Lucynda Riley don’t say that dude there is more then this you can do in your life and I know it cool and that and all but you got live your life without regrets
For all of you people thinking it's gonna break your arms or legs. It's not a fucking mech suit! It doesn't have any machinery in the joints to invert your legs for fucks sake. It's just casing so it can track your movements properly.
I thought about the Halo novels when reading your comment. In the first Halo book they talk about how a dude put on the Mjolnir armor, then was asked to move his arm, but because the suit amplifies your strength by a hundred or so, it literally moved so fast that it broke his arm, and then he flinched and the entire suit basically crushed him to death after breaking all of his bones; the guy literally beat himself to death.
You should sell your friend's house too, while you're at it, but without him knowing. That should almost cover it. Two houses and a big loan would suffice to buy one. But better yet? Make sure you fill out a business license before you do so you can claim all those expenses as a business loss and get them back in taxes. Then hey, just go a few steps forward with it and charge people money to come have awesome experiences with your Axon VR machine! Maybe you could open up a real business and call it "Virtual World" or something. :)
The "can go outside for free" argument has to be one of the most idiotic and simplistic, not to mention willfully ignorant comments people make about VR tech. Can you go outside and fly a jet plane? Fight dragons? Pilot a mech? A tank? Can you go outside and experience a combat zone and not get your feeble arm chair expert ass turned into swiss cheese? No. You cannot.
The "can go outside for free" argument also assumes that everybody has the luxury of living somewhere that "outside" is a place worth going. When VR is as common as a home PC or TV, people who live in urban slums, or in the plains of fly-over country can use their VR to "go outside" and take a hike anywhere in the world. Or walk through a virtual recreation of a museum, etc. "Everything is supported" in the real world, and severely limited. How did you even end up at this video? Shouldn't you be watching someone jump a 4 wheeler over an old fridge out on the back 40? I'm sure someone needs you to hold their beer.
These aren't really intended to be in people's homes, it's more designed to be set up as a public attraction. Have a few units in arcades, at the mall, casinos, etc. My mom knew somebody that was investing in this company. She showed me some of the information they give to prospective investors and asked for input from the family nerd. Axon has a lot of people who were big names at Microsoft and other tech companies. She thought about investing but I'm pretty sure she decided not to, I kind of advised her against it. While I hope AxonVR is wildly successful, they're not the only people working on something like this. Although their vision does seem to be more ambitious than most, even to the point of audacity. Very interesting, but kind of a risky investment I think.
Great idea but unfortunately this will not succeed just due to the amount of room required, unless the developer will offer some sort of buy this get one extra room built for your house then maybe lol right!
These aren't intended to be in people's homes. They're being designed for public applications, and users would rent time in them, etc. Kind of understandable because of how audacious the technology is, but I don't care, I just want to see it exist! Maybe before I die there will be affordable in-home ones.
With a system like this simulating pressure on your joints it could easily figure out that you are walking, turning around, jumping or using friction to slow yourself down just from the pressure and position of your feet. This is how you walk in real life without realising it!
I can only image those weird glitches where the character bends like a ragdoll, and the fear it comes when I know my suit it's about to reproduce those feelings in a second.
Brian Johns I was just thinking that! If the technology can be adusted for paralyzed people, than it might give them a chance to 'walk' agian. Or am I going too far?
What if I am presented with a scenario in virutal reality where it prompts me to use the bathroom, and that bathroom usage triggers my body's own instinctual waste excretion process in real-time?
One would think that catheters would be much more viable. It would become kind of unimmersive if you're still smelling yourself after you've left the virtual john.
Joseph Moran the only way the expo suit comes close to affecting you is be feeling and temp you still move the suit doesn't move you so if your game froze you could easily just take it off
DragonsBlood dude thats actually awesome i didnt think of that. like in a vr world, you're lifting buildings and throwing them, but in real life it only resists by a a few dozen pounds
You could use this for bodybuilding. Or physio therapy. Heck, maybe this will solve the obesity crisis at least among gamers. Running though skyrim fighting dragons is sure to burn a few calories.
Naw, it does that for you. Hell, it even sucks the shit straight out of your ass so you don't need to use the restroom. Basically, every WoW players dream device.
Glad to hear someone else has had the idea to use exosuits to move in VR. I had an idea for a VR system that connects to an exosuit at the person's center of mass with 3 rotatable circle/torus shapes (like a gyroscope) which allow for roll, yaw, and pitch. It would be possible to move and interact with the virtual world and it would also be possible to, for example, lay down and feel like you're laying down, or do a backflip. Add some movement constraints to the exosuit when touching objects and voila there's not much more to improve. The only problem would be the way it's connected to the exosuit, it would be possible to accidentally hit your arms on it.
Yeah, more like Ready Player One though... SAO is full dive which means that it shuts down all physical nerves and sends fake signals to the brain to create the world of SAO. I know in the Ordinal Scale movie they use AR but it's still different from this. The closest thing to relate this project with is Ready Player One. Sorry for being such a nerd :P
so if U climb a ladder in VR do your joins feel it? Or if you stand close to a wall and reach it with your hands will you arms be stopped so you do not pass the wall in VR? I mean suit will restrict your movements depending on the things in VR? Looks like a thing from Ready Player One book.
Yes that's correct and its possible even though very complex hardware. Actually I remember when I was maybe 10 years old (9 years ago), we went to visit a university in my local city with school and they had actually already developed something like this in a smaller scale. They had a pen that was attached to mechanical limbs and in front of the pen they had a screen so that you couldn't see the motored "pen" but only the screen. And then you put your hand under the screen to grab the pen and you looked at the screen and there was a animated pen on the screen as well. Then you could move the motorized pen under the screen and the animated pen moved on the screen and you could touch all different kind of animated objects with the pen. It was really cool, you could actually feel all the textures of those objects, their softness and so on as if you were touching real objects with the pen. Depending on how you moved the pen, it "touched" the objects on the screen and stopped the pen with the motored limbs if you hit something. It was surprisingly realistic. So if they could make that almost a decade ago, the exoskeleton thing certainly is possible today.
I gassed myself with bleach before and also drank bleach. My mouth bubbled up and my lungs hurt really badly. I developed permanent nausea eventually from this.
The Man The Myth The Legend Bocajing In the clip it shows that you are attached to like a crane so you don't touch the ground. Maybe the crane can move you so you are in a horizontal position. Then you just move like if you're swimming
I'm not sure this is a good idea because what happens when you cross your arms/legs in certain ways? Imagine trying to apply the "rubber guard" in BJJ without some part crashing into another...
Jorgan Jorgans well what do we have here an aggressive 7 y.o mad his mommy took away his 3ds seriously dude get a life and stop harassing people online
Ah the nerve gear the most ridiculously named an none-sensical devices ever thought up. Something like that in real-life would be VERY complex and would have to tap directly into the base of the brain stem to intercept and prevent neural messages from reaching the body a procedure that itself would take millions of dollars to complete. But then again, it's a TV show.
THEPEWPEW GAMINGCREW Hacking the brain is still far away. Rich and athletic youngers may get a roomful of white mechanics plus wireless haptic suit plus AR to get the experience.
I think it's unlikely they would install motors capable of doing any real damage if they install motors at all. Early models are likely to just be elaborate systems of brakes that do nothing but resist your movement.
THIS right here is the future of VR. All those already existing versions that try to make it as real as possible are lacking and /or are very limited. But this is near full immersion. Something like this will do much more than just enable you to walk around. It will make things like going from walking up to a fighter craft, climbing up the ladder, entering the cockpit AND then proceed to fly said virtual craft possible and that without braking immersion. If done right this could even simulate zero gravity to a reasonable degree.
TheExplodingChipmunk Yea think about the next 10 next years,look the computers in 2000 and look they now,the most difficult is discover new ways and that guys did it
This would not even change the gaming this would change evrything. Just think about how the e-sports would work if you really need your full body. Like if your walking thousends of miles in a open world and feel evry stone, the temprature and even the rain. This could nearly be sword art online ^^
Platonic yeah but it would cost 29474584727152948472927364849464648585649946383820374749484792936484758484930397346747373837474838736364847463747464748362829336464784847363838364848294745847271529484729273648494646485856499463838203747494847929364847584849303973467473738374748387363648474637474647483628293364647848473638383648482947458472715294847292736484946464858564994638382037474948479293648475848493039734674737383747483873636484746374746474836282933646478484736383836484829474584727152948472927364849464648585649946383820374749484792936484758484930397346747373837474838736364847463747464748362829336464784847363838364848294745847271529484729273648494646485856499463838203747494847929364847584849303973467473738374748387363648474637474647483628293364647848473638383648483737463774936284846384836368585737 trillion euro to buy
it's really interesting for scientific research and technology development, but i think this is not the future of VR gaming because you can't totally reproduce reality, there will always be some stuff you can't reproduce. I think the future will be games that will find original ways to interact with an environnement but not necessarily in the most realistic way possible, like there is already a lot of unrealistic arcade games in the 2d repertoire.
I wasn't saying "we're", I was saying "I was born in the right generation". does that make any sense? if so, I just don't want to get into any fight right now 3:
except you have to sell your home to buy one , the only way to to buy one is by make it old and if its need to be old it means in far future , so yeah you were wrong you DEFINITELY born in wrong generation :D
Imagine an RPG in this. Like you go through a tundra and it's really hot so you take off your armor to get some breeze. You run to a cave to find something a little bit cooler and you lay down on the rock floor. Imagine feeling the cold rough surface of the rocks. Now, this may not support laying down, and that's fine. But, just a conceptual idea of something that you use your senses in. I think that just sounds awesome.
I was going to do this but I don't think anyone will have the money to buy or will be willing to strap in, would need to be like the iron man suit before they will come were you step into it and it closes up around you, you will also need to make it so you can lay down as well, good luck anyway hope we see them on the market or in the arcade most likely they will be the only place that can afford one and have the space to install it as you will need to set up a safety zone around it as well, nice work anyway.
finally a real comment on this that doesnt mention stupid ass SAO. I totally agree with you, VR is just waaaaaayyyy too expensive, and half the time the price just comes from the ingenuity not even the cost to make the product itself. Just look at omni virtuix, the whole rig is like almost 2 thousand dollars. Imagine if this went on the market, it'd definitely be more than double that if not triple. If i saw this in an arcade though you bet i'd be there all day messing around in it lol.
The first computers cost between 15000 and 100000$ adjusted for inflation. Tech is always expensive when it's new. Give it 10 years and vr will be as affordable as any other form of gaming today. And buy VR stocks, it will take the world by storm when that happens, the stocks will shoot up like a rocket and you won't have to worry about money anymore.
This is HUGE!!! I Hope you guys are still making strides on this! Very excited to hear more results, have done a little research on the website. Mighty mighty MIGHTY impressive stuff.
This technology will likely remain "bulky" as well, since it requires enough space to move a person in nearly any direction. So traditional gaming with monitors and keyboards, and perhaps even regular VR headsets, will remain more compact and practical for those who don't require lifelike immersion.
Yeah, you're right, this will never replace keyboards and mice. But it will almost certainly carve out it's own niche. And also has potential application for physical therapy or military training. And i know for a fact, i'd gladly pay 5000€ to play the elder scrolls or shadow of mordor in full body VR. That would be an incredible experience. You could experience whole other worlds and a life you could never live elsewhere right from the comfort of your own living room. You could come home from work, and then travel to middle earth and slay orcs on the fields of minas tirith. You wouldn't even have to go on vacation because you could go to the bahamas or the moon in VR. Maybe this tech will start off slow, as with anything it would be highly expensive when it's new. But in 10-20 years? Who know, maybe it'll be as affordable as a good computer and light enough to fit in a standard closet.
Since trying out the HTC Vive belonging to a friend of mine I've been really excited about different technologies that aims to bring more body simulation into VR. This concept is really impressive. However, I can't help but feel that it is a bit overly complicated to fit yourself into an entire exo suit just to be able to walk around. I realize the necessity of it for the system to work, but if you take a look at something like Omnifinitys omni-directional treadmill: It's easy to see how the technology is simpler (in all forms of engineering the K.I.S.S-rule always apply: "Keep It Simple, Stupid!"). I also have a hard time seeing how the Axon VR exosuit would allow you to do things like you can with the omnifinity treadmill, like crawling on your belly and such. That said, the Axon is way more impressive in regards to the tacticle feedback in letting the user feel texture and temperature of virtual objects. If you could somehow combine the impressive full body force feedback qualities of the Axon with the freedom of mobility of the omninfinity, then that would be pretty awesome.
You're suspended in the exo suit, why wouldn't it be able to allow you to lay down (suspended in air by the machine) and then use its tactile feedback to make you feel the floor beneath you, in whatever texture it happens to be? I think you lack imagination, but that is to be expected as all of this is very new tech and we are not used to thinking in such terms.
Seven Proxies The suit isnt for easy walking around, we can already do that, its to apply pressure to any point on the body so you can actually touch and feel things.
What seems more practical in the near future is the virtuix omni or something similar. But i think something like this will inevitably become huge in the long term. That is, unless we figure out how to control games directly with a neural connection...
Well yes, there isn't much use trying to get people to install this in their own house. However, this is where the good ol-fashioned arcade system comes into play. The circumstances for the current day's full-body VR are the exact same as when arcades dominated back in the day: it was at that critical turning point in gaming technology where videogame systems were possible, but were too expensive and bulky for people to have at home. That's why arcades took off the way they did, and now the same opportunity is presenting itself again. Here's hoping the right people capitalize on VR arcades - otherwise, expensive high-end solutions like these may just not get enough financial backing to reach their potential.
Could you tilt someone backward to simulate mild acceleration or tilt sideways to simulate the G-force of being in a vehicle changing direction at high speed? (and forward for braking) Can you simulate sitting in different kinds of chairs and seats?
Zelta 1234 no doom game came out in 1999 fucking idiot doom came out in 93 and 2 and final use the same engine closest thing to 99 was doom 64 which was in 1997 which doesn't use that engine but is also the least popular actual doom game... think before you speak
Alli-hater like alligator What the fuck man? Maybe he just didn't know the exact dates and really - who cares? Doom is old and looks silly compared to new games that's the fact what he wanted to tell.
I wish this the best. Last night I had a dream that I was in a VR world. The setting was like the Citadel from Mass Effect. I was able to jet boost in the air, grab trees, climb objects. It was so real, and so innovative, I was sad when I woke up and it wasn't real. This made me think of a rig/system that could do this. Allow a user to walk...jump off a cliff and do a backflip, etc...I woke up and immediately researched what tech was close to this, and I believe this system is the closest. I wish you the best. A full haptic suit with 360 degree motion is a dream come true. I hope you get full funding. Good luck.
Wait till they bring out one that simulates completely losing a limb and the pain that goes with it. In future games, there will be consequences for failing to beat the AI.
I wonder if they’re going to have a weight sensor. Like when you’re calibrating it, it asks for your weight so say if you were climbing you’d have to lift your own body weight.
Actually had this same idea for a reality simulator, it's thrilling to find its a work in progress. Imagine the applications, its just sad to me that I'm not actively involved in bringing this to reality.
I hope they perfect this and make it affordable before I'm dead
Lucynda Riley don’t say that dude there is more then this you can do in your life and I know it cool and that and all but you got live your life without regrets
well they said this isnt a 20 year project, its a 5 year project. 3 more year then.
@@kaiohitsuji287 You can't fondle boobs for hours on end, they get sore
It will be very soon
@@ios12cracker41 whoosh
For all of you people thinking it's gonna break your arms or legs. It's not a fucking mech suit! It doesn't have any machinery in the joints to invert your legs for fucks sake. It's just casing so it can track your movements properly.
I thought about the Halo novels when reading your comment. In the first Halo book they talk about how a dude put on the Mjolnir armor, then was asked to move his arm, but because the suit amplifies your strength by a hundred or so, it literally moved so fast that it broke his arm, and then he flinched and the entire suit basically crushed him to death after breaking all of his bones; the guy literally beat himself to death.
Gamers are about to be the most fit people in society.
That s exactly what i was thinking ... with all the walking/running - shadow punching/throwing in most games gaming is going to b recommended 😂
Not until the $20 version of this thing exists
Problem is were broke
@@Erisnomics yeah.
just put my house up for sale so I can afford this, let's go baby!!
You should sell your friend's house too, while you're at it, but without him knowing. That should almost cover it. Two houses and a big loan would suffice to buy one.
But better yet? Make sure you fill out a business license before you do so you can claim all those expenses as a business loss and get them back in taxes. Then hey, just go a few steps forward with it and charge people money to come have awesome experiences with your Axon VR machine! Maybe you could open up a real business and call it "Virtual World" or something. :)
The "can go outside for free" argument has to be one of the most idiotic and simplistic, not to mention willfully ignorant comments people make about VR tech.
Can you go outside and fly a jet plane? Fight dragons? Pilot a mech? A tank? Can you go outside and experience a combat zone and not get your feeble arm chair expert ass turned into swiss cheese? No. You cannot.
The "can go outside for free" argument also assumes that everybody has the luxury of living somewhere that "outside" is a place worth going.
When VR is as common as a home PC or TV, people who live in urban slums, or in the plains of fly-over country can use their VR to "go outside" and take a hike anywhere in the world. Or walk through a virtual recreation of a museum, etc.
"Everything is supported" in the real world, and severely limited. How did you even end up at this video?
Shouldn't you be watching someone jump a 4 wheeler over an old fridge out on the back 40? I'm sure someone needs you to hold their beer.
Sean J this is much more expensive its like a million dollars now i think
I just put a couple of my lungs up for sale too, just take my money Axon!
Will it have a crotch piece though? For some.. particular.. games..
The Japanese already have you sorted there my friend ;)
Sylvanas Windrunner I was wondering that too...
Wanna play ball-kicking online, eh?
Sylvanas Windrunner ...perhaps as an accessory
+50 resistance against syphilis
what if it gliches out then the suit twists your arm off
KungFuryClub well... shit.
They could add a joint limiter. But your arm will be treated as it was inside Antarctica or in the sun.
The engines and temperature things probably have physical restrictions.
It should not probably
What if your arm experiences the heat from the sun
for the small price of 99,999.99
OR just 5 _easy_ payments of just $19,999.99
Yeah, I'd rather just buy a Tesla
And the final product will be available in 2051
No no 999,999,999,999,999
cents, 99,999.99 CENTS
I just hope there's a max on those temperatures, or else if you fall in a volcano, you're actually going to be dead
Oh yes I'm sure they would implement a function that could possibly kill you. Sounds like a good marketing campaign to me.
Realism sells
better watch your step then
hardcore mode
Oh damn, I could get an adrenaline fix from the comfort of my own home!
Soon we are going to be in the oasis😆😆😆
Butter me Buns the final level will be in planet crematoria from the chronicles of riddick
Remember the kick in the balls?
I hope
@@emberdrops3892 Ouch...
but what about the price? will I have to finance this for 30 years?
Businesses could buy them and rent time in them at a VR facility.
These aren't really intended to be in people's homes, it's more designed to be set up as a public attraction. Have a few units in arcades, at the mall, casinos, etc. My mom knew somebody that was investing in this company. She showed me some of the information they give to prospective investors and asked for input from the family nerd. Axon has a lot of people who were big names at Microsoft and other tech companies. She thought about investing but I'm pretty sure she decided not to, I kind of advised her against it. While I hope AxonVR is wildly successful, they're not the only people working on something like this. Although their vision does seem to be more ambitious than most, even to the point of audacity. Very interesting, but kind of a risky investment I think.
Drew Kosonen thats exactly what video games did, and look where that got them ;)
Great idea but unfortunately this will not succeed just due to the amount of room required, unless the developer will offer some sort of buy this get one extra room built for your house then maybe lol right!
These aren't intended to be in people's homes. They're being designed for public applications, and users would rent time in them, etc. Kind of understandable because of how audacious the technology is, but I don't care, I just want to see it exist! Maybe before I die there will be affordable in-home ones.
what happens if you try to turn around? or try to move in any way that makes you cross your legs?
With a system like this simulating pressure on your joints it could easily figure out that you are walking, turning around, jumping or using friction to slow yourself down just from the pressure and position of your feet.
This is how you walk in real life without realising it!
the machine crushes your balls, or it doesn't. and looking at the price tag, neither of us will ever test that
mission failed . we'll get em next time
So now when your character glitches, you feel yourself getting flung into the sky or trapped inside a wall or your arm spinning uncontrollably?
LOL I want to know too
I can only image those weird glitches where the character bends like a ragdoll, and the fear it comes when I know my suit it's about to reproduce those feelings in a second.
They'll have to create limits to how far it can force move.
I don't know why i'm laughing this comment lol
As long as the suit is only physically capable of bending certain ways, even if it does happen, you should remain unharmed.
This technology has many applications in physiotherapy and psychology. Great concept.
TestTheAcid What?
Brian Johns I was just thinking that! If the technology can be adusted for paralyzed people, than it might give them a chance to 'walk' agian. Or am I going too far?
MissMiserize you need legs that can move for this dumbass
im glad someone has a brain, dumbasses born with leaky assholes they insist on using to speak
Wow! Someone is finally building the 'Immersion-rig' from 'Ready Player One'. I can't wait!
I was thinking the same thing lol
I am currently reading that book its really great
TrainOfThought AT LONG LAST
TrainOfThought i thought that lol
same lol
Can't wait to cuddle with anime babes with this baby in VR Chat :P
Blizzard's Psychosis just don’t exist anymore you people are cancer
ColaStorm theyve changed our lives the bad way so we have a reason to hate them
blizzard psycosis thats not really helping your case otaku in japaneese means no life
lol what
Its like the animus of the assassins Creed movie
or the nerve hear from SAO
except 3rd party headwear is involved, not branded most likely
What if I am presented with a scenario in virutal reality where it prompts me to use the bathroom, and that bathroom usage triggers my body's own instinctual waste excretion process in real-time?
very utterly important Q !
you shit your pants brother
bigollameo diapers?
One would think that catheters would be much more viable. It would become kind of unimmersive if you're still smelling yourself after you've left the virtual john.
If you shit your pants in the game, you shit in real life!
What if the exo suit glitched out and you couldn’t move...
Joseph Moran the only way the expo suit comes close to affecting you is be feeling and temp you still move the suit doesn't move you so if your game froze you could easily just take it off
Or worse... If the actuator limits fail (or get disabled by hacker/careless user). Can it yknow... Break joints?
jmalmsten that would be fucked up
jmalmsten there are ways to prevent that hardware sided...
just reload the checkpoint or exit to the main menu
I want a suit like this but you can increase how hard it is to move in it, then i can workout almost every muscle in my body while playing a game
DragonsBlood dude thats actually awesome i didnt think of that. like in a vr world, you're lifting buildings and throwing them, but in real life it only resists by a a few dozen pounds
You could use this for bodybuilding. Or physio therapy. Heck, maybe this will solve the obesity crisis at least among gamers. Running though skyrim fighting dragons is sure to burn a few calories.
Wow, workout + game = gameout? Idk
@DragonsBlood this comment needs more appreciation
I think you all just created a whole new system
Yeah that's great and all but can I still feed myself after I buy it?
you can have all the cheese wheels and melons you can eat in skyrim.
After you sell your kidneys and liver you won't really need food for some time, 2-3 days of fun playtime
Then u ded
Naw, it does that for you. Hell, it even sucks the shit straight out of your ass so you don't need to use the restroom. Basically, every WoW players dream device.
Nope and you'll have to sell your house as well
Lord Krythic best comment ever
Glad to hear someone else has had the idea to use exosuits to move in VR. I had an idea for a VR system that connects to an exosuit at the person's center of mass with 3 rotatable circle/torus shapes (like a gyroscope) which allow for roll, yaw, and pitch. It would be possible to move and interact with the virtual world and it would also be possible to, for example, lay down and feel like you're laying down, or do a backflip. Add some movement constraints to the exosuit when touching objects and voila there's not much more to improve. The only problem would be the way it's connected to the exosuit, it would be possible to accidentally hit your arms on it.
only $15,ooo,ooo.99
No, it is 14.999.999,99
Jeppe johansen true
Jeppe johansen 15 mill?!?!
damn only trump can be in vr
u r not a salesman, thats quite obvious, or the price would be $14,999,999.99,
everything to mess our mind and perception are valid for them.. :/
Eavan Taran WTF , I can reinvent the whole system with less than 1 million 😂😅
hopefully there is an emergency shutdown switch. don't want bone breaks on model glitches.
Quatrei Quorizawa while you're playing in that thing lags could actually kill you xD
Quatrei Quorizawa it wouldn't kill you it just kind of freeze you in place there's no motors only brakes
Suit hacked. Operation limb fold initiated.
It'll be just like COD Advanced Warfare, but this time, you'll be dead for good. LOLZ
Good now where's sword art online at
Yeah, more like Ready Player One though... SAO is full dive which means that it shuts down all physical nerves and sends fake signals to the brain to create the world of SAO. I know in the Ordinal Scale movie they use AR but it's still different from this. The closest thing to relate this project with is Ready Player One.
Sorry for being such a nerd :P
who plays sword art online and Oasis nowadays call me old fashioned but i'm sticking with VRchat lol
Ew anime
@@MartyrMoon edgy
im scared this thing is going to break my arm
I'm scared this thing is going to break my everything
im scared this thing is going to burn my house down
Im scared this thing is going to break my dick
It's possible if the character get glitched imagine ahahaha
All for the price of two trillion dollars, I'm in.
Really though, nice work guys.
no dude not that much , just sell your home and buy one xD
*Turns tactile sensory input on*
Welcome to S&M trainer. Are you ready for your first lesson, slave? *THWIP* 〽
Oof daddy
Capt'n Joe Spider Man?
Hardest difficulty: No safe wording
Please receive Christ
so if U climb a ladder in VR do your joins feel it? Or if you stand close to a wall and reach it with your hands will you arms be stopped so you do not pass the wall in VR? I mean suit will restrict your movements depending on the things in VR? Looks like a thing from Ready Player One book.
Yes that's correct and its possible even though very complex hardware.
Actually I remember when I was maybe 10 years old (9 years ago), we went to visit a university in my local city with school and they had actually already developed something like this in a smaller scale. They had a pen that was attached to mechanical limbs and in front of the pen they had a screen so that you couldn't see the motored "pen" but only the screen. And then you put your hand under the screen to grab the pen and you looked at the screen and there was a animated pen on the screen as well. Then you could move the motorized pen under the screen and the animated pen moved on the screen and you could touch all different kind of animated objects with the pen. It was really cool, you could actually feel all the textures of those objects, their softness and so on as if you were touching real objects with the pen. Depending on how you moved the pen, it "touched" the objects on the screen and stopped the pen with the motored limbs if you hit something. It was surprisingly realistic.
So if they could make that almost a decade ago, the exoskeleton thing certainly is possible today.
I was thinking exactly ready player one and I'm pretty sure that it will.
Anton Snitko what happens if you fall off from the sky to the ground would you feel anything or will the exo suit crush you?
future hentai games, here I come
Raadh, Yeees ;3
A good reason I guess to hold off on committing suicide.
well my impending suicide shall wait
Clorox Bleach You are everywhere on every god damn videos of youtube you little rascal
I gassed myself with bleach before and also drank bleach. My mouth bubbled up and my lungs hurt really badly. I developed permanent nausea eventually from this.
What if you are put in a situation where you have to swim?
The Man The Myth The Legend Bocajing
In the clip it shows that you are attached to like a crane so you don't touch the ground. Maybe the crane can move you so you are in a horizontal position. Then you just move like if you're swimming
Or you can just bob there and move your arms so it'll move you forward
Kind of like Minecraft. Crude example, but it works.
That's actually a great idea
I'm not sure this is a good idea because what happens when you cross your arms/legs in certain ways? Imagine trying to apply the "rubber guard" in BJJ without some part crashing into another...
The Man The Myth The Legend Bocajing more resistance and cooling
I can't be the only one thinking about the book "Ready Player One"... am !?!?!
Drawster definitely not. Check the other comments and me
Funny, you mentioning it a few months before the release of the trailer.
The book, lol.
that's actually being adapted into a movie
I was thinking about the eye of minds
” Five year project ” aha yes five years
At this point you might as well
Just make nerve gear
Jorgan Jorgans well what do we have here an aggressive 7 y.o mad his mommy took away his 3ds seriously dude get a life and stop harassing people online
would be "much easier" and may be much more perilous too
but the real question is...
should you?
Ah the nerve gear the most ridiculously named an none-sensical devices ever thought up. Something like that in real-life would be VERY complex and would have to tap directly into the base of the brain stem to intercept and prevent neural messages from reaching the body a procedure that itself would take millions of dollars to complete.
But then again, it's a TV show.
THEPEWPEW GAMINGCREW Hacking the brain is still far away. Rich and athletic youngers may get a roomful of white mechanics plus wireless haptic suit plus AR to get the experience.
Imagine playing Skyrim with this. 😮
TPG Iron Warrior "I used to be an adventurer like you...." well you know how that ends
TPG Iron Warrior imagine playing a mmorpg specifically designed for this o.O its sword art online in real life.
Or GTA 5 (Probably GTA 6 once this goes mainstream)
eternallegacy89 But without the whole "Death trap" thing, right?
would adding a vibrating feature when hittinh something make it feels like you actually just hit something? or nah?
The fuck happens when makarov from ghosts cuts yo hand off?
Snap bitch it's gone
Nothing, in real life when you lose your hand or your foot, you continue feeling that, even hurt to. It's called phantom pain.
hahahahahaha i was gonna buy it but you made me change my mind
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
Kali Takumi ah, i see you're a man of culture as well.
I can only just imagine the thing malfunctioning and breaking and bending your bones
Sgt.Nuclear When lag kills you
Luissant ....until it does.
I think it's unlikely they would install motors capable of doing any real damage if they install motors at all. Early models are likely to just be elaborate systems of brakes that do nothing but resist your movement.
Ready Player One anyone?
The Purple One me
THIS right here is the future of VR. All those already existing versions that try to make it as real as possible are lacking and /or are very limited. But this is near full immersion. Something like this will do much more than just enable you to walk around. It will make things like going from walking up to a fighter craft, climbing up the ladder, entering the cockpit AND then proceed to fly said virtual craft possible and that without braking immersion. If done right this could even simulate zero gravity to a reasonable degree.
TheExplodingChipmunk Yea think about the next 10 next years,look the computers in 2000 and look they now,the most difficult is discover new ways and that guys did it
Hoholy shit.
This is the kind of stuff we're gonna see at competitive gaming tournaments.
Hey. Puts the sports in esports, eh?
NO!! More like your favourite porn
This would not even change the gaming this would change evrything. Just think about how the e-sports would work if you really need your full body. Like if your walking thousends of miles in a open world and feel evry stone, the temprature and even the rain. This could nearly be sword art online ^^
Platonic yeah but it would cost 29474584727152948472927364849464648585649946383820374749484792936484758484930397346747373837474838736364847463747464748362829336464784847363838364848294745847271529484729273648494646485856499463838203747494847929364847584849303973467473738374748387363648474637474647483628293364647848473638383648482947458472715294847292736484946464858564994638382037474948479293648475848493039734674737383747483873636484746374746474836282933646478484736383836484829474584727152948472927364849464648585649946383820374749484792936484758484930397346747373837474838736364847463747464748362829336464784847363838364848294745847271529484729273648494646485856499463838203747494847929364847584849303973467473738374748387363648474637474647483628293364647848473638383648483737463774936284846384836368585737 trillion euro to buy
White Inkling u had to add that trillion at the end just to add effect, XD
it's really interesting for scientific research and technology development, but i think this is not the future of VR gaming because you can't totally reproduce reality, there will always be some stuff you can't reproduce. I think the future will be games that will find original ways to interact with an environnement but not necessarily in the most realistic way possible, like there is already a lot of unrealistic arcade games in the 2d repertoire.
One word.
you cheeky bastard XD
Rockstar Gaming two words mirrors edge
Harry Smith oh dear god
my one word.
I was DEFINITELY born in the right generation :D
WackyJacky I wish I was born 10 years later. I feel like by the time Ill be able to get my hands on one I'll be too old to use it
WackyJacky no we're not
I wasn't saying "we're", I was saying "I was born in the right generation". does that make any sense? if so, I just don't want to get into any fight right now 3:
except you have to sell your home to buy one , the only way to to buy one is by make it old and if its need to be old it means in far future , so yeah you were wrong you DEFINITELY born in wrong generation :D
i'm surprised you guys arn't already bought out
marshwiggle360 they have to finished it first
its okay you can buy it , just sell your home and you can get one :) l
omar sameh he's talking about buying over the company
Imagine an RPG in this. Like you go through a tundra and it's really hot so you take off your armor to get some breeze. You run to a cave to find something a little bit cooler and you lay down on the rock floor. Imagine feeling the cold rough surface of the rocks. Now, this may not support laying down, and that's fine. But, just a conceptual idea of something that you use your senses in. I think that just sounds awesome.
My otaku mode be like: Sword Art Online coming soon
Heck yeah
Hell yea. I'll be swinging swords in no time.
You stole my profile pic
*welcome to the future*видео.html
So uh, how good's the haptic feedback on the...
*Important areas* of my body?
maybe play a fighting game to find out
Its just the VR thing from assassins creed movie
*facepalm* you mean the animus? that doesnt use your physical body, just your mental capacity and your ancestors blood
l3lueSKULL I dare u to watch my videos ALSO known as the Animus, but I'm guessing you haven't played any of the games
Director Taffy advertising is kind of a dick move
snipercat no.3 what?
Also I realized what I said might have sounded kind of mean so please don't take it that way
The only game I want to play like this is Portal
Newton Artemis Fido Scamander Lol just dont put portals above and below you at the same time
imagine the impact...
What a great time to be alive!
Axon VR changed his company name to HaptX and is now working on a immersive VR exoskeleton gloves. Just the beggining of this incredible project 😍😍
André Aragão
Are they still making the full suit ?
I was going to do this but I don't think anyone will have the money to buy or will be willing to strap in, would need to be like the iron man suit before they will come were you step into it and it closes up around you, you will also need to make it so you can lay down as well, good luck anyway hope we see them on the market or in the arcade most likely they will be the only place that can afford one and have the space to install it as you will need to set up a safety zone around it as well, nice work anyway.
finally a real comment on this that doesnt mention stupid ass SAO. I totally agree with you, VR is just waaaaaayyyy too expensive, and half the time the price just comes from the ingenuity not even the cost to make the product itself. Just look at omni virtuix, the whole rig is like almost 2 thousand dollars. Imagine if this went on the market, it'd definitely be more than double that if not triple. If i saw this in an arcade though you bet i'd be there all day messing around in it lol.
The first computers cost between 15000 and 100000$ adjusted for inflation. Tech is always expensive when it's new. Give it 10 years and vr will be as affordable as any other form of gaming today. And buy VR stocks, it will take the world by storm when that happens, the stocks will shoot up like a rocket and you won't have to worry about money anymore.
This is HUGE!!! I Hope you guys are still making strides on this!
Very excited to hear more results, have done a little research on the website. Mighty mighty MIGHTY impressive stuff.
This seems very cool and real, but do you know where I can buy the brooklyn bridge?
Dan Crum uh, Brooklyn?
I think screens, keyboards/controllers and mice will still be used in the future as they will be a lot easier to use and require less effort
This technology will likely remain "bulky" as well, since it requires enough space to move a person in nearly any direction. So traditional gaming with monitors and keyboards, and perhaps even regular VR headsets, will remain more compact and practical for those who don't require lifelike immersion.
Yeah, you're right, this will never replace keyboards and mice. But it will almost certainly carve out it's own niche. And also has potential application for physical therapy or military training. And i know for a fact, i'd gladly pay 5000€ to play the elder scrolls or shadow of mordor in full body VR. That would be an incredible experience. You could experience whole other worlds and a life you could never live elsewhere right from the comfort of your own living room. You could come home from work, and then travel to middle earth and slay orcs on the fields of minas tirith. You wouldn't even have to go on vacation because you could go to the bahamas or the moon in VR. Maybe this tech will start off slow, as with anything it would be highly expensive when it's new. But in 10-20 years? Who know, maybe it'll be as affordable as a good computer and light enough to fit in a standard closet.
Either mice was autocorrected or intentional.
"when you die in game we want you to experience that death in real life, that's why every suit is fitted with a spring mounted brick"
Since trying out the HTC Vive belonging to a friend of mine I've been really excited about different technologies that aims to bring more body simulation into VR.
This concept is really impressive. However, I can't help but feel that it is a bit overly complicated to fit yourself into an entire exo suit just to be able to walk around.
I realize the necessity of it for the system to work, but if you take a look at something like Omnifinitys omni-directional treadmill:
It's easy to see how the technology is simpler (in all forms of engineering the K.I.S.S-rule always apply: "Keep It Simple, Stupid!"). I also have a hard time seeing how the Axon VR exosuit would allow you to do things like you can with the omnifinity treadmill, like crawling on your belly and such.
That said, the Axon is way more impressive in regards to the tacticle feedback in letting the user feel texture and temperature of virtual objects.
If you could somehow combine the impressive full body force feedback qualities of the Axon with the freedom of mobility of the omninfinity, then that would be pretty awesome.
You're suspended in the exo suit, why wouldn't it be able to allow you to lay down (suspended in air by the machine) and then use its tactile feedback to make you feel the floor beneath you, in whatever texture it happens to be?
I think you lack imagination, but that is to be expected as all of this is very new tech and we are not used to thinking in such terms.
Seven Proxies you mean body simulation ? or body stimulation ? ... get it ?
yeah but that shit massive
Seven Proxies The suit isnt for easy walking around, we can already do that, its to apply pressure to any point on the body so you can actually touch and feel things.
Seven Proxies yeah me too I'm all for body stimulation!
This could put the traditional Gym out of business.
No, no it couldn't. I don't know if this is a joke but if it isn't well, A gym membership would be 1 millionth the cost.
Ive been saying that this is the way VR should be done. I'm glad somebody with the skills to see it come to fruition had the same idea
Way to compex and expensive at the moment.
However,that's how technology moves forward. But this is not practical for 90 percent of people now
What seems more practical in the near future is the virtuix omni or something similar. But i think something like this will inevitably become huge in the long term. That is, unless we figure out how to control games directly with a neural connection...
Well yes, there isn't much use trying to get people to install this in their own house. However, this is where the good ol-fashioned arcade system comes into play.
The circumstances for the current day's full-body VR are the exact same as when arcades dominated back in the day: it was at that critical turning point in gaming technology where videogame systems were possible, but were too expensive and bulky for people to have at home. That's why arcades took off the way they did, and now the same opportunity is presenting itself again.
Here's hoping the right people capitalize on VR arcades - otherwise, expensive high-end solutions like these may just not get enough financial backing to reach their potential.
99.999999999994% of people lol
From roughly 2 years later we basicly have the technology to do this
Can this be used for pong?
TheDrinkingStuff the only compatible game at the moment is PingPong Leyends 8: The Korean Tour
will there be an exosuit attachment that can stimulate certain pleasurable areas? Are there future plans to add this?
asking the real questions here
Axon axoff
I still prefer the NerveGear from SAO
PeniPeg no fucking shit
It wouldn't work in real-life.
Xavier Rodriguez Why so sure? I don't think that it's impossible. It's just not that close but one day it will be a thing!
Xavier Rodriguez nah it will be a thing maybe in 20 or 30 more years i mean we already have vr we're getting closer
Tragonon1 yeah let's hope we live to see it
It’s cool to see this, and then see the stuff we have in 2019, tech advanced soo quick!
Make sure you actually have a surface to walk on or else it just feels bad.
They are simulating pressure by pulling limbs in using the exosuit, you will feel ground even though it's not there!
threemoo oh yeah
Someonethatdied actually they can stimulate differen surfaces with this technology so it is good
You're an idiot
Who, me?
This is kinda like my idea, because I imagine something like this, for VR parkour games
Can you imagine how ridiculous you'd look jumping against nothing in the exosuit lol
Can you imagine how awesome that would be, jumping 20 foot gaps in VR...
yeah like talking in skype will be alot better now
Also doing flips and those awesome tricks
Could you tilt someone backward to simulate mild acceleration or tilt sideways to simulate the G-force of being in a vehicle changing direction at high speed? (and forward for braking)
Can you simulate sitting in different kinds of chairs and seats?
In 10 years people will laugh about this.
Martin Henze yea haha we will look it like crap like doom graphics at 1999 Xdd
Zelta 1234 no doom game came out in 1999 fucking idiot doom came out in 93 and 2 and final use the same engine closest thing to 99 was doom 64 which was in 1997 which doesn't use that engine but is also the least popular actual doom game...
think before you speak
Alli-hater like alligator What the fuck man? Maybe he just didn't know the exact dates and really - who cares? Doom is old and looks silly compared to new games that's the fact what he wanted to tell.
In 10 years, the stock holders will laugh at the neigh sayers from the driveway of their mansions in their new bugattis.
Yeah, in the year 2090 maybe!!! LMAO
ILLmfnMILL full dive system will probably be out 2020-2030
shit gonna be breaking people arms and legs n shit...
nah in the year 2020 and a game is released called sword art online
ILLmfnMILL nah this will be a thing maybe in 10 or more years
I wish this the best. Last night I had a dream that I was in a VR world. The setting was like the Citadel from Mass Effect. I was able to jet boost in the air, grab trees, climb objects. It was so real, and so innovative, I was sad when I woke up and it wasn't real. This made me think of a rig/system that could do this. Allow a user to walk...jump off a cliff and do a backflip, etc...I woke up and immediately researched what tech was close to this, and I believe this system is the closest. I wish you the best. A full haptic suit with 360 degree motion is a dream come true. I hope you get full funding. Good luck.
welcome to the matrix!
you mean take my house :D
i thought of making something like this myself this is so awesome that theres someone who did this so much better than what i could have done
So you're saying if I'm playing at the yard game and I put my hand in a fireplace I'm going to burn my hand
take my money!
Wait till they bring out one that simulates completely losing a limb and the pain that goes with it. In future games, there will be consequences for failing to beat the AI.
Or you can go and burn your hand in a real fireplace just for free.
Get pewdiepie to play this about ambitious. Might very well be a 20 year project. Hope you get it all figured out as you have some cool ideas.
I'm going to get this
Based on your pfp,
_that won't end well._
not looking forward to the first death in VR.
SirDimples lol, imagine being shot in vr, or stabs
I think they were talking about actual accidental(and probably unrelated) death irl of a player that the media will then use to further demonise VR.
media in ~5 years: "scientific studies prove VR causes violence"
SirDimples LOL SAO
Wow now i can know what I rock feels like! Amazing it's almost better than real life!!
sao irl
Imagine a horror game that actually injures you or releases ammonia into your nose or something to give you a shock
if someone will die in game he will die in real life ?
Yeah the suit will kill you instantly.No more respawn.
Sword Art Online, xD if you have seen the anime
I hope
Dragon Beast you aren’t that smart are you
Imagine a Gamedev programming his game so the suit breaks and burns your legs and arms O.O
So did Axon turn into Haptx? Did this project basically go to a on the burner until the glove is made, and then the legs etc.
Many players died while playng fps games with this gear.
Hardcore mode
Is this da wae bruddas?
Matthew Vella yes my brudda but u will have to sell ur kidney and liver to feel da wae
dey do not no da wae my brudda
dead meme
Spit on Ciphric P! He is not our queen!
Well done Will achieve a full dive system soon I hope I pray that you will succeed Godspeed
You know you can do this for free.
Ain't gonna fight a dragon in real life
They should have like a VR cafe, like at special arcades or something.
*gets exosuit* *plays skyrim vr* *accedently presses button to use werewolf shout* rip
On sale now for just 4.9 Million dollars!
If you hit your toe in game, you hit your toe in real life :o
Sabertooth quits X-Men and becomes an engineer good for him
The Framework
I wonder if they’re going to have a weight sensor. Like when you’re calibrating it, it asks for your weight so say if you were climbing you’d have to lift your own body weight.
Would be interesting
That's super cool. I hope stuff like this continues to receive funding for research and design. The applications of it are limitless.
Actually had this same idea for a reality simulator, it's thrilling to find its a work in progress. Imagine the applications, its just sad to me that I'm not actively involved in bringing this to reality.
Plays doom
Gets burned alive when enters hell levels