Virgin Birth?

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024
  • These videos are archives and are available for historical and reference purposes. Individuals in (or mentioned) the videos are in no way attached to Huldah, Royal Roots, or the Light Collective. No additional individuals are recommend or considered a part of a collaborative. Their presence does not serve as a reference for content recommendation. The cyclical process of nature and the birth of the Messiah. What part of his birth should be the focal point? Is there a difference in the process of his birth and other births.

Комментарии • 65

  • @RoyalRoots
    @RoyalRoots  7 лет назад +2

    I mispronounce parthogenesis. I said pathogenesis. Just needed to put that out there because that is very important. Pathogenesis is a disease. PARTHOGENESIS.

  • @hadarahbatyah
    @hadarahbatyah 7 лет назад +4

    Sis I just watched your husband's teaching on this topic - thanks for the reference. It was so good... so plain and so clear. A very good reference for anyone who has questions. Scripture speaks so clearly - if only we would just believe 😌💕

  • @ParahYah_Yasharal58
    @ParahYah_Yasharal58 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you for this video, Achoti. When watching Moreh & your videos together, there should be little doubt remaining on this subject. I greatly appreciate the linguistic references you always provide. Many blessings...shalom!

  • @AkilahHodge
    @AkilahHodge 7 лет назад +1

    Shalom Sister Huldah! As always this lesson brought forth so much clarity. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and may Yahuah the Almighty Elohim continue to Bless you and Moreh's work. Barack Athah😊!

  • @DaughterofYahTeachingMinistry
    @DaughterofYahTeachingMinistry 7 лет назад

    Beautiful lesson, sis! Just adds to our teaching about this, as well as your husband's teaching on this. All praises be to Yah for having the Ruach, which leads us to ALL truth! Todah!

  • @kimmykim7658
    @kimmykim7658 Год назад

    Thank you for sharing this! I can tell the Holy Spirit is speaking through you. The Holy Spirit was leading me to this conclusion and your teaching has confirmed it. Where can I find the other lesson you were referring to in the beginning of the video?

  • @sunshineraingardening171
    @sunshineraingardening171 7 лет назад +1

    I’ve study a lot with you and your husband. And YOU BOTH have shared tools, on how to study.... With this lesson I’ve heard so many different view points, ( from others) about the Virgin Birth. This here will have Hebrews, Digging IN, To show thyself approved. I like the dialogue, that is being shared... So we all can get understanding. All POWER is in YAH’s Hand and he is THE ABBA. Shalom

  • @ryanenwilliams
    @ryanenwilliams 7 лет назад +1

    WOw.... we are actually studying this TODAY...RIGHT NOW AND we were talking about it LAST WEEK.... WOW... THIS IS CONFIRMATION!!!! WOW.. ALL PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH!

  • @shon1906
    @shon1906 7 лет назад

    Ahkoti I need that song from your intro! Help me out lol

    • @ALTAFresno
      @ALTAFresno 7 лет назад

      Mali Musik (Royalty) is the song

  • @hadarahbatyah
    @hadarahbatyah 7 лет назад +2

    Lol @ the lake with the snake

  • @flyerstorm
    @flyerstorm 7 лет назад +1

    Excited to watch this...

  • @davidjasurda6648
    @davidjasurda6648 7 месяцев назад

    You guys are crazy-GOOD. That is some good Word. Thank you for sharing. I will be mulling over this for some time. If the seed is the Word of God, what is the seed of Satan? In Gen. The word of Satan/ Death? Thank you again for the truth.

  • @lefttireguy2615
    @lefttireguy2615 Год назад +1

    Very good presentation

  • @ysraelbenyahudah
    @ysraelbenyahudah 7 лет назад

    Isaiah7 in context
    Almah (עלמה‎ ‘almāh, plural: ‘ălāmōṯ עֲלָמ֖וֹת) is a Hebrew word for a maiden or woman of childbearing age who may be unmarried or married. [1] It does not, in and of itself, indicate whether she is a virgin, for which a different Hebrew word betulah is used. The Septuagint version of the Old Testament renders both Hebrew words almah and betulah as the same Greek word parthenos. The term occurs nine times in the Hebrew Bible.
    The masculine equivalent of almah is elem ("עלם" in Arabic gelam غلام) meaning "youth" or "young man of the age of puberty".[2] Feminizing these terms would result in "young woman" or "young woman of the age of puberty". Gesenius defines the word as a "girl of marriageable age". In modern Hebrew almah means a young woman or girl, a young or unmarried woman.[3]
    The notion of marriageability is typically part of the definition of almah. In the ancient Near East
    girls had value as potential wives and bearers of children. Carolyn S.
    Leeb points out: "A wife, who came into her husband's household as an
    outsider, contributed her labor and her fertility. Her task was to build
    up the bet 'ab by bearing children, particularly sons".[4] This same sense of marriageability does not accrue to the masculine elem[citation needed] even though they also have entered puberty, but it does apply to "bachur"[citation needed] or "young warrior", when boys have matured to the point of being able to support a new household.
    "Almah" was one of a list of sequential "terms, each depicting a fresh stage of life".[5] (spellings per Gesenius translated to English):
    yeled (יָ֫לֶד) or yaldah (ילדה) - boy/girl (kids)."Tinok" ("תינוק) - suckling baby boy. Derives from the words "yonek or yanak (יוֹנֵ֔ק) which means suckle.olal (עוֹלָל) - a toddler, a suckling who also eats food. Translated as "young child" in Lamentations 4:4 (KJV).gamul (גָּמוּל) - weaned child (gamal).taph (טָף) - young child, one who still clings to mother. Derived from the word for brisk, small, tripping steps of young children.elem (עָ֫לֶם) or almah (עַלְמָה) - firm and strong child. (Between five-seven years of age and thirteen years of age.)[6]na'ar (נַ֫עַר) or na'arah (נַעֲרָה) - "independent or free child" (from a root meaning "to shake off"). Aged 13+.[6]
    Also "handmaid", "servant" or just "girl". In modern hebrew it is a
    commonly used in the meaning of "teenage boy" and "teenage girl",
    respectively, and the root is also used to for similar terms such as
    "youth", ("Noar", נוֹעַר) and teen spirit ("Ruach Neurim", רוח נעורים).
    bethulah: a virginOriginal Word: בְּתוּלָה
    Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
    Transliteration: bethulah
    Phonetic Spelling: (beth-oo-law')
    Short Definition: virgin
    50 noun feminine virgin (compare Arabic , , Assyrian batultu (also batûlu of young man) 5 R 42:56 see JeremZA 1886, 399; Late Hebrew בְּתוּלָא, ) - Genesis 24:16 19t.; construct בְּתוּלַת Deuteronomy 22:19 12t.; plural בְּתוּלוֺת Esther 2:2 7t.; בְּתֻלוֺת Zechariah 9:17; בְּתוּלֹת Exodus 22:16 2t.; בְּתֻלֹת Lamentations 5:11; suffix בְּתוּלֹתָיו Psalm 78:63 3t.; - one living apart in her father's house as a virgin Genesis 24:16 (J) Exodus 22:15 (E) Leviticus 21:3,14 (P) Deuteronomy 22:19; Judges 19:24; 2 Samuel 13:2; Job 31:1; Isaiah 62:5; Jeremiah 2:32; Jeremiah 31:13; Joel 1:8; נערה בתולה a virgin damsel Deuteronomy 22:23,28; Judges 21:12; 1 Kings 1:2; Esther 2:3; בחור ובתולה Deuteronomy 32:25; 2Chronicles 36:17; Jeremiah 51:22; Ezekiel 9:6; personification of nations בתולת ישׂראל Jeremiah 8:13; Jeremiah 31:4,21; Amos 5:2; בת ציון ׳ב 2 Kings 19:21 (= Isaiah 37:22; on double stative construct see Ges§ 130. 5 PhiSt. construct 63) Lamentations 2:13; בת עמי ׳ב Jeremiah 14:17; בת יהודה ׳ב Lamentations 1:15; בת צידון ׳ב Isaiah 23:12; בת בבל ׳ב Isaiah 47:1; ׳ב בת מצרים Jeremiah 46:11; plural virgins Exodus 22:16; 2 Samuel 13:18; Esther 2:2,17,19; Psalm 45:15; Psalm 78:63; Lamentations 1:4; Lamentations 2:10; Lamentations 5:11; Ezekiel 44:22; Amos 8:13; בחורים ובתולות Psalm 148:12; Isaiah 23:4; Zechariah 9:17; Lamentations 1:18; Lamentations 2:21.
    [1] And it came to be in the days of Aḥaz son of Yotham, son of Uzziyahu, sovereign of Yehuḏah, that Retsin sovereign of Aram and Peqaḥ son of Remalyahu, sovereign of Yisra’ĕl, went up to Yerushalayim to fight against it, but could not prevail against it. [2] And it was reported to the house of Dawiḏ, saying, “Aram has set up camp in Ephrayim.” And his heart and the heart of his people were moved as the trees of the forest are moved with the wind. [3] And יהוה said to Yeshayahu, “Go out now to meet Aḥaz, you and She’ar-Yashuḇ your son, at the end of the channel of the upper pool, on the highway of the Launderer’s Field, [4] and say to him, ‘Take heed, and be calm; do not fear or be faint-hearted for these two stubs of smoking firebrands, for the fierce displeasure of Retsin and Aram, and the son of Remalyahu. [5] ‘Because Aram, Ephrayim, and the son of Remalyahu have plotted evil against you, saying, [6] “Let us go up against Yehuḏah and tear it apart, and break it open for ourselves, and set a sovereign over them, the son of Taḇe’ĕl.” [7] ‘Thus said the Master יהוה, “It is not going to stand, nor shall it take place. [8] “For the head of Aram is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Retsin. And within sixty-five years Ephrayim is to be broken as a people. [9] “And the head of Ephrayim is Shomeron, and the head of Shomeron is the son of Remalyahu. If you do not believe, you are not steadfast.” ’ ” [10] And יהוה spoke again to Aḥaz, saying, [11] “Ask a sign for yourself from יהוה your Elohim; make deep the request or make it high.” [12] But Aḥaz said, “I do not ask nor try יהוה!” [13] And he said, “Hear now, O house of Dawiḏ! Is it not enough that you weary men, that you weary my Elohim also? [14] “Therefore יהוה Himself gives you a sign: Look, the Almah conceives and gives birth to a Son, and shall call His Name Immanu’ĕl. [15] “He eats curds and honey when He knows to refuse evil and choose the good. [16] “For before the Child knows to refuse evil and choose the good, the land that you dread is to be forsaken by both her sovereigns.
    (Isaiah 7:1-16 [TS1998])

  • @ysraelbenyahudah
    @ysraelbenyahudah 7 лет назад +2

    virgin birth is based on two thing mistranslation Isaiash 7:14 and also that being presented out of context.
    that is what inserted in the "two" of four gospel writings further Mark or John the Books of the witness "John" and 2nd generation Mark neither even mention it but Matthews and Luke which were insertions.
    the word Almah in Historical cultural context never refers to virginity but a female who is at the beginning of adulthood aka young women.
    Bethulah is explicitly Virgin.
    this virgin birth trash is remnants of Christianity.
    question how then was yahushua to receive the distinction of Spirit that was the Presence other than Man?... simple:..... [13] Then cometh YAHUSHUA from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. [14] But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? [15] And YAHUSHUA answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it become us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. [16] And YAHUSHUA , when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of Elohim descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: [17] And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
    (Matthew 3:13-17 [RNKJV])
    if "Hebrew" knew their culture they would know he was 30 prescribed age to beginning elder ship leadership according to Hebrew customs if approved by the elders at 30 years of age starts your work for Yahuah in this context is why then Yahushua has no works until after immersion after 30th year the dove size Ruach was the beloved son entering the vessel prepared,
    this is the start of the Manifestation of that presence demonstrated with Powerful signs and wonder's confirmed by Yahuah himself speaking from the portal open the presence came from.
    because of our fixation on the Immaculate deception story.
    which came straight from the pit Peter Yahchanon Stephen etc never mention what would have been one of the greatest signs of Yahushua they sure mentioned others.
    virgin birth not torah not prophets not true.

  • @jstray83
    @jstray83 7 лет назад +1

    No one argues the earth giving birth to Adam without conception, because the key issue with the virgin birth is the Most High's promise to David (which you never address). Maybe your husband's lesson touches on this.
    If the Word was with the Father in the beginning; if the rock which guided Isreal through the wilderness was Christ; if Christ is manifested to Daniel; and this unnamed angel appears other times in scripture which is likely Christ, then the Word which is Christ already existed celestially prior to flesh.
    If this "seed" which already existed was put in Mary, how is he the son of David according to prophecy without the actual seed of David? Is there another example where the Most High made a promise to someone, then used a substitute to fulfill that promise? Is the Messiah the seed of David because Joseph is the stepfather? If this is the case, then why can't the Christian church now be spiritual Israel fulfilling the promises given to Abraham and his descendants?
    You said that Yah can't (loosely) use incorruptible to overshadow corruptible, and have it still be holy. However, that statement ignores the fact that the womb (woman) in this instance, is not exempt from this corruption.
    I was waiting to hear your thoughts on this subject, but you didn't touch any of the hard questions. Arguing the context of virgin is trivial, and showing a parallel between Adams creation and a virgin birth is conjecture at best if it contradicts prophecy.
    My thought would be that the child conceived of Joseph and Mary took on the spirit of that same Word of old. Thus being the seed of David, and the son of The Most High that was there in the beginning. This would even fit your scenario of the seed already being present in the earth (except this time it's David's), and Yah breathing his word into it. It also leaves prophecy fulfilled. I can accept the virgin birth if you can show it standing with prophecy. The problem is, neither side can answer the hard questions definitively.
    All love, no boasting or malice.

    • @jstray83
      @jstray83 7 лет назад

      Where would this seed come from? Are you saying that he's the seed of David just because the Most High said so or did he snap his fingers and make it so (trying to convey a point). I wouldn't question that, but that's not his promise. As I asked, where has he promised something and then half fulfilled it through substitution. As I also said, if this is possible, who's to say that Christian replacement ideology is wrong? The Most High could raise up stones to be an Israelite, why not an ambiguous group of people who call themselves Christians?
      I'm not against it if it can be substantiated.

    • @peele05
      @peele05 7 лет назад

      straymell is Mary considered a seed of David?

    • @jstray83
      @jstray83 7 лет назад

      Robert Peele
      Not that I can find in scripture. Everything given biblically points to her being a Levite. I don't believe in the Quran, but I believe that Muhammed would have gotten a lot of his information from Israelites and the bible. It says she is the daughter of Imran who was Moses and Aaron's father.

    • @peele05
      @peele05 7 лет назад

      straymell who's genealogy is that in Luke 3? If it's Mary thar would make her a seed of David

    • @jstray83
      @jstray83 7 лет назад +1

      Robert Peele
      It says it's Joseph's.

  • @hadarahbatyah
    @hadarahbatyah 7 лет назад +1

    Praise Yahuah 😌💕

  • @veronicajones3683
    @veronicajones3683 7 лет назад +1

    Awesome!! Makes perfect sense!

  • @JEWEDuP
    @JEWEDuP 7 лет назад +2

    Yes ! Joseph is the BIOLOGICAL FATHER. Luke 1:5 & Luke 1:36 indicate that Mary wasn't even from the tribe of Judah. She was from the tribe of Levi. The account of Matthew and Luke goes to the tribe of Judah. Joseph is the biological father of Christ in Matthew's account. Joseph, the son of Heli is the legal father of Christ in Luke. Read " the Letter to Aristeas ". That is why it says " supposed father " in Luke. Joseph, the son of Jacob, goes to Solomon. Joseph, the son of Heli, goes to Nathan. Solomon sat on the throne as king. In order for Christ to be king, he would have to come through the line of kings, which is through Joseph, the son of JACOB, or supplanter. Judah was known for supplanting the kingship and the priesthood. Judah intermarried with Levi, in the Old Testament as well (Exodus 6:23 & 1 Chronicales 2:10).

    • @RoyalRoots
      @RoyalRoots  7 лет назад

      Read Matthew 1 please and then read Luke 2 with understanding and then tell me if Matthew and Luke actually say that.

    • @ysraelbenyahudah
      @ysraelbenyahudah 7 лет назад

      virgin birth is based on two thing mistranslation Isaiash 7:14 and also that being presented out of context.
      that is what inserted in the "two" of four gospel writings further Mark or John the Books of the witness "John" and 2nd generation Mark neither even mention it but Matthews and Luke which were insertions.
      the word Almah in Historical cultural context never refers to virginity but a female who is at the beginning of adulthood aka young women.
      Bethulah is explicitly Virgin.
      this virgin birth trash is remnants of Christianity.
      question how then was yahushua to receive the distinction of Spirit that was the Presence other than Man?... simple:..... [13] Then cometh YAHUSHUA from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. [14] But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? [15] And YAHUSHUA answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it become us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. [16] And YAHUSHUA , when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of Elohim descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: [17] And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
      (Matthew 3:13-17 [RNKJV])
      if "Hebrew" knew their culture they would know he was 30 prescribed age to beginning elder ship leadership according to Hebrew customs if approved by the elders at 30 years of age starts your work for Yahuah in this context is why then Yahushua has no works until after immersion after 30th year the dove size Ruach was the beloved son entering the vessel prepared,
      this is the start of the Manifestation of that presence demonstrated with Powerful signs and wonder's confirmed by Yahuah himself speaking from the portal open the presence came from.
      because of our fixation on the Immaculate deception story.
      which came straight from the pit Peter Yahchanon Stephen etc never mention what would have been one of the greatest signs of Yahushua they sure mentioned others.
      virgin birth not torah not prophets not true.

    • @RoyalRoots
      @RoyalRoots  7 лет назад

      Hence me not using Isaiah. Except to point you to the Hebrew that shows a difference between what is prophetic and present to Isaiah's time. Are you familiar with the prophetic perfect.
      You are using every point except you h ones I laid out. That's poor scholarship. I purposely didn't argue those points.

    • @JEWEDuP
      @JEWEDuP 7 лет назад +2

      Christ cannot be the " Son of David ", if he didn't come through David's loins (Matthew 9:27). Mary did not come through David, Joseph did. Luke 1:5 & Luke 1:36 speaks of Mary's cousin Elizabeth and her husband Zacharias being Levites, descended from Aaron. So, obviously Mary would have to be from the tribe of Levi, as well. Matthew 1 and Luke 2 & 3, has nothing to do with Mary, because those family trees trace directly to Judah, NOT Aaron (Levi). Hebrews 7:14 says our Lord sprang out of Judah. Joseph (tribe of Judah) is the father. Acts 13:21-23 says of David's seed did he raise Israel a Saviour, Christ. Mary does not come from the seed of David. She comes from the seed of Aaron. Joseph comes from the seed of David. The account of Luke is tricky, because Heli died childless. Jacob, the father of Joseph took Heli's wife and had a son, also named Joseph, in order to raise seed in Heli's place through levirate marriage. That is why they have the same name in Luke and Matthew. Levirate marriage was how Obed (David's grandfather) came into the world, so it shouldn't be a surprise if the son of David (Christ), came in the same manner. This link may explain it better " "

    • @JEWEDuP
      @JEWEDuP 7 лет назад

      I heard of that. Rudolph Windsor pointed that out as well about "almah " vs. "Bethulah ". According to the Zondervan Bible Dictionary, the " Virgin Birth " doesn't even come from the Bible. It comes from a Catholic document, called " the Apostles' Creed ", which was written in th 2nd Century. That wasn't even written during the time of the Gospels, in the 1st century. Pg. 601- definition " Virgin Birth ".

  • @yahn9781
    @yahn9781 Год назад +1


    • @truthseeker3376
      @truthseeker3376 Год назад

      Did the book of Genesis come before or after Christianity?

  • @t.steele5240
    @t.steele5240 7 лет назад +1


  • @osirisadonai6281
    @osirisadonai6281 7 лет назад

    I need an answer. Who really murdered the son of our almighty.

    • @darianeagan6670
      @darianeagan6670 7 лет назад

      Every sinner who has ever lived...

    • @osirisadonai6281
      @osirisadonai6281 7 лет назад

      Darian Eagan i mean the actual nation. Like the Jews or the Romans

  • @williamdeanadoniyahu9312
    @williamdeanadoniyahu9312 7 лет назад +1

    7:00 ... mind blown

  • @Lemuel_Ben_Israel
    @Lemuel_Ben_Israel Год назад

    well done daughter of yah. thou art a jewel to thy husband prophet Lemuel Ben Israel st.croix u.s. virgin islands

  • @kenjudah2475
    @kenjudah2475 7 лет назад +2

    Joseph was Christ of Nazareth BIOLOGICAL FATHER. No disrespect sister but you and your husband error in this teaching. The immaculate conception is a false Christian teaching. Christ has GENEOLOGY JUST like us and our ancestors. His spiritual father is the Most High and Christ WORDS that he spoke was from THE THRONE of God. Thats what makes him BOTH "Son of Man" and "Son of God". The Messiah's physical earthly body came from JOSEPH(From the House and lineage(seed) of David). You all cut your own self in your teachings on the Virgin Birth. This teaching is like a Christian saying the 10 commandments are done away with. Smh. Precept must be upon precept while teaching so you will not be deceiving the flock off "Feel good" words.

    • @anajuajam
      @anajuajam 7 лет назад

      You are absolutely right that the immaculate conception is a false Christian teaching but please understand what the immaculate conception is

    • @kenjudah2475
      @kenjudah2475 7 лет назад +1

      annjean I know what immaculate conception is. Joseph had sex with Mary his wife to give Birth to Christ of Nazareth. Plain and simple. Any other teaching saying otherwise is false doctrine

    • @ahmayaedwards8712
      @ahmayaedwards8712 7 лет назад

      JC II Son of Man refers to people born in the bloodline of Adam. As you may see, Cain and Abel were not Adam's children. His bloodline started with Seth. Son of God is talking about the angels. Which you can basically conclude that the Christ story is a retelling of what occurred in the Garden of Eden. Eve had intercourse with a fallen angel and had Cain and Abel, who were half Hueman and half angel. Which means that they, just like the fictional Christ character, are spirit and flesh. When they die, their spirit resurrects. This happens to anyone who does not descend from Adam's bloodline, who are the melanated people of this earth. The Christ story was added to replace Yacob' s descendants that would come in the future to save the nation from the genetic corruption of the angels children. That's why if you read the parables in the New Testament, they refer to the Son of Man. Man in ancient Hebrew Is Ad or Ada. There's a book called Hebrew Characters Derived from Hieroglyphics by John Lamb. Do your own research and free your soul from Christianity! TMH will not reveal truths to you as long as you remain a salve to religions. Be very careful of the people you allow in your mind and people on these channels who are still promoting religions. Always stay free!

    • @ysraelbenyahudah
      @ysraelbenyahudah 7 лет назад

      you really said that abel wasn't Adams son amazing the WORD ("ABEL") ONLY MEANS EXPLICITLY A D A M'S SON.
      1893 Hebel heh'-bel the same as 1892; Hebel, the son of Adam:--Abel. see HEBREW for 01892

    • @ahmayaedwards8712
      @ahmayaedwards8712 7 лет назад

      ysrael ben yahudah Actually you are wrong. Abel=aBaaL or aBaLaL from the Rebel= ReBaaL angels. And still, he is not listed in Adam's lineage! Look up the roots of b and l in a lexicon and make sure you read all the definitions. is a good one. People translated the BiBaaL which explains the cursed seed and how they have destroyed humanity and that the two seeds will always have enmity.