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  • @sapnasaini851
    @sapnasaini851 2 месяца назад +2

    ------ Another Approach ------
    with cte as (
    select country, age, row_number() over(partition by country order by age) rn1,
    row_number() over(partition by country order by age desc) rn2
    from people)
    select country, age
    from cte
    where rn1 = rn2 or rn1 +1 = rn2 or rn2+1 = rn1
    order by 1, 2;

  • @LuisHinojosaFalcon
    @LuisHinojosaFalcon Месяц назад

    thanks for the exercises, doing a great job, and just for the sake of increasing only a hair the difficulty and sticking to the actual definition of median, then the data with even number of rows need to be averaged between the two middle rows of the sorted data, so the median for Germany should be (54 + 6) / 2 = 30, India (33 + 38) / 2 = 35.5 and Poland (34 + 45) / 2 = 39.5

  • @petermugo9204
    @petermugo9204 6 месяцев назад +5

    select country,PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY age) as Median
    from people
    group by country

  • @Kadavendis
    @Kadavendis 7 месяцев назад +2

    Hi....another diamond in the far most of the concepts are covered....but stored procedure based queries are not covered there any specific reason behind that ......please try to cover if it is just a miss

  • @kevinwtao5321
    @kevinwtao5321 2 месяца назад

    nice explain...

  • @sivakumarisadineni3193
    @sivakumarisadineni3193 7 месяцев назад +2

    Hi, l like your work and your explanations.
    like python boot camp can you do a SQL course for intermediate to advance level

    • @rohitsethi5696
      @rohitsethi5696 6 месяцев назад

      @sivakumarisadineni3193 what do you want to about python or ETL

  • @sammail96
    @sammail96 7 месяцев назад +1

    If it was not the problem of age then median : for even records avg of n(no_of_records)/2 and (n/2 + 1)th record , for odd records ((n+1)/2)th record

  • @utsavkumar71
    @utsavkumar71 7 месяцев назад +2

    with cte as(
    select *,
    abs(ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by country order by age) - ROW_NUMBER()
    over(partition by country order by age desc)) as rn_desc,
    count(*) over(partition by country order by age
    range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as cnt from people)
    select country, age as median from cte
    where rn_desc = 1 or rn_desc = 0;

    • @muhammadabbas6645
      @muhammadabbas6645 7 месяцев назад

      @utsavkumar71 bro nice solution but didnt understand why did you count as a window function

    • @gphanisrinivasful
      @gphanisrinivasful 6 месяцев назад

      This is an interesting approach!

    • @gouthamstar6558
      @gouthamstar6558 6 месяцев назад

      this is the best approach compared to @techtfq but tfq's approch is also good

  • @anudeepreddy5559
    @anudeepreddy5559 5 дней назад


  • @rohitsharma-mg7hd
    @rohitsharma-mg7hd 4 месяца назад

    with cte as (
    select *,row_number() over(partition by country order by age),count(age) over(partition by country ) as cnt,(count(age) over(partition by country ))/2 as ind from people
    ,cte_odd as
    (select * from cte where (id,row_number) in (select id,ind+1 from cte) and cnt%2!=0)
    -- (select *,case when cnt%2=0 then 'even' else 'odd' end as cs from cte
    -- where cnt%2!=0)
    ,cte_even as (
    select * from cte where (id,row_number) in (select id,ind+1 from cte) and cnt%2=0
    union all
    (select * from cte where (id,row_number) in (select id,ind from cte) and cnt%2=0)
    select country,age from cte_even a
    union all
    select country,age from cte_odd b
    order by country,age
    done it with union

  • @amzahaan7232
    @amzahaan7232 7 месяцев назад +1

    select * from
    (select *,
    row_number() over(partition by country order by age) as rn ,
    count(1) over(partition by country) as ct
    from people)x
    where rn between ct*1.0/2 and (ct*1.0/2)+1

  • @saiswaroop3570
    @saiswaroop3570 6 месяцев назад

    with result_set as
    select country,age,rnk,total_count,case when rnk=total_count/2 or rnk=trunc((total_count/2))+1 then 1 else 0 end as flag
    select country,age,dense_rank()over(partition by country order by age) as rnk, count(id)over(partition by country order by id range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as total_count
    from people
    select country,age,rnk as median_position,total_count as total_values from result_set where flag=1

  • @chetanmaurya8557
    @chetanmaurya8557 5 месяцев назад

    with cte as(
    select country,age,row_number() over(partition by country order by country,age desc) as rn
    from people),
    cte2 as
    (select *,cast(FIRST_VALUE(rn) over(partition by country order by country,age) as decimal) as cnt
    from cte)
    select country,age from cte2
    where rn>=cnt/2 and rn

  • @rohithb65
    @rohithb65 6 месяцев назад

    with cte as
    ( select *, (total/2) as t1 , (total/2 + 1) as t2
    from (select * ,
    row_number() over(partition by country order by age) rn ,
    count(*) over(partition by country) as total
    from people
    order by country,age)x)
    select country,age
    from cte
    where rn between t1 and t2
    order by country

  • @Alexpudow
    @Alexpudow 7 месяцев назад

    ms sql solution
    with a as (
    select *
    ,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by country order by age)*1.0 rn
    from people),
    b as (
    select country
    ,case when max(rn) % 2 0 then (max(rn)+1)/ 2 else floor((max(rn) +1)*1.0 / 2) end mrn
    ,case when max(rn) % 2 0 then (max(rn)+1)/ 2 else ceiling((max(rn) +1)*1.0 / 2) end mrn2
    from a
    group by country)
    select, a.age
    from a join b on and rn between mrn and mrn2

  • @sourabhkumar6811
    @sourabhkumar6811 6 месяцев назад

    select country,age from
    (select A.*,
    total_values/2*1.0 as first_val,
    (total_values/2*1.0)+1 as second_val,
    case when rn>=(total_values/2*1.0) and rn

  • @radhakrishnasabbi4904
    @radhakrishnasabbi4904 7 месяцев назад

    Could you please explain in Ms SQL server

    • @NabeelKhan-um1zk
      @NabeelKhan-um1zk 6 месяцев назад

      (with an as (SELECT * , row_number() over(partition by country order by age ) as ranks , count(country) over(partition by country) as total from people where country= "INDIA")
      select * from an where ranks= total/2 OR ranks= total/2+1 )
      union all
      (with an as (SELECT * , row_number() over(partition by country order by age ) as ranks , count(country) over(partition by country) as total from people where country= "poland")
      select * from an where ranks= ceiling(total/2) OR ranks= total/2+1 )
      union all
      (with an as (SELECT * , row_number() over(partition by country order by age ) as ranks , count(country) over(partition by country) as total from people where country= "USA")
      select * from an where ranks= ceiling(total/2) OR ranks= total/2+1 )
      union all
      (with an as (SELECT * , row_number() over(partition by country order by age ) as ranks , count(country) over(partition by country) as total from people where country= "Germany")
      select * from an where ranks= ceiling(total/2) OR ranks= total/2+1 )
      union all
      (with an as (SELECT * , row_number() over(partition by country order by age ) as ranks , count(country) over(partition by country) as total from people where country= "japan")
      select * from an where ranks= ceiling(total/2) OR ranks= total/2+1 )

  • @rajashekharreddy5794
    @rajashekharreddy5794 7 месяцев назад

    ;with cte as
    ( select *,
    case when cnt % 2=0 and rn = cnt/2 then rn
    when cnt%2 = 0 and rn = cnt/2+1 then rn
    when cnt%20 and rn = cnt/2+1 then rn
    end [flag]
    ( select *
    ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by country order by age) rn
    ,COUNT(country) over (partition by country order by age range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) cnt
    from people_median_age ) a )
    select id,country,age [median_age] from cte where flag is not null

  • @gowrikm-n5u
    @gowrikm-n5u 6 месяцев назад

    select country , age from
    select * ,row_number() over( partition by country order by age) as r,
    count(id) over(partition by country order by age
    range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as cnt
    from people
    ) x
    where r in ((cnt + 1) / 2, (cnt + 2) / 2)

  • @mrbartuss1
    @mrbartuss1 7 месяцев назад


  • @mikefenn00
    @mikefenn00 7 месяцев назад

    Thumbnail makes it look like they've got you in prison brother. Perhaps 30 was too many?

    • @techTFQ
      @techTFQ 7 месяцев назад +2

      Haha my wife felt the same 😅
      Just trying have some fun

  • @shivinmehta7368
    @shivinmehta7368 5 месяцев назад

    with cte as (select *,row_number() over(partition by country order by age asc) as rn, count(id) over(partition by country) as cnt from people
    select country,age
    select *,
    case when cnt%2=1 then (cnt+1)/2
    when cnt%2=0 then round(((cnt/2) +(cnt/2+1))*1.00/2,1) end as flag from cte
    order by 1
    ) x where rn between floor(flag) and ceil(flag)
    order by 1,2

  • @NabeelKhan-um1zk
    @NabeelKhan-um1zk 6 месяцев назад

    for mySQL
    (with an as (SELECT * , row_number() over(partition by country order by age ) as ranks , count(country) over(partition by country) as total from people where country= "INDIA")
    select * from an where ranks= total/2 OR ranks= total/2+1 )
    union all
    (with an as (SELECT * , row_number() over(partition by country order by age ) as ranks , count(country) over(partition by country) as total from people where country= "poland")
    select * from an where ranks= ceiling(total/2) OR ranks= total/2+1 )
    union all
    (with an as (SELECT * , row_number() over(partition by country order by age ) as ranks , count(country) over(partition by country) as total from people where country= "USA")
    select * from an where ranks= ceiling(total/2) OR ranks= total/2+1 )
    union all
    (with an as (SELECT * , row_number() over(partition by country order by age ) as ranks , count(country) over(partition by country) as total from people where country= "Germany")
    select * from an where ranks= ceiling(total/2) OR ranks= total/2+1 )
    union all
    (with an as (SELECT * , row_number() over(partition by country order by age ) as ranks , count(country) over(partition by country) as total from people where country= "japan")
    select * from an where ranks= ceiling(total/2) OR ranks= total/2+1 )