I've been messing with a powered 2 channel glider 800mm wing. Yesterday radio went ass up. This looks a good replacement. The shop near me has for $ 169 Au.
Another interesting look at what's available in the sub-250gm toys these days, Bengt. Looks like you lose 50mm wingspan but gain a steerable tailwheel (well when any of these little cheap wheels move properly! 😉) over the Volantex V761-4 Sport Cub. On that you can't roll in Beginner or Intermediate but you can do a loop in Intermediate. A bit of a disappointment if you can't loop this in Intermediate. The DSM and S-bus sockets are a big plus but since that (and battery and RSSI telemetry) are now available on the V2 versions of the V761 P-51 and Corsair, I'd guess that most of the rest in the series will get that update soon. You didn't show whether these are easy to service (replace boards/motors) when they do need attention. Are they similar to the later Volantex stuff with screw mounted boards, and pop-out panels (or maybe removable wings) for easy access? We're starting to see brushless motors (and 2s capabilities) on some sub-250gm stuff now so these might be getting behind the times.
We going to make another video this weekend on how to get to the board and tips for TopRchobby on new releases. But a great upgrade for spektrum futaba and open tx user.
You cant loop or roll with gyro engaged onthe XK/rebrands models. That feature is only found in more expensive brands as far as I know. Thats why one outgrows these models after a while unfortunately. Its really a shame since they could be a good platform for advanced flying since they handle crashes very well.
Not quite identical. The Volantex V761-4 Sport Cub (Sonik is 1 of at least 10 rebrand labels) is 500mm wingspan and uses the V761/4ch protocol. This uses a similar but slightly altered protocol V761/TopRC protocol. Bengt is probably correct that they might be produced by the same foam moulding company in China though - also the flight boards may be contract-produced by an electronics-specialist company for these toy-producing firms. Who knows? Volantex also make a 400mm version these days. Just a pity that they don't have an active brushless motor outlet on these small planes' boards yet. Though the XK A280 sub-250gm P-51 now does, so hopefully it may become more widespread soon. All these are great fun!
I've been messing with a powered 2 channel glider 800mm wing. Yesterday radio went ass up.
This looks a good replacement. The shop near me has for $ 169
would love to see that one can buy them without transmitter.
Another interesting look at what's available in the sub-250gm toys these days, Bengt. Looks like you lose 50mm wingspan but gain a steerable tailwheel (well when any of these little cheap wheels move properly! 😉) over the Volantex V761-4 Sport Cub. On that you can't roll in Beginner or Intermediate but you can do a loop in Intermediate. A bit of a disappointment if you can't loop this in Intermediate. The DSM and S-bus sockets are a big plus but since that (and battery and RSSI telemetry) are now available on the V2 versions of the V761 P-51 and Corsair, I'd guess that most of the rest in the series will get that update soon.
You didn't show whether these are easy to service (replace boards/motors) when they do need attention. Are they similar to the later Volantex stuff with screw mounted boards, and pop-out panels (or maybe removable wings) for easy access?
We're starting to see brushless motors (and 2s capabilities) on some sub-250gm stuff now so these might be getting behind the times.
We going to make another video this weekend on how to get to the board and tips for TopRchobby on new releases. But a great upgrade for spektrum futaba and open tx user.
Im interested in buying this aircraft, what would the minimum space be for me to fly safely?
A small fotball field or a park. You dont get to much speed on this one.
i cannot put the battery in im afraid it might break the wires
HOW is the plane 9 months after buying? did you face any issues
You cant loop or roll with gyro engaged onthe XK/rebrands models. That feature is only found in more expensive brands as far as I know. Thats why one outgrows these models after a while unfortunately. Its really a shame since they could be a good platform for advanced flying since they handle crashes very well.
You can flip them on expert mode tho can't you? Or if your on medium you press the stunt button and then u can right?
Looks identical to SonicRC sport cub.
Most likely is as well. They are produced from same mold to different brands.
Not quite identical. The Volantex V761-4 Sport Cub (Sonik is 1 of at least 10 rebrand labels) is 500mm wingspan and uses the V761/4ch protocol. This uses a similar but slightly altered protocol V761/TopRC protocol. Bengt is probably correct that they might be produced by the same foam moulding company in China though - also the flight boards may be contract-produced by an electronics-specialist company for these toy-producing firms. Who knows?
Volantex also make a 400mm version these days. Just a pity that they don't have an active brushless motor outlet on these small planes' boards yet. Though the XK A280 sub-250gm P-51 now does, so hopefully it may become more widespread soon. All these are great fun!