This was on commercial TV not the BBC so the ads would've taken it to half an hour, I agree the original hour longs were better but once you get used to the shorter eps it does work. And did work successfully for over another decade before they did actually go back to hour longs though by that time the show was crap.
What happened to this episode the middle of it is totally missing? They all charge out to get to the card house then they are all celebrating a good result where's The bit in the middle?
Er no, if you bothered to look it up John Salthouse chose to leave himself as he felt the show wouldn't work in its then new half hour pre watershed format ie that they'd have to soften the show up and not be able to be as gritty, he was eventually proven wrong ofcourse but that's how he felt, he was not fired.
Thank You, been waiting for S4!
Same. Now 25 min episodes and lot of changes it seems...
@@Balrog2005 Don't worry guys! From now on we are uploading 5 episodes every day!
@@TheBillOfficial A lot of videos unavailable. :(
Incredible this was all those years ago , we're has life went
0:49 The late great Tip Tipping performed this stunt as the body in the Thames
brilliant. tight story. excellent characters.
10 outta 10
p.s- the new female inspector looks kinda like dragos wifey (rocky iv actress brigitte neilsen)
Is it possible that the closing credits for each episode be included at all?
You’ve gotta feel sorry for Sgt Penny; after getting shot in the stomach, it’s gotta take a long time to recover from the PTSD
Mary Jane was my girl friend when i watched these .
Don't know think i missed some details.
I thought I was mistaken when I thought episodes used to be 30 mins long.
Much too short for the series, IMO. No time for any set up or proper resolution.
Need to add in the advertising to make it 30 minutes
@ Right. 20 mins an episode is enough for a kids cartoon but it’s way too short for a drama series.
Was 2 30 mins episodes for years , before going to one 50 and 1 hour a week.
This was on commercial TV not the BBC so the ads would've taken it to half an hour, I agree the original hour longs were better but once you get used to the shorter eps it does work. And did work successfully for over another decade before they did actually go back to hour longs though by that time the show was crap.
What happened to this episode the middle of it is totally missing? They all charge out to get to the card house then they are all celebrating a good result where's The bit in the middle?
We never gonna know what Galloway got the boot for?
I'm guessing they fired the actor hence they had to keep repeatedly saying in the episode he's left to explain it 😂
Er no, if you bothered to look it up John Salthouse chose to leave himself as he felt the show wouldn't work in its then new half hour pre watershed format ie that they'd have to soften the show up and not be able to be as gritty, he was eventually proven wrong ofcourse but that's how he felt, he was not fired.
@Jeremy-f3s "Got the boot" Galloway, the character.
I said nothing about the actor 🤦♀️
@@UNICORN69HO I think they were replying to kurt479 but accidentally responded directly to your comment.
Should drink alcohol on medication not a good thing to show people is it
It was very different times back then...