5 Giant Duck Cartoon,Cow,Elephant,Tiger,Lion,Gorilla, Paint Wild Animals Crossing Fountain Animation

  • Опубликовано: 30 ноя 2024

Комментарии • 84

  • @ChiMaiLona
    @ChiMaiLona 10 дней назад +1

    বাঘ ঝর্ণা অতিক্রম করা খুব সহজ দেখায়। এর শক্তি এবং গতি অতুলনীয় এবং আমার মনে হচ্ছে আমি একটি শিকারীকে কর্মরত অবস্থায় দেখছি।

  • @TrườngAnParlott
    @TrườngAnParlott 10 дней назад

    ঝর্ণা পার হওয়ার সময় বাঘের মসৃণ নড়াচড়া সৌন্দর্যের বিষয়। প্রতিটি পদক্ষেপ তার শক্তি এবং নির্ভুলতার একটি প্রমাণ।

  • @ThảoNguyênTina
    @ThảoNguyênTina 10 дней назад

    গরুর শান্তিপূর্ণ পারাপার আমাকে জীবনের গতি কমিয়ে দিতে চায়। কখনও কখনও আমাদের সকলকে একধাপ পিছিয়ে যেতে হবে এবং মুহূর্তটি উপভোগ করতে হবে।

  • @CôngVinhValerye
    @CôngVinhValerye 10 дней назад

    The elephant’s slow, graceful steps are mesmerizing while crossing the fountain.

  • @HồngLoanKane
    @HồngLoanKane 10 дней назад

    The tiger is so sleek and powerful when it crosses the fountain!

  • @KimThươngTeddie
    @KimThươngTeddie 10 дней назад

    Cow’s calm and collected crossing of the fountain gives me such peaceful vibes. I need to slow down in life just like this cow.

  • @HữuĐạtRoyal
    @HữuĐạtRoyal 10 дней назад

    আমি ঝর্ণা পার হওয়ার সময় দৈত্যাকার হাঁসের অত্যাচারে আচ্ছন্ন। এটি খুব মজার এবং সম্পূর্ণভাবে স্পটলাইট চুরি করে।

  • @MinhHuyFloris
    @MinhHuyFloris 10 дней назад

    The lion moves with such royal elegance while crossing. Every step feels like a king walking through his kingdom. Absolutely majestic!

  • @ĐứcViệtYeldham
    @ĐứcViệtYeldham 10 дней назад

    A presença real do leão está em plena exibição ao atravessar a fonte. Sinto como se estivesse observando um rei em um processo real.

  • @GiaAnKardos
    @GiaAnKardos 10 дней назад

    A energia do pato gigante ao atravessar a fonte é incomparável. É hilário, exagerado e completamente divertido da melhor maneira possível.

  • @AnKhảiGoldar
    @AnKhảiGoldar 10 дней назад

    A força e a determinação do gorila ficam evidentes ao atravessar a fonte. É como assistir uma potência fazer seu trabalho - e eu adoro isso.

  • @NhãQuếAxie
    @NhãQuếAxie 10 дней назад

    I love how the cow crosses the fountain. It’s just so chill.

  • @BảoAnhBernini
    @BảoAnhBernini 10 дней назад

    O ritmo calmo e constante da vaca através da fonte é a minha maneira ideal de navegar pela vida. É tudo uma questão de estar sem pressa e presente no momento.

  • @MạnhHùngKeir
    @MạnhHùngKeir 10 дней назад

    ঝর্ণা পার হওয়ার সময় বাঘের তত্পরতা পরের স্তর। আমি করুণা এবং শক্তি সহ একটি জীবন্ত, শ্বাসপ্রশ্বাসের শিকারীকে দেখছি। এটা অবিশ্বাস্য!

  • @ChíThiệnGunderson
    @ChíThiệnGunderson 10 дней назад

    Gorilla looks so confident crossing the fountain. It’s definitely the strongest!

  • @LâmAnhLanie
    @LâmAnhLanie 10 дней назад

    I can't stop watching the cow cross the fountain. It's so peaceful, like it’s on a zen mission to find inner peace. It’s honestly goals.

  • @TrọngNamCroux
    @TrọngNamCroux 10 дней назад

    সিংহ ঝর্ণার মালিকের মতো হাঁটে। প্রতিটি পদক্ষেপ কর্তৃত্ব এবং অনুগ্রহে পূর্ণ, এবং আমি এটি যথেষ্ট পেতে পারি না।

  • @MinhNamHeusta
    @MinhNamHeusta 10 дней назад

    গরিলা এই ঝর্ণা ক্রসিংয়ের মালিক। এর শক্তি এবং আত্মবিশ্বাস চার্ট বন্ধ আছে. আমি যে ধরনের শক্তি আছে চাই!

  • @ThụcNghiBrocks
    @ThụcNghiBrocks 10 дней назад

    Cow’s slow crossing is exactly the kind of vibe I need today-calm, peaceful, and unhurried. It’s the true definition of chill.

  • @NhậtHạNamie
    @NhậtHạNamie 10 дней назад

    I love this!

  • @HuyềnAnhAlikee
    @HuyềnAnhAlikee 10 дней назад

    Pure joy!

  • @TrungDũngMickie
    @TrungDũngMickie 10 дней назад

    So much fun!

  • @Funny3DAnimalsShow
    @Funny3DAnimalsShow 10 дней назад

    The lions attempt at being stealthy is the highlight of my day

  • @PhượngTiênKemwal
    @PhượngTiênKemwal 10 дней назад

    The giant duck is stealing the show in this animation! It’s so over-the-top and hilarious-it makes crossing the fountain look like the best thing ever.

  • @BảoAnMarton
    @BảoAnMarton 10 дней назад

    I laugh hard!

  • @HoàngUyểnVio
    @HoàngUyểnVio 10 дней назад

    The giant duck’s dramatic flair while crossing is hilarious! It’s like it’s on a mission to outshine everyone else, and I can’t stop laughing.

  • @KimAnhKia
    @KimAnhKia 10 дней назад

    ঝর্ণা পার হওয়ার সময় গরিলার শক্তি অতুলনীয়। এটি একটি শক্তিশালী প্রাণী, এবং আমি এটিকে সহজেই সেই ঝর্ণা জয় করতে দেখতে ভালোবাসি।

  • @BảoNamHentzer
    @BảoNamHentzer 10 дней назад

    O passeio majestoso do leão pela fonte é um verdadeiro espetáculo para se segurar. É como assistir a realeza em ação - não há ninguém igual.

  • @KimChiKichii
    @KimChiKichii 10 дней назад

    As travessuras do pato gigante durante a travessia tornam toda essa animação muito divertida de assistir. É definitivamente o alívio cômico em toda essa cena.

  • @QuangKhảiBrine
    @QuangKhảiBrine 10 дней назад

    O elefante faz com que atravessar a fonte pareça tão fácil. É como se tivesse todo o tempo do mundo e adoro como é relaxante.

  • @KimThoaKaleena
    @KimThoaKaleena 10 дней назад

    I can’t get enough of the tiger crossing the fountain with such speed.

  • @QuangMạnhDummigan
    @QuangMạnhDummigan 10 дней назад

    গরিলার ক্রসিংটি এত শক্তিশালী, এটি জলের উপর দিয়ে একটি ট্যাঙ্কের নড়াচড়া দেখার মতো। আমি এটা কিভাবে আত্মবিশ্বাসী এবং শক্তিশালী দেখতে ভালোবাসি.

  • @NamKhánhBevis
    @NamKhánhBevis 10 дней назад

    পার হওয়ার সময় বিশাল হাঁসটি কতটা নাটকীয় তা আমি যথেষ্ট বুঝতে পারি না। এটি সর্বোত্তম উপায়ে মনোযোগের কেন্দ্রবিন্দু!

  • @ĐứcTàiCregan
    @ĐứcTàiCregan 10 дней назад

    I enjoy it!

  • @MinhKhôiGould
    @MinhKhôiGould 10 дней назад

    Amazing art!

  • @ThanhThảoMaria
    @ThanhThảoMaria 10 дней назад

    This is funny!

  • @DiệuĐoanGeering
    @DiệuĐoanGeering 10 дней назад

    Great work!

  • @ThếPhươngGordy
    @ThếPhươngGordy 10 дней назад

    The elephant’s grace while crossing the fountain is truly something to behold. It’s so majestic, I feel like I’m watching royalty cross water.

  • @ÁnhDiễmIline
    @ÁnhDiễmIline 10 дней назад

    The giant duck’s dramatic flair while crossing is hilarious! It’s got so much personality, and I can’t stop laughing at its over-the-top movements.

  • @ThanhTuyềnUebel
    @ThanhTuyềnUebel 10 дней назад

    Gorilla’s confidence while crossing the fountain is incredible. It’s a reminder to walk through life with purpose and strength-just like that gorilla!

  • @NguyênAnCamilla
    @NguyênAnCamilla 10 дней назад

    A travessia do Gorila é uma demonstração completa de força e confiança. Adoro o quão poderoso parece enquanto se move pela fonte com tanto controle.

  • @BảoYếnAline
    @BảoYếnAline 10 дней назад

    The cow crosses so peacefully. It’s the most serene part of the animation.

  • @HữuĐứcFaulder
    @HữuĐứcFaulder 10 дней назад

    A velocidade e precisão do tigre ao cruzar a fonte são impressionantes. Eu gostaria de ter tanta agilidade e foco em minha própria vida.

  • @ThảoNguyênKaterina
    @ThảoNguyênKaterina 10 дней назад

    O ritmo tranquilo da vaca ao atravessar a fonte é honestamente inspirador. É o símbolo máximo de tranquilidade e calma.

  • @MạnhĐứcGoldin
    @MạnhĐứcGoldin 10 дней назад

    Gorilla crosses with such strength and confidence. Its movements are controlled but powerful-definitely the powerhouse of this animation!

  • @HoàngNhưKimber
    @HoàngNhưKimber 10 дней назад

    গরু ঝর্ণাকে এতটাই পার করে যে-কোন কিছুই পর্যায়ক্রমে গরু নয়। এটি একটি সুন্দর বাগানে কাউকে হেঁটে বেড়াতে দেখার মতো।

  • @XuânHiếuAshlie
    @XuânHiếuAshlie 10 дней назад

    Cow’s slow and steady crossing makes me think that maybe I should take things more slowly in life. It’s all about enjoying the moment.

  • @NgọcViHanie
    @NgọcViHanie 10 дней назад

    The giant duck is my favorite! It’s just too funny.

  • @LâmDũngWaller
    @LâmDũngWaller 10 дней назад

    The elephant looks so majestic as it crosses the fountain. It’s like watching a living statue move with incredible grace and power.

  • @DuyMạnhCarree
    @DuyMạnhCarree 10 дней назад

    The tiger’s power and elegance while crossing the fountain are unmatched. It’s like a fierce warrior on a quest. I can’t get enough!

  • @KhôiVĩClaudine
    @KhôiVĩClaudine 10 дней назад

    So lively!

  • @AnhTuấnArnaut
    @AnhTuấnArnaut 10 дней назад

    I like it!

  • @HữuTâmMoses
    @HữuTâmMoses 10 дней назад

    The gorilla’s confident stride as it crosses the fountain is everything. It’s strong, determined, and I love how it owns the scene.

  • @QuangMạnhMyrtie
    @QuangMạnhMyrtie 10 дней назад

    The lion’s slow, deliberate steps across the fountain make me feel like I’m witnessing royalty at work. Everything about it is so graceful.

  • @ĐìnhTrungDohie
    @ĐìnhTrungDohie 10 дней назад

    The giant duck is stealing the spotlight. I love how extra it is.

  • @ĐứcTàiPrimarolo
    @ĐứcTàiPrimarolo 10 дней назад

    The lion’s royal walk across the fountain is everything. It’s pure elegance.

  • @QuỳnhAnhRama
    @QuỳnhAnhRama 10 дней назад

    The giant duck is hilarious! I can’t stop watching its dramatic crossing of the fountain.

  • @NguyênKhangCawsy
    @NguyênKhangCawsy 10 дней назад

    Cow’s pace is so calm, it makes me want to slow down in life.

  • @HùngDũngTuiller
    @HùngDũngTuiller 10 дней назад

    Very creative!

  • @MạnhKhôiHoyles
    @MạnhKhôiHoyles 10 дней назад

    So entertaining!

  • @ChiếnThắngSimko
    @ChiếnThắngSimko 10 дней назад

    I admire this!

  • @HoàngOanhLucy
    @HoàngOanhLucy 10 дней назад

    The lion’s walk across the fountain is a majestic spectacle. Every step feels like it’s part of a grand performance. I’m in awe!

  • @TúSanMizi
    @TúSanMizi 10 дней назад

    The giant duck is way too extra, and I’m loving every second of it. Its energy is unmatched, especially while crossing the fountain!

  • @PhươngAnhLaker
    @PhươngAnhLaker 10 дней назад

    Gorilla’s crossing is all power and control. It’s so impressive!

  • @TháiHưngRuper
    @TháiHưngRuper 10 дней назад

    The elephant’s fountain crossing is so slow and graceful. It makes me want to take my time with everything, just like that wise giant.

  • @XuânTúLibbi
    @XuânTúLibbi 10 дней назад

    Beautiful art!

  • @BíchHàRable
    @BíchHàRable 10 дней назад

    Cow’s leisurely pace while crossing the fountain makes me want to just stop and enjoy life. It’s the perfect way to take things slow.

  • @TrâmAnhTara
    @TrâmAnhTara 10 дней назад

    The elephant’s regal crossing of the fountain reminds me to be patient and deliberate in everything I do. I love how powerful and graceful it is.

  • @ĐăngKhoaAnia
    @ĐăngKhoaAnia 10 дней назад

    The tiger’s agility and speed across the fountain are impressive. It’s like watching a powerful force of nature, and I’m here for it.

  • @DiệuÁArnaldo
    @DiệuÁArnaldo 10 дней назад

    Just amazing!

  • @NgọcTrinhYami
    @NgọcTrinhYami 10 дней назад

    This is cute!

  • @NhậtHuyBurdus
    @NhậtHuyBurdus 10 дней назад

    I adore it!

  • @MinhKimFolkard
    @MinhKimFolkard 10 дней назад

    The elephant makes crossing the fountain look so easy and graceful.

  • @PhúcKhangAretha
    @PhúcKhangAretha 10 дней назад

    The tiger’s power and speed while crossing the fountain are amazing. It’s like it’s built for the job, crossing water with the perfect mix of strength and finesse.

  • @ĐứcTríPyvis
    @ĐứcTríPyvis 10 дней назад

    I enjoy this!

  • @BảoAnAlain
    @BảoAnAlain 10 дней назад

    The giant duck is completely over-the-top in the best way possible. Its crossing of the fountain is pure comedic genius, and I’m here for it.

  • @ThiệnPhongMorbey
    @ThiệnPhongMorbey 10 дней назад

    The tiger’s agility while crossing the fountain is mind-blowing. It’s like watching nature’s perfection in motion-so sleek and powerful.

  • @GiaHuyFlaonier
    @GiaHuyFlaonier 10 дней назад

    The elephant’s movement across the fountain is so elegant and powerful.

  • @ÁiVyMie
    @ÁiVyMie 10 дней назад

    The elephant’s fountain crossing is so graceful. It’s like watching a powerful creature move with elegance, and I’m just mesmerized.

  • @MinhAnSkipper
    @MinhAnSkipper 10 дней назад

    The lion owns the fountain. It walks with so much grace and confidence.