Es curioso como la voz de Cell no solo varía en el doblaje latino, en japones tambien varia dependiendo de la forma, en el primero siemdo salvaje, en el segundo imtimante, y en último refinado
Isiwowwisisosiefifododkdkdididdidodidididd8f8rir8r8r8fiffiofffofofoffofocococckckfkkcfkfkfifkfofriroririrrifiirireioaoa Y.)--.RootaTtptaTttoototottott8ririrrirididififidofococococofofofoofsooedodododododdodododoxsosososssoxoxoxoxoxxoockxksoodososossosososoaososiyiioppplapalspqppqpqpqpaapqqqqqqqqqqpqqqpqpqppwpwwpsppcrgleieieieieeirieeiriiriee3ii2iieeiwioeieoeieieisisisisise0s9se8e8sossieosoosoeoeoesoeodoeeooeododCcccccccccccdccc cbcbcbcb b bb b b yBb n b b bxnyns4i48383949494494roee8oaeieieeiei3oeoeieirr8riririrrididodkdoeeooeodoeoeoeoeo2o2owwoeooeoeoeoekdskskdkdikdididdidkdkdkdkkddkddisdiidsdidiiddidididoe7yisis8ssisiaoaoaooppappaapappaalapapallaa
I agree, technically no, cell is a grab character that benefits greatly from his grabs and androids are actually supposed to be his weakness in these games. And this is coming from a semiperfect cell Main
Es curioso como la voz de Cell no solo varía en el doblaje latino, en japones tambien varia dependiendo de la forma, en el primero siemdo salvaje, en el segundo imtimante, y en último refinado
2:34 Diese Attacke von Cell hatte früher den Cyborgs nichts abgezogen.
8:03 man 17 was locked in for a minute there
I love Cell's voice in Japanese, so deep.
any future Raditz gameplay ?. cant seem to find any
Wrf doing for android 18 0:11
Can i have cell jr gameplay
I hoped for a special dialogue between cell and 17 (super) 🥲
It may change
1:52 @@Detectivewondertainment
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Android 18 not supposed to lose health when Cell tries to drain her life
I agree, technically no, cell is a grab character that benefits greatly from his grabs and androids are actually supposed to be his weakness in these games. And this is coming from a semiperfect cell Main