From Paradise to an Ecological Disaster Motorcycle Adventure Through Transylvania

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • Welcome to the second day of our motorcycle adventure through the Western Carpathians! Today’s journey was filled with breathtaking landscapes and thought-provoking moments. We started our day in the charming town of Topánfalva, where we woke up to the fresh mountain air and set off toward the historic mining town of Roșia Montană (Verespatak). There, we took a moment to explore the remnants of its rich mining history, a place where nature and history intersect in a unique way.
    From Roșia Montană, we continued our ride to the hauntingly beautiful area of Geamăna . This part of the trip was deeply impactful as we rode around the tailings pond created by the ecological disaster that has reshaped the landscape. The sight of the toxic, vividly colored water and the desolate surroundings was both eerie and fascinating, a stark reminder of the environmental cost of human activity. Riding around the tailings pond offered us a sobering perspective on the fragile balance between nature and industrial progress.
    After this intense experience, we made our way to the Buscat Ski Resort, where we took a break and enjoyed the peacefulness of the mountain scenery-a refreshing contrast to what we had seen earlier. As the day came to an end, we rode into the vibrant city of Cluj-Napoca, where we spent the night, soaking in the city's lively atmosphere.
    Thank you for joining us on this memorable day! If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for the next episode of our Western Carpathians adventure!
    Music from #InAudio:
    Infraction-The Journey
    Infraction-Event Vibe
    Infraction-Adrenaline Rush
    Infraction-Early Morning

Комментарии • 21

  • @chinthakamohan8679
    @chinthakamohan8679 Месяц назад +1


  • @1984mavro
    @1984mavro Месяц назад +1

    Foarte frumos! ❤

    • @AttisWay
      @AttisWay  Месяц назад +1

      @@1984mavro Mulțumim frumos 🙏 Mai sunt câteva episoade din tura asta in Apuseni și după ne întoarcem la tura Sud Americană 👍😝🤟

  • @hajnalkaszekely
    @hajnalkaszekely Месяц назад +1

    Szép helyeken jártok ti mindig.Egy ilyen festői szépségű helyen a szennyezés látványa és hatása különösen megrendítő. Amúgy a Nyugati Kárpátok gyönyörű tájakat rejtegetnek. Kíváncsi vagyok merre fogtok kanyarogni.❤

    • @AttisWay
      @AttisWay  Месяц назад

      @@hajnalkaszekely Mi mindig szép helyekre bukkanunk. Itt a tó színe bűvölt el minket, amikor arra gondoltunk hogy mennyire szomorú a hely története, hamarosan megszűnt a bűvölet hatása 😔

  • @mihaelagorga5479
    @mihaelagorga5479 Месяц назад +1

    E vero hai ragione ❤😘

    • @AttisWay
      @AttisWay  Месяц назад +1

      Lo so, ho sempre ragione, e quando ho torto e poi ho ragione😁

  • @gabikatodor
    @gabikatodor Месяц назад +2

    Geamăna, nestled in the heart of the Apuseni Mountains, is a place of haunting beauty and profound sadness. Once a vibrant village, Geamăna is now submerged beneath a toxic lake, its steeple eerily protruding from the water as a stark reminder of what once was. The village was sacrificed in the 1970s to make way for a tailings pond for the nearby Roșia Poieni copper mine, leading to the slow and inevitable engulfing of the entire area.
    The landscape around Geamăna is both mesmerizing and tragic. The lake, with its striking shades of blue and green, created by the copper and other minerals in the water, is simultaneously beautiful and deadly. The colors reflect the surrounding mountains and sky, creating a surreal, almost otherworldly scene. Yet, beneath this captivating surface lies the heartache of a community displaced and a natural environment deeply scarred.
    Riding with the motorcycle around Geamăna, one can feel the weight of its history. The church spire, one of the last remnants of the village, stands defiantly against the elements, a symbol of resilience and loss. The silence here is palpable, broken only by the occasional breeze or the rustling of leaves, adding to the sense of isolation and melancholy that pervades the area.
    Despite its tragic history, Geamăna has become a place of reflection for those who visit. It serves as a powerful reminder of the costs of industrial progress and the delicate balance between human activity and nature. Visitors often leave with a deep sense of respect for the land and the people who once called this place home.
    In its current state, Geamăna is a paradox-a place where the natural beauty of the Apuseni Mountains contrasts sharply with the environmental devastation caused by human intervention. It stands as a poignant testament to the consequences of our actions, inviting us to reflect on the true price of progress and the importance of preserving our natural world.
    I'm glad that we had the chance to visit this beautiful place 💕 💛 💗

    • @mihaelagorga5479
      @mihaelagorga5479 Месяц назад +1

      Ciao Gaby credo che non poteva essere spiegato meglio ❤ complimenti per tutto quello che fate bravissimi io sinceramente ho pianto e ho avuto solo brividi dì tristezza in questo episodio ❤️😭

    • @mihaelagorga5479
      @mihaelagorga5479 Месяц назад +1

      Multumim Gaby ptr prezentarea acestui loc cu adevarat 😞cred ca nici ptr voi nu a fost usor sa pasiti aici,foarte foarte trist 😞😞😔

    • @gabikatodor
      @gabikatodor Месяц назад

      ​@@mihaelagorga5479Mã bucur că am putut să povestesc istoria locului Geamăna. Este un loc trist, într-un peisaj de poveste 😢. Contrastul acesta rar îl găsim și totuși există și alte sate inundate și în alte părți....

  • @evamamici
    @evamamici Месяц назад +1

    A szászvárosi zagytározó története emlékeztet arra, hogy milyen törékeny az egyensúly az emberi tevékenység és a természeti környezet között. Ti ügyesek vagytok hogy felfedezitek a hazánk szépségeit is! Hajrá🎉

    • @AttisWay
      @AttisWay  Месяц назад

      @@evamamici Köszi az elismerést! Mindig arra törekszünk hogy szép és látványos helyeket láthassunk. Ha meg neked is tetszett, mi ennek csak örvendünk, tarts velünk, hiszen még lesz egy jó pár szép hely ahová el jutunk.🥰

  • @alexandruszanto22
    @alexandruszanto22 Месяц назад +1

    Ciao atty e gobiko anche questa avventura in Transilvania è stata bellissima ❤️💗 anche se c'era un tempo nuvoloso e piovigginoso 😢.
    Anche l'asfalto era messo bene da quanto vedevo e a un certo punto è "uscito" il sole ⛅. anche questa volta paesaggi bellissimi e posti incredibili per andare in vacanza, belli anche i Boschi dove li è definitivamente uscito il sole ☀️☀️😊.
    Bello come nei boschi c'era una stradina tutta delimitata dagli alberi 🌲.
    Siete comunque bravissimi a usare il drone .
    Dopo a riniziato a piovere insomma il meteo non era stabile . Avete patto bene a fermarvi perché dopo tutti i chilometri che avete fatto ci stava proprio 🤣🤣, ciao ragazzi è stata bellissima anche la casetta in mezzo al campo, c'è stato un disastro pazzesco 🤣😝. Anche questa avventura è stata bellissima e riesco a capire quanto impegno ci avete messo 💪💪🫡👏👏👍 bravi ragazzi continuate così 🏍️🏍️😝.

    • @AttisWay
      @AttisWay  Месяц назад

      Thanks so much for your kind words! 😊 We're really glad you enjoyed the adventure, even with the unpredictable weather! Transylvania truly has some breathtaking landscapes, and we're thrilled we could capture that beauty for you. The drone shots were a bit challenging with the rain, but it’s great to hear you liked how they turned out!
      That little house in the field was such a unique find, and it really added to the charm of the journey. Your support means a lot to us, and we can’t wait to share more adventures with you! 🌟 Thanks again for watching and for your thoughtful comment. See you on the next adventure! 🚀😀✌

  • @mihaelagorga5479
    @mihaelagorga5479 Месяц назад +1

    Ciao 😢😢😢 allora la cosa più brutta è triste di questo paese Geamana e il campanile 😞😞somerso tutto in fango 😞credo che ti viene la pelle d'oca quando sei là 😢 immagino la gente che abitava la 😢per il resto tutto bello peccato che tanti parla male del nostro paese 😞 però visitandolo ci accorgiamo quanto oro abbiamo ❤con voi è con le persone come voi che amano natura è bello tutto ciò ❤😘😘😘

    • @AttisWay
      @AttisWay  Месяц назад +1

      Grazie mille per il suo sentito commento. È davvero commovente trovarsi in un luogo come Geamăna, dove la bellezza del paesaggio si intreccia con una storia così tragica. Hai ragione: essere lì fa venire la pelle d'oca quando si pensa alle vite che un tempo si vivevano in quella città.
      Nonostante le sfide, la Romania è piena di gemme nascoste ed è un privilegio mostrare la bellezza naturale che spesso viene trascurata. Sono completamente d'accordo: il nostro Paese ha tanto "oro" nei suoi paesaggi, nella sua cultura e nella sua storia. Il vostro sostegno e il vostro apprezzamento significano molto per noi e, insieme, possiamo mostrare quanto sia bella la Romania. Grazie per aver guardato e per le vostre gentili parole! 😀

  • @mtx_by_ovimoto
    @mtx_by_ovimoto Месяц назад +1

    Ultima data cand am fost la Geamana in 2019, inca se vedea acoperisul si vreo 3 metri din zidaria turnului. Dar dezastrul ecologic m-a intristat asa de tare incat am sters toate filmarile si am renuntat la vlog. Plus ca a inceput ploaia. Asa ca savurez vlogul vostru 🙂

    • @AttisWay
      @AttisWay  Месяц назад +3

      @@mtx_by_ovimoto Într-adevăr și noi am avut așa o stare nasoală când am văzut unde a dus lăcomia și prostia omeneasca 👌 Dar la câte am văzut în America de Sud, ne-am dat seama că degeaba ne luptăm noi cu morile de vânt, sunt zeci de milioane de oameni pe lumea asta care nu dă doi bani pe viitorul planetei 😔

  • @bebeonhisbike
    @bebeonhisbike Месяц назад

    What is the cause of these conditions? Looks terrible!