also my grand mother told me that in million years long time ago they were old but they find golds and they hide the golds because it when they died people will not gonna found the golds
Stars massive enough to explode in a supernova are too far away to kill us with their explosion Beetlgeuse is the closest star that could explode in a supernova and it's 600 light years away so it won't kill us Now the problem is that a neutron star can hit us with a gamma ray burst instead which will kill us too .
All the elements in you heavier than hydrogen were created or dispersed by a thermonuclear explosion. Romantics like to say we are made of star stuff, or star dust; a cynic would say we are made of nuclear waste. And it was really very radioactive stuff. It had been subjected to neutron fluxes as high as a mole of neutrons per square cm per second.
Some how I always find diamonds before gold...I got lucky and found a diamond pickaxe in a sand temple and it was all up hill mining from there for me lol
I think they are missing the more important question: could Scrooge McDuck really swim in one of those Olympic swimming pools full of gold? Sadly, the world may never know.
That's cos man is too stubborn to let research carry on in Egypt I bet they know what the purpose is of them just no one is saying what's the truth behind them only the Cat Goddess can reveal that Men are from Mars Women are from Venus👑🌏
Well done. When the very young earth was still forming and molten, most of the gold that arrived settled deep within its mantle and core because of its relative weight and although moderate amounts of stirring have occurred, most of it is still down there. Occasionally volcanic activity lifts some into the crust mixed with many other heavy elements (magma) and even some of it rarely makes it to the surface (mixed in the lava). Additionally, cracks in the crust (earthquakes) permit hot acid water to flow toward the surface, slowly depositing dissolved minerals in these cracks (such as quartz and gold) as it cools. Most quartz and hot water veins sadly brought no gold with it (those quartz veins are called "bull" quartz) and sometimes this hot acid water flowed toward the surface too fast (steeper angle than 67 degrees) to permit the gold to settle (precipitate) out and it remained diluted in the 3 to 5 parts per million concentration. So, every time you hear of an earthquake deep within the crust, just think more gold may be heading near the surface for you to find some day.
Just as long as when you hear of an earthquake deep within the crust, it's not below the 221 mile range, as Japanese researchers are discovering. Below that the lava compresses and heads for the core. (Crossover Depth)
@@canadiankewldude What an interesting concept. Totally new concept for me. I wonder how truly heavy elements, such as uranium, ever make it to the surface?
@@richardrobertson1331 Z-Pinch was first produced in the lab in Ukraine and repeated in American labs. Their research is available online, the elements in the same percentage as is found in the ground.
John C Gibson how do you know ((( not trying to start a argument)))
9 лет назад+577
"Did you know that gold is extraterrestrial?" < well it's been on earth since it formation billions of years ago, so it's as "extraterrestrial" as we are, or anything on earth actually.
Two notes. First, to the best of my knowledge, the majority of gold and other heavier elements in the universe is produced not in supernovas but in much more rare events - neutron star merges. Second, all gold that we mine actually came to Earth on meteorites over billions of years of its development, since the original gold, platinum, and other heavy elements present during the formation of the planet should have sunk into its core.
this sounds a lot more likely and also explains how there are significant sized nugget finds on the surface - which would not happen if that gold was delivered as dust (or to an ancient molten planet) then re-precipitated from solution. That said, some of those meteorites must have been huge?? if they were themselves not entirely vaporised on impact ?
That sounds fine, but the biggest problem is your so-called "knowledge" is simply theory based on someone else's imaginative ideas that seem to reside somewhere deep within your own imagination. The fact is you, you or authors of books have no clue whether or not the gold we find comes from meteorites, nor do you have a clue other than "gold is heavy" whether or not there are trillions of tons inaccessible in the Earth's core. I'll listen to your theories, but please do the rest of us a favor- don't continue to pull fairy farts from your rear ends and then have the audacity to claim they are nuggets. 🤦♂
what if people in the future no longer considering gold as a valuable substance? like what if people value dirt/soil because of the nutrient in it to make plants?
+Raiden Noeramrin Gold is an incredibly useful material! It's soft & malleable so it can be made into whatever form we like, it's highly conductive & it even has properties that allow it to shield people from some of the harmful effects of radiation. In fact the outside of the lunar lander in the Apollo missions was covered in gold foil & even today almost every electronic device you've ever had has had some gold in it.
This was excellent and beautiful. One interesting side note, attempting to make gold this way will most likely contaminate it with radioactive gold as well. This is one way you would know it was "manufactured". Au-197 is the only stable isotope, and there are many radioactive ones. If you were to transmute some other element into gold, you'd very likely have contaminated any gold that you made with radioactive isotopes of gold.
Wait, why would is skip around like that? Shouldn’t it just gradually go up the periodic table? And why argon after iron? Argon is much, much less dense than iron.
@@Cheppsa This is actually not true. Helium is produced on earth from the decay of Uranium. It's so inert that anytime it forms it just flies off into space to join the interstellar medium.
Our daily shout out from Mr. Anderson’s 5th grade classroom of the Lowman Hill Leopards in Topeka Kansas. Our classroom motto is, “We are not held back by where we came from!” We always RISE UP. Our favorite word is LEXICON: the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.
Various say there are about 155,244 tonnes to 2.5 million tonnes of gold circulating and in storage. That's still a drop compared to all gold LOCKED AWAY in the core. There is enough there to cover the earth's surface in depth between 1.5 feet to 12 feet thick.
Me too. Specially since this includes all the gold the Egyptians mined, all the gold the Aztecs mined, the 1800's gold rushes, the vast treasuries of the ancient kings and queens of England, Hebrew and ancient kings and queens, Japanese emperors, and the gold that has come from modern strip mining methods. Then count all the gold that is in private hands, all the jewelry in modern times. All the gold in Fort Knox. Then count the gold that is in electronics, which is a small amount but a lot is used. That's a lot of gold, and I find it hard to believe that all this would fill a measly 3 swimming pools.
Firsty kid, half the gold was robbed from one country to another, 2nd gold is so small that peas are bigger then what is really found, its not like in the movies &3rd jewerlly its 100% gold hence 24crt gold, &it you think abt it, condence the gold so theres no space (liquid gold), & when they pool, there are talking about olympic size pools, it makes sence, Fort Knox is Nazi gold which is really spanish , indian, and cowboy & indian gold. &remeber gold is stolen & resold by crafty jewlers
I'll have to agree, what of those Mosks that have those huge golden domes? even melted down into bricks, that combined with all the rest the gold would have to take up more than that.
+Living Lifeform The electrons are kinda trivial. You can kinda just throw a gold nucleus out there and it's gonna take it's electrons from other molecules spontaneously where as it takes special conditions to produce the nucleus itself.
+Prelude610 It's possible for a neutron to turn into a proton and an electron pair. This is known as beta decay and happens in unstable nuclei such as the neutron rich iron.
Daniel O'Connell It's not an electron pair, it's one electron and an electron-antineutrino. The problem is that in the animation it looks like an iron atom with many neutrons is suddenly a gold atom, which is not the case.
"Maybe some future supernova will occur close enough to shower us with [gold] (wohoo!)... and hopefully not eradicate all life on Earth in the process" (Boooo!). That escalated quickly T_T
@@steveyt1392 stop, my major is Physic, the nearest dying star is very far away, supernova occurs a massive explosion, this explosion is radiation, this radiation includes heat, some elements ( neutron, electron, proton, even photon... ), and deadly Gamma Ray Burst, the heat radiation has long wavelength and since the dying star is very far from our Earth, we wont be able to recognize the heat, and mostly doesnt effect us that much, while the most deadly thing is Gamma Ray Burst, we will be dead for sure
Informative video. The end part of this video shows a distortion of our disconnection; giving something worth due to rarity and assigning it a monetary value at the cost of disruption of ecosystems and potentially causing bloodshed (wars and infighting because of the lust for it). I think we need to recognize that living systems are worth more than applications and value in the materialistic sense, that we give these wonderful byproducts of important celestial bodies that give life and light through its own energy, temperance and respect, and in turn receive it.
As a side note it seems much of the time gold veins are located within Quartz formations. If you find a sizable quartz rock laying around always worth a look to see if there is any yellow in it. While very rare this is actually a way to find gold just laying around on the ground.
I got out of my car about 3 months ago and there lying on the ground was a 14K gold chain. I had it appraised. 2,200 dollars. It is 89 grams. Good find. The clasp was broken. Had it fixed for $78
It amazes me how man has figured out how this actually happened once upon a time. Protons, electrons, nuclear fusion..... my actual intellectuality saddens me sometimes when I see these things.
if you sat , looked at something and studied it for hours, you might come up with crazy sht too. But most of us are to busy to si tthere for days and days and months studying something lol.
+ I read it at "Then start peeing in the air!" which I thought was some internet meme/or a thing that people do now a days... Like celebrating with ur community a great event that takes place. Think about everyone just a while jumping up and started peeing in the air when alone in their houses & when they hear something awesome.
We're taught that the heavier elements come from supernovae, but the pressures from neutron star collisions much better fit the bill for heavy element creation than those from supernovae.
Yes. Gold is a low vibration energy/light solidified now. Just like many metals & other rocks.When you could reverse gold back to light again than......💭☝️✨? Quartz also holds the key to it. But this is a way higher science. Gold can come to us through the SUN.✴️⛰️✴️🌞 HEDRON/CERN. KEY💥💫
I held a 17 kilogramme bar of gold in a mine gold smelter has an almost hypnotic effect, I did not want to pass it to the next person to feel the weight. I think 'gold fever' is a thing.
I gold prospect up in Maine. I find gold often. I love it. Not just its value but there is something almost other worldly about holding Gold pieces. Truly a marvel and Mankind's greatest mystery. 🙌 I love gold panning. 💛
The fact that people in medieval times believe that philisopher stone can turn lead into gold, in which they dont know periodic table. Is amazing itself. because lead is the closest one we have to put into particle accelerator to turn it into gold. They were so close
How much gold can we mine in space (assuming we're technologically advanced enough to where the cost of space travel is no longer a factor) to where it would still be economically beneficial, but not to the point where gold becomes so common that it no longer has value?
+Shawn Ravenfire Depends on how you believe the universe. If you believe it's infinite - then an infinite amount. If finite, there will be only a finite amount but probably more than you can ever imagine.
Mohandas Jung Not really. Planets outside the observable universe are moving away from us faster than the speed of light. They're unreachable, even by moving in the speed of light.
Not really. Sure it makes pretty trinkets and is useful in some of our tech, but gold reacts with nothing in the human body, making it one of the only heavy metals safe for consumption.
Now if that is true, it means that Giants, beyond comprehension, maybe not? Think of a flea, that would of been us. But then again, the only true facts, is that I can prove myself.
@@amunra3111 Out of the shitillion atoms in my body, it's entirely possible you will find a few belonging to the Gold family. Are they serving any purpose other than taking up space? No.
What is interesting is that the Quran said "we sent down iron, in it great might" at a time when they only knew that it rusted, bent and definitely NOT from outer space. Today we know that iron is formed in stars and that iron has the strongest bound nucleus among all elements.
every element other than hydrogen is produced by a star's supernova. The earth was created from spacedust created by one (or several) supernovas. That's how gold got onto earth. And that's why we all are essentially made from spacedust.
Man, I am still disappointed to never have experienced that! I seem to be still held back abit from so called sins, except now that I know better I am experiencing not being tortured. Such a great start not being held in a cell like an animal from criminals dressed in halloween uniforms! Golden shower would be fun unless I had to pay for that
Only 3 swimming pools of gold in all of history was extracted? I find that very hard to believe, there's so much gold around the world today alone, just imagine how much there's been in ancient times too. Look at India and Africa how much gold they the ancients had. I feel like it's way more than just 3 swimming pools.
If Fe is sucking neutrons, isn't it going to become an isotope for Fe instead of another element? Since element are based on their proton number. Please explain to me. I'm in thirst for knowledge.
zul secengko Yes, the Iron becomes an isotope, but a certain point it becomes so unstable that it decays in other elements. This is known as radioactive decay.
zul secengko There is beta decay. Too neutron-rich isotopes are unstable and tend to balance out the proton-neutron ratio by decaying radioactively. One neutron "breaks down" to form a proton and relasing an electron, an electron antineutrino and some energy (gamma rays). Every time an element goes through beta decay his atomic number increases by one and his mass stays the same. By beta-deacying 53 times, the isotope Fe-79 will turn in a gold atom.
ormus and the guy who discovered the process is a video you will find interesting . All back with documents , patents and eyewitnesses to the facts . Gravity and different dimensions . how it change into monotonic gold .
Why do some comments have no reply option? Anyway, in reply to someone saying that the 3 swimming pools statement is bs, because math, i say let's do the math: an Olympic swimming pool has 2500 cubic meters, the density of gold is 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter, which if you do the multiplication gives you a mass of 48,250 metric tonnes of gold per swimming pool. According to wikipedia "183,600 tonnes of gold have been mined in human history, as of 2014", so that would make 3.8 swimming pools. The video got it wrong by 0.8 swimming pools, damn it!
Before August 2017, everyone thought that gold comes from Supernova. But, after Aug 2017, it was realized that it had come from the collision of two neutron stars.
I wonder if copper is produced in a similar manner. We sure seem to have a lot more of that than gold. Can you make a video on how this happens? I’m an electrician and obviously I see a LOT of copper and that’s a thought that has popped into my head more than once.
The kill zone of a Supernova is 50 to 100 light years: yes, they are so powerful. Advocating a close Supernova explosion to gather some gold would not be generally considered a smart wish. We can - more easily and sensibly - go to the asteroid belt and look for a gold asteroid. Keep in mind that the Chicxulub asteroid which killed the dinosaurs 66 millions years ago, was made mainly of iridium; we can find a thin layer of the metal, at the same depth, all around the planet. Regards,
Yes, and in isotopes with too many neutrons, you typically get beta decay, where a neutron decays into a proton and an electron. For a common example, take Carbon-14, which undergoes beta decay to Nitrogen-14 with a half-life of about 5700 years. You go from a nucleus with 6 protons and 8 neutrons to one with 7 of each.
look up ormus and the guy who discovered it . If your into knowing how the universe works and why we been adding new element's to the periodic table .That video will explain alot . Gravity and how it works , and a gate way into another universe was discovered .
"Gold is only on Earth thanks to asteroids" That's only technically true, there IS gold within our planets body, but it's sunk too far down to ever be reached.
@@drewpeacock6823 Indeed. but it was not destroyed. It was not removed from the Earth. It is merely way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way to far deep for us to get.
Forget to mention that every human has 0.2 milligrams of gold in their blood. Maybe aliens are harvesting humans in the billions to make a profit of gold? X'D
Well it's not like we really need gold that much.. It is only precious because people like it, simply change your priorities and gold will seem useless. Or isn't it that easy?
Gold is the most malleable mineral we have and it doesn't corrode that's why it so valuable and it's used in hundreds of thousands of things not just jewelry
the animation is so adorable
+oldcowbb The lead getting shot into cruel
+Wilson Ong i see elemental torture
+oldcowbb they really do take their time doing these videos e-e
^above me
LOL LOL LOL!! TED with a PLUS sign
also my grand mother told me that in million years long time ago they were old but they find golds and they hide the golds because it when they died people will not gonna found the golds
TED-Ed: We can manufacture gold!
also TED-Ed: We actually cannot, but hypothetically yes!
Well yes, but actually no
with electron stripping it will happen.
Think atuotomic gold
In other words: yes we can. But no. But still yes
This video ends on such a happy note.
"Oh, and if a star dies close enough to us we could either get rich or completely die out!"
so basically forced russian roulette
Stars massive enough to explode in a supernova are too far away to kill us with their explosion
Beetlgeuse is the closest star that could explode in a supernova and it's 600 light years away so it won't kill us
Now the problem is that a neutron star can hit us with a gamma ray burst instead which will kill us too .
Spoiler alert
@@unwase woah we already too many problems on 2020.
Him: Gold is about 20x denser than water
Me: Laughs while watching duck tales on tv
I know its a cartoon, but to be fair, coins more often than not dont equal gold.
“Although gold is very dense, about 20 times denser than a duck”
-Kurzgesagt - In a nutshell
Family Guy showed a realistic version of diving into a "pool" of solid piled coins lmao
@@swaglord2426Duck is then as dense as water
"Diamonds have been crushred for like a million years."
"Gold is literally made from space explosions."
All the elements in you heavier than hydrogen were created or dispersed by a thermonuclear explosion. Romantics like to say we are made of star stuff, or star dust; a cynic would say we are made of nuclear waste. And it was really very radioactive stuff. It had been subjected to neutron fluxes as high as a mole of neutrons per square cm per second.
The earth has only been in existence for 6000 years
he meant to say 60 years
Abigail Jo facts, no joke! 6000 not 60 ✌️
I'm telling you it's 60, i read it on the internet
Everybody knows that gold comes from the end of a rainbow.
First to reply before your comment has 300-500 replies :1
if you catch the leprechaun that is
Lars Aarton lmao
I just knew somebody had already beat me to this quote
But why tho
First, the Server generates some chunks, and then we find them. Make sure to use an Iron Pickaxe.
Don’t forget a furnace
@@lolzxl9184 and jeezus load of coal
How to big brain
Some how I always find diamonds before gold...I got lucky and found a diamond pickaxe in a sand temple and it was all up hill mining from there for me lol
@@kamikaze6198 Impossible, you can never have too much coal
The ancient Aztecs called gold "the sweat of the sun". Seems they knew what they were talking about
Or maybe they just said that as both are yellow
Absolutely that the ancien Axtect knew it very well before the West.
if you guess long enough some things are bound to be true
Medieval alchemist: "where did that 3km long particle accelerator come from?"
Why would a medieval alchemist have "particle accelerator" in his vocabulary?
@@medexamtoolscom because it is a "particle accelerator"?
@@GagandeepKSECE a medieval alchemist, using that word??
medexamtoolsdotcom because he is from the future
Also Medieval alchemist: "Burn this Satanic Heretic at the stakes!!!"
Voice, animation, content beauty of this channel.
I think they are missing the more important question: could Scrooge McDuck really swim in one of those Olympic swimming pools full of gold? Sadly, the world may never know.
The answer is no. It would be solid, like a floor.
yes he can
He could but it's hard to swim in solid, I think I'll stick with liquid
Dude if you want a response just watch Mat Pats video on it
That's cos man is too stubborn to let research carry on in Egypt I bet they know what the purpose is of them just no one is saying what's the truth behind them only the Cat Goddess can reveal that Men are from Mars Women are from Venus👑🌏
Well done. When the very young earth was still forming and molten, most of the gold that arrived settled deep within its mantle and core because of its relative weight and although moderate amounts of stirring have occurred, most of it is still down there. Occasionally volcanic activity lifts some into the crust mixed with many other heavy elements (magma) and even some of it rarely makes it to the surface (mixed in the lava). Additionally, cracks in the crust (earthquakes) permit hot acid water to flow toward the surface, slowly depositing dissolved minerals in these cracks (such as quartz and gold) as it cools. Most quartz and hot water veins sadly brought no gold with it (those quartz veins are called "bull" quartz) and sometimes this hot acid water flowed toward the surface too fast (steeper angle than 67 degrees) to permit the gold to settle (precipitate) out and it remained diluted in the 3 to 5 parts per million concentration. So, every time you hear of an earthquake deep within the crust, just think more gold may be heading near the surface for you to find some day.
Would there be solid gold asteroids out there? Blobs ejected from supernovas?
Just as long as when you hear of an earthquake deep within the crust, it's not below the 221 mile range, as Japanese researchers are discovering. Below that the lava compresses and heads for the core. (Crossover Depth)
@@canadiankewldude What an interesting concept. Totally new concept for me. I wonder how truly heavy elements, such as uranium, ever make it to the surface?
@@richardrobertson1331 Z-Pinch was first produced in the lab in Ukraine and repeated in American labs.
Their research is available online, the elements in the same percentage as is found in the ground.
They have discovered and published that super nova are not powerful enough to create the elements from Iron onward.
am i the only one who felt bad for the alchemist
aye dumbass gold originally comes from Africa
your wrong. that's diamonds your thinking
Stephen Lukner nope your not the only one with a soft heart
Stephen Lukner no your not
Stephen Lukner mee too
this cartoon is so awesome, please do more in this style! haha
Finn Bicat16 dude that comment was 2 years ago
No no no, this video is all wrong. Supernovas dont create gold. Not enough power. Gold is created by neutron star collisions.
Rinoa Super-Genius i
Rinoa Super-Genius a
John C Gibson how do you know ((( not trying to start a argument)))
"Did you know that gold is extraterrestrial?" < well it's been on earth since it formation billions of years ago, so it's as "extraterrestrial" as we are, or anything on earth actually.
+Guss De Blöd Since BEFORE its formation even.
+Guss De Blöd not everything on this planet was here when it was formed. Water for instance came eons after the planet was formed
Sebastian Ferguson
I'm talking about elements, not molecules.
Some may be from outer space, but most are here since the beginning.
+Guss De Blöd even if it has been on earth for trillions of years, it has "EXTRATERRESTRIAL ORIGIN" thus it's extraterrestrial.. kindof a no brainer..
So does everything then , as the atoms that are on earths existed since before the earth existed.
Two notes. First, to the best of my knowledge, the majority of gold and other heavier elements in the universe is produced not in supernovas but in much more rare events - neutron star merges. Second, all gold that we mine actually came to Earth on meteorites over billions of years of its development, since the original gold, platinum, and other heavy elements present during the formation of the planet should have sunk into its core.
I was about to comment the same
@@AhmedAshraf-pd7mu Even me
this sounds a lot more likely and also explains how there are significant sized nugget finds on the surface - which would not happen if that gold was delivered as dust (or to an ancient molten planet) then re-precipitated from solution. That said, some of those meteorites must have been huge?? if they were themselves not entirely vaporised on impact ?
According to James lovelocks book, the revenge of Gia, 4.6 quad trillion tons of gold and platinum, resides at the earth’s core!!
That sounds fine, but the biggest problem is your so-called "knowledge" is simply theory based on someone else's imaginative ideas that seem to reside somewhere deep within your own imagination. The fact is you, you or authors of books have no clue whether or not the gold we find comes from meteorites, nor do you have a clue other than "gold is heavy" whether or not there are trillions of tons inaccessible in the Earth's core. I'll listen to your theories, but please do the rest of us a favor- don't continue to pull fairy farts from your rear ends and then have the audacity to claim they are nuggets. 🤦♂
What do you see?
A circle with eyes and a letter H
A circle with eyes and cheeks
A circle that looks like it's eating something
great now i cant unsee it
@@LL-pl2ek yeah tbh it looks like it's about to puke lol
In their particle physics video, the proton looks like someone throwing up lol.
H for Hydrogen
I can't stop watching this beautiful video, everything about this video is so perfect. The animations, narration, sound effects, and background music.
I literally paused this video in the middle just to give a like. Dude, the art and your voice is extremely good.
Can I invest in Gold?
Any specific guide please?
I recently got into forex trading and im already marveling over the profits I'm making,
@@peterfaulkner8391 Same here, I wish I knew about this Bitcoin trading earlier, brace up and get yourself some Bitcoin before it's too late
Obviously trading in bitcoin is very volatile and risky to trade that's the reason most traders trade with a company
Learn and trade under a guide I do same and I hardly make losses in the market
Gold isn't investment, it's insurance
Holy cow, learnt more about physics in these minutes than during the last 41 years
Lemme guess , you are 41 years old...
You got it right
You have no idea gold comes from neutrons stars no supernova
@@hamzasiddiqui5258 hes now 42
Every rare thing is precious, not just gold.
Juba Yuva even non rare things such as water.
Not a two headed snake
@@unwase If you try to buy a two headed snake you will pay much more than for a regular one.
@G erman C arrasco expensive doesn’t equal precious duh
@@unwase Well, you are right. I would have said that a rare illness is not precious though. Rare animals are precious for many people.
what if people in the future no longer considering gold as a valuable substance? like what if people value dirt/soil because of the nutrient in it to make plants?
+Raiden Noeramrin Well then they will value soil above gold. What of it?
+Raiden Noeramrin I don't think they only mine it for its wealth, well that's a big part of it, I think it's mined for building stuff aswell. :P
+eh dollet Close, gold is an excellent conductor and is used widely in electronics.
+Raiden Noeramrin Gold is an incredibly useful material! It's soft & malleable so it can be made into whatever form we like, it's highly conductive & it even has properties that allow it to shield people from some of the harmful effects of radiation. In fact the outside of the lunar lander in the Apollo missions was covered in gold foil & even today almost every electronic device you've ever had has had some gold in it.
wow, i never heard that before. seeing all these smart people in my comment make me feel like an idiot :/
This was excellent and beautiful. One interesting side note, attempting to make gold this way will most likely contaminate it with radioactive gold as well. This is one way you would know it was "manufactured".
Au-197 is the only stable isotope, and there are many radioactive ones. If you were to transmute some other element into gold, you'd very likely have contaminated any gold that you made with radioactive isotopes of gold.
1:00 those hydrogen atoms looks like as if they r holding breath 😄
Wait so it is mean’t to be a H
Or has very chubby cheeks
Well, there isn't any air in space
The Athiest Messiah geee who would’ve guessed
About to puke 🤣
Stages of gaining metabolism
1: Hydrogen
2: Helium
3: Iron
4: argon
5: Gold
6: Lead
7: Uranium
Wow 😮😯😲
Wait, why would is skip around like that? Shouldn’t it just gradually go up the periodic table? And why argon after iron? Argon is much, much less dense than iron.
can you do one for silver...
So the orgion of everything is H
All of this i taught in Al Quran
those hydrogen atoms are cute af
Brix Monton "čb
Yes they are
Brix Monton ikr
I no rite
Hydrogen atoms are, Really Complex and, Beautiful.
Beautifully imagined and animated ❤️
"Gold is extraterrestrial" Isn't everything cooked up in space?
Meaning it isn’t produced on our planet.
@@francisbright7872 nothing is produced in Earth, everything comes from outer space. Even you
@@Cheppsa Ah yes, I always knew I was born on Naboo.
@@Cheppsa This is actually not true. Helium is produced on earth from the decay of Uranium. It's so inert that anytime it forms it just flies off into space to join the interstellar medium.
@@setcheck67 But there would be no helium if not for uranium, which comes from a supernova.
So that’s where gold comes from! I wouldn’t have guessed that in a bullion years.
Well, now you no.
Falcon Quest *know
@@TGoodie1717 That's the point.
About 4 years ago ‘They’ claim that most gold are produced during hypernova (exploding neutron stars).
By putting gold in the title they made sure people will view this video about stellar nucleosyhtesis. Nicely done.
Our daily shout out from Mr. Anderson’s 5th grade classroom of the Lowman Hill Leopards in Topeka Kansas. Our classroom motto is, “We are not held back by where we came from!” We always RISE UP.
Our favorite word is LEXICON: the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.
The animation and sound effects were amazing!
This video taught me more than my 12 years of schooling.
Syed Shumyl you wouldn't have understood this without those 12 years
floriath LOL! TRUTH!
You must have been a terrible student
Paying attention in school helps.
You must have studied at madrasha....................
On a side note, the night time music is so nice, it made me feel sleepy
1:40-1:43 is so well animated. love it
Three swimming pools? that's it?? I find it hard to believe...
3 Swimming Pools = 7.500 M³
Gold density = 19,3 g/cm3
1 M³ of gold = 19,282 KG
7.500 M³ of gold = 144.615 KG
maybe it's correct.
Various say there are about 155,244 tonnes to 2.5 million tonnes of gold circulating and in storage. That's still a drop compared to all gold LOCKED AWAY in the core. There is enough there to cover the earth's surface in depth between 1.5 feet to 12 feet thick.
Me too. Specially since this includes all the gold the Egyptians mined, all the gold the Aztecs mined, the 1800's gold rushes, the vast treasuries of the ancient kings and queens of England, Hebrew and ancient kings and queens, Japanese emperors, and the gold that has come from modern strip mining methods. Then count all the gold that is in private hands, all the jewelry in modern times. All the gold in Fort Knox. Then count the gold that is in electronics, which is a small amount but a lot is used. That's a lot of gold, and I find it hard to believe that all this would fill a measly 3 swimming pools.
Firsty kid, half the gold was robbed from one country to another, 2nd gold is so small that peas are bigger then what is really found, its not like in the movies &3rd jewerlly its 100% gold hence 24crt gold, &it you think abt it, condence the gold so theres no space (liquid gold), & when they pool, there are talking about olympic size pools, it makes sence, Fort Knox is Nazi gold which is really spanish , indian, and cowboy & indian gold. &remeber gold is stolen & resold by crafty jewlers
I'll have to agree, what of those Mosks that have those huge golden domes? even melted down into bricks, that combined with all the rest the gold would have to take up more than that.
And there I was. I had just become the richest man in the entire universe.
And poorest
this channel is so great why has it garnered so less views?
Cuz foolish people are watching fake pranks !!! damnit
totally agree with you, this people are kind of useless. they even can't think Big or differently.
Beautiful story! Humbling to think that a gold necklace came from the heart of a dying star.
The video makes it sound like gold is just iron with a bunch of extra neutrons. I think it left out the protons.
And electrons.
+Prelude610 Agreed, the animation was kinda misleading
+Living Lifeform The electrons are kinda trivial. You can kinda just throw a gold nucleus out there and it's gonna take it's electrons from other molecules spontaneously where as it takes special conditions to produce the nucleus itself.
+Prelude610 It's possible for a neutron to turn into a proton and an electron pair. This is known as beta decay and happens in unstable nuclei such as the neutron rich iron.
Daniel O'Connell
It's not an electron pair, it's one electron and an electron-antineutrino. The problem is that in the animation it looks like an iron atom with many neutrons is suddenly a gold atom, which is not the case.
"Maybe some future supernova will occur close enough to shower us with [gold] (wohoo!)... and hopefully not eradicate all life on Earth in the process" (Boooo!). That escalated quickly T_T
It will kill us all because of the explosion
@@steveyt1392 no, cause of radiation
@@joshchristopher551 heat
@@steveyt1392 stop, my major is Physic, the nearest dying star is very far away, supernova occurs a massive explosion, this explosion is radiation, this radiation includes heat, some elements ( neutron, electron, proton, even photon... ), and deadly Gamma Ray Burst, the heat radiation has long wavelength and since the dying star is very far from our Earth, we wont be able to recognize the heat, and mostly doesnt effect us that much, while the most deadly thing is Gamma Ray Burst, we will be dead for sure
There would be no point of gold if there was a lot of gold on earth, its prices would drop below the price of lead.
Informative video. The end part of this video shows a distortion of our disconnection; giving something worth due to rarity and assigning it a monetary value at the cost of disruption of ecosystems and potentially causing bloodshed (wars and infighting because of the lust for it).
I think we need to recognize that living systems are worth more than applications and value in the materialistic sense, that we give these wonderful byproducts of important celestial bodies that give life and light through its own energy, temperance and respect, and in turn receive it.
Seeing ted ed videos is always worth time, always
whats the piano background song at 00:38?
Darude Sandstorm
i found it! here it is:видео.html
weegee wow funny
@@5teven-410 SHHHHH
I recommend Domics as an animator!
I agree to that idea
Jared-Senpai me too,
That would put so much pressure on him.
Domz da best
As a side note it seems much of the time gold veins are located within Quartz formations. If you find a sizable quartz rock laying around always worth a look to see if there is any yellow in it. While very rare this is actually a way to find gold just laying around on the ground.
This information may or may not be useful, but good nonetheless
I got out of my car about 3 months ago and there lying on the ground was a 14K gold chain.
I had it appraised. 2,200 dollars. It is 89 grams. Good find.
The clasp was broken. Had it fixed for $78
Sometimes I forget how beautiful science actually is.
Thanks for the reminder
Me: So we can create gold?
TED-ed: Well yes, but actually no.
Some ancient cultures believed gold to be from the remains of their "gods", also known as the fallen angels.
I was just reading about the Annunaki
This is the best animated learning I have ever encountered!!!
It amazes me how man has figured out how this actually happened once upon a time. Protons, electrons, nuclear fusion..... my actual intellectuality saddens me sometimes when I see these things.
if you sat , looked at something and studied it for hours, you might come up with crazy sht too. But most of us are to busy to si tthere for days and days and months studying something lol.
1:09 Im thinking of eggs right now...
+Kevin Larsson my two eggs.. ?
FuOnY How did you know? xD
The Hydrogen is Absolutely ADORABALE!!!!! 😁😁😁
😂😂😂i totally agree
Then start petting air
+ I read it at "Then start peeing in the air!" which I thought was some internet meme/or a thing that people do now a days... Like celebrating with ur community a great event that takes place. Think about everyone just a while jumping up and started peeing in the air when alone in their houses & when they hear something awesome.
Braka sucks
Best animation with superb comic angle to it.
So gold was literally showered on earth from the heavens 🤷🏻♂️
From space.
Golden showers.
From space
Bacchanalia r Kelly has entered the chat room
Harpreet Dardi literally yes, as was absolutely everything - e=mc2 -: matter and energy are in equilibrium
We're taught that the heavier elements come from supernovae, but the pressures from neutron star collisions much better fit the bill for heavy element creation than those from supernovae.
+klieu90210 That's for the more advanced gold lessons though
+klieu90210 I don't think such a collision happens nearly as often as a Super Nova.
I love gold, it’s so shiny and beautiful.
And it came to earth from exploding stars billions of years ago 🥺🥺🥺
@@OutragedPufferfish yes it did. 🙂
The way I bursted into laughter when his alchemy experiment blew up in his face!! 😂😂
Everyone knows it comes from golden egg goose
@@dillingerbernal6088 r/woosh
"Gold is Extraterrestrial" - If you're going to put it like that, everything is extraterrestrial.
Yes. Gold is a low vibration energy/light solidified now. Just like many metals & other rocks.When you could reverse gold back to light again than......💭☝️✨?
Quartz also holds the key to it.
But this is a way higher science.
Gold can come to us through the SUN.✴️⛰️✴️🌞 HEDRON/CERN.
@@rexluminus9867 basically, you're talking bollocks
I held a 17 kilogramme bar of gold in a mine gold smelter has an almost hypnotic effect, I did not want to pass it to the next person to feel the weight. I think 'gold fever' is a thing.
My precious 💍
That would have been $800,000 worth at today's price.
I gold prospect up in Maine. I find gold often. I love it. Not just its value but there is something almost other worldly about holding Gold pieces. Truly a marvel and Mankind's greatest mystery. 🙌 I love gold panning. 💛
I have to know what it looks like for a piece of iron to suddenly turn into gold in mere seconds.
White brown yellow thats it
If this was not a TED-ED video , I would not have believed Gold is not from earth
3:26 is somehow the cutest yet most disturbing thing I've ever seen. It's like watching someone develops Stockholm syndrome on fast forward
*2 years ago and I still enjoy this 😅*
The fact that people in medieval times believe that philisopher stone can turn lead into gold, in which they dont know periodic table. Is amazing itself. because lead is the closest one we have to put into particle accelerator to turn it into gold. They were so close
not really
Literally the only reason they want to explore space.
I live in Karachi Pakistan I like your comments if you don't mind
Who's They is Zat ?
In short "From the same place as pretty much everything".
This video is really easy to understand if you already have a good understanding of Chemistry.
How much gold can we mine in space (assuming we're technologically advanced enough to where the cost of space travel is no longer a factor) to where it would still be economically beneficial, but not to the point where gold becomes so common that it no longer has value?
+Shawn Ravenfire A lot.
+Shawn Ravenfire Depends on how you believe the universe. If you believe it's infinite - then an infinite amount. If finite, there will be only a finite amount but probably more than you can ever imagine.
+Ethan Hood even in an infinite universe, we can't mine all the gold, because planets and stars outside our observable universe are unreachable.
They are reachable, but only after a hell of a time.
Mohandas Jung Not really. Planets outside the observable universe are moving away from us faster than the speed of light. They're unreachable, even by moving in the speed of light.
Humans: Gold is accessories to us
Earth: it's part of me that helps you live (Humans)
exploitation to the point of destruction is our historical effect everywhere we take root.
Not really. Sure it makes pretty trinkets and is useful in some of our tech, but gold reacts with nothing in the human body, making it one of the only heavy metals safe for consumption.
You do know that you have gold inside you, yes?
Now if that is true, it means that Giants, beyond comprehension, maybe not? Think of a flea, that would of been us.
But then again, the only true facts, is that I can prove myself.
@@amunra3111 Out of the shitillion atoms in my body, it's entirely possible you will find a few belonging to the Gold family. Are they serving any purpose other than taking up space? No.
What is interesting is that the Quran said "we sent down iron, in it great might" at a time when they only knew that it rusted, bent and definitely NOT from outer space. Today we know that iron is formed in stars and that iron has the strongest bound nucleus among all elements.
Yes, if you really believe in a religious text, you can make anything fit
When I found it in creeks it’s hard to believe that is from space , there are gold veins that was created when the earth was created
every element other than hydrogen is produced by a star's supernova. The earth was created from spacedust created by one (or several) supernovas. That's how gold got onto earth. And that's why we all are essentially made from spacedust.
I guess now we know most of the heavy elements like gold are usually produced in neutron star collisions..
0:59 the H of the hidrogen looks like they chubby cheeks
4:10 That would be literally be a "golden shower".
Man, I am still disappointed to never have experienced that! I seem to be still held back abit from so called sins, except now that I know better I am experiencing not being tortured. Such a great start not being held in a cell like an animal from criminals dressed in halloween uniforms! Golden shower would be fun unless I had to pay for that
Only 3 swimming pools of gold in all of history was extracted? I find that very hard to believe, there's so much gold around the world today alone, just imagine how much there's been in ancient times too. Look at India and Africa how much gold they the ancients had. I feel like it's way more than just 3 swimming pools.
If Fe is sucking neutrons, isn't it going to become an isotope for Fe instead of another element? Since element are based on their proton number. Please explain to me. I'm in thirst for knowledge.
Really all netrouns do adds mass
zul secengko Yes, the Iron becomes an isotope, but a certain point it becomes so unstable that it decays in other elements. This is known as radioactive decay.
zul secengko
There is beta decay.
Too neutron-rich isotopes are unstable and tend to balance out the proton-neutron ratio by decaying radioactively. One neutron "breaks down" to form a proton and relasing an electron, an electron antineutrino and some energy (gamma rays). Every time an element goes through beta decay his atomic number increases by one and his mass stays the same. By beta-deacying 53 times, the isotope Fe-79 will turn in a gold atom.
ormus and the guy who discovered the process is a video you will find interesting . All back with documents , patents and eyewitnesses to the facts . Gravity and different dimensions . how it change into monotonic gold .
Why do some comments have no reply option?
Anyway, in reply to someone saying that the 3 swimming pools statement is bs, because math, i say let's do the math: an Olympic swimming pool has 2500 cubic meters, the density of gold is 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter, which if you do the multiplication gives you a mass of 48,250 metric tonnes of gold per swimming pool. According to wikipedia "183,600 tonnes of gold have been mined in human history, as of 2014", so that would make 3.8 swimming pools. The video got it wrong by 0.8 swimming pools, damn it!
And your point is??
*I didn't know I am an extraterrestrial.*
Fixed, Call me Will. Thanks.
+Ral Crux Your very welcome : )
+Nicctos Thanks! : )
+LagiNaLangAko23 yeah man
That background music, so good....
It’s very hard to fuse past iron, even in a supernova. Neutron star mergers seem to produce much more.
Before August 2017, everyone thought that gold comes from Supernova. But, after Aug 2017, it was realized that it had come from the collision of two neutron stars.
Any nuclear reaction, we can form gold rapidly in reactors, transmutation of lead etc
Including geonuclear activity
Gold minerals form in hot rocks in and around volcanoes. Low sulfur, gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids form when hot rocks heat ground water.
"even tho this means it's a high concentration of mass, since gold is 20 times more dense than water"
Uncle scrooge: *wait what-*
I wonder if copper is produced in a similar manner. We sure seem to have a lot more of that than gold.
Can you make a video on how this happens? I’m an electrician and obviously I see a LOT of copper and that’s a thought that has popped into my head more than once.
All elements except Hydrogen, are produced as a result of fusion reactions. Copper included.
Copper was produced the same way, but as you know, copper is much lighter than gold which would put more closer to the surface.
That the heavy metals comes from space, the debris of supervova, is just mind blowing. (Is that a pun?) Great video. Thank you.
The whole of earth was formed from the dusts of previous stars... so Jeff... you are stardust.
The kill zone of a Supernova is 50 to 100 light years: yes, they are so powerful.
Advocating a close Supernova explosion to gather some gold would not be generally considered a smart wish.
We can - more easily and sensibly - go to the asteroid belt and look for a gold asteroid.
Keep in mind that the Chicxulub asteroid which killed the dinosaurs 66 millions years ago, was made mainly of iridium; we can find a thin layer of the metal, at the same depth, all around the planet.
But what isn't the number of proton decided the identity of element not neutron?
Yes, and in isotopes with too many neutrons, you typically get beta decay, where a neutron decays into a proton and an electron. For a common example, take Carbon-14, which undergoes beta decay to Nitrogen-14 with a half-life of about 5700 years. You go from a nucleus with 6 protons and 8 neutrons to one with 7 of each.
Thank you!
look up ormus and the guy who discovered it . If your into knowing how the universe works and why we been adding new element's to the periodic table .That video will explain alot . Gravity and how it works , and a gate way into another universe was discovered .
"Gold is only on Earth thanks to asteroids" That's only technically true, there IS gold within our planets body, but it's sunk too far down to ever be reached.
The gold and platinum sank to the core of the planet, whilst it was still molten.
@@drewpeacock6823 Indeed. but it was not destroyed. It was not removed from the Earth. It is merely way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way to far deep for us to get.
Thank you, this was informative and easy to understand
Forget to mention that every human has 0.2 milligrams of gold in their blood.
Maybe aliens are harvesting humans in the billions to make a profit of gold? X'D
An a bushel of soil in their system by 65yrs old.
So if you harvested the world population, you would have about 3200 pounds. I say at the very least we should harvest the liberals and democrats.
You have entered: The Matrix
Hammerschlägen M ok Einstein
A star's normal life and energy production only makes elements up to iron - all of the heavier elements are produced in Supernovae.
I think gold should be more expensive then diamond.
diamond is made from earth but this is made from THE SPACE
Also a company has most of the diamonds on Earth so they can set the price.
But the earth is from space
Vold Ravenclaw De Beers.
XxQ0an T6anxX it's the rarity and the appearance not the way of creation gold is less rare than diamond be doesn't look as shiny
Well yes.
But gold is created by a supernovas
And for a star to explode which is a supernovas take longer then earth has existed!
Well done on the graphics
Well it's not like we really need gold that much.. It is only precious because people like it, simply change your priorities and gold will seem useless. Or isn't it that easy?
precious metals are used in basically every electronic device
Gold is the most malleable mineral we have and it doesn't corrode that's why it so valuable and it's used in hundreds of thousands of things not just jewelry
It makes the best electrical connections.
Gold has been valued for let’s see now, FOREVER
Gold’s easy to get...
Just stripmine from y=16... izi
and in a mountain biome! y < 60
Or just mine in a Mesa biome
Try Mesa biomes as well.
I only got iron commn
Hold up! That sound at 1:41 sounds familiar, AQ anyone?
Appreciate the animation.🤗