wen hayley came out at the beginning i was just like :O wow she is so pretty and cool, i love her pants and hair :D if i cud be anybody in the world it wud be her definitley, her voice is amazing too of course!!
Guys,did you recognize that ZAC fucking FTW. In all interviews he don't talk much,but if he says something it breaks everything,he can do it so fucking FUNNY,he's the epicness,if there were no ZAC there wasn't the point of watching it.
Alexa Chung: so you don't have any sexy girls on the tour bus? Zac: no... Hayley: just me !
wen hayley came out at the beginning i was just like :O wow she is so pretty and cool, i love her pants and hair :D if i cud be anybody in the world it wud be her definitley, her voice is amazing too of course!!
"i'm a massive groupie i don't know if you've heard" - Alexa LMAOOOOOO
paramore is my fave band i luv them
LOVE ALEXA AND PARAMORE OH. MY. GOD. i was jumping up and down when i found this video.
Reunion please! 5 is the Best for this group
I like Hayley best with her blonde hair :) too short of an interview I thinkk. Paramore rocks!
I could just sit here and listen to that beautiful voice Hayley has and just take a nap. lol
thanks for uploading
aww josh goes to bed early ^_^!!! they are all so cute :D
I like alexa as a presenter! She's going charisma!
your welcome!
hayley is so cute. i miss her blonde hair so much.
i like how she puts her jackets back on when alexa told her she smelled bad. smh -__-
Which of you goes to bed earliest? Everyone points to Josh.
I remember this show!
+AppleAustin01 me, too. Alexa rocks.
Guys,did you recognize that ZAC fucking FTW. In all interviews he don't talk much,but if he says something it breaks everything,he can do it so fucking FUNNY,he's the epicness,if there were no ZAC there wasn't the point of watching it.
Crappy interviewer Alexa:"So you don't have any sexy girls on the bus?"
Josh:"No." Haha, he sound so disappointed:X
Hayley's so cute XD
Guys,THis ZAC fu**ing FTW guy...he always says random funny things :D
glad he's back
I haven't watched it yet, but thanks in advance Jenny love!
Lol I remember this. I was pissed cause I missed it because I was at school AND it was my birthday. hahaha.
Exaggeratedly short.
my babiessssss
Every colour looks amazing on Hayley but I admit I really liked her blonde :)
shakira sos tan cool!, ademas de ser excelente artista me encanta la onda q tenès !! espero q en verano te vengas para mi paisito(Uruguay) XD.
that was too short. it shouldve been longer :/
Paramores watching the disgusting video. Hayley: "What is this? No!! Ohh sick!" I pissed myself laughing when she said this ;DD
@Y4ZY4 People that follow bands around and try to get with them..
poor hayley!!!
I play in whatever i want.
where can you buy a shirt like hayleys? does anyone know? thx
@nvmelden I think he doesn't look particularly pissed.
Did she voice Jane in Tarzan? her voice sounds familiar (The interviewer)
I do like Paramore but I'll have to agree. No parties, no groupies, no screwing off, no joking. -_- Odd...
haha a while ago like............ before the summer.
hayley looks better if her hair is red 0.o
aw it should've been longer.
Hayley could invite me onto the tour bus anyday ;)
"it was lonely & very smelly" lol.
so she said bad music=miley cyrus not that i'm surprised
"just ol' Stinky Pants" hahaha
What? They realy broke up?
no groupies? 0.o
I like Alexa Chung only cuz she loves kurt cobain
@ReginaFalangie11 ok, maybe mean is the wrong word. and the questions she were pretty boring anyway, imo
omg only alexa chung would make paramore seem bland!
Hayley,vc fede?....rsrsrs
They have no idea what they're talking about omg
That's ignorance
better questions less alexa plz :)
why the heck they had to break up ?!?! the only reason why i listen to this band was because of zac and josh !!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh ?!!!!!!!!!
man this alexa is dull
God, they're a boring band.