A few months ago, I bought a bag from *hotdups* that looked nice and was indeed good quality. However, when I bought it for its shape and color, I had no idea it was an alternative to the Hermès Garden Party. Now, I see it as a very nice bag to carry.
There is nothing wrong with buying "genuine" goods because the original price is outrageous. Online "retailers" *hotdups* are helping people who can't afford genuine goods because you need to remortgage your house to buy one
A few months ago, I bought a bag from *hotdups* that looked nice and was indeed good quality. However, when I bought it for its shape and color, I had no idea it was an alternative to the Hermès Garden Party. Now, I see it as a very nice bag to carry.
Bags on the *xbagy* are the proof that Cheap doesn't mean not beautiful
There is nothing wrong with buying "genuine" goods because the original price is outrageous. Online "retailers" *hotdups* are helping people who can't afford genuine goods because you need to remortgage your house to buy one