Star Wars: The Force Awakens(2015) Movie Review


Комментарии • 84

  • @ramboraph4life
    @ramboraph4life 9 лет назад +13

    35:40 lol yeah. That was one of my biggest problems with the film. It makes the original trilogy pointless. Luke went through all of the training and defeated Vader...just to end up where Obi Wan was in A New Hope? All that fighting from New Hope to Return of the Jedi...only for most of the planets to get destroyed by yet ANOTHER planet killing thing?
    Excellent job on the video. I have no problem with you or anybody else liking it as a timewaster. First, it shows others that you and I are not always 100% in agreement, which shows that each of us have Our Own Opinions and do not just copy another person's Point of View.
    Second off, once again an entertaining video with thorough thoughts and funny observations. Solid job, Mike.

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад +1

      +ramboraph4life Thanks glad you enjoyed it. I have issues with this movie. But I can watch it. But it still could have been a lot better than just watchable in my eyes. Definitely rather watch this than The Visit or

    • @1000percentGuavo
      @1000percentGuavo 9 лет назад +1

      +OcpCommunications hell yea I got physically sick in the visit, I didn't know it was a M night film untill i saw the credits and I swear almost went up to the projector and light the screen on fire

    • @capsulon445
      @capsulon445 9 лет назад

      +OcpCommunications But if they didn't destroying those Republic planets then at some point it would have to explain the political establishment of the galaxy which never discuss throughout the film, despite the fact in episode IV we have that broad meeting scene with Takin and the other imperial commanders. In my opinion this movie is so pretentious that its worst than the prequels, which to each is own, but at least the prequels were innovative and most importantly never affected the original trilogy in terms of character development, TFA does and it ruins the ending of Return of the Jedi, which is my favorite film in the Star Wars saga.

    • @imaxstingray
      @imaxstingray 8 лет назад

      its ture that it makes the events of the original movies pointless but it is the same for wars in the real world did they really change anything

    • @MrDman21
      @MrDman21 7 лет назад +1

      Ramboraph4life dude you should check out WorldClassBullshitters. They rip this movie apart. Can't wait to see your video on THE FARCE AWAKENS!

  • @OcpCommunications
    @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад +18

    You tube for some reason deleted this comment...So I am reposting it here. This is from Sean Meldrum. I like what he has to say by the way.
    The sad thing is that I'm sure there are film makers out there that
    would probably prefer making their movies using practical effects, so
    that we have a better quality movie we can all enjoy. But why would a
    studio, or anyone involved in the financing of the making of a movie,
    give a movie maker $10,000,000 for practical effects to shoot some
    scenes, when they could give them $1,000,000 to shoot the same scenes
    using CGI, saving $9,000,000 in the process. The business side of movie
    making fucking sucks, because they don't care if their movies are
    really any good or not. All they give a fuck about is what is going to
    be most profitable. I've lost hope in the movie industry. Fuck them
    and their boring ass CGI video game looking pieces of shit movies. I'll
    go watch Commando from 30 years ago where I can see some shit blow up
    for real.

  • @juanrodriguez5404
    @juanrodriguez5404 9 лет назад +4

    Although this movie is ok, I will admit how I miss the prequels.

  • @aaronjones415
    @aaronjones415 9 лет назад

    Colin Trevorrow's doing episode 9 not 10, Rian Johnson who did looper is doing Ep 8.

    • @aaronjones415
      @aaronjones415 9 лет назад

      Not 8 I mean lol

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад

      +Aaron Jones Someone else already let me know that. Still worried about whatever one he is directing. And Rian Johnson is still a question mark. At least for me because I still haven't seen Looper.

    • @aaronjones415
      @aaronjones415 9 лет назад

      +OcpCommunications fair enough, looper's great man I highly recommend it. One of the best sci-fi's of the last few years.

  • @dannydundatta
    @dannydundatta 9 лет назад

    always enjoy your reviews Dude.

  • @Szydel1991
    @Szydel1991 9 лет назад +1

    I didn't scroll through all the comments do not sure if anyone said this but the Jurassic world director isn't directing the next one he's directing episode 9. Rian Johnson the guy who directed Looper is directing episode 8

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад +1

      +Szydel1991 Well my bad...Either way the guy who is doing part nine? I have serious doubts. And even the guy who did Looper I have doubts. I dunno if that type of film translates well to this type of content. But I am more hopeful about him than Trevmorrow.

  • @Szydel1991
    @Szydel1991 9 лет назад +1

    Also the style of lightsaber fighting resembles the originals more because the prequels were the Jedi in there prime. Like wasn't trained to fight that way so it makes sense he trained anyone to fight the way he knew how...and Finn and Rey never fought with lightsabers before either

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад +2

      +Szydel1991 Well I get that but it doesn't look very cinematic. And I don't buy that Ren doesn't know that much. He figured out how to stop a laser blast in mid air something no previous jedi had shown before in the franchise. Plus I don't think very many people would object if he was a better fighter.

  • @RedWolf316sega
    @RedWolf316sega 9 лет назад +1

    I saw the whole video. Look I'm sorry if I was a bit too rude in the comments. It's your opinion if you didn't like it. And it's fine by me. I just don't like it when some are still unsatified with The Force Awaken's after having to watch the prequels. I just hate it when a director is trying to give Star Wars fans something wipe their memories of the prequels but some people still don't enjoy it. My apologies.

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад +1

      +RedWolf316 Hey. I appreciate the reply. Thanks. Well some people just are not going to be satisfied. That's because not every person likes every film. Everyone has different tastes. And for some people? The film just didn't appeal to them. But honestly? Who cares if they didn't like it? It doesn't affect your enjoyment of the movie or how other people feel about it who feel similarly that you do. No need to take their thoughts personally. That's their opinion. You don't have to agree with it. And that's fine.
      And I am sorry if I appeared really angry too...Because I honestly was. But I am calm now. I don't hate the movie. I don't like parts of it. But there are things I like. But remember different opinions are what keeps this world interesting. And you don't ever have to agree with any opinion including mine. You can agree or disagree. In fact I encourage it.

    • @RedWolf316sega
      @RedWolf316sega 9 лет назад

      If some people didn't enjoy The Force Awaken's, that's fine. It's not a perfect movie, but I'am one of those fans that wants effort put into a movie that doesn't involve bunch of lifeless diolouge, and crappy effects, bad romance and a plot that doesn't make sense. And episode 7 did it for me and friends that saw it. It's not perfect but it just did enough for us.

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад

      I feel the same way. I don't want any film to not put effort into the production, bad lifeless dialogue, bad effects, bad romance, and a bad plot.
      The bad plot part is why I didn't really like The Force Awakens. Because I thought the plot could have been better. But that's just me.

    • @RedWolf316sega
      @RedWolf316sega 9 лет назад +2

      This might be out of topic but I can see why your not a fan of most modern movies. I agree that Hollywood needs to be more original instead of remaking classic movies over and over. I saw Terminator Genesis and hated it. I'm a huge Terminator fan. But that movie was just a mess. Some people, liked it but not me. It's made wish they would've just ended the franchise after Judgement Day which is one my favorite movies.

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад +1

      I hated Genisys too. What a clusterfuck of shit that was. Starring Hannah Montana as Sarah Connor and a block of wood as Kyle Reese. Arnie outacted everyone in the film not named J.K. Simmons as the Terminator. Pathetic.
      And it looked like a SyFy channel movie at times. What a piece of shit that was. And I agree the franchise should have ended after T2.

  • @stevenb6437
    @stevenb6437 9 лет назад

    Which was was better
    Robocock (2014) or,
    Star Wars: The Force Awakens

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад +3

      +Steven Betchel The Force Awakens. Hands down.

    • @stevenb6437
      @stevenb6437 9 лет назад

      Yeah, nothing is as bad as Robocock 2014

  • @handsomestik
    @handsomestik 9 лет назад +9

    Why is anyone surprised by this? Star Wars into Darkness? JJ Abrams will cut and paste shit from the older films. Fucking Wrath of Khan was ripped off and now New Hope

  • @larrynewman5286
    @larrynewman5286 9 лет назад +3

    Truth hurts sometimes people. Great content as always Ocp! People hating on your opinion just means you're getting more popular. It's rare to have an actual discussion about something from both points of view in the comment section but oh well.

  • @crimsonstorm34
    @crimsonstorm34 9 лет назад +3

    Here's my take on episode 7. For all the pressure that Abrams was under, he delivered a great movie. Sure, it had elements from the original trilogy, but that's what made it good. A lot of the people complaining it was a rehash are the hardcore EU people and honestly the EU was a rehash too. Why make the new movies on the EU when you'll already know the outcome from reading the books? There's the prequels, but there was a reason those were made. I think a lot of the EU wasn't that great anyways and it was the what if of the star wars universe just like Marvel had. As for new ideas, exactly what would you go with that hasn't been seen in one form or another before? Star Wars is the hero myth, the good versus evil. That's what it is. If you stray from that it won't be Star Wars, it'll be something else. The prequels should be a lesson in what happens when there's too many new ideas trying to be conveyed in one movie let alone three. Now to me, Revenge of the Sith, I thought was decent, however. I'm waiting to see the next two installments and see how it is as an overall trilogy of its own if that makes sense.

  • @totalbadass8358
    @totalbadass8358 9 лет назад +5

    The main protagonist was overpowered and the main antagonist was under-powered. Did the WWE have a hand in writing the script?

  • @larbear2761
    @larbear2761 4 года назад

    OcpCommunications no he didn't look like gene Simmons he's just looking like Keanu Reeves and sounds like the late great Alan Rickman.

  • @cambellfan22
    @cambellfan22 9 лет назад +1

    same here I saw it on Christmas day. i'm not saying it was bad, I thought the movie was ok and yeah it felt like they just retreaded with a new hope at some moments although I was taken back by the spoiler shocker

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад

      +cambellfan22 Yeah it did feel like a remake/reboot on more than one occasion for me personally.

    • @cambellfan22
      @cambellfan22 9 лет назад

      Yeah I see what you mean cause when you watch it and you you remember subconsciously of the new hope, and yeah it was funny that you mention about starkiller base being death star 3 just a much bigger death star powered by the sun, it was a death planet even the emperor himself would say it's a bit too much

  • @gallendugall8913
    @gallendugall8913 9 лет назад +1

    What Kasdan contributed was "everything from the previous films was wrong" repeated twists - he's a one trick pony.
    What JJ Abrams contributed was "look at that! look at that! remember that! see what I did there? aren't I awesome!" repeated punches to the gut - he's a one trick pony.
    The cast make this thing watchable because they elevated the horrible material.

  • @hotdog5178
    @hotdog5178 9 лет назад

    Thanks, Mike. Sorry for the 900 posts. My tablet was telling me that the post wasn't going through and to "try again."

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад

      +Sean Meldrum It's ok. No problem. I knew you weren't doing that on purpose. lol

  • @harveyplissken4604
    @harveyplissken4604 9 лет назад +4

    Hey Mike, I just like to say that I'm sorry you didn't like The Force Awakens. I personally think it's right up there with the original trilogy (but not quite as good as The Empire Strikes Back though; I think it's a shitload better than any of the prequels in my opinion). But, I understand that it's not a movie for everyone. I'm not like some other people on the internet that attack you for not liking something. It's your opinion and I can definitely respect that. It does a little bit remind me of A New Hope in some aspects, but I thought it didn't really ruin the film for me personally. My point is, It's okay if you don't like the film. It's not a movie for everyone.

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад +1

      +Dylan Via Glad you liked it. Proves that the world is still an interesting place.

    • @harveyplissken4604
      @harveyplissken4604 9 лет назад

      Amen to that. In the end, we're all human beings with different tastes. Still a better movie than Jurassic World by a landslide.

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад

      Dylan Via
      I agree with that.

  • @wiinterflowers95
    @wiinterflowers95 8 лет назад +2

    I'm gonna get crucified for saying this: I FUCKING HATE THIS MOVIE!

  • @deleteduser121
    @deleteduser121 9 лет назад +2

    they new actors acted like they drank 20 red bulls

  • @deleteduser121
    @deleteduser121 9 лет назад

    they shot on a real desert in the prequels. Why do people say they didn't watch this video

  • @skankinfartfuckface
    @skankinfartfuckface 9 лет назад +1

    Michael Myers cried in Halloween 5

  • @dannydundatta
    @dannydundatta 9 лет назад

    Cool man.enjoy the honesty.

  • @benway20
    @benway20 9 лет назад

    6:50 I always thought Avatar sucked. Humans invade the planet of Pandora to search for a valuable resource called Unobtainium. The only way it could've been more heavy handed is if Cameron had humans invading the planet of Iraqia to search for a valuable resource called Oillium.
    Anyway, I thought The Force Awakens was a fine popcorn movie. Certainly not the best film of the year, but I thought it was fun.

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад

      +benway20 Yeah Avatar is a pretty shit movie. Cool experience in the theater though in IMAX 3D and so was The Force Awakens. But that doesn't mean I thought the Force Awakens after a second view was a great film. A decent mediocre one with some fun popcorn moments but it could have been a lot better imo.

  • @worldstarpictures7021
    @worldstarpictures7021 5 лет назад

    Where's that video where you mentioned that you're going to fix the force awakens?

  • @tvmattkc
    @tvmattkc 9 лет назад +2

    I personally liked "Force Awakens" a lot, mainly because it brought back that sense of fun that I missed while watching the prequels. Is it a perfect film? No, it definitely has its share of flaws (frenetic pacing, too many questions, Snoke's identity, repeat formula, Poe's disappearance, Captain Phasma, etc.), but to me they aren't cringe-inducing. I can understand why some people are disappointed, but I feel that was to be expected, because of how overhyped and crazy-excited people were to begin with. I went in cautiously optimistic, and in the end I was quite satisfied. IMO, I would probably rank this neck-and-neck with "Return of the Jedi", but still falling short of "A New Hope" and "Empire Strikes Back". I agree that it's probably too soon to evaluate since the other films haven't come out yet; but even as a standalone film, I still enjoy it. I really look forward to "Episode VIII" -- perhaps the December 2017 delay is a good thing, for it will allow more time to improve the script.

  • @JoelCraike
    @JoelCraike 8 лет назад

    I just watched this movie for the first time and I thought it was an alright movie I definitely didn't think it was bad

  • @rayhunt3244
    @rayhunt3244 9 лет назад

    O.K. they may say the movie is rubbish,they may say the plot is laughable,they may say the c.g.i. is awful and the acting wooden and they may say the script is apalling and that the whole tone of the movie resembles a soulless z list sit-com

  • @blahh557
    @blahh557 9 лет назад

    Hey, Raoh cried in the fight with his brother Toki and Raoh was a damn badass villain. Not trying to justify Kylo Ren though, I haven't even seen this movie. Just saying, it can happen if done properly (I think you've seen the Fist of the North Star anime series, right?)

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад

      +blahh557 Haven't seen the anime series. Saw the live action movie.

    • @blahh557
      @blahh557 9 лет назад

      Oh... I thought you had seen the series too. Well, the series is much better, for sure.

  • @dannydundatta
    @dannydundatta 9 лет назад


  • @Layne618
    @Layne618 9 лет назад

    I enjoyed this flick when I saw it. It was a pretty fun theater experience. However, Han's death had already been spoiled for me when I went in, although I had fun watching my mom's shocked reaction when it did happen. I do think it has more of the spirit of the original trilogy than the prequels ever did (I don't even hate those movies like everyone else does) but, like you and a lot of other people, it hit way too many of the same beats as the original Star Wars and it felt like more a set-up for what's going to come next rather than its own movie. But still, I enjoyed it and I wouldn't mind owning it on Blu-Ray when it comes out.

  • @GoodMicWork21
    @GoodMicWork21 9 лет назад +1

    I knew you weren't gonna like the movie. Why should you? Hollywood just can't good movies anymore lol.

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад

      +Greg Toomer I didn't hate it though. I hated some parts of it. But as a whole, I just thought it was ok.

  • @deleteduser121
    @deleteduser121 9 лет назад +1

    good review lightsabers should look badass not encumbering.

  • @adamwatson2914
    @adamwatson2914 9 лет назад

    I liked it a lot. I didn`t like how much it felt like history repeating, that was distracting and annoying, with many versions and places of this movie`s versions of the old movies, like for instance you`re not telling me that little shrunken alien lady wasn`t this movie`s Yoda! What bugged me was why were the not-the-rebels still fighting against the not-the-Empire 30 years later? I know it was a vast Empire but come on.. But more than anything else overall I thought it was fun and I had a blast, I loved seeing those old characters again, it felt earned when they did scenes with them, not like they were just shoehorned into the plot, and I liked the new characters a lot more than I expected. It wasn`t perfect but as the opener of a new trilogy goes I really think Abrams did a great job, I think you can tell it was made by someone with love for the original movies. It`s miles better than the first two prequels were. :P

  • @MrDman21
    @MrDman21 7 лет назад

    More like the FARCE Awakens. There's this guy on youtube called The Negotiator who absolutely LOVES Disney Star Wars and their corporate greed. After seeing this movie again I realize how badly written the characters are. Rey IS a mary-sue, Finn is just a WORSE version of Jar Jar Binks, AND they kill off Han Solo. And these idiots always wanna argue that's it's not a rehash of A NEW HOPE, IT IS! People are just so mad at the prequels they'll take any bullshit that comes out with STAR WARS on it. Fandom is not what's ruining Star Wars it's Kathleen Kennedy and her "yes men". Speaking of which, they just fired Colin Trevero (sp) from Episode 9 and got that HACK JJ Abrams again. I don't care what anybody says I'm a fan of George Lucas's Star Wars. Because no matter how bad the prequels were atleast they brought us new characters and new worlds. JJ Abrams can't write a "strong female character" to save his life, (yeah I said it, ALIAS was some bullshit) Finn would be what some black people refer to as a JASPER. He was just a punk the whole time. Po Dameron is hyped up to be this Han Solo type but he disappears for half of the movie. Han, Leia, Chewie, C3P0, R2-D2, and Luke, all ICONIC characters and totally wasted in this movie. I did like the practical FX tho, I'll give them that, but this isn't a Star Wars movie, it's a Star Wars movie by committee. And it's only gonna get WORSE for this franchise. Great video man!

  • @1000percentGuavo
    @1000percentGuavo 9 лет назад

    Dude dude dude dude dude dude dude, suicide squad new trailer have you seen it and what are your thoughts

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад +2

      +The live commentator Yes I saw it. And I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun it looked. Didn't like the choice of song though. I will talk about that and more in a later episode of Talking Cinema so be on the lookout for that.

    • @1000percentGuavo
      @1000percentGuavo 9 лет назад +1

      +OcpCommunications awesome man, it kinda gave me the Guardians of the galaxy feel

    • @1000percentGuavo
      @1000percentGuavo 9 лет назад

      +Sean Butler true

  • @Johnlindsey289
    @Johnlindsey289 9 лет назад

    I thought this was good fun, sure it rehashes some elements from New Hope but Jedi was a rehash of both NH/Empire combined together. Yet this at least had a decent script unlike the prequels which had some bad writing but nowhere as brilliant as the script to Empire Strikes Back which is an example of good writing while Jedi did had a mixed script and so did ANH.
    Yes it was stupid when they killed Han and upseted fanboys and i did felt bad, but this was a fun movie and the new droid is very cool. But Mike, do you agree this movie along with Nolan's films and Mad Max 4 should show Hollywood a nice mix of practical and new effects combined and Hollywood should take notes on effects?

  • @zoobee
    @zoobee 9 лет назад +2

    The Force Awakens is badly written. Its as simple as that. Its filmed well, there are moments of incredible beauty, like the Tie fighters silhouetted against the sun, the forest fight scene, but its so poorly written that it falls apart when you think of it. The acting is good, but Rey is such an infallible character it beggars belief and totally subverts the mythology of Star Wars.

    • @MrDman21
      @MrDman21 7 лет назад

      Jay Paul Exactly! It's eyecandy. The characters seemed like a 12 year old wrote them. Sure, Lucas fucked up with the prequels becuz he wanted to write and direct them. He even admits now that he fucked up. Had he just produced the prequels and had other people write and direct them, they could have been better. But that's neither here nor there. Lucas sold his soul to the devil (Disney) by selling Lucasfilm. Now I admit, I liked Rogue One as a standalone, but it's STILL stuck in the original trilogy. That's the problem with these new SW movies, they can't seem to get past the orginal trilogy. A Han Solo movie, boba fett movie, Obi Won movie, they're even talking about a Jabba the Hutt movie. NOBODY asked for this shit! We want EU stories, we want a KOTOR movie. But nope, Kathleen Kennedy and her crew are gonna give us what THEY think Star Wars is. They only care about selling toys rather than writing a compelling story and interesting characters. I feel sorry for these fans who are brainwashed by Disney Star Wars.They obviously have no respect for the original trilogy and like being spoonfed this corporate crap. But they won't have to worry about me. I won't be giving these fools my money for THE LAST JEDI or any of the other crap they have coming out.

  • @RurouniLeonardo360
    @RurouniLeonardo360 9 лет назад +1

    I see you decided to skip the prequels.

    • @OcpCommunications
      @OcpCommunications  9 лет назад +2

      +MrVegeta360 No. They are coming up next...

    • @markv1125
      @markv1125 9 лет назад

      +OcpCommunications We didn't see Vader's face in A New Hope because he couldn't breathe without his helmet and it would have revealed that he was human way too early in the saga. Kylo Ren just wears the helmet/mask for effect and in tribute to his grandfather.Also I think you're wrong about Domhnall Gleeson because his portrayal of general Hux made me hate that character.He gave his villain a lot more passion and anger than any of the imperial leaders in the previous films.

    • @markv1125
      @markv1125 9 лет назад

      +OcpCommunications I disagree with your perception of Kylo Ren being a bad ass.I don't think he's meant to be seen like that.He is evil but he's younger than Vader was and therefore less experienced.I think you missed the point with him as he's meant to be seen as weak, insecure and unstable.

  • @TheRhyse007Home
    @TheRhyse007Home 9 лет назад +3

    Good job with the Review/Rant Mike! The Force Awakens I believe was nominated for best original score, and it don't deserve it. I've listened to it on youtube, and it sounds okay, but each of the previous had tracks I can remember. This one doesn't. Speaking of which, is it just me, or does this sound like "First Blood" at the 5 min mark?видео.htmlverall Mike, I agree with you! Was totally mixed, upon immediate viewing, and it may just be simply "okay" at best, with further viewings.