As a Graduate Gemologist and jewelry business owner, I am always happy to show synthetic gems to customers. I find that the biggest hurdle is assuring the buying public that these stones are REAL and are NOT imitations or simulants. The difference between synthetic and natural gems is ORIGIN. One is mined from the earth and the other is grown in a laboratory under conditions that mimic those of nature. This channel does a great job in educating the public and cultivating their trust in our industry.
Really by putting seed gem in quotation??? Not what the problem with the industry is. That the language people are allowed to use is deceptive and immoral!!!!! Like calling lab gem natural. And how only RockHounds know the difference between natural Zircon and cubic zirconia!!! And how people are calling anything online a man made diamond when it's a CZ!!!!! And it hose on and on u get my point!!!!! The industry has gotten completely insane with the language they use nobody has any pride anymore and there's no shortage of retailers that give a damn about deceiving their customers and the public-at-large!!!! Like Zales atm. Selling LAB DIAMONDS to customers that think there buying mined natural diamonds!!!!!!!!
I'm team don't lie to people!!!!!! And a good sells person could sell a lab stone by educating the customer. But some people want mined stones for spiritual reasons and it's wrong what's going on with these lab diamonds .!!!!! People not knowing there stones didn't come out of the earth!!!!!
@@none7254 u have alot to learn about the beautiful and magical world of gems!!!!! First thaing I can tell you is the touch test. All natural gems will feel slightly cooler to touch than glass. Outher than that u need to just start to educate yourself. Hear is one exp. Real natural garnet.
Natural is always amazing but I also love synthetic because you can do amazing things way cheaper. It’s all about the beauty to me not the creation process.
@@cnm7558 Imagine beeing born in Africa and your only source of income its diamonds , its theyr bread. I dont know who the fuck started this humane thing with natural diamonds some femisist UK botox girl maybe. Like in any other part in the world there will be bad but many natural diamonds miners are searching for that one diamond who can change theyr fammily life in good and by choice. I recommand you to visit them miners and talk to them before mantalking on the internet. If tommorow there will be no more natural diamonds many people will literally starve. Educate urself
I love how gemstone created naturally BUT synthetic is also fascinating because how you can copy the natural one WITHOUT DESTROYING the natural beauty of earth's surface
I'm such a fan of synthetic gemstones since it doesn't hurt the environment and reply on child labor from underdeveloped countries. If the energy used to synthesize the stones are derived from renewable sources, that'll be a plus.
Well that answers a lot of the questions i had about synthetic stones. They are all quite beautiful and especially the ruby, sapphire, and emerald synthetic because they tend to be a clearer stone then their natural counterparts. I dont prefer either one or the other. In jewelery, i prefer a stone that i can afford, in the cut and clarity that i can afford. So im open to either. Lab grown gems are fascinating. It just blows my mind how long they have actually been around!
I play both sides! 😂. I love them all. I purchase naturals when I find exceptional deals and will leave them to my children and grandchildren to hopefully create our own family heirlooms. This was, as always, a great video! I could watch you guys all day!
I really enjoyed this episode. I've been researching how synthetics are made and this video cleared up questions I had. Thank you putting this together and placing it online. I appreciate both natural and synthetic. An episode on "fakes" like much of the moldavite you see being sold, would also be interesting.
Thanks for this great, and clear information. I needed this desperately about 25 years ago when I wanted to confirm that my high school ring was synthetic corundum and not synthetic spinel. The conclusion was synthetic corundum, but it was like an act of Congress to get the company that made the ring to clarify it for me. Obviously no one but myself ever inquired way back then... The company was Balfour.
Since you asked, I had no problem loving synthetic gemstones if they were cheap to buy. They are cheaper but still not cheap. So I'd go with the best value of a gemstone, which is determined by demand as a factor. If we took what I'd have to spend completely out of it, I love them both equally and would be happy to wear either. Chemically, they are the same.
I've always found the debate between "Natural" and "Synthetic" to be rather ridiculous, mainly because it sounds too elitist for my taste. As long as they're real, I didn't really care one way or the other. Go with what you can afford. If it doesn't require tearing up the planet, even better.
@@bperez8656 if they’re both otherwise the same, then by definition, yes. Though, in that case the lab grown baby would probably be more expensive, so that would probably be what elites go for.
@@bperez8656if both are identical and a lab grown baby is as much a person as a real one, and also cheaper and easier than a real one, and the only real reason you’d go for a real baby is because it’s a greater show of status and wealth, then yes. By definition, it is.
Wow very educational and a great explanation! Thanks for the info on this! I would love to see another video on deeper explanation of the different processes.
I've always preferred natural gemstones, but there are synthetic stones that have unique properties that I like, specifically synthetics that have a chemical composition that is quite impossible to find in the natural state. Like LuAG(a type of synthetic garnet) which makes it flouresce even under daylight.
my wife loves the synthetic stones I have mounted for her. I made her a ring with a large pigeon's blood synthetic ruby and it looks like something out of a royal treasury. The emerald tennis bracelet is stunning. Ruby heart shaped earnings with matching pendant. The list of fine jewelry with precious stones she now has is lengthy.
My third grade classmate brought synthetic rubies to show and tell back in 1959. I always assumed she came by them through her dad's work at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Lasers were just coming into wider use, and ruby rods, so I was told, were used to produce lasers.
color stones, natural. diamonds lab grown. Diamonds are as common as quartz and way too expensive for what it is. I have a red to Blue color change garnet, way more rare and hard to get than a crappy white diamond. I prefer my moissanite because the refraction is higher and the stones are far more lively.
Loved this one! As an amateur gemologist/jeweler I have been trying to find *any* information on how to tell the difference between natural & synthetic stones. I don't really have a preference except for emeralds, which I am on team natural. But it can affect perceived value on the part of a purchaser, as well as accuracy being important.
Nature and humans both have their unique and amazing gemstones. The inclusions made by nature are fascinating. The man-made YAG will always be one of my favourites. Give natural and man-made stones the same respect. Full disclosure would then be done with pride. Whether you have a natural or man-made diamond - both are beautiful. (If anything is a concern is diamonds created from loved ones - I would wear my family or another family but I would like to know. We are, after all, just sentient carbon.)
@@DonariaRegia Dave is a wonderful and kind bro for sure hehehehehe I have learnt so much from his videos and its always a blast hanging in his live streams✌🤠✌
Lab creation means the four traditionally "precious" gems for the masses! Plus those insane YAG colors are magnificent. I would like to have a davemoaite included diamond though. I don't think those will be created any time soon. But lab emerald can be produced so clean that it will never be found like that in nature.
Team synthetic. It's nice to wear a larger stone that only the very rich could enjoy previously. If I win a big lottery, I am sure I will change my mind on that, but meanwhile, if the the chemical composition is the same, that's really good enough for me.
It comes down to your age, and price. When i was younger i bought a beautiful set of Lab Grown orange sapphires. Necklace and earrings. They were 14k ygd with small diamonds surrounding. I love them. Would I buy them now, probably as natural would be prohibitive and I have these and love them.
I'm rather neutral about the topic. If the gem makes someone happy it doesn't matter if the gem is lab or natural if I do have to pick one it will have to be lab created, mainly because they tend to be more ethically produced.
I’m totally all about the natural gems . Now, I love science, Hands down my favorite subject. I’m Fascinated this can be done! But there’s something about how nature and mother earth creates her treasures Over hundreds of millions of years, Patiently and completely, it’s about the time it takes. She never stops creating the whole time! It’s like nature doesn’t feel time the way we do. She always in a moment , Never born, never dies, to her time doesn’t exist so she can take her time , and she does.
I mean that’s fair, the only way to get those gems is to tear up the earth, usually destroying the environment around it. Also, most natural gems are mined with slave labour. So there’s that.
In the 1980's a movie company was filming in the historic district of our town. The star of the movie got sick and they brought her into our doctor's office. She was treated for heat exhaustion and when she perked up I asked her if I could bring in the rest of the.female staff to look at her diamond wedding rings. She said sure we could. The solitaire was about four carats and the wedding ring was baquettes to show off the emerald cut solitaire. We were just thrilled to see the rings. Suddenly, she said; You don't think these are real do you? She then gave up a lesson on what to look for in cubic zirconia rings. We were all sold instantly. I now have a wonderful collection of synthetic jewelry!
Seeing the environmental devastation in some of the world's poorest countries in order to mine for natural gemstones should make one realise this is the way forwards.
Pure sapphire is pure aluminum oxide (alumina, Al2O3) and is colorless. Trace amounts of chromium (Cr) turn the gemstone red (rubies), while adding titanium and iron turn the crystal blue (blue sapphire)
I'm so conflicted on this topic... some of my favorite facets are yagg, gagg, luag, etc., but there's just something special to be said about unadulterated natural specimens.
It’s like a lab grown baby vs a baby nurtured in earths mothers womb. Biblically, there are 12 precious gemstones of revelation and pure light is supposed to reveal their rainbow colors within. I don’t think synthetic will ever compare to the healing & energetic properties of nature.
I like lab grown because they’re a more accessible price point, it’s a safer process for obtaining them than mining for gemstones, and they’re still beautiful in my opinion. Science gives us amazing things!
Upon getting engaged months ago, I learned a lot about natural and synthetic diamonds. I got my girlfriend involved in the ring buying process. In the end, we got a 1.4 carat lab diamond of very high overall quality for sooo much less than it's natural counterpart. We're both conservative financially and were very happy with the purchase.
Whoever thinks that most natural precious stones on the affordable side of the market are "all natural" i.e. free of human intervention other than polishing/faceting, should watch the video on this channel about gem treatment. In short, barring the premium specimens most rubies and sapphires are heated, emeralds are filled with oil, and even cheap semi-precious topazes are irradiated to obtain its signature blue colour. These and many other "natural" stones are as human-touched as their synthetic counterparts, and the latter are at least nearly flawless as-created.
I like nature for cool specimens and love natural forms BUT I prefer lab created because it'd generally cheaper, less slavery and deaths, less impact overall and it makes it easier to find gems with certain specifics hard to find in nature which fits with creative ideas I have more personally :)
I believe that natural stones should be used for sentimental or significantly expensive jewelry, however I'm a strong believer in the use of synthetics, such as for industrial or mechanical purposes, like diamond abrasive, or ruby plates in mechanical watches. I believe that having a cheaper, more consistent analogue for the stones in jewelry allows the customer knows exactly what they're spending their money on if they want a natural stone in a display piece or a piece of jewelry. Both have their uses, but picking between the two, it has to be synthetic, because its more versatile and allows the buyer to experiment with what they want before they commit to permanently changing a stone.
As much as diamonds are the stereotypical engagement ring gem. I think when it comes my time for that that I would much rather synthetically make my partners birthstone gem and get that put into a ring. One cause its their birthstone, and two id have the satisfaction of "I made this". Sounds special to me.
As a rock collector, I like a few natural specimens. A giant chunk of corundum that could never be made into a gem. A tiny natural that is nice to look at, but I wouldn't wear. But for my sparkly hoard, its looks and size that matter, and synthetic brings it! I like to imagine traveling back in time handing out my pretties to special people, or using cheap fakes while LARPing. Its fun :)
I like synthetics for decorative purposes, but if I want something spiritually meaningful I'll always go with natural. To behold something more ancient than life itself is truly humbling.
Thank you for the compact yet very useful video. I can not but wonder if other gemstones get synthesis as well, like is garnet and amethyst and citrine and topaz and tourmaline has synthetics too ??
Check out LuAG, Ce YAG, any other scintillating synthetic gemstone, the world of man made stones is as nice if not nicer than the natural stones, you guys are missing out!
To be called “synthetic”, the stone has to have the same physical properties of its natural counterpart. If it doesn’t, then it is usually called a simulant. This is the case with glass and plastic imitating precious stones.
I have a natural brazillian alexandrite and a synthetic alexandrite. I chose the synthetic to match the natural stone in size and overall color change profile. There are differences. First, the synthetic has a more complete color shift. Also under short wave UV light the synthetic is a brilliant vermillion, whereas the natural stone also flouresces in vermillion, but the color is duller. Finally, the price. The natural stone I have was purchased in 1987 for only about $1000 and was one of the first pulled from Brazill when they thought they had a large supply (they didn't). Retail today the stone by itself would sell for about $5000, while the synthetic in a gold setting with a nice little side diamond cost around $400. My little natural alexandrite is now set in a nice platinum setting with six barrel set diamonds. I wouldn't give either stone up, they are both gorgeous.
1:29 wouldn't it be funny if we learned he was actually like the 10th dude to do it, just the 1st to tell anyone. just woke up to this, was really cool to watch, even if I'm more of an agate boy
Synthetic gems are the way of the future. Some, like the flux method produce beautiful crystals that look better than any natural crystal. The flux method used by Chatham Created Gemstones produces breathtaking ruby crystals that are more beautiful than anything mined from earth. Because of the way they are formed, Vernuel boules produce cut gems that have an unattractive greasy appearance when faceted. This is because the atoms in flame fusion grown gems never have the chance to line up properly. Those layers you see cause interference as light passes through the stone, and this causes the greasy fake look characteristic of Vernuel grown gems. I have a large collection of flux grown rubies, emeralds, and sapphires that have not been cut, and they are more beautiful than any natural crystals I have seen.
Hey guys I'm your biggest fan no lie! Can you do a video on hauyne for your biggest fan? After that do a video on phosgenite and after that do analcime. I'm sorry for being so needy.
I think we only have 1 piece of hauyne in our collection. So that wouldn’t make for a very visually interesting video at the moment. But we will keep an eye out. Maybe one of our friends will have access to some more.
I have some synthetic ruby lying around that I bought dirt cheap a few years ago. They're really pretty to look at, though I wish they wouldn't have cut the boule in half.
I noted three methods for synthesizing emerald: Verneuil, Flux Melt Growth, and Hydrothermal Growth. Which is the more expensive method, and which produces the highest quality gem?
My favorite stone & process is... Sapphire! Transparent white. And blue for Caligula's ring. Look it up (but not here on RUclips! 🔞), it's gorgeous. His ring was rather thick though - I guess this must've made him a bit angry 😢
Hello sir, I am following your channel many times, so I have a question to you that can you explain about gemstones ruby and emblem and I how knowing which ones is real and fake stone ?😊😊
in the Earth diamonds require high pressure of about 5GPa (giga pascal) and high temperature of about 1500 K. Diamond is a high-pressure carbon allotrope (it has covalent bonding). At low pressure carbon tends to arrange into van-der-Waals bonds and in the Earth we know graphite as a low-pressure natural carbon allotrope. It is not clear to me, how using CVD carbon atoms prefer to build the diamond crystal structure, i.e. go into covalent bonding, instead of the van-der-Waals bonding which we have in graphite. In CVD there is no high pressure or temperature, so why would carbon resulting from that process of the deposition form a diamond and not graphite?
I am not a financially blessed person, but I do love the shiny stuff, so I say cost and value are my tools. If lab grown is cheaper, then it better be lovely in Silver. I hate the gold color unless it is a gem or amber. Could you grow amber in a lab setting?
Sooo, synthetic diamond may contain the Umbrella Corporation symbol... LOL! My wedding ring is a synthetic emerald with tiny white sapphires to accent it. Hubby would prefer I had a natural one, but my crow brain doesn't mind since it's still a shiny. 😄 I think it's rather lovely, a gorgeous almost forest green color.
A wild Resident Evil fan appeared lol On the topic of emerald, natural emeralds are only good for their rarity (at least for the flawless stones) and as a personal preference, the "jardin" inclusions i.e. tons of cloudy inclusions and fractures. Stones that are remotely clear are either very small, have a prohibitive price, or have undergone treatments like oiling or resin-filling to make them look less cloudy and flawed.
It depends on what you want the gem for. If it's for esthetics, I think the mystique of a natural stone is better suited. But if you're using the crystal for a high-speed transistor, purity and perfect crystalline structure may be more consistent in a synthetic stone.
It depends on the stone for me. I’m definitely far more into natural earth grown stones but I also do like some lab grown stones such as emerald and diamond. I think they are both amazing in their own right. Flux melt emeralds look closer to earth made emeralds, but HT have excellent clarity and less inclusions - if you want that million dollar emerald, or diamond look for a fraction of the cost. All that said, as an emerald fan, there is nothing like a natural, earth made emerald. Natural emeralds just have a look that can’t be replicated in a lab. It’s the Jardin. Diamonds, I’ll take lab grown over a natural one any day, unless it’s free or stupid cheap. We’ve got lab grown diamonds down.
I like natural because of imperfections, but that goes for semi precious stones. Precious stones, when well cut are just more "worth it" for synthetic methods as they are usually too small to really have it make a difference. Not to mention the ethics of gem mining and the ultra high effect of marketing on value.
Definitely team Natural... lab grown gems are becoming more and more deceptive and convincing in that the technology is improving such that inclusions and color variables can now be made, making it more difficult to determine if natural or lab created
if you can't tell the difference, why does it matter? gems are for aesthetics and durability anyway. if it serves you well, it shouldn't matter where it comes from. has the added benefit of not using exploited workers too.
@@nj.7325 you can tell the difference....some people cant, but if they study a bit they will be able to tell difference...natural gems vs lab grown is kinda like natural born male/female vs exploited lab altered/created transgenders, if that's what your into...
also i prefer my vitamins from natural sources such as natural food instead of synthesized vitamins and food like products...but of course you may choose otherwise...
@@grandstarstudiosFORMER-YT are those slaves at least getting free housing and food... and some basic health care that the american slaves got 170 years ago?
There are already commercial processes for this and the resulting stones are called reconstituted gems. To simply put, unsellable low-quality stuff is ground into powder then used as the material for synthetic gems. For low-quality stones that are barely sellable, a myriad of treatments (a.k.a. "enhancements") can be applied to make them more appealing, ranging from heat treatment to irradiation. Sometimes even gemstones that are too fragile to be worn as jewellery can be strengthened by treatments to become sellable.
I have a beautiful red/pink 'ruby' from my grandmothers jewellery. About the size of a mans thumb nail I've been told by jewellers its synthetic, but I find it hard to believe they go back that far. It would have been 'created' around 1900, no later than 1910. Could they be wrong?
As a Graduate Gemologist and jewelry business owner, I am always happy to show synthetic gems to customers. I find that the biggest hurdle is assuring the buying public that these stones are REAL and are NOT imitations or simulants. The difference between synthetic and natural gems is ORIGIN. One is mined from the earth and the other is grown in a laboratory under conditions that mimic those of nature. This channel does a great job in educating the public and cultivating their trust in our industry.
Which college are you graduated in sir ?
@@none7254if you can't tell the difference what does it matter?
Really by putting seed gem in quotation??? Not what the problem with the industry is. That the language people are allowed to use is deceptive and immoral!!!!! Like calling lab gem natural. And how only RockHounds know the difference between natural Zircon and cubic zirconia!!! And how people are calling anything online a man made diamond when it's a CZ!!!!! And it hose on and on u get my point!!!!! The industry has gotten completely insane with the language they use nobody has any pride anymore and there's no shortage of retailers that give a damn about deceiving their customers and the public-at-large!!!! Like Zales atm. Selling LAB DIAMONDS to customers that think there buying mined natural diamonds!!!!!!!!
I'm team don't lie to people!!!!!! And a good sells person could sell a lab stone by educating the customer. But some people want mined stones for spiritual reasons and it's wrong what's going on with these lab diamonds .!!!!! People not knowing there stones didn't come out of the earth!!!!!
@@none7254 u have alot to learn about the beautiful and magical world of gems!!!!! First thaing I can tell you is the touch test. All natural gems will feel slightly cooler to touch than glass. Outher than that u need to just start to educate yourself. Hear is one exp. Real natural garnet.
Natural is always amazing but I also love synthetic because you can do amazing things way cheaper. It’s all about the beauty to me not the creation process.
So team affordable like myself.
its also humane
@@cnm7558The minerals needed to make Lab Gemstones also had to be mined by humans.
It’s like a lab grown baby vs a baby nurtured in earths mothers womb.
@@cnm7558 Imagine beeing born in Africa and your only source of income its diamonds , its theyr bread. I dont know who the fuck started this humane thing with natural diamonds some femisist UK botox girl maybe. Like in any other part in the world there will be bad but many natural diamonds miners are searching for that one diamond who can change theyr fammily life in good and by choice.
I recommand you to visit them miners and talk to them before mantalking on the internet. If tommorow there will be no more natural diamonds many people will literally starve. Educate urself
I love how gemstone created naturally BUT synthetic is also fascinating because how you can copy the natural one WITHOUT DESTROYING the natural beauty of earth's surface
They’re also made without slave labor. Which is also pretty good.
Where do you think the base materials come from 😂
@@keldonatorele está se referindo ao estrago de grandes minerações para conseguir as gemas
I'm such a fan of synthetic gemstones since it doesn't hurt the environment and reply on child labor from underdeveloped countries. If the energy used to synthesize the stones are derived from renewable sources, that'll be a plus.
theyre both cool but overall i’d say i prefer synthetics, i love how theyre a product of science but modelled after something we found in nature!
that’s a cool way to look at it!
I always consider synthetic to be better, purer, more vivid colours, larger.
It’s like a lab grown baby vs a baby nurtured in earths mothers womb.
@@bperez8656 nothing to do with a baby LOL
😂Larger is the key.
Well that answers a lot of the questions i had about synthetic stones. They are all quite beautiful and especially the ruby, sapphire, and emerald synthetic because they tend to be a clearer stone then their natural counterparts. I dont prefer either one or the other. In jewelery, i prefer a stone that i can afford, in the cut and clarity that i can afford. So im open to either. Lab grown gems are fascinating. It just blows my mind how long they have actually been around!
I play both sides! 😂. I love them all. I purchase naturals when I find exceptional deals and will leave them to my children and grandchildren to hopefully create our own family heirlooms. This was, as always, a great video! I could watch you guys all day!
I really enjoyed this episode. I've been researching how synthetics are made and this video cleared up questions I had. Thank you putting this together and placing it online. I appreciate both natural and synthetic. An episode on "fakes" like much of the moldavite you see being sold, would also be interesting.
Thanks for this great, and clear information. I needed this desperately about 25 years ago when I wanted to confirm that my high school ring was synthetic corundum and not synthetic spinel. The conclusion was synthetic corundum, but it was like an act of Congress to get the company that made the ring to clarify it for me. Obviously no one but myself ever inquired way back then... The company was Balfour.
Since you asked, I had no problem loving synthetic gemstones if they were cheap to buy. They are cheaper but still not cheap. So I'd go with the best value of a gemstone, which is determined by demand as a factor. If we took what I'd have to spend completely out of it, I love them both equally and would be happy to wear either. Chemically, they are the same.
I've always found the debate between "Natural" and "Synthetic" to be rather ridiculous, mainly because it sounds too elitist for my taste. As long as they're real, I didn't really care one way or the other. Go with what you can afford. If it doesn't require tearing up the planet, even better.
Lab grown baby vs natural born baby
They’re both real.
Is it elitist to want natural, rare?
Same, though I would say it's even more ridiculous for a lot of stones due to the environmental and human damage from mining some stones.
@@bperez8656 if they’re both otherwise the same, then by definition, yes. Though, in that case the lab grown baby would probably be more expensive, so that would probably be what elites go for.
@@bperez8656if both are identical and a lab grown baby is as much a person as a real one, and also cheaper and easier than a real one, and the only real reason you’d go for a real baby is because it’s a greater show of status and wealth, then yes. By definition, it is.
@@bperez8656 what do babies have to do with anything?
Synthetics provide so much room for creativity. We wouldn't have all those crazy rare earth doped garnets without synthetics.
I do synthetic stones and spinel can be made in almost any colour. A very versatile stone that is underappreciated.
Love the vid, straight to the point and no extra info!
Wow very educational and a great explanation! Thanks for the info on this! I would love to see another video on deeper explanation of the different processes.
Awesome video! Thanks for making this! When I cut the first Ce:LuAG that went viral a year ago I was blown away by the consumers reaction! 🙏❤️
I've always preferred natural gemstones, but there are synthetic stones that have unique properties that I like, specifically synthetics that have a chemical composition that is quite impossible to find in the natural state. Like LuAG(a type of synthetic garnet) which makes it flouresce even under daylight.
I'm team both. I like to use synthetics in earrings because the loss isn't as tragic.
What loss? He talked about small inclusions in synthetic but natural stones have bigger inclusions and are generally uglier.
@@simtonetI believe if they lose the earrings.
But if they are natural, they are like babies. How is baba formed?
gosh I get it, I lose earrings sometimes and it's sad when it's real gold. -- Whereas a ring is less apt to fall off w/o you knowing it.
my wife loves the synthetic stones I have mounted for her. I made her a ring with a large pigeon's blood synthetic ruby and it looks like something out of a royal treasury. The emerald tennis bracelet is stunning. Ruby heart shaped earnings with matching pendant. The list of fine jewelry with precious stones she now has is lengthy.
My third grade classmate brought synthetic rubies to show and tell back in 1959. I always assumed she came by them through her dad's work at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Lasers were just coming into wider use, and ruby rods, so I was told, were used to produce lasers.
Thank you, i love these lessons. More of this please! :)
Great job, Rob! I'm team Natural but I understand that can be fraught with political and inhumane consequences if one isn't mindful when purchasing.
color stones, natural. diamonds lab grown. Diamonds are as common as quartz and way too expensive for what it is. I have a red to Blue color change garnet, way more rare and hard to get than a crappy white diamond. I prefer my moissanite because the refraction is higher and the stones are far more lively.
diamonds are too overrated... its Greed that made Diamonds expensive.
I am team moissanite! Which is now lab grown as well. 💎
Loved this one! As an amateur gemologist/jeweler I have been trying to find *any* information on how to tell the difference between natural & synthetic stones. I don't really have a preference except for emeralds, which I am on team natural. But it can affect perceived value on the part of a purchaser, as well as accuracy being important.
Nature and humans both have their unique and amazing gemstones.
The inclusions made by nature are fascinating. The man-made YAG will always be one of my favourites.
Give natural and man-made stones the same respect. Full disclosure would then be done with pride. Whether you have a natural or man-made diamond - both are beautiful. (If anything is a concern is diamonds created from loved ones - I would wear my family or another family but I would like to know. We are, after all, just sentient carbon.)
very informative!!!! thanks for sharing
Hey I've seen you on Lapidary Dave's channel! He has such a zen vibe. A good soul that always entertains and educates.
@@DonariaRegia Dave is a wonderful and kind bro for sure hehehehehe I have learnt so much from his videos and its always a blast hanging in his live streams✌🤠✌
Lab creation means the four traditionally "precious" gems for the masses! Plus those insane YAG colors are magnificent. I would like to have a davemoaite included diamond though. I don't think those will be created any time soon. But lab emerald can be produced so clean that it will never be found like that in nature.
If they’re for the masses they’re no longer “precious and rare”
It’s like a lab grown baby vs a baby nurtured in earths mothers womb.
Very informative video.
Good point. The difference is origin and the bottom line is sparkling.
Team synthetic. It's nice to wear a larger stone that only the very rich could enjoy previously. If I win a big lottery, I am sure I will change my mind on that, but meanwhile, if the the chemical composition is the same, that's really good enough for me.
It comes down to your age, and price. When i was younger i bought a beautiful set of Lab Grown orange sapphires. Necklace and earrings. They were 14k ygd with small diamonds surrounding. I love them. Would I buy them now, probably as natural would be prohibitive and I have these and love them.
I'm rather neutral about the topic. If the gem makes someone happy it doesn't matter if the gem is lab or natural
if I do have to pick one it will have to be lab created, mainly because they tend to be more ethically produced.
I’m totally all about the natural gems . Now, I love science, Hands down my favorite subject. I’m Fascinated this can be done! But there’s something about how nature and mother earth creates her treasures Over hundreds of millions of years, Patiently and completely, it’s about the time it takes. She never stops creating the whole time! It’s like nature doesn’t feel time the way we do. She always in a moment , Never born, never dies, to her time doesn’t exist so she can take her time , and she does.
I mean that’s fair, the only way to get those gems is to tear up the earth, usually destroying the environment around it.
Also, most natural gems are mined with slave labour. So there’s that.
In the 1980's a movie company was filming in the historic district of our town. The star of the movie got sick and they brought her into our doctor's office. She was treated for heat exhaustion and when she perked up I asked her if I could bring in the rest of the.female staff to look at her diamond wedding rings. She said sure we could. The solitaire was about four carats and the wedding ring was baquettes to show off the emerald cut solitaire. We were just thrilled to see the rings. Suddenly, she said; You don't think these are real do you? She then gave up a lesson on what to look for in cubic zirconia rings. We were all sold instantly. I now have a wonderful collection of synthetic jewelry!
Seeing the environmental devastation in some of the world's poorest countries in order to mine for natural gemstones should make one realise this is the way forwards.
100% synthetics all the way
Pure sapphire is pure aluminum oxide (alumina, Al2O3) and is colorless. Trace amounts of chromium (Cr) turn the gemstone red (rubies), while adding titanium and iron turn the crystal blue (blue sapphire)
I'm so conflicted on this topic... some of my favorite facets are yagg, gagg, luag, etc., but there's just something special to be said about unadulterated natural specimens.
It’s like a lab grown baby vs a baby nurtured in earths mothers womb.
Biblically, there are 12 precious gemstones of revelation and pure light is supposed to reveal their rainbow colors within.
I don’t think synthetic will ever compare to the healing & energetic properties of nature.
I like lab grown because they’re a more accessible price point, it’s a safer process for obtaining them than mining for gemstones, and they’re still beautiful in my opinion. Science gives us amazing things!
Upon getting engaged months ago, I learned a lot about natural and synthetic diamonds. I got my girlfriend involved in the ring buying process. In the end, we got a 1.4 carat lab diamond of very high overall quality for sooo much less than it's natural counterpart. We're both conservative financially and were very happy with the purchase.
COOL!! Great info!! Thank you so much! 🙏🙏🙏
Whoever thinks that most natural precious stones on the affordable side of the market are "all natural" i.e. free of human intervention other than polishing/faceting, should watch the video on this channel about gem treatment. In short, barring the premium specimens most rubies and sapphires are heated, emeralds are filled with oil, and even cheap semi-precious topazes are irradiated to obtain its signature blue colour. These and many other "natural" stones are as human-touched as their synthetic counterparts, and the latter are at least nearly flawless as-created.
1:11 Ruby and Sapphire
1:41 Rutile, Spinel, Strontium titanate
4:17 Emerald
6:02 Diamond
Clicked for the insane intro, stayed for the science
I like nature for cool specimens and love natural forms BUT I prefer lab created because it'd generally cheaper, less slavery and deaths, less impact overall and it makes it easier to find gems with certain specifics hard to find in nature which fits with creative ideas I have more personally :)
Synthetic because it gives more access and creative control jewelry designers.
I believe that natural stones should be used for sentimental or significantly expensive jewelry, however I'm a strong believer in the use of synthetics, such as for industrial or mechanical purposes, like diamond abrasive, or ruby plates in mechanical watches. I believe that having a cheaper, more consistent analogue for the stones in jewelry allows the customer knows exactly what they're spending their money on if they want a natural stone in a display piece or a piece of jewelry. Both have their uses, but picking between the two, it has to be synthetic, because its more versatile and allows the buyer to experiment with what they want before they commit to permanently changing a stone.
As much as diamonds are the stereotypical engagement ring gem. I think when it comes my time for that that I would much rather synthetically make my partners birthstone gem and get that put into a ring. One cause its their birthstone, and two id have the satisfaction of "I made this". Sounds special to me.
As a rock collector, I like a few natural specimens. A giant chunk of corundum that could never be made into a gem. A tiny natural that is nice to look at, but I wouldn't wear. But for my sparkly hoard, its looks and size that matter, and synthetic brings it! I like to imagine traveling back in time handing out my pretties to special people, or using cheap fakes while LARPing. Its fun :)
I like synthetics for decorative purposes, but if I want something spiritually meaningful I'll always go with natural. To behold something more ancient than life itself is truly humbling.
Thank you for the compact yet very useful video.
I can not but wonder if other gemstones get synthesis as well, like is garnet and amethyst and citrine and topaz and tourmaline has synthetics too ??
They do, very cheap too. Can get synthetic of those for like 50$/kg.
Thank you for the video.
I actually like the look of the chatter marks. I bet they'd look neat if I put the gem on top of a light source.
Check out LuAG, Ce YAG, any other scintillating synthetic gemstone, the world of man made stones is as nice if not nicer than the natural stones, you guys are missing out!
Is the term “lab created” the same as synthetic, or is that term used to describe colored glass, plastic, etc.?
To be called “synthetic”, the stone has to have the same physical properties of its natural counterpart. If it doesn’t, then it is usually called a simulant. This is the case with glass and plastic imitating precious stones.
Next time I wear a synthetic gem I will be thinking about how much science is involved in its creation!
Personally, for a cut stone I feel like I might as well go lab, I love natural stones for their raw formations.
Team I love them all.
Another top drawee production. FYI, someone spelt Verneuil as Vernueil.
I have a natural brazillian alexandrite and a synthetic alexandrite. I chose the synthetic to match the natural stone in size and overall color change profile. There are differences. First, the synthetic has a more complete color shift. Also under short wave UV light the synthetic is a brilliant vermillion, whereas the natural stone also flouresces in vermillion, but the color is duller. Finally, the price. The natural stone I have was purchased in 1987 for only about $1000 and was one of the first pulled from Brazill when they thought they had a large supply (they didn't). Retail today the stone by itself would sell for about $5000, while the synthetic in a gold setting with a nice little side diamond cost around $400. My little natural alexandrite is now set in a nice platinum setting with six barrel set diamonds. I wouldn't give either stone up, they are both gorgeous.
1:29 wouldn't it be funny if we learned he was actually like the 10th dude to do it, just the 1st to tell anyone.
just woke up to this, was really cool to watch, even if I'm more of an agate boy
You got a video on growing synthetic ruby watch jewels?
Question if You are using a gem for a seed gem to grow hydrothermal, does it matter whether it’s natural or synthetic?
It never matters. This video talks about inclusions in synthetic but fails to mention they are still better than natural by far in quality.
Synthetic gems are the way of the future. Some, like the flux method produce beautiful crystals that look better than any natural crystal. The flux method used by Chatham Created Gemstones produces breathtaking ruby crystals that are more beautiful than anything mined from earth. Because of the way they are formed, Vernuel boules produce cut gems that have an unattractive greasy appearance when faceted. This is because the atoms in flame fusion grown gems never have the chance to line up properly. Those layers you see cause interference as light passes through the stone, and this causes the greasy fake look characteristic of Vernuel grown gems. I have a large collection of flux grown rubies, emeralds, and sapphires that have not been cut, and they are more beautiful than any natural crystals I have seen.
I opted for a lab grown purple sapphire because I wanted a 4 carat and that would be so expensive! I happily ended up with a color-shifting one.
Hey guys I'm your biggest fan no lie! Can you do a video on hauyne for your biggest fan? After that do a video on phosgenite and after that do analcime. I'm sorry for being so needy.
I think we only have 1 piece of hauyne in our collection. So that wouldn’t make for a very visually interesting video at the moment. But we will keep an eye out. Maybe one of our friends will have access to some more.
@@gems woot woot right on right on! You guys are the best content on the internet I can't even begin... Thanks for the reply!
I have some synthetic ruby lying around that I bought dirt cheap a few years ago. They're really pretty to look at, though I wish they wouldn't have cut the boule in half.
They split the boule in half because of internal stress from production.
@@joshuafowler2522 Still. Makes it really difficult to make anything worthwhile with it.
I love synthetics! ❤
Team synthetic. So much more scope of gems and with less forced labour
as beautiful and wonderous natural gemstones are, i prefer synthetic as it's less drastically less environmental impact and far more ethical
How do lab grown rubies and emeralds hold values? Grown with mo inclusions?
damn I was not expecting to see Nobody Speaks music video again after all these years in the most random place spaces
I noted three methods for synthesizing emerald: Verneuil, Flux Melt Growth, and Hydrothermal Growth. Which is the more expensive method, and which produces the highest quality gem?
Wouldnt this also be alchemy to make a synthetic gem/crystal?
My favorite stone & process is... Sapphire! Transparent white. And blue for Caligula's ring. Look it up (but not here on RUclips! 🔞), it's gorgeous. His ring was rather thick though - I guess this must've made him a bit angry 😢
Great program!! I am team synthetic because it seems as if making these causes less damage to the planet that mining does.
Hello sir, I am following your channel many times, so I have a question to you that can you explain about gemstones ruby and emblem and I how knowing which ones is real and fake stone ?😊😊
in the Earth diamonds require high pressure of about 5GPa (giga pascal) and high temperature of about 1500 K. Diamond is a high-pressure carbon allotrope (it has covalent bonding). At low pressure carbon tends to arrange into van-der-Waals bonds and in the Earth we know graphite as a low-pressure natural carbon allotrope. It is not clear to me, how using CVD carbon atoms prefer to build the diamond crystal structure, i.e. go into covalent bonding, instead of the van-der-Waals bonding which we have in graphite. In CVD there is no high pressure or temperature, so why would carbon resulting from that process of the deposition form a diamond and not graphite?
I am not a financially blessed person, but I do love the shiny stuff, so I say cost and value are my tools. If lab grown is cheaper, then it better be lovely in Silver. I hate the gold color unless it is a gem or amber. Could you grow amber in a lab setting?
Sooo, synthetic diamond may contain the Umbrella Corporation symbol... LOL! My wedding ring is a synthetic emerald with tiny white sapphires to accent it. Hubby would prefer I had a natural one, but my crow brain doesn't mind since it's still a shiny. 😄 I think it's rather lovely, a gorgeous almost forest green color.
A wild Resident Evil fan appeared lol
On the topic of emerald, natural emeralds are only good for their rarity (at least for the flawless stones) and as a personal preference, the "jardin" inclusions i.e. tons of cloudy inclusions and fractures. Stones that are remotely clear are either very small, have a prohibitive price, or have undergone treatments like oiling or resin-filling to make them look less cloudy and flawed.
It depends on what you want the gem for. If it's for esthetics, I think the mystique of a natural stone is better suited. But if you're using the crystal for a high-speed transistor, purity and perfect crystalline structure may be more consistent in a synthetic stone.
Synthetic gems are more esthetic, they are literally prettier and more ethical.
Synthetic is cool if you're trying to do something really neat with the stuff, but natural is also really cool
You didn't mention the Czochralski process or "pulling a boule"
Alchemists dreamed of synthesizing precious gemstones, they are probably hyped watching this video in the afterlife lmao
Do volcanoes have the white powder to create Emereld
can you have a lab created alexandrite that only turns green to blue?
What are those metalic spheres in the ruby at 2:56?
Trapped air pockets'/bubbles.
Where can I find synthetic gemstone manufacturers? I keep trying to find but I don’t get any luck
A good video , but .... 4:11 Emerald was not the first gem growth by flux, but Ruby in 19 century.
Where is a good place I could buy raw and faceted synthetic gemstones? I have been looking a nice clean looking emerald
I had all but how can i contact with your guys , please ?.
It depends on the stone for me. I’m definitely far more into natural earth grown stones but I also do like some lab grown stones such as emerald and diamond. I think they are both amazing in their own right. Flux melt emeralds look closer to earth made emeralds, but HT have excellent clarity and less inclusions - if you want that million dollar emerald, or diamond look for a fraction of the cost. All that said, as an emerald fan, there is nothing like a natural, earth made emerald. Natural emeralds just have a look that can’t be replicated in a lab. It’s the Jardin. Diamonds, I’ll take lab grown over a natural one any day, unless it’s free or stupid cheap. We’ve got lab grown diamonds down.
I like natural because of imperfections, but that goes for semi precious stones. Precious stones, when well cut are just more "worth it" for synthetic methods as they are usually too small to really have it make a difference. Not to mention the ethics of gem mining and the ultra high effect of marketing on value.
Definitely team Natural... lab grown gems are becoming more and more deceptive and convincing in that the technology is improving such that inclusions and color variables can now be made, making it more difficult to determine if natural or lab created
if you can't tell the difference, why does it matter? gems are for aesthetics and durability anyway. if it serves you well, it shouldn't matter where it comes from. has the added benefit of not using exploited workers too.
@@nj.7325 you can tell the difference....some people cant, but if they study a bit they will be able to tell difference...natural gems vs lab grown is kinda like natural born male/female vs exploited lab altered/created transgenders, if that's what your into...
also i prefer my vitamins from natural sources such as natural food instead of synthesized vitamins and food like products...but of course you may choose otherwise...
synthetics also can HELP stop the horrific slave trade where slaves mine the gemstones.
@@grandstarstudiosFORMER-YT are those slaves at least getting free housing and food... and some basic health care that the american slaves got 170 years ago?
So aluminum oxide with some impurities to make colors
Guys I wanna know something. Is there any possibility to turn dead natural gem into usable one in the lab
There are already commercial processes for this and the resulting stones are called reconstituted gems. To simply put, unsellable low-quality stuff is ground into powder then used as the material for synthetic gems.
For low-quality stones that are barely sellable, a myriad of treatments (a.k.a. "enhancements") can be applied to make them more appealing, ranging from heat treatment to irradiation. Sometimes even gemstones that are too fragile to be worn as jewellery can be strengthened by treatments to become sellable.
bro i mgona wyse youre vd for my geology text book thx for the informasion
I have a beautiful red/pink 'ruby' from my grandmothers jewellery. About the size of a mans thumb nail I've been told by jewellers its synthetic, but I find it hard to believe they go back that far. It would have been 'created' around 1900, no later than 1910. Could they be wrong?
late 19th century is when synthetic rubies started being made