Need this today. Spiritual warrior here. Extremely unhealed. I’ve become obsessed with the fight for “justice”, and lost myself in the process. I’m going to step back and breath. Thank you for this.
Want to let you know that you are not alone, have the same issue. Important is that we understand that we need to adjust a bit to be whole and healed from all thrauma. Stay strong, all my love to you and every spiritual warrior. May we always see the truth!
Wow Thankyou so much.. You have confirmed so much of what I have been seeing and feeling.. I am fully coded & passionately taking action on both sides every day .. Iv never felt so alive, fulfilled, passionate and excited... Galactic Light worker & spirtual warrior.. now you've got me remembering it's my male & female energies balanced and fully activated.. Deeply appreciate your last 3 videos Thankyou
Wonderful! I love reading comments like yours. I am also a blend of both energies, so I can relate with your statement. Thank you for watching my videos. I truly appreciate the support and feedback.
I find different circumstances and my own journey at different times have called for these different tactics at different times and like he said even sometimes simultaneously
Answering the question before seeing the video: There is more than these two choices! These two choices don't seem to describe me! I think I'm just footin for myself!
we are both important. Warriors are more like Shamans focusing on transmuting darker energy to light. Lightworkers are the healers that we need to keep grounded and keeping energies high in the conflict.
It is a Rebel approach by that of the spiritual warrior that resonates with me. I totally understand the definitions or at least I would like to think so. The Light Worker whose approach is taken to the core as I would see the Christ energy is one I truly would care to embody, but I am too disgusted with how long it has taken to not be so affected by the dark energies still in place.
I definitely see the rebel spiritual warrior in you... I personally see the Christ energy as the embodiment of both, because Christ Consciousness is Masculine energy, but it's initiated through the feminine energy, so you need to have both in's never too late Norman...don't let the dark energies discourage you.. 🙏
@Alexandra Ricci , it's important to follow your natural calling, which for you is the spiritual warrior, but make sure you follow the advice I have so that you don't get emotionally attached in a way that hurts you. Also, as you do your shadow work, the feminine energy should come more into balance. The key is that you are aware of yourself and where you stand and that's part of the journey...
i feel as if i fall under both of these groups.. i ground myself and recognize the dark but i also try to lead with love and light.. i don’t understand where i fit in.. i resonate with both so heavily
Some people flow back and forth between the two. It's not always one or the other. However, you have to be careful and make sure you're not "love and light" out of convenience or when you're avoiding taking uncomfortable actions, which many people do.
The Love and Light people are primarily of 4th Dimension vibration. They have a purpose. Those who are working to expose the Dark and the Truth are primarily in 5D vibration. This is needed also. The 5D people need to make sure they balance exposing the Dark and Truth while remembering and staying in their 4D Light and Love vibration. If they get triggered or try to their work from anger, it won't work as well. The 4D people of Light and Love are learning Oneness and Peace and Acceptance. However, they tend to lack discernment and the ability to deal with their Dark side and the Truths coming out. Once they really get the 4D lessons, they will have such a strong and unshakable Faith in Life and Love that they will then be able to get into 5D and be able to handle Truth and dealing with the Dark without falling apart. But until they are ready to handle it, they need to focus on mostly the positive only. It's not wrong to be there, it's just a phase in consciousness growth. But they need to develop discernment of spirits. They are easily fooled by spirits talking Love and Light who are only telling them partial truths because they don't want to see the Dark or Truth. Their avoidance of the Dark and Truth is their weakness.
They are both needed . I hate to break it to everyone. It is actually the love and light group that bring it to the attention of the spiritual warriors attention. Not the other way around. Warriors then spread it. You both play your part and you are both valid.
Hawaiian meditation Ho'oponopono erases negative energy and returns it to light. Whenever a warrior feels negative energy just say these four phrases. "I love you. Thank you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.*". Those four phrases helps raise 3D energy.
I'm on neither side. I simply acknowledge the dark vs light war or the twilight war. I am twilight & choose to remain neutral. I'd rather simply observe, lrn, explore, & experiment. I dont feel a need or obligation to share my findings with the world. I have no reason to. I'm not here on some dogmatic mission to achieve some ultimate goal. I am a free spirit of twilight that really doesn't care less abt dark vs light. That's honestly just a dogma that has dominated the human mind since prehistoric times. We are spirits, here for short time to experience short lives as physical creatures. The point of "life" is to simply enjoy the experience & have fun. Living a physical life is like the souls version of a gd high. Sit back & enjoy. Dont waste a gd high.
There's a difference between being neutral and doing nothing. Many use neutrality as a convenient excuse out of fear or laziness. This is a duality 3D world and ignoring that reality and spiritually bypassing by using classic fluffy false light teachings to excuse inaction and make oneself feel better doesn't work in the spiritual evolution of the soul long term. I am not saying that is your case, but some of what you said reminded me of statements from those who aren't really neutral, but rather on the toxic "love and light" side. Many don't even know that's what they are doing. I wasn't going to respond, but decided to just do a brief response for those who may read this since you brought up a point on "neutrality" that is often abused by many in the False Light circles. Thank you.
For those who have chosen not to serve the dark, there's a chance that may happen if they wake up. This is why you have to be careful when you agree to claims made by New Age leaders that we are here to Ascend "together" as a planet. That may never happen for EVERYONE, so this creates a soul contract that can trap you here. It's a creative form of emotional manipulation.
Most people are unaware of what they are doing. Once you know, it's easier to catch yourself and work on eliminating the false beliefs. I am glad you don't feel either approach is mutually exclusive.... unfortunately, many do believe that, which is a problem, especially if you fall in the "love and light" group for the reasons mentioned in the video. Thank you for watching and commenting. 🙏
Some do, which I mentioned in the video. But this is a legitimate topic that needs discussion. The division is already there for the reasons mentioned in the video.
You switched that a little although warrior is more masculine approach. Dark divine feminine is the wild chaotic quiet the opposite of the new agers. If you have seen Kali, this is dark feminine energy. And archangels are more masculine approach (light). Dark divine feminine is basically the witch, and divine masculine the warrior. Both energies in us.
I agree both energies are within us, but there are many who reject the dark energy within themselves, which hurts their own spiritual development and hurts everyone else like I mentioned in the video. When you repress that aspect of yourself, the dark forces will use that to their advantage since you're more easy to manipulate emotionally. I do agree with the Dark Divine Feminine that you described, but that's not what many in the New Age are embodying (or non-new agers). What we are seeing in the world right now is the rise of the Toxic Feminine mascaraing as the "divine feminine." The Dark Divine Energy that Kali represents has a purpose but is in balance with the divine Masculine and it knows it and embraces it. I see a lot of people can't separate the Divine Dark Feminine energies with the Toxic form and see it as a "good thing" when it's really not. It sounds like you know that difference, which is refreshing. This topic is complex with many subtleties. Perhaps one day I will make a video about this topic. I try not to make my videos too long since most people only watch 5 minutes or less and my content gets censored a lot. I was even demonetized.
But thanks for this video b/c it explained a lot to me. 99% of all so-called "spiritual" humans aren't spiritual at all. They ignore & are arrogant against anyone else who doesn't live in light 24/7 & usually those are the ones who will commit suicide b/c they are living a lie. There's no way anyone can be happy 24/7, not due to what the evils have done to us for thousands of years.
We all embody both of these and each are equally important for our growth and expansion. The labels and categorizing does not help this. But showing people how to flow naturally between both is lacking. I don't think there is a spiritual warfare as spirit resides in organic space of love. The true warfare is in our minds and believe systems.....which takes us far from the truth of our authenticity by focusing primary on outer aspects of our being. This keeps us in duality and the whole "this vs. that" mentality and keeps us from being unified in mind, heart, and spirit.
I agree with some of what you say, but I didn't create the labels or the divide. Those labels and issues have been there for a long time. In order to address this issue I had to use the terminology that those who are part of this divide use themselves (since they are the ones who need to hear it the most). I did speak about how many do indeed embody both sides and I gave advise on how to overcome triggers that cause or further the division. If one watches the entire video to the end, the theme of Unity is stressed. I very much appreciate your feedback and the opportunity to add further clarification. 🙏
When you speak of false light agenda are you talking about Ascended Master teachings or is that considered "connected to the Source" also curious regarding Melchizedek and his associates.
Many, if not most, of the "Ascended Masters" that people channel today are low Astral beings masquerading as the real thing. They are indeed part of the False Light and are spreading misinformation. This includes other beings also pretending to be higher dimensional or highly enlightened Aliens races. I plan to make a video on this topic in the future. When I speak of the False Light, I include all beings, human and non-human, who have motives and plans that are not beneficial for the planet or humanity. Thank you for your comment.
Real Christian would not use 👉🙏👈 this prayer sign is for Idol worshippers and Yoga practioners and we all know Yoga is not only exercise but Spiritual. I suggest to use 👉🤲👉🙌.
Why caint both sudes be right why we all gotta be judging each other so much ill bet you onley work with what you know with the exception being the times youre thrown outa youre comfort zone
Thank you for your comment. The message of the video isn't meant to be harsh, but this discussion is crucial and needed. "Judgement" is necessary when practicing discernment. Also, I give the pros and cons of both and do state that some do engage in both sides. Unfortunately, the "love and light" side is heavily used and manipulated by the dark for the reasons mentioned. They're many who also see this as a problem in the spiritual community, so it has to be addressed. 🙏
I'm the warrior. I can't stand people who ignore what's going on, or they worship trumpet, the evils, the criminal mafia gov't, etc. & live in a constant state of fear about a virus that doesn't even exist. They are very gullible, not smart at all, & what's worse, don't even want to learn the truth. That's both spiritual & non & spiritual humans. This is why I can't stand the new age religion which, btw, was created by the evils. It's meant to get people to ignore what's going on around them, run away in fear from other humans just b/c they know the truth, swear, have a strong personality, etc. I have to investigate more, but I don't believe that we are ONLY supposed to live in some other dimension & ignore this earthly existence. If that's what you are telling people, that's wrong IMO. Why tell people that they shouldn't strive for a peaceful existence here on earth? Again, this is how the evils have brainwashed humans into thinking something is always going to be better on the other side. That they have to accept their fate here b/c they have no power on earth. How is this any different than religious people who think that heaven is the only great place, that we aren't going to live in harmony UNTIL the messiah or jesus comes down here? That here on earth it's terrible (which it is.) If we do NOT wake up & create what we want right here on earth, we are not real humans. We are supposed to be living as both humans & be spiritually conscious.
I agree with much of what you are saying. I'm actually in the process of working on a new video that talks about an aspect of the false light. It may become a series of videos touching on several aspects of how the False Light/Dark is deceiving or trying to deceive the New Age and Spiritual Communities (both communities are different), but I'm not sure yet if I have the time. I hope to have this video out hopefully within a week. I look forward to your feedback on that new video.. Thank you.
@@FeatheredSerpent - so from what I have since learned about the New Age religion is that it's all about indoctrination & getting rid of men & it's not just the new age religion that's done that, I can list 2-3 other methods of attack that the evils have used against us to get rid of REAL men. That's why people in the new age religion don't want to hear the truth & that was even before the scamdemic started. Look how many people who go to health food stores on a regular basis are petrified of getting sick (this is worldwide). I'm certainly not saying they are all part of the New Age religion, but a lot are. How can ANYONE who works for or goes to a health food store be so stupid that they don't even know how the body works? I don't mean they know everything, but the basics. I too used to think viruses got us sick, but I never believed that we had to live in a state of fear. Even before I became a truther I knew intuitively that the MSM was blowing things out of proportion when they announced a new sickness was all around us. Anyone who lives in a constant state of fear either has a curse on them, or they haven't worked on their childhood trauma & live as a child in a an adult body. Or they are completely brainwashed. If you don't know how the evils brainwash, please learn b/c they are masters at psychological warfare. Either way, no matter which one you pick, that person HAS to work on healing themselves. I'm just in utter shock as to how many people who are supposed to know about the human body is afraid of other humans & they harm themselves & act as a slave by putting on a face diaper. And THEN they get angry at me if I don't want to wear one. I've had more people in health food stores order me to put a toxic mask on then in any other type of store. Explain that to me. I recommend you watch this video. I have learned a ton from mark over the years.видео.html
@@FeatheredSerpent - that's ok, it's YT b/c they are criminals. They aren't some innocent IT company contrary to what the normies believe. They delete comments all the time.from my channel. They even delete mine. That's not even including all the videos & channels. Enjoy
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Need this today. Spiritual warrior here. Extremely unhealed. I’ve become obsessed with the fight for “justice”, and lost myself in the process. I’m going to step back and breath. Thank you for this.
This is why I made this video. Sometimes we all need a reminder to put things in perspective. Thank you!
Want to let you know that you are not alone, have the same issue. Important is that we understand that we need to adjust a bit to be whole and healed from all thrauma. Stay strong, all my love to you and every spiritual warrior. May we always see the truth!
Beautiful video presentation and very true. I think I am both, combined together.
Yes, you are! 🙏
I feel that
Wow Thankyou so much.. You have confirmed so much of what I have been seeing and feeling.. I am fully coded & passionately taking action on both sides every day ..
Iv never felt so alive, fulfilled, passionate and excited... Galactic Light worker & spirtual warrior.. now you've got me remembering it's my male & female energies balanced and fully activated.. Deeply appreciate your last 3 videos Thankyou
Wonderful! I love reading comments like yours. I am also a blend of both energies, so I can relate with your statement. Thank you for watching my videos. I truly appreciate the support and feedback.
I find different circumstances and my own journey at different times have called for these different tactics at different times and like he said even sometimes simultaneously
Oh, my Beautiful Darling, I love this video. It has a powerful message. Thank you.
Thank you 😊❤️
Answering the question before seeing the video: There is more than these two choices! These two choices don't seem to describe me! I think I'm just footin for myself!
Such a great reminder. Thank you 💕
Thank you to my friend Zephaniah 🙏💜 for sending me here.
I am glad your friend sent you here...bless you and Zephaniah.
Yes, Pendulums
Best to be neutral and no giving away energy
sharing! I will send credit your way, excellent video!
Sorry, I just saw this message. I was never notified. Thank you for sharing my video.
Love and light for sure
You did a good job here !
Nice one. Well researched and stated. Kudos, Quetzalcoatl.
Thank you ! 🙏 I am pleased you liked it. Please don't hesitate to share it on social media so that others receive the message as well.
You need both, people are starting to realize this now.
wow.. nicely put! shared in all groups on fb I'm in, so you're good... ;)
Thanks for sharing!! I truly appreciate it 🙏
Feathered Serpent its the least I can do.🙏🏻💜🙏🏻
I choose neutral. Where I go on my personal journey is my own.
This resonated deeply with me. Thank you for sharing.
I am so happy this resonated with you. This is why I create these videos. Thank you for watching 🙏
I'm really glad I found this channel.
From now on I am your new subscriber.
I love your materials and I will always be in contact with your work.
Thank you. Hopefully I can start making new videos soon. I appreciate the support. 🙏♥️🙏
we are both important. Warriors are more like Shamans focusing on transmuting darker energy to light. Lightworkers are the healers that we need to keep grounded and keeping energies high in the conflict.
Awesome video and yes all thecway to the end is good advice 😊😊
Yes! Thank you!
@@FeatheredSerpent 😊😊✌💕🌸🙏🌸💕
It is a Rebel approach by that of the spiritual warrior that resonates with me. I totally understand the definitions or at least I would like to think so. The Light Worker whose approach is taken to the core as I would see the Christ energy is one I truly would care to embody, but I am too disgusted with how long it has taken to not be so affected by the dark energies still in place.
I definitely see the rebel spiritual warrior in you... I personally see the Christ energy as the embodiment of both, because Christ Consciousness is Masculine energy, but it's initiated through the feminine energy, so you need to have both in's never too late Norman...don't let the dark energies discourage you.. 🙏
@Alexandra Ricci , it's important to follow your natural calling, which for you is the spiritual warrior, but make sure you follow the advice I have so that you don't get emotionally attached in a way that hurts you. Also, as you do your shadow work, the feminine energy should come more into balance. The key is that you are aware of yourself and where you stand and that's part of the journey...
i feel as if i fall under both of these groups.. i ground myself and recognize the dark but i also try to lead with love and light.. i don’t understand where i fit in.. i resonate with both so heavily
Some people flow back and forth between the two. It's not always one or the other. However, you have to be careful and make sure you're not "love and light" out of convenience or when you're avoiding taking uncomfortable actions, which many people do.
The Love and Light people are primarily of 4th Dimension vibration. They have a purpose. Those who are working to expose the Dark and the Truth are primarily in 5D vibration. This is needed also. The 5D people need to make sure they balance exposing the Dark and Truth while remembering and staying in their 4D Light and Love vibration. If they get triggered or try to their work from anger, it won't work as well.
The 4D people of Light and Love are learning Oneness and Peace and Acceptance. However, they tend to lack discernment and the ability to deal with their Dark side and the Truths coming out. Once they really get the 4D lessons, they will have such a strong and unshakable Faith in Life and Love that they will then be able to get into 5D and be able to handle Truth and dealing with the Dark without falling apart. But until they are ready to handle it, they need to focus on mostly the positive only. It's not wrong to be there, it's just a phase in consciousness growth.
But they need to develop discernment of spirits. They are easily fooled by spirits talking Love and Light who are only telling them partial truths because they don't want to see the Dark or Truth. Their avoidance of the Dark and Truth is their weakness.
@sevendata , very well put and excellently explained. Thank you!
🛸🛸👽Wow..... Nailed it! 🙏🖤
Gratitude for your comment
@@FeatheredSerpent 🎼🎼🎼Sweet Muzic to my ears....Thank you 🙏🙏🙏🖤
Spiritual Warrior here, need a Love and Light Group Guide to aim my sword. * Kneels *
They are both needed . I hate to break it to everyone. It is actually the love and light group that bring it to the attention of the spiritual warriors attention. Not the other way around. Warriors then spread it. You both play your part and you are both valid.
You are clueless
In between. Lots of love and light. More towards. A little darkness as well. The main aim is better and ease of suppression on life everywhere
Vivek, I am glad you liked the video. Please feel free to share it with anyone you feel needs to see it. Thank you!!
Excellent video, well done
Can Kapoor,. I am glad you liked the video and appreciate the support. Thank you 🙏
nice job on the video
Thank you David. I am glad you liked the video/message. I truly appreciate the comment and support.
I predict than one day a lot of people are going to be VERY disappointed.
Hawaiian meditation Ho'oponopono erases negative energy and returns it to light. Whenever a warrior feels negative energy just say these four phrases. "I love you. Thank you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.*". Those four phrases helps raise 3D energy.
I'm on neither side. I simply acknowledge the dark vs light war or the twilight war. I am twilight & choose to remain neutral. I'd rather simply observe, lrn, explore, & experiment. I dont feel a need or obligation to share my findings with the world. I have no reason to. I'm not here on some dogmatic mission to achieve some ultimate goal. I am a free spirit of twilight that really doesn't care less abt dark vs light. That's honestly just a dogma that has dominated the human mind since prehistoric times. We are spirits, here for short time to experience short lives as physical creatures. The point of "life" is to simply enjoy the experience & have fun. Living a physical life is like the souls version of a gd high. Sit back & enjoy. Dont waste a gd high.
There's a difference between being neutral and doing nothing. Many use neutrality as a convenient excuse out of fear or laziness. This is a duality 3D world and ignoring that reality and spiritually bypassing by using classic fluffy false light teachings to excuse inaction and make oneself feel better doesn't work in the spiritual evolution of the soul long term. I am not saying that is your case, but some of what you said reminded me of statements from those who aren't really neutral, but rather on the toxic "love and light" side. Many don't even know that's what they are doing. I wasn't going to respond, but decided to just do a brief response for those who may read this since you brought up a point on "neutrality" that is often abused by many in the False Light circles. Thank you.
Truth ✨💖
Thank you for watching 🙏
This is wild. I was just wanted to learn about spiritual warfare
Yes, this is wild, but true. Glad you saw the video and learned about as aspect of spiritual warfare that many don't talk about.
@@FeatheredSerpent thank you. I'm happy to be enlightened.
Holy smokes this reminds me of that one episode of avatar when they go through the cannon
I need to watch that movie again to see what you're talking about.
So be it
And so it is!!
Even if it takes hundreds or thousands of years/lifetimes. Will the whole world eventually heal and reconnect with God/Universe?
For those who have chosen not to serve the dark, there's a chance that may happen if they wake up. This is why you have to be careful when you agree to claims made by New Age leaders that we are here to Ascend "together" as a planet. That may never happen for EVERYONE, so this creates a soul contract that can trap you here. It's a creative form of emotional manipulation.
Im a spiritual warrior it has not been easy ..
@@TommyMcdonagh-j5x it's not easy and can be draining.
If you ever show your human side as a spiritual being, however far evolved you are, some of these "warriors" will accuse you of being dark souls.
I feel like all fall into one or the other at certain times.
The Brightest light cast the deepest shadow.
I don't think either approach is mutually exclusive it's just super complicated to be perfect so most people fall into one of two if either at all
Most people are unaware of what they are doing. Once you know, it's easier to catch yourself and work on eliminating the false beliefs. I am glad you don't feel either approach is mutually exclusive.... unfortunately, many do believe that, which is a problem, especially if you fall in the "love and light" group for the reasons mentioned in the video. Thank you for watching and commenting. 🙏
Why can't you do both at the same time. Why are we dividing ourselves. Don't let the darkness separate us and divide us.
Some do, which I mentioned in the video. But this is a legitimate topic that needs discussion. The division is already there for the reasons mentioned in the video.
You switched that a little although warrior is more masculine approach. Dark divine feminine is the wild chaotic quiet the opposite of the new agers. If you have seen Kali, this is dark feminine energy. And archangels are more masculine approach (light). Dark divine feminine is basically the witch, and divine masculine the warrior. Both energies in us.
I agree both energies are within us, but there are many who reject the dark energy within themselves, which hurts their own spiritual development and hurts everyone else like I mentioned in the video. When you repress that aspect of yourself, the dark forces will use that to their advantage since you're more easy to manipulate emotionally. I do agree with the Dark Divine Feminine that you described, but that's not what many in the New Age are embodying (or non-new agers). What we are seeing in the world right now is the rise of the Toxic Feminine mascaraing as the "divine feminine." The Dark Divine Energy that Kali represents has a purpose but is in balance with the divine Masculine and it knows it and embraces it. I see a lot of people can't separate the Divine Dark Feminine energies with the Toxic form and see it as a "good thing" when it's really not. It sounds like you know that difference, which is refreshing. This topic is complex with many subtleties. Perhaps one day I will make a video about this topic. I try not to make my videos too long since most people only watch 5 minutes or less and my content gets censored a lot. I was even demonetized.
But thanks for this video b/c it explained a lot to me. 99% of all so-called "spiritual" humans aren't spiritual at all. They ignore & are arrogant against anyone else who doesn't live in light 24/7 & usually those are the ones who will commit suicide b/c they are living a lie.
There's no way anyone can be happy 24/7, not due to what the evils have done to us for thousands of years.
Both are of 5D simply different perspectives.
We all embody both of these and each are equally important for our growth and expansion. The labels and categorizing does not help this. But showing people how to flow naturally between both is lacking. I don't think there is a spiritual warfare as spirit resides in organic space of love. The true warfare is in our minds and believe systems.....which takes us far from the truth of our authenticity by focusing primary on outer aspects of our being. This keeps us in duality and the whole "this vs. that" mentality and keeps us from being unified in mind, heart, and spirit.
I agree with some of what you say, but I didn't create the labels or the divide. Those labels and issues have been there for a long time. In order to address this issue I had to use the terminology that those who are part of this divide use themselves (since they are the ones who need to hear it the most). I did speak about how many do indeed embody both sides and I gave advise on how to overcome triggers that cause or further the division. If one watches the entire video to the end, the theme of Unity is stressed. I very much appreciate your feedback and the opportunity to add further clarification. 🙏
Do I need to stop eating meat and fish inorder to awaken?
You don't , but it does help accelerate the awakening and Ascension process.
107 🕺🇨🇦
When you speak of false light agenda are you talking about Ascended Master teachings or is that considered "connected to the Source" also curious regarding Melchizedek and his associates.
Many, if not most, of the "Ascended Masters" that people channel today are low Astral beings masquerading as the real thing. They are indeed part of the False Light and are spreading misinformation. This includes other beings also pretending to be higher dimensional or highly enlightened Aliens races. I plan to make a video on this topic in the future. When I speak of the False Light, I include all beings, human and non-human, who have motives and plans that are not beneficial for the planet or humanity. Thank you for your comment.
Feathered Serpent nice one!
Real Christian would not use 👉🙏👈 this prayer sign is for Idol worshippers and Yoga practioners and we all know Yoga is not only exercise but Spiritual. I suggest to use 👉🤲👉🙌.
Why can't it just be like Dragon ball z, extra sensory abilities are hard
Think of Neo diving into Agent Smith...
Thank you for your comment.
Blinkered views not helpful to self. Trust your heart. If you avoid anything it usually persists more. Yin yang. Balance. Judge yourselves only.
Why caint both sudes be right why we all gotta be judging each other so much ill bet you onley work with what you know with the exception being the times youre thrown outa youre comfort zone
Thank you for your comment. The message of the video isn't meant to be harsh, but this discussion is crucial and needed. "Judgement" is necessary when practicing discernment. Also, I give the pros and cons of both and do state that some do engage in both sides. Unfortunately, the "love and light" side is heavily used and manipulated by the dark for the reasons mentioned. They're many who also see this as a problem in the spiritual community, so it has to be addressed. 🙏
I'm the warrior.
I can't stand people who ignore what's going on, or they worship trumpet, the evils, the criminal mafia gov't, etc. & live in a constant state of fear about a virus that doesn't even exist. They are very gullible, not smart at all, & what's worse, don't even want to learn the truth. That's both spiritual & non & spiritual humans.
This is why I can't stand the new age religion which, btw, was created by the evils.
It's meant to get people to ignore what's going on around them, run away in fear from other humans just b/c they know the truth, swear, have a strong personality, etc.
I have to investigate more, but I don't believe that we are ONLY supposed to live in some other dimension & ignore this earthly existence.
If that's what you are telling people, that's wrong IMO.
Why tell people that they shouldn't strive for a peaceful existence here on earth?
Again, this is how the evils have brainwashed humans into thinking something is always going to be better on the other side. That they have to accept their fate here b/c they have no power on earth.
How is this any different than religious people who think that heaven is the only great place, that we aren't going to live in harmony UNTIL the messiah or jesus comes down here?
That here on earth it's terrible (which it is.)
If we do NOT wake up & create what we want right here on earth, we are not real humans.
We are supposed to be living as both humans & be spiritually conscious.
I agree with much of what you are saying. I'm actually in the process of working on a new video that talks about an aspect of the false light. It may become a series of videos touching on several aspects of how the False Light/Dark is deceiving or trying to deceive the New Age and Spiritual Communities (both communities are different), but I'm not sure yet if I have the time. I hope to have this video out hopefully within a week. I look forward to your feedback on that new video.. Thank you.
@@FeatheredSerpent - so from what I have since learned about the New Age religion is that it's all about indoctrination & getting rid of men & it's not just the new age religion that's done that, I can list 2-3 other methods of attack that the evils have used against us to get rid of REAL men.
That's why people in the new age religion don't want to hear the truth & that was even before the scamdemic started.
Look how many people who go to health food stores on a regular basis are petrified of getting sick (this is worldwide).
I'm certainly not saying they are all part of the New Age religion, but a lot are.
How can ANYONE who works for or goes to a health food store be so stupid that they don't even know how the body works? I don't mean they know everything, but the basics.
I too used to think viruses got us sick, but I never believed that we had to live in a state of fear. Even before I became a truther I knew intuitively that the MSM was blowing things out of proportion when they announced a new sickness was all around us.
Anyone who lives in a constant state of fear either has a curse on them, or they haven't worked on their childhood trauma & live as a child in a an adult body.
Or they are completely brainwashed. If you don't know how the evils brainwash, please learn b/c they are masters at psychological warfare.
Either way, no matter which one you pick, that person HAS to work on healing themselves.
I'm just in utter shock as to how many people who are supposed to know about the human body is afraid of other humans & they harm themselves & act as a slave by putting on a face diaper.
And THEN they get angry at me if I don't want to wear one.
I've had more people in health food stores order me to put a toxic mask on then in any other type of store.
Explain that to me.
I recommend you watch this video. I have learned a ton from mark over the years.видео.html
For some reason, this comment went into the "Held for review" folder. I just saw it now. I will check out your video. Thank you.
@@FeatheredSerpent - that's ok, it's YT b/c they are criminals. They aren't some innocent IT company contrary to what the normies believe.
They delete comments all the time.from my channel. They even delete mine. That's not even including all the videos & channels.