How To Code T6 Transporter headlights | Vagcom & Carista. H1 & H7 LED bulb install

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @darrenlingard9713
    @darrenlingard9713 18 дней назад

    I know this is an old video but just installed H7 and H1 leds in my T6 with V3 headlights. Coded on Carista so that dipped beam stays on with full beam, awesome. These bulbs make a huge difference, I can actually see in the dark now.

  • @scottmcivor3645
    @scottmcivor3645 3 года назад

    Fitted H7 and H1 Led bulbs to my T6 and had it coded for both to stay on and the difference us unbelievable

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад

      Awesome, glad you're please with them

  • @ObsessiveCyclist
    @ObsessiveCyclist 4 года назад

    Amazing. So happy there’s a H1 solution for a T6, even if coding is required. I fitted the H7 LEDs to my THQ v2s and they literally transformed the visibility, especially on the periphery. Can’t wait to add the H1s 🙏

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад

      Glad you’re pleased with the lights. You wait until you have the H1’s too 🤯😊

  • @gmac8345
    @gmac8345 4 года назад

    Just bought a cheap set of LED units and they were a pig to fit. Yours seem sooo much simpler.
    Loving the 5.1 headlights on the site and I think a purchase needs to be made. Great vid, thanks.

  • @nigelpugh-uh1tw
    @nigelpugh-uh1tw Год назад +1

    how do you code or turn off warning light for h1 high beam useing carista is poss???

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  Год назад

      Its not possible that i know of. Sorry

    • @nigelpugh-uh1tw
      @nigelpugh-uh1tw Год назад

      @@THQAutomotive thanks fitted and got no warning light so all good and omg the brightness is great like your h7 many thanks

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  Год назад

      Nice one :)@@nigelpugh-uh1tw

  • @Andy11112
    @Andy11112 Год назад +1

    How i can get daylights on with VCDS t6.1? There are not possible use coding system in central electric like t6..

  • @77pebble
    @77pebble 3 года назад +1

    Although I prefer the one with bit more chrome (black version) I’m going to order the limited edition version as I read that people who have the black version, the drl is not as bright/harder to see on a sunny day when indicating which can be dangerous as people can’t see you indicating. I’m in Jersey so it’s generally sunnier here than the mainland. It would be better if you did a super limited edition version as in the black ones (a bit of chrome) with the crystal drl.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад

      We can’t make something to please everyone as much as we try. Just so you know, the white defusers pass with emark approval and required output tests. I personally prefer the Crystal as that’s what genuine LED headlights have. The v2 have the chrome with the Crystal defuser.

  • @connorboyd-barnes8976
    @connorboyd-barnes8976 3 года назад +1

    Can you use the carista app to turn off your bulb monitoring aswell ?

  • @jessejamesdesign
    @jessejamesdesign 4 месяца назад

    can one fit just the h7 bulbs in a standard t6? Will this bulb do dip beam and hi beam?

  • @uknorthie
    @uknorthie 4 года назад

    Great videos guys I had shadows and you sorted me out via a Facebook group chat worked 100% just by turning the led a fraction now I'm happy with my lights 😀👍

  • @raymondrisk8429
    @raymondrisk8429 4 года назад

    Great informative video lads just bought v3 front lights and red rear . Going to get the carista to programme dip and main to stay on together.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад

      It’s great news it can now be done with carista.

    • @ianduckworth9925
      @ianduckworth9925 4 года назад

      @@THQAutomotive is it also possible to do this , via Carista, with T5.1 lights?

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад

      @@ianduckworth9925 no T6 only. You don’t need to code the H1 with a T5.1, ours don’t give any warning lights with them.

    • @ianduckworth9925
      @ianduckworth9925 4 года назад

      @@THQAutomotive Just to clarify, I mean use Carista to enable full and dip to be on at the same time? Your lights are so much better than when I had the OE items, but would be nice to have dip on when full beam is on.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад +1

      @@ianduckworth9925 no carista can’t do that on a T5.1

  • @scotspie501douglas7
    @scotspie501douglas7 3 года назад

    guys love your video great content used to have a vw service van would love a transporter but wife likes hotels lol

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад

      Ditch the wife? 🤷🏻‍♂️😉

  • @rafagarrido3116
    @rafagarrido3116 22 дня назад

    it can be done with the normal carista adapter or you need the EVO adapter?

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  22 дня назад

      I don't know what Carista offers now. This was 3 years ago. Sorry

  • @callumwhitehouse4622
    @callumwhitehouse4622 3 года назад

    Hello - any news/date on rear lights for t6 (6.1 style) been back in stock? Thanks

  • @thebrowns5337
    @thebrowns5337 10 месяцев назад

    I've always found lights with H1 bulbs to be pathetic. The bulb is tiny. No reflector can make a decent spread/projection from H1. Maybe LED is the way to go for H! lights but the legallity (will insurance be valid?) worries me. Halogen H1 are outdated and lights should be H7 for both high and low beams (or H15 with the dim element as DRL).

  • @Bob.Seishin
    @Bob.Seishin 2 года назад

    is this works for the fabia mk2 (2008-2014)? just because my headlights motors died and the new projector type (facelift) headlights are cheaper than 2 motor and change for the hls so i replaced them but the low beam is work the high beam not, but the shutter is works just the "computer" switch off the lowbeam ... and the "lighthorn" works only if the low beam is on :/ i asked 87 ""car electrician"" but noone tried to make it for me :/ so if this is works with my fabia am pretty sure to buy vcds...

  • @tdiworld9128
    @tdiworld9128 3 года назад

    How do you keep the led parking strip at 100% once you turn on the headlights

  • @stevenreynolds5318
    @stevenreynolds5318 2 года назад

    Hi, my head lights seem to auto adjust up and down quit a lot while driving? I’m on air so it’s quit low, just wondering what I can do cheers

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  2 года назад +1

      You have genuine LED's then? Yes mind have done this on older van. I think you'll find if you increase your ride height, it'll stop doing it.

  • @sandilesibiya1938
    @sandilesibiya1938 2 года назад

    For VW caddy maxi crew 2017 do you have these

  • @OurSam68
    @OurSam68 3 года назад

    Any chance you could do a video showing how to do this via Carista please?
    I am going to fit your H7 LED Bulbs and would also like to fit the H1 LED and need to stop the warning lights on the dash. Thanks fellas!

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад

      You can’t do that feature in carista

    • @OurSam68
      @OurSam68 3 года назад

      @@THQAutomotive thanks for replying; do you mean you can't do the 'main and dip on at the same time' or 'stop the warning lights on the H1's'?

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад +1

      @@OurSam68 We show you how to do did and main beam with Carista in this video. You can't do the h1 code in Carista.

  • @gunhappyie
    @gunhappyie 4 года назад

    Another Great video Guys

  • @cm1106
    @cm1106 Год назад

    I have a T5.1 I've been trying to figure out how to get the dip beam to stay on with main beams. Is this coding the same for a T5.1?

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  Год назад +1

      Hello, no its not possible. Sorry

    • @cm1106
      @cm1106 Год назад

      @@THQAutomotive No worries, I've treated myself to a set of your T5.1 V3 headlights instead!

  • @davem4131
    @davem4131 2 года назад

    Can you code rear fading function on the discover Nav with Carista? For rear speakers

  • @matthewlaw8268
    @matthewlaw8268 3 года назад

    I use Carista and cannot see where the option is in the latest version of the app, I looked under Exterior Lights and DRL headlights but no option to keep dipped beam on with full beam.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад +1

      As mentioned in the video, Its still in the beta version only

    • @matthewlaw8268
      @matthewlaw8268 3 года назад

      @@THQAutomotive Sorry missed that, thought it would be out given this video is from Jan this year. Thanks

    • @matthewlaw8268
      @matthewlaw8268 3 года назад

      @@THQAutomotive downloaded the beta version through test pilot and applied the ‘keep dipped on with main beam’ and all works. Thanks.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад +1

      @@matthewlaw8268 Glad its sorted

  • @brightspark0612
    @brightspark0612 4 года назад

    Shoot me down if I’m being stupid. Can you use Carista to code the H1 led or does it have to be vcds

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад +1

      Currently only VCDS. Hopefully they’ll update it in the future.

  • @georgefernandes1767
    @georgefernandes1767 3 года назад

    Hi just wondering how to code headlight for Seat Leon fr 2017 as old modules burnt. Limited function now. Can I code them with help of CARISTA.
    Many thanks.

  • @fatihkucuk9650
    @fatihkucuk9650 3 года назад

    Do you have daytime running lights (with LED) for Transporter t6.1? My car has a halogen headlight. The service said the LED headlight could not be installed later.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад

      He do H7 (dip beam) LED bulbs

    • @fatihkucuk9650
      @fatihkucuk9650 3 года назад

      @@THQAutomotive I'm not looking for H7 (dip beam) LED bulbs. I'm looking for an original led biexnon LED light

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад

      @@fatihkucuk9650 can’t help sorry

  • @birch4242
    @birch4242 2 года назад

    Great video boys, my birthday is fast approaching so a link to the all black edition will be getting sent to the wife. 😁 Am I right in assuming the coding can be done using obdeleven too? I've had a look through the long coding and I think it's possible but just wondered if you knew for definite?
    Many thanks,

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  2 года назад

      Hello, yes I know it can be done with OBD Eleven although we've never used it here. I know customers that have though

  • @markjudd1202
    @markjudd1202 4 года назад

    Sorry, me again, when I try to order the T6 V3 Black headlights the web page doesn't give the option to buy H1 LED's. Will I need to call and ask for this option? Thanks again.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад

      They are in a different bulb category on their own

  • @D_L_J_83
    @D_L_J_83 3 года назад

    Do you have the headlight housings for the T6.1 yet? I kinda regret not getting LED out of the factory

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад +1

      We’re working on them. Out before the end of the year

  • @Dontchangemyname
    @Dontchangemyname 3 года назад

    I don’t seem to have the option for low beam off while high beam on looking with vcds on my t5.1 which is rather frustrating.

  • @stewartmacdonald601
    @stewartmacdonald601 4 года назад

    I would like to know what tweaks you can do to a T6.1 with VCDS please.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад +1

      We’ll try and do a future video on this.

  • @markjudd1202
    @markjudd1202 4 года назад

    Hi, I notice the website mentions a £40.00 fee for fitting of T6 headlights. Are we able to call and book in still, possibly ready for when we come out of lockdown? or perhaps we can purchase and reserve the headlights ready for when the lockdown ends? Thanks.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад

      Hello. We can’t book anything in until after lockdown and then we have a 2 month back log 😔 It might be easier to get a local garage to fit them? It’s really easy and takes 20 minutes. We’ve done a simple RUclips video showing how.

    • @markjudd1202
      @markjudd1202 4 года назад

      @@THQAutomotive Thank you ,yes just found the tutorial, I can do that, cheers and keep up the great work.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад

      @@markjudd1202 🙌🏻😊

  • @garydickens1819
    @garydickens1819 3 года назад

    Would the h1 led have to be removed for mot as there visibal

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад

      Good question. We’ve asked a few MOT stations and they are unsure on the rule changes Feb 1st. The way it reads is you shouldn’t put LED in original lights but these are after market. We’ll update as we have a better understanding.

    • @garydickens1819
      @garydickens1819 3 года назад

      Cheers for the reply 👍

  • @finmac5548
    @finmac5548 Год назад

    Hi mate love your channel and the work you do on these vans. Getting myself a T6 DSG next month and was wondering where can I get VCDS….I’ve got an early version but I think it’s illegal….can’t be updated or used while o line and only covers vehicles up to 2006? Is the genuine version expensive and where’s the best place to buy to avoid being ripped off? Cheers lads🙏🏻👍

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  Год назад +2

      Hello there the official supplier

    • @finmac5548
      @finmac5548 Год назад

      @@THQAutomotiveAh perfect mate thank you!! 🙏🤘

  • @looprevil40
    @looprevil40 Год назад

    Can u use OBD11 to code the H1 bulbs as well ???

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  Год назад

      Yes I believe so although I've never tried myself. Sorry

  • @abdulmoannamahmed1683
    @abdulmoannamahmed1683 3 года назад

    Hi do you have any Vw caddy mk4 led headlights.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад

      No sorry. We didn’t ever do mk4 caddy parts.

  • @spiderdad00
    @spiderdad00 3 года назад

    do these bulbs fit vw caddy thanks

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  3 года назад

      Hello, I don't know sorry. We've not tried.

  • @scoti35
    @scoti35 4 года назад

    Is this the same for the T5.1 v3 head lamps?

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад +2

      T5.1 v3 already have the dip stay on with the main. You don’t need to code the LEDs on them either.

  • @benoconnor9901
    @benoconnor9901 4 года назад

    Hi do the h1’s work in the t6.1 standard lights ?

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад

      No, the H7’s do. T6.1 use a H7 for dip beam and a H15 for side light and main beam.

    • @benoconnor9901
      @benoconnor9901 4 года назад

      Arrr ok thanks Iv got the H7’s in and they are fab 👌🏻

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад +1

      @@benoconnor9901 we’re working on an actual T6.1 headlight that should allow both to be LED.

  • @linoleumbonypart385
    @linoleumbonypart385 4 года назад

    Why cant we just get decent bulbs for the standard light fittings...??

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад

      We tired for a while but then switch focus to our lights. The problem with LED’s for standard lights is they are H4’s. The same bulb does the dip and main beam. We couldn’t get canbus resistance right with the dual output. The other issue is the standard lights with the H4’s don’t go through a projector. I’m not certain but I believe an LED wouldn’t give the correct beam pattern in them.

  • @drrr7549
    @drrr7549 2 года назад

    Can you do mine 🤯 had the problems for too long now

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  2 года назад +1

      Yep if you're local

    • @drrr7549
      @drrr7549 2 года назад

      @@THQAutomotive where you based mate

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  2 года назад +1

      @@drrr7549 google Transporter HQ 😊

    • @drrr7549
      @drrr7549 2 года назад

      @@THQAutomotive I'll phone you Monday book it in; thank you

  • @leedove207
    @leedove207 4 года назад

    Thanks for the info guys, been waiting for the High beam LEDs for T6 V3’s, now ordered.🤟 Wish I could swap my black ones for the ltd all blacks🙄

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад

      Thanks for your order.

    • @greigallan1973
      @greigallan1973 4 года назад

      Which high beam ones have you ordered.

    • @THQAutomotive
      @THQAutomotive  4 года назад +1

      @@greigallan1973 These are the high / main beam. These are the ones in the video