If dems win, she will rule from the background. Biden is unfit to be the president. Biden and Harris have already talked about Harris administration with Biden. Harris has to thank democrat party bosses for her candidacy. She already gave up, as she got only 3% of dem votes. Hillary made her VP candidate. Tulsi was the best candidate for the democrats. Hillary and her legions said she is "russias asset". The old russia rhetoric from Hillary. Amazing. Just amazing. How can Hillary get away with this? If dems win, the "Axis of Evil" wars that were started when the military-industrial complex hijacked US foreign policy will continue. Bush and Obama are responsible for millions of killed, maimed, orphaned and forced to become refugees.
@@carbonara2144 You're absolutely correct about Tulsi. She was the most logical choice for the dems, yet they threw her under the bus. Who knows, she is military, maybe she wouldn't take any Chinese money?
Know what's hilarious? That so many of you didn't see IQ45 as the cheat & fraud that he's always been. You just blindly support him cos why? Cos you like seeing so many people DIE? Cos you like watching FAILURE in action? Cos you're stupid. That's my guess ->stupidity.
@@jubileedoo and you don't see the irony in your own comment, when you want to elect a president who loves CCP communism and china and will put foreigners over citizens, and you also prolly abuse the fuck outta stimulus and welfare, and i am so glad Trump will cut that off and you'll actually have to get a job and stop with BurnLootMurder
@@jubileedoo No....cuz we hate what BLM and Antifa REALLY stand for and it ain't racial harmony. And we don't want four yrs of Biden's useless rhetoric like "We Democrats don't want facts, we want the truth!" No...Dems sure don't like the facts. They just wanna "feel good" about their own liberal guilt agenda.
I thank God everytime I see her, hear her or hear about her that He saved us from that evil witch! I don't even want to imagine what hell we'd be living here in America if she was president.
Tony Simma thats the front on behalf of himself becoming president he is no dummy now he doesn't have 3 billion$ for nothing he had to transform from the donald into mr president
You are easily bought up. Hillary was corrupt as fuck. I still don't trust your president. Trust the people around you, not the fucks in an office who have total control, hundreds of powerful people bending over for them. Words are like money, you can buy people with the right words, and spoken enough.
@annie hernandez If your conduct on this world is any indication, Americans have had little care about the rest of the world, seeing as your nation upsets so much. At least your country is just as controlled by the Rothchild banking dynasty as the rest. You are just as much a slave as the rest, but one wave of that flag and a few gunshots and you feel on top of the world. Go buy yourself a pepsi or whatever, eat some freedom fries, and hope to hell your cops don't disappear your sorry ass.
Yup! Her minions on the ground all over the country gave a portion of Jill Stein votes to Hillary Clinton. We know this because when Stein ordered a recount in three states, Stein's numbers went up. This is why the recounting didn't last long.
And now republicans are suppressing people’s right to vote. It’s honestly disgusting what they’re doing in Texas. Republicans can’t win unless they stop people from voting
Trump did not win the election, dumb-ass. Hillery WON the POPULAR VOTE by 3 Million Votes. TRUMP was set up by RISH REPUBLICAN 'ELECTORAL COLLEGE" who SELECTED TRUMP. BIG DIFFERENCE in SELECTED (trump) and ELECTED (Hillary)
you are so sadly misguided...I hope you come to your senses, but something tells me that the magatte runs through your sad bones. Someday you may see the error of your ways, but you are brainwashed.
She was not "upset" or "angry" , she was in a delusional psychotic tirade. The head of the world's most violent criminal organization knew she was about to face justice for the first time in her wretched life. The most beautiful moment in all of American History.
@@janettesessions I do honestly believe she faced justice a number of years ago. She has been a puppet for the purpose of optics. Many , many with her.
Guys, you NEED to READ this YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote in Exodus 3, when Moses asked YaH His Name HERE IT IS, IN HIS OWN HANDWRITING Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The Nail"
rocker1210 yup. Stayed up all night watching. When the election was called for trump I found myself singing the witch is dead song from the wizard of oz. what a great night.
And the people who voted for Hillary is still acting like a bunch of babies saying how America is screwed. America was messed up when Obama was in office
There has never been a peaceful transfer of power. The left has been planning and scheming against the GOP for the past 4 years. If Trump takes the election, there will be hell to pay. Lock and load, it’s going to get real shitty real quick. Prep up.
Tyler Mod Biggest economic engines!? Seriously? Wake TF up. Turn off cnn and maybe you would realize California and New York are BROKE. Idiots like you broke them with the ridiculous policies of the buffoons you repeatedly vote into office
No one had their phone/camera recording her drunken outrage in her hotel room because they were all afraid of her. They know of what she is capable if you cross her.
I used to be pro Clinton. But, one day a asked God who I should vote for. The answer came later dont remember when exactly but , it was her on TV With Barbara walters And She was happy And said " We ,went in and We conquered. She was so happy all smiles, she was referring to the killing of Kadaffy and his son There was no remorse no sadness . Here this woman was running for president and was happy she had just had 2 humans killed I was sadden to the point of changing my vote. I didn't want to be a part of something that was so evil. A human is a human no matter what. I think that is the reason she lost
@@lillyc6527 I agree with you about her rejoicing at the killing of Khadafy and his son....her attitude is terrible, BUT what can we expect from someone who believes it is OK to M-U-R-D-E-R another human being IN THE WOMB...DEFENSELESS and INNOCENT !! ???
Yes sir and I will vote trump again...I really wish the rest of America and wake up and vote trump...what is a world without fossil fuels which there's more than enough...plus I want to say my stocks tripled under the trump administration
@@craig581 Late term abortions are illegal everywhere in the country. About 1% of abortions take place after the 21st week of gestation and less than 1% take place at 24+ weeks AND the only instances when it is LEGAL to do so is when the mother is at risk or fetal abnormalities have been detected. STOP THE IGNORANCE AND MISINFORMATION. It’s funny how you so adamantly fight for the rights of fetuses and then couldn’t care less about it when it’s born
Because she was so used to getting her way democrats know how long state federal Hillary slandered any woman who got her good old hubby in trouble she said she believes in women right as long as it concerns her and bill and it caught up with them and to them they ain't ain't supposed to lose to friends or political enemies same with obumblers and they hung out with Harvey Weinstein and Vince foster's death don't think was suicide u notice there marriage is just for political convience and nothing else u get in there way it's risky especially there foundation
I've said it before, and I will continue to say it: Leftists in general, and the Clintons in particular, see absolutely no reason why they should not get their own way 100 percent of the time. Cooperation with others is a concept unknown to them, totally anathema(hope I'm spelling that right(lol)). They are not good people, and the less influence they have over our lives, the better.
She realised that not only had she lost, but that the man who dislikes her the most had become 1000 times as powerful. And that she would be running for the rest of her life.
She has property in the maldives! You know the islands that 30 years ago were predicted to be underwater from global warming by now.....i guess hill doesnt believe in global warming.....oh they also dont have extradition with the U.S.!
@David Petri I don't understand your reply of "All on her!" As it doesn't contain any information nor is it a complete sentence. I really don't know what your trying to say at all or its relevance to my comment and would assume it to be a reply to something else if not for the fact it was tagged at me.
Except some Americans GOT IT SO WRONG. Even looking back a year when you made your comment, it's clear Trump is out of his depth and hasn't got a clue as to what he's doing. And he's corrupt. He's stealing from our country & most of you are too mesmerized with who knows what to see it. The info was out there. Trump has been in bed with Russians who've USED him like he used them. All he's concerned with are his business dealings -why else would he send "cease & desist" orders to people coming out with books about him now? Everyone but YOU knew Trump is a crook, a fraud, liar, cheat, and will go to jail once he's kicked out of the WH. Can't wait. He's responsible for almost 200K deaths from this virus which we now know he KNEW was deadly. But what did he do about it? Got on TV, said it was a dem hoax, then went golfing -he LIED to you and everyone else. He had a pandemic playbook, but he didn't use it. He recalled all those scientists we had stationed in Wuhan, China to oversee what the Chinese were doing in that lab. He caused a massive talent/brain drain on our federal govt infrastructure -a move that all by itself has doomed us for decades. He's tried blaming ALL that he's messed up since being inaugurated on DEMS. So pathetic. He's such a loser & those of you who voted for him are blind. Deaf. Dumb. Despite all the evidence you needed to conclude he is a charlatan, you voted for him anyway. Stupid.
@@jubileedoo Hindsight is 2020. 60 million people got sick with H1N1 during their watch and it wasn't as contagious as the Corona. JOEjan Horse is an empty shell of a man filled with anarchists and Communists waiting to burst out and 25th him out office so they can take over. Vile frothing at the mouth Kama Kamaleon as at the top of the heap waiting to take him out....if China doesn't first. Biden's tied to China FAR MORE than Trump would ever think of being to Putin. Keep up the Trump Derangement Syndrome. He is going to get reelected. Obama destroyed the Democratic Party and lives in opulence.
I voted for Trump, i never really thought he'd win cuz of the fact that he had no political background at all!! I just wasn't going to vote for another Clinton at all!! Now let's keep going forward and Make America Great Again!!!
Absolutely. Theres so much more left to do. 1 jail both clintons for life. Kick pelosi' schiff ' nadler and schumer out of office. Investigate Joe biden and find out where 1.8 billion taxpayer dollars went and to whom.
One of the most despised persons on the planet. Everyone come together and don’t fight with each other...hopefully we will see the wicked witch go down unless of course if she gets sympathy because she identifies herself as being a dog.
@Jerrol Hale Jesus we make sure President Donald J. Trump wins again in November, so he can protect our country from the Anti-Americans, better known as the liberals. Why don't these people just leave the America, if the hate everything we stand for here! They're not going to change us or our country.
Thank GOD ABOVE she didn't win. Her corruption and endless scandals are finally going to get her in an orange jumpsuit. Biden hopefully be indicted for his crimes before the election. I wonder who Kamala will pick for her VP. She was "candidate most likely not to succeed" so bowed out before first debate and here she is!
@@JAZZHOBO Electoral rules numbnuts ! Biggest crybaby ass losers ever ! save some tears , FOUR more years ! By the way , shouldn't you be hanging out in some little girls restroom ? obama fought hard for you guys to be able to do that .
The best story I heard was when some of her lackeys claimed that room service sent in a whole cart full of ice cream sundaes, & various other delicious chocolate deserts. That cart was probably the origin of the shattering glass sounds. It matches her MO perfectly. No gratitude.
she thought: "how the hell is this possible we had this fixed, man makes plans, these Demi-Gods got slapped with God's plan, hehehe, my situation is similar and I've been called everything, their plans are failing, this is how we know God is sitting on that throne
I'd volunteer to produce a video parody in one second. I would make it look ten times more embarrassing than anything that murdering bitch actually did.
I remember hearing she threw a glass of liquid at Donna Brazille that night and blamed her for the loss. Bitter Hillary...it was a pleasure to witness...wish I had been a fly on the wall for what was behind closed doors.
@@bertgrau9246 And~ she's that damn crooked! Probably in 2020 she will win without even being on the ballot, woman and gay men will "write-in" her name!!
How do one approach a person who has been brainwashed? How do you make them understand that their reality is not for real? When the misinformation has been so loud and so consistent for so long that facts, truth and decency no longer matter; When the ovens are burning bodies of people who protested and when the parades to hail the leader are staged; When the uniformed enforcers are lining the streets to look for anyone daring to oppose the words from the leader... Where do we start the healing, and how?
we can only hope and pray for a repeat crying game I fear though that things will be much much worse if things keep going the way they have been....im spiritual not religious but Lord knows we need all the help we can get for protectuon because POTUS WILL WIN AGAIN💕
Every one on here who loves President Trump. Please vote on Tuesday. He must be re-elected to save us from the total destruction of America Your vote is crucial!
Hope no one in your family died from COVID-19. I imagine if they have, you'd have a different take on that whole "bullet" thing. If Dems had been in charge, we wouldn't be facing another milestone of DEATHS due to COVID-19. But all we get are lies and gross negligence/incompetence on the part of this "administration". Anyone who voted for Trump is a FOOL.
Hey, on her Twitter, many twits, calling her Madame President. Also, they can't get past the popular vote, dang, after Donna Brazile book, who knows, the extent of fraud
given the prominence of cell phones & cameras I am very surprised that nobody was able to shoot some video/ pictures of that night & release them to the public,but then I suppose all such devices were confiscated before anybody was allowed to be with her or her inner circle
Amy : 🤣🤣🤣🤣. LOST AGAIN JUST WHAT EVERYONE I KNOW WANTED.!.!.!.! The evil Killary is Done.! Everyone wants you gone like all who get in your way Dead & Gone.! They all killed them selves.!
@Batman andRobin Thank you for confirming that some people are still gullible enough to fall for the fake Russian Collusion Delusion story that had its source in the Clinton Campaign PR dept to take the heat of Hillary Clinton's email scandal which exposed her corrupt pay-to-play schemes. Recently confirmed by Brennan in documents released that show he briefed Obama on Hillary's Russia Hoax plans. Many of us here knew that for a fact four years ago but it is nice to have documentary confirmation & proof beyond all reasonable doubt that a court can use.
@Batman andRobin damn I guess the batshit crazy person really told me....hey you know psychotic delusions can be treated with Abilify? You made all those judgements from a simple question?
I Was Laughing So Hard When She Didn't Even Come Down To Address & Thank Her Supporters That Night!! What A Class Act!! What Happened?? You Happened!! Gotta ❤ Those Polls!!
Yeah! All of it, especially the video part of it! I heard that she tore into Bill, presumably like an Ol' Wildcat, and whooped his hind end severely! Run fer cover thar', Billy-boy!!!!!
@@Mrtellitlikeitis Fuck you jim no President has done more for the people of this country than this President ever PERIOD! And what has he lied about? You libtards are fucking idiots and your lack of intelligence is showing!!!
Too bad the RINOS are fighting him. The Republicans have the House, Senate, and White House and they are totally squandering the opportunities, and on purpose just because they hate Trump.
Jeff Walters I’m Mexican and it didn’t offended me because I’m American born here in the usa and Mexico has nothing to do with me or I do with Mexico idk why you liberals always twist words that’s not what he said he said they don’t send there best only rapist and drugs are coming from Mexico and he’s talking about the bad ones that come in the wrong way get it together Walter
your hope will dimenish real soon.Trump is a zionist puppet, he's gonna keep destroying America,no.president is or will be for our Country,it's all for Israel, who hate freedom.wake the fuck up you blind ass.!!!!
I won $5000.00 betting on TRUMP when he first announced his candidacy.. I put $100.00 @ 50 to 1 on TRUMP to win .. It took the guy I bet against three months to pay off the bet .. Some how I knew TRUMP would win, because well, just take a good look at what he was running against.. THE HILDABEAST ... It was a sure thing in MY opinion .....
Jason Whitlock i knew the polls were wrong by the amount of people at trumps rallies ans the few at killarys. I also knew that killary felt she should win. Like we pwe her. I dont owe her a damn thing
THANK YOU LORD JESUS FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP !!! I will never forget Lord when you spoke to me in 2016 , and said vote for Trump couldn't believe it for I was not a voter.. I learned later you spoke to 80% of Christian's and evangelicals to do the same it was we who pushed Him over the edge to win the presidency.. LORD keep Him safe along with His family and cabinet...
@@freddyflintstoned913 Just because you don't believe as she does, doesn't give you the right to accuse her of needing lithium, which is, by the way, used for bipolar. My guess is you take her religious beliefs as psychotic so...wrong med.
@@johnmilonas7233 Just because you don't believe what she does, doesn't give you the right to call her nuts. The lady feels God led her to do something. Learn to respect other's beliefs or you are NO BETTER than the hateful left.
@@Anca820 Yeah, don't be a typical lib and call yourself open-minded in one breath and then accuse someone else of being mentally ill in the same breath, simply because she/he believes in the Lord!! That's hypocrisy, in my book!!! 🙄🙄🇺🇸✝️⚜️
Click 'like' if the sound of Killary's voice and cackle makes you cringe so bad, that you actually find it difficult to focus on the lies she's spewing. Lol.
Missy Myers , I agree completely. I cannot stand to hear her speak and I cannot stand to look at her. After all that I have learned about her, I don't believe there is anything good about her.
When you cheat, and lose that says something.
Reminds me of Robert Shaw's character in "The Sting."
And it will happen yet again
Yer...'. GOD is not with you. '.. This nation is his and not some corrupt gangster.
Guess there must be a God !!!
God had this from the getgo
Biden won’t get mad when he loses, he’ll just go home and forget about it.
Does he know he's running ?
After somebody wakes him up, and tells him he lost.
He can't remember what day the election is.
Biden: "I lost? Darn. Is my oatmeal ready?"
@calamity joe Sleepy Joe and the Puppeteers sounds more like the name of a Blues band.
USA was spared this crime family for the second time. But their criminal racket deeds have gone unpunished.
If dems win, she will rule from the background. Biden is unfit to be the president. Biden and Harris have already talked about Harris administration with Biden.
Harris has to thank democrat party bosses for her candidacy. She already gave up, as she got only 3% of dem votes. Hillary made her VP candidate.
Tulsi was the best candidate for the democrats. Hillary and her legions said she is "russias asset". The old russia rhetoric from Hillary. Amazing. Just amazing. How can Hillary get away with this?
If dems win, the "Axis of Evil" wars that were started when the military-industrial complex hijacked US foreign policy will continue. Bush and Obama are responsible for millions of killed, maimed, orphaned and forced to become refugees.
Hard to punish when the worlds governments are part of the racket.
We have only been partially spared. They/She are still in operation.
You're absolutely correct about Tulsi. She was the most logical choice for the dems, yet they threw her under the bus.
Who knows, she is military, maybe she wouldn't take any Chinese money?
@Olav Langli the Clintons especially hillary are criminals who have been exposed multiple times. What real crimes had trump been exposed for?
Eight years later it never gets old!
Never does... :-+}
What a good day that was...
I forgot how good she looked in 2016. Dangit hillary
Watching again in 2025 😂
Why I'm here again
almost four years later, Killary still hasn’t accepted it
What did you expect from a 'dumbascrap' , they/she only understands starting a tantrum.
She is blaming Trump...
@@NickSmith-hv9zi democrats commit the crimes then blame trump for everything from the beginning of time
Wake-up people! See: lifesureplan1.yolasite.com/
Lol she won't never except it.
Woke up the next morning and everyone had these sad faces. People were literally crying in the darn mcdonald's. I thought it was hilarious.
Know what's hilarious? That so many of you didn't see IQ45 as the cheat & fraud that he's always been. You just blindly support him cos why? Cos you like seeing so many people DIE? Cos you like watching FAILURE in action? Cos you're stupid. That's my guess ->stupidity.
@@jubileedoo and you don't see the irony in your own comment, when you want to elect a president who loves CCP communism and china and will put foreigners over citizens, and you also prolly abuse the fuck outta stimulus and welfare, and i am so glad Trump will cut that off and you'll actually have to get a job and stop with BurnLootMurder
@@jubileedoo No....cuz we hate what BLM and Antifa REALLY stand for and it ain't racial harmony. And we don't want four yrs of Biden's useless rhetoric like "We Democrats don't want facts, we want the truth!" No...Dems sure don't like the facts. They just wanna "feel good" about their own liberal guilt agenda.
@@jubileedoo "cos" haha
@@jubileedoo Pack your bags, Donald Trump is about to win again....
She's had 62 witnesses against her murdered. God knows.
@Jim McCracken DEFINATELY complicit.
@Jim McCracken dam right!
Too bad she didn't whack Commie Comey.
The body count goes all the way back to Arkansas. You have no idea how evil the Clinton cartel is.....
@@kevingraham2184 They are literally serial killers. It's just mind-blowing that so many people actually support and defend either of them.
I thank God everytime I see her, hear her or hear about her that He saved us from that evil witch! I don't even want to imagine what hell we'd be living here in America if she was president.
I thank God for Joe Biden who will now save us from the evil, lying clown, Donald Trump!
Ur fucking stupid Biden is way worse do u even know his polices
@@NiggaGang69 I know he's not a self centered, lying jackass like Trump and that's good enough for me!
We’d be wearing beards, the chicks would have to wear drapes, and we’d all be required to pray to Allah.
Honestly you COULDN'T imagine it. The world hasn't seen such horrors in 5,000 years.
Hillary is an evil, conniving witch!
Mike Walsh she is also the Mary Queen of Goldman Sachs
With a B
Switch the "W"with a "B" and you're right on.
she's even worse than that.
You have no idea how bad she is, soon you will hear more chit what she has done
I love how Pres. Trump said that she congratulated us..it's about us... didn't put all the focus on him with the win.. thought that it was classy..
Tony Simma thats the front on behalf of himself becoming president he is no dummy now he doesn't have 3 billion$ for nothing he had to transform from the donald into mr president
Meanwhile hillary didn't show up to speak sent one of her minions instead.
@@bassanglerxxx8444 his company is worth 10 billion dollars
You are easily bought up. Hillary was corrupt as fuck. I still don't trust your president. Trust the people around you, not the fucks in an office who have total control, hundreds of powerful people bending over for them. Words are like money, you can buy people with the right words, and spoken enough.
@annie hernandez If your conduct on this world is any indication, Americans have had little care about the rest of the world, seeing as your nation upsets so much. At least your country is just as controlled by the Rothchild banking dynasty as the rest. You are just as much a slave as the rest, but one wave of that flag and a few gunshots and you feel on top of the world. Go buy yourself a pepsi or whatever, eat some freedom fries, and hope to hell your cops don't disappear your sorry ass.
She was upset because she couldn't understand how she lost when she had cheated to win
She had the MSM in her back pocket and she STILL lost.
Yup! Her minions on the ground all over the country gave a portion of Jill Stein votes to Hillary Clinton. We know this because when Stein ordered a recount in three states, Stein's numbers went up. This is why the recounting didn't last long.
Wake-up people! See: lifesureplan1.yolasite.com/
You are so right when you said...
" Thank almighty God "
He did not allow this demon from hell to rise !!
And now republicans are suppressing people’s right to vote. It’s honestly disgusting what they’re doing in Texas. Republicans can’t win unless they stop people from voting
If Trump gets re-elected the sequel will be better than the original this time
I believe it’s not if it’s when Donald Trump annihlates the democrats. WWG1WGA ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻🎉🎉🎉
Shits gunna hit the fan when Trump wins again. They've already been threatening it!!!
Tump 2020
@@rickdee67 Dumbass.
Listening to PRESIDENT TRUMP say he just received a call from Hillary conceding the race never gets old!
Trump did not win the election, dumb-ass. Hillery WON the POPULAR VOTE by 3 Million Votes.
@@JAZZHOBO Typical left wing Hillary voter. Vulgar and pathetic. Check your spelling and see who the "Dumb ass," really is. Get a life.
@@JAZZHOBO I support President Trump but I will even vote for the Hildabeast to be President of Ca and NY , for life .
you are so sadly misguided...I hope you come to your senses, but something tells me that the magatte runs through your sad bones. Someday you may see the error of your ways, but you are brainwashed.
@@davidcottrell1308 Oh, Brother.
She was not "upset" or "angry" , she was in a delusional psychotic tirade. The head of the world's most violent criminal organization knew she was about to face justice for the first time in her wretched life. The most beautiful moment in all of American History.
She has yet to face justice, but it's coming for her!
@Jim's Girl Q 1001 "HRC Pure Evil"
@@janettesessions I do honestly believe she faced justice a number of years ago. She has been a puppet for the purpose of optics. Many , many with her.
@Dimepiece No doubt !!!! No one was ever allowed any where near her with a cell phone. That's a $100,000,000 minute of film if anyone has it.
Guys, you NEED to READ this
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote in Exodus 3, when Moses asked YaH His Name
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The Nail"
...and that's what happens when you call people "deplorable."
"Deplorable " ???? Speak for herself and her family....esp her husband ....say no more...nudge nudge...wink wink...tq
Yep.....referring to MILLIONS of Americans! Good bye to a miserable bitch.
your deplorable
@@dennysandberg4360 Go fuck yourself.
The loss was better than her going to jail.She and her husband are
in a life sentence together.Two miserable people.
Lol I never looked at it that way. They must be sick of the sight of each other.
Why not both? Then I would be able to die happy.
I like bill. Can’t stand her though
@@mfitzy100 Bill isn't a good guy.
@@sandyrose2398 He seems likable, though. That's generally what people operate on barring concrete offending info
What great night that was, watching the numbers come in as Trump won, and then watching all of Hillary's followers fall apart and cry. Epic!!
Liberal tears are DELICIOUS! Iwant seconds,please.MAKE THAT A DOUBLE.
Trump worked hard to get where he is. MAGA
I laughed deep inside about it all too!! I was So Happy Trump beat her hoaring ass!!
i loved their pain and suffering !
rocker1210 yup. Stayed up all night watching. When the election was called for trump I found myself singing the witch is dead song from the wizard of oz. what a great night.
She cried and screamed like the wicked witch of the north east....
Losers always get so emotional.
The greatest night of the 21st century. Beautiful and wonderful.
And historic! The classic example of 'pride goeth before the fall!'
Have had LOTS of good nights (and DAYS) since then. MAGA !!
MAGA!! 👌👌🐸🇺🇸
I was shocked but happy..❤️🎉👍🏻
75% of the country love Trump...shows you how CORRUPT our media is.
"Ms. Clinton was upset."
Nah, she still is to this day.
Yeah, Trump’s win destroyed her ego
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. And all due to lies. Way to go, you voted for the least qualified person to ever hold public office -besides Boebert & MTG.
And the people who voted for Hillary is still acting like a bunch of babies saying how America is screwed. America was messed up when Obama was in office
it separated the races more than ever. i am partly to blame because i voted for that racist sob.
America has been messed up since the U.S. Corporation took over , their days are numbered !!!!!!!!
Actually America has been messed up since 1933.
JeanPierre de Vos shit please and you probably think Hillary is innconent as well right? Beganzy? Do you remember? Obama was the worse president ever
JeanPierre de Vos OMG! A genuine idiot! Thinking that MSM polls that support the MSM narrative are true is lunacy.
Will never forget
America was saved
Yep & it was just saved again in nov 2024 thank GOD!!!!
Is this the peaceful transfer of power your looking for? She still denies she lost.
There has never been a peaceful transfer of power. The left has been planning and scheming against the GOP for the past 4 years. If Trump takes the election, there will be hell to pay. Lock and load, it’s going to get real shitty real quick. Prep up.
@@stephaniekerr "Hope it doesn't come to that,...But I'll be ready for sure"‼👈🤨👍🇺🇸
Didnt she actually get more votes? Your foolish Electoral College was the only reason she lost.
Tyler Mod Biggest economic engines!? Seriously? Wake TF up. Turn off cnn and maybe you would realize California and New York are BROKE. Idiots like you broke them with the ridiculous policies of the buffoons you repeatedly vote into office
@@ericripley9739 what third world shit hole country are you from?
She's mad that silly billy can't go to the "virgin" islands for "recreational purposes" anymore.
I’m sure they’re not too bent out of shape considering the Biden’s own the island next to Epstein’s island.
@Marlin Bradshaw Yup.
You had no knowledge of this until last year. Stfu. You are not smart.
You mean she has to knock off the cobwebs and take care of him herself?!? 🤣🤣🤣
@@rampagingshrew3191 Projection don't make you look smart either.
A year after her brilliant loss, she's still falling apart. And smelling worse than ever.
Good maybe she will have a heart failure
No one had their phone/camera recording her drunken outrage in her hotel room because they were all afraid of her. They know of what she is capable if you cross her.
2020 = 4 years later and Hitlary still can't believe she LOST!!!
Very close to four years now!! She's still bitter and full of rage. Malevolent narcissist - those folks are MEAN when they lose control!!!
you smell too frank
Loved the way how Trump said “Us”, that was a great response. Let’s hope he can thank “us” in a few weeks. A great leader!
She is a diabolical woman behind the fake vail
She's EVIL! You'll find out how evil soon.
I used to be pro Clinton.
But, one day a asked God
who I should vote for.
The answer came later dont remember when exactly but , it was her on TV With Barbara walters
And She was happy
And said " We ,went in and We conquered. She was so happy all smiles, she was referring to the killing of
Kadaffy and his son
There was no remorse no sadness . Here this woman was running for president and was happy she had just had 2 humans killed
I was sadden to the point of changing my vote.
I didn't want to be a part of something that was so evil. A human is a human no matter what. I think that is the reason she lost
She's a witch...with a capital B
I agree with you about her rejoicing at the killing of Khadafy and his son....her attitude is terrible, BUT what can we expect from someone who believes it is OK to M-U-R-D-E-R another human being IN THE WOMB...DEFENSELESS and INNOCENT !! ???
Renado Malo
After Hillary Clinton's Loss:
Unfortunately no one caught her on camera having a hissy fit.
I beg to differ, if they filmed her and Huma in frazzledrip, I’m sure there is a video on her having a hissy fit.
While in the whitehouse, workers were not allowed to have their cell phone nor were they even allowed to look her in the eye as she walked by.
I'll bet the workers in the White House were double glad that she didn't win.
Let's make Hildabeast mad again! TRUMP 2020!
@mati261000 Best comment
Can't make her mad again she just stays mad all the time . She needs to relax a bit the same way Bill does .
lets make all those mfs mad Trump 2020
I voted early and I voted PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!!! VA for Trump!!!! Sadly it never goes Republican
Lol 😆
And THIS is why I voted for Trump in 2016!
Me too 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 thanks God he Won. Best president ever.
@Christus Mea Lux Not only him, but all of those corrupt slimy swampers !!!
Yes sir and I will vote trump again...I really wish the rest of America and wake up and vote trump...what is a world without fossil fuels which there's more than enough...plus I want to say my stocks tripled under the trump administration
Christus Mea Lux
Thanks for your support “Down Under”. 🇦🇺🇦🇺
“The Lower 48” 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I voted for Trump because in NO way would I ever support Clinton or any other candidate the democrats vomit up ...they are all soulless crooks!
The movie "the exorcist" comes to mind...
You’re right. Trump really is possessed by Satan himself.
@@JustinDanielsStar But your side believes in late term abortion.
@@craig581 Late term abortions are illegal everywhere in the country. About 1% of abortions take place after the 21st week of gestation and less than 1% take place at 24+ weeks AND the only instances when it is LEGAL to do so is when the mother is at risk or fetal abnormalities have been detected.
It’s funny how you so adamantly fight for the rights of fetuses and then couldn’t care less about it when it’s born
@@JustinDanielsStar keep reading
you're misquoting wikipedia
@@arcade85_ Misquoting? Have you read what I read or do you have trouble with comprehension?
I can understand her anger .. this narcissist hyena was sure she'd win
Because she was so used to getting her way democrats know how long state federal Hillary slandered any woman who got her good old hubby in trouble she said she believes in women right as long as it concerns her and bill and it caught up with them and to them they ain't ain't supposed to lose to friends or political enemies same with obumblers and they hung out with Harvey Weinstein and Vince foster's death don't think was suicide u notice there marriage is just for political convience and nothing else u get in there way it's risky especially there foundation
I've said it before, and I will continue to say it: Leftists in general, and the Clintons in particular, see absolutely no reason why they should not get their own way 100 percent of the time. Cooperation with others is a concept unknown to them, totally anathema(hope I'm spelling that right(lol)). They are not good people, and the less influence they have over our lives, the better.
until trump cheated
@@lorenepperson2266 truth
She realised that not only had she lost, but that the man who dislikes her the most had become 1000 times as powerful. And that she would be running for the rest of her life.
She has property in the maldives! You know the islands that 30 years ago were predicted to be underwater from global warming by now.....i guess hill doesnt believe in global warming.....oh they also dont have extradition with the U.S.!
I don’t feel sorry for that maniacal woman
Dislikes her the most???? The Clinton's and Trump have been best buddies forever, he only started to tear her down to build himself up.
@David Petri I don't understand your reply of "All on her!" As it doesn't contain any information nor is it a complete sentence. I really don't know what your trying to say at all or its relevance to my comment and would assume it to be a reply to something else if not for the fact it was tagged at me.
He's had four years to put her in an orange jumpsuit. Hasn't happened yet. Probably won't happen. She's like Teflon.
When you can't break the so called glass ceiling so you just break some glass instead.
Sarah Dunn and throw some lamps!
Break the walls down the ceiling will fall
Eight years ago. One of the best moments of my life.
So tired of the Clintons. Just go away, please!!
Cant wait till the clintons ' pelosis ' obamas and schumer are feeding the worms and their souls will be in the lake of fire where they belong.
So tired of the Trumps.
Go away, the whole fake family!
Take the Obamas away too.
I am proud of America getting this one right.
@@5101941 No JOEjan Horses - he will get 25th out by Kama Kamaleon and The Squad
Except some Americans GOT IT SO WRONG. Even looking back a year when you made your comment, it's clear Trump is out of his depth and hasn't got a clue as to what he's doing. And he's corrupt. He's stealing from our country & most of you are too mesmerized with who knows what to see it. The info was out there. Trump has been in bed with Russians who've USED him like he used them. All he's concerned with are his business dealings -why else would he send "cease & desist" orders to people coming out with books about him now? Everyone but YOU knew Trump is a crook, a fraud, liar, cheat, and will go to jail once he's kicked out of the WH. Can't wait. He's responsible for almost 200K deaths from this virus which we now know he KNEW was deadly. But what did he do about it? Got on TV, said it was a dem hoax, then went golfing -he LIED to you and everyone else. He had a pandemic playbook, but he didn't use it. He recalled all those scientists we had stationed in Wuhan, China to oversee what the Chinese were doing in that lab. He caused a massive talent/brain drain on our federal govt infrastructure -a move that all by itself has doomed us for decades. He's tried blaming ALL that he's messed up since being inaugurated on DEMS. So pathetic. He's such a loser & those of you who voted for him are blind. Deaf. Dumb. Despite all the evidence you needed to conclude he is a charlatan, you voted for him anyway. Stupid.
@@jubileedoo Hindsight is 2020. 60 million people got sick with H1N1 during their watch and it wasn't as contagious as the Corona.
JOEjan Horse is an empty shell of a man filled with anarchists and Communists waiting to burst out and 25th him out office so they can take over. Vile frothing at the mouth Kama Kamaleon as at the top of the heap waiting to take him out....if China doesn't first. Biden's tied to China FAR MORE than Trump would ever think of being to Putin.
Keep up the Trump Derangement Syndrome. He is going to get reelected. Obama destroyed the Democratic Party and lives in opulence.
@@jubileedoo, your whole rant is a lie. you're just like the rest of the Dumbocrats...All mouth, and no brains.
I voted for Trump, i never really thought he'd win cuz of the fact that he had no political background at all!! I just wasn't going to vote for another Clinton at all!! Now let's keep going forward and Make America Great Again!!!
He had a ton of political background.
@James Wadsworth truth!!! That was proven 2016
Absolutely. Theres so much more left to do. 1 jail both clintons for life. Kick pelosi' schiff ' nadler and schumer out of office. Investigate Joe biden and find out where 1.8 billion taxpayer dollars went and to whom.
I agree with you 109 percent David Thelsen
@Gloria Sheppard I agree with you too Gloria all the way
One of the most despised persons on the planet. Everyone come together and don’t fight with each other...hopefully we will see the wicked witch go down unless of course if she gets sympathy because she identifies herself as being a dog.
WTF is wrong with you? She lost the election already and isn't running again. You are aware of this, yes?
She never came to terms with her loss.
Now she's preaching to old Joe to not accept his loss either
The whole Democratic party is basically becoming an insane Hatchet mob
Oh for me too!! I’m having another Best Day on November 3, 2020! MAGA 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
It was great. I still reminisce on RUclips every so often watching the democrat media on election night. It cracks me up
@@libertyordeath1287 Me too! LOL
Thank you Jesus for allowing Trump to win...I knew you would.
We prayed also. Not a perfect man by any means, but The Lord gave us the right man at the right time.
I agree VOICE of wisdom
@@HELLARARE4ever fuck you too asshole fuck Hillary Clinton and the whole Democratic party you really are a black sheep no you 're even worse than that
@@HELLARARE4ever get used to another great 4 years moron!
@Jerrol Hale Jesus we make sure President Donald J. Trump wins again in November, so he can protect our country from the Anti-Americans, better known as the liberals. Why don't these people just leave the America, if the hate everything we stand for here! They're not going to change us or our country.
She never stood a chance against the power house that Trump is.
And neither will Biden!
Thank GOD ABOVE she didn't win. Her corruption and endless scandals are finally going to get her in an orange jumpsuit. Biden hopefully be indicted for his crimes before the election. I wonder who Kamala will pick for her VP. She was "candidate most likely not to succeed" so bowed out before first debate and here she is!
You mean, she never stood a chance against the electoral college. #facts.
The happiest night of my life..
Conditionally Happier that night more than in a long time!!!!!
certainly one of the happiest nights of my life George Sabol I celebrated I did a hot date with a lady a hot lady that is
Mine too
At least in the top 10
That is sad and pathetic.
I'm just glad that President Trump accepted the election results ! Right Hillary ?
Hillary Won the Popular Election, the Electoral College elected Trump, in spite of Hillries 3,000,000 Win over Trump. CRooked Republicans.
@@JAZZHOBO Electoral rules numbnuts ! Biggest crybaby ass losers ever ! save some tears , FOUR more years ! By the way , shouldn't you be hanging out in some little girls restroom ? obama fought hard for you guys to be able to do that .
@@JAZZHOBO If you don't already live in Ca or NY would you please move there
I'd have loved to seen Hillary's face when she knew it was over and she lost. Bet she went into a rage.
Trump 2020 🖕
@@JAZZHOBO The Electoral College was designed to give all States a voice. It did its job.
That scene of Hitler yelling at all the people in a closed room while everyone else listens from the other side of the door.
Downfall, scary how similar they were.
Lmao, spot on!
The best story I heard was when some of her lackeys claimed that room service sent in a whole cart full of ice cream sundaes, & various other delicious chocolate deserts. That cart was probably the origin of the shattering glass sounds.
It matches her MO perfectly. No gratitude.
@@christurnblom4825 they thought she wasn't acting like herself so they must have attempted the old "have a snickers" trick. They should have known.
@@cooperyoung1928 LOL
I love how much President Trump always talks about us and we, and gives praise to his workers.
I wish I could of seen that reptilian queen face when she lost.
Yeah, she does remind you of Diana from the "V" mini-series in the '80s.🤔😄
@crow 😄😆😆
Connie E. Yes, V... exactly. Good call
@@cinsationalcinema1776 -Thanks.👍🏽😊
Reptilian shapeshifter, really?
she thought: "how the hell is this possible we had this fixed, man makes plans, these Demi-Gods got slapped with God's plan, hehehe, my situation is similar and I've been called everything, their plans are failing, this is how we know God is sitting on that throne
Alexandra Stratan ,,And God Laughs ❤️
Man makes plans God decides🙂
Like that old saying by Robert Burns, "The best-laid plans of mice and men, often go awry." 😄😆👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
I wish someone had videoed Clinton when she lost. 🤪🤣
Someone may have.
I'd volunteer to produce a video parody in one second.
I would make it look ten times more embarrassing than anything that murdering bitch actually did.
I remember hearing she threw a glass of liquid at Donna Brazille that night and blamed her for the loss. Bitter Hillary...it was a pleasure to witness...wish I had been a fly on the wall for what was behind closed doors.
Love to see that! Haha😂😂😂😂🖕sit on this ya bitch lmmfao
They could have sold the video and made Billions!!!
Imagine being a fly on the wall in THAT hotel room.
You mean a deaf fly?
Even Bill voted for Trump.
Hillary too! She knew she was not the right choice
Lawrence, 🤣🤣🤣
I saw some hillarious, made up video of 'Slick and 'Obathroom laughing it up after voting for Trump once.
I wish I was a fly on the wall when Clinton went psyco!
Yeah, a fly with a smart phone!!!
What about that fly on her nose
Hopefully Bill outlives the Hildabeast that way he can write a tell all book and then comes the movie
HOTDAMN !!!!!!!!
ya maybe someone would have a swatter
@@dennysandberg4360 I see your on the left
She probably would have killed Bill if he had been in the room.
He was in another Woman’s room. They never spend time together
When he said, "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman!" you know he wasn't referring to Monica: bet Chelsea was in vitro.
i am a democrat and I LOVE it. she was a terrible candidate and robbed the nomination with cnn
The best part is that she will not run for president ever again
Never say never, she still owns the dnc
I hope she does. I want to see here lose again.
The witch can't even climb or descend stairs.
@@bertgrau9246 And~ she's that damn crooked! Probably in 2020 she will win without even being on the ballot, woman and gay men will "write-in" her name!!
Sir at this point I don't think anything that happens with the clintons will surprise me
Such anger and hosility does not belong in government, period.
Tell that to the Liberals and DNC!
you are correct.
Clinton KNEW what a scumbag Trump is, that's why she was so angry. THINK. I know it's hard for some of you.
How do one approach a person who has been brainwashed? How do you make them understand that their reality is not for real?
When the misinformation has been so loud and so consistent for so long that facts, truth and decency no longer matter; When the ovens are burning bodies of people who protested and when the parades to hail the leader are staged; When the uniformed enforcers are lining the streets to look for anyone daring to oppose the words from the leader...
Where do we start the healing, and how?
then she commanded her Flying Monkeys to "RESIST"!!
your sick hihats
Why doesn't president Trump wear glasses? Cause he has 2020! xD
🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤯 cleaver!
ya but biden droped a house on trump
Everyone who can: PLEASE vote in *person*! It's so important, especially this time.
In my opinion in person voting is a tradition as old as our Great country so yes in person not mail in!!
Already requested my ballot :)
I’ll be voting in person.... The Sequel!! #Trump2020
@@ImSTB That's fucked up *and* retarded.
Wish I could have, had to do a military absentee... But already sent my vote in!
Hillary was having her Greta Thunberg moment "How Dare They!"
Divine intervention 🇺🇸❤
Amen and amen
Someone who is acquainted with family was another secret service agent, he reaffirmed to us that all of this was accurate.
I'm ready for the repeat in 2020! Can I get a HELL YEH!!!!!!!!
we can only hope and pray for a repeat crying game I fear though that things will be much much worse if things keep going the way they have been....im spiritual not religious but Lord knows we need all the help we can get for protectuon because POTUS WILL WIN AGAIN💕
He'll yes from
HELL YEH!!!!!!!!
Hell YEAH!!!
KAG 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
No matter what happens Hillary will never have been president. That makes me happy.
She found out what a fetus feels like when it's a day away from being born alive.
So true
your sick get help
Every one on here who loves President Trump. Please vote on Tuesday. He must be re-elected to save us from the total destruction of America Your vote is crucial!
Already did!
Dodged a huge bullet when Hildabeast lost. Whew!! 😰😰😰
Did we ever! Thank God!
"Hildebeast" Lol!
@@kevinmalone3210 God is good.
Hope no one in your family died from COVID-19. I imagine if they have, you'd have a different take on that whole "bullet" thing. If Dems had been in charge, we wouldn't be facing another milestone of DEATHS due to COVID-19. But all we get are lies and gross negligence/incompetence on the part of this "administration". Anyone who voted for Trump is a FOOL.
I wish people would stop calling Madam Secretary she should be stripped of her title
Hey, on her Twitter, many twits, calling her Madame President.
Also, they can't get past the popular vote, dang, after Donna Brazile book, who knows, the extent of fraud
shun barkley, I think you are racist.
madam suckatary would be like it.
Well what do you expect? They call Big Mike Obama the First Lady. Yeah maybe in a Rue Paul drag show.
CBS has their Madam Secretary character running for President.
Some people just hate to lose,don't they?
I'd pay big bucks to see a video of her crying and freaking out. ha!!!! Ding Dong the Witch is DEAD.
Hillary had to lock up her victory speech, and victory dress for another 4 years.
And her little dog too!
given the prominence of cell phones & cameras I am very surprised that nobody was able to shoot some video/ pictures of that night & release them to the public,but then I suppose all such devices were confiscated before anybody was allowed to be with her or her inner circle
That BvS reference tho 😂😂😂
Amy : 🤣🤣🤣🤣. LOST AGAIN JUST WHAT EVERYONE I KNOW WANTED.!.!.!.! The evil Killary is Done.!
Everyone wants you gone like all who get in your way Dead & Gone.! They all killed them selves.!
Wish I'd Had a Ticket to That Audition 😂 Seeing Hilly Baby Going Off!😮
And she has blamed everyone else for her losing, except herself.
@Batman andRobin LOLOL..Thank you Google employee #629887-J7
@Batman andRobin aren't the Russians giving Hunter Biden millions of $$$?
@Batman andRobin Thank you for confirming that some people are still gullible enough to fall for the fake Russian Collusion Delusion story that had its source in the Clinton Campaign PR dept to take the heat of Hillary Clinton's email scandal which exposed her corrupt pay-to-play schemes. Recently confirmed by Brennan in documents released that show he briefed Obama on Hillary's Russia Hoax plans. Many of us here knew that for a fact four years ago but it is nice to have documentary confirmation & proof beyond all reasonable doubt that a court can use.
@Batman andRobin Hi Hillary!
@Batman andRobin damn I guess the batshit crazy person really told me....hey you know psychotic delusions can be treated with Abilify? You made all those judgements from a simple question?
"Two for one!" (No Hillary. No Bill.)
She will never get over it.
I'll agree with that but be prepaired for my edit.
@jameshisself game on
I Was Laughing So Hard When She Didn't Even Come Down To Address & Thank Her Supporters That Night!! What A Class Act!! What Happened?? You Happened!! Gotta ❤ Those Polls!!
Damn. I hope one day audio and or video of her meltdown gets released/leaked. I would be a happy man.
That recording should be sold.Whoever gets it to market will be very rich.
Me too
Yeah! All of it, especially the video part of it! I heard that she tore into Bill, presumably like an Ol' Wildcat, and whooped his hind end severely! Run fer cover thar', Billy-boy!!!!!
If there is a video of her reaction, no one will dare to release it until after HRC has died.
One insider talked about her screaming and said she kept yelling "...were all going to jail".
🇺🇸 Trump 20/20🇺🇸 Hillary for prison, lock her up.
She got drunk and got into fights with Podesta, Abedin and Bill. Then passed out.
I don't think it was an upset, it was
The American people saying enough.
and no one cared. votes don't matter. at this point i don't care either . there's nothing i can do about it. i give up.
I just want to see her in a permanent orang jumpsuit!!!
Now what are they saying with this piece of shit liar in office
@@Mrtellitlikeitis Fuck you jim no President has done more for the people of this country than this President ever PERIOD! And what has he lied about? You libtards are fucking idiots and your lack of intelligence is showing!!!
well said
yes roger...I can remember going out in the street the next morning and clapping and saying "TrumP' to passer bys...loved it!!!!!!!!!
No it wasn't. You must be young.
Don't forget Ronald Reagan.
I'm happy she lost and I'm even more happy that she was so upset about losing.
The woman should be in prison.
Wonder if Pres. Trump put Hillary Clinton on hold when she called... she had to listen to that cheesy elevator music while she sat there fuming...
@fireandice909 Ha!!
Just throw a bucket of water on her, and maybe she will melt away.
Not just that, butt her shit stinks too, I'll bet!!
I'll bet you any amount of money that the smell of her shit would be enough to drive the maggots off a gut-wagon!
@@danielpiotrowicz4008 wow that's a good one! I always heard it was knock buzzards off a sh!t wagon!
Lol this just proves that she was the one unfit for office all along😂#MAGA
So awesome still to watch today when he humbly said: IT'S ABOUT US. Meaning the American People.🇺🇸
Another politician that acts like a little kid who doesn’t get their candy
Trump in 2020. Nuf said. MAGA!...again!
Y-E-S !!!!!!
Hillary For Prison agreed. We don’t want a Wilson situation except instead of Wilson it’s Hillary.
You leader has pulled USA out of the climate agreement. USA is the #1 polluter in the world and you won't bring it down. Shame on you !!!!
Too bad the RINOS are fighting him. The Republicans have the House, Senate, and White House and they are totally squandering the opportunities, and on purpose just because they hate Trump.
Niki Lauda DK uh check your facts dumbass China is the world's biggest polluter
I think I was the only mexican in Mexico celebrating Mr. Trump's victory.
I’m in Mexico and I was also celebrating
I'm glad you are smart enough to see past all the bullshit that the media says. God bless you
I guess you forgot when Trump called Mexicans rapists and murderers!
Jeff Walters I’m Mexican and it didn’t offended me because I’m American born here in the usa and Mexico has nothing to do with me or I do with Mexico idk why you liberals always twist words that’s not what he said he said they don’t send there best only rapist and drugs are coming from Mexico and he’s talking about the bad ones that come in the wrong way get it together Walter
Jeff Walters spoken like a true dillusional fool democrat.
This never gets old😂😂😂
Finally we have hope in America
Douglas Pel Yeah it only took 53 years since the death of JFK
Douglas Pel ok
your hope will dimenish real soon.Trump is a zionist puppet, he's gonna keep destroying America,no.president is or will be for our Country,it's all for Israel, who hate freedom.wake the fuck up you blind ass.!!!!
+born conservitive your wrong, Israeli's are mankind's enemy.Yiu must be a jew or a jew lover.
Terry Vincent MAKE AMERCIA GREAT AGAIN !!! Accept and move on. Don't Hate. Hillary never. No Killary in office.
It wasn't shocking to trump supporters. We knew he would win
I won $5000.00 betting on TRUMP when he first announced
his candidacy.. I put $100.00 @ 50 to 1 on TRUMP to win ..
It took the guy I bet against three months to pay off the bet ..
Some how I knew TRUMP would win, because well, just take
a good look at what he was running against..
It was a sure thing in MY opinion .....
I didn't KNOW he would win, but I was sure hoping he would.
Ken Caldwell i knew because i could tell the polls where wrong and everyone i spoken to were voting for trump
Judith Boltz the Lord told me 15 yrs ago, and again during the campaign. I voted for the first time
Jason Whitlock i knew the polls were wrong by the amount of people at trumps rallies ans the few at killarys. I also knew that killary felt she should win. Like we pwe her. I dont owe her a damn thing
Here we are in 2020.
Democrooks only got worse!
Imagine the hell that Bill endured for that entire year.
His entire marriage. I am not justifying or apologizing for him but, to paraphrase Chris Rock, "I understand."
I will never forget Lord when you spoke to me in 2016 , and
said vote for Trump couldn't believe it for I was not a voter..
I learned later you spoke to 80% of Christian's and evangelicals to do the same it was we who pushed Him over the edge to win the presidency.. LORD keep Him safe along with His family and cabinet...
Lithium much.
@@freddyflintstoned913 Just because you don't believe as she does, doesn't give you the right to accuse her of needing lithium, which is, by the way, used for bipolar. My guess is you take her religious beliefs as psychotic so...wrong med.
@@johnmilonas7233 Just because you don't believe what she does, doesn't give you the right to call her nuts. The lady feels God led her to do something. Learn to respect other's beliefs or you are NO BETTER than the hateful left.
@@Anca820 Yeah, don't be a typical lib and call yourself open-minded in one breath and then accuse someone else of being mentally ill in the same breath, simply because she/he believes in the Lord!!
That's hypocrisy, in my book!!!
Click 'like' if the sound of Killary's voice and cackle makes you cringe so bad, that you actually find it difficult to focus on the lies she's spewing. Lol.
Missy Myers , I agree completely. I cannot stand to hear her speak and I cannot stand to look at her. After all that I have learned about her, I don't believe there is anything good about her.
Missy Myers The cackel of Hillary actually makes me sick to my stomach... MAGA Trump
dirtyharryville How many times do you have to get bitched slapped before you get Trump screwed you?
Roy Younger lol look what liberalism has done to America.... destroyed it.
President Trump is still waiting for a peaceful transfer of power from 2016.
Why aren’t these criminals behind bars?