The chicken wings 🍗 she had must have been really good 👍. Allie was dumb enough to think that Op would still purpose to her when she was freaking cheating on him with her boss for crying out loud.
🎵Who'd have thought / "I'm eatin' chicken right now" / would be code for sleepin' around / tee hee hee / tee hee hee / at least that's what Allie seems to claim / but her excuses are in vain / as we'll see / as we'll see / yeah🎵 (to the tune of "I Play Chicken With The Train" by Cowboy Troy f/ Big & Rich)
(Sees the thumbnail) Oh God!!!! (Listens to the story) Oh, phew. I thought Robert had killed Allie's boss and served her human meat disguised as spicy chicken tenders or something. The thumbnail threw me off.
8:25 - not helping your case, especially when you go behind your partner's back. "Open" relationships depend on being... well, open and honest about stuff like this ahead of actually going and doing it.
Girl. He caught you cheating and YOU'RE the one mad at him for not doing it again? 😂 Also if you're so bored to cheat get a better hobby than bed hopping.
I hope OP is able to find a better woman if he chooses to date again cause he deserves better. Be funny to see what Allie's ex-boss thinks, he was having an affair with his subordinate & she said he was better than her boyfriend only for their lives to be ruined cause the boyfriend found out. Even worse the boss likely found out Allie was going to throw him(boss) away cause OP confessed he was finally going to propose with an expensive ring & was going to take her overseas so Allie planned to leave him for something better until OP revealed he realized he has better standards. The ex-boss has to live with losing everything & almost getting thrown away for someone that turned out to be better than him.
Have a great Friday and a Fun weekend everyone 👋🤗
From Louisiana 🐊
Allie just wanted the high life. She didn’t care about anyone else getting hurt in her path to get it either
Allie thought that op would still propose to her after cheating on him with her boss. And he's also married.
The chicken wings 🍗 she had must have been really good 👍. Allie was dumb enough to think that Op would still purpose to her when she was freaking cheating on him with her boss for crying out loud.
Must be one good chicken.
Now i want chicken. But not the kind she had
I just had chicken nuggets. Not this kind.
@@LoveOnTheInsidex3 Epic Dad joke....
Good afternoon, everyone. Early, I like that. But the comments had me laughing so hard
Wait she said it don't mean anything that she spread heraelf like cheese on a cracker for her Voss? So glad he went nuclear.
I love this story!!
Must be a male chicken she’s eating
Nope nope I’m not saying it
🎵Who'd have thought / "I'm eatin' chicken right now" / would be code for sleepin' around / tee hee hee / tee hee hee / at least that's what Allie seems to claim / but her excuses are in vain / as we'll see / as we'll see / yeah🎵 (to the tune of "I Play Chicken With The Train" by Cowboy Troy f/ Big & Rich)
Soo not only a cheater but a emotional manipulator wow op dodge a bullet
(Sees the thumbnail)
Oh God!!!!
(Listens to the story)
Oh, phew. I thought Robert had killed Allie's boss and served her human meat disguised as spicy chicken tenders or something. The thumbnail threw me off.
Look out for that version next Halloween…xx😂
You made me recheck the thumbnail!!! Hahaha
8:25 - not helping your case, especially when you go behind your partner's back. "Open" relationships depend on being... well, open and honest about stuff like this ahead of actually going and doing it.
OMG, Allie! Get over yourself, C-U-Next-Tuesday!
That’s brilliant
He caught you cheating and YOU'RE the one mad at him for not doing it again? 😂 Also if you're so bored to cheat get a better hobby than bed hopping.
If the roles were reversed she would be butt hurt to the tenth power😅
I’m not crazy right but the text looks … weird?
So let me get this straight....OP is in the bdrm, gf is in the living room. So why are they texting?
Good Lord! Thank God this happened before weddings and kids and this poor guy got away. Who wants to date the town's slot machine?!
New tex hud?
It does look different
At least it's not the white text on light color word bubble background.
I hope OP is able to find a better woman if he chooses to date again cause he deserves better.
Be funny to see what Allie's ex-boss thinks, he was having an affair with his subordinate & she said he was better than her boyfriend only for their lives to be ruined cause the boyfriend found out. Even worse the boss likely found out Allie was going to throw him(boss) away cause OP confessed he was finally going to propose with an expensive ring & was going to take her overseas so Allie planned to leave him for something better until OP revealed he realized he has better standards. The ex-boss has to live with losing everything & almost getting thrown away for someone that turned out to be better than him.
"Im eating chicken" the new code for debauchery lol
I'm at Zaxby's must be a three way