Hello, will I be able to use Tron without the recharging base unit if I purchase multiple batteries? I want to use it in my lawn mowing business, and have Tron mow the back lawns of customers houses, while I do the front.
Definitely moving into the right direction, I'll be looking at this to make comparisons with others on the market and currently one's that are about to be released!
Hello, will I be able to use Tron without the recharging base unit if I purchase multiple batteries? I want to use it in my lawn mowing business, and have Tron mow the back lawns of customers houses, while I do the front.
Hello, am I correct in thinking that the Tron will not need to use RTK, and can navigate any garden using vision alone?
Definitely moving into the right direction, I'll be looking at this to make comparisons with others on the market and currently one's that are about to be released!
'Promo SM' 😩