I mean it’s still the same cookie cutter advice u can find literally everywhere. I could do a 4 hour guide on the jungle there’s so much to talk about this video doesn’t even scratch the surface.
@@Sirbartholomew I disagree. For anyone brand new to the game - this is pretty decent at getting you started. Ofcourse there's hundreds of more things to know, but.. That will come with time and exeprience.
A lot of good points made covering all fundamentals of jungling.. however I would point out that some of these conditions and tips can only really apply in high elo games, if ur jungling in diamond or emerald do not expect ur team to come help you contest skittle/objectives..
With Reddit consistently dumping on Junglers on an almost daily basis, good jungle guides are sorely needed for those getting autofilled. Thanks for sharing your advice.
Yah uh it should be mentioned that in low elo which in the current state of the game is basically every elo u can forget about winning and losing matchups for the most part, unless a lane has a kayle the skill of each laner relative to the enemy laner is what’s gonna determine who wins lane. I’ve seen so many laners lose when they should win and win when the should lose that i just look at wave states and gold comparisons when i determine prio. And even if it looks like ur team has lane prio still be extremely cautious picking fights in the river or jungle early game because ur teamates can still go full derp mode and decide not to help u despite ur spam pinging.
Man many many video ,i realy want vid guide like yours ,i dont play this game since 7month ago ,but why i found it now even i dont play this game ,btw its really helpfull 😊
Yes definitely make a video for elder and baron! This is very good content, there's little to none like it in the WR community, usually just top one gameplays and new builds gameplays, pump out more tutorials!
particularly in soloq, i feel it is a mistake to make plays that primarily benefits your team instead of yourself early game. i’d much rather clear and look opportunities that don’t rely on a teammate’s skill
Another banger vid! I really wish laners would learn this aswell. My malphite was flaming me because I didn't path towards him after clearing 3 camps like bruh I'm a Nunu how tf are we supposed to kill a full hp mundo LMAO Instead I went dr side and helped my draven get a double kill. 2/0 draven early game=ggwp🤣
Yeah It has taken me a lot of painful deaths/feeds/losses after picking up Riven jungle. I went into practice mode to learn her combos and practice clears. In addition, I've learned match ups a lot better, so far my gameplay has improved drastically. I highly recommend watching and studying your jungling replays. You'd be amazed at how much you'll see about yourself and opposing teams. Good luck Jungle dwellers! Edit: For assassin junglers, focus on clearing jungle as much as possible and be wary of teamfights!
Royal, your videos and explanations are amazing: so optimised, concise and coherent; but nonetheless instructional and informative. Keep it up and please don’t stop creating content king!! It’s an honor to subscribe to your videos. Do you stream the games that you play also? I would love to watch them too.
I want 4 things in life thats my 4 for biggest threat and fear. I dont want to leave this planet to dont maximize this things: 1.I want to acting in short films 2.I want to try how can i rap 3.Jungle role in wildrift 4.growing up and be a Father Growing up can wait until im 40 Lets start to learn the jungle role to my second main Thx for the video, the effort, amazing job! A "former" support main. (I think i can be better support to know and play all of the rules 😊) 🙏🐑 But Sergant Lulu will always be my little queen always! 💜💙
I haven't watched the video but basically from my limited knowledge as a support player... Always see what your champion can or cannot do without items and ult, if you can gank well early game, you can start doing so. If you can't, tell your team you're not ganking early and to play safe, from then on, you take herald first and go for the lowest hp tower(preferably the mid lane).
How should i get into jungle? do i need to be a chess master that has everything in his mind all the game? do i need to see ahead of the time or is the role more reaction based?
Hey Royal Did u have any guide on lilia and why is no one play lilia anymore, and what team comp is perfect for lilia. Do i play lilia when my team comp dont have a mage? I feel like evelynn is the best answer when ur team dont have an AP. PLEASE GUIDE ME
I think lillia is ok. She is good when your team already has a good frontline but lacks magic damage. She is quite weak in the early game and you just want to farm up so she is kind of slow vs the current meta junglers.
I recently have tried to pick up Wild Rift again after maining PC league and hoooooo boy, jungling is somehow both dumbed down and completely different
Your videos are really good, they are short but with all the important information given in a clear and precise way with examples in the background. Would it be possible to create a French translation better than the one proposed by youtube?
Hey, can you please make a review video on startingallover’s lee/riven on twitch VOD hes reached rank 1/2 NA stomping pros and great solo q players spamming those champs in jungle. I try to mimic his playstyle and got so close to chally last season. seeing a better player like you point out exactly what he does that brings success could help me alot
Thanks for willing to share your knowledge, tbh i already half correct. Early plan and first objective. But after that? Nah, idk what to do 😂😂 At least random role assignment as jg won't that scary anymore.
Hey, thanks for very educational videos, I was wondering, is there a list of which champions are stronger than other ones early game? I have a hard time knowing who is stronger and who is weaker in team comp
This explanation was really good but sadly my dogshit solo Q teammates are noob as F even if i help my winning lane they do nothing in dragon and baron fights instead ends up feeding later.
my question is how comes i know that my champion will be win against enemy champion? i meant how do you know ur champion is stronger than enemy champion?
i wanna know how to counter a champion by another pick i literally can play 90% of the champions in this game but idk i just pick what i feel like playing that game n thats why i end up having bad match ups
hahaha is video was so helpfull if duo or top lane watching this like around diamond below no one cares if theres a jungler fighting around river even if you signal for help then when you almost die they help younbut its to late and they will point fingerbon you like wtf
This does not apply to low elo matches, after playing both to test champs and macro counters I've noticed you really need first 0 bot, 0 afk and inters.You make things look easy for low elos but it not reliable.
This is the type of high value, time efficient content I’ve been looking for. Perfection. Keep it up Royal
where is kassadin guid?
Happy to help!
I mean it’s still the same cookie cutter advice u can find literally everywhere. I could do a 4 hour guide on the jungle there’s so much to talk about this video doesn’t even scratch the surface.
@@Sirbartholomew I disagree. For anyone brand new to the game - this is pretty decent at getting you started. Ofcourse there's hundreds of more things to know, but.. That will come with time and exeprience.
@@Sirbartholomewhey u are the guy Talan coached
Great video, something that has helped me jungle is explaining to myself what I’m doing while I’m doing it.
I had a yuumi as a jungler 😢
A lot of good points made covering all fundamentals of jungling.. however I would point out that some of these conditions and tips can only really apply in high elo games, if ur jungling in diamond or emerald do not expect ur team to come help you contest skittle/objectives..
As long as you make the right decisions and play well, you will get to high elo!
With Reddit consistently dumping on Junglers on an almost daily basis, good jungle guides are sorely needed for those getting autofilled. Thanks for sharing your advice.
You’re welcome!
Real riot kassadin
@@RoyalWildRift I met a Lux jungle too in ranked somehow 😂
@@myvarya3800 i've seen lulu & janna as jungler too lmao 😂
@@myvarya3800it was Baka for sure :D Made new .exe video ahah
I'm new to Wild Rift and have been playing as VI. Your video helped me to understand the duties of a jungler. I appreciate it!
Happy to help!
Vi is good stuff dude, hope you get at least emerald with her!
@@Sullivynn I Was two wins away from Diamond with her last season.
Yah uh it should be mentioned that in low elo which in the current state of the game is basically every elo u can forget about winning and losing matchups for the most part, unless a lane has a kayle the skill of each laner relative to the enemy laner is what’s gonna determine who wins lane.
I’ve seen so many laners lose when they should win and win when the should lose that i just look at wave states and gold comparisons when i determine prio. And even if it looks like ur team has lane prio still be extremely cautious picking fights in the river or jungle early game because ur teamates can still go full derp mode and decide not to help u despite ur spam pinging.
Yo ! this is quality content and what wildrift community needs. you have my support
Thank you!
The only stuff I would add is about setting up ganks and coming from different angles at different times so that the enemy doesn't always expect it.
Yeah, this is more champion specific though
Man Royale makes things so short and easy to understand
That’s the goal!
Man many many video ,i realy want vid guide like yours ,i dont play this game since 7month ago ,but why i found it now even i dont play this game ,btw its really helpfull 😊
*becomes jungler*
*goes back to dragon lane*
Yes definitely make a video for elder and baron! This is very good content, there's little to none like it in the WR community, usually just top one gameplays and new builds gameplays, pump out more tutorials!
Thank you!
@@RoyalWildRift We'll stay tuned for that video soon, Royal!
particularly in soloq, i feel it is a mistake to make plays that primarily benefits your team instead of yourself early game. i’d much rather clear and look opportunities that don’t rely on a teammate’s skill
Best channel on here for wild rift easily
Thank you 🙏
Actual helpful information! not just “s+ broken” click bait. Subscribed 😊
I main jungle, and I'm constantly learning new things.
Thank you man it will help me alot as a jungler
Another banger vid! I really wish laners would learn this aswell. My malphite was flaming me because I didn't path towards him after clearing 3 camps like bruh I'm a Nunu how tf are we supposed to kill a full hp mundo LMAO Instead I went dr side and helped my draven get a double kill. 2/0 draven early game=ggwp🤣
Thank you! Waiting for other videos
Db definitely watches your guides to improve 😂
Yeah It has taken me a lot of painful deaths/feeds/losses after picking up Riven jungle. I went into practice mode to learn her combos and practice clears. In addition, I've learned match ups a lot better, so far my gameplay has improved drastically. I highly recommend watching and studying your jungling replays. You'd be amazed at how much you'll see about yourself and opposing teams. Good luck Jungle dwellers!
Edit: For assassin junglers, focus on clearing jungle as much as possible and be wary of teamfights!
Your contents are SS tier.
Short n Simple...
Thank you 😅
Royal, your videos and explanations are amazing: so optimised, concise and coherent; but nonetheless instructional and informative. Keep it up and please don’t stop creating content king!!
It’s an honor to subscribe to your videos.
Do you stream the games that you play also? I would love to watch them too.
Thank you so much! I’m not currently streaming, maybe in the future!
I want 4 things in life thats my 4 for biggest threat and fear. I dont want to leave this planet to dont maximize this things:
1.I want to acting in short films
2.I want to try how can i rap
3.Jungle role in wildrift
4.growing up and be a Father
Growing up can wait until im 40
Lets start to learn the jungle role to my second main
Thx for the video, the effort, amazing job!
A "former" support main.
(I think i can be better support to know and play all of the rules 😊)
But Sergant Lulu will always be my little queen always! 💜💙
I haven't watched the video but basically from my limited knowledge as a support player...
Always see what your champion can or cannot do without items and ult, if you can gank well early game, you can start doing so.
If you can't, tell your team you're not ganking early and to play safe, from then on, you take herald first and go for the lowest hp tower(preferably the mid lane).
A little more complicated than that, but that’s a decent basic understanding
Perfect for my smite nunu support
Hey royal,Can I ask?
What happens if there are 3 losing lanes,do i Just clear my 3 camps then rotate all? Or what should I do?
Play around the lane that can set up ganks the best, but make sure you are avoiding the enemy jungler!
@@RoyalWildRift oh so I must camp one lane and get that lane fed?
How should i get into jungle? do i need to be a chess master that has everything in his mind all the game? do i need to see ahead of the time or is the role more reaction based?
Decision making and clearing efficiency is the most important part of jungle
Soo underrated!!! Royal needed a spotlight ❤
Thanks for the advice bro I learned so much
Hey Royal Did u have any guide on lilia and why is no one play lilia anymore, and what team comp is perfect for lilia. Do i play lilia when my team comp dont have a mage? I feel like evelynn is the best answer when ur team dont have an AP. PLEASE GUIDE ME
I think lillia is ok. She is good when your team already has a good frontline but lacks magic damage. She is quite weak in the early game and you just want to farm up so she is kind of slow vs the current meta junglers.
I love the design and lore of Kindred, but it’s jungle! I really want to be good at it to feel satisfied with playing with it xd
So you need to gank and help the winning lane not the losing lane? Is that right?
Ye. The moment I contest scuttle on the winning duo lane they are 0/4 already usually
Does Royal, listen to Royals by Lorde?
Love that song
I recently have tried to pick up Wild Rift again after maining PC league and hoooooo boy, jungling is somehow both dumbed down and completely different
Your videos are really good, they are short but with all the important information given in a clear and precise way with examples in the background.
Would it be possible to create a French translation better than the one proposed by youtube?
Hey, can you please make a review video on startingallover’s lee/riven on twitch VOD hes reached rank 1/2 NA stomping pros and great solo q players spamming those champs in jungle. I try to mimic his playstyle and got so close to chally last season. seeing a better player like you point out exactly what he does that brings success could help me alot
Thanks for willing to share your knowledge, tbh i already half correct. Early plan and first objective. But after that? Nah, idk what to do 😂😂
At least random role assignment as jg won't that scary anymore.
Hi Royal. I saw u on top 10 rank list. Can you record to jungle guide more? Because Jungle is very very important lane on WR
Now I can begin my autofill to challenger
very helpful guides bro ty ty
You’re welcome!
Alright cool, all of this works if u have 4 decent teammates. Now make a jungle guide if u have 4 potatoes on ur team.
How can I know which champions are better than others in early game to plan my strategy as you explain in the video?
Comes from experience and game knowledge. I’ll make matchup videos in the future but they will take a while to make.
Hey, thanks for very educational videos, I was wondering, is there a list of which champions are stronger than other ones early game? I have a hard time knowing who is stronger and who is weaker in team comp
Comes from experience, I might make a matchup guide in the future!
Good job this is what low elo need
you really upload it. thank you boss.
could you make a video of how to play pvp. Its low elo sometimes and very erratic. Macro play doesnt always work
I’m mostly focusing on higher elo content
Nice video, but can u pls make a seraphine(Mid) guide
Seraphine mid sucks 👍
@Royal - Wild Rift harsh....if u don't wanna make it then just say no....(p.s. last season ex top 1 sera MID)
Bro we need more videos!
Only good source i swear
I’m on vacation but I’m coming back better than ever 😏
Best wr channel 👍
Thank you!
How you make your screen that zoom out?
I hope you do support guide as well or maybe you know a good support that does this kind of video
Hi do you do coaching ? Where can i contact you ?
I’m on WeCoach! It’s on the description of my newer videos
what is your build for riven and runes?
This explanation was really good but sadly my dogshit solo Q teammates are noob as F even if i help my winning lane they do nothing in dragon and baron fights instead ends up feeding later.
Nice video man!
Would be useful to have link for macro guide in description, not that hard to find it but still 😉
Day 6 of asking u to react on jareplay
Never give up
You decide to give the kill to lux or its a missplay? Its a real question
Meanwhile your team doesn't even come when you need them
in d3 and never even did these stuff nor do i know most champions abilities (only know few i played)
I’m struggling to find my jungle main, I don’t know how to find it. Any tips?
clear red and farm and scutler then ambush bot lane then go to blue and clear again and same way gank again
my question is how comes i know that my champion will be win against enemy champion? i meant how do you know ur champion is stronger than enemy champion?
Comes from experience and game knowledge, gotta play a lot and watch others play those matchups.
Just started playing game got to emerald 4 pretty fast
Riven play so fucking good ı couldnt fpcus video
i wanna know how to counter a champion by another pick i literally can play 90% of the champions in this game but idk i just pick what i feel like playing that game n thats why i end up having bad match ups
Im in draft rn using jungle i just watched fhis tutorial imma update yall later
I won using kha' Zix
Now its time to use kayn
Let’s gooooo
Very good, but i hope u add the Arabic translation ❤
riven build?
Black cleaver, divine sunderer, the rest depend on enemy comp and game state
@@RoyalWildRift Thank you brother
How to use baron properly video!
Great vid!
Here cuz the game keeps assigning me as jungler even tho I chose to be duo/mid lane
and when your team is always over extending and becoming a food, jungle diff
E difícil... Ter que pesquisar conteúdo sobre macro na gringa, afinal os brasileiros só querem fazer vídeo de skin 😓
Does it work on asian server tho
hahaha is video was so helpfull if duo or top lane watching this like around diamond below no one cares if theres a jungler fighting around river even if you signal for help then when you almost die they help younbut its to late and they will point fingerbon you like wtf
I stopped listening at “fight near winning lanes so your teammates can help you”
We all know they don’t rotate. Ever. Even in masters.
Is this still relevant?
A team o: I tried this but my owners didn’t care so they just let me die
This does not apply to low elo matches, after playing both to test champs and macro counters I've noticed you really need first 0 bot, 0 afk and inters.You make things look easy for low elos but it not reliable.
Tradução pra português, por favor!
Me playing ekko cus of arcane ofc 💀
Low quality content, it would be better if it’s detailed like showing what you’re trying to tell us
I want to jungle but I fcking suck
You’ll get better
Wait but who is marco? 😂
put subtitles in portuguese pleaseeee
Not sure how to do that 😅
Riven jg balanced champ lmao
You shouldn't be abbreviating miss fortune
Teammates don’t even help you in GM. It really sucks.
So simple 😂
“I create a jungle macro guide” so is this not the guide? Wtf
I have an objective macro guide for dragons and herald
didnt like this one seemed rushed with small effort
Will try harder in the future! Might feel rushed because I try to give a lot of information without making the video 30 minutes long
actually never mind people seems to like it , maybe i just like longer video
Wrong advices for all wild rift players
Would love to see dragon and baron positioning thanks masters jungler
I have a video on dragon and herald macro, you can check that out. I talk about positioning there.