Ok. Woolie. What you want is a Voltorb/Electrode. They are literal living bombs that don’t break apart after detonation. Because they’re considered living Pokémon, they wouldn’t have a problem with the time gate. They have practically infinite uses and can shrink to the size of Pokéballs, rolling around in tight spaces like Samus’s Morphball form. They are the ultimate robits.
*Diamond/Pearl Pokedex entry for Electrode:* _"It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity."_ You think you can outsmart it by going up stairs- _it's just a big dumb ball,_ you think, _it can't follow me up here!_ But then, to your horror, you see the bastard start building up electrical energy. and instead of just exploding like you'd expect, it starts _floating after you!_
The more we delve down deeper into the dankest, darkest cavernous-like hole that is known simply as the "Woolie Hole", the more we eagerly embrace its viscous, but beautiful, visions and gifts of grander scales that'll make wise men fall to their knees in silent awe and loving reverence. Praise the Hole. Edit: I'm sorry who, and when, the fuck did I write *_THIS?!_*
Z W I was about to comment something about nuclear, time traveling abortions or some shite and then, all the of sudden, I just... Blacked out then I came to not long after and I see this posted already... Though I did find some horrible smelling, sticky mush in my mouth. Almost like... From a swamp...
Woolie ignores some REALLY important aspects of the human form. The human body is the perfect balance of precision, strength, speed and terrain movement. A robotic humanoid chassis pushed to it's functional extremes would be the most well rounded killing machine. It wouldn't excel at any one way of killing but it would make for an almost unparalleled power overall. It also doesn't have to look specifically human either just humanoid. General Greivas for example like they said
This is why Tachikoma are the best robutt design. You want to go fast over flat terrain? They have wheels on their four legs. You want to go fast over weirdly angled but still relatively smooth terrain? The wheels are omnidirectional and can be independently angled, plus their leg joints work as the perfect suspension. You want to pick your way carefully over uneven terrain? They can move their wheels around so they're standing on the flat of the wheels and walk. You want to move up and over obstacles you can't walk up, zip up to a ceiling or just Spiderman your way around a city? They have a pair of mounted web-shooters that shoot webs capable of supporting their weight several times over. Short of flying and fitting in tight spaces Tachikoma are absolutely the best robot for sheer flexibility and efficiency of movement - all that and a chipper AI attitude.
The reasons robots have legs: 1. Any kind of hover/anti-grav movement most likely burns gas or requires a significant amount of energy to work, plus if whatever engine powering it is damaged, your robot loses all mobility, so if your robot was just a floating ball with guns, you'd be a sitting duck. 2. Woolie's rant about tank treads being better in most situations is wrong, as leg-based movement essentially allows for all-terrain movement; also, legs allow greater mobility on the ground, as a robot with tank treads can't lye down behind cover or dive out of the way of an attack; basically, the speed bump you get with treads is at the cost of advanced mobility. 3. Legs don't use fuel. *Cut to a scene from Gundam where someone's boosters run out of fuel and they need to walk*
Woolie is on the right path but missing the forest for the trees. The problem isn’t legs, legs are the greatest mode of transportation to ever exist for both fuel economy and terrain variation. The actual problem is making bipedal robots with human proportions. An MT, a Gecko, even Boston Dynamics RoboDog with a gun would all be a million times more efficient or practical and adaptable than a tank or god forbid hovercraft. The tank requires flatter stable ground than he thinks it does, and hovercrafts or floating anythings require absurd energy sources to burn and stay in flight. There’s a reason most birds and even a ton of aquatic life has some form of limb based locomotion. Even a humanoid with altered proportions to be better balanced and more squat to the ground or with reverse joint legs would beat out a car with a gun or a ball with multiple guns.
Yes treads and wheels would be more applicable if the robot was just a moving box of guns and explosives but you know what’s more intimidating than that? A dextrous sentient killing machine that can stalk you and is way more proficient on it’s two or four legs than any human could ever be. You can’t exactly stealth an robot APC and there are tons of scenarios where being limited to rough terrain flat movement doesn’t work. Tight urban environments would be much better suited to robots that can sweep and move through buildings. When the world has been built around human-ish sizes and it’s verticality rather than horizontally, odd to believe that a tread-like robot would serve more practically.
Well a smaller wheeled robot would be subject to the finer problems, like being unable to get back on it’s treads should it be kicked or thrown over. And the question now isn’t one of resources or cost, if there was everything piled into creating a human-like robot with no apparent limit on the future of technology, a robot with the apparent capabilities compared to humans may as well have superpowers. An Android would have much more purpose and use in a fight than just something that’s designed to kill with 100% efficiency, it’s hard to kill things when it’s not possible to get to them. A human-like would be able to break doors and clear through tight buildings. Basically if you took a kill-box and paired with a set of agile terminators there’d be little that could stand in their way.
I simply question whether a treaded robot can fulfill as many things as one built around a human form can, of course if the entire goal is to kill everything as fast and as efficiently as possible, you’d just glass everything with nuclear weapons or chemical weapons. But if the entire purpose of these robots is to be placed in a war, a human-ish robot can complete tasks that the other can’t. A robot on tracks isn’t going to be rather subtle and probably can’t do things that require more finesse like say rescuing a hostage, of course a android-like isn’t going to boast as much firepower as one can strap onto something that was conceived to own all of it but in return you gain a much wider range of mobility and use. As far as the uses go for the robot on treads is securing an area or completely crushing an opposition, not to mention fingers are extremely versatile tools even just robot ones built to mimic it, and I think a human-like would be able to get up much faster than a tank-like could push itself back upright.
So I heard this live on the podcast, and I’m sorry, but I got to side with woolie on this one, if we’re gonna be talking about how real life robots would be implemented.
Although as far as Metal Gear goes, it needs legs. The whole point of the MG Rex model is to be able to launch a nuke from anywhere. And some of these potential areas wouldn't be easily accessible by tank treads.
Real life robots are being made right now, Boston Dynamics has several models of real robots and they all have legs because legs are infinitely more efficient on all terrain.
Legs are super good for anything that isn't a road or a track, actually. Especially with that pendulum- or spring-types that get like a billion miles a gallon. Like there are some big problems with wheels, some of which become apparent when you drive a while.
The fact that Grievous can use four lightsabers at once is impressive enough. He's not a robot, he's a cyborg. He probably had to learn how to fight again from basics to account for two extra arms.
Oh boy! I sent my question using my channel's e-mail instead of my own, lovely! Essentially if we move this into Gundam, Woolie rolls in on a Gorgeous custom Sinanju in velvety purple with Green and gold accents using Balanced Weaponry, while Pat is using a fucking Full Armor Ball. This is amazing! This is the Monster Hunter discussion, Sci-Fi edition!! Well... i got what i wanted!
Forgetting about the Hunter Killer bots in terminator that are tanktreads with a vaguely humanoid gun platform on it, plus the aerial versions and other drones that show up in salvation. The reason Skynet kept T-600s was combination of foot soldiers to find humans in human shaped places as well as slapping plastic or flesh over them to infiltrate and kill. Also as of the soft reboot from 3, all of the main tech being the military designs that Skynet had access to then improved and eventually developed things like the T-1000/X.
3:50 pat is actually right, putting thrusters and the like in the legs is necessary for more precise and open movement, plus the weight might be necessary to affect balance as well.
I enjoy when they have these kind of conversations. I enjoyed it so much my eyes got really teary to the point I had to wipe them dry. The "just make a BOMB!" part was hilarious.
Yeah Woolie, I'm sure you know better than Boston Dynamics. Treads are just as susceptible to gunfire as legs are, and shooting a tread, which is a much larger target than a leg, disables the whole thing and now it can't move at all. Shoot one in the leg and it still has another leg and the ability to crawl.
16:07 the droid Woolie is referencing to is called a Droideka, and their shields are effective against all handheld weapons but fatally ineffective against slow moving projectiles, like rolling a grenade into the shield.
Legs and more practical than wheels. Wheels require roads where as legs can traverse uneven footing. A perfect example of this is the Boston Dynamics robot that can't be toppled.
I think some of the coolest deadliest robots is the ones in Xcom 2. A giant sphere means bullets can bounce or ricochet, a disc means the same thing and it's super hard to hit. They're also 2 of the scariest enemies in the game just by the damage they output and what they look like when they transform into attack mode.
"So, Mr. Madden, why should we invest in your new robot design?" *Woolie brings up the slide that says "FUCKING RAD!" on it and nothing else while staring intensely at the investors*
Jehuty does have feet. Sort of. When you go down to the ground, little heels pop out from its feet enabling it to stand. I remember it from one of the games, don't remember if it's in both.
This reminds me of that conversation from 20th Century Boys where a bunch of nerds are asking for all the cool features to be put on a robot and a real engineer is like:"You stupid idiots, that won't work. It's impractical because the robot is too heavy."
The biggest argument I've seen for legs is that it removes the necessity for roads (not just paved ones, but general clear paths). Roads are a necessity for speedy transportation with all modern vehicles. it's a reason why most militaries have dedicated engineer corps, among other reasons. If you have legs, you can traverse once previously difficult terrain (EG rocky Mountains, shitty deserts, swamps, etc.) that required a prepared path for treaded vehicles, which shortens supply routes, opens up a lot of strategic and operational (possibly tactical) options, and (with the addition of arms) aids in the vehicle getting up. I can't imagine a whole lot of scenarios where a tank can be flipped outside of video games. A better option would be a hover tank because it does the same thing as legs, but with less risk. EDIT: Woolie should read Bokurano for cool ass not human mecha designs.
Tanks are really efficient machines. Even assuming you could make a humanoid mech for the same cost as a tank and control it with a link to a pilots brain like a battlemech, a tank is going to be more effective. It'd be really hard to put effective armor on a humanoid mech and a shot to the leg would probably be catastrophic. And if you need units where a tank can't go, a helicopter is pretty handy. Or you can avoid having a battle at all by using drone strikes. Real life is kind of lame for a mech fan lol
yes, but controlling something with your brain would be wierd if it didnt have legs or arms, tanks work if you are controlling it without the need for your brain to be in there
A thank is a powerful weapon with IA even more,but is not the solution for every problem of the world what about rescue,killing specefic targets,bulding small devices, helping people to climb stairs. The problem with woolie is that he wants to eliminate everything that it looks cool and creative with that logic I can say Every human should wear the same clothes.
I agree with Pat. Woolie is full of shit. Animal mechs are the greatest design both human and otherwise. These beings have evolved for thousands of years. That's thousands of years of research and development that nature has already done for us. Refusing to use that would be ludicrous. Human legs and arms are infinitely more useful than wheels or tank treads because there's a far greater range of utility. The only question is durability and maximum speed which can be supplemented by other auxiliary components that can detach or fold away.
Most anti tank measures relly on fucking up tank treads. Or being anti tank crew. "practical" and "optimized" is relative to what your roles and expectations of the machine are.
if robots had melee weapons (cause he said 2handed weapons would be sub obtimal) there would still be the problem of reach, weapon mass, and impact style cause i think robots would just use big honking sledge hammers
Woolie would love the Metal Gear Excelsus then. Is big, multi legged and in theory you can mount a shitton of weapons in it. Why enter in an enemy building if you can just pulverize it?
One of my favorite thing in these podcasts is when they'd go "Ok, we're done here... I'm out of steam...." and then they hype up again INSTANTLY and go on for like 5 more minutes about their dumb bullshit. It's great.
Woolie just disregarding the philosophical reasons why sentient robots would try to emulate their creators. Even if the robots wish to exterminate their God/Creator(Humanity) that act in and of itself is them wishing for us to aknowledge their supremacy and affirm their existence. Sentience and self recognition always lead to a search for purpose and who's to say they wont look back at relics of humanity(Writings,Monuments,Records Of History, Art, Religious texts,Music) and try to emulate us in some capacity.
Twilight Zone moment: People already create AI that has the potential to destroy us ... and that AI is OTHER PEOPLE! There is no reason why a machine program would even have a reason for what it does, so the action would be *entirely* a result of man-made circumstances. The most annoying thing to watch about AI debates is that someone at a tech company might one day mess up and cause a global disaster, but superstition will allow them to blame it on 'AI or the algorithms', and they will treat their tech as if it has its own capacity for culpability; and enough people might be fooled into thinking that it does.
What assumption Im simply stating how humans ourselves have an intangible and possibly fictitious creator but people still find meaning in those teachings. Imagine having a tangible creator that you live alongside. Also there's the argument some schools of engineering model their machines after designs from nature because nature designs things far more efficiently than the human mind. If anything you're making the assumption that something Self-Aware wouldn't try to find meaning within it's creators especially if they are right there, and you're also making the assumption nature is inefficient in its design.
Woolie is super wrong, I studied Robotics and you realise that wheels are just easy to program (less work). The more I messed around with projects the more problems appear. A step is a problem, especially how vertical modern society is. He really overlooks the human body and what we are capable of doing.
Robots/Androids compensating for extra recoil from dual wielding 2 hand firearms isn't just a function of strength It's about mass too. There aren't many light, low-recoil, large caliber rifles. Heavy rifles recoil less. If you had an Android with light but strong limbs they'd have a hard time compensating for the sudden jerk of recoil. source: I shoot guns, mainly battle rifles and magnum pistols (10mm Auto, 357 mag, 460 Rowland)
I’m sure there’s some form of movement we have yet to even think of because the concept is too complicated. Maybe even more complicated than something like teleportation.
Wasn’t the terminator considered the perfect killing machine because of its human form? Like didn’t Arnold super fuck up a robot that was just a chassis with mini guns on treads because of his ability to out maneuver it?
Yeah, that's fair but still, their whole thing is that they can transform into potential Woolie-desired rolling death machines. They're the best of both worlds!
Here's a really specific problem I have with a bunch of mechs. Why do so many of the have their cockpit entrances forward facing and in the chest? Let's put a huge structural weak point, that will definitily kill the pilot, in the front, center of mass.
Is also the biggest part of the body, so you can put a cockpit there and reinforce it. Otherwise you problably have to create a HUGE mech so you can install the cockpit and keep it secure. Like the Zeong in the Original Gundam, which was big enough to hav de cockpit intalled on the head instead of the torso.
I'm not specifically talking about the cockpit being in the chest, I'm talking about the entrance being in the front. To make it more clear, Gundams having the FRONT of them open up is stupid, AS's from Full Metal Panic having it at the nape of the neck is smart. In both scenarios the cockpit is in the chest but having a door, which is a huge structural weakness in the most exposed area bothers me. There's a reason why most military vehicles irl have their doors on the back or top.
Jsay18 The canopy on a jet is there for visibility, which mechs don't deal with since most have cameras in the head. Honestly a jet doesn't even need one if it had cameras mounted on it like a drone or mech does. Even then that doesn't matter because one missile would fuck up a plane if it hit anywhere but the edge of the wing or tail. Most planes are built for evasion, not durability.
Trying to get your e-mail read on their podcast is like a lottery. I wonder who answers most of them regardless of during or after the streams. Probably Matt, but you never know. Every day is a new mixup. Also, when's Capoeira Fighter 3?
Which is why after sending one email, I'm not bothered to send another. They have to look through waaay too many of them for the past how many years already? I'm not going to add to that headache lol XD
Damnit yall keep switching the record times and gots me all fucked up. EDIT: OH shit never mind ive been bamboozled I blame Pat and PAige's twitter rap battle for my confusion
Here's why this argument is dumb. There's no way to keep a giant robot in the air for very long while being multi-directional unless you attatch helicopters and jets powerful enough to move it on each side. And even /then/, wheels can get stuck and have extreme rotary problems that require probably more attention than fixing what's essentially a stick with joints
But crouching. A tank can't crouch unless it's a GiTS think tank. Crouching saved my ass in mechwarrior multiple times... Also, guns attached to a machine is a dumb idea. If the guns are fixed, that means shotgun bot is for shotgun time. Then you have to make rifle bot. And if you make the cube with all the guns, that costs way more resources; one bot costs way more in resources. And fixing a fixed gun is a pain in the ass, because if the gun is broke the robot is broke. You have to be cost efficient and manage your resources if you are taking on 7 billion people. Arms (or weapon bays) are the way to go. And having legs means leg bot can do jungle terrain and regular terrain and do stairs. Tread bot only can do so much. Robots probably should act and fight like the species that dominates the planet a little bit.
Ive always thought the concept of an android is kinda weird. My make a robot that mirrors our own physical flaws? If its not a Blade Runner situation, then its pointless.
Mostly because you don't run the risk of disintegrating parts of your body whenever you so much as graze the blade of an actual sword with your arm or hand. Using a lightsaber leaves absolutely no room for mistakes of that kind. Hence intense Force-induced focus.
Ok. Woolie.
What you want is a Voltorb/Electrode. They are literal living bombs that don’t break apart after detonation. Because they’re considered living Pokémon, they wouldn’t have a problem with the time gate. They have practically infinite uses and can shrink to the size of Pokéballs, rolling around in tight spaces like Samus’s Morphball form. They are the ultimate robits.
i was JUST thinking about this! Like when pat says "why 2 directions? why 4? make it spin!" and I thought...rolling bomb like a...voltorb
They Voltorbs and Electrodes would be extremely effective against an enemy as dumb as the Space Pirates leaving tubes everywhere to sneak in.
*Diamond/Pearl Pokedex entry for Electrode:* _"It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity."_
You think you can outsmart it by going up stairs- _it's just a big dumb ball,_ you think, _it can't follow me up here!_ But then, to your horror, you see the bastard start building up electrical energy. and instead of just exploding like you'd expect, it starts _floating after you!_
woolie a robot with no legs *CAN NOT* suplex that is the *ultimate* reason why you would want to give your robot legs.
"A gun with a jet-pack" - Woolie
A Sentient from Warframe?
And their bodies disassemble and they shoot lasers everywhere!
- Woolie "The Liar" Madden, 2018
The T - One Billion is just a unicycle with an auto turret on the seat.
in Terminator Salvation, there were motorbike Terminators, in other words, just self-driving motorbikes with guns attached to them
Woolie just wants a Skeleton Ball, but all the skeletons are T-1000s shooting in all directions
The more we delve down deeper into the dankest, darkest cavernous-like hole that is known simply as the "Woolie Hole", the more we eagerly embrace its viscous, but beautiful, visions and gifts of grander scales that'll make wise men fall to their knees in silent awe and loving reverence. Praise the Hole.
Edit: I'm sorry who, and when, the fuck did I write *_THIS?!_*
You ghostwrote this poem 10 minutes ago.
I was about to comment something about nuclear, time traveling abortions or some shite and then, all the of sudden, I just... Blacked out then I came to not long after and I see this posted already...
Though I did find some horrible smelling, sticky mush in my mouth. Almost like... From a swamp...
Admiral Pepper It would seem once again the Hole claims another innocent soul
Praise the Hole.
Woolie ignores some REALLY important aspects of the human form. The human body is the perfect balance of precision, strength, speed and terrain movement. A robotic humanoid chassis pushed to it's functional extremes would be the most well rounded killing machine. It wouldn't excel at any one way of killing but it would make for an almost unparalleled power overall. It also doesn't have to look specifically human either just humanoid. General Greivas for example like they said
This message brought to you the human brain, the only organ that regularly compliments itself
This is why Tachikoma are the best robutt design.
You want to go fast over flat terrain? They have wheels on their four legs.
You want to go fast over weirdly angled but still relatively smooth terrain? The wheels are omnidirectional and can be independently angled, plus their leg joints work as the perfect suspension.
You want to pick your way carefully over uneven terrain? They can move their wheels around so they're standing on the flat of the wheels and walk.
You want to move up and over obstacles you can't walk up, zip up to a ceiling or just Spiderman your way around a city? They have a pair of mounted web-shooters that shoot webs capable of supporting their weight several times over.
Short of flying and fitting in tight spaces Tachikoma are absolutely the best robot for sheer flexibility and efficiency of movement - all that and a chipper AI attitude.
The reasons robots have legs:
1. Any kind of hover/anti-grav movement most likely burns gas or requires a significant amount of energy to work, plus if whatever engine powering it is damaged, your robot loses all mobility, so if your robot was just a floating ball with guns, you'd be a sitting duck.
2. Woolie's rant about tank treads being better in most situations is wrong, as leg-based movement essentially allows for all-terrain movement; also, legs allow greater mobility on the ground, as a robot with tank treads can't lye down behind cover or dive out of the way of an attack; basically, the speed bump you get with treads is at the cost of advanced mobility.
3. Legs don't use fuel.
*Cut to a scene from Gundam where someone's boosters run out of fuel and they need to walk*
Woolie is on the right path but missing the forest for the trees. The problem isn’t legs, legs are the greatest mode of transportation to ever exist for both fuel economy and terrain variation. The actual problem is making bipedal robots with human proportions. An MT, a Gecko, even Boston Dynamics RoboDog with a gun would all be a million times more efficient or practical and adaptable than a tank or god forbid hovercraft. The tank requires flatter stable ground than he thinks it does, and hovercrafts or floating anythings require absurd energy sources to burn and stay in flight. There’s a reason most birds and even a ton of aquatic life has some form of limb based locomotion. Even a humanoid with altered proportions to be better balanced and more squat to the ground or with reverse joint legs would beat out a car with a gun or a ball with multiple guns.
I agree with Pat Grievous should just cheat and have a million lightsabers
Just shove the wall of lightsabers in Luke's face, what is he gonna do about it?
Matthew Triolo nah fuck that, give him inspector gadget stretchy legs so he can always have The High Ground.
K. Flynn yeah they should also make him immune to sand as well i heard they did it for Vader
Matthew Triolo he's got a special button that sandblasts his nipples so he can enter rage mode
force push it back into him?
"A gun with mobility" warframe moas?
Yes treads and wheels would be more applicable if the robot was just a moving box of guns and explosives but you know what’s more intimidating than that? A dextrous sentient killing machine that can stalk you and is way more proficient on it’s two or four legs than any human could ever be.
You can’t exactly stealth an robot APC and there are tons of scenarios where being limited to rough terrain flat movement doesn’t work. Tight urban environments would be much better suited to robots that can sweep and move through buildings.
When the world has been built around human-ish sizes and it’s verticality rather than horizontally, odd to believe that a tread-like robot would serve more practically.
Objects (Heavy Object) vs Gundam (Pick your favorite series)
Being intimidating doesn't mean for shit when you're already dead
Well a smaller wheeled robot would be subject to the finer problems, like being unable to get back on it’s treads should it be kicked or thrown over.
And the question now isn’t one of resources or cost, if there was everything piled into creating a human-like robot with no apparent limit on the future of technology, a robot with the apparent capabilities compared to humans may as well have superpowers.
An Android would have much more purpose and use in a fight than just something that’s designed to kill with 100% efficiency, it’s hard to kill things when it’s not possible to get to them. A human-like would be able to break doors and clear through tight buildings.
Basically if you took a kill-box and paired with a set of agile terminators there’d be little that could stand in their way.
I simply question whether a treaded robot can fulfill as many things as one built around a human form can, of course if the entire goal is to kill everything as fast and as efficiently as possible, you’d just glass everything with nuclear weapons or chemical weapons. But if the entire purpose of these robots is to be placed in a war, a human-ish robot can complete tasks that the other can’t. A robot on tracks isn’t going to be rather subtle and probably can’t do things that require more finesse like say rescuing a hostage, of course a android-like isn’t going to boast as much firepower as one can strap onto something that was conceived to own all of it but in return you gain a much wider range of mobility and use.
As far as the uses go for the robot on treads is securing an area or completely crushing an opposition, not to mention fingers are extremely versatile tools even just robot ones built to mimic it, and I think a human-like would be able to get up much faster than a tank-like could push itself back upright.
Woolie, a lot of this gets fixed with gyroscopes and A.I. brains.
This conversation is EXACTLY why Ramiel is my favorite giant monster angel alien creature thing in all of fiction.
So I heard this live on the podcast, and I’m sorry, but I got to side with woolie on this one, if we’re gonna be talking about how real life robots would be implemented.
well I mean it would depends on the situation. no one size fits all.
Although as far as Metal Gear goes, it needs legs. The whole point of the MG Rex model is to be able to launch a nuke from anywhere. And some of these potential areas wouldn't be easily accessible by tank treads.
You need legs fot terrestrial units you can't just fly everywere what about gas? Also you get shot in the booster and have 0 mobility ?
Gundams have arms and legs so they can maneuver precisely in space without having to fire jets and shit.
Real life robots are being made right now, Boston Dynamics has several models of real robots and they all have legs because legs are infinitely more efficient on all terrain.
A mecha that's just a gun with wheels, so... a tank?
Legs are super good for anything that isn't a road or a track, actually. Especially with that pendulum- or spring-types that get like a billion miles a gallon.
Like there are some big problems with wheels, some of which become apparent when you drive a while.
The fact that Grievous can use four lightsabers at once is impressive enough. He's not a robot, he's a cyborg. He probably had to learn how to fight again from basics to account for two extra arms.
Oh boy! I sent my question using my channel's e-mail instead of my own, lovely!
Essentially if we move this into Gundam, Woolie rolls in on a Gorgeous custom Sinanju in velvety purple with Green and gold accents using Balanced Weaponry, while Pat is using a fucking Full Armor Ball. This is amazing! This is the Monster Hunter discussion, Sci-Fi edition!!
Well... i got what i wanted!
Forgetting about the Hunter Killer bots in terminator that are tanktreads with a vaguely humanoid gun platform on it, plus the aerial versions and other drones that show up in salvation. The reason Skynet kept T-600s was combination of foot soldiers to find humans in human shaped places as well as slapping plastic or flesh over them to infiltrate and kill. Also as of the soft reboot from 3, all of the main tech being the military designs that Skynet had access to then improved and eventually developed things like the T-1000/X.
wasnt there literally a pair of motorbike terminators in salvation? Exactly what woolie wanted?
3:50 pat is actually right, putting thrusters and the like in the legs is necessary for more precise and open movement, plus the weight might be necessary to affect balance as well.
I enjoy when they have these kind of conversations. I enjoyed it so much my eyes got really teary to the point I had to wipe them dry. The "just make a BOMB!" part was hilarious.
woolie's ultimate vision for cataclysmic robot-on-robot combat is two incomprehensible piles of limbs doing gunkata at each other
I'm Ambidextrous and I can confirm: I don't sympathize or relate very well with most Humans.
"That's why in the reboot Robocop has two guns."
The reboot is a terrible example for....well everything.
Yeah Woolie, I'm sure you know better than Boston Dynamics.
Treads are just as susceptible to gunfire as legs are, and shooting a tread, which is a much larger target than a leg, disables the whole thing and now it can't move at all. Shoot one in the leg and it still has another leg and the ability to crawl.
16:07 the droid Woolie is referencing to is called a Droideka, and their shields are effective against all handheld weapons but fatally ineffective against slow moving projectiles, like rolling a grenade into the shield.
K. Flynn I think you mean Droidy Cars.
sleepofgiants nope
Legs and more practical than wheels. Wheels require roads where as legs can traverse uneven footing. A perfect example of this is the Boston Dynamics robot that can't be toppled.
I think some of the coolest deadliest robots is the ones in Xcom 2. A giant sphere means bullets can bounce or ricochet, a disc means the same thing and it's super hard to hit. They're also 2 of the scariest enemies in the game just by the damage they output and what they look like when they transform into attack mode.
you FOOLS! You are just giving the robots ideas and showing them the error of their murderous methods! You have doomed us all!
Quick! Tell them that Robosapiens are a good idea!
The term “Flesh Nike” will never leave my head now... thanks...
"So, Mr. Madden, why should we invest in your new robot design?" *Woolie brings up the slide that says "FUCKING RAD!" on it and nothing else while staring intensely at the investors*
*Big Dog will remember this.*
Jehuty does have feet. Sort of. When you go down to the ground, little heels pop out from its feet enabling it to stand. I remember it from one of the games, don't remember if it's in both.
This reminds me of that conversation from 20th Century Boys where a bunch of nerds are asking for all the cool features to be put on a robot and a real engineer is like:"You stupid idiots, that won't work. It's impractical because the robot is too heavy."
The biggest argument I've seen for legs is that it removes the necessity for roads (not just paved ones, but general clear paths). Roads are a necessity for speedy transportation with all modern vehicles. it's a reason why most militaries have dedicated engineer corps, among other reasons. If you have legs, you can traverse once previously difficult terrain (EG rocky Mountains, shitty deserts, swamps, etc.) that required a prepared path for treaded vehicles, which shortens supply routes, opens up a lot of strategic and operational (possibly tactical) options, and (with the addition of arms) aids in the vehicle getting up. I can't imagine a whole lot of scenarios where a tank can be flipped outside of video games. A better option would be a hover tank because it does the same thing as legs, but with less risk.
EDIT: Woolie should read Bokurano for cool ass not human mecha designs.
Tanks are really efficient machines. Even assuming you could make a humanoid mech for the same cost as a tank and control it with a link to a pilots brain like a battlemech, a tank is going to be more effective. It'd be really hard to put effective armor on a humanoid mech and a shot to the leg would probably be catastrophic. And if you need units where a tank can't go, a helicopter is pretty handy. Or you can avoid having a battle at all by using drone strikes. Real life is kind of lame for a mech fan lol
yes, but controlling something with your brain would be wierd if it didnt have legs or arms, tanks work if you are controlling it without the need for your brain to be in there
One dragon can't beat seven thousand skeletons.
I fucking hope you are joking, a dragon could totally beat 7,000 Skeletons.
No! Don't give up, skeleton!
A thank is a powerful weapon with IA even more,but is not the solution for every problem of the world what about rescue,killing specefic targets,bulding small devices, helping people to climb stairs. The problem with woolie is that he wants to eliminate everything that it looks cool and creative with that logic I can say Every human should wear the same clothes.
I'm amazed by the fact that there is a video from Wired posted in the same hour as this, where James Cameron answers twitter questions...
Interesting topic.
I agree with Pat. Woolie is full of shit. Animal mechs are the greatest design both human and otherwise. These beings have evolved for thousands of years. That's thousands of years of research and development that nature has already done for us. Refusing to use that would be ludicrous. Human legs and arms are infinitely more useful than wheels or tank treads because there's a far greater range of utility. The only question is durability and maximum speed which can be supplemented by other auxiliary components that can detach or fold away.
Most anti tank measures relly on fucking up tank treads. Or being anti tank crew. "practical" and "optimized" is relative to what your roles and expectations of the machine are.
But wouldn't sending a nuke back in time to kill John Connor potentially also destroy cyberdyne?
Well if you take the retcon from terminator 3, the creation of skynet was inevitable so...
No it's a mini nuke that blows up in his brain
Flesh Nuke sounds like a bad ass model
for a Flesh Light. Boy...
Woolie is just describing all the mechs from Heavy Object
So what woolie wants is those chainsaw death balls from Battleship?
if robots had melee weapons (cause he said 2handed weapons would be sub obtimal) there would still be the problem of reach, weapon mass, and impact style
cause i think robots would just use big honking sledge hammers
They'd need to to pierce/crush opponents
Unless it was a tank, leverage/height advantage is a bitch.
Woolie would love the Metal Gear Excelsus then. Is big, multi legged and in theory you can mount a shitton of weapons in it.
Why enter in an enemy building if you can just pulverize it?
One of my favorite thing in these podcasts is when they'd go "Ok, we're done here... I'm out of steam...." and then they hype up again INSTANTLY and go on for like 5 more minutes about their dumb bullshit. It's great.
Woolie just disregarding the philosophical reasons why sentient robots would try to emulate their creators. Even if the robots wish to exterminate their God/Creator(Humanity) that act in and of itself is them wishing for us to aknowledge their supremacy and affirm their existence. Sentience and self recognition always lead to a search for purpose and who's to say they wont look back at relics of humanity(Writings,Monuments,Records Of History, Art, Religious texts,Music) and try to emulate us in some capacity.
EpicGamingRevolution You're making the massive assumption that intelligence inherently has anthropomorphic qualities.
Twilight Zone moment:
People already create AI that has the potential to destroy us ... and that AI is OTHER PEOPLE!
There is no reason why a machine program would even have a reason for what it does, so the action would be *entirely* a result of man-made circumstances.
The most annoying thing to watch about AI debates is that someone at a tech company might one day mess up and cause a global disaster, but superstition will allow them to blame it on 'AI or the algorithms', and they will treat their tech as if it has its own capacity for culpability; and enough people might be fooled into thinking that it does.
What assumption Im simply stating how humans ourselves have an intangible and possibly fictitious creator but people still find meaning in those teachings. Imagine having a tangible creator that you live alongside. Also there's the argument some schools of engineering model their machines after designs from nature because nature designs things far more efficiently than the human mind. If anything you're making the assumption that something Self-Aware wouldn't try to find meaning within it's creators especially if they are right there, and you're also making the assumption nature is inefficient in its design.
EpicGamingRevolution A view of evolution's 'designs' is simply nature never having to admit to making any mistakes.
>no one has experienced Tay AI
I am disappointed, she was literally an example of AI taking on Anthropomorphic qualities.
And then they killed her.
A giant millipede mech would solve all mobility issues
Woolie is super wrong, I studied Robotics and you realise that wheels are just easy to program (less work).
The more I messed around with projects the more problems appear. A step is a problem, especially how vertical modern society is.
He really overlooks the human body and what we are capable of doing.
It sounds like Woolie wants robots to just be beyblades.
Red letter media had the same conversation on their terminator commentary sound track about the flesh nuke idea lol.
In most cases bi-pedal is better than wheels. Also the robot should only carry one gun so it can reload faster.
the Heavy Object anime machines are just Giant Balls with Multiple Super guns
Pat "I dont know how to use the bathroom" Boivin
Robots/Androids compensating for extra recoil from dual wielding 2 hand firearms isn't just a function of strength It's about mass too. There aren't many light, low-recoil, large caliber rifles. Heavy rifles recoil less. If you had an Android with light but strong limbs they'd have a hard time compensating for the sudden jerk of recoil.
source: I shoot guns, mainly battle rifles and magnum pistols (10mm Auto, 357 mag, 460 Rowland)
How come the twitch isn't linked to see the live podcast? Hell, it should be going live soon.
Wasn't skynet in modern day located in the same city as Sarah Connor? Wouldn't sending a nuke back pose a threat to Skynet's past self?
The robots would probably use nanomachines to wipe out humanity.
God, the Oppressors in the first Alex wing in ff14 would make more sense if they came out on tire-treads lol
The real mech was inside us all along?
wheels on robots are stupid. just saying, not every environment is a road or a plain field.
I’m sure there’s some form of movement we have yet to even think of because the concept is too complicated. Maybe even more complicated than something like teleportation.
Wasn’t the terminator considered the perfect killing machine because of its human form? Like didn’t Arnold super fuck up a robot that was just a chassis with mini guns on treads because of his ability to out maneuver it?
Matt looked _miserable_ during that question reading.
When our robot overlords come to kill us all Woolie will defect to the robots side and tell them how to more efficiently kill us all...
I am baffled that Cybertronians weren't discussed here.
Kickback lets be honest, cybertronians are just people who happen to be robots, not robots that happen to look like people.
Yeah, that's fair but still, their whole thing is that they can transform into potential Woolie-desired rolling death machines. They're the best of both worlds!
Woolie wants Giant Unstoppable BeyBlades.
Robots are never really gonna beat us because electromagnetic pulses exist
No new podcast this week?
So Char had the right idea when he designed the Zeong
Here's a really specific problem I have with a bunch of mechs. Why do so many of the have their cockpit entrances forward facing and in the chest? Let's put a huge structural weak point, that will definitily kill the pilot, in the front, center of mass.
Is also the biggest part of the body, so you can put a cockpit there and reinforce it. Otherwise you problably have to create a HUGE mech so you can install the cockpit and keep it secure. Like the Zeong in the Original Gundam, which was big enough to hav de cockpit intalled on the head instead of the torso.
I'm not specifically talking about the cockpit being in the chest, I'm talking about the entrance being in the front. To make it more clear, Gundams having the FRONT of them open up is stupid, AS's from Full Metal Panic having it at the nape of the neck is smart. In both scenarios the cockpit is in the chest but having a door, which is a huge structural weakness in the most exposed area bothers me. There's a reason why most military vehicles irl have their doors on the back or top.
Why do we have that canopy right in the front of the Jet fighter? It's such a weak point!
Jsay18 The canopy on a jet is there for visibility, which mechs don't deal with since most have cameras in the head. Honestly a jet doesn't even need one if it had cameras mounted on it like a drone or mech does. Even then that doesn't matter because one missile would fuck up a plane if it hit anywhere but the edge of the wing or tail. Most planes are built for evasion, not durability.
the elder thing as a robot BOOM, done
Woolie doesnt want US to acknowledge robots look like people but that the ROBOTS acknowledge they can do bullshit humans cant and just do it.
Woolie wants to cut off his legs for jet packs confirmed.
Just spin that's a good trick.
What Woolie wants is bb8 wit a gun
Trying to get your e-mail read on their podcast is like a lottery. I wonder who answers most of them regardless of during or after the streams. Probably Matt, but you never know. Every day is a new mixup.
Also, when's Capoeira Fighter 3?
Which is why after sending one email, I'm not bothered to send another. They have to look through waaay too many of them for the past how many years already? I'm not going to add to that headache lol XD
You should get some postcard writing tips from Judgement Kazzy. He got read on that radio show!
Robot with legs, but also hands and feet that can deploy wheels or can have wheels attached to them, and a jetpack on its back. Problem solved.
Sentient AI fantasies are demonstrations of how we have *already* thought of what to blame for things that might never happen.
Supposed Gundam fan Woloie has never heard of AMBAC apparently.
Damnit yall keep switching the record times and gots me all fucked up.
EDIT: OH shit never mind ive been bamboozled
I blame Pat and PAige's twitter rap battle for my confusion
Here's why this argument is dumb. There's no way to keep a giant robot in the air for very long while being multi-directional unless you attatch helicopters and jets powerful enough to move it on each side. And even /then/, wheels can get stuck and have extreme rotary problems that require probably more attention than fixing what's essentially a stick with joints
So where does Fulgore and GunJack fit in all this?
Am I stupid or do none of the links have this podcast?
podcast 243: Waluigi Remains Uncircumcised at 2:12:33
SparkJavelin Oh I am just stupid.
Hk47 IS ambidextrous
Horizon Zero Dawn had the cooler way of robot apocalypse tbh.
exploitativity naw fam this is from the previous podcast.
Their lifestyle determines their deathstyle.
Wait I just realized that this is from last week
So haven'[t yu deleted this comment to hide your shame. Are you one of those "I'm super wrong and proud of it?"
Jesus fucking chirst this is the dorkyst descussion i have heared in a long time.
I fucking love this anf hate it at the same time.
But crouching. A tank can't crouch unless it's a GiTS think tank. Crouching saved my ass in mechwarrior multiple times...
Also, guns attached to a machine is a dumb idea. If the guns are fixed, that means shotgun bot is for shotgun time. Then you have to make rifle bot. And if you make the cube with all the guns, that costs way more resources; one bot costs way more in resources. And fixing a fixed gun is a pain in the ass, because if the gun is broke the robot is broke. You have to be cost efficient and manage your resources if you are taking on 7 billion people. Arms (or weapon bays) are the way to go.
And having legs means leg bot can do jungle terrain and regular terrain and do stairs. Tread bot only can do so much.
Robots probably should act and fight like the species that dominates the planet a little bit.
Is there any way I can see this live?
Check the description for their website, their twitch channel link can be found there.
Watch it as they go live on Twitch. You can also watch the archives on there if you subscribe to their Twitch-channel.
Ive always thought the concept of an android is kinda weird. My make a robot that mirrors our own physical flaws? If its not a Blade Runner situation, then its pointless.
Occasionally? Terrain IS the THING. Thats one of the most important things in war. Ask Afghanistan people
these guys should read about biomimicry. shit be rad, you let nature do all the work and put your name on it.
Spin fighter? You mean like Jojo Part 7?
Why do you need the force to use a light saber? It's just a magic science sword.
Mostly because you don't run the risk of disintegrating parts of your body whenever you so much as graze the blade of an actual sword with your arm or hand. Using a lightsaber leaves absolutely no room for mistakes of that kind. Hence intense Force-induced focus.
altaccout geezer fans are dumb and old and think that only Jedi can use lightsabers even tho Han used one in esb
What's up pat, Matt and woolie
Don’t give Zuckerburg ideas