The I'll Get Around To It Later Tag

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Contraband_Pigments
    @Contraband_Pigments 12 дней назад +3

    We get it, Steve, you're superior to all we mortals. Is it really so hard to understand that hunting for and collecting books might offer a pleasure distinct from reading them? I find it additive, rather than detracting from my reading life. That being said, I'm really enjoying your best of 2024 lists delivered to my email inbox now that I'm a subscriber to your substack. Thank you!

    • @saintdonoghue
      @saintdonoghue  12 дней назад +3

      Your opening sneer notwithstanding, owning books for years or even decades without actually reading them is weird behavior.

    • @Contraband_Pigments
      @Contraband_Pigments 12 дней назад

      @saintdonoghue Our lives are very busy. But I concede any library could use periodic weeding. I feel the same way you do about people who keep clothing and shoes for years that they never wear.

  • @crypsid
    @crypsid 13 дней назад +4

    Steve have you been going to the Brattle without showing us the loot? Has the tentacle king forsaken us..

  • @TheActiveMind1
    @TheActiveMind1 13 дней назад +12

    For a spry 28 year old, you sure have read a lot of books!

  • @allancowley2254
    @allancowley2254 13 дней назад +2

    Hi Steve - is CPL Books of the Week still a going concern - or maybe a possible come back in 2025 ?

  • @marciajohansson769
    @marciajohansson769 13 дней назад

    Well I guess this quote will go on my grave 😄 "The road to hell is paved with good intention" But you are completely right. I have no business buying another book. *sigh*

  • @davidnovakreadspoetry
    @davidnovakreadspoetry 13 дней назад

    I had one of those Mac Raboy omnibus collections, but have no memory of the racism. I’m sure it would put me off today.

  • @ericdavis5791
    @ericdavis5791 13 дней назад

    C'mon, Steve, you know you've been waiting to read Kallocain forever!

  • @TheBookedEscapePlan
    @TheBookedEscapePlan 13 дней назад

    Steve, what is a TBR? Does it have something to do with re-reading, based on your answer? I compulsively and impulsively re-read things. Or is it books that are on your table you are reading? My counter is covered in those: literature and math. Or is it the books one plans to read next? Because a close friend of mind gave me a book I'd really like to read very soon.
    I ask because I am considering doing the tag because it sounds like fun and I do have probably idiosyncratic answers to at least the first six prompts, but I don't want my answer to the last question to be nonsense and I don't know what it means.

    • @ms-behaving
      @ms-behaving 13 дней назад +1

      TBR is an acronym for “To be Read,” it’s a “to read” list much like a “to do” list.

  • @nickcooper1260
    @nickcooper1260 13 дней назад +2

    Steve, do you consider Morrissey's 'Autobiography' as a classic? It is on Penguin Classics.

  • @sherreads1081
    @sherreads1081 13 дней назад

    I read what I buy right away; it's a compulsion, I guess.