New Visualizations


Комментарии • 9

  • @ChrisLehtoF16
    @ChrisLehtoF16 3 месяца назад +1

    The visualizations definitely help for the Schwarzchild radius. For the blue shift issue, is there no “cancelling out of the redshift by the blue shift” because the blueshift light expands in one direction only? I think the confusion is the blue circle would nullify the red circle red shift. From your video I understand that some of the light would be blueshifted by earths gravity field but not the large mass of matter inside the blue sphere. I’ll check out the visualization on the website. Yes, many people just comment and don’t actually watch the video. And people naturally like to troll for some weird reason. But, we will know the reality I think in the next 3-5 years when AI really comes online. It’s important someone thinks about and posts this stuff so it gets put into the possible solution set:)

    • @matthewatwood207
      @matthewatwood207 3 месяца назад

      Hopefully the ai's don't heat up the planet too much in the meantime, and the people programming them don't forcefeed them more bias against unconventional positions than we already know they do.

    • @matthewatwood207
      @matthewatwood207 3 месяца назад

      Also, I would assume that blueshift is way more dynamic than nullifying the exact right amount of redshift. Every light source has a different gravity than us, every galaxy is a different size, the photons pass objects, spending less time shifting one way if it either starts or ends within the gravity well of a large celestial object, like the galaxy we are in. It feels like the whole field is stuck on binary thinking, when there's an obvious linear option, that itself is probably a gross oversimplification of the dynamic nature of our reality.

  • @johnsteeley
    @johnsteeley 3 месяца назад

    I'm sure there are people out there who will peer review your work, Chris. Are you familiar with See the Pattern? He has done many videos on alternatives to the redshift = expansion paradigm. Hit him up. I think he'd be very interested in what you're doing here.
    I love what you're doing. I am starting to piece it together, but just not there yet. The two circles showing the Schwarzchild radius growing faster than the radius of the boundary very helpful. Please keep the videos coming.

  • @matthewatwood207
    @matthewatwood207 3 месяца назад

    Honestly, the math is beyond me, thank you [this comment will get removed if I name it on a video that's not specifically about it], and I only watch because these videos validate my own perception, but from another angle.
    Basically, there's a pattern of sphericalness, branching, barred spirals, and waves, depending on density, scale, and timescale. I.e. the magnetic field lines of a star are the same as those of a galaxy, barred spirals, which I suspect would be the same as the x-rays of an atom, if the exposure time was small enough.
    Similarly and more obviously, electroscopies of atomic nuclei show them almost perfectly spherical, while a 40 km wide celestial body is the threshold for a spherical planetoid, and a supercluster of stars is generally spherical.
    So, based on these repeated patternns, I hypothesize that we do live inside one of possibly many or infinite black holes, which may or may not be inside other black holes, or something comperable to them. If there is a true plank length, then increasing the scale also increases the complexity, meaning it's something like a black hole, but not exactly a black hole. But if there is no true plank length, if it's just a limit imposed by the ideas of the time and self-important scientists, then the complexity is infinite and the observable complexity is entirely dependent on these three factors; density, scale, and timescale, and we literally live inside a black hole inside a black hole inside a black hole, ad infinitum.

    • @matthewatwood207
      @matthewatwood207 3 месяца назад

      Here's the basic breakdown:
      Atomic scale) Spherical - Atomic Nuclei / Spiral - Atoms / Simple branching - Compounds, molecules, & Viruses / Waves - stupidly small stuff in high enough density
      Micro scale) Semispherical - Small cells, dense cells, large viruses / Simple Branching - large, less dense cells / Waves - Subatomic particles
      Small scale) Simple branching - Nuerons, slime molds / Waves - homogenous liquids, gasses, and-at the right timescale-solids.
      Our scale) Complex branching - Nervous systems, limbs, trees, [note that all branching phases have polarity, the roots and the above ground portion of the tree, the river systems on land and in the air, as it were] / Rounding off again - Larger, dense animals and plants [They form so many collections of branches that they tend toward a slightly rounder outer appearance, like a bush, but for evolutionairy pressure like a tree's competition for light or a giraffes need for reach / Waves - Micro scale objects in high density
      Large scale) Branching - Rivers, paths / Waves - Small to our scale objects in high density and [increasingly] faster timescales
      Planetary scale) Semispherical - Planetoid / Spherical - Planet, star, black hole / Spiral - Magnetic fields of planetary and solar systems / Branching - Binaries, trinaries, star clusters / Waves - Large scale stuff in high density and timescales, like the movements of plant life on the surface
      Galactic scale) Branching - Galactic arms / Spherical - star superclusters, galactic nuclei / Spiral - Spiral galaxies / Semispherical - Other galaxies / Waves - Planetary scale stuff in high density
      Intergalactic scale) Branching - Intergalactic web / Waves - Galactic scale stuff in high density at unimaginably fast timescales
      I assume I'm missing a few things, but that's the basic gist. I also assume that the pattern extends down some ways into the subatomic particles and out beyond the visible universe.
      The differing complexities of the branches at different scales may suggest a plank limit, but the complexity reverts back to the same as the atomic scale when the planetary scale is reached, leading me to believe that it's not strong evidence for it. An alternative solution may be that potential complexity maximizes equidistant between the atomic nucleus and the planet. Perhaps, at the right timescale and density, there could be life that uses stars and planets in place of atoms.
      Alternative to that, there could be layers of fluctuation between branches and spheres, resulting in larger gaps between phases of high potential complexity and/or differing levels of complexity.

  • @chuckjones9159
    @chuckjones9159 3 месяца назад

    I hope you have never taken my comments where I sometimes give my ideas as discouraging. I may state my ideas but they are not intended to be taken as trying to override yours. I like taking and giving feedback.