This movie is an adaptation of the animated childrens movie "Das bucklige Pferdchen" (German) / "Конёк-горбунок" (Russian) / "The hunchbacked horse" (English), where Ivan - a young boy from the countryside - is tasked to find out who's destroying the wheatfield during the night. Turns out it's a mythical horse playing around and Ivan manages to "catch" the mare, riding on her back through the night. She promises to gift him something in return for her freedom - two beautiful black stallions and a small hunchbacked horse. She advises him to definetely keep the small horse, even if he decides to sell the other two, for it is very special. And from there on Ivan's adventure begins.
This movie is an adaptation of the animated childrens movie "Das bucklige Pferdchen" (German) / "Конёк-горбунок" (Russian) / "The hunchbacked horse" (English), where Ivan - a young boy from the countryside - is tasked to find out who's destroying the wheatfield during the night. Turns out it's a mythical horse playing around and Ivan manages to "catch" the mare, riding on her back through the night. She promises to gift him something in return for her freedom - two beautiful black stallions and a small hunchbacked horse. She advises him to definetely keep the small horse, even if he decides to sell the other two, for it is very special. And from there on Ivan's adventure begins.
Two BMWs 😂
Good use of AI😅
Whats title of this movie?
Title: upon the magic roads
movie name please
Title please
upon the magic roads
Sorry I more partial to "Stardust"
(same sort of magical fairytale)