Wallohi sheikh is really doing well in all muslims' life nowadays. He explained everything and leave any stone unturned, may almight Alloh enables you to live long on this good path, and also count each and everyone of us to be among the best who practice ISLAM that would be accepted by almighty Alloh . JAZAAAKUMULLOHU KHOER ONE AGAIN. MAY ALMIGHTY ALLOH PROTECT YOU GUIDE YOU, ELEVATE YOU till the day of judgement (AAAMIN)
Jazzakha Allahu khayran ya sheikh for this important and educative lecture may Allah azza wa jall make it easy for us aameen may He continue to preserve you for the ummah aameen barakah Allahu fekum
Thank you, sir. I have noticed the power of Adua in my life and I always ask for Astagafru daily after prayer. Is this a good thing? Jazakumllai Khairan. Thank you again.
Salam Allaekun. Please if one is already been attack as a result of weak spiritual fortifications, if one starts saying this prayer daily, can the attack go away? In other words, is the prayer just for prevention only and not curative? Or both?
If you listen accross the world , you will hear that Jesus Christ , the saviour of the whole world is increasingly appearing to people one on one, have you desire Him for your ,s and your family salvation with the shortness of life challenging humanity?
Wallohi sheikh is really doing well in all muslims' life nowadays. He explained everything and leave any stone unturned, may almight Alloh enables you to live long on this good path, and also count each and everyone of us to be among the best who practice ISLAM that would be accepted by almighty Alloh . JAZAAAKUMULLOHU KHOER ONE AGAIN. MAY ALMIGHTY ALLOH PROTECT YOU GUIDE YOU, ELEVATE YOU till the day of judgement (AAAMIN)
Jazakhallahu khayran
Jazzakha Allahu khayran ya sheikh for this important and educative lecture may Allah azza wa jall make it easy for us aameen may He continue to preserve you for the ummah aameen barakah Allahu fekum
Jazakumullahi Khairan Sheik.
Jazakallahu khairan. That is my dhikri
Allah Akbar
Well done may Allah protect you
Jazakumlah khayran sheik
Salam alaikum waramotullahi wabarakatu
Waalaykum salaam warahmatullah wabarakatuh
Thank you, sir. I have noticed the power of Adua in my life and I always ask for Astagafru daily after prayer. Is this a good thing? Jazakumllai Khairan. Thank you again.
Definitely, it's a good thing, the holy prophet was quoted as saying ,'I always do astagfirullah 100 times a day'
Salam Allaekun. Please if one is already been attack as a result of weak spiritual fortifications, if one starts saying this prayer daily, can the attack go away? In other words, is the prayer just for prevention only and not curative? Or both?
Yes ooo
If you listen accross the world , you will hear that Jesus Christ , the saviour of the whole world is increasingly appearing to people one on one, have you desire Him for your ,s and your family salvation with the shortness of life challenging humanity?
Accept islam and live peaceful life
Why are you here, it is better you become a muslim