I'm from all-girls' school, i personally will choose all-girls school. It is really such a precious moment in my life. Just go ahead and experience it for few years. There are many ways to mix with different gender though. Good luck!

  • @namanamastek8198
    @namanamastek8198 11 месяцев назад +1

    and one more point is the ways to develop relationships nowadays is not mainly at schools but social media and dating apps . the boys at all-boy school may tend to more curious to use those tools to date and meet up girls. and parents are very hard to prevent this happens.

  • @LD88888
    @LD88888 11 месяцев назад +1

    Lawrence is such a sensible individual

  • @charleschoi1381
    @charleschoi1381 11 месяцев назад +7

    以我嘅觀察男校或者女校嘅人,佢哋始終同異性溝通係比較差啲。同埋男仔冇咁gentlemen女仔性格又會比較怕羞,男女校就反而相處得自然好多,去到大學如果想玩啲咩soc 男女校嘅人都會比較有自信啲。

  • @perrychan1002
    @perrychan1002 10 месяцев назад

    如果沒有學費上的考慮, 理應留給小朋友自己決定
    其實只要一句"財政上不許可", 辯論已經完結

  • @eddiesum82
    @eddiesum82 11 месяцев назад +5

    2023年啦。。。。其實全男/全女校一樣可以有男/女朋友。。。 🤣

  • @archerchu4181
    @archerchu4181 Год назад +3

    I think those all male boarding school is such a UK thing. And since you are new to UK, I do believe you should try it out. But for the children, I don't think that's a good idea.

  • @0812xyz
    @0812xyz 11 месяцев назад +6


  • @lucylss
    @lucylss Год назад +3


  • @jlouie8835
    @jlouie8835 11 месяцев назад +7

    All three of my kids went to co-ed school in US, I have not noticed any distraction at all. My two girls hung out with other girls and my son hung out with other boys. The serious interest in other sex happened when they were in college, after they move away from home. I guess it's because when they were in high school, they didn't have money and a car until their last year. We picked them up from school everyday, there's no opportunity to take girls out for a date when you have no means of transportation and cash. I think Gladys is making an incorrect assumption about distraction. Of course if your sons look like David Beckham, it's a different story because if you are very handsome, they girls will seek you out but overall, I don't think distraction is an issue unless you give your son an Alfa Romeo to drive and $500 a week in spending money. Then, anything can happen.

  • @nataliechan6714
    @nataliechan6714 Год назад +3

    My parents listen to what I want and like.

    @A-HKGIRL 11 месяцев назад +1

    As a HK student studying in a girls school now, I would say that single schools have their own way of training students, especially top-schools. In truth, I am studying in a top girl school now, and compare to the experience that I used to study in a co-ed primary school. I think that single school are generally famous top schools and they always emphasise language learning so that the alumni who graduated may have a better development and definitely can exceed the competitors in the the future.

  • @edan5265
    @edan5265 11 месяцев назад +4

    你宜家問個仔同三年後問佢,可能會唔同喎,到時大個d可能對異性有興趣呢😂😂 但確實呢個世界唔係男就係女,對身心健康黎講,係男女校正常d嘅!你著重嘅係學業,但讀書叻?做野叻?唔代表所有….

  • @cynthiatang5101
    @cynthiatang5101 11 месяцев назад

    我女小學讀男女校, 中學讀女校, 係佢自己揀, 我覺得好好, 始終青春期對異性有好奇心, 而且得女仔咩都要自己做會獨立好多. 社交方面 可以喺出面興趣班補習班識都得, 唔怕唔識同異性溝通

  • @pakheichan7830
    @pakheichan7830 11 месяцев назад +7


  • @barbielong6990
    @barbielong6990 Год назад +2

    Is important for kids to know how to communicate with a different gender.

  • @miriamcwh
    @miriamcwh 11 месяцев назад +1

    can you please make a video talking about how did you work out Noah and Finley’s chinese surname and english name?
    did they keep Gladys’ chinese surname?
    with their english name, is it e.g. Noah (middle name) Lo-Reynolds?

  • @tsejudy7897
    @tsejudy7897 11 месяцев назад

    好想睇-集Noah放學後的routine. 放學之後甘多時間,你哋會唔會要佢溫習?因為考grammar school要鬧高分

  • @emmywong8093
    @emmywong8093 11 месяцев назад +1

    I fully agree with Laurence too , I think co-ed school is better.

  • @uosilo
    @uosilo 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @queeniclunglung3172
    @queeniclunglung3172 11 месяцев назад +2

    個人覺得大仔性格適合讀男女校。人際交往更全面d 😊 0:01

  • @wantengliu8787
    @wantengliu8787 11 месяцев назад +2


  • @火水-v1x
    @火水-v1x 11 месяцев назад +7


    • @ganbalanduk
      @ganbalanduk 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @MsOliveee
    @MsOliveee 11 месяцев назад

    Agree papa's points!

  • @joyhmw
    @joyhmw 11 месяцев назад +1

    Schools occupied you a significant part of your time but not ALL, kids could still interact with opposite sex during their weekends or during holidays. I was going to both same-sex and co-ed and I see no big differences to my academic results at all. FYI ;) And Good luck to Noah !! Football football football !!

  • @manutdhkalliance1345
    @manutdhkalliance1345 11 месяцев назад +2


  • @galaxyofcorgi
    @galaxyofcorgi 11 месяцев назад +2

    Co-Ed for sure. The society is mixed with male and female (biologically speaking). We need to learn how to communicate and coexist with others including different gender regardless of age group.

  • @manmanwong4495
    @manmanwong4495 11 месяцев назад +1

    想講下personal development.有聽過如讀男校或女校,課外活動既選擇會更多,因為學校只需要focus係一個性別上,例如男校可以有十種球類活動,但男女校未必可以做到,因學校要顧及男同女,所以變左資源平均分配在男同女。所以其實same sex school都有佢既好處

  • @tesayoung9229
    @tesayoung9229 Год назад +2

    Be serious, your children's education are very important! Noah seems to be most mature person in the Reynolds family. At least he made a good choice!

  • @stepwithmi6083
    @stepwithmi6083 11 месяцев назад


  • @AnnieHughes2009
    @AnnieHughes2009 11 месяцев назад +1

    My son currently attends to a boy grammar school, year 9 now. He has no problems interacting with girls as he does sports outside school where both genders play together. I think children do know what type of secondary school they wanna go at year 6 😅

  • @backspacek
    @backspacek 11 месяцев назад +3

    why do you think having a girl/boyfriend in teenage is such as bad thing? I would definitely support my kid to do that because it is the best way to learn about social skills, pressure handling, how to prioritise things. WHICH you can't learn from books!

  • @ckmomo
    @ckmomo 10 месяцев назад


  • @ckmomo
    @ckmomo 10 месяцев назад


  • @沈佟
    @沈佟 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @chowtszying10577
    @chowtszying10577 11 месяцев назад +2


  • @anitawong5761
    @anitawong5761 11 месяцев назад +7


    • @katsuki116
      @katsuki116 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @anitawong5761
      @anitawong5761 11 месяцев назад


  • @janicediary
    @janicediary 11 месяцев назад

    Summarising all comments, daddy wins for sure

  • @drababadra
    @drababadra 11 месяцев назад

    所以其實仔仔入男校/ 男女,佢都一樣可以get distracted

  • @siusin9
    @siusin9 11 месяцев назад +3


  • @nataliechan6714
    @nataliechan6714 Год назад +3

    I educated in Canada. I try private school for one year and I tell my parents that I don’t like it. As you as your son tell you what he wants and likes.

  • @mwong1152
    @mwong1152 Год назад +15

    An interesting topic to debate on, I came from a girls’ school and I also sent my girl to same sex school. I feel like girls from same sex school are more focused, more independent, more bonding and physically stronger as they have to help themselves in school for all the works.

    • @candywan845
      @candywan845 Год назад +6

      I agree with you as I come from girl school too. Somehow, girls from girl school are too strong, too independent which scared boys. Girls should learn to be weak at some moments! But this skill sorry I lacked of ! Hahaha

    • @mwong1152
      @mwong1152 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@candywan845 indeed, this is one topic we have to teach our gals. A “relationship management” is a life time topic which we should also share earlier.

  • @bts7forever
    @bts7forever 11 месяцев назад +3


    • @melaniengan2095
      @melaniengan2095 11 месяцев назад


    • @bts7forever
      @bts7forever 11 месяцев назад

      @@melaniengan2095 這只是我覺得,喜歡玩嘅小朋友,佢哋會比較勇於嘗試不同嘅事物,所以我覺得純男或女校會適合些。不過就算選咩類型學校都好,都要保持與他們有良好溝通

  • @cyruslee1015
    @cyruslee1015 11 месяцев назад

    Moved from Hong Kong to Australia Sydney. There is a private school culture in society, people compare each other like which school they go to. Many scandals of elite private boy school students from their behaviour because they live in the privileged bubble. Also, many boy's schools here tend to go co-ed in the future.

  • @chan_lvmilice4090
    @chan_lvmilice4090 11 месяцев назад

    會支持 co-ed 🤔🤔

  • @slwyee54
    @slwyee54 11 месяцев назад +1

    Coed education is the normal way to go.

  • @Cryztal32
    @Cryztal32 11 месяцев назад +1

    girl keep up your good work stay strong!!! Women RIse

  • @sophiayip3796
    @sophiayip3796 11 месяцев назад +2
