이번 컴백과 함께 수록된 곡들은 믿을 수 없을 정도로 놀라운 메시지입니다. 그것이 얼마나 완벽한지 말로 표현할 수 없다. 데뷔 때부터 여러분들이 저의 영감이 되어주셨고, 제가 처음부터 ATINY가 되어왔다고 자부심을 느낍니다. 나는 매일 당신의 음악을 듣고 당신의 목소리를 들을 때 나는 너무 안전함을 느끼고, 또한 내가 천국에 있는 것처럼 느껴져요. 당신의 목소리는 아주 잘 어울리고 항상 조화를 이루며, 당신의 목소리 또한 매우 무겁고 아름다워요. 나는 항상 우는 것 같아요. 당신의 아름다움은 환상적인 외모와 놀라운 패션에서부터 발광하는 눈과 피부, 그리고 물론 당신의 성격과 함께 따뜻하고 부드러운 미소까지 당신의 안팎에서 그려집니다. 당신의 성격은 매우 거품이 넘치고, 금빛이고, 순수하고, 열정적입니다. 매일매일 당신을 지켜보고, 함께 미친 당신의 모습에 항상 웃는 것은 정말 영광입니다. 그것은 정말 특권입니다. 불행히도 저는 더 이상 계속할 수 없습니다. 왜냐하면 그것은 끝이 없는 단락이 될 것이기 때문입니다. 그래서 제 인생에 많은 기쁨과 행복을 가져다주셔서 정말 감사하고, 저를 더 좋게 변화시켜주셨고, ATINYS의 많은 사랑과 지원을 잊지 않으셨으면 좋겠습니다. 당신의 삶에서 무한한 행복과 즐거움과 모험만이 가득하길 바랍니다. 저는 당신들을 너무 사랑합니다.
I agree, and we know how wonderful and special they are, so that is good! Plus everyday, whether it be in Korea or internationally, they are getting more and more popular and our fandom continues to get bigger and bigger, and that makes me so happy and proud. 😊👍. I tell ya, we stan KINGS, we stan LEGENDS (imo)! 😍💕💖💞❤️
Seeing this makes me so happy and proud of this song, Ateez, and what has been accomplished this comeback *crying happy tears* (Below is a brief summary of what has happened to the best of my recollection 😅). The song and MV was simply wonderful (this song and MV is seriously up there with Answer and Wave in my all-time favorites tier), the album was rock solid (seriously every song was a masterpiece), the boys performed it all so well and they all looked AMAZING, the song and album has charted very well all over the world (Hello Billboard!) and the album has even charted well domestically too, they have won twice on music shows with this song and have been nominated at least 4 times so far, they have been breaking records for their MV views and for album sales as well, they have attracted so many new fans during this time period (including my mother, brother (though that was by pure chance), and several friends who I have been recently getting them into Ateez, but this comeback really won them over 👍), and they have garnered so much worldwide attention and have made a bit of a dent in Korea as well 😄. So looking at what has transpired over this comeback (and it's not over yet), I am just so proud and happy that the words above can't even properly convey the joy I feel when I look at these boys and at what WE (Ateez and Atinys) have been able to accomplish together and for them (and they haven't even had their 2nd anniversary yet), like I am LITERALLY crying tears of joy at this point! So all I can really say is great job everyone (us and the boys) and let's continue on together until the very end (as there's still so much for us to conquer for Ateez World Domination!). Cheers everyone for we all did a great job! Fighting!!!!! *Raises glass in a toast-like fashion* Also we love you Ateez and we'll be here working side by side with you guys till the very end 💖❤️💞💕
Love and Support Ateez. Your comeback is amazing and you are Ateez- the definition of a really and unique perfect group ;)All characters and all type of perfection into a group😘 Congratulations for all and keep it so on😺 You are strong and sweet. Thank U
0:24 아니 왜 아무도 정우영 소감에 문제점을 못 느끼냐구요ㅠㅠ 아들 딸..ㅠㅠ 딸이 어딨는데ㅠㅠ 개웃겨..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠ 우영아 너 딸해라 딸
아 진짴ㅋㅋㅋ
아 완전 귀여워욬ㅋㅋㅋ
뭐 ㅋㅋ 저희가 엄마가 되기도하는데 우영이가 딸이 되는 것도 가능하겠져?ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아들딸이 너무 강렬해서 1위 앵콜 영상이라는 것도 까먹음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
우리 에이티즈 1위해서 행복하고 신난 모습 보니까 너무너무 뿌듯하고 자랑스럽다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ앞으로도 쭉쭉 꽃길만 걷자!!!
에이티즈 노래가 너무좋아서 알게됐는데 노래 진짜 나오는곡마다 좋은듯 ㅠㅠㅠ 노래좋아서 아이돌 찾아보게된건 처음이다
와 짱 감사해요
이번 컴백과 함께 수록된 곡들은 믿을 수 없을 정도로 놀라운 메시지입니다. 그것이 얼마나 완벽한지 말로 표현할 수 없다.
데뷔 때부터 여러분들이 저의 영감이 되어주셨고, 제가 처음부터 ATINY가 되어왔다고 자부심을 느낍니다. 나는 매일 당신의 음악을 듣고 당신의 목소리를 들을 때 나는 너무 안전함을 느끼고, 또한 내가 천국에 있는 것처럼 느껴져요.
당신의 목소리는 아주 잘 어울리고 항상 조화를 이루며, 당신의 목소리 또한 매우 무겁고 아름다워요. 나는 항상 우는 것 같아요.
당신의 아름다움은 환상적인 외모와 놀라운 패션에서부터 발광하는 눈과 피부, 그리고 물론 당신의 성격과 함께 따뜻하고 부드러운 미소까지 당신의 안팎에서 그려집니다. 당신의 성격은 매우 거품이 넘치고, 금빛이고, 순수하고, 열정적입니다. 매일매일 당신을 지켜보고, 함께 미친 당신의 모습에 항상 웃는 것은 정말 영광입니다. 그것은 정말 특권입니다. 불행히도 저는 더 이상 계속할 수 없습니다. 왜냐하면 그것은 끝이 없는 단락이 될 것이기 때문입니다. 그래서 제 인생에 많은 기쁨과 행복을 가져다주셔서 정말 감사하고, 저를 더 좋게 변화시켜주셨고, ATINYS의 많은 사랑과 지원을 잊지 않으셨으면 좋겠습니다. 당신의 삶에서 무한한 행복과 즐거움과 모험만이 가득하길 바랍니다. 저는 당신들을 너무 사랑합니다.
작은곰돌 큰곰돌 아 내가 미쳐 정말 ㅠ
I wish tommorow they could get 5th win. Oh please, Atinys give all in out for our boys. Ateez x Atinys fighting!!!
They didn't win today
@@maisalah5325 why?
@@maisalah5325 who won?
@C_Luna Marambio Kang Daniel
@@maisalah5325 it's okay they didn't win today .... Let's keep fighting atiny
어쩜 저렇게 라이브를 잘하냐 사랑스러워라
예쁜 에이티즈 더 잘되자규
아... 감동적이게 보고있다가 아들 딸에서 터졌어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아 정우영씌 ㅋㅋㅋ
역시 라이브 존잘ㅠㅠㅠ
에이티즈 8명을 낳아주신 부모님들 감사드립니다 ㅎㅎ
I don't care if they win or not, they are still the best group!
And I'm more than proud, since the first day!
I agree, and we know how wonderful and special they are, so that is good! Plus everyday, whether it be in Korea or internationally, they are getting more and more popular and our fandom continues to get bigger and bigger, and that makes me so happy and proud. 😊👍. I tell ya, we stan KINGS, we stan LEGENDS (imo)! 😍💕💖💞❤️
우와 자랑스러워 😍 👍
아이고 우영이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 자연스러웠따 ㅎㅎㅎ
We didn't win today but im super proud of them 💜
Exactly..... Their album fever is doing so good 😌😌😌
Me too! And (it has already been mentioned) the album is doing so well! I'm so very happy and proud 💖
I hope they will get their 3rd win soon
They have gotten their 3ed win
@@donttellmewattodobitxh3468 3rd win with inception
@@jeongmin2081 okay sorry😄
(Why tf am I just making mistakes today😐) my brain has stop working sorry😌
@@donttellmewattodobitxh3468 awe, such great news!
I hope so as well. 🙏🤞
마지막에 배꼽인사하는 것도 너무 귀엽구 더 멋진 아들 딸 되자는 것도 귀엽구. ㅠㅠㅠ
언제 봐도 뿌듯...
왜 최산이 보컬담당인지 알수있는 무대...
아들 딸 개웃겨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Show champion you better to give them double crowns tomorrow or else...
Totally!!!! The boys and this song deserves that much at least. * Crossing arms indignantly *
데자부 1위 영상도 주세요ㅠㅠㅠ
Win or not I'm always proud of you Ateez!
Seonghwa was really in disbelief ㅠㅠㅠ
Felicitaciones ATEEZ su gran trabajo esta rindiendo frutos
늦었지만 첫 1위 축하축하^^ 고생했다~!!
They deserved this and so much more this era is amazing!!! If things worked out perfectly I can honestly see them winning AOTY
Let's work hard for the 3rd win Atiny!
They got their 3rd win last week already.
@@misst1847 I meant inception 3rd win yeah
Eso Atinys logramos darles otro premio, felicidades mis bebes de ATEEZ se merecen ese premio y más ❤️
proud being ateez stan!
when I've a hard day, my mood goes up when I see them. look how happy they are
Vamos por otro w1n!!!
Los amo ♡♡♡
Atiny de Latinoamérica presente
딸은 저희거든요 티니! 열심히 하겠습니다!!!!
Seeing this makes me so happy and proud of this song, Ateez, and what has been accomplished this comeback *crying happy tears* (Below is a brief summary of what has happened to the best of my recollection 😅).
The song and MV was simply wonderful (this song and MV is seriously up there with Answer and Wave in my all-time favorites tier), the album was rock solid (seriously every song was a masterpiece), the boys performed it all so well and they all looked AMAZING, the song and album has charted very well all over the world (Hello Billboard!) and the album has even charted well domestically too, they have won twice on music shows with this song and have been nominated at least 4 times so far, they have been breaking records for their MV views and for album sales as well, they have attracted so many new fans during this time period (including my mother, brother (though that was by pure chance), and several friends who I have been recently getting them into Ateez, but this comeback really won them over 👍), and they have garnered so much worldwide attention and have made a bit of a dent in Korea as well 😄.
So looking at what has transpired over this comeback (and it's not over yet), I am just so proud and happy that the words above can't even properly convey the joy I feel when I look at these boys and at what WE (Ateez and Atinys) have been able to accomplish together and for them (and they haven't even had their 2nd anniversary yet), like I am LITERALLY crying tears of joy at this point! So all I can really say is great job everyone (us and the boys) and let's continue on together until the very end (as there's still so much for us to conquer for Ateez World Domination!).
Cheers everyone for we all did a great job! Fighting!!!!! *Raises glass in a toast-like fashion*
Also we love you Ateez and we'll be here working side by side with you guys till the very end 💖❤️💞💕
I really hope we can give your 3rd win for Inception guys...
Fighting for tomorrow on show champion
@@qiennn5232 Any v0t1ng plans?:-)
I'll always support ATEEZ
they forgot to return mic to moonbin, moonbin has to share mic with kangmin jajahahjaksllal
😂 they always give the winners Moonbin’s mic
Let's hope for the best for tomorrow's show champ... i still hope for another win..
Love and Support Ateez. Your comeback is amazing and you are Ateez- the definition of a really and unique perfect group ;)All characters and all type of perfection into a group😘 Congratulations for all and keep it so on😺 You are strong and sweet. Thank U
Yay they win I am so happy 👍👍😆😆😀😃😄
No words can describe how proud I am. I hope to make them as proud of Atiny as we are proud of them
You deserve it baby
I'm so proud!! 😭❤
0:23 여기 아들 딸이 아니라 아들들이라구 했는데 자막 잘못 달린 거 아닌가..ㅠㅠ
Periodt periodt periodt
Deserved my babies ❤️
우리 우영이 딸랑구지~
Jongho's vocals are insanely perfect! Bless them!
im seriously so proud of both ateez and atiny!! CONGRATS EVERYONE!
The way they enjoy their song is just so amazing and lovely 😍😍
Congrats my love
Lmao San n Hongjoong look so smol between Yungi 😂
Parabéns, não esperava menos a música é perfeita
Ahhh i'm so Happy for them💙💙💙
Congratulations 🥰🥰
Hagan str34m si quieren que ganen hoy!!!!!!
Very well done Ateez, congrats!
2nd win for Inception 🎉
Congrats babys xx
Love u so much😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Their reactions are so precious! Atinys love you so much
울티즈 무대랑 앵콜라이브랑 똑같네
Kings well deserved
son los mejores
My loves
PQ CORTARON A YEOSANG 😾😾😾😾😾 primero le cortan su parte en el encore y AHORA LE CORTAN EL SPEECH DIOS MÍO
La carita de Hwa :((( te amamoooos
Finally urghhh
This their last week win.
@@donttellmewattodobitxh3468 i know. What i mean is, finally they upload it
@@fatinnurasyiqin6428 ohhh okay😄
@@donttellmewattodobitxh3468 😁
난 아들 들 로 들렸는데?
Love you Koreans
Ok you korea
방송순서영상 psb 애국가 방송시작영상 .
This is the second inception win ?
그래서 딸은 누구죠?
ㅋㅋㅋ아들딸 ㅋㅋ