39番の楽譜のキーバグについて Regarding the key bug in sheet 39 in Season of Nine Colored Deer 18Jan.2024 (English is below) 多分、39番のキーの優先度が低い・またはキー設定がないため ・BGMのキーになる ・他の楽譜のキーになる ・花鳥郷と新エリアでは転調やループ?でキーが再設定されたら無音でもその影響を受ける といった感じかなあ。 他のエリアのループおよびBGM転調の際にどうなるのかは未検証です。 現時点でのおすすめとしては、39番は ・BGMのない場所で弾く(ホームや捨て地ホームなど) ・もしキーが狂ったら、Cのキーを持つ楽譜(1−3番とか)を再生→キャンセルしてCに固定し直してから39を再び弾く。これをやる際にはずっと静止して待つ等してBGMがオフになってるか、元からBGM のない場所である必要があります。 バグレポはしますね! なんにせよ、とても素敵な楽譜なのでぜひ楽しんで欲しいです。 バグが解消されたらこの書き込みは削除しますね。 追加情報2024/1/18 他のエリアからホームに帰ってくると、直前にいたエリアのキーを持ってきてることがあるので、39をホームで弾く際には立ち上げ直しかキーがCの楽譜でキーをあらかじめ固定しておくのがおすすめかもです。 追加情報2024/1/26 Skyの音を担当されているりつさんより、今後のアップデートで30番楽譜のキーバグは修正される見込みとのことです(鋭意対策中とのこと)。 x.com/MizutaniRitsu/status/17... The below is happening due to low priority or no key setting for the key of the sheet. Maybe. 1. The key of the sheet is changed to the Soundtrack’s key 2. If you play other sheets that have different keys, before sheet 39, then the key will become the previous sheet’s one 3. As I know, in Aviary and the new area (Oasis), the key change in the Soundtrack and/or loop? it will affect the key of sheet 39. It seems so. I don’t do tests in another area yet. My recommendation at the present time is: * do the sheet in the area with no soundtracks * If your sheet 39’s key is weird, play the sheet with C (like sheets 1,2,3, etc.) then cancel, and re-do the sheet 39. You have to do it in the area with no soundtracks or after it disappears by waiting without moving. I will report it to TGC. Anyway, I want you to have fun anyway, the sheet music is wonderful! When the bug is fixed, I will delete this post. [Additional information] added 18Jan.2024 When you come back to Home from another area, you may have a key from the area you were in just before, so it is recommended that you re-start Sky or use sheets in C when you play 39 at Home. [Additional information] added 26Jan.2024 Ritsu, lead audio Desugber of Sky mentioned on it, that the bug will be fixed with further updates! x.com/MizutaniRitsu/status/17...
Thank you for the comment, ponytailmoth! Sorry for the delay of reply (by the error, my one wasn't send!)😖 Yes, I think so too- it will be, in the vid, I was talking just as a possibility😉 Hope you have fun!
39番の楽譜のキーバグについて Regarding the key bug in sheet 39 in Season of Nine Colored Deer
(English is below)
・もしキーが狂ったら、Cのキーを持つ楽譜(1−3番とか)を再生→キャンセルしてCに固定し直してから39を再び弾く。これをやる際にはずっと静止して待つ等してBGMがオフになってるか、元からBGM のない場所である必要があります。
The below is happening due to low priority or no key setting for the key of the sheet. Maybe.
1. The key of the sheet is changed to the Soundtrack’s key
2. If you play other sheets that have different keys, before sheet 39, then the key will become the previous sheet’s one
3. As I know, in Aviary and the new area (Oasis), the key change in the Soundtrack and/or loop? it will affect the key of sheet 39.
It seems so.
I don’t do tests in another area yet.
My recommendation at the present time is:
* do the sheet in the area with no soundtracks
* If your sheet 39’s key is weird, play the sheet with C (like sheets 1,2,3, etc.) then cancel, and re-do the sheet 39. You have to do it in the area with no soundtracks or after it disappears by waiting without moving.
I will report it to TGC.
Anyway, I want you to have fun anyway, the sheet music is wonderful!
When the bug is fixed, I will delete this post.
[Additional information] added 18Jan.2024
When you come back to Home from another area, you may have a key from the area you were in just before, so it is recommended that you re-start Sky or use sheets in C when you play 39 at Home.
[Additional information] added 26Jan.2024
Ritsu, lead audio Desugber of Sky mentioned on it, that the bug will be fixed with further updates!
The bass makes the sheet music so catchy
Hi RanBowBoi, thanks for the comment!
Yes I think so too☺️ Hope the vid will be helpful for you!
Wow! That's really beautiful 💕🥺🔥🔥
Thank you, Akina_Inu! So glad☺️
Hmm, I think they’ll return as TS at least two or three years
Thank you for the comment, ponytailmoth! Sorry for the delay of reply (by the error, my one wasn't send!)😖
Yes, I think so too- it will be, in the vid, I was talking just as a possibility😉
Hope you have fun!
@@RaySkyIkejiji 普通の音楽が壁画の島の音楽とマッチしていて好きです。大好きです
@@lolyitsokayfriend コメントありがとうございます。はい、爺も大好きです☺
@@RaySkyIkejiji それから質問なのですが、この Sky はグローバルですか、それとも Sky ベータですか?
@@lolyitsokayfriend ご質問ありがとうございます。このチャンネルは全て、ライブ版(グローバル)の情報で作っています。自分はベータ参加の資格を持っていないので、ベータについては全く情報がありません。
異国感が本当に素敵です・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+