I been searching so many videos but i don't understand what they're explaining especially in Hindi languages, but now i found this channel that make me easily understand 🙏
Por favor no e podido terminar de monetizar mi cabal soy mayor y entiendo poco no se que n es n arreglar los pagos ni la información m avión fiscal me faltan tres cosas 😊
Thank you for this information. It is so amazing that we could make money on our own time and pace with all the lovely and beautiful viewers out there. Thank you so much RUclips and Google for giving us this opportunity to make money. I wish you all the best!
So you won't be able to create a payment method until you've met the payment threshold, and that will be determined on the 3rd of the following month. Is that correct? I just got monetized and according to YT I have made over the threshold but it shows up as 0$ on my Adsense. Do I just need to wait till the 3rd of next month? Thank you
Thanks for the very Short and To The Point Video that was very Educational and Informative!! on explaining on How and When We get Paid from Google AdsSense!!! 😊👍
Google sent me a email nearly 12 months ago, I have 14 days to post a video or they will stop my Adsense, so I posted 3 Videos, they stopped it anyway. I have to get 4000hrs video views to reapply, I got a email today that they are going to close my account. Not happy I just want someone to talk to about this so I can fix the problem HELP
i changed my bank account and then at 21st of month i didnt get any mail and it show you dont have any transaction for this billing period i already put my tax info and i already reach 100 dollar whats happening? i ussually get it every 21st of month
For eg: I live in A address of a country but there is B address of the same country in my citizenship certificate. Neither me nor my near ones live in B address at the current time. So Do I need to keep the address of A or B in adsense oayment verification? In many youtube videos, people say we need to put the same address as in citizenship? I do not think this is possible in the time of modernization because people keep moving from place to place. Since I live in the same country as in my citisenship but in different address I think I should put my current address to receive the pin because it is the only possible thing I can do in this COVID time but I want to make sure before doing anything. Please give a real quick reply. View question
I know I have reached the threshold and I swear I have taken all the steps although I guess I can double check on that to make sure, but I still have not received payment. I wish it wasn't taking so long
We could REALLY use a video on changing from an Individual Account to a business account EIN. It's understood that you need a new AdSense account, but when (time of the month) should you do it? Step by step what order should you do things ? And how do you make sure your payments from your old account still get to you?
How does the personal information links with bank information ? for Instance i have a bank account with two person identity, one personal identity will be enough to reimburse payments ?
I have a problem with site behaviour navigation that makes my website couldn't show ads, can you teach me how to find which article on my website that violence the site behaviour navigation rules?
You should put up till when adsense will count the earnings. When exactly they will go to the next month. If I got $100 through a superchat on the 22, but the month ends at the 29th, will it still be payed, or will I have to wait a whole new month?
@@hilariousross2673 For eg: I live in A address of a country but there is B address of the same country in my citizenship certificate. Neither me nor my near ones live in B address at the current time. So Do I need to keep the address of A or B in adsense oayment verification? In many youtube videos, people say we need to put the same address as in citizenship? I do not think this is possible in the time of modernization because people keep moving from place to place. Since I live in the same country as in my citisenship but in different address I think I should put my current address to receive the pin because it is the only possible thing I can do in this COVID time but I want to make sure before doing anything. Please give a real quick reply. View question
There are problems with payment now? Because is not updating and I see clearly that RUclips send me money 🤔 Also the chronology of the payments should be more clear because now is very confusing.thx
I’m new to AdSense, I have set up my tax information and my address; however, there is no option for a preferred payment selection... Why is there a payment account already set up, but no place for me to enter my bank account?
@@autumngrace. Hello👋, yep, I did. I contacted RUclips support from inside my RUclips studio and inquired. They looked at my account and saw that I had recently gained acceptance into the YT Partner program. They them told me that the option to select different payment methods would become available after I got closer to the $100 threshold. I kept periodically checking my AdSense account after hearing that and it did open up so then I set up my bank routing information. I had no idea that it worked like that since I’m so new to it, but that’s what happened to me. DO check out Allie’s VIEW if you get the chance. I hope this helps you. Peace.
@@autumngrace. You’re welcome! Based on what I was told by YT, you will be paid through AdSense and you will track your earnings through YT studio. I guess back in the day they must’ve tracked it in AdSense. I haven’t received my first YT paycheck yet, but it should finally be this pay cycle! Yippeee! I love it so far, kinda starting to “wish” that I started sooner. CONGRATULATIONS to you and best wishes in your journey!
enjoying working with google team . thanks for updated us. I am worrying why google not provide all services for Pakistani citizen kindly provide equal opportunities to all
For eg: I live in A address of a country but there is B address of the same country in my citizenship certificate. Neither me nor my near ones live in B address at the current time. So Do I need to keep the address of A or B in adsense oayment verification? In many youtube videos, people say we need to put the same address as in citizenship? I do not think this is possible in the time of modernization because people keep moving from place to place. Since I live in the same country as in my citisenship but in different address I think I should put my current address to receive the pin because it is the only possible thing I can do in this COVID time but I want to make sure before doing anything. Please give a real quick reply. View question
go to your Google Adsense account then click on the blocking controls on the left side of the window then click on content and then on ad review center. There you can see ads published in your website or youtube. On the ads there is a small button like no parking. Click on that to block them. Hope this helps you.
i haven't get all my total earnings. the total earnings from ad sense does not come in to payment threshold even though it's become more then 6 months. can you please provide some information about this issue? thank you
My channel is already showing ads however I don’t have the ads and sites tab on my adsense. I also can’t add my banking information. Does anyone know why?
@@lu-key7234 it showed later once youtube transfered money to my google adsense . i think it has to be atleast $100 before you can add payment. just wait
I've been struggling for 2 months to do something and nothing works. in step 2 you showed step by step when the code comes what to do, but in the first step? I don't understand anything, I don't get past the first step. I put all my data, it appears checked in green and "earning on RUclips studio" stops, and it asks me to put the data again. I enter the application for the same, a contact number you don't have anything, I looked on youtube step by step and I can't do anything, no one helps you in this regard. on google adsense you talk a lot and pointlessly, in the video the same.
Hi when do I get my pin ? Cuz I have over 100 dollars in my google studio e it’s gone now . Why it’s gone and how I get it back I can see only 2 dollars now . What happen to my revenue ? I thought when I reach over 10 u guys send a pin code , before 4 years ago , but now u send the pin when we are over $100 dollars? Either way I did reach both and I don’t see nothing in my email saying I getting my pin so I can do all my others tax address all that .
My problem is You don't have any transactions for this billing period., how to solve this ? is there anyone know how to fix this problem ? Thank you in advance 🙏🙏🙏
My Adress Verification PIN was mailed on 14th April 2020,I don't think It will arrive in my Location because of Covid 19.There is no meaning of request duplicate PIN.If 4 months pass in the same situation will I get a chance to request my pin or not?
if you still waiting and nothing came after 3-4 months then sign in and there you will see Re issue the PIN or you will be able to Confirm your Id by uploading your Identity card or other valid documents they asked you, but only if your PIN verification didn't arrive and months has passed. Only then you get option to upload documents.
@@YashvirGaming For eg: I live in A address of a country but there is B address of the same country in my citizenship certificate. Neither me nor my near ones live in B address at the current time. So Do I need to keep the address of A or B in adsense oayment verification? In many youtube videos, people say we need to put the same address as in citizenship? I do not think this is possible in the time of modernization because people keep moving from place to place. Since I live in the same country as in my citisenship but in different address I think I should put my current address to receive the pin because it is the only possible thing I can do in this COVID time but I want to make sure before doing anything. Please give a real quick reply. View question
My threshold isn’t updating. RUclips shows I have 110 dollars and I’ve had 100 dollars in my RUclips for a few weeks but my Adsense account only says 45 and I figure it would update since it’s a new month but no. Idk how to update it
I am in the US. In my RUclips Studio app, there is a paragraph that starts with "We will notify you when you are ready to complete payment set-up...". Is this likely because I have not met the payment threshold yet? Do they only need my payment set-up info once I have reached the payment threshold?
Dzień dobry. Piszę z prośbą o pomoc. Jestem osobą która utworzyła konto GoogleAdsense będąc w UK czyli rejestracja na adres angielski. Obecnie przebywam w Niemczech i tutaj płacę podatki co jest oficjalnie potwierdzone w instytucjach. Na swoim koncie GoogleAdsense widzę kwotę uzbieraną z wyświetleń w walucie angielskiej (130 funtów czyli kwota mieszcząca się w kwocie wolnej od podatku). Chciałabym ją wypłacić lecz obawiam się, że podczas wypłaty funtów na wciąż istniejące konto angielskie będę podlegać angielskiemu opodatkowaniu. W centrum pomocy GoogleAdsense znalazłam info iż adres danych osobowych który podaje w koncie jest automatycznie wypełniany w formularzu podatkowym co rodzi sprzeczność z moją deklaracją podatkową (Niemcy) oraz nie jest możliwa zmiana adresu na inny kraj. Jaki jest sposób na wypłacenie środków z konta kraju, w którym nie jestem już rezydentem podatkowym? Proszę o pomoc, ponieważ zależy mi na działaniach w świetle prawa i uniknięcie niezgodności/oszustw/zaległości podatkowych. Będę wdzięczna jakiekolwiek wskazówki oraz za poświecony czas! Pozdrawiam gorąco Hello! HELP, please. I am a person who created a GoogleAdsense account while in the UK, i.e. registration to an English address. I am currently in Germany and I pay taxes here, which is officially confirmed in the institutions. In my GoogleAdsense account, I can see the amount accumulated from impressions (views) in the English currency (£ 130, which is the tax-free amount). I would like to withdraw it, but I'm afraid that during the withdrawal of pounds to an existing English bank account I will be subject to English taxation. In the GoogleAdsense help center I found info that the address of the personal data that I provide in the account is automatically filled out in the tax form, which raises a conflict with my tax declaration (Germany) and is not possible to change address (different country). What is the way to withdraw funds from the account of the country in which I am no longer a tax resident? I am asking for help, because I care about taking legal action and avoiding tax non-compliance / fraud / arrears. I will be grateful for any tips and for your time! Best regards
My channel was checked for magnetization then it was not accepted because it seems there are some contents that were reused. So I am puzzled that the crisps which have errors are not show. Please show me those crisps which have errors (reused content) so that I can delete or edited as you instructed me.
I have a problem in my adsense that when I am clicking start the form in tax information it's not opening. It makes me go back to the starting screen. I even messaged my problem in your help centre many days ago .... Thanks
Hi there, I provided tax info,PIN already done,bank account already provided, but why until now google adsense didn't pay me. I have three shorts fund bonus claimed but I still not receive it. Any idea, thanks
Each youtuber, irrespective of his/her country needs to submit US tax info. Further, each one needs to check if any tax treaty is signed in between the USA & their own country. E.g. In the case of Canada & UK, there is a 0% tax treaty (you need to confirm it by searching on Google & IRS website), so I don't think you need to pay any extra tax except the tax you need to pay in the UK. I hope this will help you 😀👍
This is tricky, lady says earning have to have reached threshold by the end of the month but she also says payments are sent the 21-26 of the month...and payments are not instant. So in reality you get payed 4 - 5 weeks after the month you reached threshold if the threshold was reached before the 21st...thats long.
will I get AdSense Verify Code What should I do, because they said they sent me since 3 November but I still I haven't receive, my payment was been suspended because of verification address, I need a code
what if I live in england, I monetized my channel here, I have tax information from here and then I moved in Romania(my home country), do I need to delete tax information from UK? and how I update for Romania?
Why RUclips gives you the money one day with the superchats and all the next days takes a little everyday. I mean if I earn 100 euros why everyday do I have to watch like the amount is going down.
3 года назад
No me llego el pin y nadie me esta ayudando desde google, la verdad una verguenza
Thanks for the video. I have received my pin 5 months ago and the account get activated. I have been receiving emails about the payment made to my bank yet I didn't have and the method of payment was 'check', where does this money go? It's now 3 months or more but didn't get any information from my address because I didn't have USD account by then. The new bank account is now set but need clarification on that money paid. Thanks
Hi, How can I get my money paid out to me from RUclips? I have want to get it paid to my bank account, just like before. Before it was easy through AdSense, but now it does not seem to work at all and I can't find any understandable information about that. Please, somebody give me an answer. This video is not useful for me at all, since the Google ads and AdSense works only for Blogger now.
For eg: I live in A address of a country but there is B address of the same country in my citizenship certificate. Neither me nor my near ones live in B address at the current time. So Do I need to keep the address of A or B in adsense oayment verification? In many youtube videos, people say we need to put the same address as in citizenship? I do not think this is possible in the time of modernization because people keep moving from place to place. Since I live in the same country as in my citisenship but in different address I think I should put my current address to receive the pin because it is the only possible thing I can do in this COVID time but I want to make sure before doing anything. Please give a real quick reply. View question
Why has my revenue from RUclips last month not arrived in my Adsense account this month? It’s end of the month and still nothing. Everything is enabled too
Please improve your payment frequency. We should get paid just after completing threshold. Or at least pay full earning between 21st to 26th not just of previous month
How do you reach the $100 threshold? I’m at $66. I have 820 subscriber with like over 330k views. What can I do to get to the threshold? Help me reach 1000 subscribers 🙏😁
From March 1 to March 30, 2023 and From April 1 to April 30, 2023 my ending balance in AdSense remains the same and it is $95.00 Why its happening?? I don't understand. Why RUclips revenue does not added in AdSense for last couple of Month?? Please Help ...
I could use some help says I haven't met the payment threshold but on my google adsense account my youtube earnings and balance are at $0 so idk of my account is already setup I setup a account way back last year then it got deactivated because there was no activity but I reactivated it idk if I should delete this account or set up another account
i have a problem with my payment method because i address here at my work so i dont have bank account,only bank account is required..no wire transfer no EFT...
Google Ad Sense folks, please don't put the Check Payment option for the Philippines if it is not available. My mailing address is already VERIFIED and have requested check paymentTWICE already, last year and this year, and I still haven't received any check. Also, please bring your chat support back!
Apparently you can't set a payment method until you meet a threshold in adsense....?? YT estimated revenue says it would be more than enough (currently well over 2x the minimum payment threshold) but when in Adsense it still lists it as 0.00$. SMH.
If for tax purposes I don't want to receive payment of 100 USD and want to reach say 1000 USD to start a company and tax number, will it keep holding my account valid for future months and transfer in total later ?
I don't have the options you showed. How do I verify my address and other personal info? It's not available. I want everything set up before the threshold is met so there's less delay.... So where is the option to verify identity and address for Canada, pls and thanks.
This video may only be 5 min long, but feels like 5 hours.
:) not funny
Lol me too
I just want my money why’d it gotta be so confusing💀
Still relevant 1 year later. Found what i was looking for. You get paid every 21 to 26th of the month.
Thanks for this
Thanks man ❤
Do I need to have like alot of watch hours? Or subscriber stop start getting paid?
@@ahmedytplayz5296 you need at least 1k subs to monetize your video
@@plutoryn do I need watch hours as well?
I been searching so many videos but i don't understand what they're explaining especially in Hindi languages, but now i found this channel that make me easily understand 🙏
You have a great way of explaining and speaking, I got the answer to the question from your video.thanks🙂
When someone pulled 5 min vid to 10, 20 mins. Well, Adsense did it just in 5:26. Very helpful Thank you so much 👍
I have watched more than 50+ videos anout these process . But this video is worth better than those 50 videos 👍👍👍
Do I need to have to verify with pin code, before I can get pay through my bank account. Please make this easy for us
The dude is just not fakeing . The finishes of the goals. Beautiful. Magisterial. Love you *leapnotch!.* .🙏🏼.
Thanks for the information, much appreciated
Thank,s for the information much appreciated
2 questions that most people always asked! when does the RUclips send revenue to Adsense account? and When I get paid?
Our channel was just recently monetized! and this video is really helpful. Thank you so much! ♥
Por favor no e podido terminar de monetizar mi cabal soy mayor y entiendo poco no se que n es n arreglar los pagos ni la información m avión fiscal me faltan tres cosas 😊
I have claimed my shorts fun on Nov 11th,2021. But my adsense is not showing this amount. When this will reflect in my adsense account?
Thank you for this information. It is so amazing that we could make money on our own time and pace with all the lovely and beautiful viewers out there. Thank you so much RUclips and Google for giving us this opportunity to make money. I wish you all the best!
So you won't be able to create a payment method until you've met the payment threshold, and that will be determined on the 3rd of the following month. Is that correct? I just got monetized and according to YT I have made over the threshold but it shows up as 0$ on my Adsense. Do I just need to wait till the 3rd of next month? Thank you
DM speed_ethics on Instagram he's a professional big hacker
my problem until now still waiting the bank confirmation. Please need help.
Thanks for the very Short and To The Point Video that was very Educational and Informative!! on explaining on How and When We get Paid from Google AdsSense!!! 😊👍
Thanks Karolinefor taking the time to explain it clearly it will help me process easily
Google sent me a email nearly 12 months ago, I have 14 days to post a video or they will stop my Adsense, so I posted 3 Videos, they stopped it anyway. I have to get 4000hrs video views to reapply, I got a email today that they are going to close my account. Not happy I just want someone to talk to about this so I can fix the problem HELP
When payment threshold is met, does the payment go automatically? Kindly elucidate
Im thinking the same thing, Ive reached 100$, filled out all the info needed and trying to find how to send the check
i changed my bank account and then at 21st of month i didnt get any mail and it show you dont have any transaction for this billing period i already put my tax info and i already reach 100 dollar whats happening? i ussually get it every 21st of month
For eg: I live in A address of a country but there is B address of the same country in my citizenship certificate. Neither me nor my near ones live in B address at the current time. So Do I need to keep the address of A or B in adsense oayment verification? In many youtube videos, people say we need to put the same address as in citizenship? I do not think this is possible in the time of modernization because people keep moving from place to place. Since I live in the same country as in my citisenship but in different address I think I should put my current address to receive the pin because it is the only possible thing I can do in this COVID time but I want to make sure before doing anything. Please give a real quick reply.
View question
I know I have reached the threshold and I swear I have taken all the steps although I guess I can double check on that to make sure, but I still have not received payment. I wish it wasn't taking so long
Why the hell mail the Pin instead of just sending it to my cellphone or to my Email? So frustrating and without any logical reason...
We could REALLY use a video on changing from an Individual Account to a business account EIN. It's understood that you need a new AdSense account, but when (time of the month) should you do it? Step by step what order should you do things ? And how do you make sure your payments from your old account still get to you?
Dm speed Ethic. He'll help you
How does the personal information links with bank information ? for Instance i have a bank account with two person identity, one personal identity will be enough to reimburse payments ?
HELP PLEASE…I started a channel in 2017 but didn’t know about Adsense, if I create an account will they give me retroactive payment from 2017?
Can Nigerians add a Domiciliary account on their AdSense account?
I have a problem with site behaviour navigation that makes my website couldn't show ads, can you teach me how to find which article on my website that violence the site behaviour navigation rules?
What happens if you meet above the payment threshold?
My tax information has been approved and I've reached 100% of my payment threshold but I am confused on how to move money to my bank account?
I received my AdSense payment notification via mail since 21st but up till now I didn't receive the money
You should put up till when adsense will count the earnings. When exactly they will go to the next month. If I got $100 through a superchat on the 22, but the month ends at the 29th, will it still be payed, or will I have to wait a whole new month?
thats my question did you find out?
@@blacktopbuckets I have the same question
@@hilariousross2673 For eg: I live in A address of a country but there is B address of the same country in my citizenship certificate. Neither me nor my near ones live in B address at the current time. So Do I need to keep the address of A or B in adsense oayment verification? In many youtube videos, people say we need to put the same address as in citizenship? I do not think this is possible in the time of modernization because people keep moving from place to place. Since I live in the same country as in my citisenship but in different address I think I should put my current address to receive the pin because it is the only possible thing I can do in this COVID time but I want to make sure before doing anything. Please give a real quick reply.
View question
@@HaamroNotes Yes you gotta put the address that ur living. Citizenship address isn't important
I want to use AdSense too, but Must i pay something for it? Like taxes and so
Why does my youtube studio and ad sense have different amount of £ numbers ?
3:45 is when she actually tells you when you'll get paid.
I NEED AN URGENTLY HELP.. I have not received any payment yet.When we visited nearest Western Union they said payment is already paid.
Google won't pay through Western Union. They don't even accept Paypal...it's WireTransfer only.
There are problems with payment now? Because is not updating and I see clearly that RUclips send me money 🤔 Also the chronology of the payments should be more clear because now is very confusing.thx
I’m new to AdSense, I have set up my tax information and my address; however, there is no option for a preferred payment selection... Why is there a payment account already set up, but no place for me to enter my bank account?
Same here
did you figure out how to fix the issue? I am having the same one
@@autumngrace. Hello👋, yep, I did. I contacted RUclips support from inside my RUclips studio and inquired. They looked at my account and saw that I had recently gained acceptance into the YT Partner program. They them told me that the option to select different payment methods would become available after I got closer to the $100 threshold. I kept periodically checking my AdSense account after hearing that and it did open up so then I set up my bank routing information. I had no idea that it worked like that since I’m so new to it, but that’s what happened to me. DO check out Allie’s VIEW if you get the chance. I hope this helps you. Peace.
@@AlliesVIEW ok thank you! I have an estimated payment on RUclips but not on google adsense , will it transfer over soon?
@@autumngrace. You’re welcome! Based on what I was told by YT, you will be paid through AdSense and you will track your earnings through YT studio. I guess back in the day they must’ve tracked it in AdSense. I haven’t received my first YT paycheck yet, but it should finally be this pay cycle! Yippeee! I love it so far, kinda starting to “wish” that I started sooner. CONGRATULATIONS to you and best wishes in your journey!
enjoying working with google team . thanks for updated us.
I am worrying why google not provide all services for Pakistani citizen
kindly provide equal opportunities to all
Never had a real job before
Adsense about to me my first check :)
Going straight to stocks (Also my Niche)
For eg: I live in A address of a country but there is B address of the same country in my citizenship certificate. Neither me nor my near ones live in B address at the current time. So Do I need to keep the address of A or B in adsense oayment verification? In many youtube videos, people say we need to put the same address as in citizenship? I do not think this is possible in the time of modernization because people keep moving from place to place. Since I live in the same country as in my citisenship but in different address I think I should put my current address to receive the pin because it is the only possible thing I can do in this COVID time but I want to make sure before doing anything. Please give a real quick reply.
View question
I need to be guided on how to eliminate some ads, some ads are so unappealing to some creators,
go to your Google Adsense account then click on the blocking controls on the left side of the window then click on content and then on ad review center. There you can see ads published in your website or youtube. On the ads there is a small button like no parking. Click on that to block them. Hope this helps you.
i haven't get all my total earnings. the total earnings from ad sense does not come in to payment threshold even though it's become more then 6 months. can you please provide some information about this issue? thank you
Did you solve your problem ?
Not yet, total earnings doesn't come in threshold
@@arjtv same, it says i should have around 140 dollars this month and I should be able to pass the threshold yet I still am stuck below 100
@@Nategotmotion155 bc it adds 2th date of every month
Thank you dearly Karoline! No one explained this better than you ❤️
My channel is already showing ads however I don’t have the ads and sites tab on my adsense. I also can’t add my banking information. Does anyone know why?
i just got monitized a week ago or so but my adds do show but payment method is not there as well, anyone knows why? does it appear later?
@@dimascartech same here
@@lu-key7234 it showed later once youtube transfered money to my google adsense . i think it has to be atleast $100 before you can add payment. just wait
I've been struggling for 2 months to do something and nothing works. in step 2 you showed step by step when the code comes what to do, but in the first step? I don't understand anything, I don't get past the first step. I put all my data, it appears checked in green and "earning on RUclips studio" stops, and it asks me to put the data again. I enter the application for the same, a contact number you don't have anything, I looked on youtube step by step and I can't do anything, no one helps you in this regard. on google adsense you talk a lot and pointlessly, in the video the same.
Great information.
Please, how can I revert a payment sent through check to a wire transfer ?
Please I can't find payment methods in my AdSense account. What should I do?
I don't have option "Payment method" in Payment section
Hi when do I get my pin ?
Cuz I have over 100 dollars in my google studio e it’s gone now .
Why it’s gone and how I get it back I can see only 2 dollars now .
What happen to my revenue ?
I thought when I reach over 10 u guys send a pin code , before 4 years ago , but now u send the pin when we are over $100 dollars?
Either way I did reach both and I don’t see nothing in my email saying I getting my pin so I can do all my others tax address all that .
My problem is
You don't have any transactions for this billing period.,
how to solve this ?
is there anyone know how to fix this problem ?
Thank you in advance 🙏🙏🙏
Que legal, estou muito empolgada. Já configurei meu Site agora vou aguardar esse retorno do Google ads. . Obrigada! 💖
my google adsense account doesn't have payment methods bar to set up my payment method how I will fix this issue please help
same here, did you find out why?
My Adress Verification PIN was mailed on 14th April 2020,I don't think It will arrive in my Location because of Covid 19.There is no meaning of request duplicate PIN.If 4 months pass in the same situation will I get a chance to request my pin or not?
if you still waiting and nothing came after 3-4 months then sign in and there you will see Re issue the PIN or you will be able to Confirm your Id by uploading your Identity card or other valid documents they asked you, but only if your PIN verification didn't arrive and months has passed. Only then you get option to upload documents.
@@YashvirGaming For eg: I live in A address of a country but there is B address of the same country in my citizenship certificate. Neither me nor my near ones live in B address at the current time. So Do I need to keep the address of A or B in adsense oayment verification? In many youtube videos, people say we need to put the same address as in citizenship? I do not think this is possible in the time of modernization because people keep moving from place to place. Since I live in the same country as in my citisenship but in different address I think I should put my current address to receive the pin because it is the only possible thing I can do in this COVID time but I want to make sure before doing anything. Please give a real quick reply.
View question
My threshold isn’t updating. RUclips shows I have 110 dollars and I’ve had 100 dollars in my RUclips for a few weeks but my Adsense account only says 45 and I figure it would update since it’s a new month but no. Idk how to update it
I reached the payment threshold , and i have never received the money !
I am in the US. In my RUclips Studio app, there is a paragraph that starts with "We will notify you when you are ready to complete payment set-up...". Is this likely because I have not met the payment threshold yet? Do they only need my payment set-up info once I have reached the payment threshold?
Dzień dobry. Piszę z prośbą o pomoc. Jestem osobą która utworzyła konto GoogleAdsense będąc w UK czyli rejestracja na adres angielski. Obecnie przebywam w Niemczech i tutaj płacę podatki co jest oficjalnie potwierdzone w instytucjach. Na swoim koncie GoogleAdsense widzę kwotę uzbieraną z wyświetleń w walucie angielskiej (130 funtów czyli kwota mieszcząca się w kwocie wolnej od podatku). Chciałabym ją wypłacić lecz obawiam się, że podczas wypłaty funtów na wciąż istniejące konto angielskie będę podlegać angielskiemu opodatkowaniu. W centrum pomocy GoogleAdsense znalazłam info iż adres danych osobowych który podaje w koncie jest automatycznie wypełniany w formularzu podatkowym co rodzi sprzeczność z moją deklaracją podatkową (Niemcy) oraz nie jest możliwa zmiana adresu na inny kraj. Jaki jest sposób na wypłacenie środków z konta kraju, w którym nie jestem już rezydentem podatkowym? Proszę o pomoc, ponieważ zależy mi na działaniach w świetle prawa i uniknięcie niezgodności/oszustw/zaległości podatkowych. Będę wdzięczna jakiekolwiek wskazówki oraz za poświecony czas! Pozdrawiam gorąco
Hello! HELP, please. I am a person who created a GoogleAdsense account while in the UK, i.e. registration to an English address. I am currently in Germany and I pay taxes here, which is officially confirmed in the institutions. In my GoogleAdsense account, I can see the amount accumulated from impressions (views) in the English currency (£ 130, which is the tax-free amount). I would like to withdraw it, but I'm afraid that during the withdrawal of pounds to an existing English bank account I will be subject to English taxation. In the GoogleAdsense help center I found info that the address of the personal data that I provide in the account is automatically filled out in the tax form, which raises a conflict with my tax declaration (Germany) and is not possible to change address (different country). What is the way to withdraw funds from the account of the country in which I am no longer a tax resident? I am asking for help, because I care about taking legal action and avoiding tax non-compliance / fraud / arrears. I will be grateful for any tips and for your time! Best regards
Saya benar-benar kesulitan,sudah monetisasi tetapi tidak muncul kolom formulir untuk mengisi nomer rekening/ data lainnya
My channel was checked for magnetization then it was not accepted because it seems there are some contents that were reused. So I am puzzled that the crisps which have errors are not show. Please show me those crisps which have errors (reused content) so that I can delete or edited as you instructed me.
Ok . I am from Bulgaria
But how to make this tax information ?
I live in sweden 🇸🇪 and i have adsense account but i dont have account bank
So can i use france account of my friend in ?
i am waiting for 4 months now for my pin, still not here !!! what do i need to do???
There is an option to have it resent
@@costa3609 i have it resent 4 times
@@WarfaceCrew Make sure your address details is correct. if still not receiving then try different location of your any family member.
@@abuhuzaifashaikh6232 I wi try that, but i can't request a new one, can't do anything with adsense now
@@WarfaceCrew then try to contact adsence. may be they can solve this.
I have a problem in my adsense that when I am clicking start the form in tax information it's not opening. It makes me go back to the starting screen. I even messaged my problem in your help centre many days ago ....
Thank you dearly Karoline! No one explained this better than you ❤
herbinTV here
I can not change my last Bank account linked with my google Adsense with the current bank account
Hi there, I provided tax info,PIN already done,bank account already provided, but why until now google adsense didn't pay me. I have three shorts fund bonus claimed but I still not receive it. Any idea, thanks
Hi i've a problem with my iban and swift code There are not reconized. Please help me
I met the threshold this october 8, 2022. when will I get paid? I chose bank tranfer by the way.
My thresshold was about 86 something. It suddenly start showing 0 and no payments in my bank account. What does that mean
what tax information does one need to give when starting their channel ?if for example from the UK ?
Each youtuber, irrespective of his/her country needs to submit US tax info.
Further, each one needs to check if any tax treaty is signed in between the USA & their own country.
E.g. In the case of Canada & UK, there is a 0% tax treaty (you need to confirm it by searching on Google & IRS website), so I don't think you need to pay any extra tax except the tax you need to pay in the UK.
I hope this will help you 😀👍
can you still receive the money already in AdSense incase of a demonetization?
Salamat ma'am sa information good day God bless you all
After you confirm your PIN, will you still be paid for any earnings made BEFORE you did so?
I don't see a "manage payment options" under the payments tab
How to request payment reprocessing? Previous account doesn't accept wire transfer
This is tricky, lady says earning have to have reached threshold by the end of the month but she also says payments are sent the 21-26 of the month...and payments are not instant. So in reality you get payed 4 - 5 weeks after the month you reached threshold if the threshold was reached before the 21st...thats long.
I was face this problem then resolve. She is right
bonjour madame avant j ai un error sur ma dresse postale et j ai lo modifie mais j arrive pas demander un autre merci de me reponder
will I get AdSense Verify Code
What should I do, because they said they sent me since 3 November but I still I haven't receive, my payment was been suspended because of verification address, I need a code
My payment is stuck and has not went up for 2 months straight
what if I live in england, I monetized my channel here, I have tax information from here and then I moved in Romania(my home country), do I need to delete tax information from UK? and how I update for Romania?
Thank you for all the necessary information!🙂
Why RUclips gives you the money one day with the superchats and all the next days takes a little everyday. I mean if I earn 100 euros why everyday do I have to watch like the amount is going down.
No me llego el pin y nadie me esta ayudando desde google, la verdad una verguenza
Thanks for the video. I have received my pin 5 months ago and the account get activated. I have been receiving emails about the payment made to my bank yet I didn't have and the method of payment was 'check', where does this money go? It's now 3 months or more but didn't get any information from my address because I didn't have USD account by then. The new bank account is now set but need clarification on that money paid. Thanks
How can I get my money paid out to me from RUclips? I have want to get it paid to my bank account, just like before. Before it was easy through AdSense, but now it does not seem to work at all and I can't find any understandable information about that. Please, somebody give me an answer. This video is not useful for me at all, since the Google ads and AdSense works only for Blogger now.
You may need to confirm your personal details to get your account ready to receive payments.....about this message
hello i got my pin code 2 years ago but i lost it , how do i request a new pin code for adress verification ?.
For eg: I live in A address of a country but there is B address of the same country in my citizenship certificate. Neither me nor my near ones live in B address at the current time. So Do I need to keep the address of A or B in adsense oayment verification? In many youtube videos, people say we need to put the same address as in citizenship? I do not think this is possible in the time of modernization because people keep moving from place to place. Since I live in the same country as in my citisenship but in different address I think I should put my current address to receive the pin because it is the only possible thing I can do in this COVID time but I want to make sure before doing anything. Please give a real quick reply.
View question
Why has my revenue from RUclips last month not arrived in my Adsense account this month? It’s end of the month and still nothing. Everything is enabled too
Please improve your payment frequency. We should get paid just after completing threshold. Or at least pay full earning between 21st to 26th not just of previous month
bro adesense konsa coutry se indian youtubers ko paisa bhejta he jara bolo na bro
How do you reach the $100 threshold? I’m at $66. I have 820 subscriber with like over 330k views. What can I do to get to the threshold? Help me reach 1000 subscribers 🙏😁
From March 1 to March 30, 2023 and From April 1 to April 30, 2023 my ending balance in AdSense remains the same and it is $95.00 Why its happening?? I don't understand. Why RUclips revenue does not added in AdSense for last couple of Month?? Please Help ...
@@l.rbadhon Hi bro, did it get resolved?
Same here! youTube earn does added in my adsence today is 6thjune
I could use some help says I haven't met the payment threshold but on my google adsense account my youtube earnings and balance are at $0 so idk of my account is already setup I setup a account way back last year then it got deactivated because there was no activity but I reactivated it idk if I should delete this account or set up another account
i have a problem with my payment method because i address here at my work so i dont have bank account,only bank account is required..no wire transfer no EFT...
Google Ad Sense folks, please don't put the Check Payment option for the Philippines if it is not available. My mailing address is already VERIFIED and have requested check paymentTWICE already, last year and this year, and I still haven't received any check. Also, please bring your chat support back!
Apparently you can't set a payment method until you meet a threshold in adsense....?? YT estimated revenue says it would be more than enough (currently well over 2x the minimum payment threshold) but when in Adsense it still lists it as 0.00$. SMH.
Do we accrue revenue from the 1st to 31st of each month, then paid for that around the 21st of the following month?
What is Happening? We haven't received any Payment for its already November 23rd in the Philippines.
If for tax purposes I don't want to receive payment of 100 USD and want to reach say 1000 USD to start a company and tax number, will it keep holding my account valid for future months and transfer in total later ?
if im not wrong 10$ threshold before email my account to verify billing address and mail my pin?
please help. thankyou.
I don't have the options you showed. How do I verify my address and other personal info? It's not available. I want everything set up before the threshold is met so there's less delay.... So where is the option to verify identity and address for Canada, pls and thanks.
Hi there
I can't find the "manage payment method" under "payment" There's no this option there. Could you please tell me what to do? Thanks!
How long does it take to receive a mail Am in Africa a country called UGANDA 🥺🥺