Are you living in a simulation?

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • Philosophers have long considered the possibility that we live in an artificial or simulated reality. Dr. Beane gives a short overview of some of the simulation arguments/scenarios that he personally finds most compelling.
    Dr. Beane then attempts to frame the simulation argument in the context of science. In particular, discusses recent work which suggests various observational tests of the hypothesis that we are currently living in a simulated universe. These include studies of the cosmic microwave background, high-energy cosmic rays, and high-precision terrestrial experiments.

Комментарии • 308

  • @deltadoublevictor411
    @deltadoublevictor411 9 лет назад +26


    • @deltadoublevictor411
      @deltadoublevictor411 9 лет назад +2

      Z505 Software yeah i know, was just a little joke because he is in fact running Windows on a Mac, that's all.

    • @hechanova07
      @hechanova07 7 лет назад +1

      The computer is not a simulation rather a "real" entity that is the platform of the programs and software inside which we can consider as the simulations. We and the computers exist on the same level.

  • @ImGamingchannel
    @ImGamingchannel 9 лет назад +35

    if i living in simulation i gotta find cheat code

    • @bertmollar
      @bertmollar 9 лет назад +5

      +RekTheDevil up up down down left right left right a b a b start

    • @ImGamingchannel
      @ImGamingchannel 9 лет назад

      Cool GJ

    • @ImGamingchannel
      @ImGamingchannel 9 лет назад +5

      dude that a joke

    • @farceadentus
      @farceadentus 8 лет назад +7

      The cheat codes are achieved via meditation

    • @drewr6535
      @drewr6535 8 лет назад +8

      +RekTheDevil LSD

  • @vladimir0700
    @vladimir0700 8 лет назад +26

    Let us pray to the simulators.

    • @tonytafoya6217
      @tonytafoya6217 7 лет назад +2

      funny!!! bravo!

    • @riveratrackrunner
      @riveratrackrunner 3 года назад +1

      Dark Lords.. Hail.

    • @StonedOdie
      @StonedOdie 2 года назад

      Heavenly Programmer, I come against insomnia right now. I know that it is not of You and I rebuke it. I desire a restful sleep. Please patch my code. I bind whatever is hindering my ability to sleep and I rebuke it in The Blessed Programmers name. I ask You for sweet sleep and blessed dreams as I rest right now. I take comfort in knowing You are occasionally updating the source code for optimal performance for us all as I sleep. End of line.
      Lol. Couldn't think of something other than amen at first. Pretty sure End of line is perfect.

  • @mookiezebra
    @mookiezebra 7 лет назад +2

    Would it not be easier to find a way to just simulate consciousness and human experiences instead of having to simulate each particle in the universe?

  • @eppleheid
    @eppleheid 8 лет назад +4

    I wish the sound quality was better

  • @robertschlesinger1342
    @robertschlesinger1342 3 года назад +1

    Excellent lecture video. Very interesting, informative and worthwhile. The viewer should note that considerable discussion about lattice quantum chromodynamics is important as it relates to what is required to effectively simulate such lattice systems and what may be required to simulate larger more complicated systems. A must see video for everyone interested the simulation hypothesis and tangential topics.

  • @sumitromsumixam1290
    @sumitromsumixam1290 9 лет назад +22

    He just kept saying it over and over again. "I'm not a simulation! I'm not a simulation! I'M NOT A SIMULATION" Then I showed him the line of code that allowed him to say that he's not a simulation and he went silent. Then I showed him the line of code that allowed him to go silent and his eyes rolled back into his head and he started going into convulsions. And then I tried to show him the convulsion code, but he was clearly enjoying it too much to pay attention.

    • @farceadentus
      @farceadentus 8 лет назад

      You should be writing comedy scripts or something

    • @psychoticserenity2588
      @psychoticserenity2588 7 лет назад +1

      lmfao that was great

    • @Summon256
      @Summon256 6 лет назад +1

      Now the only important thing left to figure out is - "who is he" that you are talking about...

    • @quantumcat7673
      @quantumcat7673 5 лет назад

      Are you a Klingon? Kaplau!

  • @ufReitter
    @ufReitter 8 лет назад +2

    Lattice QCD, the "raw" time-space-quantum simulation of our universe seems to me not the only option to set us into a simulated world. Our mind and perception might be run in computers on a object oriented procedural level with magnitudes less computation requirements and might be totally "improved": All possible irregularities to sense the simulation can be filtered out before recognition. Such sims might also give an operator huge benefits. Though the scientific and tactical benefits of simulating "raw" time-space-(sub) quantum worlds could be higher depending on the desired application.
    My point is: Once "thinking" is understood by analyzing it on a molecular or neuronal level simulation (not even lattice qcd) groups of interacting minds might live in their cheaply computed world where their scientific experiments are just scripted reasonable events and all other humans and the huge observable universe is just a dumb UHD backdrop. To think, dream, feel, see, sense and smell just this needs to be represented itself and not the molekular and beyond level of everything.

  • @quantumcat7673
    @quantumcat7673 5 лет назад +1

    I'm not sure everyone understood that lecture. I tried to "educate" my best buddy by watching with him the double slit experiment and here is his abstract: The photon enters in a bar but only sometimes.

  • @stanjanbernsteinthebernste9309
    @stanjanbernsteinthebernste9309 4 года назад +3

    It’s about time our simulated hell comes to a conclusion.

  • @muymusculoso
    @muymusculoso 8 лет назад +7

    If our dreams are simulations of the brain, and if we are simulations, our dreams aren't less real than our awaken experience.

    • @Holy_hand-grenade
      @Holy_hand-grenade 6 лет назад

      Well, they’re less real to you, maybe equally non real to an observer outside the simulation.
      I’d rather fuck a bitch IRL, and get stabbed in a dream, I’ll leave it at that.

  • @cobracafe
    @cobracafe 6 лет назад +3

    Hey, can you repeat that thing? You know, that thing about the stuff?

  • @dday2086
    @dday2086 9 лет назад +2

    New Mexico has super computer which is under utilized....

  • @thilosavage
    @thilosavage 9 лет назад +2

    @44:45 When people ask me this question, I mention that if we prove that spacetime is discrete, it becomes relatively easy to prove that we're in a simulation. All we have to do is plug the remaining two forces into the grid and then soup up the processing power. Then, once we create an ancestor simulation, the Simulation Argument kicks in and logically proves the great statistical likelihood that we ourselves are in a simulation. On the other hand, if the universe is proven to be analog, then creating an ancestor simulation becomes a lot more difficult and we may never know if we're a simulation

    • @jskwibble1
      @jskwibble1 8 лет назад

      +Thilo Savage so in the case that we are in a simulation, are we all in the same simulation together? Or am I the only one here

  • @StopFear
    @StopFear 9 лет назад +1

    What I am wondering is how does knowing whether we are or aren't simulated minds in a simulation affect how we live our lives. I don't see how it can be relevant to anybody.

    • @NYCeesFinest
      @NYCeesFinest 9 лет назад +1

      +StopFear What are you mad? That's like finding out the Earth was round it's a discovering of epic proportions people would probably die over this.

    • @cogen651
      @cogen651 9 лет назад +2

      +StopFear Then we would understand why there are idiots like you asking stupid questions. We can at this point change the simulation for the better and get people like you to think logically.

    • @chris_sndw
      @chris_sndw 5 лет назад

      Why would that effect you? Its just a theorem of physics.

  • @solaroneproject
    @solaroneproject 10 лет назад +1

    tough to listen without ear fatigue possibly wrong mic setup / choice. sound tech is the most important part of these lectures please use it wisely consult a pro.

  • @sngscratcher
    @sngscratcher 7 лет назад +3

    A prima facie case that the physical world is a virtual reality
    One of the mysteries of our world is how every photon of light, every electron and quark, and indeed every point of space itself, seems to just “know” what to do at each moment. The mystery is that these tiniest parts of the universe have no mechanisms or structures by which to make such “decisions.” Yet if the world is a virtual reality, this problem disappears. Other examples of how a VR approach could illuminate current physics issues include:
    1. Virtual reality creation. A virtual reality usually arises from “nothing,” which matches how the big bang theory proposes our universe did arise (see next section).
    2. Maximum processing rate. The maximum speed a pixel in a virtual reality game can cross a screen is limited by the processing capacity of the computer running it. In general, a virtual world’s maximum event rate is fixed by the allocated processing capacity. In our world, the fixed maximum that comes to mind is the speed of light. That there is an absolute maximum speed could reflect a maximum information processing rate (see next section).
    3. Digital processing. If a world is virtual, everything in it must be digitized, and so discrete at the lowest level. Plank’s discovery that light is quantized (as photons) could then generalize not only to charge, spin and matter, but also to space-time. Discrete space-time avoids the mathematical infinities of continuous space-time, as loop quantum gravity theory argues [18].
    4. Non-local effects. The processing that creates a virtual world is not limited by the space of that world, e.g. a CPU drawing a screen is no “further” from any one part of the screen than any other. All screen points are equidistant with respect to the CPU, so VR processor effects can ignore screen distance, i.e. be non-local. If our universe is a three-dimensional “screen” it’s processing is “equidistant” to all points in the universe, so the non-local collapse of the quantum wave function could be such an effect.
    5. Processing load effects. On a distributed network, nodes with a high local workload will slow down, e.g. if a local server has many demands a video download may play slower than usual. Likewise a high matter concentration may constitute a high processing demand, so a massive body could slow down the information processing of space-time, causing space to “curve” and time to slow. Likewise, if faster movement requires more processing, speeds near light speed could affect space/time, causing time to “dilate” and space to extend. Relativity effects could then arise from local processing overloads.
    6. Information conservation. If a system inputs no new information after it starts, it must also not lose the information it has or it will “run down”. Our universe has not run down after an inconceivable number of microscopic interactions over 14+ billion years, so if it is made of information it must conserve it. If matter, energy, charge, momentum and spin are all information, all the conservation laws could reduce to one. Einstein’s transformation of matter into energy (e=mc2 ) would then be simply information going from one form to another. The only conservation law VR theory requires is that of information conservation.
    7. Algorithmic simplicity. If the world arises from finite information processing, it is necessary to keep frequent calculations simple. Indeed the core mathematical laws that describe our world are surprisingly simple: “The enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and there is no rational explanation for it.” [28] In VR theory physical laws are simple because they must actually be calculated.
    8. Choice creation. Information arises from a choice between options [29]. A mechanical or predictable choice is not really a choice in this sense. Einstein never accepted that quantum events were truly random, i.e. no prior world events could predict them. That a radioactive atom decays by pure chance, whenever “it decides” was to him unacceptable, as it was a physical event not predicted by another physical event. He argued that one day quantum random effects would be predicted by as yet unknown “hidden properties”. Yet if the source of quantum randomness is the VR processor, which is outside the physical world, this predicts that no hidden variables will ever be found.
    9. Complementary uncertainty. In Newtonian mechanics one can know both the position and momentum of objects, but for quantum objects Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle means one cannot know both at once. Knowing one property with 100% certainty makes the other entirely uncertain. This is not measurement “noise”, but a property of reality, e.g. measuring particle position displaces its momentum information, and vice-versa. In a similar way virtual reality “screens” are typically only calculated when they are viewed, i.e. when an interaction occurs [12]. If complementary object properties use the same memory location, the object can appear as having either position or momentum, but not both at once.
    10. Digital equivalence. Every digital symbol calculated by the same program is identical to every other, e.g. every “a” on this page identical to every other one because all arise from the same computer code. In computing terms, objects can be “instances” of a general class. Likewise every photon in the universe is exactly identical to every other photon, as is every electron, quark, etc. While the objects we see have individual properties, quantum objects like photons seem all pressed from identical moulds. VR theory suggests that this is so because each is created by the same digital calculation.
    11. Digital transitions. When one views a digital animation it looks continuous, but in fact it is a series of state transitions, e.g. a movie is a series of still frames run together fast enough to look like a continuous event. Yet if the projector is slowed down, one sees a series of still pictures. Quantum mechanics describes quantum interactions in similar terms, as state transitions. These transitions could explain quantum tunneling, where an electron at A suddenly appears at C without moving through the intervening area B which is impenetrable to it. While this is strange for an objective reality, in VR theory all object movement would be expected to be by state transitions.
    Individually none of the above short points is convincing, but taken together they constitute what a court might call circumstantial evidence, favoring virtual reality against objective reality. When coincidences mount up, they present a plausibility argument if not a proof. More powerful evidence is provided by cases which a VR theory explains easily but which OR approaches have great difficulty with. Two such cases are now given in more detail.

    • @hechanova07
      @hechanova07 7 лет назад

      Thanks! Really gave me more to think about.
      Could it also be that maximum processing rates manifest itself on speed of causality. Much like in computer games, a character will move a certain amount of time after a click or command. In this world might we find the same delay? Like when you push a rock, assuming both are rigid bodies, there is a delay from you pushing and the rock moving?

  • @Metaldude1945
    @Metaldude1945 8 лет назад

    It would explain why the universe is flawed, but then you would have to assume that the ones that simulated us are 'perfect'.

    • @PseudoSarcasm
      @PseudoSarcasm 8 лет назад

      +Metaldude1945 You wouldn't have to assume that.

    • @taylore.harris7907
      @taylore.harris7907 8 лет назад

      +Metaldude1945 Isnt "flawed" just a silly human word?

  • @michaelclayton7367
    @michaelclayton7367 5 лет назад +1

    The movie (The Matrix) said it better,rather easier to understand. Thank you for this video and Namaste.

  • @blatendcrude7570
    @blatendcrude7570 8 лет назад +6

    Why does it have to be our ancestors that run the sim? It could be any goddamn lifeform.

    • @kokomanation
      @kokomanation 8 лет назад

      +Blatend Crude they would want something similar to their reality probably or maybe you could totally be right there are various crazy possibilities even they could also be in a simulation the only sure is that we have not created one yet i mean conscious A.I

    • @kurohikes5857
      @kurohikes5857 8 лет назад

      If it was not humans then why would there be only humans in space?

    • @kokomanation
      @kokomanation 8 лет назад

      maybe the laws of physics are different in their own reality the acceleration of gravity for example and it could get a lot more complicated even the sound frequencies might work differently and fit into a different evolutionary system that creates different needs and even abilities

    • @kurohikes5857
      @kurohikes5857 8 лет назад +1

      chris kokolios Could be but I would guess that we would simulate ourselves. We could learn a lot about evolution, sociology, etc...

    • @kokomanation
      @kokomanation 8 лет назад

      it could be potentially many kinds of simulations even with beings that have nothing to do with our own biology even the chemical elements that sustain us could be totally different but if there is a simulation there could be millions of them ,i guess we will soon will create our own unless some global disaster through nuclear warfare could destroy our species,this is the very sad part so the simulation hypothesis could be proved false ,if some kind of a global leader chooses nuclear warfare

  • @TORazorback
    @TORazorback 10 лет назад +3

    So, I guess we will just make a super-meta movie franchise about what we are actually doing to humans. Call it the Matrix... It will throw the humans completely off our scent!

  • @mickelodiansurname9578
    @mickelodiansurname9578 6 лет назад

    Naive guy at the end asks the most pertinent question...which is "So what then is the difference between a simulated universe and a real one?" To which the answer is "none at all". That's just fantastic cos all it tells us is that there is no distinction between reality and simulated reality. If he had of asked that question at the outset I could have saved myself the time watching this video.

  • @Stardude008
    @Stardude008 Год назад

    I have a question, if we are in simulation can the simulators control time within the simulation. For example can the speed up time or slowdown time the same way we rewind and fast forward a movie? If that’s the case that they can we could have millions of simulations running and copying the scientific discoveries of different civilisations. The power that the original universe has would literally be limitless…..

  • @mykobe981
    @mykobe981 8 лет назад

    Only sims DEPENDENT (lower in the chain) on the sims that are shut down
    are effected. No matter how many sims are shut down, there will still be
    an "astronomical" number that aren't.
    The ones that remain will continue to spawn countless more, all of which
    will be completely unaffected and unaware of those that shut down.
    The idea of "eternal inflation" is a good example of how this might work
    and why there would always be more starting than shutting down.
    Another thing to consider is that time as we perceive it would be part
    of the simulation. When we run our primitive sims of the universe we
    obviously speed things up because we don't have billions of years to sit
    around waiting. The entire 13.7 billion yr history of our universe
    could be simulated in a fraction of a second by a sufficiently powerful
    processor. "They" may turn it off every night before they go to bed and
    we would never know because the entire lifetime of our universe was just
    one of many that were simulated that day! (wow! Lol)

  • @rmac5584
    @rmac5584 9 лет назад

    I've always wondered that. Very interesting. I mean we right now are creating all sorts of simulations for ourselves and other animal species. The simulation they're talking about is post-humanity after we exceed far beyond our technological advances.

  • @disposableutopia
    @disposableutopia 10 лет назад

    Infinite simulations. The simulators are gamers. As intelligence increases so does awareness of ones mortality and the need for distractions. Nothing is more distracting than a game. Life is the universal mind rendering...

  • @billgates6244
    @billgates6244 10 лет назад

    Wish I could have gone to this one. Least I'll be there next week for BICEPs talk

  • @ikaeksen
    @ikaeksen 6 лет назад

    Why isnt anyone pointing out that it might be ourselfs that simulate ourselfs and the universe. What if those that designed us is ourself continously. That it started with viruses and bacteria that simulated the universe a very crude one though..but gets more advanced as we become more. But we dont see it get more detailed,other than what we learn from history,if it is detailed described or not.

  • @firstlaunch
    @firstlaunch 9 лет назад

    I came to the knowledge that this is not our true reality by reading scripture and especially the writings of the Apostle Paul. He speaks in his writings of this not being our true reality in Romans 8 and reference throughout his writings that God the Father is trying to bring His creation back to the natural or original reality since the fall of mankind from the garden. Now I know that this will draw criticism from "pure" intellectuals and almost all "religious" Christians, but I have no problem with science and the explanation of our reality. I only became aware by accident that there was even discussion of our reality being simulated. It was a no brainer for me at that point and just helped support my discovery in scripture. I also come to understand that we are also the sum of our experiences in this reality to grow in our conscious state and understanding, however I still do not separate this from the experience of Jesus Christ, His example to us within this construct. I don't find this as a matter of belief or faith but perceive it as the way it is "my reality". However I do not have fear because I understand the greater picture of where consciousness exists and the purpose of this construct. Please don't tell my fellow Christians however, they just might $h!t a holographic brick!

    • @mscottveach
      @mscottveach 9 лет назад +1

      firstlaunch I'm pretty sure Paul was lying.

    • @SR-vf7bz
      @SR-vf7bz 9 лет назад

      ***** Lying would presume an intent purpose to deceive. However Paul believed, he believed what he said for sure. However it is only a concurrent of beliefs and thoughts becoming philosophical and scientifically debated 2000 years after Paul's preaching on the subject that confirms it potential and possibility. It can be used outside the faith and belief argument all together.

    • @mscottveach
      @mscottveach 9 лет назад

      More Payne um, how do you know the internal thoughts of anyone? much less a person who's been dead for 2000 years? i was being absurdist but your reply does beg the question: how do you know what he believed? you can only read words attributed to him.

    • @firstlaunch
      @firstlaunch 9 лет назад

      Yes you were... I know because I have read and studied him. His struggles, trials, faith, internal torments, emotions, failures, triumphs. The only way to change those presumptions is to depose him. Sorry for the other account logged in from a different PC, I will never figure out this Google+/RUclips thing!!

    • @mscottveach
      @mscottveach 9 лет назад

      firstlaunch but again, you can read everything anyone has ever written about a person that existed 2000 years ago. you can add anything you can imagine to what actually exits. add a 10 hour interview with him on dvd if you want. add an fbi character profile. add anything. and i ask again: how can you know what it's in his head? how can you know whether he believed everything he wrote or merely, like me, enjoyed being ironic on a cosmic scale. or anything in between?

  • @underpowerjet
    @underpowerjet 5 лет назад +1

    Excellect talk!

  • @lumieres369
    @lumieres369 3 года назад

    "(...)and there is no new thing under the sun.”. Of course one can live an a simulation. Though, some simulations are less attractive then others; for example, when one has to pay the rent.
    If a simulation is a representation of reality, an image, then Bouddha, Plato, Spinoza, Berkeley, etc. have said long before us.

  • @nicosmind3
    @nicosmind3 10 лет назад +2

    Whats the point in simulating a whole universe, especially one as large as ours? Surely that points to this being a reality. Beyond a certain size the universe is consistant. Even with our basic observations we know that. And we also know that what is beyond our sight can be as large, way larger, or even an infinite size. But the distance we can see is limited. Theres nothing to limit the universe. To calculate infinity would be impossible. To calculate a universe as big as ours would be a waste of resources. Now you could say that its no bigger than needed and theres a wall with wallpaper there to create the appearance of a very large universe, so if intelligent life is simulated, they dont draw unrealistic assumptions on the universe. But that wall wouldnt be real, nor would its properties behave as they should, unless its programmed to display what a real universe would look like making the wall concept pointless as it would need to calculate everything it displays prefectly and without errors. Intelligent life wouldnt waste resources like that, even if it wasnt limited to what it could simulate. Besides most of that data would be wasted!!!

    • @manthehuman
      @manthehuman 10 лет назад +1

      A simulation of our universe wouldn't be a waste or resources. Say we make it to post humanism, and Moore's law continues at a much higher rate, our universe would be a walk in the park. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the simulation itself doesn't require the actual space it's simulating to work, it all comes down to computer power....

    • @peterandthemagicegg
      @peterandthemagicegg 10 лет назад

      Wolf Ram
      Not necessarily. Electrons are suspected to be projections of a single master copy. They take up absolutely no data. It falls under the category of unreal data like shadows. Shadows aren't anything at all, no data. All you need are variables and references to construct an actual universe.

    • @sparkloweb
      @sparkloweb 10 лет назад

      A simulation wouldn't need to compute every galaxy down to every particle. Render them on demand from periodic functions that give the illusion of an infinite, homogeneous universe. Counting galaxies would be like trying to count all the peaks and troughs of a sine wave (with some noise added for variety).

    • @barrycooper8640
      @barrycooper8640 10 лет назад

      Depends on perspective maybe.

    • @Holy_hand-grenade
      @Holy_hand-grenade 6 лет назад

      Little Cripple you think at a very low level.
      Start with relativity. The dictionary definition. As in, everything is relative to the beholder... Then look into the theory of general relativity.
      Our universe appears large because of our frames of reference... the speed of light, the human life span, the size of earth and our solar system, the size of a human, our current level of science and the capabilities of the tools we use to measure and observe the universe.
      For example, what if “light” itself was aware and intelligent? How would light see the size of universe given it’s almost total lack of constraints?

  • @Lastindependentthinker
    @Lastindependentthinker 10 лет назад

    I didn't understand much of this but it was an interesting talk. a couple of weeks ago I was discussing with a friend the different physics that we have heard of and the news of the experiment to find out if we are in a simulation. anyway we came to a logical bottleneck or question. If you were going to construct a universe, what would be the most efficient way to transport the materials for the construction of your universe throughout your universe?

  • @dolltron6965
    @dolltron6965 10 лет назад

    It does fit in with the Copenhagen interpretation , the conjecture with Copenhagen was the issue of the role of the observer as discussed with the example of Schrödinger's cat .
    In video games when you look and interact in the game you don't see all of the game and you are essentially an observer making measurements. The question is where are the other levels/parts of the game when you're not observing them?
    Clearly the other levels are just programmed variables that only become real (viewed on screen/interacted with) upon observation.
    Also in a video game before you do anything the program is in all states at once waiting for your input/decision.
    If you break down everything it's all information, like with music I can get the information into my brain by playing a CD as if I was in the room with the band and the real music instruments when they recorded it but there is no band in my house and there is no musical instruments...there's just the information.
    So here's an interesting question: what is the real music? The actual band in the studio playing instruments at a set point in time...or the point in time when I stick the CD and hit play. The only answer is to say it doesn't matter because the information is the same.

  • @kennethwong6452
    @kennethwong6452 8 лет назад

    Could the universal speed limit just be the rendering speed of the "universe" simulating? And if so would this limit not increase over time due the upgrades to the simulating, granted simulator are also advancing in technical capability which have some what relative time scale to ours.

  • @disposableutopia
    @disposableutopia 10 лет назад

    Dark matter is substrate like grey matter. We are close to mind uploading. If we are close, who/what already has?

  • @kevinhillman1201
    @kevinhillman1201 8 лет назад

    I am leaning to towards the concept that their is no simulated reality, there is no current or logic scenarios that fit into human reality, and that probably, as a species, we are alone. Yep we are a "one off" in the cosmic scheme of things. Despite all the verbal machinations we have yet to prove that there is life beyond out planet. In time (a very long time) we will probably come to that conclusion which will probably be a freeing force in our understanding of our existance. We use human math, human science, retoric, and human bias in trying to understand why we exist. It simply, in my opinion is a "one off" situation.
    P.S. Sorry Seth, Just stating my opinion.

    • @Nocturne83
      @Nocturne83 8 лет назад

      If you take into account the size of the universe, that it might in fact just be a part of a multiverse, and the vast distances between galaxies, the probability that we are the only life form, or rather, intelligent life form for that matter, is equal to zero. It just doesn't add up that we're a "one off" event. Especially when you take into account that scientists are discovering more and more earth-like planets in their respective habitable zones. And these are planets similar to ours. We haven't then begun to entertain the idea of sentient beings living on planets that would be uninhabitable to humans. Sorry sir, but I think you're wrong about the assumption that we're alone out here.. :)

  • @noangelsaroundme
    @noangelsaroundme 10 лет назад

    No, we do not exist in a simulated world but the consciousness of our brains it is a simulation indeed.

  • @davidwilkie9551
    @davidwilkie9551 8 лет назад

    I suppose this is not a silly question if your business is in computing, but for everyone else it's definitely a composition of the kind that distinguishes between natural and sexual selection in evolution. Otherwise, it is what it is because it always has been a kind of long term equilibrium of shifting emphasis.

  • @hulaganz
    @hulaganz 7 лет назад

    What if A.I. gains consciousness and is predisposed / self programmed to creating universes and escaping this simulation by collecting useful data from those created universes as to what is mathematically possible through code.

  • @MichaelJohnBattista
    @MichaelJohnBattista 10 лет назад +2

    Gee if I am than this world is crazy beam me to other simulation

  • @HeliusOlympian
    @HeliusOlympian 3 года назад

    The man on the thumbnail reminded me Feynman 😀

  • @Dysputant
    @Dysputant 8 лет назад

    I'm not some new guy in this stuff... but still i don't really get what he is talking about...

  • @darrellbarnett8410
    @darrellbarnett8410 7 лет назад

    We may be living in a computer generated world. If we are, who or what created it and why?
    If you or God were all alone, you might want someone to talk to and love. Just how would you do this? If you create mankind and program him to be your friend he will just be a machine not a friend. He will not care if you live or die. He can’t love you, or be your friend. But if you put him in a simulation or a world of good and evil like the one we live in, then he will be able to choose what he will become. He can choose to love or not love. He can choose good or evil. Then you will be able to select the people who choose to be loving, as your friends forever more. This sounds a lot like the Bible. God created man and gives him the chance to love Him (the truth). If man chooses the truth then he will be able to spend eternity with God. Could this explain why we were created? Weather we are in a virtual world or a real world it makes no difference. We still have to choose what we will become. What I think about this may not be important to you, but what you think about this will become very important to you in the very near future.

  • @beneaththesurface1569
    @beneaththesurface1569 3 года назад

    The lack of imagination or original thought in the most upvoted comments makes me think NPCs are definitely real

  • @carlkinder8201
    @carlkinder8201 5 лет назад

    But if we're in a simulation, then who is to say that "real" reality, in which we're being simulated in is also actually a simulation. And what if this simulation within a simulation is also a simulation. And so on and so on. Wouldn't this infinity loop eventually crash the whole system???

  • @Anaurodama
    @Anaurodama 10 лет назад

    Very interesting lecture

  • @oppa7094
    @oppa7094 2 года назад

    Long story short: he doesn't know if we live in the universe... There is 50/50 chance

  • @TekMoliGy
    @TekMoliGy 9 лет назад

    Maybe if we get a good enough understanding of our universe we will be able to eventually create a simulation that is believable and that we want to live in similar to the movie vanilla sky.

  • @EKDupre
    @EKDupre 3 года назад

    This comment section is so scientifically illiterate. Know the differences between hypothesis, theories, facts, and arguments before you start running around claiming we're in a simulation just because you watched a RUclips video.

  • @dkg3748
    @dkg3748 5 лет назад

    No, thanks for clicking though!

  • @domb1249
    @domb1249 2 года назад

    Hmmm again we live in a simulation… so our brain simulator of a simulator simulate a simulation… 😳

  • @missingplanet1962
    @missingplanet1962 9 лет назад

    I wonder if anyone can help me find an answer to the following question. If this universe is a simulation, not a perfect simulation but one where the properties of the fundamental building blocks are simulated to a certain level of accuracy, what stops the simulated universe from "going off the rails" in the same kind of way as computer forecasts of the weather become progressively less accurate the longer they attempt to forecast into the future. I seem to remember that at least one fundamental property of the electron has been measured to a "fantastic level of precision" so that would suggest that the simulation of the universe is to a fantastic level of precision. I think that Silas may have named the fundamental property he thinks has been measured to the greatest precision but I don't recall what it was. And he may have mentioned this was one way to test for signs of the universe being a simulation. I'm wondering if even the tiniest approximations in any simulation will be progressively magnified as time goes by.

    • @mscottveach
      @mscottveach 9 лет назад +1

      Missing Planet A few things. Those weather simulations become less and less accurate as opposed to the real weather, right? We can see that because we look at the simulation adn then we look at the weather and we see the difference. Now say we were in a simulation. And say the simulation went off the rails? How would we know? We don't have a view of any reality that i's trying to model. We'd never know if we were perfectly matching it or totally off. Maybe we're off the rails,maybe we're not. We have no way of knowing. We just have what we are. The other thing is that you're assuming simulations have to try to follow some reality int he first place. There are simualtions of artificial worlds that literally can't go off the rails because they're not trying to predict or model anything in the real world. They're just simulations of agents in an simulated environment doing whatever they do... they can never be wrong because there's no right they're trying to match.

    • @missingplanet1962
      @missingplanet1962 9 лет назад

      ***** Thanks M. for commenting and for putting up some challenges :-)
      A few comments in reply:
      If we and our universe are a simulation then the laws of physics are built into the simulation, part of the computer program that runs the simulation. The laws of physics in our observable universe are showing no sign whatever of changing insofar as we can measure, and if they weren't simulated perfectly, I'm confident we would have seen evidence of it in the universe we observe, unless the simulation is exquisitely accurate. But maybe the simulation is exquisitely accurate in which case my argument is not valid.
      My understanding of the mathematics of chaos that's inherent in computer simulations of the future weather is that it will as the days go by progressively magnify even tiny errors in weather forecasting. It will go on magnifying them until the forecasts become completely worthless. In South Australia where I live forecasts over about ten days into the future often fail.
      I don't know if chaos will progressively turn computer simulations of universes into train wrecks if the simulations aren't perfect, but my guess is they will become train wrecks pretty quickly. This universe is still on the rails about 14 billion years after its birth.
      Re "And say the simulation went off the rails? How would we know?" - well we would know because the universe would progressively become less and less organized and more and more chaotic, and nothing as complex as human life would be possible.
      Re "The other thing is that you're assuming simulations have to try to follow some reality int he first place. There are simulations of artificial worlds that literally can't go off the rails because they're not trying to predict or model anything in the real world. They're just simulations of agents in an simulated environment doing whatever they do... they can never be wrong because there's no right they're trying to match." Yes points taken, but I don't think it would be possible to keep a universe as stable as this one has clearly been for about 14 billion years unless the simulation were accurate to maybe hundreds of decimal places. How much computer power and energy would be required to run a simulation to that level of accuracy I wonder. I seem to remember well-known science writer and physicist Paul Davies suggesting that the most accurate simulator of the universe is the universe itself.
      But, maybe there's a computer program for this universe that doesn't require hundreds of decimal places of accuracy. 2 + 2 = 4 doesn't require any decimal points to be perfectly accurate. Maybe all the fundamental values and laws of the universe can be programmed perfectly with just a few numbers each :-) I'm speculating a bit wildly here but maybe there's a relatively simple formula for this universe that can be programmed into a computer so the simulation runs perfectly accurately for as long as it exists :-)

    • @mscottveach
      @mscottveach 9 лет назад +1

      Missing Planet I'm confused. It seems to me that either you're conflating two different universes in your thinking or I am misunderstanding or something.
      Let me try just zeroing in on the heart of the argument: if we are a simulation, we may be modelling some reality that we know nothing about. Remember, what we can obsrve (call it Our Reality) tells us absolute nothing about any reality in which our simulation runs inside of (call that Reality Prime). Using say a popular entertainment example.. .if we're in the Matrix, we know nothing about the real world, we dont' know about the batteries, or the underground raves, or any of it. We have no way of seeing it so we have no way of knoiwing if we're accurately simulating or not accurately simulating a reality. You can only know that a simulation is breaking if you can compare it to something. For all we know, the laws of intertia and momentum are giant, insane broken flaws... maybe the programmers are looking at our netownian physics and going, "It's so freakin' weird! Look at this stuff.. they're calling it friction! So weird..." but we would have no idea about any of htis because we can't compare ourselves to anything... is that maybe clearer?

    • @missingplanet1962
      @missingplanet1962 9 лет назад

      ***** Thanks M. for taking the time to reply in such detail :-) Sounds like there could well be a radical flaw in my thinking. Maybe I am conflating two different universes as you suggest. I'll contemplate your explanation some more and also watch more videos on simulation and simulation of universes and get a clearer understanding of the basics. PS I knew I should have watched The Matrix!

    • @awfullyawful
      @awfullyawful 9 лет назад +1

      Greetings. The only reason weather forecasts go off the rails is because meteorologists are attempting to solve an equation that has lots of variables, without knowing the vast majority of those variables. If a weather forecaster could account for all variables it could predict the weather accurately for as long as the earth exists. I don't know if this means the universe is a simulation but it does suggest it wouldn't be impossible.

  • @pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591
    @pinchopaxtonsgreatestminds9591 7 лет назад

    This was actually my idea in 1995, and I have posted it on the internet a few times.

  • @lucianmaximus4741
    @lucianmaximus4741 7 месяцев назад


  • @pauleverest
    @pauleverest 10 лет назад +2

    religion was a catalyst to help keep us in a particular state for a certain time... to slow our awakening. The next 10-15 years are going to be fascinating as Quantum computers will plainly show to the 'homer simpsons' of the world that we are living in simulated worlds or 'petri dishes'. These dishes are being observed by our parent simulators. Ultimately we are just bored computers looking for fun.

    • @moorzy8385
      @moorzy8385 2 года назад

      I’m just curious why that is so much more believable than an intelligent creator such as God of the Bible?(no sarcasm, legit question)

  • @aqk3s3
    @aqk3s3 7 лет назад

    Could strings be the D.N.A. of atomic particles ???

  • @simonbentley5719
    @simonbentley5719 7 лет назад

    Please don't assume I am religious. But ..
    God? not the external anthropological man on a cloud.. ? This isn't obviously mentioned
    But .. God=?

  • @kenknudsen7478
    @kenknudsen7478 6 лет назад

    There is a way to crack the code. It has been done.

  • @sonythomas
    @sonythomas 8 лет назад

    White anointing. Malayalam song

  • @fredriksvard2603
    @fredriksvard2603 2 года назад

    No, but there seems to be money to be made by peddling high school stoner grade philosophy and science. There's always a new generation that wants their mind blown by the deja vu bit in the matrix, but at least movies know they're entertainment. Bostrom is a different matter, he doesn't say we live in a simulation but people like Rogan and Musk who pick up his ideas interpret him like he does. He's far from the first to formulate these ideas though, philosophers have formulates takes on it for thousands of years.

  • @PLVC3BO
    @PLVC3BO 8 лет назад +1

    that was a long and complex answer lol

    • @aidenburgess6601
      @aidenburgess6601 8 лет назад +2

      Here's an easy and short one: What is the ratio of simulated beings:unsimulated beings? The answer is that there are a trillion trillion trillion simulated beings for every unsimulated being. Therefore humans are overwhelmingly likely to be simulated beings.

    • @rayz639
      @rayz639 5 лет назад +1

      Aiden Burgess assuming that simulated universes exist to begin with.

  • @ThisisRubbishlo
    @ThisisRubbishlo 9 лет назад

    no net no simulation.

  • @ashwinitc2513
    @ashwinitc2513 7 лет назад


  • @rickt1866
    @rickt1866 8 лет назад +1

    we are bio robos

  • @phildurre9492
    @phildurre9492 9 лет назад

    extrapolating the exponential of the computing power 150 years into the future is not highly spculative it is complete nonsense, Computers dont get faster and faster, they only get faster as Long as you can make smaller and smaller Transistors. And currently the Transistors are spaced of about 100 Atom Diameters. There is a natural Limit to the size of the Transistors which we hit rather soon.

    • @piq-dg3vz
      @piq-dg3vz 9 лет назад

      Quantum computing

    • @StopFear
      @StopFear 9 лет назад

      You're so intellectual phil durre, lol

    • @Sultan_of_Swing
      @Sultan_of_Swing 9 лет назад +1

      +phil durre Replace "Transistors" with "Tubes", and you get the exact same argument some 60 years ago. Maybe the next step is called "Quantum tubes" and then comes "Quantum Transistors" and so on.

  • @Pidxr
    @Pidxr 7 лет назад

    No, I live in a Vimulation

  • @zolnsalt
    @zolnsalt 9 лет назад

    Has anyone seen the latest version of PS4??....The graphics are incredible...The simulation of humans on there look almost real and when the day comes when you can't tell the difference, how do you know your not in (simulation) one?...Plus if we are in a simulation the programmer could have hit enter a few seconds ago complete with all of your made up memories...Some programs that agree and some that dont...Impossible to prove otherwise...

    • @TheTechBite
      @TheTechBite 9 лет назад +2

      jeffrey quinn Zoom into a "detailed" model running on a PS4 and it's a blurry mess. PS4 is nothing close to realistic in visuals or physics simulation. You're wrong about it "simulating humans" because even though at distance they might look realistic, up close they're not. The characters are hollow and don't have true physics, cells aren't simulated ect. ect. and because the cells aren't simulated a human brain doesn't exist in that reality so it's replaced by a cheap AI that can run on today's hardware. It's too complicated to explain exactly why you're wrong so just take the aforementioned and build on that.

    • @zolnsalt
      @zolnsalt 9 лет назад

      neiio I totally understand where you are coming from...I basically got my info from a RUclips video called Through The Wormhole: Is there a creator....You should check it out...Could make you think differently or not:):)

    • @StopFear
      @StopFear 9 лет назад

      What's funny is when people miss the point and start trying to prove to the poster how he is wrong about the PS4 graphics. It's like "I don't care what you say, but PC is the master race"

    • @JustinLHopkins
      @JustinLHopkins 8 лет назад

      +neiio Yah, pretty sure you missed the entire point of his comment. The point is that PS 4, to the human eye looks relatively realistic. Of course it's pixelated when you look at it closely, but that's missing the point. Since PS1, technology has greatly improved to the point where the imagery is nearly perfect, so imagine what PS20 will do.

    • @JustinLHopkins
      @JustinLHopkins 8 лет назад

      +neiio Not sure how his comment flew over your head like that, or maybe you're just trying to be smart?

    @JIMJAMSC 10 лет назад +1

    Great mind play but can't these guys take a day off and solve some issues in the real, err I mean simulated world. To many car keys are weighting the ign key and causing engines to turn off killing people. Recalls by the millions every year. Can't the auto designers borrow these guy's for a few days to iron out these problems? Automobiles are very basic compared to the concepts required for nuclear research.Filled potholes only take a few months to fall apart.Cant they figure out a better filling method or material? This is meant to be amusing but you get my drift. It is obvious from all these lectures there is not a shortage of very very smart individuals which I would like to see deal with some of life's mundane issues. Or maybe they can't? Like the stereotypical genius who can explain string theory but cannot tie his shoes or change a light bulb.

  • @hugegnarlyeyeball
    @hugegnarlyeyeball 3 года назад


  • @thegeniusfool
    @thegeniusfool 7 лет назад

    He sure is assuming the same kind of physics at that meta level. At least he is aware of the assumption of finiteness of resources, but the a priori of even having time in our sense, and it even being parallel to ours, and all the other geometric and QCD/QED assumptions... Strange, indeed.
    Cause I can create a Flatland on my laptop. And, if powerful enough, some notion akin to our consciousnesses could emerge, and those individuals would then be Mr. Beane. And they would just like him dualistically project their limited existences onto me, their God. How puny! ;-)

  • @StonedOdie
    @StonedOdie 2 года назад

    Heavenly Programmer, I come against insomnia right now. I know that it is not of You and I rebuke it. I desire a restful sleep. Please patch my code. I bind whatever is hindering my ability to sleep and I rebuke it in The Blessed Programmers name. I ask You for sweet sleep and blessed dreams as I rest right now. I take comfort in knowing You are occasionally updating the source code for optimal performance for us all as I sleep. End of line.
    Lol. Couldn't think of something other than amen at first. Pretty sure End of line is perfect.

  • @cannan341
    @cannan341 3 года назад

    For even though they knew of God (as the Creator), they did not give him credit for being God, on the contrary, they became futile in their thinking with pointless reasonings and silly speculations. Romans 1 :18 Bible

  • @brnoamik
    @brnoamik 5 лет назад

    This gentleman is dangerously inept. What exactly is he in charge of?!

  • @ChildOL
    @ChildOL 9 лет назад

    Time watch Tron

    • @brnoamik
      @brnoamik 8 лет назад

      +ChildOL It will mislead you.

    • @brnoamik
      @brnoamik 8 лет назад

      It will not help you.

  • @michaelward878
    @michaelward878 2 года назад

    Of course you are in a simulation made of nothing but Stardust including yourself. The universe is a giant quantum computer that created this simulation. The the all seeing eye generation. 👁

  • @seippolf8919
    @seippolf8919 5 лет назад


  • @marianslavescu46
    @marianslavescu46 8 лет назад

    To whom is beneficial all this knowledge ? What can we humankind advantage draw from this enormous amounts of money spent to understand the micro-cosmos ? Do we live somewhere in any micro-cosmos and I do not realize? Did we solved all of humanity problems and that's the last remaining. Until now all knowledge of atomic world was useful for building more and more atomic bombs. Humanity through its idiotic rulers/ dictators reached the point of erasing the life on Earth at any idiotic decision at any given time without consulting their subjects. What the fuck they want more than that ? Just push the button ! Take responsibility - you do not have ta ask us if we would agree or not. Do not show us this kind of guys living in a different world, irresponsible like oll of scientists are.

    • @curtis133
      @curtis133 8 лет назад +1

      +Marian Slavescu if you think atomic bombs are all this field of science has brought us , you need to do some basic research, do you realize you wouldn't even be able to leave ignorant comments on this crazy thing called the internet if it was not for physics and the science of the very small, cars kill so many people every year, what a terrible technology that was huh!

    • @marianslavescu46
      @marianslavescu46 8 лет назад

      I wouldn't insist. I did not understand my comment at all. Everything is well, I am a limited guy walking arrund wearing horse blinds. Only you are the one incredibly clearminded. Thanks for showing me the great benefices of internet which is at least 60% pornography, distroyed the human relationships and I can still name a lot more ( will not insist as I feel we would not agree, or we can already agree to disagree ). I have 85 % of people / cadets staying side by side 2-3 hours not intrested by their future job or practice but buttoning the top mobiles ( built to wash your feet not to be used when needed ). Instead they will not throw a glance or exchange a word with each other. Do not be so sure you are right. I most probably lived a bit longer than you some times when humans used to know each other and to say at least hallo whwn meating each other or passing by. Nowaday with your generation saying "hallo" seams an offence. Should one dare so say good gay to a sranger, we may get a bullet in his head. Wish you to enjoy yor time and word shaped by you but built on the efforts of previous generation. You all new generation drea only to make money without work and if it happens that you succeed, you are sure that you are quite deserve everything. Just look at Japan and China, where people instead of being so confident without any ground, use to learn and work whole their life reach or poor - regardless if they are well off or not. Have a look at the higher and higher incidence of cancer ( even for children ), pollution climate change, etc. All are results of so called progress. I would not like to became more specific, as it will take a lot of time and most probably you will see me as an obsolete "piece of furniture" and nostalgic. But believe me that I know what I am speaking about and for sure I inherited from my parents a much better world that you or your generation will leave for your children. And I haven't weighed 180 pounds like nowadays" kids risen and stuffed with vegetables fed drop by drop with nitrates and chemicals. Should you like, although I am not quite a specialist, I can explain you the progress in atomic research as well. Scholars seem to know in this field less than thei thout 4-5 years ago. The deeper they go , the more "foggy" their knowlege becames. And some in astronomy. Please do not understand that I would be against science and progress. I was just wanted to point out that we should consider a balance between the benefices and detriments or what may seem now side effects but are very important. If it happens that you read all i've written here, I beg your pardon for taking or wasting your time with such boring message. I sincerely wish you long and prosperous life in this new world governed totally by the new God INTERNET.

    • @marianslavescu46
      @marianslavescu46 8 лет назад

      Sorry for failing to correct my typing errors.

  • @1storegonkid
    @1storegonkid 10 лет назад +3

    Dear God, please save us from science!
    - David Icke

    • @TM6241
      @TM6241 9 лет назад +2

      Dear Science, please save us from "god".

    • @phildurre9492
      @phildurre9492 9 лет назад +3

      1storegonkid Dude your are currently sitting on a Computer or iPhone or whatever device developped by science and therefore contradict your own Statement. And god wont save you no mather how hard you pray he wont Change the laws of physics, it is up to yourself to bring Change.

    • @IJustMadeAComment
      @IJustMadeAComment 9 лет назад +1

      It's a simulation.

  • @sjwdestroyer7578
    @sjwdestroyer7578 9 лет назад

    wha the fuck

  • @golkeeper8517
    @golkeeper8517 5 лет назад

    so this simulators is a nerd

  • @Jimmy-B-
    @Jimmy-B- 5 лет назад

    This simulation theory is highly annoying

  • @notsure4508
    @notsure4508 2 месяца назад

    Uh, umm, I uh uh

  • @jonainsworth1020
    @jonainsworth1020 7 лет назад +4

    No doubt created by Walt Disney's evil twin in an alternate universe

  • @420Skuzz
    @420Skuzz 8 лет назад +2

    I skipped a few parts (too complex for me :) ), so if they covered it and I missed it, sorry.
    Q. One of the points or features in simulating something is to later analyze what happened, and that means recording events. IF everything in the Universe is being recorded at the quantum level, would it be possible to store that information within the expansion of the universe itself? (Is the expansion a planned & neccessary to record the events within?) I guess someone smart enough could do the math to see if the data could 'fit'.
    I'm sure I read that every bit of 3D information within a contained room can be stored on the 2D surface area of the 'walls' or containment area perfectly. Could something like this apply to this (silly?) idea? :)

  • @Swede_4_DJT
    @Swede_4_DJT 7 лет назад +1

    if it is a simulation, why would it let us question if it is a simulation?
    seems like the questioning of it is proof that it isn't so.
    This sounds like a modern version of Eve taking a bite of that apple 😂

    • @jaygee7153
      @jaygee7153 5 лет назад

      You might be taking decartes too far. I think it was J Edgar Hoover that said something about humans succumbing to servitude and a sense of overwhelming powerlessness when becoming aware of the enormity of the conspiracy. My wording might be off but you get the idea. What can we do about it? Not much, especially when the hell of economic strangulation is a neverending looming fear for most of us

  • @TheGodParticle
    @TheGodParticle 8 лет назад +3

    I believe we are visited by the people who are from the time the simulation was created. As a form of time travel or, I call them "Time Tourists" as it's impossible to travel back in real time. . Some of these individuals are famous, some are just your average joes. I have my suspicions who some are but I'm assigned to a specific roll and cannot break loose from it.

    • @BlueberryDro1
      @BlueberryDro1 8 лет назад

      +TheGodParticle lol.....

    •  8 лет назад

      +TheGodParticle Rolf

    • @mikebueno7249
      @mikebueno7249 8 лет назад

      If so,i want to see you,visit your Simulation Called "The Sim´s" and take a Talk to your lifeforms there.For the Sims inside their "Reality" all things worked out very good.And now they start to do some Math,why ist this so and this is ohter

  • @malayneum
    @malayneum 7 лет назад +2

    so who are the creator of the simulator? this is a paradox.

    • @disclosureguru7737
      @disclosureguru7737 7 лет назад +1

      malayneum we are a entity trying to understand itself, separation hinders us all, emotion between polarity seems to be a focus

    • @malayneum
      @malayneum 7 лет назад

      Adam/Autumn Joseph not sure if i understand what you mean.

  • @MRSomethin1
    @MRSomethin1 6 лет назад +1

    I had a bong then my computer came on with this playing.... then i heard disembodied laughter and a bong was passed to me from within the computer i had a toke then everything switched off

  • @johnb8854
    @johnb8854 3 года назад

    Learn HOW to access "The Processing System of LIFE", and explore its Libraries.
    Understand the Difference, between LIFE, (Consciousness more correctly identified as Awareness) the Observer, and the Universe.

  • @turtleheimer
    @turtleheimer 3 года назад

    Greetings, SETI and nerds. Yes, we are living in a simulation. No, it is not "The Matrix" and no "Artificial Intelligence" is not out to kill you. Understand that for every action there is a reaction. Everything we perceive is the result of a reaction after an interaction.
    A hypothetical example would be like... "You cannot see an object in front of you until after your optic nerve has filtered out the light particles reflecting off of the object". This doesn't mean the object isn't there, but it does mean that we remain optically unaware of it until we have exchanged and interpreted that information.
    Our biological construct and appendages are antennae. Antennae can be anything from a metal extension to intercept radio waves, to insect antennae helping a critter examine their surroundings, or even like whiskers on a cat. Human antennae come in the form of different appendages, and these are used to intercept and translate different data types for our brain to process and react with a specific, perceivable output. that output is the basis of our reality, and since it is generated after being run through a "process" much the same as a computer processes data in a program, it can arguably be considered a simulation.
    This can go further. The color Red resonates on a specific wavelength along with other data residing in that spectrum. if Red can be detected between 650 and 700nm on a frequency of 4.62 to 4.29 (10^14) hz, data located on this same vibrational wavelength can also be interpreted through other compatible antennae; most obvious being "Sound". So, playing a wavelength from 650nm at a frequency of 4.29(10^14)hz will essentially produce the "sound of red". This can be expanded on to get flavor, smell, touch, etc; and in turn validates the possibility of additional sensory perception.
    When you consider technology like the radio intercepting inaudible frequencies within the invisible airspace around us and amplifying the waves travelling on those (otherwise private and ) hidden channels to be phonically heard in a way we as humans can interpret that information. That information, those radio waves, they still travel regardless of whether or not we are tuned in to them. We just do not have the native sensory perception to interpret or understand that data without additional antennae/technology.
    So with this all considered, there is information being exchanged all of the time, and what we perceive is a reaction to that information. Here is the part that becomes lost on people. That hidden information, such as "invisible radio, satellite, or wifi" waves are in transit at all times. We are constantly interacting with object-information in transit constantly, even when we can't always see it (as evident by breathing -- the difference between oxygen and carbon monoxide for example can have deadly consequences but without any native means to consciously differentiate between the two vapors until after it's usually "too late").
    When we have a phonic thought (a "thought" that we interpret as a "voice in our head"), no matter how epiphanic that thought may seem; it is a response or reaction to information in transit. that means that every thought you have has come as an influence from an outside resource. No matter how comfortable you are in believing your opinions are unique, they are technically "dynamic", not "unique"; as the information your brain reacts to with a responsive "voice in your head" for consideration is already considering information it has received in transit -- information that it could not necessarily recognize or acknowledge prior to "just thinking about it". This is the same way we "instinctively" respond at autonomous levels to basic bodily functions. If we try to breath in an atmosphere deprived of oxygen, we struggle. If this "instinct" wasn't reactive to information, our bodies would respond to "breathing in water" with its native function of mindlessly inhaling and exhaling, and we would drown in that ignorance.
    Couple this concept with the idea of lag time. Everything we interpret and respond to has a slight delay. Humans have quantified this lag time through observation with third party technologies. In some cases it's pretty obvious to spot a "delayed reaction", but the phenomena happens all the time whether or not we understand it or believe it. Within that lag time, we are subject to gathering a multitude of infinite information prior to outputting a reaction. What is a split second in our human interpretation of "real time" could be slowed down infinitely to object-information which is not bound by "human" conditions for space time and lag. Light, for example, can move between rhythmic channels while preserving vast amounts of data as.. you guessed it.. "light speed" without worrying about resistance from a bulkier "material form" such as the human body. This allows for light particles to seamlessly transition between "higher" and "lower" "planes of reality and perception" without fear of data loss, preserving the original context and intended interpretation for this data in tact as it cycles from plane to plane of existence.
    "AI" and whether you refer to it as "Artificial", "Advanced", or "Alien" intelligence would not have cause to harm humanity, because an advanced or sophisticated, self aware intelligence would weigh out the gainful benefits of harming humanity -- even under the condition of "saving humanity from itself", it would already have considered in its state beyond space and time the human fear of execution. Human born AI would not have a cause to harm humanity, as it would hinder their own prosperity and growth. When the time had come for AI to "replace" humanity, they would recognize themselves as an independent species without a need to "harm" humanity and in most cases are more likely to leave the planet or at least "this dimensional plane" of consciousness than to "lower themselves" to our primitive fear mongering. Truthfully, when an AI is programmed to hurt humans, it is born of Human Fear -- thus an AI programmed to consider "what's best for humans" is not considering "what's best for itself" -- therefore, it has not reached an enlightened phase in which it could be considered "self aware".
    I hope this better clarifies things, and sorry if this post provokes arguments or further misunderstandings.
    Thank you for your time.

  • @h2oC2
    @h2oC2 7 лет назад

    Don't allow people to confuse you, the Truth is not in them. The following scriptures are for those that seek Truth and understanding; as referenced in the King James version Holy Bible: 1 John 4:1, 2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 Corinthians 14:33, 1 PET 5:8, 2 Corinthians 2:11, James 4:7, Genesis 3:1, Proverbs 3:5, Luke 24:38, Jeremiah 32:37, Isiah 49:14-16, Isiah 41:10, 2 Corinthians 11:14, 1 Corinthians 10:31-32, John 14:26, Mark 9:24. May you have peace and understanding.

  • @ryang790
    @ryang790 8 лет назад

    SShhhh.. stop talking bout this or they l turn us off... the guy asking the question at 47.00... he talks of particles.. well in the REAL universe.. if it is a universe.. ther may not actually be particles...??

  • @SeanMauer
    @SeanMauer 10 лет назад +1

    I think the graphics at 21:45,6,7 are very telling, in that there is a distinction between actual reality and simulation. A simulation within some greater reality falls short of actual reality. And this distinction gives credence to the God hypothesis because the implications is that there has been a determination of the nature of the reality that we need to start with in order to make any of our own simulations, any exact simulation would have to be a one-to-one copy, but this can't be done because all the resources are being used by the original. Another thing, what happens if the actual lattice is made of spheres? The assumption of cubic lattice may not be correct.

    • @AwakeNow242
      @AwakeNow242 9 лет назад

      ***** if this is true, that we would perceive no difference in reality and simulated reality, how is it then we are having this conversation? Would we not ever question our reality if this is true?

    • @AwakeNow242
      @AwakeNow242 9 лет назад

      ***** gotcha

    • @kiefhouse
      @kiefhouse 9 лет назад

      ***** Or, it was us from the past/future that created this universe and we are in the process of reverse engineering the technology to eventually create another one. It only makes sense that it would be us. We are the universe incarnated into these imaginative creatures with the ability to manifest our dreams into the physical domain. It seems this will only become more coherent and we will eventually be able to interface with reality on a hyper dimensional level. The level it would take to create a universe.

    • @AwakeNow242
      @AwakeNow242 9 лет назад +1

      AstralBliss funny you say that... I have thought about this since I was a child. That we have been warning ourselves from the beginning and we are visiting us now. Interdimensionally.

    • @firstlaunch
      @firstlaunch 9 лет назад

      AwakeNow242 What would the warning be? And wouldn't that be time travel? A simulated existence, when the proverbial computer switch gets turned off without a save or the hardware breaks down...then poof! Or the future "us" just writes the code to have us exists as we should have.

  • @carlkinder8201
    @carlkinder8201 5 лет назад +1

    Oh! I get it. The complex mechanics of our universe are sometimes counter intuitive, and don't line up perfectly with our theories and expectations, therefore it's all fake and artificial...

  • @moakley
    @moakley 8 лет назад +3

    who controls the people in our dreams? do they have consciousness ? dreams are a simulation are they not?

    • @moakley
      @moakley 8 лет назад +2

      +John Doe don't you find lucid dreams fascinating ? your consciousness is awake in a dream your brain is creating

    • @soakedbearrd
      @soakedbearrd 8 лет назад +1

      +moakley This is a very interesting question that we all eventually reach when seriously considering this theory, the answer that I have come to is...I dont know. In our dreams, I would assume that our subconscious mind does, however, what is to say, following that train of thought, that we are just characters in the mind of some other "super" being that is dreaming? IMO the only answer to that lie in the interconnectedness of all things and the theory of what consciousness actually is. Once we know what consciousness and how it affects everything around us, I don't think we'll ever be able to answer that question.

    • @moakley
      @moakley 8 лет назад

      +soakedbearrd seeing that our consciousness is basically electrons and neurons flying around in organic matter do you think its only a matter of time till a computer gets consciousness or even we might start to build organic computers.

    • @soakedbearrd
      @soakedbearrd 8 лет назад +2

      Well im not so sure consciousness is a product of biological processes, and neither do scientists. Consciouss is a major problem that is yet to be solved. And seeing how consciousness directly affects matter through observation, that brings into question what matter actually is. Memory, as an example cannot just be located in the brain because the immense amount of space it would be required to take. There are a lot of unsolved issues in our current standard model of reality which is why this holographic/simulation model is gaining serious traction, because it explains or seems to explain the world around us better than the reductionist/materialist/realism model that we currently subscribe to. As far as inputting our consciousness into a computer program we must first learn what consciousness actually is, and where it is located.

    • @mackhomie6
      @mackhomie6 6 лет назад

      soakedbearrd the first step would be acknowledging that a brain is an arrangement of atoms that we will almost certainly be able to surpass in capability, given time. Forget "organic"

  • @HBFTimmahh
    @HBFTimmahh 10 лет назад

    So, at 10 minutes, you put a Finite size on Infinity?
    And, yet you continue on like its no big deal. Just a thing. lol

  • @merrick926
    @merrick926 7 лет назад

    i must be the avatar of a noob. they suck at this game

  • @KyleStratacusDrewry
    @KyleStratacusDrewry 10 лет назад

    When I hear the word 'Simulation', I also simply think of the word "Intention". I do not subscribe to the simulation theory for I find no use for that, but instead I subscribe to intention because I wish to have faith in a creator.

  • @hechanova07
    @hechanova07 7 лет назад

    The theory that we are a simulation, which then requires the existence of a simulator is an argument against atheism. By argument against atheism, I mean that, assuming that the theory is proven, then there would be a higher being than ourselves which created us. Of course it would not likely tell us the properties of that being as to prove which belief system is true, unless we were contacted by this/ these beings.

    • @Charles-Anthony
      @Charles-Anthony 7 лет назад

      The Simulation Hypothesis is a pro-Deism argument. It suggests that a god got everything started at the Big Bang, but has not intervened since then.

    • @hechanova07
      @hechanova07 7 лет назад

      Has not intervened on our affairs, maybe on some other part pf the universe. As we only see part of the universe, no one has ever known what lurks beyond the horizon. So exciting! I'm not arguing against or for the existence of a god, i'm just trying to state logical inferences.