  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 78

  • @aviatordanz
    @aviatordanz Год назад +54

    This was the first comic I've ever picked up on the release date and what a comic. With one issue alone you've already carved your name into Transformers history in the best way possible. As a diehard fan who's been keeping up with everything since I was a wee-lad when RoTF came out, this is easily the best Transformers has been in the last 15 years. In one issue you've managed to capture the heart of this franchise and I'm ready for the agonizing wait for future issues.

  • @Night5225
    @Night5225 2 месяца назад +2

    These comics have brought so much life back to this franchise.

  • @Squiddlewheel
    @Squiddlewheel 7 месяцев назад +7

    31:03 honestly the effort of adding the extra engines paid off. I love how endlessly massive it makes the Ark look.

  • @krispurdy78
    @krispurdy78 Месяц назад +2

    There's a mistake on the page with the bar scene at the beginning. The guy talking to the bartender is directly in front of Spike. In the next panel the camera changes and he's magically talking from behind Spike. 😂

  • @aderose
    @aderose Год назад +17

    Daniel Warren Johnson was the absolute best choice to write AND illustrate this comic!
    The artwork is dynamic energetic and pops right out of the pages in a lot of places, the writing is pretty solid, and it’s full of surprises! Overall this was VERY great issue to start off this new post IDW era of Transformers! I eagerly wait to see what’s to come next!
    5/5. No notes.

  • @FerretsForever94
    @FerretsForever94 Год назад +15

    I know people were worried, but honestly, I'm really impressed. IMO, Issue 1 has so far hit a very good mix of the "darker more adult/realistic stories" while also still showcasing the heart a lot of these characters have, particularly with Optimus. I have VERY high hopes about this Optimus just from what I've seen in Issue 1 and previews in Issue 2. Please give me an Optimus that is strong enough to be kind.

  • @chrismetoyer1633
    @chrismetoyer1633 Год назад +1

    Thank you for making this 41 year old man feel like a kid again this book was so cool

  • @matthewodonnellgavaghan
    @matthewodonnellgavaghan Год назад +4

    This was such a great start to the Transformers. It might be one of my favourite story introductions in Transformers fiction. I got excited about those sketches of Motormaster. I can't wait for one of my favourite factions to debut in the story.

  • @thecomicbookcritic9729
    @thecomicbookcritic9729 Год назад +4

    I love that he ordered food on THE TRANSFORMERS #1 director's commentary. I LOVE DDUBS. Quality content 😂

  • @brianpavlina8638
    @brianpavlina8638 6 месяцев назад +3

    It’s awesome that you have Pat Lee art on your computer.

  • @walterbinns6992
    @walterbinns6992 Год назад +5

    DWJ, I really want to say I just read Transformers #1 and I honestly have to say it was great! It took me back to the old show back in the 1980s. Your storytelling and art makes it so easy to hang on every word. I never read a transformer comic book only the show back when I was a kid in the 1980s. Thank you and I can't wait to read every issue and Duke. 🙏🏾

  • @chameleon1382
    @chameleon1382 Год назад +5

    42:30 yep, time for Bumblebee to go! Hes been in every TF Project for the past 15 years. Cliffjumper's turn!!!

  • @elmonoopinion9641
    @elmonoopinion9641 8 месяцев назад +3

    thank you for one of the best comics of 23-24, I just finished reading issue #7, i'm missing your drawing, but still hooked on the story, you ROCK DWJ! greetings from Mexico! we love transformers over here!

  • @TooPunkToBeAPodcast
    @TooPunkToBeAPodcast Год назад +2

    I love the way you mix your sound effects into the actual picture.

  • @peetietang
    @peetietang Год назад +2

    This was the best convention I've ever been to.

  • @BlamoStramo
    @BlamoStramo Год назад +2

    Dynamic vehicle action is so so sooo important to me, thank you

  • @TheTurtle1100
    @TheTurtle1100 Год назад +2

    Only watched the transformers tv show when I was kid and I barely remember a thing. Excited to be reintroduced to this world by you

  • @FullMetalLuffy
    @FullMetalLuffy Год назад +7

    Got my hands on a copy of issue 1 today. Just want to say your artwork is a blessing to Transformers comics and i cant wait to see where things go from here :)

  • @richrich6409
    @richrich6409 9 месяцев назад +3

    Just finished reading issue #3, man DWJ is a legend. Please keep it up

  • @Graczula
    @Graczula Год назад +2

    Congrats Daniel.
    I loved every single page. Your style is absolutely perfect for Transformers.
    So happy to have the 1st print issue!

  • @jcfv83
    @jcfv83 11 месяцев назад

    I knew it!!! It had to be the Magic Square 2.0. That's the perfect Optimus! Thank you for choosing that one. I've been wanting to see this so much since I read the no.1 These comics are the best piece of Transformers media since Movie '86. Congratulations

  • @Rocknrollllll
    @Rocknrollllll 10 месяцев назад

    I hate stories with cell phones!!!! Thank you DWJ, you’re doing the lords work

  • @astonishingmelanie
    @astonishingmelanie 11 месяцев назад

    I love how passionate you were when you shared the artists who influenced you.

  • @AltGreen
    @AltGreen 14 дней назад

    i love the gun going between panels on page 18 ITS SO GOOD BUT SO TINY OF A DETAIL

  • @adrianfernandez3444
    @adrianfernandez3444 Год назад +1

    10:51 that car turning reminded me of miyazaky's movies, sherlock holms and lupin

  • @theblindjedi41
    @theblindjedi41 Год назад

    Thank you sir. This comic was absolutely amazing; you truly get what people love about the characters.

  • @366liam
    @366liam Год назад +2

    Just picked up my copy today and all I have to say is fantastic job man! It's been awhile since I've felt so much joy just reading a comic. Can't wait to see where it all goes and the little transformers fan in me is beyond excited.

  • @comicfan92
    @comicfan92 Год назад +4

    Hey DWJ! I thought the walking pose of Optimus shooting was awesome! Definitely not a standard pose. It caught my eye instantly and I loved that you went for it there!

  • @BlamoStramo
    @BlamoStramo Год назад +4

    Optimus, is a robot, so he's not adherent to the rules of a human action figure where you dont break the mold and have that negative space or whatever. that rulebreaking is why highly posable tf toys can be that way, you almost get it but spend more time with the toys and you'll understand their own little rules

  • @JonDelArroz
    @JonDelArroz Год назад +1

    Really nice video and great comic so far.

  • @RodimusSubPrime
    @RodimusSubPrime Год назад +1

    Purchasing the issue on Monday, looking forward to listing to this afterwards. Congratulations Daniel

  • @dajokahbaby1506
    @dajokahbaby1506 Год назад +1

    17:04 it’s funny you mentioned the Dreamwave comics because I’m getting similar vibes with your TF comics, how it’s sorta like G1 again, but a bit edgier. Something familiar but different at the same time is what I’m saying, which is very welcoming after whatever IDW was doing with their whole rebooted continuity (I’m not sure if the Transformers even got to Earth before their license ran out lol).

    • @BlueScarabGuy
      @BlueScarabGuy Год назад +2

      I and I bet a lot of other people were really excited to see the story of the war told from the beginning rather than as flashback...but yeah, in hindsight it seems like you really need that initial human perspective to keep it from getting a little too inside-baseball. IDW's Autocracy trilogy of miniseries exploring the early days of the war, or Dreamwave's War Within miniseries, seem like a better fit than an extended ongoing political drama where we all know where we're eventually heading.

    • @dajokahbaby1506
      @dajokahbaby1506 Год назад

      @@BlueScarabGuy Yeah my problem is them trying to treat it like a semi-procedral politcal drama about actual toy robots. There's only so far you can take the lore, and they already got it right with their initial continuity. You got to learn about Cybertron's corrupt government in Megatron Origin and MTMTE, but it was still set dressing to an action or adventure oriented comic.

  • @critical_monkey
    @critical_monkey Год назад +1

    Just pre-ordered the first 3 issues! You're my favorite artist DWJ, can't wait to read

  • @christopherbatista4598
    @christopherbatista4598 Год назад

    Yas is an absolute master of his craft....the fluidity of his work as well as his writing are on another level .....I've only recently discovered your work and I'm blown away by what you put into your work.. from the hyper kinetic storytelling and your unpredictable writing......thank you for being an incredible inspiration... I'm going right back to the drawing board with your work in my mind....carry on good sir.

  • @WhatTheFlugz
    @WhatTheFlugz Год назад +2

    You're moving on from art duties on TF after issue #6? Was hoping this would last forever 😢

  • @SONICobra
    @SONICobra Год назад +2

    I’ve watched this a few times now, beautiful book I love hearing the thought you put into each panel. Looking forward to the next issue and all the rest :)

  • @herobot1
    @herobot1 Год назад

    Great comic Daniel. I was there when the first episode aired in 84 and I'll be proud to say I picked up Daniel Warren Johnson's Transformers #1 in 2023. Cheers man. Hope your food was good. ;)

  • @simonfurman8007
    @simonfurman8007 Год назад

    I just finished reading the first two issues. I really enjoyed them. You did great.

  • @salmondjoy
    @salmondjoy Год назад

    It's better than I hoped for Daniel! I'm excited to share it with my boys and I hope you do lots more issues!!!

  • @darrenprice858
    @darrenprice858 Год назад +1

    Wasn't that keen on a new Transformers comic.... I grew up with the Marvel UK Transformers by Geoff Senior and the legend Simon Furman and anything that has followed just hasn't capture that magic. However this has got be interested and has the potential to be up there. Loved watching this commentary and look forward to more videos.

  • @RhysLawless
    @RhysLawless Год назад

    Thank you for ridding us of that yellow menace, can't tell you how happy seeing that made me when I turned the page.

  • @johnthomas3677
    @johnthomas3677 Год назад +1

    Loved this. To watch the process and get the behind the scenes footage has been amazing. What a journey. Congratulations, this is insane 👊🏻 I’ve just purchase 2 copies ✌🏻can wait to get them.

  • @matrixofleadership
    @matrixofleadership Год назад +1

    This is a great start so far Daniel, well done! Loving the balance of G1 fun with a good sense of maturity that isn’t overwhelmingly edgy. And I understand your reasoning with Bumblebee, although I would love to see him at least return even if it isn’t in a main capacity. It sucks he had to go right from the start of a brand new continuity

  • @quaginator
    @quaginator 9 месяцев назад

    Im all for more Chicago specific food talk. Portillo’s is an institution and I hear they expanded outside of IL!? Love your work DWJ!

  • @therealmegabros
    @therealmegabros Год назад

    Instead sub, I love your art. Awesome take on transformers, insane work. Please do more of these vids, such an inspiration. Thanx !!

  • @choostopher5018
    @choostopher5018 Год назад

    Finally finally got mine (my poor local comic shop had their last 2 weeks of orders delayed) and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  • @FiggityJones
    @FiggityJones 5 месяцев назад

    I was definitely sad about Bumblebee as he is my ultimate favorite, but hearing he might come back in the far future gives me hope. But also if he doesn’t like you said, there’s lots of Bumblebee out there and this book is so enjoyable for me without him that it’s also fine if he doesn’t 😅 I still hope he does though, simply because I’d love to read your take on him.

  • @Raptermonster24
    @Raptermonster24 5 месяцев назад +1

    who is bumblebee is he anything like the big names like hot shot, hound, red alert, groundpounder and, powerglide? also do any of them appear?

  • @HolidayPirate
    @HolidayPirate Год назад

    Very excited to pick this up - I had no idea there was a new TF comic coming, but if you're a fan of Dominion Conflict 1 and Gundam Origins, that's good enough for me! Best of luck for future issues!

  • @RandomRhyme
    @RandomRhyme Год назад

    Soundwave caring for cassettes is such a gem

  • @rancidavocado2166
    @rancidavocado2166 11 месяцев назад

    Amazing work.

  • @NotQuiteMint
    @NotQuiteMint Год назад +1

    This was awesome to watch Daniel 😁 your incredible and thank you for bringing my favourite franchise back to life with a bang, I do hope you will attend TFNation here in the UK it would be awesome to share a pint with you.
    Keep up the good work, also it made me howl out loud when you ordered food 😂😂😂

  • @sprinklelouis
    @sprinklelouis Год назад

    That was excellent.

  • @det.bullock4461
    @det.bullock4461 Год назад

    Ratchet being a modern ambulance is frankly fine, the vanette was a very specific type of ambulance that was IIRC mostly found in Japan betraying the Diaclone origins of the toy (it's also why I'm fine with the SS86 toy not being 100% faithful in vehicle mode to avoid licensing problems) and it makes more sense for him to be a more ordinary ambulance. I mostly dislike the Bay version not for the change itself but because the vehicle doesn't look like an ambulance at a glance because almost everything had to be a tryhard supertruck, offroad or a luxury car in his movies.

  • @BlamoStramo
    @BlamoStramo Год назад

    I absolutely love carly's He-Van!! maybe it could transform one day..

  • @countdown8915
    @countdown8915 Год назад +1

    Thanks for answering my questions and thanks for writing one of the best pieces of TF media in years! I never stopped being a fan, but you reminded me why I'm here. I cannot thank you enough. Keep on truckin!

  • @Buddhabellie
    @Buddhabellie 9 месяцев назад

    1:05:48 yes! Love it

  • @GraphicNovelCollector
    @GraphicNovelCollector Год назад

    Optimus as AEW Champ!? We gotta see the MJF vs Optimus feud!

  • @hectorrivera5416
    @hectorrivera5416 Год назад +1

    So mad I missed this stream

  • @justinharper4472
    @justinharper4472 Год назад

    1:04:57 I understand this thing you don’t want to do as the “De Luca effect”. The more you know!

  • @Megatarn241
    @Megatarn241 8 месяцев назад

    I love your books

  • @trashboat5388
    @trashboat5388 Год назад +1

    Bold move to kill Bee in the first issue😂😂😂

  • @Buddhabellie
    @Buddhabellie 9 месяцев назад

    31:34 awesome...

  • @mattlinkous4356
    @mattlinkous4356 Год назад

    I enjoyed the comic but I will admit the thing with Bumblebee kinda bothered me. I don’t know maybe where I’m more of a (for lack of a better term) casual fan of Transformers, enjoyed the G1 cartoon and the animated movie primarily so I don’t feel like Bumblebee is necessarily tedious or over-exposed. Perhaps that view is different within the hardcore fandom. To me it’s kinda like blasting Jimmy Olsen at the start of a Superman relaunch. He’s a character that’s just part of the tapestry of the thing so it creates a hole in the tapestry if you take him away. Maybe I’ll feel differently as the comic goes on.

  • @Seanmamode05
    @Seanmamode05 Год назад

    New transformers comics 💯🤟🤩

  • @BlamoStramo
    @BlamoStramo Год назад +3

    I advise caution because the way gundam suits move is very much like theyre being piloted by people. but Transformers are people themselves, its not a problem in issue 1 but please be cautious to have that life in their movements

  • @BlamoStramo
    @BlamoStramo Год назад

    yes yes yes, ark has 5 thrusters. be on model for EVERYTHING cuz it all matters! XD

  • @JB88squared
    @JB88squared Год назад

    HotRod anytime soon?

  • @Tom_ohandley
    @Tom_ohandley Год назад

    Loved the first issue and added to my pull list! Thank you sir for making and sharing 🎉

  • @vladkornienko7889
    @vladkornienko7889 Год назад

    Do you need spare G1 Prime fists?

  • @trence5
    @trence5 Год назад

    @14:10 🤣 No one is gonna hold it against you for "ignoring" certain things. I think that something artists of both 'toons and comics have been "ignoring" aspects of the toys since the beginning 😁😁😁

  • @CharlesGoldSkinned
    @CharlesGoldSkinned 7 месяцев назад

    Pls. dont kill Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime and introduce him. Im one of those 80's kids who actually love Hot Rod. Write him better! Make him bad ass!

  • @Fenris30
    @Fenris30 Год назад +1

    Stealing Layout ideas from Shirow is a crime punishable by more sales. May God have mercy on your Wallet. Good day!

  • @stronensycharte64
    @stronensycharte64 7 месяцев назад

    Why did you make starscream so THICK, his thighs are so fucking PLUMP

  • @bedbeard333
    @bedbeard333 Год назад

    Please never go digital

  • @Funnyds44
    @Funnyds44 10 месяцев назад

    Ty for killing off bumblebee he's a useless character