Apple and cherry orchards - Voinești, Dâmbovița

  • Опубликовано: 11 апр 2024
  • Voinești is a commune in Dâmbovița County, Muntenia, Romania, consisting of the villages of Gemenea-Brătulesti, Izvoarele, Lunca, Manga, Mânjina, Oncești, Suduleni and Voinești (residence).
    The commune is located in the hilly area in the west of the county, close to the border with Argeș county, in the Dâmboviței valley. It is crossed by the DN72A national road that connects Târgoviște with Câmpulung; it follows the course of the Dâmbovița, crossing it at Oncești from the left bank (from the south) to the right bank (to the north), on a bridge built during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, when Prince Carol I had his headquarters there during an inspection of the troops concentrated in the area. On the territory of the commune, from this national road branch the county roads DJ712A, which leads to Fieni along the Răului Alb valley, and DJ702B, which goes from Oncești parallel to the national road, on the right bank of Dâmbovița, to Decindeni and Lucieni commune, where intersects with DN72.

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