so gonna miss zack and eden's bianca!! all this time and now i start to watch and shes gone! idk if i can take her any another role where she's not kissing a woman! agggg..
Simon is not at fault here. Reese is she is the one who just walked out on her her fiancee with no explanation and no warning. Honesty like with Sarah and Ian would have been a lot more the decent way to handle this.
whooa bianca ... eyes go really really WIDE!
Lol Zach was a closet lesbian... priceless!! so gonna miss zack and eden's bianca!! all this time and now i start to watch and shes gone! idk if i can take her any another role where she's not kissing a woman! agggg..
So u hate lesbians how about u fuck off
@@haileysuarez2903 SO, you failed English? You have a compreheshion issue based on your statement. You are way late and a clue short
thanks for the upload! Lol... Zach is a total closet lesbian. And Simon sucks... he's totally giving Bianca doubts, and that's his goal.
Know he was just trying to find Reese and get some closure in his life.
@@janetoconnor3636 Resse isnt gay she cheated on Bianca on eve their wedding and she wasnt in love with Bianca ???.
Simon is not at fault here. Reese is she is the one who just walked out on her her fiancee with no explanation and no warning. Honesty like with Sarah and Ian would have been a lot more the decent way to handle this.
Bianca I love you honey
where is he supposed to be from, one second he sounds american, the next australian, next english lol
Bianca and Reese fell in lust. They barely knew each other after a year of being together. Bianca should know better she has a child.
No Reese should of known better not Bianca
Why reese with zac not bianca sllagg expressed id
She's a bloody chat reese on bianca little zac kissed her patiently at new year party when she in a relationship with bianca she's a cheat bianca
Reese push zac on when he kissed u at new years party u chaty bitch u with bianca in a relationship chest whore and tart
Why reeses Spon saying a I can see my self with a a son why a son that's sexist why not a daughter
She's a cheat at new ears party letting zac kiss her she's a chat on bianca letting zac kiss her at new year part when she's with bianca
@@sallyannekolar7449 she kissed Zach before her wedding to Bianca it prove she wasnt in love with her she not gay ??.