The way you guys bond with each other and the way your mom and dad celebrate you guys is the most rarest thing in the families today....I pray that Allah (s.w.t) guys and every family with happiness and bounties amen
You are so lucky to have parent's that smile even after working long hours. My parents own and run a liquor/tobacco store with a drive-thru. And they are legit always grumpy, tired, and pissed off.
Dads really work hard. May Allah swt reward our dads and give them health and long life. Ameen Life in US is very tough I like how your dad is always smiling and he takes care of the elders as well. Masha Allah.
i love ur dad specially he is so active and humble with all the elders as his appearance he looks like stubborn (when i have seen him first-time that's what i thought that's y said don't judge book by cover) but he is so nice and great person when i seen ur vlogs regular pls do mention ur dad my comment
Bless your dad ,helping out with the cooking , serving and cleaning at the iftari . I know it takes alot out of you especially after work. I hope all you guys follow in his footsteps
Hi i am Hasan an Indian living in Dubai. Your Dad is very hardworking person, very tough job at his workshop the role is not easy to handle i mean more energy & efforts require for that role, apart from this he always smile. He is God gifted person. May Allah grant him good health, wealth & happiness please give my regards to him. He is the best example for youngsters. Now i am big fan of your vlogs, i am watching each & every archive vlog of yours every single day. Happy home Mashallah. One more thing your Dad is Super Hero of America. God bless. Cheers!
MashaAllah ur dad is very handsome, humble & down to earth also hard working man. Stay blessed ur family. Ur mom is pretty and good shef. Happy Ramadan.
Loving your Ramadan vlogs ... I just realized you guys didn’t have even 1 iftaari to go to this year ... lol neither did we, lolzzz so it’s all good ❤️❤️❤️❤️ totally love the Nadeem family
So nice vlog i like ur vlog so much. Always waiting fr nw 1...apka family love dekhke aankho ko thandak milti hai.ur dad is so hard wrking ..n humble prsn i ever never seen....lots of lv frm kutch gujrat india.
Ma sha Allah your father always wearing smile and hardworking.. Soo humble,loved watching him taking care of food...may Allah bless him... Loved watching you 3 stooges "kenzaramzaa* my regards to nanu and your mother😃🙋
Hey! The mutter pulao looked delish! Your mom looks like a great cook! That's the combination we have in our house too! Mutter pulao with tandoori chicken!!!
your dad is a hard worker and seems to b a self made person. I see in ur video he is an expert of lathe machine. ask to ur dad. " you are like a Faisalabadi person who knows kharad machine "
Your father is a very hardworking man with a big smile on his face mash’allah.... may Allah bless your family with everything
Your dad is amaaazing, mashallah. I wish I had a dad like him. Hard working, loving and a good soul.
Your dad sounds like a very genuine, honest hard working good Muslim. Your very lucky to have him 👍
Majid Rashid awwwwxxxxx
pro tip: you can watch movies on flixzone. Been using it for watching a lot of movies during the lockdown.
@Jonathan Kingsley yup, I've been watching on flixzone for months myself :D
Uncle is a multitasking man god give him health and ya your outfits r beautiful 😘
Watching Hamza helping his grandma is beautiful and I want to be like your dad doing loads of things at once Masha’allah
He is a real tough man and he is working on lathe machine thats one heck of a task to do very creative work
Love your dad, he is always smiling🥰
Your dad is Such A Humble caring And Good Person love your dad Always
The way you guys bond with each other and the way your mom and dad celebrate you guys is the most rarest thing in the families today....I pray that Allah (s.w.t) guys and every family with happiness and bounties amen
You are so lucky to have parent's that smile even after working long hours. My parents own and run a liquor/tobacco store with a drive-thru. And they are legit always grumpy, tired, and pissed off.
Dads really work hard. May Allah swt reward our dads and give them health and long life. Ameen
Life in US is very tough I like how your dad is always smiling and he takes care of the elders as well. Masha Allah.
Your dad is the cutest! He has the most genuine smile and he seems like such a positive and radiant person!!!
Your dad looks so hardworking person. Mashallah nice to see y’all in Ramadan
but tell him to cut back on the cigss.... its detrimental
I love the unity and love in your families
Your dad works a lot!! someday ya'll need to take your parents on a vacation.
Yes you are right
Love how hardworking and happy your dad is, you guys are lucky to have him and he's lucky to have you guys !!!
i love ur dad specially he is so active and humble with all the elders as his appearance he looks like stubborn (when i have seen him first-time that's what i thought that's y said don't judge book by cover) but he is so nice and great person when i seen ur vlogs regular pls do mention ur dad my comment
Sana Fatima he’s married iditor
Aww your dad ❤️ to his long life and health. Love from Afghanistan
Ameen Summa Ameen
Your mom and dad are super cute, Love their smile :)
Bless your dad ,helping out with the cooking , serving and cleaning at the iftari . I know it takes alot out of you especially after work.
I hope all you guys follow in his footsteps
I'm ten,and today's my first Ramadan....wish me good luck☺
You're daddy is such genuinely hard worker men. God bless you're beautiful family.
Yes MashaAllah
Yur mum is the cutest..It's the most she's ever spoken...lols.
Too yur dad works really hard. God bless!
It's very nice seeing you guys spending quality time together
Your relationship with your parents is so cute
love ur dad as he respects n love his mom n dad ❣️😍
I came down just to appreciate yout dad ! Such a gentleman he is MashAllah ^_^
Hi i am Hasan an Indian living in Dubai. Your Dad is very hardworking person, very tough job at his workshop the role is not easy to handle i mean more energy & efforts require for that role, apart from this he always smile. He is God gifted person. May Allah grant him good health, wealth & happiness please give my regards to him. He is the best example for youngsters. Now i am big fan of your vlogs, i am watching each & every archive vlog of yours every single day. Happy home Mashallah. One more thing your Dad is Super Hero of America. God bless. Cheers!
Uncle Nadeem is such a good person .
Every Ramadan, i wait for this
Aapke dad bahut halal ki mehnat karte hai .Allah aap subko khush rakhe ..AMEEN. Such a strong dad
Kinza n Zara you are blessed with SUPER dad.
God bless both of your parents. 😇
awww love that your moms getting more comfortable in front of the camera!
Don't get enough of watching your vlogs 😁
U guys are so blessed with such beautiful parents
We don't see your father that much at home but today found out he is working hard. May Allah bless you all in this great month of Ramadan.
Your dad is really hard working 💚💚
Mash allah your dads a grafter... May Allah bless him immensely
The cat 💙💙💙😭has all my hearttt
Your vlogs are so addictive watching it while its about time for sehri here..
MashaAllah ur dad is very handsome, humble & down to earth also hard working man. Stay blessed ur family. Ur mom is pretty and good shef. Happy Ramadan.
MashaAllah very nice vlog. Your Abu is very hard working. May Allah bless him
What nasheed was playing at 2:20? LOVE YOUR VLOGS AND YOUR FAMILY! Always uplifting!♥️
Lots of love and respect for your patience Allah keep them safe from evil eyes 😍
love these ramadan vlogs!❤️❤️❤️
MashAllah your dad is such a hardworker...also your cuz javeria is the cutest mA
Your mom’s so cute. Love her❤️
I'm hooked to your Ramadan vlogs, so glad I found your channel. Been a subbie since September 2018!
Ur Nani is so cute lol she really don’t like when u bring the camera to her lol
MashALLAH amazing family Ramzan mubarake to you all
I love ur vlogs ❤️❤️
What a great community effort may Allah bless you all Aameen
Your dad is the coolest....our mithun da...he is so hardworking and helpful
Aunt's smile is 👌👌👌👌
What an amazing family ❤️
Great work by your father keep it up n be thankful to Allah n your father.
Loving your Ramadan vlogs ... I just realized you guys didn’t have even 1 iftaari to go to this year ... lol neither did we, lolzzz so it’s all good ❤️❤️❤️❤️ totally love the Nadeem family
Kennnnn Love you and your Family.. MA SHAA ALLAH BEAUTIFUL FAMILY... tons of love from Pakistan 😍❤️❤️
Literally have an exam in some time gonna come back and watch it all
Good luck with it! Insha Allah it'll go well
It did went well thankyou btw I still saw the video before my exam
Nadeem sb. is a LEGEND..
Javaria outfit here is so cute. just throw it on and it could be the main accessory making it pop without jewlery and then some cute shors
I just don't want the vlog to end ever 😭😭😭
Love watching your vlogs 💜
I love he is so sweet
I love....your Mom ❤️❤️❤️
Today ur mom ws in a good mood😂😂😍😍😍😍
I'm gonna miss these vlogs when Ramadan ends
Your dad MA very hardworking. Take care of him .
So nice vlog i like ur vlog so much. Always waiting fr nw 1...apka family love dekhke aankho ko thandak milti hai.ur dad is so hard wrking ..n humble prsn i ever never seen....lots of lv frm kutch gujrat india.
Really love your all videos m specially this one
I'm in love with your dad he is hero to many now tell him this someone said you are genius
Ma sha Allah your father always wearing smile and hardworking.. Soo humble,loved watching him taking care of food...may Allah bless him... Loved watching you 3 stooges "kenzaramzaa* my regards to nanu and your mother😃🙋
I love all your suits can you tell us where you get them from thanks.
Ur mom is a sweetheart 😘😘😘
yes, vlogs of your moms recipes !
Mashallah your father very handsome, humble, soft and very strong active porsen. ❤️💖❤️
Hey! The mutter pulao looked delish! Your mom looks like a great cook! That's the combination we have in our house too! Mutter pulao with tandoori chicken!!!
So sad when the vlogs end 😫🔥❤️
You are spoiling us omg 🍕❤️🤘🤘
love ur mom alot n alot ❣️ mashallag
Beautifull family vlogsss❤❤❤
Ur vlogs r too good👍🏻 as ur Pakistany outfits too.which brand do u mostly where?
Mr Nadeem You very hard worker👍
your dad is a hard worker and seems to b a self made person. I see in ur video he is an expert of lathe machine.
ask to ur dad. " you are like a Faisalabadi person who knows kharad machine "
My daughters bday is july 11 so now ill remember you on that day too.
If I became half the man/father/husband uncle Nadeem is I would settle for that. Much love and respect ❤️
Your hair is Masha Allah very silky and smooth do show us your hair routine
Love your family and you😻😻😻😻😻
Always enjoy your vlogs! Black outfit is beautiful
Love this vid n iftari food
Love your nano she has so much character m’A
And please reply I really like your glass or sipper steel from where you buy
love u guyssssss and your dad is for real bad ass #lovefromPakistanLahore
He looked more like Ironman
Omg downtown masjid we go there all the time.
so what exactly is vegan chicken
I just had the NUGO Peanut Butter cup. Was my first try and it was pretty good.
Mash A Allah May Allah give you guys health and wealth, no wonder your father isn’t around in the vlogs too much working hard
Please please please say hi to your dad May Allah give him long life Ameen
Keep the vlogs coming
Lots of luv from the u.k💕💕💕