I have one ordered as well. I saw that you painted the spreaders. I was told to use a completely non-conductive paint and was wondering what you used. I'm not as worried about large ice accumulations here in central Texas, so I will probably opt for white. I am using a Rohn 25g with a Carlson tilit up base.
also there is a special glue to use on the spreaders when you put them together. here is a amazon link: www.amazon.com/Bob-Smith-Industries-BSI-133H-Insta-Cure/dp/B0166FFCIM/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2BMKELOGGGZ7T&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YaP5n92EXfbQwUDyzefxCiN4YzBYyN7NJLNgJMyrmAyhFv5jWS9op8MXGMX14smFf_iVwJ3-fCh5UDqVvZUQNQ3rfM8Dohbo5sLhBRzD7lyTq46W8tUEExjBTwHDeVDTrp_hwsHmQuiVcQASYIQ6mxqSTQsKsyd7m9YQD_NRf-75w60LmYlUTYsDwhk5Z2H6w9rQSniE3Rz1L8rZHLS0YAwc_mC5CWu9DqVaz7xjlhk.ssNG9Mq1dgq66kct7GTuw6itaWpEpUJu-O2lZ4RDi0M&dib_tag=se&keywords=bsi+glue+cyanoacrylate&qid=1717851678&sprefix=bsi+glue+cyanoarcrylate%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-4
I have one ordered as well. I saw that you painted the spreaders. I was told to use a completely non-conductive paint and was wondering what you used. I'm not as worried about large ice accumulations here in central Texas, so I will probably opt for white. I am using a Rohn 25g with a Carlson tilit up base.
I was told to use kylon fusion spray paint it takes 4 cans! rough it up first with some 100 grit before spraying.
also there is a special glue to use on the spreaders when you put them together. here is a amazon link: www.amazon.com/Bob-Smith-Industries-BSI-133H-Insta-Cure/dp/B0166FFCIM/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2BMKELOGGGZ7T&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YaP5n92EXfbQwUDyzefxCiN4YzBYyN7NJLNgJMyrmAyhFv5jWS9op8MXGMX14smFf_iVwJ3-fCh5UDqVvZUQNQ3rfM8Dohbo5sLhBRzD7lyTq46W8tUEExjBTwHDeVDTrp_hwsHmQuiVcQASYIQ6mxqSTQsKsyd7m9YQD_NRf-75w60LmYlUTYsDwhk5Z2H6w9rQSniE3Rz1L8rZHLS0YAwc_mC5CWu9DqVaz7xjlhk.ssNG9Mq1dgq66kct7GTuw6itaWpEpUJu-O2lZ4RDi0M&dib_tag=se&keywords=bsi+glue+cyanoacrylate&qid=1717851678&sprefix=bsi+glue+cyanoarcrylate%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-4
How does it work? I am putting mine up soon!
I have had it online for 2 months and it's now my main Antenna. low SWR's and low noise and i have gained about 2db on the rec.
Alfredo Grove
Rowland Way