We get it, Steve, you're superior to all we mortals. Is it really so hard to understand that hunting for and collecting books might offer a pleasure distinct from reading them? I find it additive, rather than detracting from my reading life. That being said, I'm really enjoying your best of 2024 lists delivered to my email inbox now that I'm a subscriber to your substack. Thank you!
@saintdonoghue Our lives are very busy. But I concede any library could use periodic weeding. I feel the same way you do about people who keep clothing and shoes for years that they never wear.
Well I guess this quote will go on my grave 😄 "The road to hell is paved with good intention" But you are completely right. I have no business buying another book. *sigh*
Steve, what is a TBR? Does it have something to do with re-reading, based on your answer? I compulsively and impulsively re-read things. Or is it books that are on your table you are reading? My counter is covered in those: literature and math. Or is it the books one plans to read next? Because a close friend of mind gave me a book I'd really like to read very soon. I ask because I am considering doing the tag because it sounds like fun and I do have probably idiosyncratic answers to at least the first six prompts, but I don't want my answer to the last question to be nonsense and I don't know what it means.
We get it, Steve, you're superior to all we mortals. Is it really so hard to understand that hunting for and collecting books might offer a pleasure distinct from reading them? I find it additive, rather than detracting from my reading life. That being said, I'm really enjoying your best of 2024 lists delivered to my email inbox now that I'm a subscriber to your substack. Thank you!
Your opening sneer notwithstanding, owning books for years or even decades without actually reading them is weird behavior.
@saintdonoghue Our lives are very busy. But I concede any library could use periodic weeding. I feel the same way you do about people who keep clothing and shoes for years that they never wear.
Steve have you been going to the Brattle without showing us the loot? Has the tentacle king forsaken us..
For a spry 28 year old, you sure have read a lot of books!
Hi Steve - is CPL Books of the Week still a going concern - or maybe a possible come back in 2025 ?
Well I guess this quote will go on my grave 😄 "The road to hell is paved with good intention" But you are completely right. I have no business buying another book. *sigh*
I had one of those Mac Raboy omnibus collections, but have no memory of the racism. I’m sure it would put me off today.
C'mon, Steve, you know you've been waiting to read Kallocain forever!
Steve, what is a TBR? Does it have something to do with re-reading, based on your answer? I compulsively and impulsively re-read things. Or is it books that are on your table you are reading? My counter is covered in those: literature and math. Or is it the books one plans to read next? Because a close friend of mind gave me a book I'd really like to read very soon.
I ask because I am considering doing the tag because it sounds like fun and I do have probably idiosyncratic answers to at least the first six prompts, but I don't want my answer to the last question to be nonsense and I don't know what it means.
TBR is an acronym for “To be Read,” it’s a “to read” list much like a “to do” list.
Steve, do you consider Morrissey's 'Autobiography' as a classic? It is on Penguin Classics.
I read what I buy right away; it's a compulsion, I guess.