Yeah, I rebuilt all the diff today with oil vs. grease. What a pain! I'll be doing a follow up to it including the part numbers of replacement screws from OFNA
I actually might be there on Thursday night. I have 4 of those screws in my new center diff. That will be the test! I also have my stock Center with me just incase.
No you dont have too you just tekno is made at sdrc like they have their offices there and stuff like that if you ever come down to sdrc let me know i would definatel like to meet you but im only 12 years old but still a huge fan of your videos
Yeah, I rebuilt all the diff today with oil vs. grease. What a pain! I'll be doing a follow up to it including the part numbers of replacement screws from OFNA
I actually might be there on Thursday night. I have 4 of those screws in my new center diff. That will be the test! I also have my stock Center with me just incase.
Thanks for the heads up on the diff screws. I wonder if RC Scres sells a kit for all metric screws.
never been there, its a bit further for me than OCRC. I do plan to get there eventually!
Nice truck man. I too go to OCRC usually monday or thursday nights. Let me know if those new screws work out for you, stripped out 1 or 2 myslef.
Hoping to fix the steering and having a bash in the spring. Bought some Hot Racing upgrades and need the pivot balls replaced.
That was one thing that always plagued the SCTE's - even the TLR versions, the steering
Just poking fun at Tekno......I hear they're very dominant at SDRC. Thanks for the nice comments.
I actually just got back from OCRC! I haven't made it down to SDRC yet. I thought there was a pre-requisite of owning a Tekno truck to get in there?
I hate those little screws in the difs as well.... did you ever find some 2mm hex screws that work?
I did, but they fit looser than the stock ones. I ended up buying the HD diffs from TLR and the screws were no longer an issue.
I use the hd diffs as well but hey still are quite small
I ended up switching to a Tekno SCT410 and the diffs are so much nicer! They're almost a work of art!
No you dont have too you just tekno is made at sdrc like they have their offices there and stuff like that if you ever come down to sdrc let me know i would definatel like to meet you but im only 12 years old but still a huge fan of your videos
I've heard a lot of problems with Horizon Hobby outside of the United States. Maybe try emailing Horizon Hobby in the US?
U got to ocrc have you ever been down to sdrc?
Why would you want thicker oil in the front diff and thinner oil in the rear diff. I thought that you should use the same thickness all around?
Also I find that star wrench, I'm not the term, work as well
Do u ever go to westcost I live closer to ocrc but I like westcost better
Yeah pissed me off when my 1/16 hex stripped and I used a metric hex and it fits ok
Ryan Jacobsen Yeah, I just wasn't aware that any RC vendor still used SAE hardware........
i already tried.. No Chance... Can't run it... my hobbystore is in vacantions
Ok Found it
Yes they are dominant! But they all race in a pro classs.
Ya west cost is assume u shod go one day
Tekin pro4 4000kv