Appreciate this comparison video! I'm a Nkon guy, and my Nikon 50mm 1.8 is one of my favorite walkaround lenses! In terms of full disclosure, I also hava Nikon 55mm Macro lens with manual focusing: I love BOTH lenses: NIKON rules! LOL
Hi, thanks to you for supporting the channel. The Nikkor 55 micro is one of my favorite lenses too, very versatile. Here a video to fix a common issue on the 55mmвидео.html
@@diyextravaganza I'm sorry i didn't mention that earlier 😁...yes I'm talking about durability here ... and can you please add some word on how the image qualities are? Please sir
@@danieldarnei9907 the image qualities, I let you judge by the video. That's a very subjective thing, and what I like is probably not the same as you. Regarding durability, if you take care of your lens, it can last a really long time. The only thing that eventually fails in these lenses is the AF motor, but I've not seen yet either with a broken motor. Cheers.
My guess is that some people like the kind of rendition the yongnuo gives, I mean artistically. I like a lot myself really old glass for that reason. Cheers.
Interesting comparison. I thought the Yongnuo is much better due to its newer design. Did you realize that the sweet spot of the Nikon 50/1.8G is at around f13? It is already very good at f4, but still gradually improves till about f13 which is a very pleasent news fot those who need the additional DoF for lanscapes relative to a typical sweet spot of f5.6.
Hi, I don't think the design of the yongnuo is particularly new (but I haven't checked), the 50mm prescription is well established by now. About the Nikkor getting better, I did not paid attention to be honest. But in my opinion, the Nikkor offers the best trade-off quality price out there. Best..
Appreciate this video brotha! I have a wedding at the beach coming up and I DO NOT want to take my Nikon film camera and Nikkor lenses to the beach again. Learned my lesson from a previous job. So I'm gonna pick up a Yongunou since it's more than capable of good results based on your photos. Going to pair it with a Nikon N55 I'm waiting in the mail for. This will be my beach setup from now on.
@@ap6150 hasta donde se, las series 3000 y 5000 no tienen motor de enfoque integrado, así que si estamos hablando de un 1.8d, no te va a dar autofocus. Si es uno de los dos lentes en este video, van a funcionar los dos. Un saludo.
I think overall clearity of nikkor is better in every image .but yongnuonis not that bad at its price ..... which one will be better for me . I'm a beginner/intermediate level at photography.. please suggest me one .sir.
Je m’attendais pas a une telle différence a grande ouverture Je soupçonne les differences de couleur d’être lié au traitement de surface et pour la netteté sûrement un polissage moins qualitatif
Moi non, plus, quand j'ai commencé à preparer la vidéo, je m'attendais à un comportement très similaire, j'avais tort, je bon, je pense que pour le yongnuo , ils sont moins regardants avec le polissage et tolerances de montage, ou bien, j'ai une très bonne copie du 50mm. Salutations.
@@anysbougaa6645 mais de rien, je vais poster une version en Français de cette video dans quelques jours si jamais. N'oublies pas d'en parler de la chaîne autour de toi !
Appreciate this comparison video! I'm a Nkon guy, and my Nikon 50mm 1.8 is one of my favorite walkaround lenses! In terms of full disclosure, I also hava Nikon 55mm Macro lens with manual focusing: I love BOTH lenses: NIKON rules! LOL
Hi, thanks to you for supporting the channel. The Nikkor 55 micro is one of my favorite lenses too, very versatile. Here a video to fix a common issue on the 55mmвидео.html
And please help me the yongnuo lens is trustable or not?
Hi, in what sense? Durability, image quality, etc? Cheers
@@diyextravaganza I'm sorry i didn't mention that earlier 😁...yes I'm talking about durability here ... and can you please add some word on how the image qualities are? Please sir
@@danieldarnei9907 the image qualities, I let you judge by the video. That's a very subjective thing, and what I like is probably not the same as you. Regarding durability, if you take care of your lens, it can last a really long time. The only thing that eventually fails in these lenses is the AF motor, but I've not seen yet either with a broken motor. Cheers.
Highly trustworthy
Thank you for the review. But unless someone is budget constrained, Nikkor is WTG
My guess is that some people like the kind of rendition the yongnuo gives, I mean artistically. I like a lot myself really old glass for that reason. Cheers.
in the whole youtube community, i didn't find any content on this topic. so i liked the video before watching it full
Thanks, I try to keep my content different to the million other channels out there. Best.
Interesting comparison. I thought the Yongnuo is much better due to its newer design. Did you realize that the sweet spot of the Nikon 50/1.8G is at around f13? It is already very good at f4, but still gradually improves till about f13 which is a very pleasent news fot those who need the additional DoF for lanscapes relative to a typical sweet spot of f5.6.
Hi, I don't think the design of the yongnuo is particularly new (but I haven't checked), the 50mm prescription is well established by now. About the Nikkor getting better, I did not paid attention to be honest. But in my opinion, the Nikkor offers the best trade-off quality price out there. Best..
Appreciate this video brotha! I have a wedding at the beach coming up and I DO NOT want to take my Nikon film camera and Nikkor lenses to the beach again. Learned my lesson from a previous job.
So I'm gonna pick up a Yongunou since it's more than capable of good results based on your photos. Going to pair it with a Nikon N55 I'm waiting in the mail for. This will be my beach setup from now on.
I do exactly the same, I take my less valuable lenses to risky places.
You should compare D vs G or D vs Yongnuo
Hi, I already made a comparison D vs. G, Regards.видео.html
Buen video recien empiezo las camaras con motor de enfoque son los AF-S o los AF-P ?
Los afs y los AFP tienen motor de enfoque, no sé cuál es la diferencia. Un saludo.
@@diyextravaganza Me refiero a poder usar el lente 1.8d en mi camara 5500 AF-P se podra usar el auto enfoque de mi camara ?
@@ap6150 hasta donde se, las series 3000 y 5000 no tienen motor de enfoque integrado, así que si estamos hablando de un 1.8d, no te va a dar autofocus. Si es uno de los dos lentes en este video, van a funcionar los dos. Un saludo.
I think overall clearity of nikkor is better in every image .but yongnuonis not that bad at its price ..... which one will be better for me . I'm a beginner/intermediate level at photography.. please suggest me one .sir.
The best lens is the one you know its strengths and weaknesses, and can afford. But if I have to choose, I'll take the Nikon second hand. Cheers.
Je m’attendais pas a une telle différence a grande ouverture
Je soupçonne les differences de couleur d’être lié au traitement de surface et pour la netteté sûrement un polissage moins qualitatif
Moi non, plus, quand j'ai commencé à preparer la vidéo, je m'attendais à un comportement très similaire, j'avais tort, je bon, je pense que pour le yongnuo , ils sont moins regardants avec le polissage et tolerances de montage, ou bien, j'ai une très bonne copie du 50mm. Salutations.
@@diyextravaganza ah oui le montage est peut-être moins bien fait voir le fut de moins bonne qualité
Merci pour ce test, c’était instructif
@@anysbougaa6645 mais de rien, je vais poster une version en Français de cette video dans quelques jours si jamais. N'oublies pas d'en parler de la chaîne autour de toi !
@@diyextravaganza promis !
The Nikkor 50 1.8G is in my opinion the best trade-off between price and IQ. Best
Now i need a new cAmera
@@Ranveer_Singh_Kahani why is that?
D7200 with f1.4G😁
@@Ranveer_Singh_Kahani 1.4G is also good lens, specially cropped!
Nikonista hasta la médula!!! 😂🤙👏👍🇦🇷
Tienen la más grande selección de lentes y a través de los años han sacado lentes bastante interesantes y poco comunes. Un saludo.