2019华乐情系列之《乐聚南洋 • 贰》马中新华乐名家演奏会- 06.大合奏《难忘的泼水节》女高音 | 何米亚、合唱团 | 慧音社慧音合唱团、声美声乐站、指挥 | 赖亚来、乐队 | 马来西亚中艺华乐团

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • 2019华乐情系列之《乐聚南洋 • 贰》马中新华乐名家演奏会
    Gather In Nanyang II - Chinese Music Concert 2019
    日期 Date:22 Dec 2019 ( 星期日 SUN )
    时间 Time :7:30 PM
    地点 Venue:拉曼大学学院 (槟城分院)大礼堂 Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Penang Branch Campus, Dewan Utama.
    大合奏《难忘的泼水节》刘文金 作曲 / 女高音:何米亚 / 合唱团:慧音社慧音合唱团、声美声乐站 / 指挥:赖亚来 / 乐队:马来西亚中艺华乐团
    云南傣族在每年清明之后会举办一年一度的泼水节,是傣族最为隆 重的年节和歌舞节日。此时的傣族男女倾寨而出 ,在一片锣鼓声中 追逐嬉戏、用甘露似的圣水相互泼洒以示祝福及表达爱情。少女们 身披五彩羽翅模彷孔雀翩翩起舞、青年们在澜沧江上龙舟竞渡,歌 舞升平。此曲由刘文金老师根据大型民族舞蹈剧音乐改写的民族管 弦乐曲。乐曲运用傣族民间音乐为素材,还加入女声合唱团及女性 领唱的片段,表现出傣族在泼水节载歌载舞的情景。
    青山绿水多壮丽 青山绿水多壮丽 我们洒下幸福水,
    水珠胜似甘露美 孔雀起舞百花放哎啰!
    万里彩虹放光辉 万里彩虹放光辉
    Unforgettable Water Sprinkling Festival / Conducted by Lai Ah Lai
    The Water-splashing Festival is held annually after the Qingming Festival in the Yunnan
    region of China as the grandest yearly festival of the Dai people. During the festival, to the
    thunderous sounds of gongs and drums, the Dai people will run out of the village, chasing
    each other and splash water on each other as a form of blessing. The young ladies wear beautiful clothes made of colourful feathers that imitate the light and graceful dancing peacock, an auspicious symbol. Dragon boats compete on the river together with the sounds of singing.
    The music for this piece adapts material from Dai folksong, giving full play to its lyricism and
    characteristic dance features to depict the vivid spectacle of festive song and dance.

Комментарии • 3

  • @pengjiang8294
    @pengjiang8294 Год назад +2


  • @carlsonchong3018
    @carlsonchong3018 3 года назад +2


  • @samanthaoh6755
    @samanthaoh6755 4 года назад +4
